πŸ›‘ It's A Crime Case Catch Up & Discussion LiveStream Tonight 7 pm MST! (Set Reminder)

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Hello everybody welcome to a Friday night here at it's a crime I'm so happy to have you all join me I see you guys have been chit-chatting the day away getting ready for this video so tonight I'm going to have so many cases to go through so what I thought I would do is go through one case then have a little chitchat and a QA go through another case chit chat and Q&A that way it flows a little bit better but we still have time to chat and so everybody's happy hopefully sound good and then just to the moderators who are in here thank you so much I appreciate you I have slowmode ticked off on on this video so we're on this livestream so hopefully the slow mode is actually working we have usually quite a few people that start filtering in so hopefully it's not gonna be too crazy fast um and that will help and it's still fast well hold it I did put it on slow-mo but maybe because we have a lot of people so what else you guys um yeah so that and then as always I don't mind anybody having differing opinions just keep it classy please and thank you and to the moderators too nobody really needs to get timed out or kicked out unless you know it's not good so I think we're good now before as people start coming in I'm just gonna take one more minute and talk about the channel we just hit 85,000 thin which is awesome and what else there is a new merch design in my store of let's get into it so a lot of you people have been asking you know hey Linda put something with let's get into it on it so I did that and what else oh yeah if you want to see that you can do this should show up on the blow or yeah under the VIP video is what I mean or there is also not in this description I don't think I have the merch in there but I will on the playback so once this livestream is done I will be obviously posting it to the channel and then all have timestamps on it a lot of you are really liking that and I'll put that again in the description below so each case you'll see the playlist and you'll also see the time step that I talked about itself on playback it's a little bit easier also if you see the names pop up in green that means that people in the chat are joining my new membership called the crime ring actually it's been about two months so feels still really new there are different tiers available making it affordable for everybody so welcome aboard to those who have already joined and those of you who are about to and you should see also custom emojis on the bottom or just below the chat on the left hand corner right where the regular emojis are but if you remember you can use some extra stuff alright I'm checking in on you guys make sure you guys are all good and then we are going to get into it we have a ton of cases to cover Evelyn Boswell Gannon stoke Laurie Val oh we have Vanessa Guillen and little Sebastian that I did do a video on before so there's quite a few so we're just gonna zoom through them welcome everybody okay whoa-ohh is my audio not matching up I don't know it should oh you know what I might have to get mr. Linda to help me not one second please I'm gonna ask mr. Linda to help me bring the cord in sorry one sec you guys we had a storm today so it might be a little bit wonky I'll get the modem hooked up he can bring it to me and then it should be okay alright let's get into it first we're gonna talk about Leticia still and Leticia is being evaluated for competency right and she's at the Colorado Mental Health Institute in Pueblo Colorado which is about 45 minutes away from Colorado Springs and you probably already heard about this I haven't covered it in my videos yet however I'm just gonna quote what Michael Allen says and then we can have a chitchat about it he says the defendant is going to be evaluated for her competency which means that she will be evaluated to see if she understands the proceedings the nature of the charges the role of people in the courtroom including her defense counsel prosecution and the judge and he said that obviously the move to test her competency will delay the case moving forward he says the biggest thing is that this just slows things down everything in this case now is stayed until the evaluation comes back from the state hospital it really is going to slow things down tremendously until we get that evaluation complete and he said the review hearing is scheduled for September 8th but he did say her evaluation results might come back sooner and he says if that happens we could potentially get an earlier date that's a while so June July August we got yeah I've got three months right just under I guess and he said also because of the ongoing pandemic the results could also come back later because this is hard to read because you're going ah he says as we have seen with the pandemic everything is delayed now including competency evaluations can be delayed that's because of transfer issues if you take somebody from the jail the jail is very reluctant to take somebody back into the jail to ensure that they don't have a spread inside of our Jail well I think anybody's gonna be reluctant to have her and then the volume of the discovery alone which we've kind of heard is going to be thousands of pages right and there's nineteen thousand nine and two pages of the discovery and over 250 items of media discovery so looks like Linda is going to be when it comes out is going to be you know non-existent for a while diving in and mr. Linda may not see me for quite some time as I doing one of these now on Landon's Facebook page I saw a post I saw a couple posts obviously she posts quite a bit about Gannon but there was a couple that just really stuck out to me and she had a post where she had pictures of her out de boat I guess and she said that she's getting signs from him she said so many little things that you have sent me in the last two days rainbows and and I love you there was a heart-shaped cloud in the picture that she had blue sky and then just a heart-shaped cloud she says Cardinals there's red Cardinal bunnies and rays of colors in the skies and she says a constant reminder of her love and she had another post that is super emotional like she just showed a picture of her and the kids and it was literally from a year ago to the week and you see that and dannan smiling and happy and being there in the house just a little bit you know it's tough right and I like to you know go once in a while and check out Landon's page her and I actually have the same birthday so I thought that was kind of cool all right what do we have here I'm just gonna check in Karen says good evening from New Brunswick Canada excited to be here fairly new member welcome thank you all for the super chat thank you I'm this new software is kind of cool you get to highlight you get to highlight names or names and comments but it goes by sometimes really fast there we go I think I found you there you go oh yeah I'll be gentle welcome aboard and Canadian that's awesome welcome aboard do you have any questions about Letitia and that there's not a whole lot right now oh right I have I have an info snack but then it ends up not being too much a one I thought I thought I had some something there's yeah thank you so much so last night I was on a zoom with my crime ring and we were talking about because I got an email that potentially we knew where Eduardo came from and I thought it was it too and then I even looked it up while we were on zoom but then it turns out it was somebody's username and duardo not Eduardo but it said I thought it was maybe a character from like retro sonic but it was the knuckles guy and this guy had Eduardo knuckles but the way it was when you were combing and researching it it looked like oh my gosh that's where she got it from ridiculous and then it ended up being today is like no I did a little more snooping like no that's not it Oh Eduardo so that's unfortunate that I thought like I thought oh no I thought we had it we were figuring out where aguar dough was but basically it's just in the corners of her mind all right not a whole lot there yet but I'm sure because it's so quiet we're gonna hear something about her even though she's in Pueblo getting a mental health exam now what are your guys's thoughts because to me it's like this is not a worry I think like a you camp she's not she's not gonna be able to fake the professionals in my opinion I don't think she's gonna be able to fake him she's gonna try and my goodness could you imagine the professionals are gonna be you know looking at her going like can you even believe what she's pulling right now right that's how I feel yeah yeah she's probably coming up with the plan maybe not a broomstick this time though and maybe she has to measure herself again like we're not we're not sure right but I really don't think it's going to be I don't think she's gonna be in incompetent I think they're gonna be like no you're totally fine you're just a different kind of crazy okay I got to put this up because somebody's in here saying to mr. Linda I know Zulema she was my job coach and sucked at it and Melanie give is friends with my mom this is interesting I are you gonna be sticking around because I'm gonna be covering Laurie pretty quick here I would love to know about Zulema people have asked me over and over and over numerous questions numerous emails we need to know about Zulema what do you know about lemon I only know about this much about Zulema but seems you addy would know quite a bit if she was your job coach and very interesting Melanie Gibb is friends with your mom so they is it is a tight-knit group isn't it that's very interesting welcome everybody if you are just joining me we're going through a bunch of cases we just covered Leticia Stoke and we are going to be doing a bunch more tonight so what I'm doing is I'm gonna run through a case then we have a little chitchat then run through a case so there's not too much interruptions hopefully they'll go a little smoother after the live stream is over I will put in the description timestamps so it'll help you guys out all right so we're gonna go to the next one okay here's another one that is a head scratcher and that's a Suzanne Morphew case I mean this has been super hush-hush from the get-go when you agree and it's been two months it's gonna be almost two months that she's been missing she went missing on May 10th and yeah it's gonna be two months over about six weeks now now there's a not a lot going around there's a lot of chatter but not a lot of info being given the last time that the Chaffee County Sheriff's Office said anything was in a press release on June 10th and basically it was it's been a month since she's since Suzanne Murphy's been reported missing and they just basically have said the same thing over and over they said On June 10th investigators plan to conduct a community canvass in the county to contact residents and others to not only share information about Miss Murphy's disappearance but also focus on obtaining any new information in her case nearly two dozen member members of law enforcement will take part in this comprehensive effort on Wednesday I mean there is not a whole lot and I find it I find it weird I mean we've seen the interview interview that was with the other youtuber Tyson Draper and Barrymore few we've seen berry Morpheus video we've seen a few things go down