The Frying Pan | The Fixies | Cartoons for Children

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[Music] to each other [Music] please the frying pan can you do this easy how about there's no skating rink there will be what will there be a skating rink where in the frying pan oh all right my bragging buddies go get your skates fixies love playing sports you might find fixy adults working out with weights or maybe working on a gymnastics routine fixy kids love having fixie board contests or taking part in parkour competitions where they have to run jump and hop over all sorts of obstacles these kinds of competitions usually take place inside of sophisticated appliances orienteering is held inside these appliances too that's when fixies use a map to follow a complicated route and the route is quite exact you can't make one wrong turn but the fixie's favorite game has got to be hide-and-seek nobody can compete with them in this game you don't believe me watch the rink is frozen so who's first nola come on [Music] [Laughter] well are you going to jump wow class and that's all not at all [Music] no link no lick no lick [Music] [Applause] sure say no more mr braggart it's your turn simka now watch and see how it's done [Music] oh wow no look you never had a chance [Music] [Applause] just like always she gets in my way and now she's gonna win no look do you really want to beat her uh-huh you see the salt what you think we should cook her of course not but if we put some salt on the ice it'll melt simka didn't you say that you were gonna skate with your eyes closed piece of cake what can't do it watch and learn one and two well done that wasn't fair guys you wouldn't have done 100 jumps anyway let's start the contest all over again but this time we play by the rules oh look there's a scratch in the pan what what a disaster you can cook just about anything in a frying pan meat fish vegetables in order to stop food from sticking to the pan modern frying pans are covered with a non-stick coating like teflon you can cook in these pans without even using oil and they're easy to clean but you have to treat this kind of kitchenware very carefully it's better not to use metal spatulas or forks that can scratch it because you shouldn't cook food in a pan that has scratches on it it can be really dangerous for your health yeah this is completely shot it's all because of your dumb bet it's all because someone was cheating mom's back please simca help me out will ya i'll give you any wish you want or three no five five i can help you if you guys jump up and down a hundred times on one leg we could do 200 tom thomas what do you say we make those crepes [Music] hmm these crepes are perfect i just love cooking with this pan why are you jumping i want to make my legs stronger anyway you never could have jumped 100 times in there the traffic light red green yellow green all right let's go thomas why did we stop there's a crosswalk when there are lines like that you have to let pedestrians cross go on thanks [Music] have a good trip why don't we stop now there's no crosswalk but that's a crossing gate fire you have to let the train pass [Music] wow that is cool hi there nolik come on down check out this traffic light it's new is that a real traffic light wonderful isn't it yeah it looks awesome no [Music] did you lose your mind what were you doing huh i i wanted to see what a cool traffic light it is what and my dad just just got this from me today now look at it uh you were supposed to let me cross you ran into the street when the light was red a traffic light is a street lamp that sends multi-colored signals to vehicles and pedestrians so they don't get in each other's way when they're on the road when the light is red it means stop you must stay where you are a yellow light tells drivers caution prepare to stop you are only allowed to start crossing the street after the traffic light changes to the color green and even then it's important to remember look both ways before crossing got it you can only cross on green no like even really little kids know that but the light was green no it was red no green it was red it was green i swear maybe you're colorblind or something yeah possibly uh what does it mean if you're colorblind it means you can't tell colors apart so you don't know which one's red and which one's green uh-huh that's what i am right you never mix up colors before this okay what color is that nightstand over there uh it's red and the plain up there oh that's green how about me huh what color am i green is blue is brownish gray with both dots i'm what it's true he's colorblind poor kid told ya wasn't my fault all right we'll sort it out at home and what are we gonna do with the traffic light we can fix it and we'll fix your car too all right what color is the car purple if you say so we got work to do so take a seat before you mix something else up the road can be a dangerous place there are so many cars and pedestrians on it and all of them are in a rush to get where they're going but be careful even if a driver notices a pedestrian on the road and breaks it can still take quite some distance before the car comes to a complete stop to avoid disaster have respect for one another if you need to cross the street go to the nearest traffic light crosswalk or sign with the pedestrian on it while you're still on the sidewalk look to your left and then to your right and see how far away any cars motorcycles or bicycles are if they're close then just stay where you are if the driver is responsible and polite he will stop for you if he sees you from a distance if you want to make yourself more visible when it's dark attach safety