🔴Halsin Actor Dave Jones talks BALDUR'S GATE 3, Bear Romance, Simps & Emotional Scenes

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Dave mate thank you so much for coming on the show Matt it's a pleasure everybody you may know this man as halson from Boulders gate three how are you mate not too bad at all how are you very well very well how's how's this all been mate because this is this is something special this game isn't it it's crazy the fandom the reception how is how was it all for you it's huge um I think basically because I I'm not I'm not used to this at all anyway um this is all this is all very new to me and yeah the the the the the fans have been so overwhelmingly positive and not even just the fans of the critics as well it's been an overwhelming success and yeah just to be a it even if it was like a small part of this a really small Cog which to be fair I am considering like how many actors and how many people uh how many devs it's oh it's crazy man the amount of people involved um but yeah it's it's just to be part of it is is really nice and to have like a really nice character in it yeah man it's like Alex the icing on the cake yeah it really is did you always know that you were going to get this much to work with for this character was that always on the book no no no no no um it was when um Kirsty was doing the uh the casting for it Costa Gilmore yeah absolutely phenomenal casting director and director and just lovely lovely person she did my original uh voice reels for it uh my voice reels uh like my demos and uh so she knew me from there uh she uh knew what I was capable of and she was casting in this she reached out said could you do like a self tape for it and yeah so sent one off and uh came back and said could you just frame it a little bit differently because what you've done is not not quite right and at that point I was thinking that sounds promising if it's just the framing that that's okay right so we're under something yeah yeah so framed it different uh or what the way it was needed and uh yeah thankfully um whoever it was put in front of thankfully liked what they saw and heard um so yeah yeah that was and so yeah uh it was originally going to be uh just uh an NPC and it was going to be act one and act one alone uh act one specific and I think that's probably one of the biggest aspects of Early Access is basically if there's somebody in there that is gonna be possibly is he liked um and they're able to have like more stuff written for them um and so yeah it's just uh I I wasn't expecting that I did quite a chunk then it was like a good few months went by and then stuff started to like drip through drip through more and stuff and then started to build slowly uh and yeah into into more and more so yeah it so and and what the Larry and read everything absolutely everything um that's like written and yeah they and they saw what the the fans were like about Olson and yeah they really leaned into it they I mean if I don't ask you then who am I uh when did you when did you stumble upon this scene that scene particular do you remember shooting it and I I remember it very well yeah um too well um it was it was Neil who directed me in that yeah and so yeah it was closed set of all the boards up against the windows that people could normally look into and but yeah it's we I actually had the uh the scene well you're given uh a whole load of lines in a script and a whole load of lines that you're not going to get to that day uh or even that that week probably month um you're just given a whole raft and if you can get through all the priorities great we'll move on to that some other stuff when we can and so it was put off and put off and put off so I'd actually seen this coming up for a good oh a good few months and were you nervous about that scene when you when you read it particularly no no when I read it I thought that's gonna be fun yeah it's gonna be fun obviously there there's going to be people out there uh who would like really take offense to sort of stuff like that uh or possibly be very uh apprehensive about doing a scene in in that respect uh and so everybody in there was like look look like I completely understand if you don't want to uh just just let us know if you you feel uh in any way uh like awkward or if you don't want to do it that's absolutely fine but I I've been like gearing myself up to like possibly do it that day for like months and so it's like why are we doing it when um so yeah yeah and then I was so pleased it was uh nailed directing for that as well um it just had an added element of fun to it uh playfulness is that how he approached it yeah definitely yeah um and and I think well not not so much playfulness no um it's because there was a big element of uh like this this this scene is batshit crazy because it's like okay it's just he's he's getting a little bit hot under the collar and uh normally yeah we just do that not wild shape um and so yeah yeah yeah and uh and so yeah we we did like have uh a good deal of like fun in there but at the heart of it it is a Romancing and it is like uh it is a big element of a love story and so you've got to treat it with the respect it deserves in that respect as well but yeah just just for it it's just nuts it was love when that scene was actually used in the uh the panel from hell oh mate that propelled the game to a new level don't you think in the marketing sense the sales for that weekend I just went just just rocketed um so yeah yeah really nuts I'm kind of like go to that I didn't ask for a percentage laughs yeah um but yeah it's from then on everyone was like so what have you been doing recently oh yeah I've been in uh Boulder's Gate um oh right okay so what character did you play I'm a druid uh are you the bear [Laughter] that made me laugh that video you put out man where you like the bear what was it you don't stuff the bed oh right yeah man I was cracking up at that that was brilliant if you're lucky yeah oh everyone was having such fun that week everyone was having an immense amount of fun it was always and it was again all the fans actually loving how much fun we're having it it just feeds it's just a a vicious cycle of like yeah you're having fun we're having fun we're having fun you're having fun okay just snowballs and yeah right it's lovely so who's in the room for that scene last one on that one is that is it just you Neil and uh well you've got uh a uh mocap engineer audio engineer voice director and movement director I honestly can't remember who was the movement director that's right so there's six people just got five five she's got me and four others um yeah and that's it and that's it and to be honest that that's it most days as well um okay that's that is pretty much it that's all you need so nothing really changes from those scenes