right but there's even been chatter about people comparing berry with a de Delphi case it's it's just really interesting to me but I think right from the get-go there's been so much silent and to the point where it's like is it because they know something or is it because like what is it because what we for sure know is she's missing we don't even know the day she's went missing really and I don't know um if you guys have time just google or go on YouTube and look up some barrymore a few verses Delphi and it's just interesting it's interesting I do not go back on my video about ham though I don't I stick to my guns on his video thanks Liz in Texas and welcome aboard to the new the new crime ring members oh ok ice I missed a little thing here stay tuned one sec so yeah what are your guys as thoughts on this case because it's been so harsh my fear is is that it's going to end up a cold case but maybe they know more the other thing I was thinking about and I don't want to open up this can too much but I was thinking about how small it is there right where she lives it's very very small and in two years that they've lived there it can be you know you could meet a lot of people I was saying this in my membership last night on Zoom you know how small town errs if you are small town are in here you'll know this it's like you don't give directions according to what the street name is it's like you go to Uncle Bob's house and then you make a left and then you're gonna go to the restaurant and then you make a right you know like it's it's that kind of thing so meaning that everybody knows everybody and a lot of people know what's going on you know they just know your business so it's kind of weird how everything is so hush-hush and is it because maybe there's some people that know each other I mean Barry's a volunteer firefighter and he's a landscape he has a landscaping business right but I'm just I don't know I just feel like there's some wonky wonky things going on in there Rita says I wonder if the kids were there if he would have killed them all so and why are the kids gone for Mother's Day I think they were on a camping trip and they were on their way back is my understanding and but we don't know we don't know a timeline there is ZERO timeline hey we're looking for Suzanne she left on Friday or Saturday or you know Sunday morning it's there's zero so the other interesting thing is when they put out the missing-persons poster for Suzanne there's no mention of a reward Barry said there's $200,000 reward but there's no mention officially of a reward right so there's still not much on there either there's a lot of chatter but there's really not a whole lot of info but I do have more info on the upcoming cases don't worry so if we're done with that we'll move on you guys good Angela says why is the family so silent good question I don't know I don't know I mean some people want to just be quiet some people don't want to get harassed by the media some people just want to stay silent because they need to stay silent yeah we haven't heard from the the daughters at all right Kim says hey hey from the UK it's 2:19 but I'm here you guys are just like strong and going is awesome welcome okay so we'll keep going yeah I heard that too that people are saying that he's wanting to relocate or maybe relocating yeah that's a good point if my mother was missing in the media wanted to interview me I'd do it everybody's different though too right so I guess time will tell I'm just worried that they're not gonna get any little info snacks but I'd like to be a fly on the wall and some of the things that they have done for sure all right let's get let's get moving on to the next one do you guys remember the video that I did on little Sebastian Castro Ric Rivas he is the little three three year old oh my gosh can you bleep yeah that he was in Colorado as well in Eagle Colorado and he went missing at nighttime 9:20 p.m. he was reported missing and they ended up doing a search he is autistic and nonverbal and they found his phone that he uses for music and they found a shoe of his in the river but no Sebastian so for the last couple weeks I was going because people are saying any updates and he'd updates like no but the last couple days as I was getting ready for this case catch up I found out that his dad was speaking and he said the Sebastian left home from their first floor apartment and there was previous reports that he was saying that he jumped from the balcony because I was like what how does a three-year-old and where are you where are you jumping from right but the the it was said we live in the first floor there's a built-in fence my dad made for him for him not to go out this is the sister speaking there's a satellite dish that he uses for leverage so he can climb out and run for the park that's next to us as for the cell phone she says he had a cell phone because my mom hands it to distract him while she goes outside and my dad watches him inside they had just gotten home from a walk and hence why she left him with my dad and so it is a little bit weird the dad says he never goes to the balcony when it's nighttime but he did and must have jumped so in this I just thought well that's weird kids really don't know or don't really care if it's nighttime or not when they you know when they play around and run they don't carry right but we don't know Sebastian um he says he feels that Sebastian is still alive and he's pleading for a safe return if someone has him if someone took him he says I assure you there will be no charges nothing and there was what else was there did I see that's pretty much it for for him that they found that but yes autistic children are very curious with water but three why are you not in bed yeah I mean the there was reports that they saw a little boy with his description at the playground and 9 p.m. and by 9:20 they called so maybe he hopped it because he wanted to go play it was said that the case the sister said that her dad had built something like a deck on the apartment and he did it so that he can't escape but he did escape right or he says that's what he must have done Sebastian must have climbed over and and left so I just I don't know that this is find that really really weird what do you guys think yes I I totally agree autism kids can be escape art as well little kids in general but yeah I mean there you have a tendency not all of them because once you meet somebody with autism you meet one person with autism right everybody's different but they can escape and a lot of times they have to do the extra locks and whatnot right and plus he's nonverbal so there's that too now I don't know when they're saying first floor if they're meaning main floor like ground floor or if they're meaning the next floor up I'm thinking I might the main ground floor and then you know second floor would be the second floor so again another case where we just there's no answers now I know the river was really really high and it was rough that week he went missing and they said he played he would play that music or on the phone right cuz wow the kid took his cell phone he's three years old and look little lot and take it with them or what happened right um Oh Teresa says oops did I sorry guys how long ago was this um Sebastian went missing let me just get the exact date I have it down but there's so many dates today that my head is spinning it was I think it was the end of May beginning of June yeah is the beginning of June so we're going on to three weeks let me just get the calendar since the Friday the 5th June 5th Danny says I work with children who have nonverbal autism and I can attest to the fact that they dual Oprah escapes sometimes it's usually because of unprofessional and makes me think he was escaping it very well could be and then he would probably saw the park and he's gone to the park and hanging out and then wanted to go see the water or whatever um that's when they found the phone and that's where they found his shoe one of his shoes so I don't I don't know it's heart-wrenching especially you just don't even know I mean the first 48 hours is you know important and then I don't know what they're doing they had several several several people looking and combing for him and trying to find him and they're saying like don't yell his name like he he really doesn't like that and to you know sing songs or that kind of thing they see likes music and so it from my understanding he just maybe climbed over used the satellite dishes one of them I was reading that he's this he would climb up and then use a satellite dish to grab on and then go over and and that my littlest one was escape artist just in his crib like it's amazing at 18 months or two years old and all of a sudden you see him escape from the curb you like that little bugger how did he do that and then it was game over from there like you might as well go to a big boy bed because the cribs aren't gonna work Thank You Rhonda the queen of denial says I have four kids with autism one daughter who was three at the time was being babysat by the neighbors she figured out how to break into my house and the cops couldn't figure out how she did it he's smart thank you they're determined whatever they you know they want to go do what they want to do all right let's go to the next one Evelyn Boswell we're speaking of little babies there's again not a lot of headway made however they are the Tennessee House Judiciary Committee is recommending the passage of a bill known as Evelyn Boswell's law that would increase penalties for parents or guardians who don't report their children missing in a timely manner and obviously timely be a lot less than two months because she was reported member she was reported missing actually February 20 20 s and that crazy was back in February and she hadn't been seen since December there's also a petition and I will put that in the description below once this is all done that there's a petition for having a playground built in honor of baby Evelyn and it said this is kind of cool it says the playground would include activities for children ages three months and up and an area to include equipment for handicapped children so that all children can have a place to play and have fun I love that most playgrounds do not have these accommodations and there needs to be one built to make change possible for other kids so I thought that was really cool and again I'll put that in the description below later also the Megan her court date is set for July 31st there's gonna be a lot of things happening in July now remember the boyfriend of Angela Angela's boyfriend William McLeod or ex-boyfriend I don't know what he is right now he actually assaulted an ex-girlfriend and struck an eight-year-old in the face he actually appeared in court I'd oh I don't have the exact date I think it was in May for a violation of a protective order charge not related to the Evelyn possible case but it says oh yeah here goes the charge stems from an incident that occurred in May when police say he assaulted his ex-girlfriend and struck an eight-year-old in the face a judge reset his court date to July 15th so there's that I think there's a delay on my stream on on my software that I get because you guys it's just slowly coming welcome for those who just joined me I'm zipping through a bunch of cases we're gonna do a little bit more in depth with the ones that are coming up but I had just tiny little updates and