🐼 Zoo Tour | Meilin Zoo | Planet Zoo | Walkthrough | Sandbox |

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gonna build a mountain from a little hey guys and thank you so much for tuning into my channel my name is the lady's honor and we're here with the final episode of Mahlon zoo the zoo tour it's finally happening now I really hope everything goes right with this recording because I already tried to record this two times and it didn't really work out the quality it can be a little bit laggy because zoo has around 15 to 25 fps so I'm going to pause the game a lot of times and hopefully it will be fun for you guys to watch the zoo will also be uploaded to the workshop so feel free to walk around in it whatever you want to and enjoy it yourself - as soon as I upload it today to the workshop I will pin it to the comment section of this video so it might be a little bit later because I really want to do the naming for you guys during this series so yeah bear with me it will be up today but might be a little bit later than this video goes up but it will be today and I really hope you guys will enjoy please do make sure to subscribe of course if you haven't already and leave a like at the video if you guys enjoyed this series and without further talking let's just jump into it and hope for the best that it will go well and fun for you guys to watch so we are at the entrance right now and we have this entrance building and we have the information and some toilets and this is the beautiful sign that mike Sheets made for us I will link my sheets in a description he made this beautiful Japanese macaque area and everything he does in Planet cousin Planet series are super inspiring so definitely if you want inspiration and to learn some new things definitely go and check out Mike sheets I'm really thankful for what he did in mail in soo it's just really incredible so let's first check out his stuff and then move over to everything I did so he made these signs right over here and the Japanese macaque signs right over here and just a nature in general and like this path going here over to a bridge and we have a viewing gallery right over here which we will go up to in a bid so right over here we have the beautiful Japanese macaque area and viewing of my domes it just looks so good so what I did was this climbing structure and like this building over here with these rocks and the rest what you see around this area is made by the awesome Mike Sheets also this hill over here and this beautiful bridge over here and it's just really incredible also disputing gallery and this beautiful bridge over here so yeah definitely go and check him out I just love his work it's so amazing and we're doing qualies do with him so you should just check him out it's really nice this is a very really the first time because I now record it but this was today the first time actually walking around in my zoo in first-person mode which is just really incredible definitely super awesome to just walk around in here and see all the animals running around let's just go down to the down side of the viewing gallery so we have a viewing gallery right over here and if the keepers give some food right over here you have a very nice viewing of the Japanese macaque really up close which is just super nice and while they just really love to climb and stuff so you mostly see them running around over here but right now we don't really have much luck so we just move over here to see if we have some other viewings of the Japanese macaque oh there are someone running around but it's just a really nice viewing and also it's like these small little details with the green behind the rocks and this water it's just super amazing I just I really love how this area has turned out Mike Sheets thank you so much for this amazing edition there's a monkey flying here but we pretend we don't see what's going on yeah other than that this is just a really incredible habitat there's one sitting right over here I see okay let's move to because thanks in my sheet I was really inspired to do something Asian themed too so I started building and theories a flamingo a habitat can I get a nice shot here yeah there you go so I took his bridge and built this one myself and then we have like this food and drink shop right over here and then the people have a nice viewing of the flamingos we will go here in just a minute but I really am in love with how does habitat looks so let's just move around here and then you will have this bridge right over here and just a very nice view there's also a viewing gallery right over here so that people can see them if they are more in the back side and here's their shelter for them to enjoy and just look at that this is just super beautiful I just really love the look of this and then that little waterfall section right over here I'm really proud of this habitat even though this is not a volume for the flamingos I know that but I just really love the look of these flamingos swimming around here with the water lilies it's just super amazing we can go a little bit over here to look at that isn't that just gorgeous guys and this sounds damage I hope you guys can hear it loud and clear this is so funny this is just incredible I really love this habitat how this one has turned out so now let's move to the other side so we have another position built by Mike go into this side and then it just stopped working so we have this beautiful bridge right over here which Mike also made and then we had this cute little bridge right over here and then it ended up in nothing so I started building a Indian Indian peafowl habitat right over here and so this is also a Asian garden an Asian garden for them and oh look at them so you can have a really nice viewing of the Indian pea fall right over here with the forage bugs and they can use these bridges to go to the other side of a little water section that it goes in between here and then they go to their shelter if they want to have some privacy and just for a little nappy and I just