It’s A Crime Live!! - Case chat, New Background, Hangout

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hello hello everybody.welcome hope you can hear every hope you can hear me okay what do you think of the new set it's a new background the lighting might be a little bit off but whatever hello all right you guys can hear me it's all good so we're gonna dive into it and I don't have it structured like I usually do but I'm gonna give you as much as I can today I really wanted to hang out and show you guys the new set the color is actually gonna be quite a bit brighter on my actual videos it'll be more brighter yeah for sure this is just basically yeah it's the new setup and it's ever-changing I'm gonna probably tweak some things welcome glad to see your first time catching alive awesome thank you yeah so I wanted to do something better than that ugly wall that I had and I wanted to also have some pictures of everybody that I'm working on in the month and you know to honor them and I thought that would be that would be good so I'm glad you like it it's gonna stand out a lot more when you actually see the actual video and then hear the sign here like I know I have my sub number which is awesome but it reminded me so much of you know those prison I don't even know what you call them where their names are across and I thought well that'd be fun it kind of looks like that so I'm glad you like it yeah I have little pictures over here and here and here and some down there too you can't see them but yeah for mugshots that's the word I can't even think of it yeah I just thought that looked very MUC shot like yeah hopefully you guys can get that kind of feel to to it when I wanted so that's fun um so now let's get into some things I just wanted to touch on April is coming and I am going to be doing some new cases as well and there's one that is very very it's interesting and a subscriber the cameras too high I know it's a little bit I just yeah I'm playing around with it so it's all good so um back to April there is a subscriber who messaged me and she has a family member that is missing and he's been missing for a few years and she reached out to me and said hey here's our story he's still missing will you cover it so I'm going to be diving in and I will be posting this video of of him and for Pam on here so it'll take me some time to dig in but I am going to have his video on here and then hopefully we can get the word out so I'm I'm loving that you love the background that makes me smile and thank you so much for being on yeah I like I'm glad that you guys like it cuz it's a head scratcher when you first start you're like old geez I don't know is that gonna look good order this and order that so yeah so stay tuned for that I'm gonna give you a new case and I'm going to help her as much as I can with her missing brother and what else yes there is some news coming in here too and I'll touch on that like I said it's not a structured today but I really wanted to talk to you guys and I know probably most of us is sitting at home and having to stay safe right so I thought you know what let's go online on on livestream and then be able to talk you're my favorite thank you thanks mangly I listen so glad you like it mister Linda has to get props for this okay because he did a lot of the well you know I'm the Bruins and he's the Brawn even though I like building stuff but he put together the shelf and click and Collect from ikea is wonderful so yeah okay so we're moving on glad you liked it mr. Linda's getting some some love for the new setup - and now let's dive into it cuz you guys are probably talking to this a lot of talking about this a lot about Evelyn well in particular Angela Megan's mom and Angela's boyfriend William McLeod so I was doing a little bit of an update and I found out that they were stealing from Walmart and they were stealing 45 dollars worth of stuff in their cart they're going to leave and lost Prevention's like you're stealing so they get a citation for stealing forty five dollars worth of stuff and they're banned from Walmart forevermore now just before I came on here live I read about Angela again she she must like really like her mug shots because Angela has now been arrested this is today's news and she's been arrested for aggravated burglary and it says her and a male accomplice reportedly entered a home and began concealing items on their bodies as they walk back towards their vehicle and they said the items that authorities said were taken from that home include two televisions a shotgun a pistol and various tools and it says the guy with Thurs name is Larry Chad fields and it says they're exiting the vehicle entering the residence and then leaving the residence with the items reported stolen so she's now arrested as of today and it gets worse just when you don't think he gets worse it gets worse Angela Boswell appeared to be in possession of a small bag of what appears to be crystal methamphetamine and a $50 bill that appeared to be counterfeit while Boswell was charged with aggravated burglary theft under 10,000 of the introduction of drugs into a penal facility and possession of counterfeit money authorities said they are still looking for the male accomplice and this dude is like I don't know it's ridiculous so you look at that and you're going man like this families can't even get up you can't even succeed if you wanted to like anyway ridiculous so that's what I saw on that and thanks to somebody who actually gave me that link two minutes before I came out here like on live and super appreciative of that you guys are really great to keep me updated so what do you guys think of that I mean I thought it was pretty big news when I heard she's stealing from Walmart and then two minutes before this on it's like holy men yeah I got to change this now don't I you guys are awesome can you imagine how many people that would be in a room it is absolutely mind-blowing yeah not surprised about Angela well that sucks I mean $45 worth the stuff and banned from Walmart in my mind like wow that's not good being banned from Walmart and then she goes and does this like that's that's super sad the thing is like at what point are you gonna learn right like I don't know how many times a person has to be arrested so anyways that's that I don't have any other stuff available or any other update for that other than those two info snacks that are big info snacks like a whole bucket of popcorn on that one now on previous ones on previous cases that I talked about there do you remember Payton Houston she's the girl who before Christmas she went out with some friends and to a bar and then she went missing they they had arrested the guy who had buried her and but he took off first right he took off first they found him in Ohio they brought him back to Alabama and he was released on a thirty thousand dollar bond and like a week later that they busted him and then he's now required electric monitoring electronic monitoring and only leave only allowed to leave home in a medical emergency or a court appearance or a doctor visit or attorney Vinit pretty much so that one still bothers me they haven't found well they said that she overdosed and she does have a history of addiction but it this so whole circumstances is odd even as your parents and friends are saying that so so yeah that's not cool and then there was one that I covered too is Holly Clark and Holly's a Canadian who is missing she's been missing since January 11th and her parents came out from Calgary and they couldn't find her and they've been looking people of looking friends are looking and she was spotted on camera early on in February but they still have a founder and her parents have since come back to Calgary but they're still looking so oh yes thanks Zelda Zelda yes Lori versus the $35 wedding ring I will get to that for sure and miss Sara thank you so yeah so I wanted to bring up a little bit about Holly still no sign they did find some remains last week but it was not Holly oh the crazy grandma you mean Angela Boswell from Evelyn yeah she got she got in trouble for shoplifting $45 worth of Walmart stuff and then got banned and then today she got she got arrested for aggravated burglary and she was also caught with crystal meth crystal meth and a $50 Pierre a $50 bill that appeared to be counterfeit whoo like I don't know isn't she in her 40s Angela's not that old either yes Holly is the one who was a musician is a musician but she's missing I am so glad you guys are loving this background that's awesome so that's Holly and then face wet lick will touch on her a little bit there's not a whole lot of info but you remember her she was in Feb upin February she got off the school bus and then she ended up