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hello everybody welcome to it's a crime for those  of you who don't know me i'm linda and today we   have a very special guest we have scott reich  from crime talk on scott is a practicing defense   attorney in colorado and he actually i i got a  little bit on you scott i was trying to find out   a couple things about you so interesting that  you were you served in the marine corps and you   opened up your law firm after leaving the marines  and you started crime talk i can't believe this   two and a half years ago already which is  crazy isn't it so um i actually was on your   your channel last april i think it was it was last  spring crazy enough time has gone by so fast so   everybody please welcome scott reich welcome so  much thank you for taking time out of your busy   day i know you're super crazy busy thank you linda  for having me always a pleasure to talk with you   and yeah yeah we're gonna have lots of fun okay  let's do it yeah exactly so what we're gonna do   is we're gonna go through a couple of cases and  then we're gonna take some questions we'll take   some questions off and on through uh super chats  and people um i already already super chat there   one thing about the program that i use sometimes  it skips and hops different comments so um thank   you so much ibme so i have to scroll so i don't  have a back office like like you do but i still   scroll it's just i understand it's much easier  when you get a super chat to catch your attention   yeah but even even just to find them sometimes  in this program it goes all over the place so   sometimes i'm a little scattered but we're  gonna do our best okay so i think what we'll   do is first we're gonna dive into leticia stouk  and the gannon stout case and we will chitchat   and then we'll go to some of the comments because  i know people have a lot to say about her and then   we'll go from there and talk about laurie vallo  and and whatnot okay all right all right so first   tell me in your uh opinion or your thoughts  what about leticia going pro se as a as your   experience and and just overall thoughts about  going into that position yeah my opinion is is   that if you're going to court you should have an  attorney leticia stouk is faced with obviously   very serious charges capital murder offense that  carries life without the possibility of parole   why would you not want competent attorneys which  she had there to represent her marginal experience   is when people go pro say they're doing one  of two things um they're crazy like a fox okay   and the other alternative is they're just playing  games okay that's my general feeling i thought   early on in this case that leticia stouk and  her attorneys didn't get along well because   they wouldn't go to the jail and see her and  you know i don't care what you're charged with   i don't care if kovid's going on i had a guy you  know they said i was called said would you take   this case it's a homicide case yeah from the time  that i got that call to the time that i wouldn't   saw him at the jail was probably about 45 minutes  that's what you do to establish a good rapport   with your client so you say hey trust me sit down  shut up let me do my job and you know leticia's   death she thinks she's the smartest person in  the room from what i can tell little does she   know she has no idea what's coming her way yeah  and we're gonna i'm gonna ask you about that   because i want to talk to you about that as well  about the mountain she's going to be climbing uh   i don't know if it's a case where she  underestimates what's involved in this   like you said she thinks she's the smartest person  in the room and she thinks she's she's got this or   if she has some sort of master plan uh the one  thing i'd like to know and i think everybody   would like to know too is if she is gonna pull  i wouldn't say too much shenanigans because the   judge said i'll shut that down right now if you  do that but if she's planning on to doing some   things and playing some games what do you think  what do you think she could be up to or you know   i mean this is cr this is crazy right would you  agree this is absolutely crazy have you ever   seen this in your experience anybody who's going  through these kind of charges i have seen it and   i've never seen it turn out well it never goes  very good at all for the person to go in pro se   at the end of the day there's no way that somebody  for the really their first involvement in the   court system is going to be able to figure  out court procedure the rule of evidence what   tactically can come in or shouldn't come in as it  relates to this you have to pick a defense right   you have to you have to pick a horse and ride one  right all this well it was the maintenance guy and   then it was this and i even run away you know all  the different versions of the events that she gave   you know maybe her evil plan is just  to simply get up and testify and   hopefully you know the jury  will believe but i it's just   when people go pro se on on difficult  cases it just turns into a circus yeah   and that's i mean that's exactly what it  seems like and i'm i have zero experience   in in being an attorney however you it doesn't  take a genius to know that this is gonna be it's gonna be a a crap shoot let's just say you  don't know she certainly has you know enough   time to focus on doing this but normally when  you are being held on a capital murder offense   you're usually in a high level of security  which means you maybe get out of your cell   uh one hour maybe two hours per day so when they  go to the la library to search it you know they   put in their little requests saying oh i need  this case you know they get that case like two   days ago and except how do you know what that  case is supposed to mean you can read you know a   little summary in the statute book that they give  yeah but okay that may stand for one proposition   it may stand for multiple propositions it may have  been reversed how are you going to figure that out   you know we have westlaw here in my office for  five attorneys and that cost me a thousand dollars   a month the jail's not going to be giving her  unlimited westlaw search there as well may i don't   know what their plan is but just no idea this  is interesting um on friday they had a hearing   and basically going back saying look i don't think  everything was covered that it was the hearing   before and we just want to make sure you know  security wise on these papers that she's getting   and so mr tullini who is the advisory council  for leticia delivered these uh 14 1800   paper document and then also added case law on top  of that under 100 pages he said and basically the   case law from what he said was just for people who  are representing themselves but the defense did   not give a heads up or tell the prosecution that  hey i'm going to be dropping off this case law is   was he supposed to is that or he  could just be like not a big deal   he should be able to be able to drop  that case law if he's advisory council   okay as an attorney you can go in you know pretty  reasonably just about any time and see your client   there's a little statute that you know they  if they refuse to let you see your client   i think you can sue them and get 100 or something  like that but my experience is you know pretty   much i've gone to the jail probably late 10 11  12 o'clock where something's happened it's like   i need to talk to my client now and you know you  got your credentials and they'll let you in uh   they usually don't let you in during uh a brief  period where they're doing count or something   along those lines yeah but for the most part  you can have unlimited access uh to your client   um so he shouldn't have had to tell the district  attorney or anybody that what he's doing for   her he's advisory council but he's not say uh  tattletail to the prosecution anyway right okay so   maybe maybe they're bringing that up just because  they're bringing up the issue that this is already   a security issue and they just want to make it  verbalize they verbalize it right yeah i think the   district attorney should probably just focus on  his case and let the sheriff run their jail and   you know they're not going to give that material  to miss leticia stouk without going through it to   see if there's anything in there it's probably  gonna have no staples they're gonna make sure   there's nothing in the paperwork they're gonna  flap it around and lift it up and and i assure you   i'm sure this attorney mr uh tolini you know  it's like he's going to do his job he's advisory   council yes but he's not going to do anything  that's going to jeopardize his law license   uh of course of course of course yeah it's just  interesting how things are playing out because   basically uh it was really interesting i actually  had a video well i was supposed to record it   yesterday but we were talking backstage there that  my ring light died and i had made a little joke   actually that my ring light died of natural causes  not the lorry vallo day bell kind of natural cause   what actual natural causes and it dies so it's  coming tomorrow you guys if you want to know about   this but um it was really just interesting  about how they were talking about you know   the inmates having personal boxes and  will this paper fit into the the boxes   because right as it stands there's twenty six  thousand one hundred and one pages of discovery   and and and now interesting leticia actually  has two times she gets to go to the live sorry   leticia's words law library she gets to go to the  la library um for tw for two times for two hours   each time so she had said the week before that  she could only get two hours but it's actually   twice a week for two so instead of having multiple  attorneys from the public defender's office   investigators probably multiple investigators at  the public defender's office working on her case   they will probably be working on this case  literally non-stop between now and trial had   they remained on the case she's going to get to  spend her four hours a day in the law library   reviewing discovery yeah now let's talk about this  talk about the mountain the absolute mountain she   has to go through i mean it's a like you said  it's a mountain for you guys it's a mountain   for the attorneys to go through this already  now you have somebody who wants to represent   themselves and have a huge um well it's a  huge it's a huge obstacle basically right   it is and i don't think most people realize  the amount of work that goes into it   sometimes you'll get a case that the discovery  is you know literally a couple of pages thick   you start talking a few thousand pages um  i think i had one once it was like 160 000   pages of discovery and it was like a full-time  job just when you thought you were done with it   and it's not like you just review that you  know once and you've you've got everything   yes you can take copious notes as you go through  it but at the end of the day you have to read it   analyze it um figure out how it fits into the  bigger picture if it does does it not um there's   a lot of things that come into play and you know  maybe she gets these four under uninterrupted   hours and two two-hour blocks where she can simply  focus on that you know the phone isn't ringing   maybe that's a good time for her but the  reality is it's going to take much more time   than that and there will be some duplication  in the discovery you know though can't sniff   out five times you're like i got some duplicate  duplicate yeah they're obligated to turn that over   because if they don't turn it over somebody's  gonna make a big deal oh my gosh you withheld   six of the pages that have been produced already  yeah even though it's the same type of thing but   different sentence and formatted the way they  the way they said it exactly so they have to   turn over their entire file yeah so it was  interesting because they said there was 11   000 pages just in fbi uh from the fbi and so this  is going to be fascinating probably the you know   cell phone data um search warrants i think the  fbi was doing search warrants on various cars   um they couldn't get it on sorry i don't mean to  i just thought when you're saying that they don't   they don't get any um they didn't get information  from what i understand from one of the rental cars   and i'm not the gps yeah yeah  um you know i don't know but   that is a lot of discovery and here's the problem  like how do you know what you don't know she's   going to be looking at that stuff and like does  she know okay here's our gps data who do i contact   to help plug this in i don't think they're going  to give her access to the internet where she can   go to google and punch in the gps coordinates