really like how this garden has turned out I think it really fits I'm gonna pause the game for just a little bit I think it really fits with this area and just to have a walk in habitat for the Indian pee falls on this side I really like it and so that bridge goes all the way over here to that side but we are going to the wolves cave and also the Japanese macaque area on the other side just has a viewing gallery right over here a little bit lower than this passage and I just really like this to lower it a little bit into the ground I didn't do too much here of the climbing frames because they have like a big climbing frame on the outside so I did not really feel like doing super special things on the inside but it's just a lot of fun to just see the Japanese macaque on the inside maybe when it rains or anything and I don't really like that I have no idea yeah I really like how this habitat has turned out in general I really love it so we have a wolf cave right over here and so basically if the timber wolves aren't in their cave having a little nappy like they do right now you can see them pretty up close right over here or you can go up because we have two more viewing galleries on this side too and they have like a hill over here oh there's a flying rook wherever just moving along nothing to see here people there might be some little bits and pieces that are like not completely finished I guess like I just didn't notice it until now but it's all good it's all good so they have like this hill section right over here where they can also just walk and run up to if they want to there should be some puppies in here there is an adult is there puppy running right in the back here to really tell you can hear them that's super cute so people can walk here and there's another viewing gallery on that side and just to have a nice viewing right over here they can have a little swim in here too if they want to which is just really nice okay so pasta came and move along we have the Indian Rhino here not my favorite habitat I think my least favorite habitat of this zoo I think it's just too fancy for the Indian Rhino it's not likely but it's just I don't know I don't know it's just too fancy for them I don't see the inner rhinos though oh there is one are you gonna play with your skittles I see no one touched it yet so you would be the first one to do that I don't think so there should be another one in here but their shelters right underneath this platform so it might be not in our sight but yeah that what happens also in real life sometimes you just don't see them because they want to have some privacy or just a little nappy so let's move to our domes because the domes are basically what we started with in our zoos let's go to this side and then we go to the giant panda habitat and to the rat panda habitat so the mainland Zoo dongs is what we started this series with and I'm really proud and happy how this one has turned out it looks really great and you can also download this dome separately from the workshop if you want to use it for whatever so we have some educational signs right over here and then we have the Chinese Pangolin habitat which is the very first habitat we build in Mahlon zoo out there you are a little party to have a little shelter right over here there's another one and they can also climb up a little bit if they want to they're so beautiful I really like them and so yeah there's a whole staff facility area right in in here but I'm not gonna show that because well guests will not see that if they go to first person mode so you have to but download it to see that facility staff building area so this is the saltwater crocodile habitat and I don't see any saltwater crocodile right now are you in here oh there's one swimming I really like the view of this it looks really nice with that water section and then you have this underwater viewing gallery right in the middle over here to see the saltwater crocodiles swing around I'm curious where the other one is I think there are two or three saltwater crocs in here Wow I think ours a baby also here right over here this is really nice just to see them swimming around right over here I really love how this viewing gallery has turned out especially when it being ground in this dome section I just really like that it's so beautiful look at that one it's so fast it's in a hurry sued coming in no bud yeah it might be might be that the keeper just bought some food frozen blot pumpkin feeding plate right over here yep it's good feeding time incredible okay so then we go to the Komodo dragon habitat which is on the other side of this dome so the Komodo what are you doing you're pooping perfect so the Komodo dragon has a private section right on top in the back of this waterfall right over here so they can chill and have a sleep when the Sun is coming through the windows they might have some little extra warmth or heat so yeah I really like how this one has turned out they can have a nice little drink over here I just have some fun and just in general I just really like the viewing of this whole zoo and and just this dome in general like how it looks it was quite a struggle to get this roofing ride like especially there's only one dome in the workshop just because of the amount of items but adding three of them and then fixed a roof in a nice way it's pretty hard you will you will see that when you get the su from the workshop and enjoy that and look at that how close you are that is incredible that is really awesome okay so next stop will be the Bengal tigers and the orangutan habitat so this is basically a reinforced area and we have a cave viewing for the Bengal tigers right over here inspired by a little bit of our Hans dealer park where they have this tunnel section with like the chain-link fences and what what are you doing here this is so this is just so funny I never ever seen any tiger on this section it's just it's impossible basically but for some reason this Bengal tiger made it possible we also have a cop here by the way so