being murdered and and it said they won't be releasing details on fate until the case is closed but I do have some things to say about Cody Taylor I just don't know if I'm gonna really get into it or not the four-year-old missing in Alabama no I would love to know about the four-year-old missing in Elle Alabama I don't have pale skin though Thank You Julie nice to see you again okay so everybody's talking about and I've had like 7,000 comments on Lori and Chad and as you know there was a ring and that she bought on Amazon and I did do well yesterday as soon as this came out I was doing some research and I found some more stuff so I am gonna do a video I'm gonna record it today slash tonight and get it out to you guys by tomorrow so that you could have more info snacks and stuff over that Thank You Lynn Anthony Toth Clay's case is it jaylen is that you spell your answer named jaylen or Jalen yes most springs are purchased before the marriage and it was 17 days I think it was 17 days even before Chad's current wife now let's talk about this for a minute I made a boo-boo on my last on my last video about Laurie and I called Tammy it was an oopsie because I didn't mean to do that I called Tammy an ex-wife and I know she wasn't an ex wife so [Music] yeah and I started I did it did you guys see the Chad de Belle video that I did because I was talking about him and I actually had comments under my videos and there was somebody named Chad de Belle messaging all throughout and was seem to be quite upset now I don't know if that was the real Chad de Belle but he was he was piping in and talking about things so stay tuned for the Chad day ball two point O video because he's he's not looking so innocent and from the info yesterday and some info snacks I dug up that's gonna be coming tomorrow because most people are looking at Laurie right and we're just thinking oh you know Chad's wife died it was a little bit suspicious but I don't know but now with all these things thank you so yeah so there is some crazy stuff and the judge is gone now the original judge and for Laurie and I also heard yesterday that Laurie's there the lawyers trying to get another lowered bond for her so it's pretty crazy Thank You Janice hello no alex is Lori's brother Chad is Lori's fifth husband fifth husband okay so Mimi this is exactly it she said Mimi says I was suspicious of Chad when he wouldn't give the police the phone number right instead he didn't know that's what I was speaking to and this Chad de Belle we don't know if it's him but in the in the comments he says to me Linda lots of people don't know their spouses phone number and then he sends me a link and the link has like the percentage of people that don't that don't know it or something man glia can you talk about Cody Taylor yes thank you and Blair thank you from Scotland cool so okay fair that people don't remember their phone number okay that's fair I myself know my husband's phone number and I just do but he was later asked by police again and he admitted that he knew her phone number so now what's what's interesting is Chad is now it's now being shown about the ring and a few other stuff I'm gonna bring up tomorrow's video and he's seen tapping her butt in the storage unit when he was still married to Tammy so I mean he's not looking so innocent anymore now Tammy's she was exhumed on December 11th the day before Alex died and they're saying that the results might not even be for another year or up to a year from now yeah he totally touched her but looks like did you just rewind rewind rewind yep that's what he did yeah exactly Diane exactly so exactly the ring was ordered while Tammy was still alive end before there was that attempt with the masked man yeah dive into the vids I have all the videos on the playlist that I try and explain as best I can because I was saying in the comments earlier it's kind of like a game of Clue like you don't even like who's who at the zoo well the problem with the autopsy is she passed away in October and in December she was exhumed so there's a lot of issues with that right and they have to get you know the toxicology from tissues and from organs from what I understand so that the zoo no no they did not release it yeah she was in bombed that's the other issue yeah so and I feel for I do feel for Chad's children because they must be finding out all kinds of crazy stuff because he said to them that he met Lori at the in Hawaii and he said that then they got married right so nobody really knew what was going on except now no he lied actually yeah Lori's brother Alex we don't know what he died from yet they they're doing an expanded toxicology on him yes she did so Laurie knew Chad from his books because she was getting into his books in 2015 from what I understand then they did a podcast in 2018 and these kids have to be found I mean it's ridiculous it's absolutely ridiculous and Laurie smirk is just getting bigger and bigger I'm so glad you guys like the new background you guys if you guys love it like this you wait till you see it on video it's brighter in the back like it just it pops it's really it's really nice the podcast that I'm that they were on apparently has been taken down so I don't know yet Laurie was a groupie of Chad yep and the lies that come in and around these guys I do timeline separately and you'll see like somebody commented on my Alex videos like we already know this information well you know everything as a group but when you take it and break it down and yank the characters characters apart they're people but you know what I'm saying when you when you individually do that it helps to go oh that's what was in his life just like just like how I split JJ entirely yes both of them are missing but when I found out that Ty Lee mostly most likely went missing on September 8th and JJ went missing most likely on September 23rd or that's the last day that's that's why I want to chose to separate them right Thank You Julie I chose to separate them because they need to be looked at separately and then you start seeing go okay okay I see right instead of lumping them together there are two individual human beings right I believe for Yellowstone they're waiting to tell the snow melts and because also there's not as many people working there or something like that too so I don't think Laurie will get her her bond reduced again she's already got it reduced I don't think so but you never know I think she knows I mean obviously she knows something but her smirk tells me something very different I see that smirk and it's almost like she has the power because she knows what's going on and she knows where they are you know what I mean hi Nicole welcome I really would too if they were alive I hope so I for the longest time I've been saying that I feel like they're in hiding for some reason that's why she has that smirk on her face I don't know if that's the case when I start digging more and more some things are getting very disheartening like when you hear them being zombies but I wonder how she's feeling in jail right now with everything going on and she has work to do so to speak yeah I mean when you start to put when you start to put all these together and you start seeing everybody's separate lives but then and yet they're all connected and things are going crazy and people are dying and the one thing she's she hasn't told Colby a lot her oldest son so I'm sure he's just wondering what the heck is going on yeah that smirk of hers is something else I'm so glad I wasn't eaten that day asking him because I would have just like wanted to wipe the smirk right off ur oh you want to know more about my background background about me or background like literally yeah she she thinks she is yeah Colby doesn't know anything and he's saying like he didn't even know this Chad dude he's like just found out she got married and all this other stuff and I loved the look he gave him in court though the background is not a wallpaper it is a backdrop oh you want to know more about me okay you can ask yeah I think Colby I know Colby was saying he'd like to talk to her I don't know if he actually talked to her but he said like I want to know what's going on I love I love these kids we're talking about Lauri valo DeBell I'm not a private investigator no I've always been interested in crime yes I've been interested in justice let's just say even from a little kid I used to be in health and fitness have I heard of the Evelyn Basel yes I was just speaking about that Evelyn's mom was arrested today for wonderful aggravated burglary and she had crystal meth on her and a $50 fake bill I should be Kylie's birthday was September 24th the day after Laurie took JJ out of school Zelda Zelda thank you no I don't have a piano anymore