Peppa Pigs Swimming Day 🐷 🏊‍♀️ Adventures With Peppa Pig

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swimming lesson today pepper and her friends are having a swimming lesson they are in the little pool the children can touch the bottom of the pool with their feet okay let's start Miss Rabbit is in charge has everyone got a float yes Miss Rabbit the floats are like spetti tuck the float under your arms and swim about the float makes swimming easy I love swimming I love swimming too hello it is Rebecca rabbit with Mummy Rabbit hi sister oh hi sister sorry we're late no problem we've only just started Look At Me swim Mommy that looks like so much fun I wish I could swim you can't swim no I never learned I'm a bit worried about water well sister I think it's about time you had a swimming lesson yes you can join our lesson o I'm not sure it's a children's class and I'm a bit old for lessons you're never too old to learn something new please join us Mommy okay then I'll just change into a swimming costume right I'm ready mommy rabbit is going to join the children's swimming lesson oh good it's not deep yes this is the little pool okay sister pick up a floats tuck it under your arms now lift your feet up okay oh look at me I'm swimming well done mommy yes sister that's brilliant this is such fun I've got water on my face a little splash of water is fine but I don't like it I didn't like it for that's right Gerald always kept his head high out of the water but now I can swim with my face in the water amazing but I could never do that a little splash of water is fine no I can't put my head in the water Gerald can you show my sister what I taught you yes put your chin a teeny little bit in the water let's all do that okay that feels fine and now we all blow [Music] bubbles okay here goes that was easy yes very good sister and now we blow bubbles and swim along like this I'm doing it you're as good as me now Mommy and now is starfish time yay starfish the children lie on their backs like starfish and flipped very good starfish do you think I could have a go of course lie on your back like me okay amazing it works I'm a starfish well done sister and as we've all done so well today I'm going to get out the inflatable ho Inflatables are the best bit there are lots of Inflatables fruit a slide and even an inflatable cheese this is the biggest cheese in the world look at me on the slide my goodness that looks fun mommy come and join us can I can I really of course we can't let the children have all the fun do the slide Mommy okay here it goes woohoo you made a big splash well done sister you're brilliant mommy this is so much fun Mummy Rabbit loves swimming lessons everyone loves swimming lessons water park Peppa and her family have come to the water park today hello everyone Miss Rabbit is in charge these are the changing rooms please change into your swimming costumes yes Miss Rabbit daddy pig is wearing his swimming costume mommy pig is wearing her swimming costume Peppa is wearing her swimming costume and George is wearing his swimming costume wow this looks amazing yes there's Bubbles and slides and all kinds of watery fun this is the bubble Bay Pedro pony is here with his mommy hello Peppa let's play in the bubbles bubbles W the bubbles lift you up in Te is oh yes that feels good Lovely Bubbly wubbly bouncy bubbles this is the pipping bucket Mandy Mouse is here with her Mummy hello Peppa squeak hello Mandy you've got to try this it's brilliant What do I do you wait here until till the bucket is full then what happens something sounds like fun can I have a go yes Mommy you go next what do I do you wait here until until what no I'm all wet although I suppose that is the point of coming to a water park let's do the water slides here are the water slides there's a tiny slide for little children and a really big ginormous slide for the people who like that kind of thing look at me on the slide that's very height daddy pig does not like [Music] heights George let's do the tiny Li mommy daddy you have to watch us okay we're watching Ready Steady go that looks fun I'm going to have a go okay we'll stay here and watch you sorry Daddy Pig you can't wear glasses on the water slides oh I'll look after them for you Daddy Pig cannot see very well without his glasses oh dear these are the steps to the big ginormous slide daddy we're waiting sorry I have to go slow without my glasses daddy's taking a long time to climb up the tiny slide hurry up daddy these steps are taking forever where is Daddy there he is hello Daddy Pig I didn't think you liked Heights daddy pig cannot see where he is what are you doing up there daddy pig sorry what did you say daddy pig cannot hear because he is so high up sit back and enjoy the ride okay here goes [Music] wow taddy Pig you did the big ginormous slide oh ho you are brilliant here are your glasses daddy pig thank you Miss Rabbit that was actually the best fun ever maybe it helped that I couldn't see anything jaddy Pig loves the water park everyone loves the water park Danny's pirate bedroom Peppa is going to Danny Dog's House for the day hello hello Danny Peppa you're just in time to help we're doing a bedroom makeover for Danny that sounds like fun I'll see you later Peppa bye Daddy what is a bedroom makeover it's like on TV when they make the room look completely different ooh I'm have a pirate bedroom aha I've already got a pirate bed wow and today we're going to decorate the whole bedroom on the walls we are going to paint the Sea on the ceiling there will be Stars when I sleep it will be like I'm sailing on the sea ah yes the sea I remember those days free to sail my boat wherever I wanted under a Starry Sky in search of sea monsters but those