yeah the people can see the Bengal tigers from here not from here so it'll arias though oh my god no it's not hilarious it's really dangerous don't so yeah they have a swim or anything and they also have another viewing gallery when we go up to this path right over here I don't know what I've never I've recorded this to tour two times and these things just did not happen earlier I don't know what is going on we just pretend it didn't happen okay so I really love how this one has turned out with like this a little staircase right over here and it's it's like more elevations and those kind of things and they have another shelter right over here and they can also have a nice little swim over here and there's a back a path going here in the backside where the people can also just enjoy the nature for a little bit and just have a viewing from those sides to see the Bengal tigers the orangutans that are on the other side right over here I really like how this one has turned out this is probably for the size of the animal a little bit too small compared to all the other habitats and their needs and their habitats but other than that I just really like how this one has turned out like it's a little baby cow right over here people can already have a few of the orangutangs but to get a better view it's better just to go right over here and you have these pulse pull section where the orangutan could potentially be climbing from one side to the other side but they don't really use it and that's probably because of the amount of climbing frames do you already have in this habitat just look at this how this looks and you have the male orangutan right over here already using this barrel feeder and they have like this little house over here and they can climb up if they want to right on this section and we have just a lot of babies and we have a feeding platform right over here and we have some feeders in Richmond right over here and a piano if they want to use it and just right over here you can get up close this is really my one of my most favorite habitats I built in Planet 2 I just really love to build this one with like the different elevations and just to see all these animals walking around and using everything you've build it's just really incredible I love it so much it's really awesome ok so next up will be the rat ponerse and each giant panda have it's hard so welcome to pandasia and this is inspired by Alejandro Park as same goes for this building right over here and the shape was I think based on the giant panda habitat of Copenhagen zoo so yeah we have like this high up path elevated path going around this habitat and then you can enjoy the beautiful giant pandas so they have a shelter right over here and they can go up and walk all over this balcony is thingy and just enjoy their habitat and if they get some food right over here there's also a viewing gallery right underneath this path what we are standing on right now where we will be in a minute and there you can really see the giant pandas super up close to have some dinner or I don't know breakfast lunch so basically you just go down right over here and you will get a food and drink shop on this section that is basically because I really wanted to have some guests coming down here because I really love this viewing gallery in general just to look of it and then you have the viewing point of this feeder if they got some food and of course from the building itself it's a little bit dark right now if you would change the sunlight you will get a little nice lighting on this building too and then have a really nice viewing on the pandas if they get some really nice food and some bamboo and they will be really happy with that so yeah I'm really happy with how this viewing gallery turned out and definitely if you download this zoo go and just sit down and relax with those pandas and just see them eating and it's just so much fun to take your time and just walk around so here we have the wrap on the habitat and there's one actually climbing here you are really amazing my friend that's so cool so to have a lot of climbing frames and stuff to just walk around and have some fun they like to run and in climb so I think all their needs are definitely fulfilled in this Zoo and they're just really adorable I had to replace these guys so there are no babies in here right now but hopefully when I upload it to the workshop I will be able to get some babies in here mmm no no so yeah really happy with how this one has turned out it's small but yeah very functional for a rat panda and yeah I just really like it with those dry stone wall fencing like completely different of a lot of other habitats where we really focus more on using a lot of nature and rocks and stuff so yeah I'm really happy with how this one has turned out and people can just enjoy the viewing of the red panda in this case so next up we will go to Africa and we have some toilets right over here and we stopped first with the common warthog and there are a lot of babies in here because I basically try to avoid that for a dad they grew up and I added them all to my training center and then they got new babies and new babies so yeah we have a lot of baby warthogs in here baby piglets they're just super adorable though but just a very simple fill er up habitat I should say so with a shelter right over here more of a barn idea and yeah a lot of Commonwealth hogs a Mott pool in the middle section for them to enjoy because I really enjoy some mud pools and I just really like the viewing right over here when you already can see the shelter of the elephants and right over here we have the cheetah habitat so oh we have a very nice viewing of this little baby cheetah they are so adorable so they have like this hill section go into a cave where we have a cave viewing on that side and right over here they can eat and just have a swim let's just walk around just a little bit so we have another viewing gallery right over here so you have like a cave section right over here and they can climb up