and  tracking she can't go get polygraph.com this time   does she know that she needs to maybe get you know  an electrical um engineer to see what the waves   were things like that you know depending on uh  the reach and and things like that of various cell   phone data you don't know that that's why she's  gonna have to hire experts the public defender   would have been able to hire experts now she's  gonna have to ask the court for money to hire an   expert and the court doesn't have as much interest  so wow this is interesting so she would have to   get them to pay the money to hire expert for her  so that she could figure this stuff out correct if   she wants an investigator she's pro se now there  are judicial directives here that if somebody is   in fact pro se that the court should assist them  in the sense of providing financial resources   clearly she's indigent she doesn't have any  resources but so she can say hey court i need   an investigator to go talk to these people for me  will you approve a court-appointed investigator   the judge will say fine i'll give you 20 bucks  an hour at 55 an hour whatever rate they pay   it's state so it's reduced and then she's gonna  have to keep going back for more and more and   more and the judge can limit that whereas before  if she had attorneys that wouldn't be an issue so   do you think that by by going pro say that this is  going to be able or this is going to enable her to   push this trial out and out and out potentially  that may be what she's thinking although you know   she didn't um extend the preliminary hearing  date i believe she was going to keep that   and but once she gets into it i i think the judge  has warned her you know you're going to proceed   pro say i'm going to hold you the same standard  as an attorney we've already wasted a year   i guess for over a year now it's december right  december january 27th is when he went missing so   yeah so over a year yeah so we've wasted a year  she was arrested i think in march march no uh she   was she was arrested march 2nd okay then gannon  was found and then she was yeah yeah then she got   brought over beat up some people were transporting  her and then we can't forget that right yeah so   so here we are i mean a year later and really  nothing's taken place on this case the judge at   a certain point like game on let's do this thing  yeah because she also had the two uh uh competency   evaluations evaluations right so yeah so you that  prolonged from september to just recently after   christmas in january and now here we are now this  is what's crazy to me okay i could see a traffic   ticket like i'm gonna go and i'm gonna fight a  traffic ticket but you are sitting here for some   major major criminal charges how in your mind does  in a person's mind do they not think holy crap i   need all the expertise i can get i want to use a  somebody who like you know like i don't care if   it's one year or a hundred years or however many  years they've been practicing criminal law it's   better than what i you know what my experience is  i mean you sit there and even me combing through   these things i mean i can comb through them  and understand to a point but we don't know   you could be like yeah i know it says that linda  but also there's these little nuances here little   nuances we talked about this last week right  and she has no clue abs i mean absolutely and   you know and this is what most people don't  realize and this is really why in a major case   things it's so time consuming and they become  so expensive the report will say we observed a   well you can't assume anything so you have  to go see if a is still there go talk to the   witness that said i saw a did you really see a  or did you see a and b kind of mixed together   and you know people after they've had time to sit  think and reflect upon things like well yeah maybe   you're right what about oh i didn't think about  that why didn't you mention that well nobody asked   me um you can't do that if you're sitting in a  jail cell right effectively you can send your   investigator out but hell most people don't know  that you hire private investigators on cases to   go do that because guess what if i go on my own  i've now become a witness in the case i can't   right you can't testify uh to that so i doubt that  she's even aware of that other than the fact that   hopefully her attorney said we're  gonna have an investigator come out   um and go over everything you know you know with  you as well as along with the the attorney so   they just have no i think she has no idea i think  she's going to be completely overwhelmed and if   she thinks that you know i think she mentioned  that this is all very stressful and one of her   letters to the judge uh you know why can't we just  get this resolved it's just a big misunderstanding   she's going to realize i think rather quickly this  is not just a big misunderstanding that they want   to send her to prison for the rest of her life  and hopefully she'll realize the heirs of her   ways and ask that the public defender's office  be appointed yeah i mean but but is there going   to be a point where she can't do that anymore  where it's like listen you are in this deep you   can't go back now we can't appoint anybody to you  because it's going to take too long blah blah blah   if the court determines that she's doing it for  delay purposes right the court can probably make   a record on such uh issue i remember i won't  get into specifics but there was a client that   uh before i got to him literally would have a  very good attorney fire him the night before trial   have a good attorney fire the night before  trial well about the third or fourth time   the judge said nope we're going to trial because  i can't i judge i'm pr i can't go pro se i don't   know what i'm doing it's so sophisticated and you  know the d.a was arguing no have a seat you know   let's go to trial judge's like have a seat we're  going to trial and the courts can find that you've   waived your right to counsel even if you somehow  have this epiphany that oh my gosh i think i need   an attorney all of a sudden yeah and she's she's  acting like from an outside observer that that   it's a game and she's trying to play games that's  what it seems like doesn't it it seems like   she's just this giant like  she said this game of cards   and she has the ace in the hole right that's what  she's saying thank you gina probably turn it over   right and that's my next question i'm going  to ask you now i see um there's a couple   super chats i want to get to just just so  i don't miss them here i am scrolling uh   thank you artiste soundbox super sticker there  thank you and um manglia thank you linda and scott   when lori comes up do you think murder charger is  coming for her chad okay we're gonna get to that   we're gonna get to that we're gonna finish with  leticia and we are definitely gonna forget or   forget to that we're gonna forget to that  scott we're gonna get to that that's easy   to do get into it and talk about it right let's  get into it let's talk about it um one more here   scott do you think she's trying to escape also how  can you claim insanity and then all of a sudden   you are saying enough to represent yourself okay  um do you think she's trying to escape first i   i think the jail there in el paso county  probably does not trust her she's had what could   she's been charged with one attempted escape plus  the other one in kansas when she slipped out of   her handcuffs oops so they're watching her could  she be trying to do that i wouldn't put it behind   her uh based upon that track record i'm sure the  sheriff watches her everywhere she goes yeah um   well let's see just to be clear they  weren't claiming insanity they were claiming   competency and one can be competent and to be  declared competent and then represent themselves   and remember it wasn't her it wasn't leticia stouk  saying that oh i'm insane i'm incompetent sent me   to send me down to pueblo for evaluation it was  her attorneys and it could have been something   as simple and i don't know this for sure so  it could have been something for sure where   you've had i've had clients where they want  to talk about everything except the case   like okay that's great but you want to  talk about all these tangential things   one of the things that the client has  to be able to do is to assist your   attorneys in representing them and i would  have a guy where we would talk for hours   on the phone it's like two we just spent two  hours of my life um then i'll never get back what time it was and you told me how to build a  clock like and so at certain points like you're   just not in the same reality so that could have  been a reason you know for the basis for for that   uh not being able to insist in the defense uh  maybe there was something there some weird erratic   behavior i don't know you know public defenders  they've seen it all most of their clients have   mental health issues not i'm just and i say most  a large percentage of clients that represent a   public defender's office have mental health issues  uh because so many of them are you know either uh   you know homeless or uh drug and alcohol  issues things like that i mean stuff we've all   represented people on but they can usually spot  the faker so there had to be some good faith basis   for that the question then you know apparently  two professionals said no yeah now notable though   a couple days before her second competency hearing  she was on a zoom with the judge i don't know if   you've seen this or not she was spinning around in  circles flicking on the lights on and off going oh   did you see that i did not see  that no oh scott i mean really like   she flicked the light on and off i saw  it and she spun around in a circle and oh oh like that numerous times and i just thought  oh my god and so when you have that it just   the timing was you know interesting because  it's a couple days before you're going   your second competency hearing yeah so i  could join that's the i did not see that   oh my gosh video it wouldn't surprise me  and you know maybe she's doing that but   when you go in for a competency  evaluation you're dealing with   highly trained professionals that can spot  somebody yes that's truly ill and not competent   versus somebody that's malingering because they  don't want their case to go on anything right the truth's going to come out it always does even  if it takes a long time it always does wow but   sometimes it comes most the time it comes out yeah  now now let's talk about this for a minute because   let's say okay you're the defense  attorney for for her let's say okay and   this is before pro se so she tries to break out of  jail right she's writing a letter to the judge she   slipped off her handcuffs and uh and assaulted  an officer and um anything else that's coming   that she's doing lying numerous times  like just story's not straight yep how   from your standpoint what are you thinking what  are your what's your strategy on this are you   telling her just to shut up like what are you  what are you doing at this point oh yeah i mean   i would be very straightforward with her to  say listen anything if you haven't figured it   out yet anything you say can and will be used  against you taken out of context misconstrued   so you want me to help you my advice would be sit  down shut up and don't write anything to the court   because it goes to the court the court has  no ability whatsoever to get involved in   of creations to be concerned about the jail  conditions that this is a big misunderstanding   not his job the job of the judge is to be  an umpire for the game yes calling balls   and strikes that's it right the judge cannot get  involved in anything along those lines so nothing   you can do right into the judge is going to help  you in any way my advice would be sit down shut up   and let me do my job yes i'll explain to you what  i'm doing along the way i'll explain why i'm doing   what we're doing but at the end of the day you  make three decisions who's going to represent you   whether you take a guilty plea and whether you  testify at trial so now let me do my job and stop   it so you tell her this say you tell her this  on a monday right by next monday she's writing   another letter and she's pulling some stuff  now now what does that conversation look like   i told you something then i go back there and say  listen i don't know what it's going to take and of   course you take your investigator as a witness  so that everybody knows can document it and   make sure you keep it all in the up and  up but you have to let them know like   you're only trying to you're only sabotaging  yourself you're hurting your own pace why   are you trying to do this you know maybe you want  to go to prison is