yeah the mother can like I I was just saying earlier about stealing $45 from Walmart or you know $45 worth of goods and then get busted for it and then this I mean yeah they had a bunch of marriages in Laurie's case Laurie her niece Melanie and her brother Alex all got married in November and the spouses were all LDS Megan Boswell's mother Angela is the one that got that got arrested I remind you of Charlotte from Sex in the City you know what's funny is my niece looks a lot like me but she looks way more like Charlotte from Sex in the City and everybody says that to her all the time she looks a lot like me my niece looks a lot money like me well yeah LDS it's not that it's not that it's that religion it's that they veered off way off on you know cloud 9 or whatever it is Kelly me too I used to watch it long time ago yeah they their their beliefs are you know left-field that's the work of left field a secret blaster who can Mapple miles with math like magic math is math I think the mum and the mother of Evelyn so Evelyn's mom and the grandma Angela I think they both know exactly what happened both of them I don't know what happened to Lori's first two husbands Texas diamond thank you please check your email when you can okay I will do that I do get a lot of emails Evelyn is the baby's name the phone call no I didn't rosemarie do amazing research love from Pennsylvania thank you and Julia thank you yeah JJ was adopted yeah I don't know about the first two I'm trying to get more info on it but I'm not sure on the first two husbands but my god five husbands and she's 46 could you imagine that conversation chats like Seoul have you been married before yeah okay yeah you don't really ask how many times and then you're like how my signs are like oh I've been married four times before you'd be my fifth both of them should sleep with one eye open Lindzi booze yak is that how you say her name yeah I'm going to come up with some new new stuff new cases and like if you guys are just joining me I'm going to add one a subscriber reached out to me and said hey my brother's been missing can you cover this case and so I'm going to bring I'm going to dive in first and then I will bring you that video Louise well yeah we know that's not true not for me anyway I can't speak for anybody else I can speak for myself nobody has been charged for Evelyn yet they probably have to sift through all the lies Thank You Lula bells my fiancee misty and I had a baby River seven days ago his blood work was irregular we got a call from doctor tomorrow for more information you and me Linda complacent all the energy to you all the energy and love and light I do crazy amounts of research you write crazy amounts of research and I try and make sure that everything is correct sometimes I give my thoughts especially as I dive deeper into these right as I dive deeper when I first start like when I first started Ganon's and we'll talk about that in a minute when we first started Ganon's case I was very like benefit of the doubt and then mr. wit Linda says hours of research he's not like and then when I dive into it more I start going oh I know what you up to I know what you're up to and then that's where I I'm not gonna lie yeah if I do find when or if I do find out about Lori's first and second then yeah so now let's talk about Gannon because we talked about quite a few of the other ones and Gannon is our little buddy and I don't have a whole lot of new stuff for you right now as I'm still digging in but we can talk a little bit about him of course yeah so phone call with her sister Jane Doe can you repeat like what I'm only sigh only cut part of that if you have that info I just saw it scroll a little bit about Lori's first or second husband you can email me at it's a crime and a shame at so yeah a little Gannon look at all your guys's blue hearts you know that he has been he has been found last week Texas diamond says so thankful you made a YouTube channel you're amazing don't ever let that negative comments get to you thank you so much I appreciate that sometimes it can be pretty nasty but you guys more than make up for it because you guys are awesome so yeah so Gannon was found last week I don't know about you but I head straight into the sugar after that Thank You Kylie straight into the sugar usually it's chocolate but me and hubby hung out and I was eating sugar i emotionally ate and I think all of us did that does had so much tears so yes so we know a few things I don't want to talk too much about him because of how he's found cause it's super upsetting but they did confirm a suitcase and so yeah and I put out the video about the 955 miles and whatnot I am diving into the witness list so if you would like me to do something on the witness list just hit that like button and then I know okay they really want it and I'll put one out justice for Gannon Thank You Julia yeah thank you yeah cuz then I can go in there yes have I heard about the del fight yes I just was looking at the Adelphi murders about these girls right and snapchat and all that I'd love to do a video on that yeah they talked about all three that happened on with Ganon yes I have seen the witness list so I'm diving into it currently and if you guys want me to do that I definitely could do that just let me know Jessica chambers you guys are giving me some really great suggestions cuz I would like to do a lot um we're on Gannon right now I covered quite a few I mean I just really wanted to hang out but I just gave you some little info snacks like the fact Evelyn's mom Evelyn's grandmother Angela Boswell got kicked out of Walmart for stealing and and banned and then decided to do an aggravated burglary and had crystal meth on her and a $50 false fake bill okay you guys do you want chance Engelbert Taylor Reynolds you know it's so sad that we can have a full list of people isn't it but hopefully we can get the word out there and these people can stop their shenanigans yes thank you to the mods they're amazing they helped so so much but you guys are a pretty good crew amazing karlie goo say did you guys follow Dulce alavés have you followed that at all Kiron harm and that's the other one that's very interesting Steven Avery yeah we me and mr. Linda binge watch that for like the first two seasons I love the lawyer in this in the second one I love her she's like I said oh I would love to just recreate all some of that stuff and just pin that person or or free them you know what I mean like mr. Linda I can see she is strong-willed I love you guys me people call me spunky that's what they say can we do more live stream sure Donna why are you saying you give up yeah that um Dulce I saw that there's some weird letters coming up now she was she went missing I don't know if you guys followed it she's five years old she went missing at a park with her little brother little brother didn't get taken but she was gone the five year old and then five months later they're finding some weird bizarre letters being sent Thank You Diane tenacious I like that you like when I put out the maps email is it's a crime and a shame at yeah my you're right my viewers are amazing you guys the when I first came out there were a lot of different kinds of comments and now I mean there's maybe one or two crappy comments and other than that awesome awesome awesome group you guys are awesome you keep it classy and you guys are very positive and it's very very nice Oh put my email on my letter board that might be a little might be along maybe we know if I have enough letters for that the house of horrors no I haven't seen that um I did see two days ago I watched don't f with cats accept it I mean you know what it says were you looking for the five month old shot and killed in Florida and fountain oh yeah if you could find me the name yes so don't f with cats so to speak I'm not gonna swear on here but I saw that on Netflix and I knew of this case because it was Luka Magnotta and I did know I didn't know about that aspect of it but I knew about Luka Magnotta because I'm in Canada and we knew about this all going down from the other side of it but I had no idea it was the web sleuths and Internet sluice that actually found where he was so that was pretty crazy Tiger king is a crazy show Wendy berry yes I believe tisha there was a GPS on that car for sure I think so without a trace because they're coming up with some pretty awesome stuff today I don't know what the police station I'm going to find out oh the show gave out a lot of information yeah I don't know I just saw it it was three episodes was it Morgan Nick I hope they find JJ and Ty Lee alive as well Vicki from Nebraska welcome I'm writing them all down yeah so in that in that movie or Netflix series this group was on Facebook