πŸ›‘ Case Catch Up! - It’s A Crime - Evelyn Boswell, Letecia Stauch, George Floyd, Lori Vallow & More

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hello everybody happy Sunday to you I'm Linda for those of you who don't know from it's a crime and now I just wanted to go and speak about a whole bunch of cases tonight so I want to do it live I miss you guys it's been a while I've been crazy crazy researching the last week on my videos from last week so it's been really really busy so now welcome now before I start there's a ton of cases I'm gonna run through tonight quite a few and I just want to ask you to keep it classy in here most of you do but I just want to remind you and thank you to the mods who are in here tonight as well I appreciate you we may need a little bit more than usual but you know it's just because some of the content and some people are upset so look at you guys all come in I'm so happy to for you to join me it's what is it it's Sunday evening like every day's the same I don't know so okay so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna run through the case and then we'll have a little chitchat and then I'll go on to the next case got it now let's get into it Thank You Samantha alright let me pull up my notes and then we can keep going on it so we're gonna talk the first case we're gonna talk about is Evelyn Boswell and there hasn't been a whole lot lately because of colvett and all those things but Megan Boswell Evelyn's mom today's Monday you see you see every day runs together why did I think it was ending Thank You ELISA okay back to Evelyn Wow um I told you everything's the same so Evelyn's mum Megan Boswell was just indicted on 11 counts of false reporting and I am gonna run you through the 11 counts quickly so these are all the false statements that she gave and it says the said false statement concerning Evelyn Boswell and the defendants claim that her infant child was with the child's father Ethan Perry the next one house number one number two was the alleged lack of knowledge of the whereabouts of her infant daughter and her alleged efforts to locate her daughter number three had the defendant hat sorry one second number three is concerning the alleged last physical content that contact that the defendant had with her infant daughter and Ethan Perry's alleged refusal to respond to her texts and voicemails regarding her daughter and we saw her in the news going you know all these different things right so this is where she's getting busted the said false statement concerning the defendants alleged last physical contact with her infant daughter and the defendants alleged lack of knowledge of the whereabouts of her infant even though she had concerns that her daughter was possibly injured number five concerning the alleged time frame of when the defendant gave her infant daughter to ethan perry to keep since she could not handle her daughter any more in Ethan's perry ethan perry's alleged threats to take the defendant to court to address the custody of their daughter again number six like it just you know like it's just on and on and on right we're gonna get through these though these are important this is all the lies she gave the the defendant's alleged claim that she last saw her infant daughter in the custody of ethan perry on December 26 2019 and that she had not contacted the police to report her missing child on the advice of Angela Boswell the defendants mother number seven the said false statement concerning the defendants mother possibly having her infant daughter but refusing to share with the defendant the location of her daughter and whether she had custody of the defendants daughter number eight and concerning the defendants mother allegedly have been taking her infant daughter in mid December of 2019 and refusing to tell the defendant of her daughter's location and that she allegedly did not call the police to report her infant daughter missing out of fear that her mother would harm Evelyn Bosley number nine that the defendants mother having allegedly taken her infant daughter because her mother believed that the defendant owed her money and that the defendants mother had allegedly told her that Evelyn Boswell would not be returned to the defendant until the money was paid number 10 like who man can tell can only tell lies I guess okay number 10 the said false statement concerning her mother allegedly having Evelyn Boswell at an unknown location and that despite the efforts of the defendant to find her infant daughter she allegedly did not know the whereabouts of her infant daughter and did not have any additional information to provide to law enforcement in their attempts to find the missing child number 11 Megan Boswell on ER about February 23rd 2020 in the state and county after said and before the finding of this presentment did unlawfully did unlawfully and feloniously make a statement in response to a legitimate inquiry by Tennessee Bureau of Investigation assistant agent in charge Chris will will ha idolize it well would a law enforcement officer concerning her mother allegedly have given having given the defendants infant daughter Evelyn Boswell to another person who Angela Boswell refused to name and their infant child was safe and would have a better life with the unknown person than with the defendant so it's just like now they said that there's a person of interest but the authorities said you know they haven't named the person and she is currently being held in a Sullivan County Jail on a hundred and fifty thousand dollar bond and her next court date was set for June 19th and now it's set for July 31st at 9 a.m. that's what the docket says I checked that this morning so that's that for Evelyn obviously like these cases take a long time rate and because of the virus and all this stuff they have had everything on hold so um I don't know if it's gonna you know is now if we cleaned July for more but maybe there'll be some more stuff any questions about Evelyn Boswell I mean she's listening to stuff from her mom her mom isn't exactly a pillar of the community let's just say oh yeah I I'm gonna have a lot of stuff to cover tonight there's gonna be some nothing said about the autopsy yet about little Evelyn that I could see and the authorities were talking about it being on hold because of the virus nobody has that she hasn't been charged yet with and like they have a somebody in a person of interest but they didn't name who it was and basically they're charging her right now for all these lies pretty much yes no I can't say pillar of the community right she's not so we'll see what they actually come up with and what's going on behind the scenes hopefully we can get a little bit more information but I think we're gonna have to wait for a little bit so now let's go on to the next one I have a tiny tiny little update about Holly Clark I covered her she's a Canadian girl that's been missing since January and that was January 11th in Hamilton Ontario and she still hasn't been found the only thing that's been updated was that Holly's dad Dave Clark is back in Hamilton Ontario to tie up loose ends so that's all I know about that I it's just really really tying up a tiny and I did want to mention that though because there was a little bit of an update so if you wanted to see that after this live stream I will put all my playlists of the of the videos I talked about and the cases I will just put them in the description below so you can actually see that and what else will I do oh and then there's tank time stamping too so I'll be doing that as well welcome if you're just joining we just covered two quick cases one would be Evelyn Boswell and her mom Megan Boswell and also I just talked about Holly Clark I was really tiny but they are still looking for her and she still has not been found and she's been missing since January all right so let's go on to the next one and we're gonna talk a little bit of latisha so a judge pushed back letitia's preliminary hearing and she but she still has to appear in court because she's supposed to do that this June fifth and so instead they changed it but she still has to show up and it says that the judge will address other issues like attorney access to latisha and this took me like I've heard this for the last well since it came out that they're changing it and you know you have to I just I need some eye rolling time I just have to finish like I rollin all my stuff like my eyes and then be able to come and often talk about her because I just I roll all the time and attorneys for latisha have filed the motion asking the court to consider releasing her on bond this is where the eye-rolling comes in but the motion says it calls for an order granting attorneys video access to latisha or otherwise grant latisha a bond so that she is able to have a video and phone access with counsel from the safety of her own home let's just have a woman assignments about that so that's not the only thing oh it goes on to say it goes on to say the motion acknowledged the option for attorneys to visit Stoke in person but claimed it's too dangerous due to how contagious the virus is so it took me some time to just digest that for a minute because she actually yeah did I mention that already yeah she she wants to be to have a bond as well and Yeah right like what do you yeah Oh what home oh I'm sorry you want counsel from the safety of her home pretty sure she doesn't have a place to live pretty sure and pretty sure she's not going back to anywhere that owls living Soho there's that Jackman says can I get an I roll a emoji with a yeah okay I know I do say that don't I yeah okay um so when I hear that it's like this is ridiculous now a couple people have asked me about Ganon and is their funeral but because of the virus it was put on hold so I haven't seen anything as of yet if there is and I know there will be but there's no mention of when the service actually is and and I also saw and I will put this in the description below as well I saw a really cool video from landon Ganon's mom and she talked about the two words what if and she says if you use the she says if you use them separately it's very different you know saying what like what's up and then if you know if I were to go to the doctor you know this kind of thing so then she started talking about how she was first thought about what if and it being you know like if I didn't pull it again and on that plane but then she spun it to a positive and I really I really admire and I really respect Landon for how she's handled this whole thing because it's absolutely maniacal what's happened and no one should ever have to lose a baby but Landon was putting it as a spin saying listen just talking about putting positively out there and you know what if I did this today that you know make somebody's day a little brighter so I just really it's really cool I'm gonna put in the links below so you can actually go and see that because I'd like to balance to this one out with some good stuff because it's just ridiculous and to me went back to Leticia uh-huh we know she's gonna say that she believes she's innocent and she believes she's done nothing wrong and it's nobody's fault but you know our sorry it's not her fault but everybody else's fault and I say that because of the hours and hours and hours I poured into her things that she says and it's all about it's all about how it's everybody else's fault right so and so that was supposed to be so her her hearing is on the 5th of June still but they're doing something different and they're pushing it off let me just look oh there's Diane if you guys are wondering what the little green thing that's popping up that's my new membership that I started a little bit more than a month ago I guess a month and a half ago now so if you are wondering what the heck that is that's what it is let me just look yeah so that's what I have about Letitia so far now I do have some things I can still be doing on Letitia and Gannon and I think it's still important to bring into play some timelines and I know there's gonna be more videos anyways once the discovery comes out so I've been a little bit quiet but yeah Natasha says no one cares what you think Teesha no one or what you want exactly nobody cares Letitia well we care for justice and so that's coming I do wonder though what Michael Allen would think when he sees the oh--this come across his desk that she wants to be in the comfort of her own home so that they can chat would you like some but you know perhaps and a biscotti like which like I don't get it welcome aboard Deb so yeah it's ridiculous so but I will see this through because I made a promise to Ganon and I am certainly going to make sure that everything comes out this discovery that comes out on ripping it apart welcome aboard little red so that's four that's what I have for them I did see something really cool two things really cool they did a motorcycle it was like a motorcycle thing