that what you want to do no   i don't want to go to prison well that's what  it certainly looks like and just let them know   you're harming your own case yeah so now if she  okay there's two things one um they were talking   about in the hearing on friday that she's  going to be able to anybody who she wants   to contact in this in this list she can just  um request to contact but what does that mean   are we talking anybody like she can actually  request to contact landon gannon's mom or   you know she has a right to investigate the case  and as long as it's not done with the intent to   harass molest alarm intimidate you know as a  factual witness she or hopefully an investigator   that she'll learn to request will you know  hopefully hopefully do something uh for her   but once again unless she has i mean the witnesses  don't have to cooperate with her they don't have   to talk with her but in theory she's supposed  to be able to do that you know as a defensive   attorney my investigator and i could go talk to  every witness even if there's a protection order   you know against my client from pro from talking  or having any contact with somebody but as long   as for the legitimate purpose of investigating the  case the defense attorney and their investigator   can do that that's it she can do that in theory  the district attorney is not supposed to tell   any witnesses don't talk with them right the  only thing a district attorney can say is   you have a right to not talk to them and  it's your choice if you don't choose to do so   so now let's say let's say the person does choose  to would they then have michael allen alongside   uh you know i'm talking about the  close close or no it's just one-on-one   yeah most people aren't going to talk with  her right most people aren't going to talk   with her right so you're not so person's  not obligated even though she has a right   to everybody has a right to say yes yay or nay  correct i mean every witness in a criminal case   has a right to be interviewed as many  times as they want by whomever they want   not to participate in any interviews like hey i'll  tell you what i'm going to tell you when i get to   the witness stand yeah because that's incredibly  could you imagine that's incredibly difficult   especially you know with those involved in  emotions are running high and it's already been   pushed out now we have leticia thinking she can  take on her own thing and have have her what seems   to be her mentor ted bundy um she's noticeably  thinner i thought i i saw on friday i i would   estimate a good 20 30 pounds less so i was kind  of wondering if she's going to pull pull the bundy   and try to she did complain about her handcuffs  in the law library in the law library she said um   well i can't even go on the computer with these  restraints how am i gonna how am i gonna do that   she was upset welcome to the world of being a  prisoner right you shouldn't win and representing   yourself you're at flight risk you're in a  maximum level in that jail get used to it   yeah so we'll take a couple and then we're going  to hit lori vale soon but uh courtney says t wants   to inflict the maximum amount of pain on the  court and family she knows she doesn't have a   chance she's messing with everyone it seems  like it's i mean in my eyes it just seems   like there's always something with leticia when  it gets really quiet she stands out in a crowd   let's just put it that way what is your what are  your thoughts it seems to be the trend that's for   sure maybe she has come to the conclusion that  things are not going to go well for her so she   just figures she wants to get good make it make a  joke trying to make a joke out of it so to speak   and hopefully there'll be something uh that  will result in you know an unfair trial   but that's not going to happen okay like i said  nobody does it themselves a favor by going pro se   yeah and maybe maybe two she just feels like  if she does it herself she's more in control   in her mind yeah maybe i mean  who knows what's going through   her mind she seems to be rather impulsive just  given the brief history we've had with her   and what comes to mind is obviously her  little escapade being transported back from   extradition from south carolina but then again the  attempted you know jail escape or conspiring to   to escape so yeah she seems to have some  impulse control issues yeah yeah and when   it gets he likes to speak so i think it's gonna  be i don't think this is going to be the end   of the shenanigans i think there's going to be  more i think this is just the beginning correct   elaborate on that tell us scott what do you think  i think it's going to be a circus um she's going   to want to get up and ask questions they're  not going to be the right type of questions   she's going to want to give speeches and not  ask questions it's going to be ridiculous and   hopefully there's somebody in her family that  has some sort of uh influence over her and maybe   they can convince her and and i'm not saying  this because you know i i want her to to walk   or anything like that but i think it's just better  for everybody that if there is a conviction that   it's done completely above board due process  being afforded so that there's no air yes   yes for either i i agree i get it and and yeah  i mean this way is not the best way and it's not   the best way for the family that's for darn sure  and it's not the best way for her i mean really   it's a dumb move in my opinion it's  a dumb move but she wants to do it   so go for it do what you want to  do say what you want to say now   when you get this case or any cases right like  you said you have to sit down review all the   information and go okay where am i going to take  this what direction i'm going to go that's that's   my understanding right so what happens in her case  this invite mr tulini is going to be able to talk   to her about what direction she should go or is  she the one he can't say anything he just like   shows her you know the options and she decides  in theory advisory council is simply there to ask   or answer questions i'm sorry answer questions  that she may have about criminal procedure um   hey how do i lay the appropriate foundation to  admit a photograph what questions do i need to ask   that's what he is there for  but if he's already delivering   every in case law he needs to be very careful  in my opinion because if anyone's ever been   advisory counsel you can quickly fall into the  trap where suddenly you turn into a research boy   you turn into a runner uh making photocopies your  investigator he's gotta establish those boundaries   you know he's not the research clerk for  her and he's certainly not the attorney   on the case he's only there to advise her  questions and he may or may not even get   the discovery in the case um he's advisory  counsel so why should he have it it's different   if the federal court asked you to be advisory  counsel you're expected to step in at any time   i once had a client who won pro se at  the appellate courts all the way to the   united states supreme court wow because very very  smart uh so the case comes back and they're like   you know scott will you represent this defendant  uh sure what do i do i'm like what do you need   me for you're doing pretty well he's the  exception to the rule i assure you of that   and um but it was an appellate practice and  he kind of tagged along another case but   anyway he wanted to do his voidier at his new  trial and literally said judge can we approach   i would like scott to take over the trial from  here and the judge looked at me and said scott   do you need like five ten minutes i'm like yeah i  kind of had a feeling judge let's do this thing uh   but in the state court you're there just to answer  questions that's it yeah she said halfway through   the trial oh i want an attorney you don't have  one counsel right so he might not get well i   know he got part of it because he dropped that  1800 pages off but what's interesting is then   i mean it'd be hard right because if he's not  getting it she's asking a certain question i guess   it'd be just general then hey what do i do with  this cell phone information what do i do with the   yeah it's actually a good thing that's what  it should that's all he should be able to do   yeah i'm wondering i'm gonna say oh you  will need to get uh a cell phone expert   well maybe he has one that he can say here here's  the number or something but then commit your   motion to the court to see if you can get approval  for x number of hours and the work to be performed   um you know but if you know in theory  if he says no i don't know of anyone   he's not obligated to go find one it's on her  it's her responsibility the judge said too if   you want to file motions and do this and that it's  not on your whim they have a right to say at no   not going to do this or that there was something  he had was talking about like you said don't   expect them to be a runner boy and and you know  count out everything you need to do basically   in a nutshell what he said yeah interesting okay  let me see phoenix says can she access the case   material in her cell no or is she limited to four  hours per week in the library so my understanding   is she's allowed to have this paper copy now  of the 1800 page core discovery in her cell   that's what they said friday okay and that doesn't  necessarily um shock me normally somebody can keep   you know 1800 pages would fit i mean  what is the stack of ream of paper   except 500 or a thousand 500 i think yeah so  you know it's probably this this high but when   it gets past much more of that it's they're  not going to the jail's not going to let her   do that they probably put the rest of it on a  cd-rom so that she can put the cd-rom into a   computer and play it while she's there give it  back to the sheriff when she's not using it but   and i don't know i'm not going to say what  the el paso county jail computer system is   in the law library but most of the clients  usually say it doesn't work most of the time   there's just problems they want to print  something off they've got to wait two days   it's just a big hassle for everyone well hopefully  they get that figured out so at least she doesn't   prolong that and complain about that because  we know something's going to be coming down   pamela says her court case would be  hilarious if it wasn't such a tragic   loss of sweet gannon i'm quite confident  that she'll be removed more than once it is you know like i said there should be   some um what's the word i'm looking for solemn  this some solemnness that goes with going to court   right yes the court this is a court of law  um you know people should dress appropriately   to go to court in my my opinion uh there  should be respect you know only one person   talks at a time we don't talk over people like  you know talking heads on tv do it's not allowed   and you know whether you like the  judge or not you still stand up   yes your honor know your honor that kind of kind  of thing hopefully she doesn't act up and um you know reduce the significance of what's  taking place because we are really talking about   the people of the state of  colorado not just the family   um trying to find the truth seeking justice  as it relates yeah so yes i hope that she   conducts herself with some dignity and respect  if nothing more just for the court the court   yeah i will say when i saw her the last two  like the last time for sure on friday um   she wasn't her regular leticia she was other than  complaining about the handcuffs she was more of a   calmer demeanor type um so hopefully that'll just  continue and she can actually mature enough to   to do the right thing in there give it a  shot for herself and not uh i just don't   see it though i mean it's always going to  be something she's still doing letters the   the judge actually said hey i got your letter  and i went uh-oh um and he said you still want   to represent yourself she said yes well she was  complaining about not having access to an attorney well let me how that works you chose to  represent yourself so why are you writing me   a dear john letter again like she's just constant  uh this it's just constant now last thing i want   to ask you about this before we move on to uh  lori she stated recently about the two pieces   of evidence she feels are aces in the hole she  said you gotta know when to hold them and no   one fold them she said there's two pieces of  evidence that she said no science can refute   this evidence uh what what kind of evidence  would it have to be now what is it what you   think it is what would it have to be for  her to uh um you know show her innocence because i know this is two different things right  leticia thinks that she she could produce aguardo   right this