and they saw this guy hurting kittens and they were basically tracking him down where he was and then he upgraded to a person and then they you know chased him down and found him and then he got busted so oh look at that my sister-in-law's on here well hello hi Linda love your new background it's your sister-in-law by the way love love what you say love you much and all you do love you too that's so sweet look at that you're on yeah Ian Pawlowski I'll probably look into that too as well Donna can you please email me that that would be awesome I would appreciate that man you guys have so many and that's that's so scary isn't it um when I was getting the when I was getting the frames sorry one sec windy bari jay so stay safe you're amazing could you please say hi to my daughter wind oh hi wind I hope you have an awesome awesome day yeah I would do collabs it just depends on the person Linda our California legal system needs you yeah there's a thousand of us hanging out today hopefully you guys do not have cabin fever yet are most most of you guys stuck indoors probably Hey Stephanie Harlow collab would be awesome I would agree mr. Linda is here as well yep and Scott rice people say to as well they want to see me with theirs that's the most the most requests thomas alva how am i going to decide you guys all these not on lockdown we're not on lockdown we're just um you know with us stay home I'm glad you guys are liking my new set that's awesome way better than that ugly wall behind me yeah can we talk about Cody Taylor yeah I've been it's because it's because of what I'm finding on him that I just it bothers me and I don't know what I can show exactly on video so it's not that I don't want to I just not sure yet yes okay that you saying not a big fan of Scott rice because he's a defense attorney I got to tell you I'm not crazy about defense attorneys either but I like Scott Rice's channel cuz he gives you the law right I mean it's good and it's good to support other creators I think it's everybody brings something different to the table right Alex's wife from Alex Cox from Laurie Valu de belles soap opera all I know about her so far is that they got married in Vegas and she's part of the LDS and that's pretty much all I know so far I don't know a lot about her yet cuz I've been digging into the other ones making a mask for hospitals in Oregon Joseph man you guys have so many I wish I had more time in a day to cover all these people so sad good morning from Australia yes I do it takes me a while like I actually dig into the info and I separate it and I go through all these things making tamales that's yummy you guys are doing some different things today hey that's cool I'm so glad you guys love the new setup it's gonna look even better on when I actually film a official video you should network with Kendall Rae I saw some of her stuff she's pretty cool we have a similar kind of just a the way we talk I guess I wouldn't say we're similar but yeah tamales are yummy I had one in a long time yeah the preacher said about Alex said it was all it was a business thing you know it was all of eight minutes long Linda came up under request of those that answered Scott request who his audience would like to see him talk with that's cool I think we would have two different opinions so that's what might make it interesting can you even get can't tamales I didn't know that Thank You Lynn yeah the blue bulb that's cool right this one here I'll lift it for you a little light bulb and right here too I don't know what's with me in light bulbs but I really liked the like wrought iron kind of jail stripe kind of like you made bread today that's good yeah I have others you can see JJ and Ty Lee right there I did try and get when I went to go print these pictures they were supposed to be more cropped in so you can see more of down in like you know cropped and same with Ty Lee and JJ to separate them and have them look - but for some reason it didn't come out that way when after I ordered it I don't know if Lori's gonna bail out she's trying to get Lori is trying to get her bail reduced again and I don't think that's gonna happen and so I don't know maybe she needs it reduced because Chad run out of money I don't know ya know ya know bail bondsmen wants to deal with her amazing eighty says on another note I actually got lucky this morning and got a four pack of TP but two for five dollars limit one okay I gotta tell you about this because before this all started me and hubby got a pack of TP from Costco and then this all went down and we didn't realize what was going on and we look at each other and we said actually I look at him and say listing mr. Linda you're gonna have to learn how to ration because once you're done your half don't come looking for my half mr. Lindo is like what I said yeah when you're you got to learn how to ration cuz once you're done yours you ain't got your mind sorry yes Jeremy you had a did you missed a little bit of the info snacks can you yes check my email okay okay so supposedly tisha was at the police station okay I'm gonna have to read that's hard to read the whole thing but it's good thank you because then I can go through it you had some in the closet you know it's it's funny but it's not funny cuz this morning I ran out of my makeup and I go on YouTube and so I thought oh geez like if I had to choose between toilet beaver it's joke I would choose the toilet paper still wouldn't be happy though I'd be coming on without it what we lacked somebody toilet papered my house last night it's now appraised at $900,000 yeah Lori's case is super weird I think the more we start to dig the more we will find out the little isms right it does make you grateful for the little things right we took for granted toilet paper now we aren't thanks Donna because I'll take a look at that and I'll dig a little bit more like I said I'll dig on to the witness list to there's not a whole lot a person can go on when we don't have a lot of information right but there's some things I refuse to talk about and some things I'm okay to talk about oh thanks Carol cause I think you're great at what you do better than any other channel the next Nancy Grace but much nicer really people are starting to sell a roll of toilet paper now Paula Martinez says love what you represent while maintaining social distancing watch Tiger King its it'll either be the best thing you've seen lately or the worst you've been warned thank you yeah there's been a few suggestions on that are you talking about Cody Jen Cody see oty Cody Taylor what about Port Coquitlam or is that the people who are doing it in Port Coquitlam BC hi from Australia hi Haiti I don't know if tisha had help or not I'm gonna have to UM dive in more I don't know for a lot of reasons I think she was on her own we have been in quarantine so long I gave my hubby a tape measure and told him to stay six feet away I really have to get out yes garnet of January mom is making masks level three equivalent a she I told her she should give me the link for that see it's the little things you know maybe this is all bringing us to have gratitude that we have toilet paper because we were taking it for granted before mangly I said something and I missed it you know where the chat went did you see - you took Al's dog yeah but I believe he's getting it back through the divorce he's getting it he's getting it back please give us a link on making masks I think it's what garnet of January is saying is her mama is making is making them I think it's hard to find some material to lately I remembered you saying something about tisha feeling like a third wheel in their relationship that Allen Landon had with Ganon can you explain that more um what I kind of mean is well teaches a step-mom right was a stepmom and kids you know they they HUS gonna be hard explained because I don't want to call this out on all stepmoms it's not fair and this is not this is not it but in this certain circumstance I'm sure I mean Ganon talked to his mom all the time texted his mom all the time and I'm thinking you know maybe tisha didn't like that because she's getting the praise in her mind Gavin's giving a mom praise and and she's been there for two years doing what Landon can't blah blah blah so that's why I think she's just it's just a gong show with her and it's so yeah they're not all the same because there's some wonderful stepparents wonderful stepmoms wonderful step dad's so I think she's just had some she had some major than issues on obviously yeah see banana peaches says I'm a stepmom my daughter exactly wishes that she she was a real mom yes Angie thank you I did mention it earlier that Angela was arrested Evelyn's grandmother and William well first they were banned from Walmart