GANNON STAUCH TIMELINE - PART 4 - Deep Dive In Letecia Stauch’s Arrest Affidavit

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welcome to it's a crime I'm Linda and today we're gonna be talking about our little buddy Gannon Stoke and his timeline around January 27th I'm gonna take the information from the affidavit and I'm gonna piece it together I'm also going to include some information and the events leading up to this day as I feel like it is very very important to get a bigger broader view of what happened in the days leading up to his death but before I get started if you'd like to be part of the it's a crime community please click that subscribe button and hit that notification bell click the like button if you support this video and want me to do more Gannon videos and also click the share button where you can with that being said let's get into it so I'm gonna start on Saturday January 25th this is the day that al left Colorado Springs and went to go train with the National Guard now al left with his mom that day who from my understanding was spending the week at the Stokes residence and so they drove to Denver and Al stayed the night and then the next day he left by plane to Oklahoma and in the affidavit it says Eugene Albert Stoke aka Al Stoke date of birth September 20th 1982 is Gavin's biological father and is married to Letitia Stoke mr. Stoke was deployed with a National Guard during the dates of January 25th 2022 January 28th 2020 mr. Stokes spent the night in Denver on January 25th 2020 and departed via commercial airline on January 26 2020 returning via commercial airline on January 28 2020 investigators were able to corroborate this information and mr. Stoke has cooperated fully in the below investigation so I'm not sure what time al left that house that day from Colorado Springs but during the course of that day while the kids were in leticia scare she googles to the following and I'll pick a few out in particular I'm over doing all the work for my stepkids and their mom doesn't help my husband's ex-wife does nothing for her kids I wonder if my husband's ex-wife is sending me a Valentine's card since I raised her kids one day some people will wish they treated you differently find a rich guy who wants me to take care of his kids find a guy who wants to take care of his kids and get paid so it's clear that she has some resentment or I should say a lot of resentment and she spends 20 minutes googling about her doing all the work for her stepkids and looking up what seems to be or could be memes about how she's raising the ex-wife's children so she goes back to googling a few hours later about why her husband should choose her instead of his own family and then a few more hours later about finding a rich guy to take care of his kids and get paid for it so she really seems to have her knickers in a knot doesn't she and it's not a happy day in Letitia land according to Lateisha and this is who the kids are around these days so let's look at Sunday which is the Garden of the Gods day now we see Gannon and Lena outside on the neighbours video surveillance and I'm not sure exactly what time this was taken but from what I've seen it was Sunday morning before the hike notice in the video Gannon doesn't seem to be limping or anything the reason that I bring this up is that in a crime online interview Letitia talked about Gannon cutting his foot in the garage on Saturday night and then her bandaging it up at the car and he was good to go yet the next morning he seemed sluggish on the Monday morning almost like he's limping so if it happened at Saturday night and he's not limping on Sunday as we could see on the video then it didn't happen Saturday night right but I'll get to that in a minute so Roger Drayton tells crime online in his interview he says on Sunday he looked fine he was running around playing with his sister on Monday he looked drugged he looked sick he could barely walk as you can see on Sunday he looked fine according to Roderick hit the video surveillance back set up and so Leticia Lena and Gannon go for a hike to Garden of the Gods and tisha takes a selfie and I'm so glad that we could see him there smiling at least he had a little bit of joy before we know what's to come and after the hike Leticia states in an interview that they went on the hike they went to Garden of the Gods and after they all had Burger King and Harley verifies it on camera then Sunday night after all of this that's when all hell really breaks loose first Leticia releases a video that she says is an accidental recording of her and Gannon and I'm not going to play the clip it's very heartbreaking to hear Gannon but I will just describe it that Leticia is asking Gannon if he did it on purpose and Gannon is crying and seeing no she asks him to pinky promise and he says i pinky promise and then she says well we're gonna have to sell stuff to fix it and that they could sell the couch and she doesn't mention the carpet in it but we're assuming it's carpet just because of the affidavit and some other things that's coming in this video so at the end of this recording you can hear him say what sounds like I'm bleeding and I know for sure another youtuber covered this and that was by plunder I covered that same video except I didn't have that end clip of him saying I'm bleeding so if you would like to see that I will put plunders link in the description below so you can go check that out if you'd like but I'm warning you it's heartbreaking to hear Dannan talk in there it's really heartbreaking so I will leave it there if you'd like