is eguardo oh here he is right  a confession but who's going to do that   um confessed to a crime that they're not  charged with right leticia stout can walk   i have no idea what she's talking about  and one of the things she may not realize   is that if you hold those aces too long  you don't get to play them because at some   point when she gets to the arraignment  stage she's going to have to turn over   basically any evidence that she intends to use  at trial okay if it's just her testifying that's   fine but if there's some physical document there's  something that she wants to introduce as evidence   the prosecutor's going to have to get a copy of  that otherwise she's not going to be allowed to   use it so it'd be sooner than later she'd have  to produce it right usually if you know there's   reciprocal discovery if the defense says hey i'm  going to use this or they come into some evidence   uh they if if they intend to use a trial they're  going to have to turn it over if you're going to   and you know frankly it'll probably if it's so  helpful and if this ace in the hole was there   why wouldn't you play it now so you could go  home right asap right a great point great we   think why is she not doing that and if she isn't  because she's more than likely playing games   bottom line that's what it's been  honestly that's what it's been   in my opinion so you'd be wrong we'll  see that's too bad because you know   the preliminary hearing should have been this past  week and now we're pushed out i think she goes   in in may right i believe right april may yeah  may 5th coming to mind or something maybe i'm i know so many dates scott it's crazy isn't  it yep all right well we're going to wrap up   on that latisha and i'll just take this moment  for a minute and if you guys are enjoying the   live stream with scott please give a thumbs up  below there and uh check out also his his channel   i did put it in the description box  below but check it out after this live   and i think you're going live tonight aren't you  scott we are six o'clock tonight we'll go live   haven't had a chance to do a show yet so maybe  the show will be the live this evening to uh   for everybody here right yeah i mean i know it's  been busy hasn't it things are going weird i mean   i heard about your microphone going wonky last  week my my ring light went off there's just some   weird stuff happening i don't know people are  joking that it was maybe uh maybe chad dabo's   portal potty that was yeah it's so weird it  just all of a sudden we had this weird sound   we changed the cable out i think i don't  think that fixed it or maybe it did i   don't i think it did but then we put the old  one back on and literally i think frank like   blew into it and it was fine again oh that's  funny well even the this ring light that i ordered   um it came in like i said this afternoon and i  went to go put my camera on there and they didn't   give the proper piece like they did the last  version you know the last one and so good thing i   had that last one otherwise i'd be hooped again so  it's just like i don't you know if you're paying   two hundred dollars you want the right because  any bunch of dollars really but you just want   the right stuff give me the right stuff yeah you  know you know it's it's never easy and uh i mean   i'm usually very i'm actually a very positive  person but i've just come to realize you know that   things will always take more time than you thought  they would yeah it just is what it is right yep   okay so we have one and then we're going to dive  into laurie hello linda and mr reich crime talk   mod and aficionado aficionado here i would like to  know what case has interested both of you the most wow i mean there's a lot of them i mean you know i  still think the chris watts one was by far had the   potential to have so much interest there's there's  still a lot of interest in it but i think that um   the fact that there wasn't a trial  where people got to see the evidence   you know always you know create that mystery of  those something that didn't go into life yeah   but uh what i found interesting is like you have  this guy that looks like typical suburban dad you know in a million years would you thought that  guy would have killed his wife and two kids an   unborn child most people probably would say no  but what does a murderer look like right right   yep can't judge a book you can't nope  oh wait for me i think for me is that's   your most the what that's your top one there i  mean there's so many i mean no there is i mean   uh um who's the the jennifer doulos jennifer  dulos yeah that you know is still interesting   you know now the attorney's gonna roll and testify  against the girlfriend i mean there's just so many   i mean there's there's a lot of interesting cases  out there i mean really there really is it really   is it it there there's definitely no shortage  of that uh for me in the cases that i cover   i think what's super interesting to me is  obviously the day bell case um so much i feel   like i'm only scratching the surface and i've done  i think over 100 videos at this point and some   of them i go deep i start ripping the timelines  and figuring this and doing all this stuff right   but uh for me that is the most interesting because  of the different aspects to it and so many people   involved whereas my my heart goes to gannon  because this is that's the one that's affected   me the most i would i would say and and the  most um passionate i am not that i'm not for   the lorry vallo case with the for the children  and and those who were killed or died um but   yeah that's just the most fascinating i feel like  i could do a hundred more videos and still only   scratch the surface of these people oh and could  you imagine if we had access to the discovery i mean it'd be so much to talk about i mean um but now  we just have to take it and little piecemeal   yeah when would we we got scott when  at what point do we get to see that   uh normally it's released once the case is   uh decided um you know it's gone to trial etc  then they'll usually make the discovery available   but you never know so everybody likes to hold on  to it because there could be an appeal they don't   want to it just depends you know the chris watts  case was the exception to the rule i've never seen   a district attorney's office so open to releasing  that information normally it's yeah like tooth and   nail to get something like that there's been a  lot of oddities in that too because i remember   this is before i think it's before i even started  my channel i i remember you saying on your uh   one of the videos that you've never seen  in your 20 some odd years of of practicing   uh how the person who's interviewing would  bring their father in i remember you saying it   i it's interesting unless it's a juvenile  you don't you don't normally see that even   if somebody's a witness i mean just a witness not  a potential suspect could be a potential suspect   add in when you're a grown adult i know it's weird  very odd i mean i there's a lot of these very very   much so yeah all right well let's get back to lori  because we we don't really want to go down that   rabbit hole do we on that one okay now the let's  talk about the latest thing with uh john pryor   and sorry john robb and mark means okay so they  just had that hearing last week right a week ago   yeah you you were you were covering it that was  last monday or something right so they get on   right away it's like we got to get you off we want  to go we want to go talk about this things on the   breakout room breakout room it's called okay  so they go they're chit-chatting for what feels   like hours they come back now they they say this  has been vacated the uh so the change of venues   vacated uh what else was in march the uh dismissal  of charges was indicated motion dismissed   change of venue and we're there to discuss the  motions to compel regarding turning over expert   witnesses right that's what they want what would  that take in order for that all to happen because   it seems like and i replayed it and i did do it in  my video it seems like the moment the judge says   we're gonna vacate these big  smile comes on john pryor's face   is that a tactic or is that like he's legit happy  i feel like he's legit happy that these were   vacated what would cause john pryor to be happy  that a dismissal of charges because he's very very   vocal he wants these charges dismissed and he  wants to change a venue and he's very um emphatic   about it yeah i mean he may have been happy  that that was the day that you know prosecutors   ready to go and nothing's going to happen  it could be he knows something that we don't   i don't know but clearly there was something there  where the court had everybody assembled was ready   to go they have this breakout session the court  then comes back and says all right for good cause   we're gonna make it this and the next court date  i think a week or two later and we'll set another   status date in the future the transcript like  wouldn't you love to be you know fly on the wall   on that one to see what's in the sealed transcript  yes it could be lots of i mean like i said it   could be great speculation maybe they found this  smoking gun and mr wood will be removed as the   computer or mark wasn't maybe there's going to  be something where new charges are coming down   you just don't know um because i know i  know john has really wanted the day bell   case to be separated or sorry chad's case to be  separated from lori he wanted from the get-go   do not combine these cases so they do it and now  because i'm just trying to get in the head like   if i'm john and i've been pushing for a change  of venue and pushing for charges to just get   dismissed why would i be happy about that being  vacated i wouldn't well what they were only i mean   they were going to char you know obviously on  that particular day they were dealing with the   expert disclosure issues but the whole motion  change there's something that has to be dealt with   sounds like before they can get to that issue and  really it's going to come down to i think more of   the expert disclosure issues i think i was just  gonna say maybe that's what it is maybe it's the   expert disclosure and it's like ha we still get  to keep it so there you go you know because he   was he was upset right um basically saying yeah  this guy had the person who's doing the surveying   has an extensive background and but yet uh it's  not um professional this is just right am i right   this is exactly what you're saying is basically  the surveys not can't count that's i mean that's   what i read into it was that you know they're  supposedly the survey but they won't release   who did the survey and under what circumstances  their experience basically their their data if   you retain somebody to do a survey to get a  change of venue you have to go out and say   this these are the questions that i asked you  know basically if you formed an opinion or   are you aware of this particular case how many  people did you ask of the how many people did   you ask how many people actually spoke with you  and then answered your questionnaire what was the   yeah the numbers what what were the numbers  that were done and if that's not uh i mean   that's all stuff that people need to look at and  challenge to see if it was a wide enough sample   to make it to make it valid you know if they  sit basically sat around and talked with their   family across the kitchen table that's you know  that's important someone should know oh my gosh   everybody's made up their mind in the city oh my  god yeah yeah we just can't get a fair trial here   yeah prosecutor has a right to know you know how  many people did you talk to sometimes i've seen   surveys done like that where they put the people's  names so they can go back and talk to him later   um change of venues are tough we'll see if he  gets it i don't think the case is going to get   dismissed either yeah well let's hope not maybe  it's just a case of something happened about that   that day about the witness list or the uh survey  and he's just gloating because you know great   haha nana booboo rob wood right  and mark means is like whatever   because matt matt was saying uh what  do you think cw's chance of 35c is somewhere between slim and none he a 35c  is when you basically when you go to trial   and you lose and you basically  come across some new evidence   uh or you find the attorney's performance was  deficient did they not do something that a normal   attorney would have done in this particular  circumstance the only way that you can raise   really an effective 35c and the only way you  see it when somebody takes a guilty plea is   it's in cases involving immigration ooh my  attorney didn't tell