Expert Statement Analysis- See What Peter Hyatt Detects in Trezell & Jacqueline West's statement
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Channel: It's A Crime
Views: 140,927
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Keywords: bakersfield, cal city missing boys, california city, it's a crime, it's a crime channel, its a crime, its a crime orrin and orson west, jacqueline, jacqueline west, kern county, orrin and orson west, orrin and orson west missing, orrin orson west, orrin west, orson and orrin, orson and orrin west, orson orrin west, orson west, peter hyatt, peter hyatt analysis, statement analysis, trezell, trezell west, trezell west body language, trezell west interview, true crime, west
Id: RBDvtahkmkY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 12sec (1632 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 19 2021
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