reflectors to your clothes and then it will be safe for everyone on the road [Music] all fixed tom thomas test it out turning the lights on so is it right yeah take your places all right let's cross ready set go stop everything mixed up the light is green in all directions ah the game is up you aren't color blind nolic you know what you are you're a fainter me mm-hmm well yeah i got a little of it right in here and once in a while goes up here uh what's a fader anyway the backpack [Music] all right oh it's all done time to play tom thomas is that how you pack your backpack why not what's wrong with it i don't know how you think you're gonna find anything at all in there i will too then go and find your ruler here you go an eraser hang on i'll get it where is it uh you can't find it what a shame it's because this backpack is so lousy the backpack is just fine you don't want to lose anything you gotta pack it carefully or have a pack-a-mat that can just hand everything dia oh yeah that's just what i need a pack-a-mat only fixies have pack-a-mats and i'm gonna have one i'll make my own there's no way way cuz i'll help him do it sure no look a backpack is a bag with shoulder straps attached it was invented to make it easier to carry heavy loads for long distances and also for freeing up the hands backpacks help us maintain good posture and avoid slouching by putting the loads weight onto our back muscles and our spine and you can fit so many things into a backpack especially if the backpack has lots of separate compartments and everything is packed nice and neatly the first backpacks were quite heavy and uncomfortable they were made out of wood and leather these kinds of backpacks were worn by ancient hunters later on lighter backpacks appeared that were made out of canvas and became quite popular with travelers and soldiers today's backpacks are so light that even kids can carry them [Music] testing of the world's first pack of that design especially for humans begins ready ready to go first thing out of your backpack uh i need pac-man eraser got it watch me [Music] cool a pen your blue one got it [Music] we're experiencing technical problems we need a break [Music] testing of the world i know i know just start take out the eraser [Music] let's say um did it take out the blue pen oh wow the ruler's next class testing of the world's first pack matches where's uh no lick don't worry he'll come later tesla all right already let's get it started go ahead the eraser we've seen that twice already the blue pen [Music] can you take out the ruler sure i can drum roll please whoa it's not possible let me see hmm now i get it why don't you take out your science book sure [Music] yeah some inventors you are your invention calls for a little improvement and i know what it is what just make sure that when you put things into your backpack you do it neatly do it neatly takes forever and it's boring i'm gonna show you how to make it fun whenever it's a school day a backpack's all you need a backpack's all you need a backpack's all you need your pencils books and papers will fit inside indeed [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] whenever you go hiking a backpack's all you need a backpack's all you need a backpack's all you need whatever you've collected will fit inside indeed we'll fit inside we'll fit inside indeed without a bag you won't get by [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the solar eclipse all right here we go thomas what's that for there's a solar eclipse today look and i'm gonna watch it that's so cool and what do you need the box for simca did you forget it's dangerous to look straight into the sun huh it's so dark how long until it starts to get dark half an hour we'd be happy to help you out with that what are we only one thing i don't get title be gone like gone forever how did you come up with that there's been plenty of eclipses before this one in outer space everything is in a state of constant movement the earth revolves around the sun and the moon revolves around the earth sometimes the moon gets in between the sun and the earth and covers the sun and so for a little while the sun no longer appears as a bright glowing sphere but a simple black ball this phenomenon is called a solar eclipse but a solar eclipse can only be seen by humans and fixies that are in its shadow while it's happening [Music] but anything can happen like what if something gets stuck then would it say dark forever and when is that ever happened it's happening now no look either help us out or stop bothering all us look this is the earth here and the moon there the flashlights are sun [Music] you see the moon's shadow falls on the earth and now watch when the moon starts to go the light comes back i think it's stuck just like i said the end is near the end of the light it's just that someone should be more careful with the glue it's possible to take an ordinary box and make a special device that was invented by people long ago it's called a camera obscura this clever invention was used by artists as well as scientists it was the basis for the very first photo cameras it's quite easy to make your own camera obscura cut out a small square on one side of a box cover it with aluminum foil and poke a little hole in the center of it put a sheet of paper on the opposite side the light will pass through the hole and shine through the darkness and on that screen you'll see the eclipse only it will appear upside down to see it you'll need to look at it from above but make sure not to let extra light in beautiful and remember to be careful with those scissors [Music] but don't you understand that it's scary in the dark it is