we're all getting update me updated me too because we've been diving into Laurie Mello DeBell Laurie table and and this is funny Ana says who's crazy Letitia or Laurie there's a whole different kind and not they not the crazy kind that's incompetency like not that kind of crazy all right here we go the next one this one's this one's getting me riled up a bit I and it's about Vanessa Guillen who has been following this case I did do a video when Vanessa first went missing and there was pretty much not a whole lot of information I did do a live stream that I talked about Vanessa they were looking for a petition to take to president Trump a lot of you signed that petition so I thank you for that is it jumped really not not that it's just all us but it helped now I before I came on here like today I was diving deep and this this case actually is very very very very upsetting Vanessa Guillen is a soldier at Fort Hood she went missing on April 22nd she's 20 years old 5 foot 226 pounds and there's nothing really been done for the first or it looks like not a lot has been done for the first six weeks from the sounds of it um I know Vanessa's sister has been advocating for a sister from the get-go and the family too but we see her you know she has her Facebook and you know just fighting to find Vanessa now we hear from her mom and or I did today and let me tell you her we did a press conference on the 23rd her reaction she spoke most in Spanish kay I can understand Italian and a little bit of French um so a little bit of Spanish I can pick up on not a whole lot but honestly for people who don't even know a lick of Spanish you can you can tell almost what she's saying just by her emotions this is a strong woman and she is angry and she is disgusted and she is heartbroken and that I can tell you and there has been nothing done until now really there's a couple things that I find interesting let's let's just take a look we'll rewind a minute um she when she left was around 11:30 was the last time anybody has reported seeing Vanessa add fortuitous there was talk before that it was a parking lot that she was last seen at I don't know at this point if it's true or not because there hasn't been any confirmation of that there was in the beginning but who said that this is why I say this she worked in the armory room and she left behind her ID her keys and something else and let me look yeah her car keys her barracks room key and her ID card and walk wallet were later found in the armory room now a lot of people were asking why is she wearing civilian clothes that day because they did a description of her here's the crazy thing she wasn't supposed to work that day she got called in to work nobody's saying nobody will say who called her in obviously it's an investigation her mom is angry and I am a hundred percent with her her her mother's name is Gloria she says Gloria claims that she that Vanessa complained to her about a sergeant sexually harassing her when her mother advised her to report him she said that other women had reported him that sorry other women had reported him and they weren't believed and she wasn't supposed to work that day but she got called in and her phone hasn't been found but in this press conference they talking that there was a text that was sent out from Vanessa from Vanessa's phone with a serial number and they're saying wait a minute that's breaking protocol why would she do that and so they're asking a lot of questions I mean there has been let me just read this cuz I'm gonna show you guys this is just so weird there's been a lot a lot that's been hush-hush and now it's just being looked at and they have now used the words foul play like eight eight weeks later right yeah it says they have now used the words foul play they are convinced now that there is foul play involved and they're following all the leads they can did that press conference okay here's what they're saying they're saying there's no there's no timeline all they're saying is 11:30 but there's no cameras there's no confirmation just some people saying around 11:30 and there was a couple other things Salma Hayek is also joined in the effort to draw attention on Vanessa and this is what Gloria says the mum I pleaded with them from the beginning that they searched for my daughter that they closed the base and that they used the more than thirty thousand soldiers to look for her and they never did it she says I begged them to close the base and investigate room-by-room barrack by barrack building by building and they didn't do it why now are they doing a show to look for my daughter who she's mad you could see her again so disgusted in their two issues just like just angry and then disgusted and then just upset she says the military has pulled phone records and reviewed credit card and security records information on when she was last seen is based on interviews with people however no camera video exists in which the family and their attorney said they found odd and they didn't even contact the family when Vanessa was gone and get this they were doing their checks and the superior was doing the check and actually checked her as there and now is admitting that he didn't see her that afternoon interesting um also there's it's been reported that the sergeant was playing a little peeping tom on Vanessa while she showered so Vanessa obviously said that's uncomfortable and now his whoever it is they won't say a name but whoever it is is you know abusing their power a little bit and I've seen a lot of soldiers I've seen a lot of military people on under my comments saying Linda something isn't right from the get-go they said something's not right and in fact I have another thing that I have here just one sec let me find it one of my viewers says I worked in the Army and your ID and key card to your barracks door room is just something you would not leave behind it's a part of your uniform and especially new sholde soldiers are pretty much scared into these into carrying these things and these items at all times something is up with this foul play for sure I can't even tell you how many people this is before the sexual harassment even came out and so and there's something like over 200 soldiers have gone missing there's a list there's actually a list the other thing it says that was about the account yeah the family shared with military officials at yen had told them as well as friends that a sergeant had followed her into a shower while she was naked the attorney says we suspect the person was her supervisor the same day after she was missing the family also said she was not supposed to work on the day of her disappearance but was called in to work and they want to know who called her in the family said the military would not provide names of who her supervisor was nor provide names of witnesses there's and then it's quoted there's been so many gaps and holes in what we learned today that I'm going to demand a congressional investigation for this family we want to know what happened and who is covering up and to who and why are they covering up I feel like we're not going to resolve this death I know what happened there absolutely her mother is a rock absolutely agree in a previous video when I was talking about Vanessa um we were talking about another soldier in August that went missing Gregory Morales and private Gregory Morales and he was the one who just bought a new car and then Vanessa was talking about buying a new car so we're just having a chit chat about that what I find interesting is he has been missing since August yet all of a sudden they found him deceased and they found his remains I don't know why I find this interesting I just think the timing like there is nothing there's another thing I want to mention there is a woman who went missing from no not missing she died at Fort Hood in the parking lot and I tried to do research on her this is way back when I first did Vanessa's video there's all of like three or four three or four articles barely says a peep she was a mother of I think three four children and she drops dead in the parking lot there's no talk about how she died there's no talk about anything I even went on the husband's Facebook at the time to see to see if I could find out some information on how she died nothing and it's so weird I find it super weird that we can't find not a thing about what happened they're saying it may or may not have been foul play yeah well right what are you guys saying and there's a Facebook page as well and when I get the link I'll I'll put it in the description there's a Facebook page that there's other women coming for more like oh yeah this happened to me oh yeah this happened to me oh yeah this happened to me and it's the I am Vanessa Guillen movement and I'm gonna say a little bit without saying too much okay I've never been in the army so I don't know I don't know a whole lot about the army but I did work in oil and gas before and it said it's in oil and gas it's a lot of a man's world I will just say in my opinion and experience there was a superior who decided to be inappropriate and I made it well known to him and then I was professional and just kept doing my job okay not gonna go into details however once it crossed the line where he was sabotaging my job because I said no to him things got ugly I went to HR and let's just say the guy in HR was best friends with this guy and he said that's just how he is that's just how he is he's always been that way oh really and I basically told him to take the job and shove it up you know where this happens everywhere and here's the thing in oil and gas from where I'm from you cause havoc and you cause wreck you don't get a job anywhere else in that industry in the same town in my experience this was a while ago okay because I can't say that is right now however this is somebody abusing their power because they can and get away with it because they've always gotten away with it and if that person who's been there how many years he's been in the military and is due what is what is alleging li allegedly what he's doing then isn't his first time it's not his first rodeo and this kind of crap has to stop you know because I mean obviously there's a soldier missing I just thought - on - on one of the videos as well today that there's underground tunnels like a big huge underground tunnel underneath there yeah exactly okay there we go you can't quit in military no HR you talk everyone knows dude not worth dying for exactly she didn't want to get in trouble she wanted anything happen or worse this is what happens and at the end of the day women get blamed for that I'm not saying it can't happen the other way Kate we're not talking about that right now we're talking about a male towards a feeling female females can do it to the males but in this instance it's Vanessa she complained about it this was happening her mother said please do something about it she said no other people have said something and nothing happened in fact they were even saying in the press conference that they weren't going to do they weren't going to investigate it because it wasn't a criminal charge well it obviously led to something where this woman is gone where the heck is she right and all of a sudden now they're finding the other missing soldier from August and now they're I'd like to know I'd like to know what happened to the other woman who died in the parking lot what happened there I mean and there's nothing