now this video was taken around 10:00 p.m. give or take as it has the news of TMZ in the background talking about the death of Kobe Bryant as tisha is talking to ganon and you can hear it in the background next she has screenshots on her Apple watch and she has messages that were sent at 10:54 p.m. that evening so just shortly after this accidental recording and it says do panic began interno candle downstairs and set the downstairs and that's all we see and so i'm sure she meant don't panic and it also says he is fine he is scared and saying sorry and freaking out and what's interesting is she uses the same verbage as what she did in this accidental video because she says you know Ganon this is the last time I'm gonna ask you I was just I'm just freaking out and that's the same word that she is that so interesting now in the affidavit it actually talks about a candle incident and it talks about a phone call between Al and Leticia and that was actually on February 13th so here's what the affidavit says during a phone call on February 13th 2020 the tesha stated that Gannon was burned by a candle to the point that his skin bubbled and that Gannon peeled the burns off and wiped blood on his bedroom wall mr. Stoke did not ask about the blood on the walls of his room during this call the fact she provided information about blood on the wall likely indicates her knowledge of the murder scene yet no knowledge of what happens when you get blisters now also this evening Gannon has some stomach problems and in the affidavit it says based on text messages from Leticia to Mr Stoke Gannon was up most of Sunday evening with a stomach problem so at this point Gannon is in trouble from the candle incident something was burned and it's the probably the carpet like we know and he says that he's bleeding in the video and he has stomach problems and then tisha goes after all this she goes to her phone again and does some more Google searches starting at 9 minutes after midnight and this is what she searched my son burned the but how do I fix it that's at 12:09 will humidifier help if exposed to smoke that's at 12:42 smoke effects will humidifier help at 1243 and smoke from fire effects will humidifier help at 1243 as well so she spends 35 minutes searching for answers now if it was a bigger fire and there was a lot of smoke I'm sure the smoke alarm would have went off and I'm not sure if her alarm system is hooked up to that or not but some of them are but something to note is that the officers said in the affidavit that the house actually smelled quite pleasant and it smelt like coconut and so I wonder if the candle was actually a coconut smelling candle here's what the affidavit says I have talked with investigators that were inside the stock residence on January 27th and 28th and 29th there was no odor of smoke and no evidence of smoke in fact one detective noted the basement smell like coconut and was very pleasant and so after those first set of searches about the smoke there's a 12 minute gap and she goes back to her best friend Google and she says Colorado law for kids staying at home school is out is it okay for my kid to stay at home alone son is sick but I have to go to work and son sick can he stay home and that's between 12:55 a.m. and 103 and so now it's clear that she's thinking of him staying home from school but the question is why right is it because he's in trouble is it because he's up too late is it because he's bleeding is it because his stomach isn't feeling good what's the reason and she spends a good 10 minutes on these searches but here's what's perplexing to me she is wondering if she could go to work and leave him home alone and she's concerned about the law interesting right but this scenario makes it seem like he's really not good to go to school not that it's he's up to later he's in trouble that he's really not feeling well whether it's bleeding or his stomach problems here's something else that's really interesting a few days later the tisha references this whole fiasco about the smoke and she writes it in the middle of the night at 2:15 a.m. and she says when we came back inside from the smoke there was blood on both of us I didn't know what to do I was scared I would get fussed out about it and I didn't know if he should go to the doctor I kept trying to add the candle thing but Albert kept saying it was small and minor I was scared the basement was smoky and when I threw the covers on everything we both had blood you don't know how hard it is to be a stepmom so I wondered wait a minute who is she texting at 2:15 a.m. and on the very left it says Nicole and in brackets owner but it also says maybe maybe that's the contact and it was outgoing obviously and 2:14 a.m. is when it was sent so I looked at that one why would she be talking to the landlord at 2:14 a.m. but then I remembered in my last video I was talking about the text she sent Harley about carpet powders two things baking soda and trash bags and when you look on the very left it says participants Nicole brackets owner daughter with a heart on there and it has a maybe on there there's parts that are redacted as you can see in the last text and at this text is redacted so I am actually more wondering we know the second text was actually sent to Harley so I'm thinking that this actually went possibly possibly in my opinion to Harley at 2:14 a.m. in the morning and she's justifying this to Harley super strange because this was written on the 29th and tisha was no longer staying at the Stokes residence well now it gets even more strange Letitia possibly