to other scenes really you keep it with the same respect and there's still laughs to be had either way you know oh God yeah yeah definitely um there's always like a good there's always humorous lines and and chances are there's gonna be the the usual like normal additional dialogue uh that you get hmm looks like this there's a chest I wonder what's in that and oh a door ah but you can't you can't open it from here there must be a switch and so yeah it's just typical um oh we're doing that at that sign we're doing that scene etc etc so yeah it's ours yeah good fun I saw you I saw you downloading the game and I was wondering have you had a chance to get in absolutely stuck I've been absolutely start I think the most that I I think Shadow heart's still locked locked up uh I've not broken around with them broken her out yet I've only got that far and then I've had to like only early go and do something else yeah but I spent like three and a half four hours in character creation Alone [Laughter] um guys didn't we all it's amazing it is it's one of the best I've ever seen I have to say yeah I know you're a gamer you've probably agreed aren't you I haven't seen anything I like it no it's the the the amount of detail and backstory that and the Hoda has a massive effect on the the game that you then play it's it's not so much uh because you've got character creation in all of the games and with that but mainly without any uh any like proper impetus in these in the story story ahead it's all just cosmetic and you can choose if you want to be uh like a a tank or a ranger or uh so yeah you can a sniper that's that's probably as much as it goes but having that much agency in your character and having the the world around you respond to what you've created that's incredible properly and it's it's not in it's it's really not cosmetic it goes deep and so yeah it's it's amazing and I'm guessing you're going to be Romancing yourself because Neil is [Laughter] I saw him the other day he's already trying to romance I've not seen that yet no I've not seen that yet oh God I need some uh all right it's hilarious he's failing he has to keep saves coming yeah I need to watch that need to watch that when I have time so you have what else have you played um recently because I saw you were playing uh death Loop where yeah that was a nice little game oh death luberson yeah incredible I really enjoyed that yeah yeah um and people were really knocking it because of its repetitive nature that was the entire point it's like you're in a loop and you're trying to get out of the loop what what what do you expect um but even then what you did it was like a proper roguelike you what you you died excellent okay but you kept what you'd already learned what you'd uh gained you can use that the next time around so yeah in in that respect wow man I think that I I loved it uh the the actual style of it it was so so damn stylish the music oh my God I love the mute that song you know that trailer song it's like a James Bond theme yes absolutely glorious um but yeah when I'm just like doing my normal nine to five I will have that on in the background just tapping away um so yeah yeah yeah I I and just game game soundtracks in general I I love listening to those uh but yeah it was a very special game I've got to say and it was years ago um from uh I can't remember the names now generium Machinarium it was a phenomenal uh point-and-click game and yeah the the the soundtrack to that was perfect for coding you so yeah it was just just Argyle just like ah for whatever menial task you need to do that was perfect for just being on the background that and Foo Fighters Foo Fighters okay I was gonna say what about Tron oh yeah I've still I've still yet to play that yeah and I still want it yeah yeah oh I love Mike I think he's absolutely yes oh you know him do you yeah um he went and during lockdown um he did a uh radio drama um it was like and at very early like early days of the pandemic what can we do uh and his he wanted to feed his creativity into something and yeah he he wrote this Audio Drama and uh the sambayout was the the lead in that it was Sam roll Coley Troy Baker Jane Perry was in it as well and I was I was yeah I I I it would Episode by episode week by week he was releasing it I was oh my God I am so invested in this and then it was coming up to the the end of it and Mike just dropped a DM and he said would you be interested in uh like coming into episode six that's cool oh yes goza wood and so yeah and basically like that that's that's how we met there um and you were in another game with Sam well yeah yes yeah the excavation of hops Barrow yeah I was gonna say you guys are good friends right because you're always championing each other from what I'm seeing yeah yeah absolutely love Santa bits yeah and she she will Champion everybody that she can she's she's con the heart on a sleeve I I absolutely love the bones of her she's nice yeah yeah very much like Carlock yeah I was gonna say yeah says it how she thinks yeah well all right fair enough there's that element that's probably dialed down a little bit yeah a little bit yeah a little bit so you mentioned um you mentioned coding I wanted to ask you about this so you do coding do you is that your other professional what are we talking about here I I work well I'm uh for the last like 20 odd years uh I've once worked uh for Banking and stuff so like decision systems if you like apply for a car account credit card loan uh mortgage I'm one of the people in the background who called the strategies into the algorithm that makes the computer say no or yes uh depending on what you do so yeah it's it's it is what it is I mean to be honest I I it's really interesting it is really interesting like I say I've been doing it for the last 20 years the set that pretty much the same team um I started out selling loans but I I didn't really like doing that that was outbound so you were like cold calling people or well kind of cold calling people um yeah and then within three minutes of this person out of the blue call and you were expected to like get into get a get a bank loan it's like yeah no a lot of pressure that's weird yeah yeah it was intense pressure yeah um so yeah just after that I went behind the scenes basically I I could not be more grateful for the team that I'm working with oh that's great yeah because they they uh the drop of a hat basically I'll say right I need to like go down to London for a session uh next Thursday yep that's absolutely fine and it's like great flexibility good yeah exactly yeah yeah oh I I love them to bits I really do and without them there's no way I would have been able to like do something like this so is this something you want to do full time eventually uh the voice stuff yeah yeah yeah yeah I mean it's I love the creativity