said now here's the other thing they're talking about - checks right that somebody checked that she was there but then later said she wasn't there there's discrepancies why didn't the family get notified and her time that she was missing yeah right so I get a little heated watching you should see I encourage you to see this I'll put that in the description below - to see her her mom and her sister her sister is just she's saying she won't stop and now this has to be brought to light these things are being covered up and then not only that they know they can get away with it that and so even the attorney was saying like listen there's some weird things that they're saying why no cameras on that day she wasn't even supposed to be working and somebody called her in who called her in and then she goes missing it is disgusting now even mail soldiers are going missing from Fort Hood there has been like I mean hundreds I can't believe it and it's not in war it's right there happening why his sister did talk about a Vanessa sister talked a little bit she alluded to what do you call it a trafficking ring all kinds of things so I don't know at this point I haven't deep dive enough but this is interesting I don't know what cameras are there I don't know I mean obviously they didn't see anything it's just really weird so yes over 200 missing is what Vanessa's sister Mayra said is there is over 200 soldiers missing all right if we have a couple more questions on this and then we will move on to the next yes Diane says yeah second private Morales went missing days before he was discharged from the Army that's correct no they're not all women that are missing there's men too all right yeah if you guys are just joining me I've covered Evelyn Boswell Sebastien Castro Rivas and a little bit on Letitia not a whole lot we got to wait till September 8th for that and then the discovery we definitely want to get my hands on that when that comes down the road who else did we cover a bunch I'll have time stamps for you guys don't worry oh wow her mom said she wanted to be in the military since she was 10 yeah and she just she went I didn't know about that but I knew she went just after high school into the military yeah right Lori says everybody's camera seems to go junk just when they're needed Yeah right like didn't we hear that little chatter about Barrymore a few as well all right we're gonna go to the next one and I'm sure you guys are chomping at the bit to talk about possibly her and it's Laurie day bell well guess what today is her birthday she's turns 47 years old today and I just want to wish her a happy miserable day today or a miserable is you're both birthday I don't know she's gonna actually think it's miserable but it's her birthday she's 47 probably sucks for her she can't get her hair done and anything else Greg says do you think that Laurie will ever come clean about what happened to her kids no how about her rant and rave in her pod when they are at Chad's place Sergey I heard about that do you know what source that was from though because I hear a lot of people saying she went crazy when she was in there but I don't know where the source was and um there was a glitch there was a computer glitch it was saying that Laurie was released on June 23rd 2020 and it was a computer glitch Nate Eaton had a tweet and he's like Laurie valo has not been released from jail this message went out to many tracking her status this afternoon prosecutor Rob wood and jail officials tell me this was a glitch she remains in custody so I thought that was very interesting people are probably just freaked freaked out like oh my gosh she's been you know and Nate was saying about Chad and how he spends his time in jail he says I'm told Chad day bail doesn't say much in jail he spends time reading scriptures and religious books so I don't think any scripture or religious book will tell him how to get out of this one maybe his the dead grandmother of Tammy's but he'll get that on September 23rd next year from the vey the other side of the veil oh look at that the lady retracted her statement admitted she lied about Laurie trashing the pod there we go gotta be careful sometimes a lot of chatter I was surprised she is in gen-pop I'm shocked no one has gone after her well little birdies are saying that one of the Murrays works at the jail that she's at I wonder if I could talk to any eaton about that I'd like to know thank you man glia so yeah I love this I love your comments I hope she gets what she deserves for her birthday did you guys see that summer you remember summer Cox shifflett she is Laurie's sister she did that interview on 48 hours with with her mom and she actually made a statement after all this because before I was like oh no Laurie's not gonna know and same with Laurie's mom right I taught Laurie's moms like I talked to JJ on October 1st here's my here's my phone record well summer actually made a statement and she actually says words are hard and inadequate trying to type through this pain is difficult the last few months have been hard the last week has been excruciating losing our precious tighly and JJ in this horrific way is more than we can bear I have tremendous amount of gratitude to all the law enforcement that have worked so hard to find ty Lee and JJ when I first heard that remains had been found I immediately felt the need to pray for those who found him them and I continue to pray for those who were on the scene removed the remains and have to analyze them to try and piece together what those poor babies injured I feel for those who do this work so grateful they are willing to do this to help bring peace and closure to families I'm also grateful to the Woodcock's for ordering the wellness check I pray for them to have peace and comfort as well my mother has been here with me the past few days and we both feel the same about this I feel so incredibly grateful to all of her friends and family and even the strangers that have reached out to offer their love and support I have leaned on them more than they know we have prayed for the truth to come to light but we never thought it would look like this believe me when I say this has looked very different from my perspective than what the public has seen it's easy to jump on a bandwagon when you don't personally know all the people involved when you have been up close and personal you can't discount your own interactions and just go by what everyone else says and things I know there are people waiting for me to admit I was wrong if that's all you want to know here it is I was wrong I am an extremely imperfect person that loves my family with all my heart and I wanted to believe the best in them and I held out hope for the best possible outcome I have always said things truthfully as I understood them and will continue to do that as I learned new information while I'm now nowhere close to perfect I strive to be a disciple of Jesus Christ I want to show love to everyone regardless of their imperfections I do not find any joy in condemning people or in the mob mentality there is no joy in finding out about my precious niece and nephew and while I have moments of extreme anger right now there is so much sorrow and hurt that I can't even fully process all of it the last thing I want to do is perpetuate more hate there is already too much of that in this world I am praying for healing for all those who knew and loved Ty Ty and JJ even those who didn't know them but have been hurt by this news I pray for healing for all who need it especially those who choose to lash out in anger over this I pray for them especially as I know when you are in pain from your own life circumstances it is easy to act out in anger I'm trying my best not to do that it is going to take time to work through all of these emotions and all of this grief but I have experienced the healing power of the atonement of Jesus Christ in my life many times and I hope and faith that he can heal all those who turn to him for comfort Ty Lee and JJ are completely irreplaceable in our family I have loved them greatly all of their lives there are no words that can capture this loss words are just inadequate we have dozens of Ty Lee and JJ stories that we love and share frequently we had prayed our hearts out for them and hoped with all of our hearts they were safe but we sadly have to face this new reality and our family will never be the same sadly there is no way to go back and undo what has been done we can only go forward as much as we miss them they here I know my beautiful Ty Ty and precious JJ are in a beautiful place with people they love and love them I am going to do my best to help what's left of my family to honor ty ty and JJ by putting our trust in the Savior Jesus Christ by trying to show an abundance of love and kindness and look into ways of helping victims of abuse children suffering from chronic illnesses and children on the autism spectrum love you forever Ty Lee and JJ and then a bunch of different color hearts so I'm wondering if summer is going to actually talk to Laurie or if she you know feels the need to go there if she's still in anger face or what happened so um then we saw in this last week or so maybe the week before Charles was on new body cam footage you know saying you know she Laurie needs serious help she's lost her marbles I don't know what to do and just kind of was one thing after another and unfortunately he never got help now the kids had the autopsies Ty Lee and JJ and it was officially described as Ty Lee being dismembered and burned and it's just it's so heartbreaking I can't even call it hurt break I don't even know what to call it is just it's horrific and obviously a lot of people knew about it or a lot I'm saying more than one person knew about this and when we first started like months ago looking we were kind of looking so much at Laurie and then we started diving into Chad because we were like what he's not innocent either remember my one Chad video or his like oh you like a cupcake things are getting rough for you remember that um he is a dog pretty much um I can confidently say this he goes after Laurie and she accepts him saying that they've been married numerous times five times before in fact right they've been married and he so told Julie Rowe who was his friend and she was a writer and he published her books he told her that he was married to her in a previous life and Julie row says that chad is was saying that he was also married to Melanie Kip in a previous life and she says Julie Rose says all kinds of women because he's misusing his spiritual gifts I feel extremely betrayed by Chad I will do everything I can to see justice and she talked about a woman from Arizona who he was texting and the husband catches when is like you keep doing this and I'm gonna expose you stop so I wondered that little trip he made to Arizona in September on the Thursday would be B was it that it was the 19th he went when the day that Melanie give came to town with David Warwick he supposedly went to Arizona and flew out there to help some a renovate and a woman a family member and he hopes he gets it done in time with this renovation so I'd like to know a little bit more about that and let's talk about let's talk about this a little bit because if Chad's gonna do this one time you know he's gonna keep this doing over don't keep doing it over and over right because he's thinking work for her let's just keep going right so now that