days are over now I'm back home and I'll never sail the sea again Captain dog misses the sea right then let's get this bedroom makeover started we'll cover the room with sheets this will stop everything getting paint on it and to keep paint off our clothes we'll put on overalls this dark blue paint is for the sky it's going to be a night sky oo mummy dog Paints the ceiling using a roller with a long long handle can we help of course here are your brushes let's do the [Music] walls here we go big waves just like the real sea I'll do some storm clouds can we put the stars on the ceiling we certainly can oh the ceiling's too high huh I can't reach let's give you some help twinkle twinkle little star how I wonder what you are the sky is full of stars and they look even better so when the lights are out ooh the stars are glittery Danny's pirate bedroom is done it's just like when they do the makeovers on TV um on TV the person has to open their eyes and say what a surprise but you've already seen it all I can pretend I haven't good idea Danny yes let's make it even better by having you step outside the room close your eyes and let's close the door are you ready Denny yes I'm ready keep your eyes closed I will okay in you come no peeking now open your eyes what a surprise okay mi harties who is ready to set sail me let's climb aboard the ship where should we sail to Captain Danny ha let's look for sea monsters sea monsters you say that sounds like a grand adventure to me yo ho ho yo ho ho a pirate ship on a stormy sea that's my favorite place to be y ho ho pirate ship on a stormy sea that's my favorite place to be we are sailing on the sea yes what could be better sail in the sea and staying at home this is the best pirate bedroom ever D he loves pirate bedrooms everyone loves pirate bedrooms [Music] families pepper and her friends are at play grp children today we are going to do drawings of our families o this is me I live on my own in a very tall house sometimes my two sisters come to visit and we play music Greta plays Bas gry plays drums and I play guitar [Music] me that is my family now it is your turn this is me Suzie Sheep I live with my mommy she likes to push me on the swing hi Mommy H and that is my family I am Mandy Mouse here is me with Mommy and Daddy we like playing in the park to you Mandy to you Daddy yes Everyone likes playing in the park who's next n what a lovely drawing Pedro this is Mommy and Daddy and me Pedro pony I have glasses Daddy has glasses mommy has contact lens amazing how about the panda twins Pandora and Peggy are doing their drawing together daddy is a police officer and mommy is a firefighter sometimes daddy drives Us in his police car Daddy can we do the siren yes please can we do the siren now girls you know the siren is only for emergencies please go all right then Super and Danny Dog my daddy is a SE Captain he has Adventures on his boat but now Daddy has come home to me and Mommy and he won't go back to seea ever ever ever again what a wonderful Adventure who's next I'm Penny polar bear I live with my mommy and my other mommy one mommy is a doctor and one mommy Cooks spaghetti I love spaghetti lovely Penny and Freddy Fox my dad has a van it has everything in the world inside it imp pcts of five Super and Rebecca this is me with Mommy Daddy Richard C and rbie we live in a hill sometimes my auntie Miss Rabbit visits a it's nice to have a break from all my jobs rescue service please I'm stuck up a mountain and I need rescuing oh Dad not again okay I'm on my way Miss Rabbit is always busy because she does all the jobs in the world world yes what would we do without Miss Rabbit who's next I am Peppa Pig and this is Mommy and Daddy and my little brother George George thinks his toy dinosaur is scary it is not scary but if I don't play he [Music] cries it's hard work having a little brother the parents are here to collect the children hello mommies and daddies come and find yourself on our wall oh is that me yes Mommy and that's you Daddy ho ho it looks exactly like me yes what wonderful drawings of the families I love families Peppa loves families everyone loves families the big hill today Peppa and her family are going for a walk in the countryside what a lovely day perfect for walking aha here's a sign showing all the ways we can go so which way do we go you choose Peppa um let's go that way that way leads up a big hill that is a big hill what that top of the hill well as it's such a big hill there's probably something amazing at the top I want to see there something amazing are you sure you want to climb all the way to the top pepper yes let's go Pepper and George are climbing the big hill mommy and daddy pig are climbing the big hill phew my legs are tired already I knew it was be easy yay the top we did it hooray I don't think this is the top look the hill carries on yes that wasn't the top because it didn't have the something amazing do you really think there will be something amazing at the top daddy pig well there got to be a cafe or something a cafe brilliant that will keep me going nearly de George it is hard work climbing the big hill I can't wait to get to the cafe um when I said there's got to be a cafe at the top I should have added there's a chance there won't be any hello there it is Miss Rabbit's Cafe amazing what can I get you coffee for Daddy Pig and me and juices for Pepper and George of [Music] course thank you thank you m this is just what I needed yes it really was worth climbing to the top oh this isn't the top what no you have to keep going up that way okay we've got this far so we have to keep going onward and upward Mommy why did they make Hills so big I don't no Peppa I hope the amazing thing at the top is amazing yes