me if i pled guilty   i was going to get deported mr attorney did  you consult with an immigration attorney no   well you probably should have done that unless  you were going to familiarize yourself with   immigration law who has time to do that it changes  literally on a daily basis right at least that's   what my immigration attorney friends tell me and  uh so that's the only way but and i've and i think   we've got this up at my website at scottrace.com  it's the transcript of the chris watts plea   where he says that he's satisfied with  his attorneys they did a great job for him   it was his decision to plead guilty i think he  has zero chance of getting a new trial or the plea   withdrawn in any way not gonna happen yeah i'd be  darn surprised if that happened if he got his uh   if he got his plea withdrawn i out of just your  embarrassment for saying that he wouldn't i would   give like a thousand dollars to his defense fund  if he got his plea withdrawn just to punish myself   but i i'm not worried about having to write that  check in any way yeah whoever no kidding don marie   says what a great chat thank you linda as a mod  for scott i absolutely love the collaboration   awesome that's awesome people are stoked about  this today we're gonna have to have you back on   again okay you're getting lots of views and maybe  some more subscribers hopefully yeah there you go   go over there and subscribe to scott i know a lot  of our viewers a lot of my viewers are already   subscribed to you they watch you quite quite  often and yeah they mention they watch you as well   yeah it's awesome well we were after the truth  right yeah and i think we stick to the facts   i think yeah i mean there's a lot of people out  there it's important i just i love timelines i   love the facts give them to me sure i'll toss my  opinion i'll say it's my opinion but at the end   of the day i just want the facts like show it to  me i want to see what's going on you know and yeah   exactly that anna says scott i don't think alex  killed the kids do you think they could have taken   alex's phone to chad's house to pin it on him  his death was too suspect no matter what they say   thanks for your comment and your super  chat anna and all and all to those who have   uh super chatted him things at once here i  don't know who killed the children but if   i was the defense i'd be saying alex killed the  children how do you prove that they put the phone   there to put it on alex um who knows i mean  once again i think lori vallo thinks that she   is one of the smartest people in the room  but she's not so i don't think she's that   sophisticated and the interesting thing about  that is there in the affidavit that i read   they didn't have information at that time on  laurie's cell phone so we really don't know   where laurie's cell phone was that day yet we  don't all we know is where alex's cell phone was   that day yeah um we really yeah yeah there's  a lot of stuff coming forward in there and um   but yeah we don't know yet no we don't know  yet no monique says when will the murders of   lori's husbands come into play i don't think it  will i i think there'll be motions in lemonade   um preventing that it really comes to i mean if  you look at it from a prosecutor's standpoint   would you love to be able to  say everyone around this woman   dies well most of the people at least in that area  of idaho probably know that information already   so from the defense perspective you're going  to say judge this is this is unacceptable   it's a violation it's 404 b conduct uncharged  conduct which even if it had a little bit of   relevance the probative value is far  outweighed by its prejudicial effect   and i don't think it's coming in well  yeah and i mean husband number three   one two three four five pick one um  number three right died obviously um   they're just ruling it out they went back  they looked at they said no fourth we know   what that happened there uh well alex says  and claims that he killed him in self-defense   yeah we know how that goes um maybe they will  go back on him uh you know what i i want to   know i want to know where chad was that week  and that day that he died i want to know where   chad's cell phone was that day um very somebody  looked into it you know on the on the police   um so to speak the um you know what i  just i don't think it's coming in it's   i mean it makes for great pre-trial  publicity you know the black widow all her you know dead ex-husbands uh then you  know tammy debell gone i mean it makes for   great drama but i don't think it's coming in  unless they can they have some email or diary   whereby they're confessing you know here's  it's all laid out my big brilliant master plan   i'm going to send you an uh video scott i know  it's more than the norm but i i believe there's   a coded email and i and i worked on it and i  i think that's why i want to know if chad was   there chad was there we got we got issues yeah but  you know i you know i'm a believer maybe it's just   the criminal defense attorney in me but basically  my position is hey if you got it bring the charges   let's do this thing right and they don't if they  did do you think they would be sitting on it   no that's one of those charges but tammy they  would sit on right potentially well if i mean   if the prosecution wanted to you know just  devastate the case that they have now and i   think the defense has some real issues to overcome  but the reality is i mean could you imagine you   know they they indict uh or charge via complaint  information both valo and day bell as it relates   to the death of tammy davell i mean that'd be  huge wouldn't it so if they were gonna do it   like do it but do you think they would wait  for maybe tyler and jj's info to come in do   you think they have that information on now  because for a while they're they're still   um working on tylie and jj right on their autopsy  and whatnot yeah but my position on the whole   autopsy thing was they've been investigating  this case as it relates to tammy dabell   the missing link the missing piece was supposedly  the autopsy yeah so once they got the autopsy   which is going to have any if you know there's  no blood but if they took stuff from bones and   things like that they have some amazing ways  unless they're waiting on some tests somewhere   they should know what the cause and manner of  death is so okay so do you think there's some   foul play involved right so if it wasn't if it  was natural causes um would they have sealed it well they did in this case because they're  basically saying they're still an ongoing   investigation but okay okay but once again  how much more do you have to do if you think   it's there i mean that's yeah i mean i've had  cases where i had a dead baby case once where um   you know basically said hey if you got charges  bring it they didn't they had to go and find   an expert and you know and a year later  they came back and rearranged my client so   you know who knows exactly and you know and to  their credit they've been pretty tight-lipped   over there um at the va's office there's not  a lot of leaks no i'm yeah i mean go d.a but let's talk about mark means because  i know you how much you love him   i have great respect for mark means i think he's doing a fabulous job maybe not so much as a criminal attorney  they someone asked me this they said um   when attorneys do these motions  and requests for the court to do   this or that like mark means did the  cell phone request and the last name   thing are they see really serious about it  or is it just a delay and distraction tactic it could be a combination of both okay i mean  not that attorneys are supposed to file frivolous   motions um normally if you want to you know  have the da working you you send off discovery   requests to them hey you haven't done this you  haven't done that let them go work on that it's   a distraction that they can't work on the case  as things tick closer and closer and closer but sometimes it can be done just for harassment  and delay but i would go about it smarter than   that um you know the old saying that you know  you want to play games i got more games than   milton bradley let's play games i can do that but  there's just some things that i've seen means mr   mark means do that i just don't understand even as  it relates to prior joining in for chad day bell   trying to disqualify mr wood i just i don't i  didn't see anything there and i'm and i'm at   you know i'm a defense attorney and i'm telling  you i wasn't offended yeah anything that i saw   was inappropriate if there was i would i would  have called him on it i'd be the first one to   say it was completely inappropriate you know but  they just i guess they had to go after something   and that's why you know everybody seems  like they get mad at me lately is because   well you said this and how can you say that i'm  just called the way i see it man like i have no   um you know i'd be the first one to call mr wood  out if i thought that he was doing something   that was unethical but right when i haven't seen  anything and will change if there's something   new that comes out but from what i've seen he  looks like a pretty straight-laced prosecutor   that's like listen i got enough  evidence to convict your people   i don't need to do those silly little games yeah  i'm doing i'm doing my job so let me do my job   but of course i mean you got two against one so to  speak right and they're after it and and good for   and good for rob wood because you start seeing him  going oh okay motion motion emotion and rightly so   we talked about this in one of my videos where  you know you try to get along with everybody   but if you start taking jabs at the district  attorney pretty soon there's going to be no   informal conversations like oh we'll talk  and we'll talk on the record yeah that's it   and you're kind of seeing that with the flurries  of motions for things that should be able to be   resolved amongst council yeah and you know mark  means or not means mr wood has said you know yeah   when he's not accusing me of being a liar and  and things like that on that interview that   um uh which is mostly so evil it's just uh i  don't know i don't think he's anything wrong   if he did i'd be the first one to call him on  it yeah i mean that and that's a thing so i'm   sure everybody was confused other than john  and mark i think i even saw you talk about   um you were talking about mark means when he  was first filing a couple of these things and   you're like well usually you that's exactly  what you said i believe you said you just get   on the phone call to the other uh you know the  other lawyer you have a little chit chat and   it is what it is but all of a sudden you get in  this this and that coming through and you think   it's gonna get worse do you think it's gonna  start being like oh yes yeah yes i think that means and somewhat mr pryor feel like they've  been wronged in some way and you know so they're   going to keep coming at him but you know what  are they like over five at the point i mean i think i think john's upset because rob said he  you know chad was so scared he's gonna pee his   pants type thing and he's up upsetted that and  then mark's mad because he called him basically   you know inept at doing a a job as a criminal  attorney that's i think that's what it is they   got there he's the only thing that wasn't  true he said the guys nodded primarily   uh practice in the area of criminal law what is  untrue about that statement yeah exactly nothing   false about that exactly flame lily says here  means was butt hurt because rob told summer that   means is not experienced as a criminal lawyer  and it's the truth it is the truth so it's like   why are you freaking out there's nothing wrong  just say yeah i this is my first crack at it   or whatever and hopefully he told his client that  that you know i dabble in you know occasional dui   or maybe a protection order restraining order  whatever but i haven't handled a case like   this which is basically a homicide trial just  without the homicide charges at this point uh   hopefully he told that to her and the other thing  that i can't fathom is a criminal defendant has a   right to be at every stage of the proceeding  the critical stage of the proceeding which is   basically every motion's hearing yep why  are they not it's all via zoom from the jail   why are they not participating i don't get that  i'll tell you what my clients want to be in court   i can't speak for chad but i i can tell  you what my thoughts are about laurie   sure she has black hair to here  and blonde hair down to here that's probably true i think i got i  got yelled at when i said her roots were   things like that but it's a it's a concern if  for somebody who is all about vanity and she