impossible to live in it don't be a coward you glow in the dark but what about tom thomas is he gonna have to walk like this [Music] you'll be able to light up the way for him and if i run out of juice i'll use my flashlight and when the batteries run out relax i'll find more in the dark yeah we have to get prepared right now can you see the sun uh-huh one minute left you ready wait hold on i'm not ready yet i'll be yours a little more no batteries ten seconds nine seconds eight seconds what should i do six what should i do [Music] four three two here it goes whoa it's totally beautiful no come on out you'll miss everything it's amazing class it's so awesome that we did this look look now the sun's coming back out [Music] show it to me it really didn't get stuck you mean the whole eclipse is done it was cool wasn't it uh-huh only i missed the whole thing hmm well you'll see the next one right if you don't get spooked again you're not going to throw the box away are you i'll save it for you i can use it to store something useful batteries for instance what if tomorrow's the end of the light and nolak's not ready for it the time machine oh wow what kind of device is that maybe an alarm clock no this is a time machine time machines they don't exist whoa what a shame i learned that you studied that well done what did i just bump into what do you mean what it's a time machine but i thought time machines aren't for real of course they are you get it and take off for the future or the past splendid lots of us would love to be able to travel in a time machine maybe to go back in time and fix a bad grade or to get a peek into the future of course it would be interesting but time travel isn't possible and thank goodness just imagine how mixed up everything could get someone brings back a dinosaur from the past while someone else brings aliens from the future no one would need to invent anything appliances would sit unused and fix these would have no work to do it's awful [Music] so you've got no idea of the answer i studied this but i don't remember too bad because tomorrow we've got a hard test make sure you're prepared i'm sure i'm gonna fail you're gonna pass you studied all of this right so so you just need to stop worrying so much that's all i wish i could poor girl how can we help her hey i know how this morning tula believed that that thing over there is a real time machine sounds like an anti-scientific plan stop worrying it's simple we'll send you to tomorrow you'll sit down take the test and come right back here i wish i could go it's like a dress rehearsal the main things not to worry then what do i do uh you just pull on that wire and you'll get them back well time to go [Music] wow it's tomorrow hi there are you ready uh-huh grandpa's got sick so i'll be giving you your tests i'm scared don't worry it's just a rehearsal well then who had the best test congratulations tula oh girl awesome that wasn't scary at all by the way what's wrong with the professor uh grandpas oh you know don't you a boat fell on his head you dropped it remember i did yeah yesterday i'm not sure i like this future well how did it go there later but if you meet a fixie please don't let their secret out oh leave this on until tomorrow what is this come back no if i do i could hurt you me what for wouldn't it be incredible to travel into the future and see what you will become unfortunately that's only possible in our dreams but if you have a dream and aren't afraid of challenges and setbacks your future can turn out just the way you imagined do you want to become a champion then you need to start your training right away do you dream of becoming the best programmer in the world then first pull up that grade at math class do you dream of sailing the oceans then you'll need to do a lot of reading because a captain has so much he needs to learn start creating your future right now and we fixies will be right there to help you making sure the machines you need to reach your dreams will keep on working for years and years to come hey there are you ready uh-huh so far everything's exactly the same cool take this please it worked and pass out the tests you may begin these questions are different who had the best test congratulations tula what am i worried about i know everything is going to be fine [Music] oh well then all of your test results are great huh only none of you could guess what this device is [Music] what do you mean isn't it a time machine no it's from automatically watering plants that's all you see cool right wow it's fantastic so hang on you guys tricked me but you passed the test right well all right then i forgive you hockey today i'm definitely gonna beat you you already forgot you're [Music] hi there um katya uh hi what are you doing here katya came to pick up something for her mom i need a little more time can you wait here yes of course i'd be happy to we can play a game only just not hockey i never understood why boys are so crazy about it i'm baffled by it too oh the fixies are here hi guys hi there even though you clearly don't get hockey i'm sorry we're finishing this game and after that my dad and i are gonna go and see a real hockey game at the arena i'm sure that a real game is just as boring you're wrong is an incredibly interesting game but it isn't easy a player needs so many different skills like skating very fast stopping quickly dodging the opposing players controlling his stick and shooting the puck into the goal and there's no way to do all of that without science for instance to calculate how hard to hit the puck or how quickly to stop hockey players learn all about that during their practices they put on their protective