of it it is just playing it is just play um I mean especially voice acting as well you don't even need to learn the lines studies that's right in front here I know I mean I do TV acting as well you do actually need a bit more you need to line your lines for that stuff but yeah they it is what it is yeah and that's that's damn good fun as well yeah do you like the on-screen stuff as much as the voice acting and the mocha oh as much because I feel like you are thriving with this role in bg3 I mean yeah yeah yeah I mean to be honest I think they'd like different enough beasts to not actually like compare it compare yeah um yeah because I whether I'd like if if a gun was put to my head and I had to do one or the other yeah that's tough just pull the trigger yeah that's tough yeah I could not choose there no so yeah I I oh wow yeah no I think you love them equally that's that's fine yeah yeah I do love them equally um yeah yeah definitely but I think as well because with the the TV stuff that's mainly comedy that I do as well um oh that's fun oh yeah very much so um it's like because we've got um almost not normal that was a series we did the the pilot was done just before uh covered Heaven yeah yeah and uh we did the the first series I think it was 20 uh 21 and we're just about to start shooting the second so yeah if I I have no idea what's in store for my character yet but yeah that's uh that's that's I I have so much fun doing that so much fun it it could it is because it is damn funny it is so funny and uh yes Sophie who writes it Sophie Willem she's she's an absolutely genius and she's so giving as well with uh the comedy as well she's very generous I can't imagine writing a comedy uh it just must be so difficult well the the first one that the first series is extremely autobiographical uh um yes well no I I'm not saying extremely that there are a lot of parallels with uh her life and so she is like writing what she knows she's a damn funny person anyway she's oh and basically she won like uh best comedy for like bafta um yeah it's not normal so yeah she's she's damn good at what she does but yeah writing comedy my God that is hard that is hard I think I have no idea how she's managed to like up a second series of it not at all oh that's even harder coming up with another season and living up to the whole second album yeah yeah that's like bald Escape four good luck guys Jesus oh man yeah I mean well yeah you're exactly right in that because uh larian had such a such massive like not so much pressure but there was a lot of expectation a hell of a lot especially from original sin Divinity it's like basically are you just gonna do a skin of divinity with like and and that that was that was the massive are you gonna do that and thankfully that wouldn't be good enough yeah yeah yep yep and so they've really really excelled on that and uh taking it in uh complete yeah they've made it their own definitely um basically I don't think it could have been handled by uh better by any other team they were in the perfect place to do it did you ever made the guys over there no unfortunately no I've not managed to uh uh but the only people I managed to uh mate uh was Adventure X last year uh that's another like narrative gaming convention um I was uh with Dave Gilbert who wrote and published uh published uh Hub Sparrow such a nice guy such a nice guy um that's what Sam said I think yeah yeah yeah well it's because he is um and so yeah we were just having a drink I was having a drink with someone else and Dave boned it over so some some guys over here want to want to see you okay yeah it's uh They said that the writers from larion oh all right okay cool yeah I've seen a bit and just like toggled off over to there and yeah it was uh Crystal Ding and uh a couple of others and yeah yeah we just uh yeah I I said so yeah yeah I I'm I couldn't really say at the time I I didn't know what I could say um I I couldn't say I'm I'm wholesome to anybody but yeah it was almost like yeah well you know pretty much like who I who I or who the character would be anyway so yeah I'm I'm the whole thing it's like oh excellent yeah yeah and uh well it's not so much oh excellent as much oh right okay what we're doing for you okay cool oh goodness me so when did you when did you break into games and voice acting cause you know you've been doing this coding stuff for so many years when did you pull the trigger on and what made you pull the trigger on this acting stuff or had you always been trying behind the scenes or not really no I'm I'm a massive gamer massive gamer and uh the the only thing was basically about and it yeah it was about six seven years ago I I'd been in um a couple of like commercials uh for the bank and I just needed a like a creative event uh for what I was doing um okay and they said that well they actually wanted me for a an email marketing campaign so basically uh you'd have me hi this is what you could have and this is how much it'll cost you all that and it's like but I needed uh media training for that so they sent me down to London for like uh on screen presenting and a voiceover and this was your first training ever yeah yeah so we did the the TV stuff in the morning and in the afternoon we did the the radio uh stuff and uh the guy there said you know what you're not actually that bad so okay cool yeah here's my card um in a few months when all this is like blowing over give us a bell and I never did um they gave us the the USB with all the uh radio files and TV spots on it and I put the the radio stuff on this uh voice site where basically people just like look for voices to do some of their their work uh so you've got like e-learning training uh corporate stuff and uh this this this e-learning company came to me and said would you mind doing the induction for the AAA for us yeah yeah all right okay cool yeah yeah that's that's absolutely and completely green there was I had I had no idea really yeah right okay what could uh can you give us a quote at that time there was nothing online with regards to like rate cards for like voice and stuff there is now yeah there's like loads of red cards available um but I I was just said yeah um how about this and they could have snapped my end off and absolutely run with it but to their credit they said no we probably think you actually mean this it's like oh oh okay right cool yeah yeah yeah okay yeah so you went a little high no I know I went very low oh that way yeah wow yeah okay and um so yeah and and they came back and said no you you need pain properly for them so they were good yeah yeah and I've been working for them ever since um seen as though I was working uh full time with for the bank everything that I got from The Voice jobs that they were giving me I put back into training software Hardware and so yeah you've