gets three to three-and-a-half hours of shut-eye and wakes up that Monday morning and starts googling again but first she has to make a little text to her employer she doesn't a phone she texts her employer now remember she got a job the week before as a teacher's assistant on the Wednesday she was doing some orientation but they ended up finding that there was discrepancies in her application and so she was no longer working that next week but she didn't know that as of Monday morning but she texts at 4:30 7 a.m. and the affidavit says this indeed Letitia did come up with an excuse and told her employer via text message at or about for 37 hours that her stepdad was killed after being hit by a car and she would not be able to come to work that day then three minutes later she Google's suede repair kit for sofa why is it so important at 4:40 a.m. that she Google's suede repair kit for sofa and she's only had three hours of sleep but she's concerned about the sofa I thought she said that the sofa was something she could sell the night before when she was talking again and to make up for the carpet that was burned unless she needed a repair kit so that she can sell the sofa what did you do Letitia now Letitia also informs Gannon school about his absence and the affidavit says Letitia did tell Gannon school ground Mountain Elementary that Gannon would be absent on Monday investigators were able to verify that Gannon was marked as an excused absence that day so now we have that accidental video from the night before and what does Letitia do in the morning she takes a picture of him sorry she takes two pictures of Gannon in his bed at 8:13 a.m. and at 8:17 I am and according to the affadavit there are time and date stamped photos and videos from lateisha's cell phone videos plural and here's what the affidavit says number 28 other electronic evidence such as time and date stamp photographs and videos were recovered from letitia's cellular telephone that indicate Ganon was likely still alive during the morning of January 27th 2020 number 29 says as displayed in paragraph 54 below images were taken on laticious cell phone at or about 8 13 and 817 hours on the morning of January 27 2020 showing Ganon sleeping in his bed of particular note his Nintendo switch a small video game console is visible in the photo lying next to him on the bed mr. stout has said that this gaming system was of high importance to Ganon to date investigators have been unable to locate the Nintendo switch I'm gonna speak a little bit more about his Nintendo switch further in this video but just take note that she did take a picture of him at 8 13 and 8 17 and also that his Nintendo switch was lying next to him on on the bed so now an hour and a half later Leticia locks her phone at around 9:50 6 a.m. and leaves her phone at home and then 25 minutes later her and Ganon are seen leaving the house and climbing into the Nissan Frontier and in this video you can see Ganon coming out and he does look sluggish like Rodrick said and to me it looked like he's almost even limping and in my opinion or maybe it's him favoring his stomach if it's sore so something then drops out of the truck once he opens the door and you can see him looking at it and he kind of just stands there and Leticia comes and then goes and picks it up now as a kid a lot of kids would just pick it up right he just kind of stares at it and it reminds me of something dropping and you're a lot of pain you know and you look at it like man that's really a far way down like that's that's gonna take some effort to go pick it up that's almost to me what it feels like or what it looks like let me know what you think in the comments below and Roderick did say he looked sluggish he said on Monday he looked drugged he looked sick and in another interview he said he looked sluggish and he said he could barely walk so they'd leave the driveway without letitia's phone and the affidavit noted that it was suspicious it said the fact latisha left her phone at home is suspicious on its own based on her history of extensive use of the phone then they go and head to Petco which takes around 30 minutes from their home to the north location where latisha was last seen on video surveillance and Ganon wasn't and at 10:37 a.m. there's a text that goes out from Ganon's phone to Harley and the affidavit it says this number 37 On January 27 2020 there was a message sent from Ganon's phone to Harley's phone that reads tisha left phone at home if you need her text me and this message was sent at or about 1037 hours and I questioned this in one of my previous videos was this text actually sent by Ganon or was it sent by latisha it could be either right why I asked this is does Ganon usually call her tisha or does he call her T and would an 11 year old text something in that manner and I wonder what Al says or even Landon because I was having this conversation with my husband talking about eleven-year-old talking like this and then we were talking about could he have said your mom left phone at home and she said to text me if you need her he's definitely not gonna take it upon himself to be like oh you left your phone let me go and text Harley so he was told what to do right which is I mean it could still have been him but tisha could have said Gannon can you text Harley and let her know that I don't have my phone and if she needs me then to text you and where is the text to Gannon school particularly for Lena saying hey tisha left her phone at home if Lena needs her text me right because we know she likes to text the cops and her