he has a little pattern of manipulating women it's not gonna be the first time okay there's Melanie Julie row Laurie Vala Laurie de Bell the woman in Arizona however how many other women and Tami's probably like something me right and Laurie meets Chad and it was funny because in the Dateline episode did you guys see this on Monday Melanie Gibb was saying oh well you know Laurie was attracted to his spiritual self and Keith is like yeah I wouldn't really put them together as a match but if you see since she met him over time Chad's losing more and more and more weight his clothing is changing and his hairstyle is changing so she molded him to exactly you know I was like yeah you have to do this and this and then okay then you're okay you're gonna have to you know I was saying this last night too and with my membership he's kind of like Laurie's like okay while I'm in jail you make sure you do your yoga and keep trim and you know get your hair cut make sure you look good so this guy isn't the first time um that that he's done this and he's a pig and not only that I mean even he has this I don't know the word okay sure there's a clinical word I don't know the word but he just he's dark hey Chad de Bell you're dark you're rated dark get to my next statement in a minute but remember when he was at the property while the authorities were searching the property he's watching it he's watching from the driveway and then they said also from across the street his daughter's property and he's watching it until the moment they got to JJ's head and then he takes off sorry is John prior he doesn't flee yes he does he flees and they go catch up and it's kind of like his texts he talks about the raccoon right and he talks about shooting it and the limb debris he's thinking he's being clever I'm telling the truth but I'm not telling the truth just gotta feel like I need to say something like that kind of how letitia's like oh the blood yeah no that's because Gannon cut his foot that's why you're gonna find that it's kind of similar but he actually he's like whew what a day I had had to get the raccoon one shot did the trick you know it's kind of like and Tammy doesn't even ask him till three hours later cuz she's probably a little rolling her eyes like good for you whatever you know cuz you're a pig go to BYU and walk the trap and do whatever you need to with black widow bride do what you need to do it's disgusting and he almost gets like pleasure from from that like speaking like that what was the other thing there was another thing that he said that I wondered about maybe you guys who were on last night I had another there's something else he said oh it was it was the room 107 107 you know the one that I just did about Alex some people were saying why did you do a video about Alex Cox and the apartment was this have to do with anything it has to do with everything and I guess that's why I do what I do but the people who don't understand what this has to do with it you know do what they do but Chad was saying about apartment 107 it's kind of like he says I saw JJ in October in 107 and obviously October is not true and then Alex is like you want to see you want to find Laurie go to apartment 107 not go to my apartment right cuz Alex had 107 apparently that was his not hey my apartment or Chad not saying oh yeah at Alex's apartment it was apartment 107 that's empty and not lived in and is way nicer than Laurie's and yeah it does have something to do with it because Laurie is so materialistic there's no way she would have chosen that one over Alex's in my opinion so something's going on in a pond seven whether it was I'm not saying that it was the murder place something went on and Alex did go over back to his house and that went back to Lori's with Ty Lee and like entirely situation with JJ he brought him over on Sunday night and then brought him back with his head on his shoulder and David Warwick saying it's a tender moment well what did you do in 107 I just find like maybe Chad's comments were like actually like yeah I know I saw him in apartment 107 what else did you do I want to know what your pings you know I'm mad exactly 107 never had anything in that apartment they got that apartment within one day of each other and Alex moves down Alex moves with Lori to rexburg and doesn't tell his current landlord where he's going because he gets taken to court with an eviction he had lived there for almost a year I think it was December 2018 it's almost a year so for sure apartment 107 is important it can't discount anything right so and he's a coward at the same time this Chad ding Bell I mean he pretends to not know Laurie when on on the welfare check night pretends not to know her pretends not to know where no phone number meanwhile they're married for how many weeks right Michael Johnson says spending my Friday night with 3,000 friends yes welcome everybody's coming in I'm going off on a tangent on Chad day bail and so many people are so like there was a saying um just no I meant then to find the children how they found them number one there was every opportunity in the world not for that outcome every opportunity K Woodcock would have taken him very good cock I'm sure Colby would have whatever whatever many people would it made sure these children were taking care of strangers would have taken care of them and then they do this horrific crime where you have little or we have Ty Lee dismembered and JJ wrapped in garbage bags and put into the ground like like they're nothing meanwhile Chad gives Tammy a good service doesn't he not that not that he I mean I think he killed her too let's be honest but his little double standard there and there is the end as for the raccoon there was no from the affidavit it says there was cat remains there was dog remains and then there was other remains that was Ty Lee in that fire pit area no mention of a raccoon Chad exactly exactly there was no mention of that there's a lot of stuff now one of the side notes or actually let's talk about this these satellite images this was very interesting there is satellite image images of September 9th 2019 so Ty Lee went missing on the 8th then Alex was on at the it was at the yard on the 9th and there's satellite images of the ground disturbed that day I found that fascinating that they would have caught that Jamie says the duct tape and garbage bags hold DNA and their gold in this case I really I really really really really hope they find something I really do have I learned anything about Zulema no um not a lot yet not a lot yet yes yes there is in the affidavit there was charred tissue and yeah yeah I'm trying to find I hope we can all find out Tammy's results in hope that she actually has something there that they can go on and pin him the other thing is remember if you saw my video on Ty Lee this week I talked about her picture in Yellowstone and how she her face was you know looking miserable and not happy the day after and this this picture has been around for months I think since March was it I think March the FBI released that picture I did the video the other day the very next day the FBI releases a new video and Ty Lee smiling and JJ is smiling if you've seen that my question is why not release that originally because in the last shot the first one that they released Ty Lee was like doing like one of those right like just miffed miffed is the war is a word that I would use miffed and JJ wasn't even looking at the camera but now all of a sudden the FBI releases this picture of Ty Lee smiling and JJ smiling everybody's smiling I just thought wow that's how would they choose that picture first you know instead of the other one oh I swear if I see Laurie smirking in court I'm gonna like I say I'm gonna snap my crayons chastity says so did he actually fire his gun and had to say he killed a raccoon I wonder well this is the interesting thing right he's messaging Tammy saying woof what a morning and I know that his son Garth was talking about in summertime to the neighbor Matt Price about Chad shooting a raccoon so I'm wondering if that he is telling the truth kind of like how latisha does saying oh I had to fire my gun so if you you know hear about me shooting a gun this is what it had to be and then him being um what's the word you know talk when he's talking about the limbs it's just getting that sick pleasure from it and then also talking about burning meaning you'd have a fire but I don't know if that's I mean I don't know if that's what he's meaning if I look at his text it's like oh you're making excuses for all these things or just one thing right yes I love that have a miserable birthday Laurie exactly house 47 look onion look look around Laurie because you're gonna be the 47 57 67 77 87 years old Oh who did he shoot in July he shot a raccoon but yeah right at this point was it a raccoon where'd you put him let me see snap my crayons II like that I'll do one okay there is I have a little bit more here additional testing was ordered Wednesday following the completion of autopsy reports yeah they'll take several weeks to return once all results are received the forensic pathologist reports will be provided to the Fremont County Coroner court documents state Ty Lee Ryan's body was dismembered and burned and JJ's was wrapped in plastic just there's the picture so why wouldn't they do that the first time around right I find it weird what are your thoughts on Alex and Tammy being killed by Chad's malachite healing balm the mentioned it in one of his books and that can cause a pulmonary embolism Linda C short vid by nor Jasmine okay um a couple things on this a lot of people over the months have sent me information about this malachite ring right of malachite and the properties I would love to know which book he mentioned it in and the context he mentioned it in if you know that I would love that information I'll have to take a look at the video another member with from the crime ring actually mentioned nor jasmine and I saw part of the video today I couldn't do all of it I had to get more stuff done ready for this but she was doing the I joined a vow video and I started that I was like oh you go girl that was awesome so she joined and was giving the goods on that so I found that was cool I've never heard of her up until now like oh sorry I've heard of her but I have not seen her up until today so she had little tinfoil hat on and she was chatting about that so I'd love to see a couple more of her videos and see what what she dives into the lack of respect the kids bodies doesn't align with their religious beliefs their bodies were still the kids body as it does it's the souls that were corrupted in their eyes something doesn't add up all of it is there's no autopsy results out there just talking about the kids going to going for autopsies yeah this is a good question was Tammy on to him in the interview with Melanie Gibb Melanie Gibb was saying that my believe it was milena him now she was talking about Tammy being suspicious of Chad she's been married to him for 30 years I'm sure she started wondering why all of a sudden he's losing all this weight and going to BYU so much to write Oh a DS still here okay awesome okay awesome Addie what can you tell us about Zulema Thank You Newtons he's the same question was shot just see what cya or did he finished Riley I don't know it's good question thanks malachite is important I had another couple theories being sent to me that was very interesting