got this booth training yeah yeah yeah yeah definitely and that's that's how it's you've got to invest in yourself invest in training training train train train when you've got high in the game carry on training you never stop you never stop training you don't never stop investing in yourself that's that's it's critical it really is keep yourself on your toes don't don't if if you step back you just get a complacent and your work just no no you you've got to keep on top of things I agree yeah no 100 so basically like then I uh joined this uh voiceover Network um and then they were uh on on the Facebook group that they had for it they posted a job for for a game and it was astrologaster and there were like 13 14 rolls up for it so up there in the in the game itself and uh just and I've I've no idea I managed to bag the lead um I I was just like flawed they and I I will forever forever thank them whenever I can so Jennifer Schneider right at num yum games I have her to thank for this for everything because basically she took I prompt on somebody who had never done anything like that before but after me sending in the audition and then having like a chat with her just like an informal chat like this she kind of like knew that I'd be all right for it which is which is amazing and I I was so so grateful and so yeah I'd been trying to get uh workshops with Adele cutting a fabulous uh bafta winning director I've been trying to like get workshops with her and like they were always sold out and stuff and get to try and get on the waiting list never never got there and um turns out she was directing this this game no yeah so it was like that's crazy for 13 four hour sessions we had and like just for this game oh my God he must be just pinch me a little bit so much so much oh yeah and so yeah after that um and that was the uh the tail end of 2018. wow um so yeah I've I've got into this very late in life so yeah when it when I hit 40 in instead of like getting a Ferrari and like a younger model like girlfriend and stuff like that now I just got a voice booth [Laughter] I'm very happy I am with it yeah so you're you're a gamer and I'm wondering what are some of your big favorite series or games of all time what have you lost many hours in and it's gonna sound incredibly cliche but I know do not mind Grand Theft Auto that's like and I think and it's a lot of the time sinking that I've done with that is purely the uh the stunt series the driving and it's not it's ridiculous it's just like right okay I've got it's the end of the night I've got like 10 minutes I'll just do that and it is just have a One race yeah and then up to bed that's it okay it is just an end of the day thing but I normally like bigger uh like narrative driven games and I always relate to this as well disco Elysium um oh wow yeah regularly in that yeah playing that like hell for the the last like couple of months and but then just got way too busy and I've not I've not I've not played anything really for the past like month um I've got it I've got it busy I'm hoping with Voice work and gaming stuff and that sort of thing is that what you mean or yeah yeah pretty much though um it's it is well there's like the nine to five and the nine to five yeah yeah friends and family yeah the life um yeah um I mean I wanted to like start Starfield uh again that's a great game I mean it really is yeah I love it yeah I I've again gone through the character creation it's all right not quite let's be honest not quite bold as gay but that's horrendous shade I'm sorry it's perfectly functional so yeah I went through that I went through the the tutorial and and that's it that's where I'm up to in that so yeah I think that was only about like three quarters of an hour or something like that but yeah I just want to get stuck into something uh probably yeah but I'm I'm off for a couple of weeks this week uh this next couple of weeks so might be time I might do some I mean I'll be I'll be taking my switch uh and I've got the the the last um Monkey Island on there as well oh yeah yeah I haven't had a chance to play that yeah I want to yeah I I love Monkey Island a bit of nostalgia yeah oh yes it's just not well not even that it's just the the I love the characters I I love the humor the humor it's uh they were they were the first game that made me properly belly laugh and that's like way back in the early 90s and so yeah yeah I've been a lifelong Monkey Island fan so was what was your first was that your first sort of game one like one of those games back in the day it's kind of I mean I was like hmm say like 17 at the time of that I think um yeah I was gonna say it won't because I because I had the like a spectrum when I was a kid like 48k of proper like Spectrum uh yeah you see I've been like since those days I've been gaming it's like yeah oh yeah all that stuff yeah you were playing um what is a Tetris and poem and honestly yeah but I do remember my my auntie like having this uh a proper pong machine and it was it was just that was like I think that was like late 70s early 80s yeah um yeah very early 80s oh yeah I forgot all about that that's amazing but yeah the zx80 as well and they they made Mum and Dad's bedroom on the TV that you had to wait 20 minutes for it to warm up before you could actually use it that's how old wow yeah that's a long time uh I saw you um I saw you watch the DND movie recently how'd you find that one I haven't seen it yet I loved it I really loved it yeah again it was like it's a lot of fun I'm not massively into DND please don't come for me no I'm I'm not either I'm not either that's why I'm wondering you you really enjoyed it so what was it about yeah was it just fun it was just fun yeah yeah a really uh a really well told story there was great like not not so much slapstick but it was just like very good-natured humor there wasn't anything um yeah yeah I think I just thought it was really good comedy as well as being a very good uh like like fantasy story yeah I'd I'd love to see more of it I'd love to see more of them and it was obviously that well not obviously it was it was very weird being in a cinema and hearing Chris Pine say Baldur's Gate just like wow on a cinema screen he's like yeah oh and then I'm like looking around at the uh everybody else name he said pull this gate I'm in it I'm in there and up in the middle of the cinema it's like he said that I'm in there no um that is surreal I get I get it yeah yeah yeah and it I was sat with my wife about six months ago and I showed her the Twitter feed for Baldur's Gate and Helsing now that was weird because my wife's just sat there looking at the screen looking at me saying this is weird this is really because this is you I'm like yeah yeah exactly yeah and I'm just this like bloke in his 40s like working class background in Bolton like