I hope so too oh it's all gone foggy oh I think we're in the clouds we must be near the top it's getting flat I think this is it we made it hooray wow I can see the whole world [Music] look there's the playground I can see the supermarket and there is Suzy I told you it would be a amazing at the top it is amazing now all we have to do is climb down well going downhill is a lot easier than going up come on George let let's roll a [Music] bit Peppa and George love rolling downhills that looks fun can you roll Daddy I think if I started rolling down Peppa I might not be able to stop Daddy Pig has tripped on a mushroom wait for us daddy pig wooho [Music] rolling down was really fun can we climb up the hill and do it again of course but maybe we'll save that for another day yes the big hill will always be here oh goody Peppa loves the big hill everybody loves the big hill the Great Barrier Reef pepper is on holiday in Australia at Kylie kangaroo's house I love it here at your house Kylie yes I could stay here forever it's great having you all stay but I will have to go to work today what is your job Mrs kangaroo I'm a marine biologist what's that I study sea creatures like these little fish here ooh a fish fish tank but the fish I study don't live in a tank they live in the sea do the fishes in the sea have little Bridges to swim through and treasure to play with no Peppa that's just the sort of stuff people put in fish tanks would you all like to come and see where I work yes please I've been to where my daddy works there was a tone lots of paper and coloring pens it was a very nice office I think you'll find my office is pretty fun [Music] too this is my office where there Peppa the sea I've got the best office in the world but how can you work in the sea with this submarine wow do you want a ride yes please okay hop [Music] [Music] in wow it's all the colors of the rainbow that's coral Coral is made of lots and lots of tiny creatures o and the coral stretches for miles and miles we call it the Great Barrier Reef it's my job to keep the coral safe can we take some Coral home with us sorry Peppa we can look but we mustn't touch if every visitor took a little bit of coral home soon all the coral would be gone we must never never take anything away from here a look little fish they're clown fish clown fish they do look quite funny look over there a big blue starfish there's a tiny red one and a spiky green one what's that that's a turtle hello Mrs Turtle how are you today you see how lucky I am to work in such an amazing Place Peppa look a little Bridge just like in your fish tank you're right Peppa it is quite like the fish tank here except there's no treasure chest of course what have you seen George it looks like a chest full of gold coins wow George has found a treasure chest you see Daddy everything is the same as the fish tank uh yes that gold must be worth a fortune I think I can get it but you said we must never take anything away I meant natural things that belong here that's right these gold coins don't belong here so we need to remove them a it will all go to a good cause yes it'll pay for lots more Marine research hooray that was a good day at the office we saw coral and fishes and a turtle this is a great holiday I don't want it to ever end but you are going to leave sometime right oh not that you aren't welcome to stay as long as you like of course thank you Mrs kangaroo this holiday is the best Pepper is having a lovely holiday with Kylie Kangaroo [Music] swimming Peppa and her family are at the swimming pool daddy pig is wearing his swimming costume mommy pig is wearing her swimming costume Peppa is wearing her swimming costume hurry up George everyone's waiting George is wearing his swimming costume Peppa George let Daddy put on your armbands [Music] there George your armbands make you look very grown up now me good now we can go in the [Music] water it is George's first time at the swimming pool why don't you put just one foot into the water maybe you should try the other foot maybe George should try both feet at the same time good idea well done George but you don't need to Splash quite so much here is Rebecca rabbit with her little brother Richard Rabbit hello Rebecca hello everyone Richard hold on to this float and you can practice kicking your legs George would you like to try kicking your legs very good but try not to Splash big children Don't splash we're very good at swimming when George and Richard are older they'll be able to swim like us won't they Rebecca yes oh Richard has a toy watering can stop it Richard oh oh dear Richard has dropped his watering can into the [Music] pool mommy sorry Richard I can't reach it's too far down Mommy I can't swim underwater even I can't swim underwater H please hold my glasses mommy [Music] pig hooray there you go sque sque well done Daddy Pig I am rather good at swimming underwater [Music] the watering can is for babies can we jump off the diving boards now sorry Peppa diving boards are only for grown-ups oh cheer up you two you can watch me die silly daddy your tummy is too big nonsense I won trophies for my diving when I was younger that was quite a long time ago Daddy Pig it's lucky I've kept myself so fit and strong please hold my glasses mommy pig you'll get a better view if you watch me from the side Please Don't splash us with water daddy of course I won't Splash you Peppa I think I need a hboard please be careful daddy pig yes Don't splash us daddy don't worry Peppa Don't splash us with water [Music] Daddy I told you I wouldn't Splash clever daddy well done Daddy Pig no need for my towel I've got a special way of drying myself Daddy Pig has splashed everyone with water daddy pig sorry everyone camping holiday