is   i mean she was dying and i know this from uh annie  cushing who's tylie's aunt she laurie was dying um   tyler's hair when she was two years old to make  it more blonde so now i can't say that's the only   reason but i wonder if it's part of it she i mean  we heard this from a couple people i think it was   family members you're saying lori always likes to  look beautiful so you're coming out either that   or perhaps she's having a real come to jesus talk  the real kind and going holy crap my kids are dead maybe maybe i think it's  probably the vanity option   more than likely because he was starting to  um her roots were starting to grow out early   on in the proceedings yeah well now would  be halfway down her head yeah and i don't   think it's coming out black i think it's  coming out great um well there you go well   wow is she gonna be fully gray just say ah i'm  lucky i just have the little bits here so like   i'm still okay but i'm i'm a little bit younger  than her but yeah i understand occasionally i see   something in there and i'm like oh my god  i i can't no this can't happen i am not i   know i am not getting old i refuse oh it's  hilarious so a couple weeks ago as a side note   make things lighter i i dyed my hair because i do  because i have you know gray's coming and it went   black it went really black and people were all  over me that is horrible you look awful oh my   god you look so old with your black hair like well  it's hair dye it's gonna you know good thing i'm   not a makeup channel but yeah well simmer down  i have the same haircut i've had for 25 years   this is as good as it gets it is what it is right  scott yep abby says will they turn on each other i have said it once and i'll say it again the  threat of imminent incarceration tends to break   the bonds of loyalty right now they don't have  that much to lose it's 10 years if you got maximum   sentences on each charge consecutive 10 years  if there was something where they would have   a little more incentive to talk i think somebody  would roll in a heartbeat who's first oh i think   um chad day bell you know he's he's a survivalist  he's going to look out for number one i think   he is he's the runner remember he's around a cup  not according to john pryor but he's a runner he's   fleed numerous times saying i don't know i don't  know her i don't know where phone i think he's   going to protect himself i think he would be he's  the weaker of the two i believe he wants to go   home you know he's you know his kids are basically  grown um yes and and all of a sudden he finds   himself in the gym i mean frankly he's probably  safer with her in custody as long as she's gonna   you know remain there you think number three and  number four wait till number five is two i mean   seriously you think that guy ever was you  know when they're laying in bed in hawaii   whoo i can't believe we made it here you know yeah  sure you know three four previous dead ex-husbands   but but i'm different she loved me right i mean  do you think he actually had like you know slip   slept with one eye open just thinking like what's  going to happen to me i mean are we going fishing   tomorrow deep sea fishing good right head to  the sharks fall off the boat i mean you have to   a little bit think of it it's like jeez so  let me guess if he isn't involved let me get   straight number three is dead number four is are  you at five five five i'm i'm number five wow   and then she and both but both of them are  the similar things so chad uses manipulation   saying well you know tammy's grandmother  speaks to me and every year on tammy's   grandmother's birthday on september 23rd which  just happens to be the overnight when jj died   speaks to me and so he was using that as hey tammy  you need to get off the computer and play those uh   stop playing those computer games because lucille  told me that you need to you need to get off there   so he's using the same thing against it's like  the the perfect crap storm with each other lori   has this to him she knows her manipulations  chad has manip his manipulations and together   it was one giant um storm it was one giant storm  and this is what we're left with like it's just   it's everything absolutely just yeah there are  two manipulators yes that's the best way to   describe it maybe they deserve each other yeah  well they're they get each other now and so to   speak i mean they can sit in their portal potty  and talk to each other apparently uh while they're   you know while they're summoning whatever  there is they're summoning beyond the veil   let me see a couple more i know you're gonna  be i know you're probably gonna need to   eat before you do anything tonight  hey we're good we're good okay um a lot of them talking about the charges  against them if they if you think that   these charges are coming if they're going to come if  they're going to bring charges   let's do it you know what i mean they either got  it or they don't yeah and let's face it the bodies   they can't piecemeal this thing there's  a thing in the law called compulsory   joinder you can't piecemeal a case saying oh  we're gonna get him on this and then we're   gonna charge him on that if you know  that these are all there all connected   you got to bring the charges because let's say  they go to trial they get convicted then they get   new information the first thing i would raise is  they judge they had their shot at a homicide case   they didn't bring it okay that's what i would  argue so times of the essence then on these if   you have it do it and unless they're waiting for  the res the final results of tyler let's just say   then you see that being it if they wanted  to see you know uh a cause of death or   well maybe you might not be able  to find that with tyler yeah i mean   and it does get complicated when you have bodies  that have been in in states of decomposition or   been you know attempted to be destroyed things  like that it's it's definitely an issue and it   takes longer to do some of those things and i'm  sure everyone say oh it's covid whatever but if   if they had to get it done they'd figure out  a way to get it done yeah i spent well yeah i   don't know i this is nerve-wracking this is very  nerve-racking i think it's going gonna be one of   these things like are they aren't they aren't  they you know are they aren't they and i'm sure   the da's going please let's just find out one way  or another whereas john's probably like whatever   hey he's got his retainer and the lien on the  house so doesn't probably really care which way   things go at this point it's just like okay i got  i'm gonna get a house here when he can't pay my   legal bills right so let's just do little things  like this to make sure i definitely get the house   and then and that's why we can't do that here  in the state of colorado because there used to   be people that would take a lien on the house  and when somebody got convicted they said hey   that's a conflict you should have told me because  how do i know you didn't want me to go to prison   so you could get my house right so yet they can  still do that though in idaho apparently so but   you can't do it here have you heard of the um have  you heard of fly paper lida lida southard her name   is she's an idaho uh one of the first serial  killers in idaho i have not okay i'll have to   forward do that that video too as well because i  was connecting dots to that she had six husbands   and uh seven husbands actually the seventh one i  don't think she actually married one went missing   uh three or four died but she was getting  fly paper and boiling it back when there   was arsenic in it and then she would feed  it to her husband's and one of her daughters   actually died too and so what was eerie is the um  parallels between lori vallo and fly paper lida   and so she would be on the run and this is like  went on and on and on and she ended up getting   her trial in boise so i was laughing when  john pryor really wanted the trial in boise   i was like well just like fly paper lida she  went you'll love this she went to jail okay   she escaped from jail she full on escape had  somebody waiting for her outside escape jail   and then the second time i think this was  the first time the warden actually would   take three of these girls lied to being one  of them and take them to the movies and take   them to uh like take them on an outing and then  return them and never had a problem yeah i mean   you know smaller communities that's the way things  are done i don't think they take them to movies   anymore but uh you know you you can usually in  a in a smaller jail you know you can get the uh   breakfast made to order um okay particularly up  here in our ski towns you know people interested   go to jail they're like oh i mean uh yeah they  kind of you know small population everybody knows   everybody you know what it is yeah might not you  know how do you own them scramble or over easy   well i just found that interesting i think you  would find that interesting this case because   there was so many twists and it was always she  would convince him to get an insurance policy   because she learned that you know the first  husband type thing the husband's brother died   he was they got the insurance and then all of a  sudden the first husband died and then it would   just keep going so they were starting to put  two and two together and what she did is she   volunteered or something like that to grow the  roses in the garden at the jail but there was a   trellis and so she figured out and she escaped  went over there and had a guy waiting for her   and i guess she just was very had a magnetic  personality and these guys would just meet her   and they would say she was the best wife she  was the best wife ever kind of like you hear   about laurie in prior yeah amazing and just i mean  you know with with what's his name for prior not   prior uh for chad and lori you know clearly they  had something going on before tammy's oh yeah yes   and you know he was probably loving this it's like  you know this is great you know i've been married   all these years little romance like she rocks  my world um here's this former pageant woman and   she's you know this and that blah blah blah we've  been married for five times in our previous lives   or however many times they were married before  in their probations and i mean okay so tell me   something that maybe here in the from the legal  standpoint lori's taken charles who was dead at   the time takes his credit card goes and purchases  a bunch of stuff for chad and laurie's wedding how   hot and no charges i mean is it like the  points moot but before before yeah well   when somebody's dead you usually  need that person to come in and   you know they're live to come in and say did you  authorize this person to use the card so if they   okay you can come in and say that then how are  you going to but my argument would be well that's   precisely why he wouldn't have been able to give  you a right i agree but the i mean you would think   right somebody's dead their card's being used  like somebody's taken advantage of the situation   right but how do you you know the prosecution  has to prove that beyond a reasonable doubt   what if you know they just sit there sit there  sit there get up and say i was given permission how's that now reasonable doubt she she did the  same with tiley's cr uh bank card i understand   and uh and that's a little different  because that should have but in the big   scheme of things right we're talking a hundred  couple hundred dollars yeah yeah yeah yeah the   united states attorney's office is not going  to prosecute that charge yeah he's looking at   yeah the fed's i mean it'd be a federal crime  because it was her social security card uh and and   there's just nobody that's gonna prosecute that  time it's it's just not worth the time and effort   okay so what if she served her 10 years time  she starts pulling a few things like that again   you can yank it back and charge her like i mean  probably the statute of limitations would have run   five years for most federal offenses so that's  definitely not i mean i mean it's it's little it's   little stuff right it is little stuff but at the  same time it's it's like well there's a pattern   of behavior here and the law does not apply to  her and so in her mind it seems well one could   certainly argue that you know and i don't want to  get into the whole sociopath psychopath thing but   you know one can say that the people who  just think the rules don't apply to them   you know you know the person always parks in  the handicapped spot because he can or she can   yeah rules and apply that that's kind of classic  sociopath type of stuff behavior well i can't even   tell you how many people said are there charges  coming i'm