north of England and this kind of stuff doesn't happen to like people like me it's just it's just very odd uh it's it's nice it's really nice even this interview it's like what is it about me it's like it's just really oh it's not uncomfortable well no it is sorry no no offense it's fine I understand it's just surreal um yeah the entire thing I'm I'm still after all this time trying to get ready for it I'm still having trouble getting my head around it and so yeah yeah and uh it'll be even weirder in like a a month or so's time when we're getting up on stage at egx and Comic-Con and like yeah and there's fans sitting right there hundreds of fans yeah yeah and the uh the the London Comic-Con one as well my daughters they're gonna make their way down and see it as well oh yeah yeah I can't wait it's gonna be great what does your wife and daughters think of all this I know you mentioned weird but I mean it must be do they get it yeah that's a big deal that's the thing that's the thing it's like um because again video gaming it's still quite even though it is the biggest Revenue stream in the world one of it's still quite niche and so like last night went out and uh mummy who's forever saying oh is my mate he's an actor stop it please um is that right have you have you heard of like Boulder's Gate no it's not okay and that's absolutely fine that's that's absolutely fine that is to be honest the reaction I would absolutely expect it's gonna have you heard of Baldur's Gate you know because to be honest there's not really been like a massive push on like uh like TV and stuff like that it's not no I wouldn't advertise there yeah exactly yeah for those who are going to play it they know about it and so yeah yeah I completely understand yeah but the the fan art and the cosplay that must be surreal as well because I saw someone dressing up as a character the other day and meeting Neil and and uh it's already happening everywhere it's pretty cool Ace I I can't wait for that I've got I've I've been to cons and stuff uh but I've I've I've I've not actually been in a game where people would cosplay uh as as potentially my character um and so yeah I I can't wait to see him I I as much as I find it uh find the the concept the the concept of Fame is odd and like uh we I I just can't get around that but I completely understand why people have an affinity with a character and that's I completely understand that um and because obviously it's it's the characters that they love not me and I I completely absolutely understand that and I think I I love how much the fans love Alton um but I actually love him because he's just just a nice guy as well yeah he's buff yeah he's handsome as hell but it is just a really nice guy as well and yeah I that's kind of what I hoped to actually get across uh in that portrayal of it of him anyway um he's yeah he's morally sound uh he's he's probably a bit too straight laced uh in that respect but yeah I fans at conventions dressing up as the favorite characters I I love that I love that I've been to like I said I've been to a few cons and like seen the attention to detail that these fans have just hours of work put into it to be their Heroes it's I love her I I it's proper passion and a real and passion and creativity as well because these guys are amazing absolutely incredible at the work yeah so good and and some of the art as well not just the cosplay but the art itself and the drawings and the paintings and you know the credible stuff that's so much stuff oh my God the the the the talent in the the fan base as well and that I don't I'm not entirely sure if you would actually get this in other again this is like probably my like game no not all the time let's say that yeah yeah but I think like there's a massive group of creativity and creature creative people in I I would think it's probably more than most uh more than most other fandoms that you get because oh my God some of the drawings they're just absolutely just take the wind out of you so and just like some make it some make you properly well up and some just make your heart a sing and it's oh you've actually Whirled up over someone yeah yeah yeah and I I can't remember exactly which one it was uh because there are so many and there are and again there are so many people saying Dave have you seen this Dave you've seen this David because there's so much of it and yeah if if as much as I can I'll try and like retweet it because my God it just deserves to be seen yeah it deserves to be seen I've got some fan questions here that we might get through oh yeah go for it yeah because people are as you know they love this character uh General locksmith 512 what would be Dave's favorite wild shape animal whoa I I probably I you don't oh God I probably oh my God you've got you've got obviously you've got the bear yeah you've got Alba which is probably even better I don't know why but I think if you could probably raccoon I think because yeah yeah it's yeah because they've got opposable thumbs there's not really any other and they look damn cute they've got they've already got the mask on yeah yeah yeah I'm okay definitely uh Evie Locker how does it feel to be the most wholesome character and companion in the game Dave see it's it's nice it is nice I mean you've got you've got like the um chaotic evil to like and you've got that that nine square box I'm right in the middle I think and I'm not entirely sure if I yeah he's wholesome but he's still got a bit of a nasty streak when it comes to goblins he he he couldn't give a about goblins he's like he's all for nature he's like oh oh she had like yes you must protect nature apart from goblins goblins that's it yeah no he couldn't give a about them but so but you you also play a goblin warrior in the game so that's a conflicting Dave yeah just not and again that was because um it I I was I've got a little bit of range uh so I've can we hear that God have you got that in you well this Goblin here he's a bit of a nasty bastard he's yeah when you when you had to do that you had to stand like a boxer because then they said the Goblins not stand the Goblins stand like like boxes so good it was uh yeah it was a good few characters in that as well there was a uh oh you play a ghoul too yeah a ghoul yeah that was a ghoul there was a I think there was uh a guy who he was almost like a cowboy for dwigas and so yeah and he was Irish and thankfully I'd like just before and this was like on on the Monday that I did this and that weekend I'd just like pure fluke like binge watched um oh God what's the name of the series now uh young offenders in BBC and my God I loved younger fenders that is such a great game yeah very good show um again it's it's a really solid comedy with an absolute gut-wrenching heart it will it will broccoli it will really tug on your heartstrings