and I can't remember was a run - and was it was really great and I think 150 oh my gosh I can't remember the numbers now see I thought it was Sunday it's Monday hello Becky I did get your email so I can't remember if I emailed you back or not but I just I did get it I've been working on this today so yeah so so here we are alright so now that's latisha let's wipe the slate of that we love Gannon and we don't need to talk about Letitia too much until the stuff comes out where I'm going to rip it apart all right so was a huge outing in Colorado Springs here yeah the ride for Gann and that's what it was it was really cool I saw a little bit of it and I just loved that everybody comes together for him and it's really cool you you know something was a yesterday or two days ago sometimes I sit outside and work on my computer so that I can get a little bit of Sun while I'm working and I saw a little kid go by and I swear to you he looked like exactly like Ganon I just stopped in my tracks and said to my hubby oh my gosh it looks like so oh there you're asking me how old I am you all take 34 I will definitely take 34 nope I'm older than that I say I'm older than Kim Kardashian but younger than Jennifer Lopez alright let's go to the next one okay here is where we are gonna ask for keeping it classy okay cuz a lot of people are gonna be riled up but we're gonna keep it classy in here okay because it's it's been a little crazy now I have been doing different cases so I have not covered this in a separate video but I'm gonna cover this now and we are gonna talk a little bit about George Floyd okay talk about George Floyd just keep it nice alright so as you know less Monday George Floyd was killed and by a police officer we all know about this right because there's all kinds of crazy stuff happening in the world or all over the country I should say and it is really really shocking I do say I did catch this later on in the week but I have been watching now today though I want to say something very important because I saw on NBC to the that George Floyd's brother Terrence gave a speech and ice I feel it was a very powerful speech and he started out by chanting peace on the left and the crowd responding justice on the right and he says if I'm not out here blowing up stuff if I'm not out here messing up my community then what are y'all doing you are doing nothing because that's not going to bring my brother back at all and that is so very very powerful because he's grieving his brother his family's grieving his brother and in a lot of ways he sees the peaceful protest and I'm sure he's feeling supported but now he's watching the craziness that's happening all over the place right and he says my family is a peaceful family and he goes on to say let's do this another way and I will put if you guys haven't seen this it's on NBC and I will put the link underneath it he says let's do this another way let's stop thinking that our voice don't matter and vote let's educate yourself he says don't wait for somebody else to tell yourself who's who and know who you are avoiding voting for and then at the Andy chance what's his name and they say George Floyd over and over and over and over now I watched the video I watch the video a few times and then again today twice I watched it just watching George and then I watched it just watching Derek and I'll get to that in a minute so let's just talk about the the autopsy because there was - one of them was an independent autopsy done and then the other one you live in Minnesota and there's a massive button that went off we're on lockdown it's just crazy you guys I'm so sorry you guys are going through this it's just awful I'll give a little tiny bit of my thoughts about it but but if Terence is sitting there going please like peaceful protests okay but this shouldn't be happening right all right so welcome Clara okay so yeah you guys were letting me know about your curfews okay I do realize there's quite a few - right everywhere I'll get to that in a minute so they talked about the independent autopsy okay and they did press release and it said that they the EMTs did pulse checks that and finding none and they did one shock with a monitor but George condition didn't change the MN it was quoted the ambulance was the hearse and I think that's very very very powerful Michael Freeman says please give all your heart all your thoughts lend us through the haters okay Michael thank you I love you guys's support you guys are awesome welcome Clara and Alison okay welcome okay so he said the ambulance was the hearse right they said there was two mechanisms in place that caused George's death not only the knee to his neck but the weight of the other two police officers on his back it said it prevented blood flow into his brain but also air flow in his lungs now I said to my hubby hasn't heard this part I said I bounced off the autopsy to him and as soon as I said you know there's two reasons and I said the the me to the back as soon as I said me to the back hubby said right away well he can't you know could be able to take a breath and he's a medic so for those of you who don't know my hubby is a paramedic of 16 years 15 or 16 years so yeah so they said what else so he couldn't take a breath in either way why is everybody talking about my face thinned out all of a sudden maybe they just got a tan I don't know okay back to George's is important yes well he couldn't take a breath in and I watched that video like 8 in 8 minutes almost 9 minutes right anyways he says this and what did we see t it take place he says you saw in action the blue shield that police officer stood who stood in front while the other police officers held him down he's culpable to Derrick Chauvin is our Chavan Chavan derrick Chavan is charged with third degree murder and second degree manslaughter and as soon as I saw that I thought this is probably not the first time this has happened right like this is my my first thing probably not the first time if this is happening but with this officer is not like brand-new he's been on the force for 18 years and then I read that it wasn't the first time I haven't dug in too much but I did find a lot of little info snacks today so he's been charged with third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter and they're asking for that to be raided now oh thank you how do I say your username shyah shyah [Music] so this is a lot of important things to talk about this right this is there's so many elements to this in my opinion now he back to this independent autopsy it says he died by a mechanical of asphyxia and it's considered a homicide and they're doing a memorial for George on this Thursday June the 4th from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. ELISA says rest in peace mr. Floyd god bless his family my heart breaks for them and all families affected by this tragedy this is it's just I can't even say it's so speechless ok and I'll talk about the actual video footage in a minute there was another report on his autopsy and that wasn't the independent one and they did say they did say about it not being you know it was gonna be different cuz they don't have all the pieces ok I'll just say that but the second report said that George had heart disease it also note noted fentanyl intoxication and recent meth methamphetamine use as as these significant conditions but did not describe them as contributors so there's a little bit of differences in that but we'll see what happens but you know what regardless in my opinion what happened was not right and then I read ok then I read a little bit of the background and this is where gets interesting number one this Derek guy had 18 complaints against him and to was addressed or he got sent home or something like that don't quote me on that but there was 18 in total that I read then I read maybe should do I talk about that first let's go back to the video for a minute it's good before I speak to this when I saw the video and I'm not gonna get too much into it but I watched the video it was and there's some other videos right there supportive ones on from the opposite side of the vehicle and I'll end before this all went down but when he had his knee on him I just thought to myself what why is he work why is he 8 minutes and 46 seconds like really and the other cop who was standing blocking the view but I watched the first time I watched George and he's saying like officer I can't breathe officer I can't breathe and obviously he had his knee on his neck I mean 8 minutes and 46 seconds but then I watched the second time and just watched Derek and I was like madness he ever cocky he seems like it to me in my opinion that he seemed like why is he so confident like this it's just kind of it was it was just like just another day and it was almost a bit of cockiness I don't know how else to put it then I read this then I read this both men Derek Chavan and George Floyd worked together for they worked security together at the El Nuevo rodeo club down the street from Minneapolis third Precinct and a former club member a club owner I'm sorry Maya Santa Maria told CNN that Jorge worked some Tuesdays as extra security and Chavan worked as an off-duty police officer for the club for nearly 17 years okay let's just stop there for a minute Chavan worked for 17 17 years right and Jorge worked there on Tuesdays but here's what here's the most important says I wouldn't characterize them as knowing each other so she sent this to CNN and that's fair to say cuz I mean to find no right but she added we all work together certain nights and that could have crossed paths that's what bothers me and this is from CNN that's talking about this so my only thing is maybe he didn't know maybe they didn't really know each other but but just let me ask you this question okay I'm just gonna ask you this he's what's George like six foot five six five he's gonna be noticeable in my opinion and maybe maybe there's more to maybe that's why there was the cockiness on you know who's the big man now maybe then before I get back into the other stuff Derek's wife because now he's sitting in jail and now he's in high security hi Mac Mac security Derek's wife filed for divorce right away and wants her name back she wants her name back and they're supposed to on July 3 June 12th I believe it is it's gonna be like 1010 it was their 10-year anniversary but she says she doesn't want spousal support and vice-versa pretty much doesn't want anything she just wants out now there was a weird rumor that the police officer that was standing in front of George blocking the view and whatnot they were saying that they that the wife and him were brother and sister but they're not I mean I think people are just that was a rumor so that's been cleared up so I said 2010 it said 2010 she became miss what was it beauty pageant things she became that in 2018 but it said she was married in 2010 from what I read today so the thing is right okay so Jessica says I've been to El Nuevo Rodeo it is not it's not large but not but not large enough to not know fellow employees right and if he was working there 17 years and don't forget this if he's a police officer right he's trained to notice things right you're not gonna notice his six foot six and a half foot man who's also working security with you mmm in my opinion now here's the thing not all cops are the same not all women are the same not all men are the same not all children are the same okay so not all police officers are bad they're not and so I saw something on the news where a woman was driving up in a BMW that's what they said look do you see that BMW they showed this on the news you see that BMW that woman was yelling at the TAC team well here's the thing what good is it to yell at the TAC team when he is not Derrick Chavan were the other two men who have the need their knees on George's back right or they said even the guys standing there TAC TAC team tactical team the tactical team so there's no need and that's nice it's so ridiculous that's like putting that's like saying everybody with the name Linda is X Y & Z well no oh it's not are there a lot of police officers that are great yes like okay think National Guard tactical team is what we call it in Canada I thought that's what they called TAC team down there too but right so here's the serious now I did see and I will say this case so we're gonna play like this in this I did see a police vehicle run like in New York barrel through the barricade and I actually went like that when it happened Michael Freeman says Linda I think what you should understand is that the good cops often sieve the corruption and do nothing about it that's the problem Michael you make a very very good point and listen I know from both sides Kate I have friends that are firefighters I have friends that are paramedics I have friends that are police officers but I also know the opposite side as well and I have people who I know who have had