employer so why not a text to Lena's school I think t-shirt wrote that message so now they arrived at Petco and she was seen on surveillance at the Petco and Gannon wasn't shown at all the affidavit says on number 38 investigators were able to confirm based on video surveillance footage and purchase receipts that latisha traveled to Petco located at 50 20 North Nevada Avenue Colorado Springs Colorado this Petco is approximately 22 miles from the residence and is an approximate 30 minute drive based on Google Maps directions the receipt shows that latisha completed her purchase at or about 1122 hours Gannon is not visible on any other surveillance video obtained at Petco so she purchases a buy two get one free deal on dog coats and then I remembered that she did that leaked phone call and this is what she said in it the caller asks did you go to the Petco that they said it's like three Petco's away from your house twice that day and latisha pauses and says three Petco's honestly I don't the reason we went that way is because we were going to talk to someone about the plate against sports and about the bike so if I went to that Petco I'm sorry that they're all freaked out that it was the wrong Petco and then the caller talks about her being frantic and acting frantic at the window and that she bought three dog coats and latisha answers but think about what you just said like come on now so I'm guilty for buying three dog coats but there is no man Jhin about her being frantic at all she then says I went to Petco and do you know how they know I went to Petco because I told them and she laughs I told them to go get the camera footage at Petco I didn't even have my phone on me so they wouldn't even have known I was at Petco if I hadn't told them but if Ganon's phone was with her they would have right but I don't think they could because I don't think he had it turned on I think after that text to Harley she shut it off in my opinion and I'll keep going and you'll see why I think that now in this leaked call she also says I went to the Douglas County area because we were going to buy a bike for my husband for Valentine's Day but I never went to some of these places that they're looking so I think it's precautionary and notice she said because we were going to buy a bike for my husband this is also why I believed in my previous videos that she went to Douglas County that day I'll also get to that in a minute now at 11:22 after she checks out at Petco Letitia and Gannon go m.i.a until 1:22 p.m. there are two hours unaccounted for and at 1321 Ganon's phone responds to a text from al who says hey buddy and this was sent at 1206 p.m. but the response wasn't until 13 21 and the response was can i play zelda at least and here's what the affidavit says on number 39 letitia's whereabouts are unknown between approximately 11 22 hours and 1320 two hours at 13 22 hours latisha was again captured on video surveillance making a second purchase at the same Petco on North Nevada Avenue mr. Stoke sent a text message to Gannon cellphone at or about 1206 that read hey buddy this message was unanswered until 13 21 hours the response was can i play zelda at least mr. Stoke replied not today this tells me a couple things in my opinion the response from al to the question can i play zelda at least tells me that Ganon was mostly most likely grounded from his Nintendo switch cuz he says can i play at least and he says not today right so if he was grounded from his switch if this is true and he got in trouble the night before with the candle incidents and the carpet incident then why was the photo taken at 8:13 in the morning and 817 with the switch beside his head could be something very important and something to note possibly in my opinion but let's go back to the leaked call because I have another section that I found interesting it talks about grounding the caller asks what do you think happened honestly do you think he's okay honestly and leticia answers at this point I want to keep all my faith and know that Ganon is okay but and I know that if he was doing something with someone just hanging out he would tell them quickly like hey my mom my dad my stepmom I'm gonna be grounded I gotta go or even it would be a day or two he would have said oh my gosh I'm probably going to lose my entire technology for a year but I better go home or else and that last little line I'm probably going to lose my entire technology and it got me thinking well was he grounded just from his switch or was he also grounded from his phone as well it's possible some kids who get in trouble parents will take everything away their video games their TV privilege their phone their iPad right this is why it's my belief that Ganon didn't even do these texts in his vehicle she also has two hours on a did four and if Ganon's phone was on then Ganon's phone would have pained and gammon would most likely have answered his dad at 12:06 p.m. if he got that message right away and if Gannon had the phone in his hand right but I believe he doesn't have it in his hand and I don't think he's even in possession of it those two hours are silent and there's no GPS on Albert's truck according to the affidavit it doesn't even mention it and Tisha's phone is left conveniently at home and investigators even said it's suspicious and there's no location on Ganon's phone which is why my belief is Ganon's phone is turned off until 1:21 p.m. at the Petco it's turned back on because now it doesn't matter if she's tracked and that's when tisha I believe it's tisha answers L on that phone at 1:21 p.m. because