here and walk around you can see one of the cheetahs already walking right over here and here's a water section for them to enjoy this habitat and if people can just look in but the Cheetahs don't see our guests of course so we use a lot of the one-sided glass in order to create this just without the glass you can really tell how this looks he's way better than it does and then we have the hyena habitat on this side for some reason we have some protestors but we're not going to bother our dad I thought for now and so we have little hyena babies right over here we have a shelter cave viewing why okay so yeah we have a cave shelter right over here and they can also walk on top of it and we also have a viewing on this side so the people can also look down into the habitat which is actually really cool and they're just super beautiful I really love the look of the hyenas they're just so cute okay so now we go round here because we have it passed system going in the back side right over here and there's also a little bit of a sneaky viewing of the Indian elephants what wasn't my plan at first but I can see why people just really enjoy looking inside this habitat the Indian elephants because it just looks super stunning I love the viewing too so yeah I kept it in even though it really was not my intention to have a few in gallery for the Ealing Indian elephants from this backside so we have the hyena a little kid it's so funny so the hyena habitat you have a viewing inside of this enclosure all right over here and then we have another one right over here for the cheetah so if they are sleeping we have one sided glass here so they can see the Cheetahs sleeping and there's like a blood pumpkin right over here so that people can also see them eat if they are up here or just walking around on this side and we have the elephant shelter as we just mentioned which is just really cool I really like how this one has turned out so there is an elephant sleeping here which is really cute so yeah sometimes people really use this viewing gallery and just look at the animal elephants in this shelter which is just totally cold I really like how this one has turned out and I just don't look at it it's it's it's so much fun to just walk around like this in the zoo I'm thinking what size shall we go so let's go here we have the hippo hat area from this side which I really like it's based on some kind of hippo I'll post picture I saw in my discard server I have no idea what zoo it was I forgot someone told me again and then I forgot again I'm just really bad in reminding those things so I'm very sorry for that but it is - in my discord and it's basically really inspired by that there's an underwater viewing gallery there's a restaurant right over here and I made this shelter so that is not in that picture it was more of like a map drawing so yeah that this is all I got so I really gave it my own twisting stuff but I really love how does one has turnout and especially just because of the humongous water section and it just looks so natural and beautiful and just imagine eating here in this restaurant and seeing the hippos swim and having fun and playing in the water it's just super amazing so yeah I'm really happy with how this one has turned out and then we have a viewing gallery for the Indian elephants on this side really one of my favorite viewings I really love how this one has turned out and just the viewing in general and the elephant swimming around here and know you're swimming here and we have a underwater viewing gallery I'm just I'm gonna pause it and we're going down because it's just so much fun to see those elephants swim like elephants in real life just really love swimming and it's just so much fun to see them really using that water section and go down here and then see them swimming now it basically is more fun if you see the bigger ones because this one is super small but it's just I love it definitely if you download the zoo definitely just enjoy the viewing right over here when elephants are swimming in this water section it's really a lot of fun to enjoy and it's a pity that they don't dive or they don't go deeper because elephants really love love to swim I have seen it with my own eyes and rudder down to they love swimming and especially together and just to play with the water so yeah it's definitely really a lot of fun and this is based on a real-life zoo so I remember someone commenting like yeah this is really not realistic happening on the rotor viewing gallery for Elephants but that's not true because this is really based on a real-life suit so it's not that I made this up or anything like that and it's just spectacular to see elephants swim so yeah I wouldn't yeah it makes sense so here's the restaurant the hippo restaurant yeah we built in the last episode of our of our series and we have the restaurant so people can have drinks and food right over here and it can sit down right over here to see the hippos having fun and enjoy making a lot of noise pooping and well everything they would do and I think this just turned out really nicely and then as I mentioned we have the viewing platform for the underwater or viewing gallery I should say right over here so if the hippos have a swim then it's just really incredible to have a look from this viewing gallery and watch the hippos from here but yeah there is no hippo down here right now so let's just move on so here we have a viewing gallery for the zebra ostrich and giraffe Hamilton but we will move on to here so we have a better viewing so we go up right over here and then we have a nice viewing of the common ostrich and there's the zebra and there also should be some there's the zebra stever up to shear off did I do it again guys did I do it again I doing something during the betta and everyone was like that's not a beaver shear off or a BB a baby bee baby giraffe or baby zebra I remember something like that but I point it to your zebra I think and I said baby giraffe or something like that so here we have the shelter area