terrible things happen by a police officer and they used their power and they get away with things okay but it's not every single police officer it's just like it's not every single woman that does this and this and this and not every single man now here's the thing here's the thing okay I'm watching a little bit of what you guys are saying was there was there anybody who was standing there watching this all go down i one want to know if they they called somebody else what like what happened in these nine minutes also it's my understanding that George got arrested over a twenty dollar counterfeit bill now we don't know if he knew it was counterfeit or not I don't know we don't I don't I do not know I don't know all I know is what happened there shouldn't have it shouldn't have and certainly not for eight minutes and 46 seconds so they're getting what they need to get and this hat is national attention and those other guys who have been fired and hopefully not from the sounds of it they're gonna be in trouble too so now I did see on the news okay I did see on the news the looting the fire setting the damage the fireworks being towards other people and what like I just that to me is I I don't I don't quite understand okay I know people are upset but now they're committing crimes so Cheryl exactly even if he committed a crime it wasn't worthy of death this is this is exactly it and it's certainly the display of what happened okay so I know everybody is angry and also the whole country and tannaz Canada's going through the whole world is going through it okay everybody has gone through a lot in the last few months with the virus with people losing their jobs with people having to stay home with all these things that have happened people are struggling financially they're struggling emotionally okay all these things are happening now you get them upset and now everybody is going hog-wild and and is that necessary is that necessary you know so I watched the riot I watched in okay the ones the places that I saw was Seattle on the news I saw Minneapolis Seattle Denver New York New York is the one that it was just it was crazy so not that any of the place wasn't but it's just that's where I saw the actual police vehicle running to people and you know so it's just it shouldn't have happened and I'm really sad for him and the family and maybe maybe there's gonna be something I don't know something put into place maybe this is just hopeful wishful thinking maybe they'll have something where a police officer only has you know a two strikes you're out or what depending on what it is nope that's not acceptable O'Neill who knows I don't know that might be wishful thinking because you know things happen and people abuse their power not all people but some people abuse their power and Alisa do you guys believe someone else is paying them to riot oh my gosh that's a whole other story I have no idea yeah I'm hopeful I try and be positive okay I'm I'm not saying it's gonna happen but maybe some people will take that into you know into consideration thank you Michael you're very supportive thank you yeah you know and and here's the thing I know there is a huge issue about race I know there's a huge issue there's lots of that going on I know there is but no matter what color you are no matter what color you are that shouldn't happened right a human should not do that to a human never and at what point do you not give a little low bow and say okay that's enough so that's what I want to say about that now I think I've said my piece on that and I really thought it was powerful for George's brother and I think everybody should just you know listen to that so okay shake it off shake it off what I responded to something you said I didn't bring it up you did if something that modern Raider says is not relevant then maybe you should block yourself instead of trying to impose her into internet power I don't know what was said the comments go really really fast so I'm not sure what you said earlier okay now before we get to the other ones cuz I know you guys are itching a bolt lorry I want to talk about Vanessa Guillen and if you guys aren't familiar I do urge you to look at that case that I've I've done a video on for her she was last seen she's actually private first class of Vanessa Guillen and she's 20 years old and she was last seen on April 22nd from Fort Hood and now they're asking the public to get involved and if you guys don't remember she actually like I said she went missing from Fort Hood but she was working in the armory and they found her ID her wallet and her keys in there and typically you wouldn't be doing that from my understanding and Michael who's in here can give us some insight on that as well um typically that does not happen because you've got to get back in and there's something going on in there so what really bothers me is that there's no there's no anything there's no information for us to go on and oh Michael I was just saying if once I start talking about Vanessa that perhaps you know whatever it is you can pipe in and say what you want is I know we have some conversation in the comments about this Mayra is Vanessa's sister and she says she's not going to stop until they find her and there's a search party that took place and is searched in the Belton area and they also have I'm going to put this in the in the description as well so you can look at it they're doing a petition to sign for the White House Pamela says my regards for George Floyd may he receive justice posthaste yes yes thank you yeah Vanessa so there's a lot of things that are going on at Fort Hood and things start things have to start changing I mean it it just goes on and on actually I had it here let me find it for you guys okay so there's a petition find missing US Army soldier Vanessa Guillen and they need to get eighty-seven thousand six hundred and twelve signatures by June 22nd to get a response from the White House and she only has 12,000 388 signatures so we could do better than that there's almost 70,000 people on my channel so let's see actually that's the crazy thing we would almost get there if everybody would sign and I will you know what let me put that right here just so in case I forget to put it in there it's a little it's just kind of long so hang on here let's see if that works there's so many people that go missing and here's the thing there's another let me read you this there's a Fort Hood soldier that was found shot dead near Bern a near a burning Jeep okay that was me 21st that that this was reported it says they're investigating the death of the Fort Hood soldier as a homicide after he was found dead from a gunshot wound roughly 13 miles from his post on Monday and it says that they identified him as a 27 year old PFC brandon scott rosecrans as the victim in their murder investigation and also the owner of an orange 2016 jeep renegade that was found along with the deceased you know what I want to know right away right away I want to know if that was a new vehicle that's what I want to know and I'll tell you why in a minute if you guys haven't yeah it said it said let me read that again yeah he had a gunshot wound but it was also well I'll keep reading you know the vehicles on fire when it was first reported to police officer officer said and it was later confirmed to belong to Rosecrans the cause of the fire is still under investigation by the Harker Heights Fire Marshal police said Fort Hood officials confirmed that Rosecrans was assigned to the post on Wednesday Rosecrans served as a quartermaster and chemical equipment repairer with the 3rd armored Brigade Combat Team 1st Cavalry Division he had been with the unit since November 2018 Rosecrans joined the army in May 2000 18 his home of record is listed as Kimberling City Missouri according to Fort Hood Rosecrans awards and decorations include the National Defense Service Medal and the army service ribbon I am telling you there are so many things going on at Fort Hood and I mean lists of people are not dying in war they're dying at the at the base at the yeah michael says it's not unusual for new soldiers arriving at their first station to to look for cars right so the thing is is what we know is Vanessa was talking to her sister the night before she went missing about buying a new car and why I bring this up is because there is a guide it was a soldier who went missing last August and he had just bought a new car so I want to know for some reason with my quirky mind I want to know about this if that was also a new vehicle thank you Karen and also here's another little thing just over a year ago in March of 2019 there was another woman who died in a parking lot at Fort Hood and it is so hush-hush I cannot find how this woman died I can't find it and there's like maybe two articles on her and she was a mum and she had like four or five children and [Music] there's nothing on her and she died in a parking lot and Vanessa vanished from a parking lot now they said she was last seen at the parking lot who saw her was there a camera or was that a witness who saw her here's the other thing I'm thinking she had her she had her ID her wallet and her keys left there maybe she didn't leave it there maybe it was placed there we don't know thank you Maddy and thank you for signing that I mean it's so important there's nothing and I even saw my rather sister I think it was a week or two ago that she was saying that look I'm not getting anything like I've had no information at all and it's just not right and they're they're trying to find Vanessa where the heck is she oh um you can read it you a petition for the White House for Vanessa Guillen I said should say to the White House and what they want is I'll just read this it's for find missing US Army soldier Vanessa Guillen and it says explains Vanessa Guillen is a 20 year old US Army soldier that went missing on active duty at the Fort Hood military base on April 22nd 2020 it has been more than a month without knowing anything about her how did she disappear on base she did not just vanish vanish Vanessa needs to be found she is serving her country she is supposed to be safe while doing so help us get answers about her whereabouts it has been too long she is a daughter friend and sister it is devastating not where knowing where she is and as of this may be a refresh it let's just see refresh it now yeah so they need 87,000 612 signatures but by June 22nd 2020 to get a response from the White House and there's only 12,000 388 signed so I was saying well there's 70,000 almost on my channel maybe you know a good portion of it people can oh sorry I'll give you it to you again it's gonna be hard to scroll back up isn't it if you don't get it I'm going to put it in the description below so no no worries there and I did even see on on Vanessa are sorry Vanessa's sister Mayra there's not a whole lot of people answering either you know on her page and she's you know making please so so maybe you know did you guys get I'll just do one more time for you let's see if I can see it there we go it's it's actually phenomenal about how many people how many people go missing from Fort Hood or more killed like there's a list there's a legit list of people and it just goes on forever so I'd like to know what else is going on there but we're never going to know I don't think know these Suzanne worth you is coming up it's coming up okay I need a sip of my carbonated water it is not beer it's not beer hang on okay sorry about the gulping yeah it isn't just Fort Hood it happens a lot of military bases I'm sure I'm just I'm talking about this because there's a there's a large there's a large list of course they don't want to tarnish their image the problem is now their image is getting more tarnished because you know we don't know where these people are and and nobody's really helping oh like that Linda's like beer me I'm I'm allergic to beer so tell me wouldn't be beer if I'm drinking beer on here you guys got to worry okay please be sure to confirm your email addresses after signing in order for the signal yes so please sign sorry please check your emails because we want everything to account I apologize for gulping because P par like oh yeah she's drinking and can you just do not can you not be some loud I'm sorry I just you would you like me not to breathe thank you so much you guys maybe next time I'll drink a little bit of wine no I'm just joking I'm good I really don't have I don't drink very much all right what else do you guys have to say here don't you have to be American to sign the petition I don't know don't know most of my viewers are from America Linda Nader's t-shirt look at you guys are giving me the go-ahead to drink as loud as I want and go these sparkling water is amazing my little one thinks it's legit pop and it's not okay so let's go on to the next case if you guys are good okay here we go Suzanne Morphew so there's a little bit to talk about here okay so here