as well I'd like to maybe do a video on that one but oh this is interesting the malachite mines are in Idaho and Arizona Chad would be able to get the raw dust ring is commemorative I didn't know that about Idaho and Arizona vets thank you for that info I think it was on the Dateline episode about Melanie Gibb that Melanie Gibb said that Tammy suspected Chad let me double check that I believe that's where I saw Melanie Gibbs say that when they're being interviewed how much did Chad make from Tammy's insurance four hundred and thirty thousand dollars and he upped it right before she died so lemma doesn't know where did that go daddy I saw it there sorry one sec I wish she could like it jumps when I try and highlight a name it jumps oh there we go zoo lemma doesn't do her job so you you were being coached by her how long ago was that yeah it was on Dateline okay that's perfect just getting hot in here I'm just gonna take a sip guys I'm in yapping for an hour and a half and she's need drinking okay now what kind of coaching was it well are you meaning coaching like the life coaching thing or are you meaning with insurance yeah I would I would love that we could figure that out or Addie if you are open to it we can actually connect and do an interview if you're willing to do that I'm gonna give you my email and if if you can't now that's okay we have might be hard for me to figure out how to do that anyways right now but if you are willing to I would love to do an interview with you I love that but Laurie and chatter psychotic and delusional yeah Laurie's say yes opposing deity she doesn't have to eat either she doesn't have to eat she doesn't have to drink or whatever it is and yeah no one does yeah no one knows if Alex had insurance that's correct we don't know there isn't there's absolutely nothing about that from what I've seen is there's no information about that we know that Charles had insurance we know that Brandon Boudreaux has insurance we know Tammy has insurance that's very true Chad as a control Tammy not allowed her PC game she wasn't allowed to play her game and then he used Tammy's dead grandmother as as the reason saying your grandma told me in a vision or in a whatever that you're not to do that anymore and you need to work on the family tree did anybody was there any mention of which book that was about the malachite that he wrote where did Alex get any of his money he worked as a truck driver and I don't know how often he worked as a stand-up comedian but he also did that too oops they were both fat I was supposed to highlight different one there yeah I wonder what gravity what Tammy's grandma's telling him to do now you no kidding and on September 23rd every September 23rd he gets this I think Chad if there's if he's as dark as we think I think there's going to be more dirt coming out on him and speaking of dark in the Dateline episode it came out that they rated Oprah Winfrey as the darkest person in the world I heard that as okay do you say Oprah you said Oprah you did not just say Oprah and I was just like that's it Oprah Winfrey's the Turks are you serious now we know is fully you know what Oh September 23rd is also the story sisters summers birthday interesting and what Elsa was to thee there was a lot of repeat obviously because there is it's the time line right there's a lot of repeat but that was interesting how he was rating Oprah Winfrey probably cuz he felt threatened and what was the other thing um yeah he's been a few people in different lives he's done this to numerous women about harassing them and telling them well I should say I shouldn't say harassing telling them and saying that they've been married numerous times before Betty remembers their phone number then no right wonder if they are on suicide watch I don't know I don't see them I don't see them kill themselves best best comment of the night Oprah would not put him in her book club he's got like two to star ratings on it mary says when did Tammy's mom die wonder if Chad had it's Tammy's grandmother that passed away her name's Lucille and he gets messages from Tammy's grandmother yeah I don't see them killing themselves either although I think I think Chad's hearing got pushed to August is that correct cuz I was trying to look for that correct okay so it is in August which I was disheartened because I was like man he's probably smiling about that you know happy that it got pushed to August huh shows how much you guys know I'm I wasn't gonna you know oh is it August 4th okay yes Tracy says did you watch the body cam footage about her stolen purse I did I did Lynette says I think the marriages were all very deliberate and they can't make you testify against your spouse seems there were ulterior motives okay August 3rd and 4th okay perfect thank you for that because it was July 1st and 2nd now August 3rd and 4th yeah it doesn't apply to Idaho I heard that too that doesn't and I heard that I believe from Scott rice that said no they they did that but it doesn't matter i Brittany says are they legal did they get a marriage license I don't know there was there was a lot of people talking about I don't that they might not have submitted the marriage license or or or got a marriage license I don't know I'd love to know that yeah I agree I totally agree they are acting too smug they think they're gonna get away with us even now now what now that we know about the news about the kids and we start to look back at past events but obviously with new lenses on right it's enlightening watching their faces watching them in court Chad sitting in the courtroom with his smile like not a care in the world it's enlightening well that's interesting Chad and Tammy's engagement photos were taken at cemetery worked on sheet and she's buried in hmm you don't doubt it we covered a lot tonight didn't we I think I got everybody the only one that I do want to mention that's coming up in July hopefully it'll stay do you guys remember Heidi Broussard she was the girl that was killed in December and by her best friend allegedly by her best friend her hearing is July 7th it was supposed to be in May and then I think it was been June but it's now July 7th so I'm gonna put her playlist below as well in the description and then if you guys want to get caught up and get up-to-date on that then I will put that there because it's coming I think with back to Laurie day Bell or Lori Vala whatever it is legally um I think with her and Alex and Chad I think there's gonna be more coming for sure I really do I think there's more charges coming but I think they're gathering a lot because there's some things they're not putting in to the affidavit for Chad um I think they're saving a couple things it was mentioned in IANS statement to police that malachite healing bombed I'm emailed the link to the video mentioned okay thank you I'll take a look thank you so much Ian statement to the police okay I have so many pages of stuff pages hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of pages doing almost 40 videos or whatever it is um did I see okay hang on it's jumping again hope after the world fails to end on July 22nd Laurie will snap out of it and have a mega guilt forever over what she's done doubtful but we can help ya a nice little breakfast of reality on the next day on the 23rd I wonder what that day is gonna be like live chat on July 22nd imagine the comments then we'll do it on the 23rd do it on the 23rd otherwise 4nf cool past midnight on July 2nd yeah we're gonna do a loot live chat we'll do a live chat on that day and we were joking in previous ones that maybe maybe we'll hit like by some crazy stroke of luck to hit 144,000 and um you know beat out Laurie so she's not leading the 144,000 wouldn't that be funny wonder if mr. Linda's around her if he's sleeping we should tell him to come in shouldn't we I would ask him if he's sleeping sometimes I can hear him snoring did I see any Cushing's interview she said they were taking their time No mr. Linda might be sleeping I don't know if not he can come in and we can hang out you guys can ask him some questions if you want where the Linda it's so become Linda Nader's first thing I do when police are digging up my parents yard and bodies are found in my parents the artists move in the house immediately right here they moved out and then Emma moves in we should phone mr. Linda Lou yes toxicology does take a lot of time long time there's Addie Melanie give his friends with my parents when did she get when did she get divorced as Melanie Gibb broke up or split from her husband I think it was 2018 when he was 2019 alright I'm gonna take a little stretch here in my creaky I'm telling you sitting on this chair sometimes white gets numb a little stretch what other what other cases that are going on that you guys would like me to cover and talk about or go back to I know I went on a little bit of a rampage on Ty Lee and JJ's the last couple weeks because there's so much that came in so I was diving diving diving yeah Fort Hood okay with Vanessa I might do what I might do is a separate video for Vanessa and then we can get more information through there Morphew case any news about Leticia there was really not a lot she's going for that competency what do you call it exam I can't even think of the word right now and basically she they'll see if she's competent or not and go from there oh I hear mr. Linda in full-on Barry yes I did the updates on little sebastian earlier in the show assessment that's the word assessment fireworks started going off when you said you heard mr. Linda that's funny I've heard his name before - Dior Koons I've heard I've heard of his case was very sad are there any crimes to report on in Canada well not like the States the thing about Canada is hard to find information things are way more tight-lipped than the United States there are some a lot of people are really asking me to do Barry and honey Sherman from Canada and so I'm gonna see if there's enough information that we could do something on like that but there is and there's even a case last year around my neck of the woods and a guy actually was a landlord / lover of this girl and she had a little girl as well and he ended up well he's being charged with murder but I can't find any information from all February of last year no it would be this year February of this year nothing no updates no nothing nothing and so it's so hard to do a video on things that like barely anything to be like a two-minute video where you're like oh this is what happened but I really don't know what happened and I mean who knows down the road if I can dive in there we go no spousal privilege there is harm to child thank you exactly this is exactly it this is exactly it Joey face says definite they can't wait until Det August the world won't be around then exactly that's why I think he's smirking right now he's like woof August 4th no problem dawnie paints us thank you for looking at Vanessa's disappearance I live at the gates of Fort hip hood nearly and am heartbroken about this they found a body of another soldier who had been missing but it wasn't hurt yes that was Gregory Morales right that they found he's been was missing he's been missing since August and they found him just recently after they started all this all started coming out mangly says any crime shows you and mr Linda are watching we watched one called reckoning and we binge kind of I wouldn't say binge but a little bit we binge tit