reading this whole slew of stuff um yeah there's it's basically the same  thing over and over the same question but   um somebody asked well the jbl case involved the  weird religious beliefs they were following um i think if you want to see what the trial is going  to be like you simply have to go and look at the   preliminary hearing they obviously only had to  present some evidence and that's not all of it   but then some evidence that there is um you  know probable cause for all those for the   charges that are there that's basically going to  be their case it's just going to take a lot more   witnesses because at the preliminary hearings the  detectives could talk about what other people said   well how does they're going to bring in all the  phone data people how does that work with tammy   dabel then because there's multiple people  they could only essentially talk about at   the preliminary hearing they talked about tiley  and jj but now what a if they find something   on tammy when does that come into play well  that would be separate charges yeah and it'd be   really a separate case so probably wouldn't come  in at all i see so if it is they would bring it   different kind of charges and then there  would be a preliminary hearing in that and yeah wow wow   wow that is crazy okay a couple more questions and  then we'll let you go and and for the day thank   you so much for being on and hanging out like this  is awesome right people are putting it in here   um they're loving it okay let's ask if any let's  see if you guys have any other questions here um do you do you see any there  scott are you just can you see any   uh i thought i saw something what  about complicity to commit murder   a couple of times um complicit with who alex cox  you need something to tie it all together you need   somebody or something and i think that's been the  biggest hindrance in this case is that alex cox   is dead and i think that's why the  prosecutor hasn't brought charges because   i think they believe that he had something to do  with it but he's no longer here so this is what   they can you know they can uh uh try to make stick  yeah elizabeth says scott how do you feel about   the morphe case now no statute of limitations  on murder though right and would laurie be   considered a serial killer killer then in our  opinion uh yeah i think the morphew case it's something's just not right let's just put it that  way and i don't know barry morphew from adam um i   did hear you know that there's a rumor that he has  a new girlfriend i wasn't aware of that and that   just i think people need  to look into when did that   little love affair start and and  just this is my own curiosity who would want to date someone when your  wife is missing and somehow a lot of people   think that you may be involved like her family  who maybe got to know you over the years and   maybe they don't like you but still  i mean i got divorced i still talk to   my ex-sister-in-law my father-in-law so i'd like  to think that they you know i'm a decent guy right   they're not accusing me of murder or anything  i mean but but you know what i'm saying it's   like who would do that i just don't get it  yeah it's one of those things that it's uh   like like we were talking about chad when when  he rests his head at night i mean wouldn't you go   okay you either you're guilty or not clearly she's  with him she believes we think she believes he's   not okay yeah so then she's going well you  were married to your wife for 26 years she's   missing nobody's found her yet it hasn't been a  year yet aren't you hoping for her to come home   you think right it's a little odd it's  very odd but i will say what was also odd   is they had a huge uh search for her for  suzanne in september and barry did not   he was not involved in it and you would  think with the skills that he has the   skill set because it said that he's an expert  tracker he's a hunter i mean he's a landscaper   yeah and right well let's just say if barry  morpheu had come to talk with me which he has not   i would have said there's no  statute of limitations on murder   and by the way don't get a girlfriend that would have been that would have been  my two words of advice yeah regardless   regardless of whatever you did yeah if you did  anything at all yeah i'm assuming they would   say he did nothing we'd give him the presumption  of evidence i'm not saying he's did anything but   that would be my advice make sure you don't get  a girlfriend because that's gonna be the first   thing that people are gonna ask when did a new  girlfriend come in the scene now here's a question   because he sold his house and he sold his lot  here's the other thing okay fair enough he's gonna   sell the house he it was sold for 50 000 more than  he bought it for and the lot was a 15 000 loss now you anybody can sell their own stuff well i  look at that going okay i get why you're selling   the house why are you selling a lot like 15 000  because you're not even paying you're not even   paying closing costs yet yeah yeah i don't know  and weird and i don't know i mean he must have had   a very you know successful landscaping business  but you can buy a lot of house in the slide area   for you know 1.6 or whatever it's sold for that's  a lot of house up there in the mountains even with   our skyrocketing prices um i mean i don't know i  guess he just wants to get the heck out of dodge   yeah out of sight out of mind hopefully if i'm  not here the police aren't thinking about the case   maybe that's just i don't know maybe or  maybe i think i'd want to be near where   where the alleged crime scene was so that i could  continue to search every day right just like oj   right i was like out there searching for nicole  on every golf course you could possibly find it's true it's true uh i actually lived  for a short while uh in west la near where   they lived i mean it was years later but um i  remember that and it's funny uh becca lecca says   my two favorite crime chatters great conversation  i mean time's flying scott we've been doing that uh i think we're okay let me see there's a couple  things actually i have a couple of questions or   fun questions for you oh no wait somebody says  we we gotta get to this one first how does   scott feel the youtube uh true crime community  and their involvement in cases more the youtubers   with boots on the ground so basically what  is your thoughts about youtubers uh who   are boots on the ground so to speak versus just  reporting on cases does it help or hurt ongoing   investigations and from a lawyer's point of  view if a case ever did go to trial and was   affected in some way with boots on the ground  reporting how would that hold up in court   you know i have no problem with boots on the  ground as long as they're reporting factual   information not trying to twist things you know  like there it is any good investigator is going   to go to the crime scene um any good attorney is  going to go to the crime scene assuming that they   they can go look at it check things out get a lay  of the land i have no problem with that just just   be accurate in what you're reporting i don't think  that's a bad thing at all and who knows maybe they   come across something that that the police didn't  know i mean police have limited resources and if   somebody's out there and you know turns out to be  legitimate how is that a bad thing if it brings   people to justice and cases to resolution and  sometimes that's what happens or you know you come   across somebody and maybe you have a conversation  and it leads to a different part of the   conversation that the person never even thought it  was like oh my gosh i didn't even realize i should   be calling the cops on this i mean something  minor right or i mean i don't know yeah i mean   you know and i there's some there's so much  good stuff on netflix i mean i don't want to get   too off in the weeds here but there was that  documentary about um was it don't f with cats yes   basically the internet brought this guy to justice  like how is that a bad thing um there was the one   just recently about the hotel in l.a where the  lady disappeared hotel yes i think you were in   that no that was that was um that was stephanie  harlow stephanie arlo that's right yes and   i have done an interview um with her she's uh  but i remember seeing her i they're like i know   her she's a youtuber and sure enough she was  but once again i think everyday people didn't   let that case die and they kept pressure on people  they went back and they investigated investigated   and looked and ultimately they found out what  had happened but how is that a bad thing as   long as you know you're not like you know the flat  earth society saying oh it's because there's this   like legitimate theory like let's look at this yes  people have more resources and knowledge than the   police do often times and so why not bring that  to aid yeah and you know what's interesting when   we go back to don't f with cats that's a canadian  case and here's from a canadian perspective well   we hear on the news okay what we hear in the news  in general for crime is very different than what   the us does okay you we i can get so much more  information in the us than i can in canadian stuff   unless i work with the families  directly like i'm doing one right now   about a missing guy from december um and i'm i'm  chit chatting with some of the family members   but with don't f with cats we didn't get any of  this version we got here's a guy this is what   happened right just the police version right i  had no idea it was canadian sleuths that solved   this that solved these murders i had no idea so  when this don't f with cats comes out i'm mind   blown like holy man and these guys are going to  great lengths so i think this is why i think a   lot of youtubers can do some really great things  if done responsibly right absolutely they can do   really great things and i think it's going to be  helpful for um for law enforcement like you said   here's the thing i i do timelines i put  things together you don't know maybe maybe   law enforcement sees my video somehow some way  or somebody's video and goes holy crap we just   got evidence in this afternoon and this actually  ties in with it you know let me look into that   you know we we do some every now and then uh  kind of mix in some missing persons unsolved   cases type of thing and you know the sheriff has  their flyer up maybe something on their website   but how many people does that reach you know  the sheriff says oh look i told you know tells   the family i put this up maybe there's a little  blurb on the news but you know youtube you know   can go across the world the country just like that  and somebody could look at some say oh there's a   that tattoo i know somebody had that attachment  which leads them to you know they tell a friend   and they tell a friend then it gets back to the  police where simply the police wouldn't have the   resources to do that um so yeah i mean as long as  it's being done responsibly and respectfully and   you know not with some agenda other than the truth  i think that's a good thing yeah i think so too i   think it's gonna change the game in a lot of ways  one of the um one of the videos that i'm gonna be   working on or i have been working on uh so anybody  watching uh 2200 of us hanging out with us today   uh i'm going to be doing a video on ray rivera but  i'm doing a couple parts to it so i don't know if   you're familiar are you familiar scott with uh  ray rivera he was on unsolved mysteries his his   case he lived in baltimore and turned up going  through a roof a rooftop at the belvedere hotel   the name sounds vaguely familiar but i don't  know the specifics of it it's fascinating it's   fascinating so basically just takes off and um the  family finds them a week later and it looks like   he went through the rooftop of this hotel and is  found in a vacated office at the belvedere hotel   not until a year a week later um and all kinds of  things were found a cryptic note at the back of   his uh at the back of his computer it's very  cryptic um and so they're saying baltimore's   like this is the police are saying this isn't a  suicide this is a straight-up suicide but then   there's some crazy things like alarms going  off at the house and you know cops are saying   it's a squirrel and just weird things and so i'm  diving into it i want to do a couple parts to it   so everybody stay tuned for that that's going to  be coming it's fascinating sounds interesting i'll   be watching it's it's interesting okay so question  for you since you've been doing this for two and a   half years on for crime talk right okay yeah your  favorite what's your favorite aspect of doing it   what's your you know what i really do i  like um i like really like doing