we go what we know so far is the home was released last week right back to the Morphew family there was an accidental video that was posted by a youtuber yesterday talking to Barrymore whew now if you guys aren't familiar with the Suzanne more if you case just give you a little bit of a breakdown and you'll see it after the video I'll put it in the description Suzanne when Suzanne was reported missing on Mother's Day May 10th so we're going on what's that just all three weeks about three weeks today yesterday and there's been talk as she was riding a bike but we don't know if she was riding a bike there hasn't been zero descriptors about how she looks other than a picture of what she looks like but nobody said her height officially nobody said her weight nobody said her eye color her hair color what her bike looks like there's lots of things that are super hush-hush really weird so that's just to bring you up to speed okay this accidental video wasn't an accident and he posted it however this video also was deleted from his channel and and then the guy all of his videos were gone so Laura Lee says do I know the latest news that depends that depends on what the latest news is I could Ordon the video wasn't there earlier today they were all gone and then another you YouTube another youtuber said sorry posted this video so what's beautiful though is thanks to one of my subscribers they sent me an entire what's the word transcript this morning when I woke up so that helped but I did see it yesterday and then this morning went to go look at it again like oh it's not there now I have a couple of ideas about it and I don't I don't need to maybe I don't need to go through it so much Barry is Suzanne's husband of 30 years yeah it was so nice of somebody to transcribe because I tell you it takes hours to transcribe something now one one of the things with this okay people are very upset at my Barry video I don't think they need to be upset I mean I didn't come out and say he's so guilty you know Tim Miller with Texas Equusearch flew out yesterday to help with the missing girl not sure who is helping search for credit due to no I got a I got a transcription from a girl this morning from I got an email this morning so it wasn't from a youtuber I got an she said would would I like the transcript and I said that would be awesome let me just find it I thought I had it open hang on guys I had it open for you here it is yeah she sent it to me 12 hours ago so anyways um we had a little chitchat about it who put the video up his name was Tyson Draper I believe his last name is and so he came on a couple days ago and he was saying hey I have I ran into Barry I'm gonna be posting the video and then he said yeah keep it keep it classy in here we don't have to talk about other youtubers in a negative way you know keep it classy just be nice and if and here's the thing if if I did get it from anybody if I did get something from a youtuber people who are who do know me I would totally say I got it from this person I got it from this youtuber i watch this youtuber I did that YouTube I have no problem with that actually I'm quite supportive of a lot of people and a lot of youtubers so it's all good I even say could you imagine if we actually work together right so huh anyway okay so back to that so yeah Tyson Draper is the guy's name and he let me see okay we'll just pull it up because I don't know if he's still there so what happened was it was there last night and then today this morning I went to go see it again cuz you know take another look and it was not there but his his other videos were and so it's now says this channel has no videos so if you look on here and I'll show you that is the original person who who interviewed him interview I mean I wouldn't really say an interview but I mean kind of it's an interview just bury didn't know that it was an interview so Michelle says I know of a youtuber that interviewed Tyson about his videos after Tyson took his videos down the youtubers said Tyson's that he won't mess with the guys on the hill they are killers the guys on the hill okay so dad with the phone talk to Tyson Draper on speakerphone and has the full okay okay all right so we learned something new tonight I did hear on the video at the end if you guys are talking about that Barry said well you know I hope you're not one of the media and I don't want you to says you know if you if you do put it out there whatever I'm gonna have to go go after you but it sounded like in jest you know so there's two ways to look at his little interview and some people are saying or some people um the way I viewed it okay I'm just gonna give my opinion the way I viewed it could be two different things number one he's legit concerned and he's just trying to find his wife that's option one and this is how I mean the authorities have to look at it two ways right because it's even statistically they have to look at the the person closest and they then they figure out you know if not I gave my opinions on his on Barry's first twenty five second video this Tyson guy said it was accidental and before it even was playing before it even played I heard accidental video and I thought oh no this is like accidental latisha right so so from my understanding anyways this guy goes and he starts to ask him some questions and I could hear Barry talking and he talked about how the bike was over and like down in the ravine like they were talking about in the ravine I don't know Barry so I really don't know what he's normally like my first initial reaction when he first started talking while the mountain lines is like wow he's really talking about it like so matter-of-factly right but he may and I'm gonna give I'm giving Barry credit at this point he may have said this so many times to people of what he thinks happened that it was just like okay I've already told this I gotta tell it again you know that kind of thing right thank you divinely minded I like your name and so there was that now let's just look I'm gonna go back to the email I got yeah he says the bike was found at the bottom of the hill by the tree but he didn't say it was leaning up tight Tyson said Tyson said something about it being leaning up oh yeah so they found her bike just right against the tree down there and they says well no it was on the ground it was the wheel was facing and then he started he didn't finish his sentences Kay he doesn't finish his sentences but whatever that means right but here's there's a couple things that was interesting to me Berry's upset in this video he's upset at the pool authorities and he says the Sheriff Department they screwed everything up they shouldn't have touched it meaning the bike Tyson says oh really and he says they should have left it it's evidence they pulled it up and then the sheriff's had we had cars over here well the sheriff let everybody drive through here covering all or messing up all the of evidence they were walking all over this area which is if somebody abducted her they would have had foot tracks they would have had fingerprints on the bike and they let ten other people touch the bike so then they talked about Denver he says I didn't get here till no sorry then he talks about I didn't get that here told nine o'clock that night and my friends an Army Ranger and he knows his stuff better than anybody he did four hundred tours in Iraq and Afghanistan and anyways they were talking about that he says they're talking about the article and he called it an article not an item maybe that's just his way of saying it but does I mean it was an article of clothing cuz they didn't say that right they just said Carla I can read it so he did say article I thought oh that mean an article clothing but he says they haven't said anything to him the other thing let's keep going Tyson starts talking about Christopher Watts and and Patrick Frazee he says okay let me said fine yeah Tyson says well get your name cleared and then you know and Barry says well they told me that it's cleared I don't know if it's on the media because the media and something like it is blowing me out that was hard to heart what she says here she says well he says sorry Tyson says well they're going to man they're gonna because I mean you've got to look at they're gonna be especially in Colorado there's been so many cases where like Patrick Frazee Christopher what's you know these guys get on there and say they act like you know they didn't do anything and so they and I mean naturally people are gonna be skeptical yeah I understand Barry says so we talked about that here's the other thing okay if there's an article they need to and then you can't hear it right this is where he says Barry says we found men's clothing there was men's clothes up there by the lake by fuzes that they did DNA and test it okay where's the other spot that I was [Music] okay so Tyson says well let me ask you a quick question Barry so you were in Denver but how long how long before somebody noticed that she was gone and he says well it was Mother's Day that was that that didn't answer though that wasn't the answer to the question and Tyson says it was Mother's Day says yeah we had two daughters that were coming home from a trip and I had that job in Denver that I wanted to get started on on Sunday set it up for my workers my workers were come Sunday night my works on Monday but I'm the owner and I want to get everything lined up so that they didn't have to stand there and wait on me Monday morning and they could get busy working he says so I told my wife I said listen the girls are gonna be home they want to spend Mother's Day with you mind if I go we said our goodbyes and stuff and the girls get home and they'll be together that's what we thought was gonna happen the girls were running late so they text their mom happy Mother's Day she didn't text back so we went to or they called my neighbors and said listen it's Mother's Day I'm a little worried and will you go check the house and the neighbor went and checked the house saw that her car was there but the bike was gone she called me in Denver and said hey we're just a little worried and I go well I'm to just be safe okay so hang on here Theresa says Linda it's not about this one death there has been too many victims to count it's all about the injustice and justice done for generations I think you're I think you're referring to George Floyd right cuz we're on Suzanne we're a few right now so you might be a little bit behind on I'm catching up maybe but thank you you're right it's it's uh you're right so let's get back to this okay so Barry Barry more for you this is what's interesting and this is why the bike was never described in my opinion because he says here the neighbor went and checked the house saw that her car was there but the bike was gone well just because her bike was gone doesn't mean Suzanne was on the bike right yeah 400 tours I think is just an exaggeration it's like you know like I say 7000 you know things I think so so I think that's why they didn't mention the bike because he's saying the neighbors checked that the car was there but the bike wasn't there or this what it sounds like right if he's telling the truth Suzanne has been missing since Mother's Day May 10th so it's gonna be up coming here another week it'll be a month now a lot of a lot of people are talking about Mother's Day oh my gosh can't believe he wouldn't be there oh my gosh I wouldn't be glad you know I I wouldn't I'd be mad my husband was working on Mother's Day we spent the day the day before to celebrate it and on Mother's Day he had to work he's a paramedic he had work that's the life of a paramedic a firefighter a police officer anybody on shift work so no he's not a paramedic I'm just saying my husband is a paramedic he was working on Mother's Day okay so what's interesting is he did not answer the question he Tyson says we'll let me ask you a quick question Barry so you were in Denver but how long how long before somebody noticed that she was gone and he said well it was Mother's Day so it sounds like the way Barry is answering he's saying I left that morning just from the sounds of it cuz he said he went to Gold there get asked you know it's Mother's Day can I go there or you know can I is it okay if I go he said mind if I go he went there and then they get the phone call so and then what was the other thing I think that was it okay so here's the both sides to it to that I was going to say if Barry is innocent right he technically doesn't know that he's being filmed and so he may be like this is what I think there's a mountain lion even though though the authorities did say no no there there it's we don't think it's a it's an animal attack right said there's a mountain lion and she could be kidnapped and all this stuff he brought up the money right right away right away yes I'm still live he brought it up right away and said now there's a there's a reward let me get his exact word let me