and there was not one that I really liked it was about a podcaster and the guy from Breaking Bad was in it Aaron Paul it was really good I liked it but I haven't looked at anything I haven't seen TV I don't know once I guess Dateline I saw that last time I watched TV was the Dateline episode on Monday what day are we at were Friday if you guys have any suggestions what to what to watch let me know there she is norge as mrs. hi I just got a comment that I got a shout-out from you Lindo yeah no worries you know what I saw I heard of you and today I actually got to go and check out your channel but I was only able to watch a portion of your video that you joined a vow which was totally awesome I was like that a girl is awesome so a nice thing yeah welcome welcome to the channel and yeah it was really cool what you were saying I really enjoyed from what I was able to see I was working on these videos cuz I do case ketchup which I do quite a few videos and it takes me a bit of time to try and catch up on what's going on as you know when you research so I was like oh I'm gonna go check her out and a lot of people keep saying you gotta go check her out so I did and nice I saw a little bit of the avow stuff and it was interesting that you did that I thought that was great and I enjoyed your channel and I subscribed so there's that I'll put dumb I'll put your just I'll put your channel in my description as well because we're we're talking about that so he has a tinfoil hat I love that that's cool welcome oh yeah okay genetic detective I want I saw a commercial on that I really want to see that I really really I actually love anything DNA I love ancestry I love all of that so that I got to see I don't have Hulu but I'll have to see where that is oh I got a C genetic detective I bet you I would love that uh resi just email me at it's a crime and a shame at gmail.com I might do an updated way to do that in the future but for now that's that's what we could do thanks nor your fun I'm gonna go check out some more pictures of or more videos of yours for sure got to catch up I love that you dive into the other aspects as well so it's cool Mary Ann says story battery died so could necessarily do you think JJ was already dead or drugged when he was leaning on uncle Alex's uh you know that's that's a loaded question right I don't I don't know they were doing a podcast he brought them over although I'm wondering if there's something more to the middle of the night so perhaps he was just sleeping and he gave him a little something to sleep or and then had to bring him back so you know those guys can see that he's coming you know that he's coming back I don't know yeah that's cool I I would love to see this genetic detective I've been saying that like a jillion times so maybe we can talk about that one night no that's I see it yeah I do too I do too although in the end they they did Colby's GoFundMe I haven't checked in the last couple days but it was up there now I would agree she talks in a lot of circles yes addy if you can just email me I think that'd be the best bet and then that way we can have something a little bit more structured I do like structure if that's okay um I'm this is a new software too so I don't even know the first thing about how this would all work yeah word salad it's getting hot in here you guys Friday night hanging out with 2700 people hope you guys are having a really really good night it's fun chatting you Oh Adi I was just saying if you can email me um because the best ways I have new software I don't know had to the law if there's a live Colin on that I mean this is really brand new I just did this software like last week I think so I'm gonna give you this and then we can keep in contact and they're not gonna pick a list of questions to ask as well and there's my email oh there we go Colby's Coby Ryan's GoFundMe is at sixteen thousand nine hundred and twenty wow that's awesome I might have hot flash this one bud shirt to be fair there's a ring light and two and two two leather lights 45 degrees is hot and it's 27 degrees in the house so in American terms that is what is that twenty five fifty eighty it's like eighty some degrees I'm all hot and then I have these I need to get one of those little fans that are USB and then just Shh where am i from I'm I live in Canada in Alberta Greg says I'm thinking that there might be several more people involved with the death of these children that just Laurie Chad and Alex perhaps more arrests to come I'm thinking so too I'm thinking there's a few more that needs to come that there's a little more information I agree or maybe I'll get one of those portable air conditioners we'll stay a little bit longer and then I'm gonna I'm gonna jet a little bit longer though I want to make sure I get some good sleep barb says I'm a newer subscriber does anyone know Flynn to say his live chats yes I do it takes a few minutes to actually upload and process but that's fun I'd love Linda Stephanie and Scott collab that's fun a lot of people have said that actually all three of us together I had a really great chat with Stephanie a little while ago or three hours on the phone or something like that we probably talk till next week what time is it here it's 9:10 okay what I'll do is here's my email and I'll post it on right here there we go that's my email no it's legit getting hot it's not the flashes oh yeah too bad you didn't have this channel in 2016 when police were searching for Talia yeah that was in North Calgary right that was a weird one oh that's no boy I wasn't crying it's just really hot anytime Adi to email me anytime at all and then we can discuss through there Thank You Michelle welcome aboard Noor says what do you think about the malachite theory Linda be honest I can I can handle it I don't know at this point I really don't I can understand actually tonight an earlier person said that there was malachite in one of Chad's books but I don't know the context but I had an interesting theory sent to me that I may do maybe a video or just maybe do some more digging because the theory she had was quite interesting and it had to do with vet medicine and you know when you put you know dogs cats that you put them down and she was she actually had like a whole huge email about all the information you know all that kind of thing and I thought oh man that is so interesting so just because he talks about pets and you know the pet cemetery and all that other things I thought oh I wonder if he did something like that oh um one of the things too with Tammy dying sidenote Julie Rowe was on Nancy Grace and talking about how Chad said he died around 2:00 em no sorry the coroner believes that she died around 2:00 a.m. ish and he called in at 6:00 a.m. so now I'm starting to wonder you know mean the patterns is Tammy at 2:00 in the morning two three ish tighly two three ish and JJ potentially two three ish we don't know on that just that when David and Melanie went to go leave JJ was already gone do you have if nor if you have a video on that I'll go kind of check it out because I haven't did much diving into the malachite theory but I've heard a lot about it so I wish I could tell you my honest opinion but I really don't know much about it I know that it is poisonous but is that mean he gave her a tea you know how did that go down and he said she was coughing there we go back to how he kind of tells the truth in some aspects of each thing he says so good question though okay Savannah has a question let's see if I can find it Savannah says would you consider covering a story of a child not missing or murdered but a modern-day forced adoption at the hands of alleged Christians I'd have to take a look at it usually I do missing most of most of my videos are not missing and then you know once we find out what happens to them I dig deep that's interesting though I'd actually I'd like to read about it yes I do I do see that that there's many requests for deep dive until Azul Emma so I'd all have to gather some Intel now I'm going to have to do a pattern video Vanessa Guillen I talked about earlier and I might do a separate video too with her like you know I've done them before but I have a few videos on malachite E&P mentions a healing malachite solution bomb in a statement is readily available as an aquarium solution my Laurie Bala playlist has the vids okay I will check it out and thank you thank you for the super chat hanging out in here thank you we'll check it out and then we'll see if I can dive deep into that and put two and two together right yeah this is really good point Angela says I wonder why Laurie and Melanie went to Hawaii in October interesting that never it was never said right until we started finding out like what Melanie and Laurie went to Hawaii but she didn't know where the kids were I don't know I haven't heard that did Chad sign his house over to his daughter I don't know maybe I don't know maybe she's just a protect her to go in there maybe he did maybe I don't I have no idea and they're talking about Melanie P going to Hawaii not Melanie get was Melanie pawlowski um what dates was Melanie Laurie in Hawaii I don't know that yet I know the last time Melanie pawlowski saw her kids was October 9th and I know that she was moving loading up her stuff in the moving van on October 31st so perhaps right after that Laurie was shown on cam on the storage unit on October 1st and the second but then after that she doesn't visit the storage unit so I'm wondering if that's because she went to Hawaii or what's what's the deal I would love to know the dates of that yeah my gut tells me Melanie P knows way more about where the kids were and what happened to them I agree she has to and even just with the way she was talking like there's just like wait a minute what no that's not right wait a minute what and the biggest thing is that apartment 107 video that I did the authority says do you know who lives next door and she says I think alex is on the lease because alex is sometimes on there there and sometimes lorry is there what the heck kind of answer is that who how do you not know who lives beside you and you just moved there like for three and a half weeks ago just weird Melissa says thank you so much Linda for all you do for those that need a voice I would love to be her honor okay welcome welcome thank you thank you and give me an email with gavel Jeff I wonder who's paying for the storage unit now nobody because she stopped paying for it it her card was declined might even been Charles's card and everything's together right it's kind of hard to look at Melanie Pelosi and say how do you how do you not know because because of you know they all group go down to rexburg they all go to or up to rexburg they all go and get married in Vegas well Melanie and Alex do and Melanie's really really really close to Laurie exactly what was Alex doing with JJ in an empty apartment exactly that was my whole point about doing that apartment 107 some people some people got really upset about that video I have no idea what triggered them but it triggered them I I never thought it minute that would I had quite a few comments there freaking out that I did that video this is ridiculous what is nothing it has everything to do with it you have somebody you have Alex who's moving to rexburg doesn't tell his landlord in Arizona gets this apartment a 3-bedroom 3-bathroom townhome in the same complex as Laurie that's a better unit and it's empty but