I've noticed a lot of shows have a bit of a blend of that now yeah there's you know that that comedy with that sort of really serious Parts as well and they Blended in you know there isn't as far as way of ways to get messages across I love comedy because it will raise you up raise you up and then completely knock your legs from under you and when you're already like that high that fall you're guaranteed to hurt and so yeah as far if you want to if you want to get some get a message out get it out like that yeah definitely yeah because my girlfriend was watching the show by um with Harrison Ford on Apple TV trying to remember the name of it but it was similar it was a comedy but also yeah I've forgotten the name um yeah is he uh um Jason Siegel I think Senator as well yeah yeah you've probably said you know what I'm talking about but um I I know exactly which one it's all about and likewise I am blank into yeah and it's every summer leave a comment below but yeah that she loved that she loved that show I haven't seen it yet I do want to watch but I watched that as well what you've just mentioned what was the show that you just said again young offenders younger yeah check that out too yeah really good uh ricotta crayon what are your thoughts on the daddy Polson line in the end I got the impression you were laughing genuinely laughing at the joke when you read that line possibly no again a little bit like the you like it embarrassing uh item I'd seen that coming up for a couple of weeks and so it's I think when when I'm like laughing for that doing the uh dirty house and they call me who am I to argue it's it's the he's just remembering the the kids just showing daddy Helsing and he just can't help but have this this this huge big like goofy grin on his face like when he when he released it yeah Dave you know that's going to be clipped oh yeah well you've just said [Laughter] uh I'm just warning you but um no that's all brilliant we love it so yeah uh I think yeah I I I I I wasn't laughing because of I oh don't get me wrong when I saw the line for the first time I was laughing my ass off yeah thinking oh yeah okay yep fair enough you this is proper fan service and yep I I get that it's uh it's just a little there you go and yeah I get that so yeah Ty and Lang May what was it like working directly and closely with JK Simmons okay okay I don't know correctly working with JK but definitely not he was in LA so yeah when ever we've done um any of our lines they've always been completely on our own uh We've no we've not done any uh interaction with anybody everything that we are it's a bit of a get because I'd love to bounce off somebody um in that respect and at the same time it's nice to have it's nice to give options uh out there that could like be different for the conversation but at the same time ideally you want to know the intonation of the line that you're being fed in order to respond appropriately I I work nine to five with Excel spreadsheets [Music] when I'm doing voices for holson I'm still looking at a Excel spreadsheet I cannot get away from it honestly it's and 99 of 19 99 of scripts that you'll see for uh a voice in a video game there on Excel and so right yeah and and again 99 99 of the time you're not with other people and you usually get and you usually get three goes at each line is that right people to normally be the case yeah well it again it depends on which uh on the director as well uh how they want to do it once twice three times it's normally give me three stop and then we'll either we'll give you a note and like you can go again for another three or just like give you a note Kirsty cursed is great for that she'll you can give her three she'll give you a note you'll nail it on the next one and you just go on it's it's wow yeah that's good yeah the notes that she gives are so just Pitch Perfect love that until he steal as well she was another great uh director and Adrian Townsend Adrian Townsend as well honestly the vast majority of uh directors that I've worked with have been fantastic on Baldur's Gate absolutely amazing so yeah that's so good yeah was there a moment this is from uh Silas was there a moment that Dave influenced the character himself he provided the voice and breath breathed life into the character but was there any personality traits or something that showed up from yourself Dave into the character um I think most of the work was done when I'd sent my auditioning um basically they'd had because there wasn't really that much difference um from the uh the the stuff in the audition and to what I'm doing now um I I think they managed to look at a a a a kind of a even though even though it's only five lines they managed to like find a almost rounded performance in there I'm I'm kind of hoping that I would have been able to uh I think the the only thing that's been what I've managed to influence is probably uh more on the The Writer's side because basically they've then seen the performances in Early Access they and then they know what to that they know how to write for you um they they'll know your strengths and they'll want to like write in a particular way for you that's probably the the only way it's uh influenced but from from my perspective um there may be the other characters in there that uh I I don't know if any of the other casts have had that it'd be interesting to ask ask them as well yeah I think in in order to make sure that um it's not going to be an arduous journey and especially when you're doing like I think I did like 130 140 hours in there nowhere near as much as uh Sam but I think yeah it's like if you're going to be doing that amount of work you want it as you won't you don't want there to be a process to be involved to get to where you need to be ideally you want to be like hitting the ground running and therefore if you can pretty much get that from the person who's pretty much not nailed the character but like is like really close to the character in the audition then that's that's most of the light work done um and then again the the writers will probably not so much write for you but write the character uh knowing your abilities so um 100 percent uh Tylenol I'm butchering these names sorry guys where Tyler I'm gonna call you Thailand when did you realize that Olson was go was getting a lot of attention for a variety of reasons and what did you think about it well we touched on that a little bit yeah yeah a little bit um [Laughter] um yeah I I I don't know why I did probably just pure vanity I either look I I think I probably Googled uh Holston um and then had to narrow it down to hulls in Baldur's Gate 3 because I think there's uh a Bollywood star called Holton um so I definitely needed to like narrow it down just a touch and yeah I I just stumbled across some of the chat in there and it was