show you what happened and I do have a reward so they talk about they two hundred and ten thousand dollars so if you're just getting in we're just talking about Suzanne more if you we covered so many cases already Evelyn Boswell Vanessa Guillen George Floyd Gannon Stoke and there's a ton of rumors going on about about this story there's a ton oh that he was threatened dream you remove his videos by Barry okay and now they did go checking out his last job site in Salida that that was done I'm not sure how thorough they did because we don't exactly know but I might be getting some info snacks on that so stay tuned because I'm a little curious about it but I don't want to say anything yet there's a lot of things that weren't true there's a lot of things so I I don't like bringing up any of that until I get confirmation sometimes I do give my opinion but I let you know that it's my opinion and people are all over me getting so mad about what I observed in the Barry's 26 second video but that's what I observed it didn't say it's for sure just what I observed I'm not bringing up all the crazy rumors I'm just doing my own my own what I see so and I did that this is the weird thing I did that with Laurie valo I did that with Leticia I did that in all the things that I've done but this one who well they're mad how dare me well that's what I see and I'm not saying anything that's brutal I mean I'm just saying he blinked twice and there's a pattern so okay so anyways back to his interview so on the one hand if he is innocent right and he could be he could just be concerned Barry in this tyson video and just saying here's what i think this is one of my theories is my one of the theories is one of my theories and here's where he said 200 squared Watts 200 miles that they 200 square miles that they covered whatever he said and he's like I went over here and I went over here and this is where the bike right if he's not if he's not innocent then I could see him trying gain trust from Tyson saying here's what I think here's what I think here's what I think to put the seeds in him for a different reason so there's both ways there's both ways right so right away when he was talking about the mountain line dry he's like yeah a mountain line can just drag his body and start he started talking about that let me just pull up the exact words I doesn't like wow that's pretty just like so matter of a matter of fact but that could be him that could be him he said where is that I gotta find it but anyways he was talking about mountain lions and you're dragging them this and that so am I sure Barry didn't know he was being recorded I don't know maybe he saw it maybe didn't I don't know we don't even know when she was last seen we really don't officially there's no mention of when she's last seen oh Linda the cops seen a mountain lion walked past their cruiser while they were on scene that's why the mountain lion got brought up okay so that's even better because the authorities still say now we don't think an animal got to her yeah Tyson did say that the cameras off and then put in his pocket or whatever is that so there's two ways but the other thing that was weird to me I guess not weird to me but I just noticed is that he was talking about how he left that morning and then went to Denver now this is good again because now we know that he's saying no I was in Denver doing a job and a lot of people thought oh um that was a firefighter job but clearly he's saying no I was doing a job and then I had my guys cuz he had a landscaping company right so he's saying I prepped my workers yeah that that chant the channels still there but there's no videos on Tyson's so yeah there that's what they're saying they'd probably be something but here's the thing I'm gonna go back to this there was no descriptors of the bike I don't even think they think the bike was involved meaning the authorities because think of it I've said this before but if you are if you are if you have a missing person missing person 101 what does a person look like what colors her hair what colors our eyes how tall are they how much are they weigh what were they doing when were they last seen what is their bow they're riding their bike or what did the bike look like so let's tell everybody what the bike looks like and let's let's you know there's no description of the bike you know I don't even think they I don't even think they believe she was on that bike I don't think so wouldn't they be like we need the the we need your help we here's what it's a green bike or whatever the color would be it's a it's an X bike it's a mountain bike it's a however many speed it is right there's there's nothing and there's no update from the authorities at all and why no one saw her on a bike in fact when did somebody last see her when did somebody officially last see her they don't even know the note released said blue bike blue helmet riding clothes which note the one from authorities Catherine says we only know two things she was reported missing a mother's day and the neighbor called the police that's it you're right we know that she was reported missing on Mother's Day it wasn't said that she was missing on because he even corrected himself he corrected himself and said she was gonna say she went missing and then she can't he change himself she was reported missing on Sunday May the 10th on Mother's Day so that's these are important things Cindy Lynn says remember in ganas case the authorities went dark they already knew what happened maybe the police already know I'd love to know and there was a discussion too they were talking about there was a crime scene analyst a crime scene specialist and they were talking about like look I don't know 11 days of having the house on hold I'm recreating a crime scene she said that's what I would be doing now they let them back in the house but don't forget like in Ganon's case they let the family back in the house to remember let me see because it actually made crime online let me see it crime online actually talked about Tyson and his video let me just read here a private citizen appears to have surreptitiously recorded a conversation with Barrymore few the husband of missing Colorado mother Suzanne Northview the man who identifies himself as Tyson Draper later uploaded video of the conversation to YouTube the YouTube video originally published by Draper was removed from the platform on Monday afternoon crime online had previously viewed the video and tried and transcribed audio the video was uploaded to another YouTube account which stated in the account owner obtained Draper's permission before posting Draper who says in the video that he is from Arizona apparently traveled to the Chafee County caller us ari traveled to Chaffee County Colorado and tracked down Barry Murphy as he was in the mount mountainous area where investigators have been searching for Suzanne who was reported missing from her Maysville home on May 10th welcome Vee tell you guys are just wondering what those are the green that's part of my my membership so if you're just wondering what the heck is that popping up and they have little sirens and magnifying glasses too beside your name let me just see here Thank You Karla okay um where was I Adrian says no mention of berry doing a lie detector test no mention officially of that was the other thing okay so where did it go my crime online thing okay so it talks about Tyson we've searched two hundred mile radius all the mountains have been covered so far I do notice that he said my guys went and checked over here cuz he said he's hired guys himself my guys are my guys over check checked over here so I was like huh maybe they should go check over there then no I'm saying I'm not sure why the daughters aren't speaking I don't blame them to be honest okay let me see that's pretty much all it says on crime online okay this is where various talks about private people what seems to have happened from the investigators he says and they don't give me much i've got private people working for me is maybe she was abducted they found an article going west of hers they won't tell us what it is so there's two ways to look at it in my opinion I don't think Tyson Newbery I don't I don't think so but you know what I did find too is when he first started talking in that video Wow his voice doesn't sound like his first video his voice sounds very different and Barry's mom was in the truck with him yes during the interview right it's like there's a couple weird things about it so think of it this way okay okay hang on I just need to sit back for a little bit my creaky chair hurts a little bit sometimes on here yeah teenage girl teenager and one just going into college right for the girls I don't blame her though I'll work if you just joining me in my creaky chair and my butt's getting them we're talking about Suzanne more cute case we've talked to Papa White a few cases this bar so I don't know what to think but let's get back to this let's say you're Barry Barry right and you need people on your side let's just say or want right like if you I'm gonna do this from both sides I'm gonna do this from both sides if you're Barry and you have a guy coming up to you who says I want to help and try and find Suzanne and that's what he said he said I want to help and try and find Suzanne so he hops out and starts walking him and takes him to the spot where he needs to be right or where he's showing I was like I'm showing you here's where they found this here's where they found that here's they found this right um he's gonna tell the guy as much as possible now if Barry's on the opposite end and he knows what something but he's you know doing what he needs to do to show that he's innocent he's also going to talk to this guy like you know in the manner he did so it either he did or didn't um I don't know I have a few red flags but then a few things are like okay maybe not right what was I gonna say there was another thing I want to say oh I want to say this about the big bike back to how the authorities didn't put out the descriptor of the bike and the bike is in the ravine it doesn't mean that Barry put the bike there right it doesn't but I don't think the bike was ever there like ever involved in this uh meaning I don't think she was ever riding the bike because the bikes not being and I don't think the authorities do because I think they would have described it so that's my thoughts exactly we do have to wait and see what the outcome is so that's what I'm saying I'm giving both sides for Barry there's two sides to it for him I just believe about she didn't go for a bike ride because of what I just mentioned a few times I do find it odd - why wouldn't the authorities give us some sort update it's just best to says detention centers in the area we're releasing inmates due to kovat I believe she also complained about a guy well there we go so star Lacey says as always love you Linda Myka sounded great haha thank you thank you so much why wasn't there fingerprints on the bike anywhere that's so odd someone at that some point what I had to touch I don't know maybe she had biking gloves on but again I don't know yeah so hopefully there's a little more info that comes out officially I think they were talking about it raining I believe they did but Barry did voice his opinion about how he's upset at the sheriff's office because they were all handling the bike and whatnot so I don't know exactly what happened about that we don't know they're not gonna tell us but um yeah we'll see about that okay so where are we now we've covered quite a few tonight haven't we okay so before I get to Laurie valo a couple people were I just noticed you're talking about Madison Belle Madison Bell has been found as you know or most of you know I was sent a picture of her and the new guy together in a selfie so they're riding off into the sunset so there's that great Kathy says and after some research there are several instances that you do not release release information kidnapping and walk and walking away from life yeah oh I also read um on Madison bail that she knew this guy for three years from a gaming app and that was it that's all I know Laurie is you're using my word so I wish Madison the best I mean it's obviously a different way that she could have done it thank goodness she's alive and now we can just bless and release that case and it not being a horrible one except for there's gonna be a lot of people you know in a lot of pain in my opinion all right you ready for Laurie we still have how many we have eleven hundred people in here thank you guys so much for joining me on a Monday night I thought it was such an impact I should know better and yeah I appreciate you guys spending time with me and through this whole time because we've covered when we covered 101 minutes so far and we did a bunch of cases tonight so now we are gonna talk about Laurie valo and Melanie Gibb and that whole fiasco okay so let's