gear and go for it and that's not all hockey players also have to be brave and nimble otherwise they might find themselves unable to stop and crashing into the boards or taking a puck to the head but as the saying goes hockey is not for cowards tadish [Music] what are you waiting for katya you just made me miss that i'm sorry [Music] bounce it off the board enough with that i happen to be helping you if you didn't notice you said you don't like hockey so quit giving me advice hmm whatever [Music] that was my second goal from that spot over there you lucked out uh-huh sure did he'll have less luck if you keep this player back and that one needs to pass off the boards get your goal before she said she didn't know anything about hockey so are we playing or not attack and check don't lose control a line change on the fly the puck is zooming towards the goal to score and break the tie it's one for all and all for one great teamwork is a must let's go and show them how it's done this game was made for us [Music] tell me again what's the name of our game hockey i can't hear you hockey [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] but the winning goal was mine tom thomas it's time for the game ready to get going katya i'll take you home oh um could i go with you to see the hockey i never realized it's such a great game hey you know what why don't we go to the game together maybe i'll like it too great it's about time let's go [Music] how did we possibly lose it aren't we a great team well tom thomas has his own team now and not only that they don't give up it's not that it was beginner's luck that's all that it was concrete when will you be back from your fishing trip before dinner so you won't have time to hang up the mirror again if it's not one thing it's another um we were just planning to hang it right now uh it'll only take us two minutes and then we'll go fishing huh what do you want what am i gonna go on a fishing trip with you you know fixies don't go fishing but you promised me that today we will go and visit the aquarium i was only planning on going there to clean it so let's go fishing while we're at it we'll pretend please okay nolick but we'll just pretend to hooray [Music] nah those won't work why won't they because our walls are concrete they're much too hard for nails [Music] see that it's gonna need to be drilled [Music] i guess we'll need to use a special drill bit that's right for this wall concrete is a very strong building material made out of small stones sand cement and water when the concrete mixture dries it becomes very hard like a solid piece of rock for building houses bridges and other large constructions reinforced concrete is what people use to reinforce the concrete it is poured into a mold with steel bars when you drill into a reinforced concrete wall you have to be careful not to hit the metal bars [Music] [Applause] humans not big enough it won't hold up this mirror but it's all we've got so we'll have to go and buy another that stinks means there's no time to go fishing now actually i think this will hold it for a little while [Music] that looks great so ready we don't but we'll figure it [Music] i out don't like how that mirrors hanging [Music] that's what happens when people are in a rush to finish we're fixing we never do things like that we going fishing or not yes we will after we take care of this mirror in ancient rome volcanoes helped make concrete after they erupted people would mix the volcanic ash with stones lime and sand this concrete was used in many of the famous buildings constructed in that time for instance the pantheon with its concrete dome and this one is the famous coliseum it was also made with concrete the coliseum is almost 2 000 years old but it's still standing strong later when that land was conquered by other nations people forgot about concrete and how to make it thank goodness that 200 years ago they suddenly realized what a great material it is and they reinvented concrete it's true when they say oh everything new is well forgot no [Music] haste is the mother of imperfection it looks like i ran out of wire lousy timing i've got to get to the warehouse warehouse that means we're not going fishing no look a promise is a promise and that means we go this should hold for a little while [Music] it's funny we almost left without the fishing rods don't panic we did a good job of anchoring remember what i said haste is that yeah i'm not hearing things looks like a trip to the store after all for screws yeah and a brand new mirror it looks like today's fishing trip is cancelled and ours is too nullic at least the fish will be happy the masquerade so tom thomas did you choose a costume for the new year's party not yet these are no good i've been a pirate how about a vampire did that and tonight mm-hmm this year i i want to do something that's original and what if i know what you can go dressed as me perfect no one's ever gone as a fixie ever long long ago people would put on masks and dance in order to scare away evil spirits in ancient theater actors would change masks to play a few different roles everyone liked the idea of hiding their faces behind mysterious masks so much that people started organizing fun outdoor festivals called masquerades there are countries around the world like brazil and italy that turn into one big masquerade ball during the holidays [Music] hey there what are you making a costume for a mastery can you guess who i'm going as yeah but why does it have to be knowledge because i came up with it fired be a much cooler costume that's not true stop arguing i can go dress up as you and you now we're talking smart fixies wear glasses your