on 1:22 p.m. she's in Petco again buying something and checking out and here's what the affidavit says about locations it's not necessarily about the 27th is talking more about the 28th when she went that evening back to Douglas County but here's what it says number 128 historical cell site analysis helps to determine the location of a cellular telephone based on cell tower antenna locations and orientation locations are determined by activity of the cellular telephone and represents an approximate area not an exact location different cellular carriers report this information in different formats and fashions 1:29 it says the historical cell site analysis identified unusual activity for leticia including potentially disconnecting her cell phone from the cellular network for several hours I submit that by disconnecting the phone leticia intended to prevent law enforcement from being able to determine her location specifically this occurred on January 28 2020 which is the Tuesday during the evening she disposed of Ganon's remains so she did it on Tuesday night my bet she did it on that day in between 11 22 and 122 p.m. so Leticia is seen on camera again at that 1:22 p.m. mark just one minute before she answers el and it's not known at the Petco what the second purchase is as of yet so after she checks out a pickle now there's a 20 minute gap but at one forty-three p.m. there's an important search that takes place on Google and on number 40 of the affidavit it says a significant event occurred on Ganon's phone at her about 1343 hours which is prior to arriving back at the Stokes residence there was an internet search for can my parent find my cellphone if it's off I submit that this internet search was likely conducted by Leticia on Ganon's phone and not Ganon himself based upon the content of the search the way the search terms are phrased and the presence of a period in between phone and if this is very similar to the way Leticia conducted searches on her phone so this backs up my theory of its tisha the whole time because she's at this point or during this day she's in charge of Gavin's phone she's doing a texting and now she wants to know if a parent can find his cellphone if it's off and this is done at 1:43 and there's that two-hour gap right because she just spent two hours somewhere she doesn't want to get caught so she makes sure to do the search to see if while that phone is off if they were able to track her see where I'm coming from so after that she heads on home and she arrives at the house at 2:20 p.m. as we know on manding Drive the question is of course did Gannon come back or not and the affidavit says likely it doesn't say it's a confirmation but here's what it says number 43 says the Nissan Frontier returned to the stoke residents at or about fourteen hundred and twenty hours a search warrant off the by this court was executed on the Nissan Frontier and found no indications of blood inside the vehicle number 32 it says the video camera is several homes away and does not provide images clear enough to make positive identifications of those captured in the recording the vehicle returned at or about 1419 hours and Leticia exited the vehicle after viewing the video I cannot be sure if another person exited the vehicle or not but I submit Gannon likely did return home with Leticia that afternoon these times corroborated by data collected from an ATT security system installed in the stokke residents are discussed below in more detail so he definitely could have and he definitely couldn't have and this is not to go against the authorities at all when they wrote this they didn't even know the full capacity of everything right they said likely and even in the affidavit says likely but not sure that he even did come out and it's my opinion that they use the word likely because they had what could be a murder scene and most likely could be a murder scene and they don't have the body at this point and they have a whole lot of evidence even in this small amount of time leaning towards it being Leticia and they have checkboxes to check off they were looking to arrest Leticia and it would be a lot harder for them to have a different murder scene if there's no body and them having to prove that whereas they have a whole heck of a lot of blood and they have what looks like a murder scene so he could have came home but I have seen a lot of reasons why or maybe that he didn't so just it is confusing I think everybody is confused and it will come out no worries there I'm with the authorities I'm not going against them I'm just saying they're probably scratching their head when this was written - boy what is going on I really just want to show that there's more to this story than just this small little two p.m. window to 7:00 p.m. window you know what I mean and we do need to be reminded that this affidavit was written on February 28th before Gannon was found before evidence was or more evidence was collected and is being collected and this is also before the discovery obviously this is a document showing probable cause the investigators are definitely going to dig deeper and they're not going to put everything in this affidavit and they're going to put these puzzle pieces together and make no mistake we know that there is more to it we do it's obvious right so I also wanted to point out one more thing and I'm not going to show the pictures on here because I just I can't I don't want to but if you want to see it you can go in the link below I'm going to link to the actual affidavit but I observed Ganon's mattress that was in