get into it no I think it's Monday has it been confirmed that Ty Lee never left Yellowstone National Park officially that's the last time they have proof of her being somewhere okay give us some Laurie insanity yeah I was I thought you're gonna say sanity is like honey there's no there's no none of that okay did you guys see my three part series on Melanie Gibbs interview because it there was a lot of info in that and there was a lot of insights I feel like once Melanie said about them not being on the planet it was super heartbreaking that's the first time actually I actually got choked up because I was so so hopeful that they are still around so that was big she says some other things and I think that it makes the other Melanie Melanie pawlowski or Melanie Boudreaux not look so good but I do believe this Melanie Gibb I believe she's coming from a place of truth I think some things you know she tries to come across with love and love everybody and you know be kind but she did make some important that she was careful in her video she was careful in her video however that's what makes it even more important of the words that she does say because she's she's so careful over here when she talks about how Laurie and Chad need to be in jail and not get out that is huge I think I think she knows more than she's saying in terms of details I do think that but I think it's a different type of no more than what Melanie Pawlowski nose or pavlovskiy or Mellie Boudreaux Melanie Boudreaux is goes in circles I'm not gonna say the word she talks in circles whereas Melanie Gibb is like listen I'm embarrassed it took me a while to be at this place where I can come forward on camera here's what I think I love Laurie I love Chad they're good people Laurie's like velcro but they're what they're doing is wrong so I think for the first time in Laurie's inner circle I think this is huge so welcome aboard Christie's boutique so I do feel for Ty Lee and JJ and Larry and Kay and Colby and now I wonder what they're thinking what Larry K Colby what they're thinking now that they've heard what's going on now I am gearing up for a video of Brandon boudreaux's day that he was shot because there's some more little info that Melanie gave gave like the icing on the cake for me to put this in a video and I think what else that I had in there there's a couple more things and I'm gonna do a little deep dives as well plus I'm gonna do some in my membership as well with that but basically I think it's time to do a few things to hone in on from what Melanie says because these little bits that we get from all these other characters all these other people are gonna lead us to what actually happened Melanie Gibb gave so much info in this small little interview that even if she said four words it would be more than what they had Melanie Boudreaux would have said right and Chad can't be sitting there zipping around and having fun times while he deserves to be somewhere else as well and he is doing he's looking worse and worse he really is and imagine his kids watching all these shenanigans go down and like it's ridiculous when I even when I heard Mellie talking about the cookies and she made Lori made cookies for the kids and stuff that's like it's just sick that she's just smiling on the you know outside in the inside because you know that their mothers gone and now they could be together Chad and Lori and she's giving cookies to his kids like I just think it's just creepy it's now I did say yesterday in my part three video that they started talking about the earthquake in Idaho and how they were thinking oh well once the earthquake comes you know nobody's gonna really pay attention to anything except the earthquake and the destruction so we can get away with whatever we want well maybe then they were in Utah did I say I'd all I met Utah oh you wait there's gonna be more about Chad coming in my videos you wait so I did do a Chad video a while ago and that was that was just on like this much most much this much information now I got this much information there's gonna be a lot more on Chad and you have a portal there you go see Sidney says I live in Utah and earthquake definitely shook us but it wasn't enough to distract from murders and why are they talking about Utah fair in Idaho I think they went to Utah Tammy was buried in Springville Utah even though she lived in Rexburg in Idaho there was an earthquake in Utah in March but Laurie thought it was going to happen at the end of 2019 Pamela says I wrote to Lori waiting to hear back from her that will be interesting I would love to see that so is it abnormal for earthquakes to happen in Utah um big ones from what I read doesn't happen all like very often there's little ones but you know a lot that people can't feel but I did look that up because I wonder if I still have it up maybe not I might not but yeah there's not huge ones straight out of Narnia yeah fracking is causing the earthquakes yeah I would agree with that yeah this the portal in the closet I love when a Eaton's like talking about the portal he's like like a box oh that was so funny oh I got to share this with you I shared this with people last night in my membership but I got to share this view only because it's I just found it so funny as soon as I came out with the Melanie give interviews everybody was responding in the comments but they had like food-related comments so for example one person one person's like well the fruits the fruit and the baskets getting crowded the next person's like just chat even know his own rhubarb I've never heard that before and this is the first time I actually could say it without laughing because I just found that so funny then another person's like well he's while this story is a couple fries short of a happy meal and then the next person like it was always constantly food and I found it hilarious they just had me in tears crying the other one was well something about a couple sandwiches short of a picnic what is going on tonight that everybody's talking about food and I don't know shakes out the family tree and the nuts the fruits and nuts fall out yeah Sally says Julie ro books predict to her huge earthquakes that destroy Utah about an 8 and a 10 on the Richter scale then the chosen people will go to the mountain top city tent city that they say will be so holy so Pamela says I basically asked her if she needed any money I told her about me and my autistic nephew Nelson that's interesting I wonder what she would say back where are the children yeah where are the kids'll worry so what did you guys find what was the mobis ides about the children I mean we know that's the most important part but that's the most obvious part right was what she said that she doesn't believe that they're on the planet anymore what else did you find that stuck out at you any theories about the Tami autopsy well I hope we get something back I don't believe that she just died in her sleep I think Lori got impatient Chad got impatient and well did we know what happens next [Music] all the husbands and wives in Alex died of heart complications yeah it's weird I want to do a pattern videos there's so many patterns it's gonna probably take me forever to do maybe I'll just chop it up and do like part one patterns part two patterns I wonder what kind of cookies Laurie fed fed the kids I wonder let me see what else what did lorry see in Chad I don't know his teachings in his books and she just went great gray I doubt if she baked them herself didn't anyone tell poor Tammy that yeah I didn't anyone tell poor Tammy that her husband was predicting her own her death that's what I'd like to know I have heard or read that they're saying that no Tammy didn't bite we don't know maybe maybe chad alluded to it i don't know I'd like to know what Chad gave Tammy the night she died oh honey I'll take care of you let me get you some tea and some powdered doughnuts yeah like would he say to her you know like I have this premonition I can't shake it that you're gonna die in a car accident or something right like I don't know our Chad des belles kids suspicious I really don't know we haven't heard much of anything I what's interesting that wasn't talked about and the Melanie Gibb interview was no snow no mention of Colby at all so I would have liked Nate to ask him about ask Melanie about Colby there's a couple things I would have liked to have known what was it had to do with Melanie going down Tami's autopsy was done but they haven't released the results and remember that Chad and Laurie are now being investigated for conspiracy of murder murder and something else when it comes to Tammy oh yeah the date that she came down I dunno now it is from the 19th to the 23rd which is interesting they have to be getting close to releasing Tammy's autopsy you would think they have to be I wonder though if Chad made a little trip to Utah with more than one person chad is not in jail somebody sent me a picture too apparently they sent me a picture and it showed a shirt around a pole like a telephone pole or a you know like a yeah my pole and it says where is the kit where's the kids and chad allegedly was taking that down ah there you go there you are there you go I haven't wrote you back up on top but I saw that before I get on it's like Oh I think when it comes to Chad that he's not there yet Oh Beth man thank you have a good night I think when it comes to Chad why they haven't gotten me out I think they want to get them on something good meaning something bigger than what they can perhaps um I agree with that okay so where did I see that now Aspen girl says I was surprised how much Chad was the influencer thought Lori was front and center yes I did think that earlier too when I did Chad's video this was a while member when I if you saw this I'm like Oh Chad things are getting bad want a cupcake I think I opened the video with that that's where I started to see how much more involved he was and we thought and after yesterday's are after last week's three-part series it's clear to us that Chad was more than what we thought and I think both of them are equally equally guilty I think so I think they feed off of each other I think they they're like oh yeah what about this what about that you know what about that but he's a master manipulator I mean when you think about this you're okay if you're Laurie you're meeting this stranger except for you read all of his books and you follow his teachings and now you're reading that there now you're meeting this guy that you're in like crazy about his teachings in his books and his and him you're meeting him and he's like hey we've been married five times before I know you I know you will right it's weird it's super weird and she's lapping it up and then he's thinking oh she likes this let's play it on a little bit thicker right well if that works okay what's the obstacle the obstacle is Laurie still married how can I figure that one out good night James how can I figure that one out right so he goes I know she believes my teachings that's how I'm gonna get to her so I'm gonna tell her Charles is a zombie that's what I'm gonna say let's test that theory out doo doo doo doo doo doo give a call give a typing she gets an email oh my gosh Chad thinks Jack thinks that Charles is a zombie oh my gosh let's go steal thirty five thousand out of his account okay hey neighbors right and Chad's like holy crap anything I say she's listening okay let's take this another step further further right this has to be I mean legit this has to be so here's the other thing now she has three burner phones okay according to Melanie Gib Laurie has three burner phones why then does chad haft sorry why does lori have to email Chad about Chad coming to her house if she has three burner phones why because she actually said this is from Charles she needed that to be she needed that so now Chad's like okay I got this let's all gather let's gather and talk about zombies because these people are lapping it up okay Charles is out of the way he's killed Alex believes in zombies so does Melanie at the time so does the other Melanie and so does Laurie what do we need to do ooh what's next I know my own wife is in the way we have plans together and I'm doodling Laurie so we got a problem my wife's starting to ask questions what do we need to do oh dear Tammy has to been taken care of I mean yeah oh shoot Laurie's asking me to go to Arizona Oh how am I gonna figure this one out nope hang on Laurie Laurie I came out of my portal I came out of my portal and I had a revelation you know what the revelation was you need to come to rexburg that's my revelation you belong here we need to do something here together she's like oh I don't know if this is really right let me think on it okay Chad okay sorry neighbors sorry I'm going to Chad it's so freakin ridiculous okay and then it gets worse so she moves there and she's like awesome Chad this accident is not happening oh my god Chad what Laurie