glasses are too small to even fit on his finger that'll make glasses just like yours [Music] what a cute fixie splendid not bad only if i were you i'd had a backpack to your costume any fixie who's fashionable is wearing it and maybe add my curls to it please uh if you don't then our feelings will be [Music] heard class did we cover everybody oh we didn't include cinco and where are we gonna find room for her what can i do about it i already got to get going then let's just not tell her see you later tom thomas thanks guys what have you been doing all this time while i was busy loading up the confetti but we were doing our homework and looking at this magazine and talking yeah all of that and more that's gotta be the worst lying ever tell me what you're hiding have you lost your minds sorry but there was absolutely no room left on tom thomas that's not what i'm talking about what is the number one rule for fixies well what did we promise we won't let out right but you just let it out now everyone will know tom thomas wouldn't tell anyone about us i hope he doesn't well maybe everyone will figure that he's dressed up like some nutty candy what kind of nutty candy has a backpack on and glasses we're in real trouble i thought the glasses look sharp so what are we gonna do now call the professor right or we should call grandpas or puppies don't panic let's wait till tom thomas gets back there are many different types of masks and some of them are very important medical masks are used by both doctors and sick people to reduce the spread of illnesses oxygen masks help people breathe fencers hockey goalies and boxers all use masks to protect their faces from being hit the blue glass in a welder's mask is used to protect their eyes from dangerously bright light sea divers wear masks for swimming underwater without a mask it would be very difficult to see the beauty of the underwater world the masks that people wear at carnivals and parties well they're just for having fun and putting everyone in a good mood or as a disguise so that no one recognizes you right away it can be a lot of fun to fool somebody like that so how was it it was great they had a contest for costumes and i won hooray that's all say bye to us i hope you won't be upset guys but i couldn't tell anyone that was a fixie here's all i could think of grand prize for best costume robotic toucan hey come on do you think we look like two cans yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah all right there fixie toucans we've got work to do oops happy new year water hi i'm all ready no look he's gonna stay home like we agreed uh-huh see you soon who's there no look it's you i gotta go i'll go with you no we've got we've got an important job little kids aren't allowed why can't i help you because this work is very demanding only it's boring and you're impatient so you'll bother us huh but i am patient patient song patient like totally patient prove it then how see that um water filter you have to count how many glasses of water it cleans how many do i need to count if you can reach 100 i'll believe you're patient why do they need that filter why don't you drink water out of the sink don't worry about it you need to be counting that was one without water life is not possible the human body is made up of two-thirds water and people need to drink it all the time but only when it's clean water water is transported from rivers and lakes into houses through pipes along the way it gets cleaned of debris and dirt but even so this water might still contain toxic substances or harmful microbes that's why people use filters to clean water for drinking no bad stuff can get through this last line of defense [Music] where did they all go they're not drinking anymore how long do i gotta wait here huh tom thomas are you thirsty they drink some water but i don't want water but you gotta don't you know that your body is almost all water and so and so what did you run out of it then all that'll be left of you is just some skin and bones oh that's what my mom is always saying that i'm skin and bone there you go that's why you need to drink water drink some more and some more come on come on that's all i ran out of room you've got plenty of room left why do you care about how much water i'm drinking because i gotta count how much water is going through the filter i really got it yeah and what it's gotta go through me for you to count it i'm totally full what am i supposed to do i've been waiting here in the kitchen all day but nobody's drinking what's going on the filter is broken you gotta call simko right away 415 416 417 418 [Music] something's going on over there we gotta hurry where's the emergency look so what's going on here great now we're stuck fixing the filter it's not broken the flashing red light is an indicator it means it's time to replace the cartridge in the filter [Music] since ancient times people have been coming up with ways to remember things or to not mix things up knots on ropes were used as reminders that it was time to pay back a debt or reaper harvest people would cut notches into trees to help remember numbers later people invented the abacus calendars and day planners and now things are even easier because devices can give us reminders alarm clocks help people get up on time a loud oven timer can save a pie from burning the green light of an indicator shows that the device is turned on and ready to be used a red light shows the opposite today's smart appliances can tell their owners what they need to do without them humans can be so absent-minded [Music] this cartridge is enough for another 2 000 glasses 2 000 and what do i do about this all right nolik