the lives   and whether you know it's our  whether it's our tuesday night show   or you know doing something like this  i just really enjoy enjoy that yeah   um you know answering people's questions hopefully  explaining something you know there's people   that you know and like i said i tell every i'm  a practicing criminal defense attorney i thought   that's my perspective but i haven't drank the  kool-aid so much that you know every defendant is   innocent and right yeah like let's let's look at  the facts let's look at the law is it gonna do it   but it's nice every now and then you get  somebody who says you know what scott   i never would have listened to a defense  attorney they're just scumbags but   i kind of like you and what you're saying makes  a little bit of sense so i'm going to listen you   know yeah and that's the you know where maybe you  said you know hey explain the process how that   was the goal of the show at the beginning was to  simply explain the legal process the terminology   what does this mean why do they do it what's the  what's the prosecutor think what's the defense   thinking where people say wow i didn't really  understand that yes and now it makes sense i   yeah that was the goal of the program and here we  are two and a half years later now which literally   feels like yesterday yeah and you know we did  you know maybe a show a week and then it was   you know now it's uh we try to do it you know  five per week monday through friday some days   some weeks are easier than others but i understand  that but yeah i mean that's what i like about it   i like the lives i like explaining interacting  you know with people we do our patreon we have   people that can call in uh some people are still  shy to call in they want to do the chat but i like   the calls where you can talk back and forth we've  had people from literally like hey i'm from idaho   and i live you know literally here and okay great  so if i were to come out to idaho to check things   out be boots on the ground where would i fly into  where would i stay for you know get a good meal   stuff like that i mean i just enjoy talking to  interesting people and most people are interesting   absolutely and you know what like the lives  i 100 agree i love lives i love the community   people who watch are so super smart  they're they're just they you know they   they pour themselves into these true crime cases  as well i mean you have been a great resource even   for me going okay what what does that mean i go  to scott's channel i gotta figure out what this is   what i do and i left i loved your channel before  i went i started my channel um i appreciate that   thank you yeah i know and it's great and the fun  thing is i mean my family knows even my husband   knows that my my dream as a teenager was to  become a prosecutor so this would not normally be   a conversation i'm gonna have a defense attorney  on but you're right it's i mean i respect you i   respect your channel i respect your work and so  yeah if i i have lots of questions on that i can   understand most things i'm not you know i'm pretty  smart girl but there's still things i don't know   i i'm most people you know know this i mean when  they when we talk about a story we talk about   the law i'm giving you what i think the facts  and the law what it means how it will turn out   and you know i don't know if anybody's  keeping score but i can't think of a time   where i've called it wrong where i thought  oh this is probably going to be the result   uh and if if i were i would i would  admit it got it wrong yeah yeah so so um   you know i i just tell it the way it is i get  more people upset with me oh i can't believe   this you must be some right wing trump blah blah  blah and then there are days oh my gosh you're   just a left-wing liberal uh criminal defense  attorney hack and i'm thinking myself i must be   calling it straight if everybody is saying that  i'm on one side or the other i'm just here you   know laying it out well and here's the thing  uh you know sometimes what happens in court   doesn't necessarily mean what should have  happened in courtless but let's just say   in my opinion not always i mean you may say  yeah this is exactly what i set out to do but   what i'm saying is is sometimes crap happens  i'm not talking about most anything right so   you have 25 years of experience you can probably  predict a lot of things like this is most   likely what's going to happen and it turns out  because that's been your experience and you know   right people going to be mad yeah  they probably are but doesn't mean   you know i mean i'm not going to agree with  everything you say and you're not gonna agree with   everything that i think i don't you know i don't  need it i don't need you know a channel full of   you know people that just say you know oh scott  let's have a conversation you know maybe online   change my mind but lay it out for me you know what  i mean lay it out for me i'm fine with that heck   i i was married and uh you know divorced  but and in a very great relationship but   i know when to say i was wrong i hope you learned  that scott that's that is uh that's a partner 101.   exactly on either side right yeah i can tell the  lovely miss kristin i'm sorry you're you're right   i'm wrong then she get you to repeat it though  i'll repeat it simply susan says talk about the   psychic working with law enforcement you do you  have much that happens there where you have to   go through documents with psychics that kind  of thing or is that like just they use that   as a tool and if it if it hap i mean i do not  think i've ever had a case solved by a psychic maybe occasionally there's something i guess  the case we had a couple years ago in telluride   there was a lot of psychic stuff but not anything  where anybody could say ooh they got it right   yeah and but who am i to say it doesn't work i  mean i don't know yeah your experience that's   what your experience is because i mean law  enforcement has to look at it and say okay   yeah get this into evidence  right the psychics had to go   dig right here well if you don't find anything  they gotta put that in the report why were you   digging there oh the psychic sent me i mean  a defense attorney's gonna just cheat them   up on that yeah unless there is something that's  found there and then they go that route right yeah   uh mama pink says i can't wait to watch this  when i get off from work my two favorites thanks   for all you do thank you so much thank you it's  been great it's crazy i can't believe it's been   one year since i've been on your channel i mean  it's really bizarre where did the time go because   i mean and i believe i have you right after that  and i think i ended up getting mouth surgery it's   like my wisdom molars went and i mean that  happened and i didn't even do live streams   at the time and then i started live streams  and then i was just finally like i gotta get   scott on here we gotta get him on here yeah no  i appreciate you you know asking i appreciate it   was fun i can't believe it was an hour and  50 minutes you're doing it now it does not   feel like an hour and 50 minutes at all well  thank you i think that's a great thing um and   yeah i mean we're just we're just chitchat and i  think we talked a little bit on friday too and i   time just flies it's awesome and maybe what we'll  do is you know have you back on especially when   the cases start going and you might be super  busy but when you have a moment maybe you can   come back on and we'll talk about the cases  of both leticia and lori and whatever else   we're covering absolutely and you can come on  to crime talk as well we'd love to have you back   we could talk about it and get into it and 2 100  people are still hanging around here 21-26 and if   you guys haven't checked out scott's channel go  to crime talk i have the link in the description   below you guys can go check him out and subscribe  and and also uh check them out live because you   go live every tuesday night every tuesday  6 p.m mountain time that's awesome 6 p.m so   everybody's just super stoked about this and it's  great and this is going to be available anyways   for people to review and if you guys have any  other questions now's the time before i call it   a night and uh yeah it's been really really good  i really really enjoyed you having being on and   uh because we know there's going to be some  interesting things in the next couple months i think there's going to be a lot of um there's  going to be a lot of stuff here coming in real   soon and it's not going to be pretty particularly  when it comes to leticia stouk i wonder if she's   going to produce eduardo i really do somehow i  don't know how she's gonna do it but yeah i'm   not sure because you'd think law enforcement  would have already been able to find him   and all he called and monitored we know  he's fabricated however i'm curious if   she will oh one question they're asked  this is great zulema the use immunity   can you speak a little bit about  that before we we end the night um zulema is the that's right trying to keep all the brother and  sister-in-laws uh yeah she's she's the one who   asked the uh detectives the same day that alex was  found deceased and said am i going to be a suspect   with death but she apparently has use immunity  yeah i mean basically what that means is   that anything that she tells the police and  testifies to in the witness stand cannot be used   in a prosecution against her in any way which  basically means they're not going to prosecute her   so she's safe she's safe and whatever she  knows at least up to this point unless   she does something to violate her you know use  immunity agreement but anything she testifies to   or tells the police beforehand or the  prosecutors they can't use it against her   wow yeah i figured to be like that but man i  mean it could be all kinds of things she knows   even if the police let's say they get some  new information she has a use immunity and   that's covered even to new information as  well yeah and unless it involves a violent   crime a homicide then yeah usually it's  not um nothing's gonna be used against her   you know in her affidavit i went through it  and she said something that alex was in idaho   with his niece or he had some niece and some a  niece and some friends there didn't say two nieces   and nephew which i found very interesting because  technically she would have uh said two nieces and   a nephew and some friends not anees and some  friends there and that's when that was before   the use immunity came out and then i was like  oh you bugger she knew all kinds of things so   it's funny what people will say when they  have protection yeah well protect you just   sing like a bird elizabeth gregory says scott  i still want my propeller what's that all about   you must be one of my propellers in my polished  propellers that we used to have sitting up here   okay yeah one of these days i if i had enough  propellers in time we'd polish them all up and   give them away oh that's cool i read that  about i read that well because i know you   i know you have your own uh plane right you fly  yeah i fly what do you call crime talk one is what   it's called exactly grime talk one you know and  you have a puppy named winnie an english bulldog   yeah yeah she actually miss winnie the bulldog  um we set up kind of as a joke her own tick   tock and she's over 500 subscribers already yes  winnie the bulldog yeah that's hilarious well   how do people go on that how did they find that  just uh i think she has an instagram and a uh   and a tick tock it's miss winnie the bulldog oh  that is hilarious i'll have to look it up yep   all right so that's awesome well maybe hey i  the canadians cannot go down to colorado for   court maybe maybe one day you can come pick me  up with kristin come pick me up and take me in   colorado we'll we'll we'll swing by come up  north pick you up and we'll swing back down   to um idaho and go check things out down there eat  we should have some counting road trip crime talk   and it's a crime let's get into it and let's  talk all right thanks so much scott thank you   everybody for hanging out with us today  it has been fun and we'll do this again   and make sure you go check out scott talk to  you soon all right bye everybody thanks linda
Channel: It's A Crime
Views: 57,352
Rating: 4.922071 out of 5
Keywords: itsacrime, itsacrime live, it's a crime, scott reisch, crime talk, livestream itsacrime, its a crime, true crime, true crime youtubers, lori vallow case, lori daybell case, gannon stauch case, letecia stauch case
Id: D31SaV6aoDE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 114min 16sec (6856 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 16 2021
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