and then Angela was with somebody else and both of them got busted so she's arrested again I really appreciate all the work you're putting into McGowan's tightly cases especially so comprehensive I know it's super complex it's super complex in Lori's just trying to find out like I said earlier who's who at the zoo and obviously horrible for Gannon but I do pray I do hope that he comes with a lot of evidence that they can nail her without a shadow of a doubt and I'm very confident in Michael Allen the District Attorney cuz I think he is going to take her down and he has a hundred percent batting average thank you learned investigates thank you for always digging in and talking crime yeah thank you I try and make most of my lives very structured this one's not as structured because I didn't have as much time to prepare but I wanted to hang out with you guys today so I thought whatever we'll just go and we'll wing it yeah Michael Allen if you guys haven't seen his background he was in the Navy he has children he's married he's a family man he has that hundred percent batting average he got two awards for for being District Attorney of the year or something like that I carry Miro to us and I'll have to look it up but it was impressive he's impressive and he he looks at this like he says very very seriously now the court date the next court date is April 14th at 3:00 p.m. for tisha and I did notice there's another there's another date the 30th of April as well yeah what she did what tisha did was I mean how do you even it's beyond ridiculous beyond heinous beyond because for somebody for somebody to do what she did go across the country and put him there and then still have that look on her face and still accept and expect an apology is just disgusting and when I saw her her eyes Keisha's eyes that first time we could see her after she got arrested it was so spooky it was so spooky like I actually would like lie down at night and I could see her eyes as soon as I closed my eyes and I was just like creepy I think she did alone as well I don't think she wanted anybody to know how cruel she was or anything because she had her reputation to withhold yeah the eyes scared me like just you don't want to you don't want to watch it Google search has been restored sir Preston what is that all about Denise yeah ashlynn finally made it to alive look at that boom oh that's awesome I'm glad I'm one of your favorites it's fun we don't know how long the gag order will be yeah they get that look in their eyes don't they it's like all of a sudden they go almost black and they flip like something like something different Thank You Haiti thank you I think she's up for the death sentence um I know it's they got rid of it as of July 1st but he said it's on the table talk to me about paid subscription Laurie okay I got approved for memberships I have not launched it yet but I have it prepped and ready to go the memberships are going to be monthly they're starting off as low as $2 a month but you get perks for it so whatever your donation is or your monthly membership is you get perks and so it's a thank you from me for that hoping that's what you were wanting info on but it'll go as low as 2 bucks and then it'll go up but it won't be anything crazy and my channel will still be the same my videos will still be the same I will just add on that extra something something yeah I think when it comes to Tisha's daughter I think she probably know um that she's acting odd right uh Terry and Jacobs world my mod she says when will you start I I'm not sure I'm not sure I want to be mindful of people's situation right now too I know at the same time some people are like we're home anyways we're saving money from going out like keep going and doing doing the membership so it was sad about that okay so the question is did tea have another vehicle along with the moving truck Spencer Wilson who is the who is the in through this reporter who interviewed tisha said there was two vehicles on the side and there was four other family members or people with tisha that day no not a real update since they found down in not not really I mean it just depends on what you take that hello black beauty we've been live for 72 minutes right now we have 900 people hanging out yeah there's two there is two rental vehicles on the list yes Avis is one of them which is Oh owns budget and then another one Oh glad you love the new background I know the time flies by one of my lives was like two and a half hours or two hours and I thought oh my gosh I'm hungry I'm in chat for two hours or whatever but this is just over an hour I haven't seen the other receipt of that rental my email address if you're asking is it's a crime and a shame at yeah usually my lives are more structured I really go into each one and I like doing a case catch up so we can figure out you know what's going on in one lump and then some people go oh I've never heard of that case I'm gonna go dive into that I think for Evelyn it's the the mum and the Evelyn's mom and grandma knows something I don't know yet I'm an Aries my birthday is next month yes I am um every who says hope you'll also be covering Heidi Broussard if you go to my channel in the playlist I do have Heidi Broussard and I have quite a few videos on her she was the very first case I covered on my channel um and really struck me so I came on and did that and so yeah you can see more of that and I know they pushed back the court date because it was supposed to be early March I believe and they pushed it back to May ah okay Julie have fun yeah divorce is all done isn't it Oh Christy it's your birthday today well happy 45th birthday I hope you have an amazing day even if you're stuck inside just pretend you're somewhere else if you want to I know this sounds trivial but I get inspirational ideas from your nail colors yeah that somebody asks why I always have whites just the last two had white this one has little stuff on how do you see it yeah happy birthday to Christy do I have kids yes I do I have two yes forties are the new 20s I agree thanks mark he says Linda you make it feel like a family here oh I wanted to be I think community is really really important and without you guys there wouldn't be me on here no I did not hear about tisha saying she was framed but it doesn't surprise me cuz now she's backed in a wall so thin she's gonna be like gotta come up with something else okay I'm gonna write that down hey mister Linda he says except for me I'm 38 and feel 50 with my back that's a true statement that you feel 50 sometimes or 60 or 70 I'm a little older than mister Linda but I'm a little healthier than mister Linda I think because I said to him like you're younger why are you so sore yeah the dog Al's dog that he requested I saw that he's getting it back he's getting the dog back BRB Dahl says Linda I'm in admits of receiving radiation treatments here at John Hopkins I always look for your vids and lives they're really helping me get through all I'm so happy that my videos are helping you and I'm sending you lots and lots and lots of love and light and you can get through this and you will get through this and you have us you guys calling me a cougar and who's saying oil of olay my friend used to say call it oil of delay yes Angela Boswell Oh what she robbed her own parents I don't know about that where did you see that that Angela robbed her own parents look who's here J is for justice okay girl I saw you back in Heidi's hidey Broussard's the one where you did the interview with Heidi's friends and I wish I had more time to dive in to go back to your channel but I haven't seen your channel in so long I'm super happy you're here so welcome thank you so much this is awesome J is for justice is on here and it's so incredibly awesome to have another creator support another creator that would be awesome I would love that maybe we'll chat through email or something if I don't know how we would do that I would I would do that just email me and then we can figure something out or whatever yeah it's a crime in a shame at that's awesome yeah I haven't seen you in a while and I'm so sorry because I would love to support people it's just you know when you start digging in it it's hard to see other people we need coffee mugs those are coming coffee mugs are coming you guys and I was hoping there is Heidi updates too so maybe soon there will be yeah it's important to support other people and other creators and as a create as a creator I feel that we have a responsibility more so then then even the viewers right because we set an example and we don't need to bash other people and why so yeah that's awesome that's awesome that you're able to come on the live yeah it is it's crazy how you dig into a case and you