the affidavit and the picture that the police body cams had of Ganon's bed and of tshis picture and the bed was moved but when I looked at the comparison of Ganon's mattress and also of the pictures that was taken by tisha that morning even though it's hard to see you can see a little bit it seems to be in the same vicinity of where the bloodstains were compared to the pictures that they included in the affidavit that's my opinion it just seems like it could be the same area and that's all I'll say for now could he have sustained what happened in the bedroom nope not according to the authorities and not long-term totally agree I had a viewer in my comments that told me her brother was actually bludgeoned by a hammer in the bedroom and she said Linda there was so much blood she said but guess what he lived and so when I saw that that made me question well maybe this actually did happen earlier and maybe it was really severe but maybe Ganon was still I won't say okay but maybe he was still alive and maybe it happened earlier and she got him out of that bed and that picture she took of him was her sick chronicling kind of like she did the night before of the accidental video and she took one in the morning with his Nintendo switch beside his head and so that's what makes me wonder maybe that's why he's sluggish all that happened in the morning and she got him out of bed she got him into the truck and he never came home and he bled overnight or in the morning within those two hours or something now I go back and forth okay I do go back and forth but I'm looking at this now as new information I shouldn't say new but because I'm putting everything together and piecing it I'm starting to look at this and I'm looking at maybe she did go to Douglas County that day and maybe the next night on Tuesday night with her Tiguan she went back to the scene of the crime not making the scene of the crime but time will tell but there's one more thing I want to point out on Tuesday afternoon tisha does another Google search and she asks can Nintendo find my switch so did Letitia have that switch that day in the truck as well she took Ganon's phone with her and Nintendo switch and that's why that conversation two hours can i play Zelda at least is that the reason why they can't find his switch because it's actually part of being the murder weapon on that Monday and did she get rid of it on that Monday and she googled this can Nintendo find my switch on Tuesday afternoon before she went that night with her Tiguan to Douglas County and the affidavit is saying that she most likely dumped his body on the Tuesday night if the theory was that he came on that afternoon so my question also is was this an afterthought when she googled it thinking oh shoot can this be tracked because she dumped him the Monday cuz Ganon's phone made it home that afternoon she took it back to the house cuz in my opinion it was safe right because it was turned off and she googled to find out can it be tracked if it's off why would she do that if Gannon was home all day and night and never went anywhere or is this search Kannan Tendo find my switch thinking ahead before she went and got rid of his body in Douglas County with her Tiguan on Tuesday night what are your thoughts because in the affidavit it says it should also be noted that latisha used her phone that following day January 28th 2020 at her about 1257 hours to conduct a Google search can Nintendo find my switch this is also detailed in a list of some of her search history in paragraph 141 and reasonably occurred because she was contemplating how she would dispose of the switch and number 30 it says I conducted a Google search for the term Kannan Tendo find my switch and learned that the switch does not come with any sort of tracking ability as such Leticia likely felt it was safe to dispose of the switch and use this missing switch to help deceive law enforcement into searching for Gannon as a possible run away so really she had Ganon's cell phone potentially turned off from 10:30 7 a.m. till 2:30 which is a good four hours and interestingly she had four hours also turned off on the Tuesday night as well I hope you have a clearer idea now of Ganon's timeline and how that fits together I do like to split the people apart and take it from different point of views so we can really see what's going on I hope that helps a little more or perhaps it makes you more confused as ever because I do Teeter on if he came home or not and the affidavit says likely but we never know as it's my understanding this very well can change obviously because they're getting new information that comes in let's have a chit chat below and talk about it please subscribe if you haven't done so already click the like button and click the share button thank you so much for watching see you soon
Channel: It's A Crime
Views: 78,701
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gannnon stauch timeline, gannon stauch true crime, gannon stauch case timeline, gannon stauch theories, gannon stauch, gannon, stauch, itsacrime, itsacrime gannon, itsacrime youtube, its a crime gannon stauch, letecia stauch, letecia stauch arrested, letecia stauch video, tecia stauch court, arrest affidavit for letecia stauch, arrest affidavit gannon stauch, arrest affidavit stauch, tee stauch arrest affidavit, tecia stauch, true crime, gannon stauch update, tee stauch, missing
Id: TVF4b-P9bJQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 14sec (2414 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 11 2020
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