you've done a good job there way to go yeah if you want i can do it tom thomas wants some water to drink i can't drink anymore and i can't wait anymore either well looks like his indicator is flashing on now the marshmallow [Music] fixies why are you so sad christmas is just around the corner maybe it'll be a lot of fun for you but not for us why is that mossy and papa's had a quarrel over what [Music] every year we've got to repair those string lights oh yeah it's awful christmas is almost here and there's still so much work to be done what do you think of that and this here you are you don't hear the phone ring you don't answer messages and we have string lights that aren't working right we need help tapas can't you give us a few more minutes you said that an hour ago haven't you wasted enough time we are not wasting time look at the camera what [Laughter] got one of masia look there you are so having a good time um we were just about to leave and you can stay right here i've already done everything myself you obviously have more important things to take care of so you left me over there by myself working my tail off just so you can play where are you going to relax oh yeah fine with me so now we will have our christmas don't panic no look we'll get your parents to forget i i mean to forgive each other how my dad always says that the way to a woman's heart is to give flowers and candy and where are we gonna find flowers right now oh we'll make them out of marshmallows people are always trying to improve recipes the french used an ancient egyptian mallow root recipe to create the marshmallow a fluffy dessert that can decorate a cake or be roasted on an open fire in russia pureed fruit and berries were mixed with egg whites and sugar and then whipped together to create their own fluffy dessert the fear some ingredients have changed over the years but these old desserts are still popular what will they think of next papuas give them the mafia we're gonna set them up on a date for you it's urgent tom thomas's uh monitor isn't working i thought she handles everything herself now papa's really so kind i love helping others come on ah all right no no and no i'm relaxing i told you but tom thomas won't have time to make his mom's card if you don't go and then she'll end up without a present fine i'll go but i'm only going for his mom's sake sweets aren't just for eating they can also be used to decorate a christmas table for instance it's very easy to make this christmas tree out of marshmallows make a row of marshmallows at the bottom of a plate one two three four five six seven the second row has six of them the third row five then there's four three two and a special one on top add bread sticks at the bottom as a trunk and sprinkle the plate with some sweet confetti there it's ready with the help of some little cookie cutters it's possible to make hearts and snowflakes out of marshmallows or you could make a reindeer put a candy cane through a marshmallow use sugar beads for eyes and a nose and pretzels for antlers beautiful right merry christmas hmm i don't get what's going on the monitor's working what did you call me for uh i didn't call hmm and you've got nothing for me to do here no ah then i guess you came to apologize uh no you know what i have had enough uh well what's it say for massia uh for me yeah for you that's so sweet i hope you can forgive me for yelling at you i'm just tired no i should apologize it was bad of me to leave you alone and where are the children it's almost christmas there you are come here [Music] the rock tom thomas is back hooray so how was your camping trip super you've gotta check out what i found rocks that's just half of it wow is that a screw it looks kind of strange cuz it got petrified millions of years ago screws weren't around then they came much later and how do we know that it could be the first one discovered and maybe it's not just some screw know what i'm saying are you saying that we might be looking at a fixie fixies believe that their ancestors came into being not that long ago right when humans started inventing complicated devices but what if that's not true maybe millions of years ago before the dinosaurs there were a different kind of fixies that inhabited the earth and maybe there were people then too and fixies weren't hiding from them they were friends who they helped with everything together they used to create inventions construct buildings and make scientific discoveries but then there was some horrible catastrophe and this whole civilization disappeared and what if someday scientists find traces of that civilization then ancient sixties will be discovered as well that would be so cool oh my imagination ran away with me you're right he could be our great great grandpas or a great great grandma do you think maybe we could bring it back to life we could screw it in somewhere you get energy from electricity right what an idea but what if our great great get super scared because everything is different [Music] we can build him a prehistoric world to wake up to [Music] [Applause] time to bring him back to life and you tom thomas disguise yourself we'll break them like this we need a different way to do it [Music] we need more power for this there wasn't any electricity back then that's why shocking and won't work [Music] oh our great great ancestor why is it always so difficult with relatives wake up wake up and what if [Music] [Applause] we've tried everything this is just a waste of time uh let's sing a song about the screw our song no look it's never gonna work you don't know that we can at least give it a try if you think a screw is nothing take thomas hey well how