know you're trying to get all these information and people are emailing you and commenting and you're trying to do all these things and then you know you have just enough time to get out of video and then holy crap you wish you could see your favorite youtubers from before or whatever and it's been a long time yeah that's super awesome yeah hello from Canada oh thank you you know I'm gonna be diving back to your channel now and I'm gonna begin looking at your stuff I'm so glad you came on I recently found your channel this week absolutely love it I've been binge watching your videos love you darling I love you too thank you I'm in Alberta I hoping to be in BC because British Columbia is amazing yeah thanks so much um J is for justice thank you so much and I'll look forward to your email and then we can chat info snacks mugs that is a very very common request I love your new background can I suggest editing the words to be changed per case open open cases could have the phone number and case number not sure I know what you mean Karina's sisters live on NBC where BC is awesome I didn't I didn't get any Gannon funeral you news yet have you guys I haven't seen it yet no Lin I haven't I haven't actually I don't have the mug yet I'm gonna get it made it's gonna be in South Carolina do you know the date this weekend okay South Carolina this weekend Oh what mug I'm not sure yet some people are asking for info snacks they're asking for a couple different things so I'm just working with a couple people and figuring that out oh I see what you mean about the sign yeah I hope they're having one in South Carolina in Colorado two memorials okay yeah I feel tisha did it on her own too but we'll see I'm going to go through this witness list because you guys seem to want it so I will do that no Rosie Rosita it wasn't Alex it was actually Chad that did that that touched her but what do I think is the reason why she did that with with tisha or what whitey she did that I think I wouldn't say I'm not gonna go too much into it I think though with her making all the comments about how she had to watch the kids and cuz Landy didn't want to do it la-la-la I think she just wasn't didn't want to look after those kids and maybe her and Gannon but it heads and maybe one night I don't know it's hard to say too because on one hand I'm thinking she planned a lot of it because you could see her on a schedule and on the other hand like she just got mad enough that she couldn't take it no more like I don't know Oh Laurie podcasts are back on look gear up you guys yeah I mean she bashed Landon because she needed to create a diversion right she had to she had to point fingers at everybody cuz this girl doesn't do anything for responsibility look at the CPS statements on true crime societies gannis oh okay I will is that new did they just put that up oh thank you email me links awesome the new info on Cody Taylor it's not it's not official info it's what I found that's why I've been hesitant to show some of it not that they don't have it already but it's just that I dug in and saw what I saw welcome aboard crappy crafter Cody Taylor is the guy who allegedly killed face wet lick the little girl from Casey yeah Cody is co t y-yeah every time she opens her mouth a like I'm sure it's true every single time but the thing is is she has little baby truths throughout her statements mr. Linden better be making you dinner tonight yeah I hope so we trade off when I first met him though he didn't really know how to cook thank you Miss Sarah see I think I think her with their truths and that's why I kind of tried to piece stuff together because it was coming out right she would let things slip it was like oh that's that's a truth and that's not a truth you know I don't know where the gun came from I am not using a green screen no when she gets a cell mate she's gonna sing like a canary there's another for a 40 year old did you say Evelyn I have to see that yeah this I did little pictures of the cases that I'm covering for the month sometimes they last longer than I'm on then I have Gannon and Evelyn down there's JJ and Ty Lee and I have a couple other pictures I put in there Heidi Broussard is down phase down here and Heidi Heidi's is somewhere around here right here with some of it with my big chair you can't see oh no hi I'm not coughing coughing I'm just you know dry throat I've been talking for an hour and a half it's dry yes I heard about Lori's ring I am doing a video on it I spent yesterday compiling some more information I'm gonna do an official video so that you guys have something to see tomorrow and I have a couple other things I'm gonna be coming out as well in the next few days like new new cases and I have a I have a subscriber who has a brother missing and she approached me and said can you cover this on your channel and I said yes yeah Lori purse purchased the ring before Tami was killed is Alberta in lockdown yeah everything's closed kids are home their home school like doing online learning I guess you could say and a lot of stores are closed and restaurants and don't say out alavés yes I was just mentioning her she's the five year old that went missing in in when was it September was it five months ago who denisa she homeschools her for they're all adults now that's good on you cuz that's a lot of work yeah here too in Alberta it's clear that the schools are closed for the rest of year and summer school all closed Serenity's dinner at this and some of these there's so many people you homeschool your five children that's amazing you need a crown like a princess crown all day I swear that's a lot Wow you guys a lot of homeschooling yeah Laurie got the 35 $99 ring who I yeah I'm surprised about the colors are beautiful in the background you wait till you see it on video it really pops out it really really pops out it especially like it just you can see the brick better oh I think homeschooling is great I just don't I just think it's amazing that people can do that I would do it and I am doing it now I guess but yeah see kudos to those who homeschool I'm learning it now and it's a struggle yeah I mean it's Jennifer your 50th birthday is on April 14th that's awesome you're gonna have a big one it's awesome I can barely ever get on with my dog bad I you know I was thinking about that some parents may not want to go back to the regular school no I think that the ring was actually 38 dollars and some change including tax sixty on April 3rd lots of Aires coming up mister Linda is also born in April quarantine for 13 days Wow well it's good see that's what I want to do and get on here and said and and say like hi how's it going hang out because I know a lot of you guys are you know going a little stir-crazy yeah there is a lot of hoarding going on isn't there have we seen mr. Linda yet nope just in chat we haven't seen mr. Linda yet though where are Chad's kids they're married and they're in I don't know all of them married sorry they're grown up and they are in I don't know what the ages I do know one of them has a baby for sure and one was on the way from what I read and one is on a mission and the rest I believe are in Idaho yeah we call him mr. Linda people are coffee on this trip Linda and it kind of stuck I do have Heidi and Margo right here I do have them right there thank you I'm glad you love it he doesn't mind at all he finds it funny he said he wants a cup he wants a mug and I said ok I'll get you bug this is mr. Flynn mr. Linda is very supportive and he does deserve a mug but I should put mitten like mr. Linda in big big letters and then give him miss you coffee you know everyday tea shows next court date is April 14th at 3 p.m. and mr. Linda said he would come on we'll see what when he'll come on Jonathan says your mind is amazing your work you work through what you work through an incredible amount of information yeah that is my natural mind I am constantly that's just the way I work so when I presented to you guys this is how I think it's not an extra trying to figure out how well I guess sometimes I'm trying to figure out how I can explain it to you guys so that it makes sense but this is how my natural mind does work words just see patterns sometimes I see things and when I see that sometimes the average bear doesn't see it and so I think that helps in a way right police announce mr. Lindo when he's okay we'll give you a heads-up when mr. Linda is gonna come on well thank you my sassy yeah you know what a lot of people are saying about my voice is that it calms them have never heard that in my entire life even mr. Linda's looking like really but a lot of people said they really liked my voice and they said I should do those audible looks like what where are we at for time we're we're ok for time