tasty yeah they were they were quite hot under the collar for it um and yeah yeah to be honest I mean when I saw when I saw him um and you could just see this like just essentially clothed beef um you've just yeah it's it's to be expected um that you'll get some he's not a bad looking Geezer is he he's not he's not and so yeah it's yeah I I it was expected it was expected but the the the the the the the level of um yeah that that probably wasn't expected I I wasn't expecting it to be thirsted over quite as much as it was yeah do you know do you know the word simps now you yes yes this has introduced me to many many terms that I wasn't aware of before yeah stay away from uh rule 34 Dave please please Dave I am very well aware of Hull simps oh yeah yeah uh uh it's not me it's B what is your favorite line or moment oh if there's someone give us a couple obviously there's the you like it that that that's that for me we've still got the delivery perfect [Music] you've got that um which I thought was that that was a turning point that was definitely a turning point and uh there was the one I think from uh my old audition lines as well one should note cherish Nature's Bounty but goblin guts are quite far down the list and yeah I again yeah yeah Goblin guts he doesn't like goblins he doesn't I think it's like point to me where the goblin touched you it's I know where does that where does that hatred come from you must they must have told you or did they no I mean he's he's just been I think imagine the the size of him and he's been caught and prisoned by goblins that must have like wounded his pride just a little bit it must have like there must be a bit of an ego thing there as well yeah so spot on spot on TSA what parts of Austin's story did you find the most compelling interesting or just plain fun to work with there was a little bit and well I don't really want to like probably go into it really because it is a little bit spoilery um can you dance around it or should we give a spoiler warning or there was a really really tough scene to do um that was me being um having to go through uh this this memory of um an extremely bad occurrence and he was breaking down in tears from it and I've and that's probably the the the the most intense that I've been in uh in a video game session ever just in a game yeah in my career no career yeah definitely um I was that that that took uh a good couple of days to get over um wow um and though yeah yeah so yeah I can't re no I I I don't really want to go through the the specifics of it yeah no that's fair enough yeah yeah no no all good uh Shelly what is a secret about wholesome that he'll carry to his grave Dave oh uh honestly if if if I found out there was a secret I'd I'd probably even want to keep that to myself anyway yeah probably because it could just like Aid other performances I'd love to like go back and work on stuff like if if that was a possibility what do you mean by that so it it if if forever uh if if for any reason there was like uh any other stories that could like come from this oh okay yeah like a DLC or something yeah yeah yeah something like that yeah then yeah maybe they'd put in a secret perhaps I mean to be honest he's quite open about a lot though anyway yeah but there's not really much that he like he'll not actually tell you the fact that he was like held prisoner for three years in in the game that was that that was and it was like completely ah that happened and it was it doesn't seem to have as much import as it would for other people let's say a Cadillac or whoever yeah yeah yeah um I think due to just the nature of him being him I think he just takes everything in his stride um and just basically says it's almost this is the way kind of it's all right yeah there'll be a point in the future where it won't be like this so I've just gotta ride it out nothing surprises him as much anymore like he's saying it all yeah yeah he's he's a good few hundred years old um so yeah he has seen quite a bit true [Laughter] they've seen a lot in that respect yeah God help me says to what degree was Olson originally meant to be to play a part in the game how did the devs approach you to expand the characters uh the character after his popularity hmm well uh it was more the fact that I was just being booked more and the scripts just kept growing that that was more the yeah the the the the conversation as far as the conversation is concerned that the uh the character was going to have more lines uh it's just the the the the script just never stopped being written for it for a good few months um so yeah we it was pretty much all wrapped up um for the uh for act one a good few months went by and then they said they just want you in for some more more sessions and that that was pretty much it to be honest um I I then found that there were a lot more lines constantly being written and it's right okay yeah this is definitely this is definitely more than just act one what was your what was your final uh day in the volume like do you remember that was it emotional was it what was the well the motion of my final session um was a little bit anti-climactical because I always hear that it sucks yeah no it no it's not even that it's just that I I thought I was going to be in for another session and yeah so because they I think there was like a uh a couple of lines that they couldn't uh or couldn't quite get um so I was expecting to be down there for one last session and so I just said right right see everybody see you next week and now oh yeah that was my final session [Laughter] God damn it bloody oh well hopefully you're back hey yeah but you'll be back with the band um soon for some Comic-Con so you've got two coming up right yep yep for now so far for now more hopefully they get you down here to Australia oh man that'd be lovely um although I'm not a keen on spiders what about snakes I'm all right yeah yeah what about great what about sharks like that if I'm in London off that's fine um okay what about uh kangaroos that will will knock you out with their boxing techniques [Laughter] I've seen I've seen them boxed they've seen the footage yeah they are jacked there is no way I've messed with they're on steroids I reckon yeah hmm yeah nice it's always the spiders for me they're just like I there's no I I want to be able to like open a car door without checking it first that's that's something like the troubles in the 70s that's like I I don't want to like go around with a mirror under the under the the sill of the door every morning um it's so funny you say that because a spider dropped on me the other day in the car [Laughter] I'm so glad my wife's got here she'd be herself she absolutely hates spiders oh me too she actually woke me up this morning saying David there's a spider on your foot it's massive it's like what this