was your camping trip uh seems to me quite a success yeah so let's see what you found there do you know what this is well it's a rock it isn't it's the stalk of a sea lily you mean a flower an animal who lives at the bottom of the sea its stalk makes it look like a flower like a lily on planet earth there are lots of rocks some of them are hiding deep below the surface and others appear with volcanic lava remember those fairy tales where an evil witch would turn everything living into stone well it's really happened just without any magic some prehistoric plants and animals were petrified way back when and they've remained that way ever since thanks to them we can get an idea about what life was like on earth millions of years ago and this one's a devil's finger the squid's ancestor how do you know all this stuff when i was your age i collected fossils and rocks let's go i'll show you my collection [Music] do you think any of our ancestors were sea lilies shame why did i let myself get so carried away there weren't any ancient fixies in the world hmm but i i still believe in them they just haven't found the right rock yet but don't find it i know they will [Music] the coffee maker hi there tom thomas are you ready for school uh-huh and you i'm helping mafia today for school three more patients how in the world can i do it all i have that new equipment being delivered and i'm leading this week's case presentations oh well somehow i'll have to figure out how to do it um good morning yeah just great huh i got work piled up to the ceiling okay a cup of coffee is the only thing that can save me today now what the last thing i needs to be late the coffee maker started its cleaning cycle she'll have to wait [Music] what's the problem why don't you work are you going to work or what oh the poor coffee maker i'm thomas's poor mother that's enough work already what is going on today hey mom come on let me give it a try i can't take any more of this we've gotta help her i really hope nothing broke in there don't worry we'll get it working just distract your mom mom and what if the coffee maker just started working again right now would that save your day you think early coffee makers would do nothing more than heat up the water and force it through the ground coffee today's generation of devices are often called coffee machines they can do so much more and even remove the mineral deposits themselves these machines can make your coffee any strength and add milk and sugar if that's how you like it and most conveniently they can grind the coffee beans right before brewing just press the button and the fresh cup of coffee is ready and that aroma [Music] the main thing with any coffee maker is to be nice to it then you just give it some time and it starts working by itself it's just absurd restarting it is the first step simca get over there and open and close that contact [Music] you see that's what i was talking about a coffee maker isn't alive it's a machine that's all then how come you hit it like you did hmm but if you're really nice to it and you pet it then she'll turn [Music] hear that you'd like that a lot coffee maker link to us when you're ready to start working turn on the display [Music] see that it answered us it behaves like it's really alive well coffee maker make coffee it's impossible time for a little surprise just don't give up our secret you fixed it somehow what's your secret it's simple if you handle appliances with care then they'll take care of you the magic taste of coffee was first appreciated in arabia and that's why the most well-known variety of coffee is called arabica coffee trees grow throughout the world in mountain regions where the weather is warm and humid the branches of coffee trees get covered with coffee berries but to make the coffee drink we don't need the berries just the seeds inside after the coffee beans are roasted and then ground hot water is added different cultures serve coffee differently some serve it hot some cold with sugar with milk with ice cream with cinnamon with ginger and even with salt and pepper they say that coffee gives people energy and helps them from feeling tired but it's important not to drink too much [Music] ah tom thomas you're a powerful wizard [Music] she believes it it's remarkable i can't believe an ordinary coffee maker can be so emotional poor thing forgive me huh and that's not all if you take care of your coffee maker and you're nice to it it can even it can even sing a song oh my dear augustine augustine august huh i've got to be hearing things you've got me under your spell tom thomas time to go augustine huh oh my dear orchesting augustine why did you start singing sorry i got carried away and i got carried away sing me that song again will you oh my dear augustine augustine augustine oh my dear augustine everything's gone oh my dear augustine augustine augustine oh my dear augustine everything's gone if you need a fixie please don't let that
Channel: The Fixies
Views: 8,589,096
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cartoon, animation, the fixies, fixiki, Cartoons for children, Nolik, Simka, Papus, Grandpus, Tom Tomas, fixiki episodes, fixies episodes, cartoon films, fixiki in English, fixies, фиксики на английском, fixiki english, the fixies english, fixies english, fixiki in english, the fixies episode 1, fiksiki english, fixies cartoon, fixiki 2016 new in english, лунтик на английском языке, the fixes, фіксіки англійською, fiksiki, fixies russian
Id: NtLWZbuA9R4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 28sec (3808 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 02 2021
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