for a little bit I have a little bit longer and then I have to go yeah I'm so glad you guys love the new background that cuz it you know I'm not a lot of people or I show how do I say this it could be that people hated it right and I didn't want something that doesn't mean anything I wanted something that meant something but and I'm sure did not like the wall paint from before and soon will the Merck merch will become so I always getting better right hopefully my videos are getting better flea on getting better Thank You penny love your new set I love your channel because you have integrity and give such detailed and accurate content you work hard to fact-check your info your pleasant yeah thank you so much it's very nice we'll see if I put mr. Lind out there what do I do to unwind with all the bad news well I do some self-care because I think it's super important I love being outside and going for a walk or something just to clear my mind I do take one day a week even if it's like an hour and just go do something for me not family related not people related not anything related just for me and since I've been doing that it helps beyond anything I could ever say so I I would say just even an hour and then I'm okay so otherwise you know people can get depressed and people can it's just important it's very very important to just spend some time with yourself and and the other thing if you guys ever are having issues where you're upset or things are really bothering you one of the things that I can say without a shadow of a delft without a shadow of a doubt is to do a gratitude list and that is game changer game game game changer and at first you're gonna think I don't get it like this is how could this even help me and it does you wake up in the morning and you write even if it's just three things you just write what you're grateful for and then you can even do that at nighttime and your life starts to change yes if I don't take time out for myself I can totally burn out just like anybody else yeah and being on here and doing YouTube a lot of youtubers get they get burned out I do the compliment thing to write yeah give one compliment to somebody as long as it's as long as it's authentic oh cool background is very calming look like painted brick or love the painted brick it looks like looking out the window that's cool oh the pinion on JonBenet Ramsey I was watching maybe it would been two months ago of another documentary on it what was super interesting about this case is that the 9-1-1 operator was talking about the call and they never even said she was never even asked actually one sec here guys somebody's asking for my email there's my email i don't know it shouldn't bounce but there we go hello Sharon welcome yeah so this 911 911 operator was saying oh there was more to this call nobody's asking me about it so I thought was kind of weird well crystal I'm glad you can make it um Gannon is on the witness list do you think there is more videos of him possibly from the day he possibly she probably thought that she was doing the right thing by videotaping it now I will say a back to Jon Benet I will say this I did see dr. Phil interview the brother and I have been watching dr. Phil not not religiously but I've been watching dr. Phil since I don't know 20 years ago and when I saw him talking to the Sun and then what he was saying later about his behavior I actually went to dr. Phil actually just say that cuz it seemed like that's not his regular response what it would be yes true crime crime can be very depressing you're right but you know the way I look at it now is if I can put out these videos and if they can spread to as many people as possible just even awareness of somebody missing but then also to the point where people are gonna second-guess go on you know maybe I might not be able to get away with it then it's worth it right yeah that handwriting on the mother's note yes I mean I don't know that's just a sad sad case absolutely I would I should go dive into it just see if there's so many patterns that I thought but we were talking about there JonBenet Ramsey thanks Charmin yeah he was really little the boy was little I just thought it's just everything was different and yeah yeah who writes a two to three page ransom note at the house when parents are asleep yeah yeah good point and and it was interesting with the 911 call operator what she said because she stayed on the line and she could hear the mother talk after that like okay now what Karen wrote it was I have to go through it is there one case that just keeps you up at night besides Gannon and not the recent ones but is there one that really just I can't handle like what happened is there something that just will haunt you for a while that's very very important to you I'd be curious which one that was I've been on for 109 and 109 minutes the Zodiac Chiron Harmon kanika Jen Jenkins Casey Anthony I think everybody's still bothered about Kate Casey Anthony Delphi murders is very interesting I was just looking into it Libyan Abby yeah I saw I think Kendall ray I just saw because somebody said to look into Delphi murders okay where am I here oh I'll have to check Stephanie's out for that for the Delphi ones at Casey Anthony's investigator now no way really okay got it on the hey yeah Tanya that it was too much exactly guys watch a lot hey you follow a lot ya see the cwk so I don't want to even say his name but this the CW cases bothersome but I won't go I won't touch it I won't go near written thanks kitten mittens welcome aboard yes some of my theories are coming to fruition unfortunately fortunately and unfortunately yeah Jill I agree about that case did put me down too and I was like no I I'm not gonna do it I did one video and then I forget it Black Dahlia alphabet murders wow you guys have a lot hey what times I'm gonna give it about five more minutes and I gotta get going love both of you and thank you for respecting shannon's was delicious yeah I found that out after and so I thought no I'm not going near it Laci Peterson she was somebody I followed very very closely when it first happened 20 years ago cupcake case yeah Lacey's was just and there we go that Scott Peterson was a piece of work there too so smug Natalee Holloway's Susan Powell Jessica easterly turning carly goose a jenkins Powell case wow you guys have so many I wish I had worked there needs to be 24 hours in a day Heather Elvis that was interesting because Heather Elvis lived in the same building as tisha right Toronto Ontario that has been bothering me for years Christine Jessup and Nicole Morin hmm I think I've heard of the christine christine Jessup I think there's also the ones from Ontario honey honey and her husband yeah um Heather Elvis did they ever find her body though I don't know if they did right do a case that hasn't been done before I'm going to be working on one that a subscriber sent to me who her brother is missing and he's been missing for a couple years and I'm going to look into it and research and work with her and I'm gonna put a video out for her on him Sara attorney code-3 forever welcome sorry mr. presentation had to go to MD will look into this later sounds like he covered a lot I did I covered well I guess not too in-depth but I really wanted to do more of a chit chat today Wow in Springfield Ohio wow that's I'm so sorry about your aunt nobody should go missing and nobody shouldn't end up dying like that good night sue you guys gave me an incredible amount of people to look into thank you a lot of people have said about Terry Hartmann on the Chiron Harmon case whatever when tisha first came out all this came out people were saying this like I would say hundreds of comments on my videos I'm gonna I've been looking at Dulce maybe I'll talk about her too thank you I'm glad you like the background I haven't look in into that case with Missy I didn't I didn't know but I'll look watch Tiger King and do a live discussion on it it's wild so far okay Paige Johnson oh they found her Wow and Gannon used to be my brother's friend and when my brother came after school he'd be telling me how much he had problems with his stepmom don't go to it at this point leave it to Linda thanks for the chitchat it makes my workout seem not as horrible there you go good good that you're working out it's good my brother used to tell me a lot of Ganon's life so he's your younger did you guys live washing I shouldn't ask that question but they played a lot they were really good friends yeah I hope he's doing okay because I know that's very very hard and difficult for kids even just to understand the concept and then having to have their really good yeah yeah that's really tough I'm so sorry that your little brother is dealing with that too