yet it's not that's not part of the what like that I don't get it exactly this is important because when you look at it and the and the what's the word the referencing of 1:07 all the time it's weird right not Alec this is you know oh I saw JJ in Alex's apartment is like Department 107 yep Park is almost like they got together in a round table and they're like listen if anybody asks anything just talk about an apartment 107 it almost seems like that doesn't it weird Savannah says this story isn't out there yet anyone who can help email email me that story is that the one that you're telling me about earlier you can email me about that and I can look at it then maybe somebody else can it if I can't maybe somebody else but I can give you the hook-up yeah like 107 is code for something that's what it feels like kind of like that stupid email that Laurie did and pretended to be Charles if I've ever checked it over tell you and they try to put me in room 107 and we say hell no I think a lot of people are feeling like that no no carpet in 107 107 was tile remember on the upstairs though but the main floor I love that saying throw a few fries shy of a happy meal no we'll see okay I think they talked about 107 so much because they wanted to pin the murders on dead Alex that's when Nicole says well the thing is is Alex was even talking about 107 you think about stuff that a lot of people don't think about that is what makes you create we thank you sometimes people don't really get it but um I can't help it I have to dig when I see something as like wait a minute let's just explore it and sometimes it's nothing but this here is something weird oh this is cool there is a one-hour podcast by Zulema Paz Dennis from March 16th on YouTube she is saying the same thing as Melanie Gibb stories are very similar I haven't finished it yet that Bo please have something an email with the link to that that would be awesome I would appreciate that I could kind of hear like straight um firsthand what she's saying good question I wonder if any of chad's books reference 107 are you too lot of the most common phrase that people say is run and run on my comments I hear that all the time Maddie says 107 has the secret portal in it the police better check every inch of the apartment no kidding there was okay let me remember now I saw it on a report from a reporter she said that the authorities came back to Lori's apartment after the new people were in there and asked to go look at the crawlspace in there the Attic crawl space something like that and I thought that was interesting that was before the kids were found though angel number 107 means divine transformation in your life look into organophosphates for poisonings Thank You stay-at-home mom detective nice to see you again divine transformation they seem to be something with numbers don't they pattern videos gonna come up I feel in it I'm feeling it and I did also see that Laurie and Alex had a pillbox address that was the same in sugar city Idaho just outside a Rexburg yeah that was fun wasn't it zooming in the crime ring do we know why Lori was pretending to be Charles I did a video on that up there email and I did it like a tale of two stories or I can't remember what I called it but I showed the email and then I did it as a basic and then I did it if it was written in code if you haven't seen it check it out I'd love to know what you all think about that I might even watch it again just to see if there is more now that we know the information we do now if we go back and see what else we can glean from it yeah that too Lori purchased wedding rings for her and Chad that had malachite gemstone was purchased on Amazon for $35 it means something definitely not the flashy expensive taste of Lori yep Lori likes the finer things and she's very materialistic it seems like in my opinion and she didn't even purchase it Charles did on his credit card Charles is already gone but Charles's credit card bought Laurie and Chad's rings Laurie's bathing suits Chad's swimwear Chad's shoes their wedding attire that's sad this is a good question to the significance of the condition of ty Lee's body versus JJ's well JJ I don't JJ wasn't while Ty Lee was first right and maybe their plan didn't go as well as they thought it would and change their mind on JJ I don't know maybe it's a time issue I don't know why why would they even go that step further is beyond me like I I don't know it's disgusting I hope I hope the authorities start to dig more in Chad's past prior to 2015 prior to all these others I hope they'd start digging in because I think potentially there is way more than we know and like meaning history here's a guy who has been digging graves for twenty years talking about near-death experiences and also a lot of BS that comes out of his mouth and just making stuff up as he goes along and maybe he gets a thrill I don't know it seems a little bit that he does only because of his texts is what I'm I'm looking at going like is he liking this is and watching watching them dig and then when they get to that last moment then he goes so I hope they do dig and I hope they can get a lot of things yes he's there's more to him and if he's harassing and you know how does even get away with it I guess his spiritual gift and people so wanting more is how he gets them because physically especially back then I don't see how women would be swooned by him in my opinion um but he must really talk a good game and like Melanie Jim keeps talking about Laurie saying well if he's Satan he sure is a good one yes Lori had their birth certificates with her in Hawaii remember I was talking about like why would she have it in the car with her she had it in the car with her not it like back at the apartment like yet in the car rental car and she had ty Lee's phone her cell phone with her and the iPads JJ's iPad yes he did Alex Alex married and changed his name to pest Dennis weeks prior to his death the son of his new wife called 9-1-1 an attempt to save yes that's true to save Cox's life um Alex got married that weekend November 29th and then Melanie got married November 30th then Alex went back to Arizona and lived with Zulema Alex has a new name no apartment in his name now right there's nothing there's he's gone without a trace really in in in a sense he ends up December 12th dying and Joseph the son of Zulema calls 911 doesn't know his last name doesn't know Alex's last name didn't even know they were married calls them my mom's boyfriend and didn't she have Charles rental Karl when Alex was killing Charles of Sochi did she have an excuse why she had it well he can't get away if she has his vehicle right in my opinion that's what I was thinking because she then she takes his car and goes and drops JJ off it's weird Pamela says did anyone hear any more about Laurie being in Vegas when everyone got married I don't know if she did or not I am starting to be very suspicious that she was the 26 was the welfare check they left the night of the 26th the 29th and the 20 and the 30th is the the weddings of Alex and Melanie and Ian in Zulema Chad that same week takes his kids to Disneyland I'd like to know when he sprung the idea on them like I feel like I wouldn't be surprised let's just say if they said that it was a last-minute trip and the 26th is when that happened and then Chad's like hey guys I got an idea let's go to Disneyland let's go and because he was planning with Laurie to leave on December 1st because he left left December 1st from Los Angeles to Hawaii so I'm thinking there's a pretty good chance that Laurie stopped on the way from Rexburg to Los Angeles in Vegas Thank You Denise look into the Book of Mormon Linda the reference to 107 is interesting I'm gonna go check that out and so I'm just reading some of these now getting quiet my brain is starting to shut down I think a little bit oh I have one on a bookshelf I'll check it out is that mean the book thing that they were just talking about I would love to hear about that okay it's getting hot again I'm gonna write that down one sec you guys guess mr. Linda isn't coming in is he just waiting this down it's getting hot I didn't think it ever got hot in Canada well it gets to around 30 degrees which is what is that for you with 90 around 90 sometimes it goes hotter actually it was 40 degrees last year so that's 40 it would have been a hundred what is that 110 but funny enough last year I took my son to Disneyland for his 16th birthday I guess it was a year and a half ago now and it was hot for us we went in October and it was hot and people were wearing jackets and they could tell we were Canadian because just like at 40 Celsius and it gets to minus 40 minus 50 it is not fun I don't know how I'm able to live here Michelle says my husband and I visited BC or last yea BC last year and loved it BC is amazing I grew up in BC and it's beautiful I'd like to be back there actually you've never even seen snow before well let me tell you when it snows and it's a there's always a possibility we get snow in June it's a freak storm but there's a possibility even July but when it comes I'll share with you on like my YouTube stories I haven't used that yet I'll share with you what it looks like then you could be there right with me Rose says was it a hundred and seven degrees Linda yes 107 it's always 107 okay I'm gonna check that out check out the Doctrine and Covenants Scripture in the LDS Church okay we're getting somewhere you guys are awesome look at you guys diggin Vonda Vonda Murphy says no updates for the more views and we're not related yeah no real updates everything's hush-hush and we're hoping something but I don't know it's not looking good all right yeah exactly it snows pretty only only when until you have to shovel it lovely of Libra says mrs. Linda will you keep adding pictures to your background yes to be honest the reason why I haven't updated it is because I have been homeward bound since March and I just started to get out in the real world but I have a little anxiety over it so when I'm able to I will do some updating and adds a couple things to the shelf Dana Meyer says Evelyn Boswell please actually I did speak about her earlier in the night Thank You Bonnie earlier in the night about them I'm hoping to get more and more updates this sucks hey when we're trying to find out any kind of information we can and then there's nothing all right you guys I'm gonna call it a night I'm gonna get to bed I haven't had the best to sleep the last couple nights and I'm so glad you guys were able to join me tonight on a Friday night and hang out we'll do this again and I will let this upload and then by tomorrow I'll have the links for you and I'll do timestamps so you can go back and look at all the cases we talked about tonight thank you congratulations on the eighty-five thousand I just saw all right thank you so much you guys I'm gonna call it a night my butt's numb and stay tuned for the next video and we'll chat with you later bye have a good night and a good weekend bye
Channel: It's A Crime
Views: 62,728
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: its a crime, its a crime case catch up, itsacrime, its a crime linda, jj vallow, tylee ryan, suzanne morphew, vanessa guillen, its a crime channel
Id: QZvPZqrcZ68
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 169min 58sec (10198 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 27 2020
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