what do you want me to do what you want me to do I want you to do something if you want all of this then you're gonna have to do something about it okay Laurie doo-doo-doo shoot Laurie the paintball gun didn't work it didn't work looking - oh my god Chad if you don't do something again you're not gonna get all this so what do you want then Chad's one okay okay I got it I got it I got it tell you what while I help you go to the storage unit I need you to get to brother and go kill Brandon okay you guys go do that and I'm gonna take care of Tammy okay we got this we got this yeah okay fist pump yeah so what happens Tammy dies and he's like oh I my poor Tammy died in the night from a cough well what the heck did you feed her Chad honest to God would you feed her this poor woman has probably watched or knew something was going on with Laurie and idiot Chad and she's probably like what am I gonna do somebody goes and mates makes an attempt maybe that's a joke and now she's dead and what do they do oh my gosh I forgot hey Laurie it's another thing I forgot to tell you ooh how am I gonna get how are we gonna get married now we can't children are in the way the children are not my children but your children are in the way your children are in the way Oh Chad what do you mean but what do you mean and then Chad's like hang on I got to go to my portal I had to go to my port I'll be right back sidenote this is the longest soliloquy ever anyways Laurie I got it I got it your children are just like Charles they're just like Charles and there's all he's just like random utro just like hey just like everybody just like everybody we got to do something girl got to do something I did that for you what are you gonna do for me we only have two tickets I only can afford two tickets to Hawaii Charles had to pay for your ring I only have two tickets what are we gonna do let's get rid of the children yeah the earthquakes happening so I can get rid of the children and we already got rid of the rest this is this is foolproof this is foolproof I got my ring on I got my ring on and it's foolproof let's go to Hawaii I can practice my hula skills and Chad you can play your ukulele and we can just Cheers wait wait this this is what you see that your friggin kids are missing your kids are missing and you're playing the ukulele and getting married in Hawaii lying to your oldest son right but you you've got your ring and you got your portal okay so it's all good now thank God for Kay Woodcock because if Kay didn't call for that she didn't call for that well for a check this would not they could have gotten away with a lot more right and then you got mini-me Laurie's nice oh my god Lauri didn't do anything and I didn't see anything and I didn't do anything to Brandon except Linda's on you and Linda knows more and Linda's gonna release a video that may say that you will be or you are right and she's like there's no pattern of us being a cult there's no pattern of us being all moving down to rexburg together oh no wait a minute okay hang on and I'll sell me sup okay Laurie gets a welfare check on the 26th the 28th I think it was the 28th was Thanksgiving right magically the 27th Chad in Lourdes there's a 26 Chad and Laurie leave on the 27th the 28th Melanie Boudreaux magically goes all leaves town two for Thanksgiving fair enough it is Thanksgiving but not magically she goes okay and then you have Thanksgiving and then you have oh my god Melanie gets married ten days after she meets a guy on an app in Vegas oddly her uncle Alex also gets married at the same time and Chad decides to take all his children to Disneyland not probably because it was booked I mean if you're going to Disneyland you're probably planning a little bit right to bring all your children no no I have four hundred and thirty thousand dollars that I got from Tammy her death that I upped right before and I'm gonna take you to Disney line because holy crap the cops are on our case the cops are on our case I tried to lie I said I didn't even know Laurie I didn't even remember her phone number the holy crap I need to go so kids around it up we're going to California Laurie's coming there's all these weddings and where are they going they're going to Hawaii and they're flying from Los Angeles is this not what the actual heck is going on now the kids are probably like this is awesome heck yeah let's go to Disneyland and then like wait a minute I mean I like even just me talking about this it is so ridiculous and now you have Laurie in jail it's not saying where the kids are won't say where the kids are maybe she'll wait till July 23rd when she actually wakes up on the 23rd and go oh my gosh Chad got it wrong again why why did Chad get a wrong neighbor's jail neighbor's agent says valley girl voice this is please don't use the same skit that another creator used two days ago I'm trying to steal their show this is very interesting what are you talking about actually I recognize your name I recognize your name um so earlier today I actually had to give a strike to a channel who stole my video and uploaded my video and I told them to take it down but I actually went on there so I don't know she's talking about that because how would I steal a skit I don't even know how to do that but basically that's who was talking on that video was this Lin so if that's what you're talking about and you're being sarcastic or whatever so on this video that somebody stole my video on Laurie valo and literally has my video in there they took out the part to say welcome to it's a crime if you you know subscribe and all that they actually deleted that part and still uploaded my video so I said take it down and then I reported them and Lin said in there be nice this person probably didn't do anything but we know because they clipped out that little bit that it was stealing it's totally stealing it wasn't even them talking about my video it was them taking the entire video and uploading it to their Channel I'm totally Elving right now and you know what the thing is how do you have time to see my own videos so and to be honest that's not that's not the first time in the past four weeks I have had to report four or five people four or five this person that did this video today they didn't have my thumbnail they had me in it but they didn't actually steal my thumbnail or most of these people are taking my thumbnails as well or they're just taking my thumbnail and using their own video good night Elizabeth thank you for coming so anyways it's great though a lot of people have my back and they send they send me email saying hey you know somebody stole your content I don't know how you guys find it it's incredible how you find it but you're like you know somebody stole your videos so I'll I'll give it heads up so yeah Eric they're saying that paintball gun was a real gun like they said that they're figuring it was because Brandon thought it was a paintball gun too at first but then they found out no it's not his window was actually shot in his Tesla and interestingly Tammy called it a paintball gun too but it misfired it didn't it didn't actually go so now the other interesting part in that a Melanie's in Melanie's video was she was talking about the day that Brandon got shot and she said that Melanie and Alex asked Melanie Gibb to go by his old house to see if the kids were there and the neighbor said no they Brandon was shot a shot at like two weeks ago so then meli comes back is like oh my gosh like brandon was he was shot at and Alex and Melanie boudreaux's like yeah I know I know and they said yeah we think that somebody did that but blamed it on us like I don't know come on yeah they know because they did it and why would they say okay here's the other thing why is what okay how it was gonna say why is Alex and Melanie telling Melanie Gibb to go to the old house when Ellen E+ you would know that the kids have moved because you have to you have to tell them what you're moving legally good night with Birds girl and kids yeah melanie was reported to be pregnant that was a truth true thing Jodie says lovable Linda keep going with your funny sweet truth speaking self we love you once I start seeing their stuff their stuff I can't even help it like even in Letitia I go on a tangent but really when you start to just bring it down to that you're like it's just ridiculous and the the saddest thing about it is just tell us where the freakin kids are yeah Melanie is pregnant it's try so strange watching you live he probably came in with my little silly look my Saturday Night Live on a Monday night sometimes I get a little kooky Melanie yep from what I understand is with somebody that's from a reliable source I bet Ian would like to rethink his ten days of dating Melanie I'm sure yeah so Melissa says Melanie talked a whole lot but really didn't say anything I think it was strange she lived next door to Lori for a month or so and never saw the kids and never thought to question it exactly exactly and in her interview he said oh I was at Lori's house and the the tighly and JJ's room was perfect I believe that maybe in the first time she visited but not when she moved July 22nd is the supposed day so I'm sure on the 23rd Lori might have a rude awakening good night Brenda Wow my back is starting to get killer right now it's starting to be killer yeah Melanie P doesn't have Lori's number despite them being so close and Laurie having three phones guess what I found today yesterday today guess what I found Melanie supposedly has three phone numbers Oh Melanie pawlowski could you imagine being on Ian's point of view like he meets this girl for ten days marries her and then finds out oh my gosh what did I marry into yeah I think I think Melanie give had to be careful with what she said too but I have no idea about how much Melanie P got paid to do that interview I know she's contradicts herself quite a bit unless he drank the kool-aid - like Lori's lipstick I wish I knew Lori's jail address I'd send her the Bible verse where Jesus said he will come like a thief in the night um actually there's somebody in here who did right Lori Oh hi Leah from Kenya yeah and yeah I bet he sleeps with one eye open absolutely Adrian says but then he went back and spineless now so gross I like Lori's I've said this before Lori's not happy that Chad's in I don't know if he still is but as for the last little bit he was in living back in his home they shared with with Tammy I don't think he's very very happy about that I think Lauri missed a couple of chapters even though Melanie Gibbs said she knows quite a bit of the Bible yeah it was scary how people knew Tammy needed to die who are these freaks behind the veil and all it's crazy I can't believe how long we've been talking 144 minutes I can talk to you guys all night it's crazy I started at 7:45 two and a half hours almost I wonder why my butt's numb I would like to know a couple things about a cup of people in that whole thing it's important to look at all aspects because it leads you from to the truth right yeah the movie will be called behind the veil absolutely behind the veil and into the portal Chad does have grandbabies yes I believe three Karen says who else are we going to talk about we're at the end pretty much of all the people that I ran through I ran through so many tonight I did Evelyn Boswell and I okay I will put all these in the description below once this process probably by tomorrow and now I can put they call them chapters that YouTube's doing now so we'll do you can actually click on it and go to the time step so we did Evelyn Boswell we talked about Holly Clark Leticia Stoke we talked about George Floyd and we talked about Suzanne Morphew we talked about Vanessa Guillen and we talked about Lauri Veloz case Nate did interview Melly Boudreaux but the lawyers were interjecting I covered a lot tonight lots of info snacks what or where do you think letitia's daughter is I think she's in Seoul I think she's in South Carolina I think I don't know for sure anything new on Madison Bell other than she's been found oh yeah I talked about Madison Bell - tonight she's been found she had a selfie with her new man and apparently she's happy yes Vanessa Guillen thick yeah missing from Fort Hood yeah I covered her tonight too not a whole lot of new information but a little bit of information and there is a petition to sign so that the White House can take a look at at Vanessa's disappearance oh yeah maybe she is in Florida now we don't know I don't know how that works we'll give it a few more minutes and then I'm gonna have to stretch my body because for some reason tonight it's hurtin again an update I did earlier they are doing on the fifth of June there supposed to be a hearing but there's still they've pushed that but they're still having Leticia to come in front so they can discuss about this lawyer stuff that she's saying basically the lawyer wanted her to have bond and so that she can be in the safety of her