based on Rotterdam Zoo but obviously this is just a lot of fun to see to their hat sticking out like this is the thing you want to see in a real life suit then being super up close so this is inspired by brother damn Zoo where you can basically just walk in and they have like those feeders and they're like super close to you and you can enjoy the Jarrah's and I just really like it and we have some educational signs right over here is there anyone using it oh there's a zebra that's incredible beautiful animal love you you're so beautiful so then you walk right over here and then you have another window right over here if the ostrich has some food or the zebra and then you can see them really up-close so yeah that's just if they are in this little section on this side and then we have the now monitor outpost so we have the now monitors right over here and they have like a little shelter area can we go through the glass a little bit no kind so there are babies in here which I was actually really surprised of I had no idea that we had some babies they can have some food right over here and we have a viewing gallery for the underwater part on this side and I really love this one this is really incredible I I really love how this one just has turnout and it's a pity that they are not swimming right now when I recorded this previously but the recording quality was just super bad they were all swimming in the water altogether so that was really cool not unfortunately we are now in the later stage so they all came out of the water again and you were like oh you you almost got me here that I thought you were going into the water are you going in the water oh you want to play with the ball huh these guys are just so amazing they're really beautiful I really like them so yeah definitely if you go and download this park just enjoy the viewing here when they are all having a little swim in this underwater viewing gallery is really awesome and I just really love the look of this one so we have some more toilets on this side and then we have the okapi we have an okapi shelter right over here oh there's actually one no no how do we get off how do you can I get off hello how did I get here so for some reason you really have to pay attention to this section because if you get on the roof you can't get off so yeah we have a okapi shelter right over here you can't really see it too well but that one is just having a little nappy and they are just really shy animals so I really try to add as much bushes and green and stuff as punch as possible to really give them some more privacy you have like a little look through right over here to do copy when they are having some food but if you really want to see them then you should definitely just go here and then you have a better viewing of the okapi and their beautiful habitat oh there you are I really love how this habitat has turn out especially just with the lush feeling and it's just pretty dens and they still have an open area but the outside areas can be little dens and there's a little baby okapi in here too they're super cute and they have a little water section right over here so they can have a swim or a little drink of course and then you have this section right over here the right of people can also see them if they are on this side let me just move in for list a little bit I just really love the viewing of this one of this habitat I'm really proud of this one it's only nature but nature can do so much for your zoo so yeah I'm really proud of this one too okay so we have the gharial which was basically the very last speed build we did during our series so they have a huge water section right over here they have a bridge here that bridge is basically the only reason for that is because of the staff because there was just not that much room so in order to get the stuff from one side to the other side of the water they have to have a bridge else I would not have put in a bridge because realistically many people were just many keepers in real life would just have like a little stick with with meat on it or anything and just feed them from there or just throw in food or meat or whatever so yeah in this case I just had to go for the bridge but it's not that bad obviously it looks looks beautiful but that's the reason why and then we have three females and one meal in here and it just looks really nice I'm really happy with how this whole habitat has turn out and it's just really beautiful and it's just a lot of space for them to swim they have like areas to go inside the water right over here and there's another section over here and there's another one on that side and people can really see the gharial from a lot of different angles they have a big water section right over here and also the people can stand here and see them if they are lucky but yeah the best viewing is obviously here when they get food or anything or they just swim underneath here so you can look down on them and then they will just swim from one side to the other side right over here so yeah I'm really happy with how this habitat has turned out yeah let's go to the next one because the next step will be what do we have we have another hippo habitat right on this side habitat not a habitat it's just a few in platform but just to get a little bit more up close to D hippos and look at that a little baby run so because it's more up close I decided to have this more closed of like all the other areas are more open but this one it was so close that I found it better to just close this one off and the people can still see our beautiful hippos on this side and they also have a underwater viewing gallery in their shelter section right over here so now they never use this to be honest so I have no idea for that and four will be one using it but they have hay bedding here so they go indoors a lot of times a lot of very often just to lay down chill and relax a little bit and here we have the pygmy hippo habitat and they're just super cute they're really adorable so if the pygmy hippos are