it's just very very sad and losing a loved one is very hard and then when you have a young child who's very close to the person who died and then now you have all these questions I hope he gets some obviously he's being supported by you but I hope he gets some healing I'm gonna give it a couple more minutes to guys yeah he feels all alone in school are they at the school are they doing are they doing counseling for kids or anything special like to help with this with with Gannon and how this has all gone down do they have something and some sort of support specifically for that because I know sometimes when things happen yeah I really hope they could I always think like a even in phase case when face sweat lik passed away you thinking your little friends are looking at an empty desk much like Gannon and I'm sure yeah I mean the close quote schools are closed now but I meant I mean he's been missing for two months right I'm so sorry he's going through that and I know it's hard if you know your buddy is is opening up to your your other buddy and about the stepmom and it could be not very nice things or whatever just struggles I'm sure that's just all all tough to take it's hard for an adult to take and now you know a young child oh cool Laura it's hard for anybody to know you know like this what do you do I mean you can't predict this and you can't you know you it's just it it is what it is what happened and it's awful and we just hope that people are getting the help they need to move on yeah I bet that you can feel as your brother's pain yeah it's that's really hard yeah good question Cory says did you did you call the tip line with what you knew and on his first day we when he went missing me and my bro went to walk all over the neighborhood to look for him yes I I think that's a lot of people who cared for him did and thank you for looking for him and it's my understanding that tisha did not go and look for him on the first day your brother started to cry like crazy I bet well you did as a kid you don't even think of consequences like that and he pushed you to go look for him yeah yeah that's really tough and that's what I think about is do you like little friends you know looking for him or whatever and they're gone that's so tough yeah she was exactly she was she was too busy covering up her stuff and renting a car instead of going to look for him but according to her she went door-to-door okay show me that she went door-to-door yeah you're too busy to go put 955 miles on her excuse for renting the cars she said she didn't want Gannon to see or recognize them in case he'd think she wasn't he was in trouble and that she was going door-to-door mister Linda love that you keep up with these cases he's so funny I'll talk to him about the case and then I do a video and he'll go and watch the videos like I just talked about it to you for how long it's a kind of I like watching your shows it's okay if you're late welcome aboard today is more of a chitchat I did a tiny bit of updates not my usual live where it is structured but I wanted to hang out with you guys and I know some of you guys might be going a little bit stir-crazy ER cabin fever so yeah she's afraid of being caught back at a crime scene that's why she had to create numerous cuz you know she's always says she's one step ahead she's I'm always thinking one step yes mister Linda is my husband the people gave them people gave him that with so much social media today we will be learning about more and more sick and sad cases as time goes on these type of cases have been going on before the Internet sadly yes but hopefully the Internet will also spread the word so people think twice when they do this yeah she gave little bits away you know little little tidbits of information through all her BS there's all kinds of stuff like if you saw in my videos where I'm talking to her talking about her and saying about her you know the leaked phone call and her interview and all these little things that are just tiny tiny things that it's like wait a minute Tracy frizzy is from Snowy BC Canada I love BC I'm so glad you love the background thank you code three forever for saying that we are told to be staying home the kids are learning from home and the grocery stores look ridiculous and the weird thing is I eat gluten-free I have to eat gluten-free so I kind of get worried a little bit about you know the supply and demand but I'm not going crazy like some people are but I'm making sure to stock up a little bit and just so you know like a loaf of bread here in Canada for gluten free is eight dollars a loaf not that I eat a lot of bread I don't but hey we'll go for toilet paper if you caught me earlier I told my hubby Matt his the pack of toilet paper that we have his half is his half he's gonna have to learn to ration because he's not touching my half we don't have target in Canada we did for like a short time then gone if you are just chiming in I covered oh my gosh a new case that I'm gonna be coming out with that's from a subscriber her brother is missing for the last couple of years and I covered Laurie and Chad and Evelyn's grandmother's in jail and she just recently got kicked out of Walmart for trying to steal forty five dollars worth of stuff and then she was arrested today on aggravated burglary because she thought it was a good idea to go do that and got caught with crystal meth and fifty bucks fifty dollars in that look fake or something so okay I'm gonna COFF but it's not what you think it is because just cuz my throat is super dry from talking for 130 minutes straight counterfeit that's the word I am so glad you guys are loving the background wait till you see it on official video it just pops yeah see you guys are making me lose my voice okay that's it six feet away for the next three months um mister Linda we'll see about that no this don't what say anything with a cough no I told my husband while blowing his nose with TP he's using paper gold exactly thanks Pamela I think we're more than six feet apart we're okay Evelyn Beatty's what is that four years old where it where is she from yes you're getting that that's awesome Felicia says love the pastels Linda and the lightbulb symbol of I got an idea two kids were killed by their parents where I live a few days ago the hospital said it's from virus stress bs we need to pray for all children I'm hearing that there is higher incidences of of what do you call it of abuse for children and stuff and people are freaking out and we hope not you know Oh No Cory you said I'm self quarantine right now called 8:01 and they said I have to be in my own room and have my own scent my own bathroom have symptoms no info snacks yeah I think there's gonna be people are super stressed out right but I think people need to remember too that this is gonna change this is gonna get better and we got to hold on to that and not I you know even though it's stressful and people are losing their jobs and and you know a lot of things are happening it could be very scary we also have to remember that this too shall pass yeah imposed accent I'm not gonna say that word people are still messaging me do you know what that means we're a circle revelon is missing with her dog and she's four Alabama okay Alabama thank you for that I'm so glad you guys are hanging out with me today it's great and I did say I was gonna get off really soon so I could only be two more minutes you guys I'm sorry I would I would hang out with you all day you guys are fun I have been live for a hundred and thirty-four minutes giving you a little bit of info snacks today but I will have I will be working on the video of Laurie her new info with her ring and I will be coming back tomorrow while you'll see it tomorrow pretty much yeah gluten-free in full specs that's true I'm giving you gluten-free and see gluten-free isn't bad right alright you guys thank you so much for joining me and I appreciate it I had a good time with you hanging out and I will be doing another live again and we'll catch up on some other cases and stay tuned for some new ones and yeah thank you so much you guys are awesome and we'll just keep on keepin on and I'll see you in the next video so have a great day give lots of hugs if you're still you know give lots of hugs if you can if not be safe and quarantine yourself and get better and up that immune system and it'll be all okay even if it sucks right now so talk to you soon love you guys lots and we'll see you later bye
Channel: It's A Crime
Views: 29,671
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 62X2P-xJkZ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 135min 50sec (8150 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 26 2020
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