own home to review the documents it's ridiculous goodnight chastity yes am I still going to be doing the video dedicated on Harley I do I have a little bit more left and then I can probably do it so it'll be on a timeline so much yes Tasha I have that maybe coming you guys are awesome for joining me tonight I really really appreciative of you spending time with me we have a thousand people on it's just crazy when you think about that thousand people in a room who is Harley Harley is Leticia Stokes daughter so at least now we're at what we're in June June first I have just so you know I have a new merch design coming your way and it just was finished I might tweak it a little bit but it says let's get into it so that's gonna be coming that's big for June what else I'm going to be doing in June I'll be covering more cases obviously make sure I'm diving into the right cases that I've been doing there'll be some new ones and I still have to have Scott rice on the channel so we got to get that my live stream I'm going to up the game and try and do like screen sharing and make it a little bit more interesting on there as well and what else did I what else do I want to say I don't have a less festive thing I can't screen share on my phone yeah I'm happy to hang out with you guys so really I really um I really like it I really enjoy it we've got bigger banana stir-fry oh my gosh my sister says that my sister says that and she's the one who comes up with the things like you know remember with a circle droop um she comes up she she talks like that she's like we have bigger bananas to fry is a bigger bananas what I thought was fish to fry is because bigger bananas look like okay Megan says Rexburg Idaho is loving you Linda oh yeah I'm so glad Thank You Stephanie for having my back and looking over that yeah I heard bigger fish to fry my sister's has bigger bananas to fry oh you got it from me okay I don't remember saying that like yeah there's other bananas to fry [Laughter] Thank You Tasha I do try to get gather all the facts together and then my opinion comes out once I start knowing you know their little isms and their patterns see now tomorrow you guys are gonna be like listen I got other bananas to fry my little one asked me he's like what did what does knock it off me where'd you hear dice what does knock it off meet him like it's kind of like cut it out he goes daddy knock it off barber says love your channel as a retired paramedic I have all the time in the world that's what my hubby is a paramedic as well bigger banana stir-fry it's knocking off me right why do you want to know well knock it off means was it mean where'd you get that from and then of course he has to use it right daddy knock it off [Laughter] mr. Linda's like what wait where'd you get that from while you were telling me knock it off mommy told me what it means we have a sarcasm comes out you guys will start to see my video the very first one and you know is nicey-nicey I'm trying to figure out who's who okay let me see okay missing boy yeah this is really sad I'm gonna take down its case on who the Keesha don't like what she's saying let's look into her more or less so okay the sarcasm comes out I was seventeen year old almost eighteen and five almost six ya see Barbara you know where it's coming from she says you're married to a paramedic you must you have to be sarcastic sometimes that's a thing ever since I married him I'm even more sarcastic and but I'm more and more lighter more playful more you know yes penny exactly I'm sure Ganon would be like like to be in the safety of his own home - I saw sign I said mentioned earlier tonight in this livestream I saw a kid the other day that looked like Ganon and I just I froze and looked at him and just stared at him and Thank You nanny love very appreciate all you guys I pre-shot all every single one of you a forwarding address you guys the my pl box is that what you're saying I can post it if you want Thank You Adrienne your issues your good Apple Linda with bigger bananas I got bigger bananas to fry Mike isn't this bling up Tots says ganas case has my heart might try to go to trial I live near Denver that yeah I thought about that too I don't know if we're even allowed to fly from Canada the states do I still have prison bars on my nails no it's hard to hard to see that I'll bring them back though I'm sure okay let's see if I could do that okay somebody some you me me that was saying about my and it's crime oh I think that double-double copied and then if you guys wanted to know about my crime ring membership it's that's there oh no wait that's not clickable there you go that should work yeah we're cleaned the video from Ganon's mom oh yeah let me grab you guys that and then I'll update it when I can in the video let's see Landon where did you guys know that me and Landon share at the same birth date we were born on the same day she's younger though but we were born on the same day I should work you guys are welcome it's been awesome talking to you guys I really wish I knew how I was doing in jail well I'm pretty sure she's sitting there thinking she's innocent and probably not taking ownership of anything Thank You Joanna Oh cherish that's awesome that you like it okay so if you did the highest tier then can zoom it's so easy I give you the actual instructions in there like even people are like I've never done this before and I'm super scared and now they're like why was I so scared about it I really liked it so it's easy yeah you're right buying subscribers is a real thing and it's also against Terms of Service I would never do that I would never ever do that I mean what's the point in buying people if they're not gonna watch your content there's just so stupid so people who are buying that are dumb eh that puts them in a position where they get their YouTube channel completely deleted and or striped or whatever else they do and me and my husband cuz we were we were accused of that from other youtubers who are really upset that I grew so quickly we figured it out two months ago so I'm bigger my channel is bigger than it was two months ago but we figured it out who cost us fifteen thousand dollars a month to buy views and likes cuz this person this youtuber actually put like a little chart on there like okay let's look at the chart and we started laughing like okay it's been fifteen thousand dollars to have fake views like it's so stupid yes I'm in Canada Oh Cindy Lynn says I look forward to our group chats big day tomorrow helping son with a 15-second video for his virtual graduation I'll guess he'll dress up and walk across the living room to the TV for his diploma that's a good idea my son last week my son last week had graduation video or pictures but we did it outside and you know we didn't get to really do a whole lot he doesn't really care though he's pretty good about it Jonnie says I didn't know that people could buy subscribers I didn't know until the other youtubers said you could do that too I had no idea you thought I lived in Florida this is funny I know I'm in Canada Canada is beautiful um I would recommend going to British Columbia Bob and Doug McKenzie are from Canada - wait no hos RA that's a long time ago Bob and Doug what is the crime ring that is my membership my membership that I have four on YouTube and it's just like extra content we have extra what do you call it member lives on members only live streams deep dives there's a bunch of things that we do a little extra little extra something something so it is a monthly thing but it starts off with $2 and then there's different tiers so it's I made it super affordable for people there's the link for that by Betty oh just by you guys being here and watching and watching my videos this huge support nobody has to join the crime ring or anything like that and I super appreciate everybody although you guys there wouldn't be my channel no Kim I haven't and I write that down though my back you guys are starting to get bad so well you guys I love you guys too yes who said just said that Lisa I saw that last night on my map it's weird that you said that because I looked on my map and I went what is this place how much does it pay to be a bot subscriber I don't know priceless apparently could you imagine what it would cost now like 30 grand a month for me to buy people okay if I had 30 grand to buy people don't you think I'd be sitting on a beach somewhere sipping pina coladas all day every day I'm still live yet Dean ISA I'm still live I've been yapping for a long time I don't even know what's even like a what does a bot do like I don't understand i understand bots in a classic sense but i don't know what it means for youtube i don't get it i have a lot of comments that get filtered that people are like hi want to be friends hi want to be friends hi want to be friends and then that's about it five dollars and 20 cents per thousand views okay hang on let's do some math math is math right let's do math five dollars and 20 cents that's American okay so let me just see something please hold let's do the math on this that's 4000 views okay so let's just do for a month we're gonna go into my analytics for SEC let's just see the month of May oh I need my calculator okay the month of May I had 1.3 million views okay so let's do the math calculator okay 1.3 that's a lot hold on 1 million three hundred thousand two divided by a thousand times I hope I did that right five dollars and 20 cents I didn't do that right hang on please hold sorry I didn't mean to be quiet just hang on so welcome Rona is it wrodar Rana I'll give you the details here and you can see um on the details for that membership you can also see a video that will explain it to you so you don't you're not getting tricked into it it's just it describes what it is in the different tiers okay does that work oh yeah see now that's six thousand seven hundred and sixty dollars per month but I guess in March I had a higher amount maybe but if we do that in Canadian dollars okay let's do that one point that'd be nine thousand seven hundred thirty-four dollars a month but that's just for views as that's not for subscribers that's just for views right or that both there was also an attempted kidnapping right before the area in Colorado have to look at that that's funny Linda teachable moment you would be an awesome teacher here's a little info snack I used to teach actually I've taught a lot I used to teach piano since I was being since I was fifteen I taught piano and then I basically was into fitness and health health and fitness for the last I don't know how many years and so I help moms out and I helped women out pretty much was he focus and so yeah I been teaching in all kinds of aspects yes I did glam-doll he's nice to see you I did talk about Suzanne earlier welcome Adrian Amber Alert what was that we just had an Amber Alert here in Kent we some guy is suicidal and driving with his little girl people are going nuts here that's awful any new emojis yeah I'll be making some new Wes it's time who did I have to strike I can't uh I can't remember the Nate fen something I have it in the email they stole my video some reason people want to steal my Laurie validate videos yeah 1.3 million views in May yeah and something like I think it was 30 or 40,000 call maybe that was in April 30 thousand comments all right you guys I'm gonna have to I'm gonna have to call it I'm I'm hurtin thank you guys so much for joining me tonight I really appreciate it I love having chats with you there is another level of communication and community you guys are super awesome the petition for Gihon that is the one for the White House here's the one for Vanessa there you go so have a really good night tomorrow I'm gonna update I'll wait till tomorrow because it has to process this video and then what I'll do is I'll add the descriptions sorry the links to each of the playlist so you guys can check that out and now apparently they call them chapters so hopefully I'll be able to timestamp that and you guys can just go right there so have a really really really great night I'm so happy to see you guys I missed you guys for sure it felt like forever even though it's been just over a week so thank you so much and we will see you this week because there's going to be a ton more content coming see you later you guys thank you
Channel: It's A Crime
Views: 36,339
Rating: 4.8664284 out of 5
Keywords: case catch up, its a crime, its a crime linda, itsacrime, itsacrime linda, itsacrime channel, holly clark, Vanessa guillen, Gannon stauch, Letecia stauch, suzanne morphew, Barry morphew, lori vallow, Lori Vallow daybell, Melanie gibb, its a crime case catch up, its a crime channel, lori vallow daybell, criminal case, lori vallow update, evelyn boswell
Id: CA0oC4v-p_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 175min 36sec (10536 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 01 2020
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