on this side people can see it from here or they have a swim they can see it from here but we also have a little peak right over here we see some baby pygmy hippos on this side which are just absolutely adorable and right over here we have a shelter place for them to lay down and sleep and people can still see them if they are in this section so yeah I'm really happy with how this whole habitat has turned out and we also have a waterfall section right over here of course and then if you move to this side then you get to the on the water viewing of the elephant and you see the elephant habitat on that side so now we move to the back right over here and then we have the gharial habitat here in the okapi habitat here and i'm grill left side there is a algebra giant tortoise habitat and this is more of a filler of habitat like we had this empty spot in this corner section there are staff buildings right in the back over here so a very simple but very useful habitat for the algebra dying tortoise right over here and in I think it is San Diego Zoo is also that you can I don't know if the older bra or the Galapagos giant tortoise but any of those you can really feed in that soo so that is basically the idea behind is that at some point you can really feed these animals with a keeper together and then you can just yeah get really up close to them so that was the whole idea of having these fences like very low rocks where they can't get can't escape but the people can feed them at certain times with keepers obviously so now we have the African wild dog habitat and we should have some puppies here in the bag so a more playing area where the African wild dog can run around and I have some fun and to play and then we have a cave area right over here this this is basically a rocky bridge going over the pass section so they he'll also have a big section right over here to enjoy and I'm really happy how this one has turned out like if I would would have used only this section of the path it would have been too small and I also had like an empty spot right over here so I was like you know what I'm gonna connect those two with this bridge over to path and yeah I just really like how this one has turned out and the puppies do too I think and obviously we have some glass on these sides too if they are going to use these caves on this side and there are two more fencing sections right over here when in people can look at D African Wild Dogs on the sides and when they have some food right over here and they're jumping you can see them jump from here which is just really cool and if we go up right over here we have the champion Z I'll pose the first one of two because there's another one on this side and we have the indoor habitat right over here there are some teams box so let's unbox these guys so there's also a bridge going from this platform to the other side right over there in the back area and there's a little baby right over here meaning from these ice cubes that is cute and he's using a barrel feeder I see no one is using this one so far so let's go to the other side because maybe we get more lucky that's also what happens in real life sues people you have to be lucky to see the animals I don't think anyone is inside here but this is the indoor section and I put down DS right next to the glass it's one side of glass though but like I remember those days being in a real-life suit and having like teams sitting right here or just chillin about and then you people are standing here and being super up close to them which is just a really fun idea so that's why these two are really up close to two people and I did the same right over here for the gorillas so this is the indoor gorilla habitat and look at that little baby you're so adorable dad is really cute so yeah the indoor habitat forty gorillas on this side and this is just our private house as you may have noticed right over here so the house of primates so chimpanzees gorillas on your left side so if you go right over here we have another viewing platform for the gorillas to enjoy them if they are climbing or walking right over here and playing with this toy thingy which is just really a lot of fun to see and to look at I really love that and there's a piano right over here some more enrichment for them to enjoy and we also have the so this is the ring-tailed lemur house where we will get in a second we have another viewing gallery right over here for the chimpanzees and as you can see there's this bridge coming from run side to the other side but today actually also use so the chimpanzees really like to walk from one side to the other side and yeah it's just a lot of fun especially if they are like sitting here playing the piano but yeah you can can't control these things guys so yeah you have to be lucky oh there's one using the economy frames it's just so adorable I can't help it okay so now let's go to the ring-tailed lemur house this was actually based on the gorillas old gorilla house by the London Zoo if I remember correctly and I wanted to make the gorillas or the chimpanzees in this house hi but it was too small so that's why I ended up with these two habitats of the chimps and gorillas right now and I added the ringtail lemur in this habitat so there are a lot of really murmurs in here there are also some babies in here and it's just a lot of fun to have these guys in here and just enjoy them oh I think I see these guys floating I don't know why that is but yeah we have some floating poles we just pretend we did not see it and this is the outside area it's basically the same climbing flame frame as the inside and I had to have this double glassy area because they just walk straight through these glass walls I have no idea why so I had to put these glassy fences and rounded and just a use of these chain-link fence as normal fences it's just I love the look of it I can't help it I just really love how this one has turned out I'm just a feeling with this wood it's just really incredible I just really love it so we have the aardvarks