this massive spider on my foot oh thankfully over here they're not as bad uh but yeah it was it was it was a healthy like size yeah it was all right have you ever had a snake in your letterbox that's I've had that in my backyard and one in the backyard too yeah I've I've had a snake in my letterbox and one in the backyard this this sounds more like a Holton line this really does speaking speaking of animals by the way before we wrap up here you were in uh Planet zoo yeah that was a great little game again that was um because the it was Adele cutting who did the direction for astrologaster um she she put me forward for that and yeah that was a great one um yes and that that was only a day that there's not that much in the as far as like the the the storage concerned uh for the for the career mode um but you don't really need that much like voicing for it uh a lot of it is uh yeah but it's damn good fun being uh an unscrupulous Zoo manager I like that word yeah and and for some reason he always wanted bears as well I've got this bear for you I've found it down the back of the couch can you uh find somewhere to put it please yeah see I thought you wrote that in because you were doing Boulder skate at the same time I thought it was a little Easter egg [Music] difference time wise unfortunately just lie to me just say it was come on it was definitely because of older Skate 3 yeah yeah without a shadow of a doubt I'll cross my heart so finally what what do you want people to take away from this character is there something you want them to take away in particular oh um I I don't know actually that's that's that's quite um I hope they had a lovely time with him he's a really nice guy if you if they'll get on the wrong side of him don't go on the wrong side I haven't yeah I've seen the videos though yeah yeah so if if you get on the wrong side of him you'll you'll get on the wrong end uh you you will you will find out but apart from that just just be just be nice to everybody don't be a dick and to be honest it's like that's pretty much the rules for life though it's like don't be a dick just what show up for work do your stuff be nice to everybody don't be a dick because then they'll invite you back it's it's just normal stuff yeah I I always hear of people who have like especially in like um the acting profession oh they've like Turned Up and been absolute yeah I never get that yeah no it's like what why do that you're not gonna you're not gonna be respected you're not going to be rehired and you're just gonna come across as like yeah No No One's Gonna want to work with you no one's going to want to go to a to a bar after to have a drink with you no man I just treat everybody nice yeah just like and and definitely hold your hand down and reach other people up yeah I like that yeah I I I I don't understand why people like Cut the Rope uh or like shove the ladder away once they're up there you you should always what what why there's nothing to fear from making people better a lot of people think that it's out of their own insecurities isn't it yeah yeah and like that's definitely it they think that they're gonna come for their jobs well if that's the case you're just not good enough focus on yourself instead of like like you need to like you you need again train train train um but don't don't like have a go at people beneath you I mean that's just just awful just a horrible way to live and yeah give hugs but in saying that though when when Holston is getting a bit cranky that must have been fun to do that as well obviously you can like you can vent you get because yeah I I I I'm I've I've not been like uh I I can't remember the last time I was really really angry with somebody no yeah that's no I can't no yeah so so to get a chance of like doing something like that in it in character as well yeah I'll always always be up for that always yeah is there anything you want to say to the fans that have tuned in today Dave thank you so much for for everything um basically were it not for for them taking Olsen into their hearts then there there's no way that he'd have been in Acts two and three like he is now and that I I I wouldn't be on here speaking to you now he's uh it's it's just been amazing um The Journey that holson and I have been on um and it is it's a lot of it is down to them and I I will be forever grateful well sir well said man and phenomenal job by the way I don't know if I've said thank you so much really phenomenal job love the character but I am in my next playthrough I'm gonna piss him off now good good no yeah so you got Twitter you got Twitter Instagram uh anything else you want to plug uh yeah you can find me virtually everywhere um yeah I like threads blue sky I'm always over on like like any social not not I'm I'm I'm on them less than I was now uh but just just trying to take a just a little bit of a backseat socials wise yeah because that was that has been like taking up quite a chunk of my day this past week or so uh so yeah I'll always try and respond uh if I can but yeah hit me up anyway and how's your comfort levels now now that the interview's nearing its end where are we have we gotten more comfortable very much so and honestly it's like this has been really really nice thank you so much oh thank you you've been uh this has been a super easy chat it's been lovely I I've absolutely that's great to hear you thanks mate no I appreciate it well before I let you go we've got to hear this guy one more time say something to Dan look at me come on we he needs to say something one more thing I can't get enough of this voice done thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for everything May Sylvanas guide you and have a wonderful weekend no wonder you do so many audio books as well with that voice you can't teach that I I've often seen like voice actors and said like but but you can you can do that voice why wouldn't you be that voice every minute of every day and I sound like this I sound like this I could sound like holes in but I sound like this is graceful you should do that for one day just try it see what your wife and kids think they might be a bit what it might be a bit um I'll try it tomorrow I don't think it'll go down well thank you Dave we really appreciate your time thank you so much Dan for having me
Channel: Dan Allen Gaming
Views: 27,251
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: halsin, halsin romance, halsin baldurs gate 3, halsin romance baldurs gate 3, halsin romance no bear, halsin location, halsin romance ending, halsin romance bg3, baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 bear romance, dave jones
Id: WzOStWGp1jc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 58sec (4738 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 11 2023
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