right over here and it's just a bigger up habitat I guess but yeah sometimes if you go to a real life suit not every habitat is super spectacular but I do remember is that I saw this myth of wood and these glassy windows somewhere on a picture and then their habitat is mostly more hilly and Sandy but you can't really do that implement zoo because of the traversable area but then again I just really like how this one has turned out and also oh they're using it oh my god this is the first time I'm seeing people using this section because I wanted to say this is like a very sneaky way how the people are in front of my eye like you have to be very lucky but there's a bat here and those little elephants will be using it or like the bigger ones and this is actually the best viewing you would have when you're looking at the aardvark you can be super lucky to see the elephants using this mutt bad and I just really love it that we now finally see it that's incredible and when the artworks aren't inside of their shelter they can be seen via this glassy wall look how cute that one is that is super adorable okay so from the heart fox we move on to the African lion right over here and we have a habitat right over here all there already over here that's incredible so we have a whole different Cubs this is more of a spiral Hill going up here I'm not sure there's a toy or some food on top of it but yeah they actually use it which is just really a lot of fun to see and they're just super beautiful and then they can go right underneath here to the other section of their habitat so here's the staff gate and the people just walk over it and they will just see this bridge and then the staff will go right in the back so people won't see them anymore and oh there you go so we have these beautiful lions right over here ah too bad it already runs away and they have a shelter right underneath here for with some caves and some bedding so they can really she likes but it's just a lot of fun to have a days of view and gallery and also you can just see them from this section and just have a sit and just chill when looking at the beautiful West African lions and here's your ears the shelter for them to chill and get some privacy if they want to and there's a water section in between right over here look how cute oh my goodness it's so adorable oh yeah thank you yeah thank you thank you so yeah last thing and then we have seen the whole zoo people is the last viewing gallery of the Indian elephant and this is basically also a very nice up-close viewing of the elephant's where you can see them getting some food or pooping a lot and having a swim whatever they can do everything right over here I think this keeper is going to clean this up already and there's also a rolling feeder right over here yeah it's just really a nice viewing of this side of the elephants it's a huge habit and it's like the biggest habitat we have in our zoo it's humongous I think it's around five to six thousand square meters and it's just yeah it's just worth it to have different viewing galleries in such a big habitat and I just really love how this all came together it's just really cool so the last thing let me show you guys the top of our sue just to give you an idea if it wasn't clear yet where everything is so this is basically the map of our zoom and I could fill this all up like mainland Zoo is the meaning of beautiful forest and I could fill these up with all kinds of trees but it will cost a lot of FPS I'm not going to do that but just to give you an idea of where everything is we have the flamingos over here we have the Japanese macaque over here we have the Indian pfl Bengal tiger orangutan rat panda giant panda Komodo dragon Chinese Pangolin saltwater crocodile we have Timberwolves on this side we have the giraffe zebra and ostrich over here we have the hippos we have a na monitor habitat and okapi habitat right over here we have the gharial habitat in this section the hippo habitat deep pygmy hippo habitat we have the Indian elephant over here and the cheetah habitat and the hyena habitat and there is the common warthog habitat and over here then we go to the African wild dogs gorilla habitat chimpanzee habits had ring to Lemur habitat aardvark habitat and the West African lion habitat in the Indian Rhino habitat and that is basically our whole zoo ladies and gentlemen and I am really happy with how this one has turned out I'm really thankful for everyone that supported me during this journey we're going to do a lot more things we're going to make a African savannah Jeep Safari we're going to create a tune dry biome zoo we're going to continue our let's play franchise mode series so much stuff to do make sure to check out this suit yourself and just take your time whatever I will link it in the description and in the comment section I will pin it as soon as it goes up today I'm gonna do all your naming for those who signed up for the lesser a franchise mode series and [Music] I'm just really thankful for everything make sure to subscribe of course if you haven't already and leave a like add a video of you guys enjoyed don't forget to rate it on the Steam Workshop thank you guys so much again and thank you for watching and I really hope to see you guys all in the next one bye guys [Music] you
Channel: DeLadysigner
Views: 689,538
Rating: 4.911726 out of 5
Keywords: planet zoo meilin zoo, planet zoo tour, planet zoo zoo tour, planet zoo complete zoo tour, planet zoo completed zoo, planet zoo, planet zoo walkthrough, planet zoo full tour, planet zoo full zoo tour, planet zoo zoo, planet zoo speed build, planet zoo complete zoo, planet zoo full zoo, planet zoo habitat, planet zoo enclosure, planet zoo first person tour, planet zoo game, planet zoo gameplay, planet zoo frontier, planet zoo habitat build, planet zoo complete zou tour
Id: 67TAab5sNyw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 40sec (3340 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 16 2019
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