Peppa's family are on holiday in their camper van good morning my little piggies good morning Daddy Pig I love camping since we're in the countryside I thought we could spend the day looking at nature good idea mommy pig let's watch a nature program one of the wonders of nature Birds how lovely shush shush little birdie we can't hear our TV Oh Daddy Pig there's no point being on a camping holiday and just watching TV we can do that at home uh good thinking mommy pig there are lots of fun places we can visit there's Tree World what's Tree World Tree World is a big Forest full of trees it sounds a bit boring or there's Potato City what's Potato City there's a tour of the potato Fields ending with a potato tasting sounds interesting or there's duckland what's duck land it's a wide river full of ducks duck land let's go to duckland Peppa and George love Ducks how do we get to duckland the camper van can guide us hello where are we going today duckland please follow the road ahead in a straight line we going to dark in welcome to duckland how many tickets Please two adults and two children enjoy the darks where are the Ducks maybe they're on holiday let's have our picnic lunch the Ducks always turn up when we have picnics Peppa and George love picnics look it's the Ducks stop daddy we need bread for the Ducks all right hello Mrs dock here come more Ducks all their brothers and sisters are here and here come more Ducks it's the granny and Grandpa ducks and here are all the aunties and uncles that's the last of our picnic gone do say thank you to Daddy Pig you're most welcome I love duckland it is time to go home I wonder what's the shortest way home drive straight ahead into the river oh are you sure yes drive into the river but we can't drive in the river yes it's talking nonsense please press the blue [Music] button the camper B is driving into the river our campan has turned into a boat I wasn't quite expecting that welcome to the car of the future look it's Grandad dog and dny dog AO there daddy pig uh Oho there the river not drive up the next Hill you have reached your destination we home thank you for a lovely holiday Mrs camper van ho ho you're most welcome it's nice going on holiday but it's nicer to be back in our own little house good night my little piggies good night washing daddy pig is doing the washing this morning Daddy what's that shirt it's my football shirt Daddy's playing football this afternoon o but first I have to go to work see you later bye bye-bye poor daddy having to go to work oh poor daddy come on let's play yes let's play Peppa loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles George loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles Mommy Pig loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles oh dear mommy we've splashed Daddy's football shirt with mud oh don't worry we'll just wash it it'll be washed in no time and Daddy won't know it was ever muddy let's find some more things to put in the machine oh my dress is a bit muddy Amy Pig and George have found more things to wash very good George we put the clothes in here and then we switch it on the washing machine is filling up with hot soapy water splush splush splush splash splash splash the washing machine is making the whole room shap oh Peppa where's your dress I'm washing it what oh no look Mommy my red dress is all nice and clean yes Peppa but look what it's done to everything else oh dear Peppa's red dress has made all the white clothes pink pink isn't a very good color for a football shirt ooh daddy pig is home from work hello everyone hello Daddy uh daddy pig we've got a bit of a problem and um tell me later mommy pig I've got to get ready for football now where's my football shirt here don't be silly Peppa that's one of Mommy's dresses it's pink no Daddy it's your football shirt it got a bit muddy so we want washed it and it all went a bit wrong sorry Daddy but I can't wear a pink football shirt why not Daddy pink is a lovely color H what do you think George yeah George does not like pink here are Daddy Pig's friends Mr Bull Mr rabbit Mr Pony and Mr zebra MO is dadyy pig coming out to play he'll just be a moment my team are in white I need a white shirt but Daddy you have a white shirt just take off your jacket see fantastic thank you Peppa hello everyone hello Daddy Pig like your shirt very smart thank you come on let's play football yes hoay hooray you've made your shirt all M of course Peppa football shirts are meant to be muddy daddy pig loves playing football everyone loves playing football especially when it's muddy canoe trip Peppa and her family are going on a canoe trip hello Miss Rabbit can we have a canoe for the day please yes here you go you'll need life jackets and paddles for mommy and daddy thanks have a lovely day I'll call you when it's time to come back which way do we go you can go either way let's go that way this is fun oh we're not moving and it's really hard work that's because you're paddling against the flow of the river try going the other way okay oh that's much better it is easier to paddle with the flow of the river happy canoeing pepper and her family are off on their canoe Adventure Let's Pretend This is a jungle River and we are the first explorers to ever come this way will we see wild animals oh yes all kinds of wild and fierce animals it's Mrs duck I wonder what other dangerous creatures are swimming in these Waters will there be crocodiles well we're not really in the jungle so I don't think we'll see a crocodile hello there here is Mrs Crocodile oh hello are you having fun on the river yes me too I was just out for a swim lovely bye byee bye look at those lovely plants on the River Bank yes let's stop and do a bit of jungle exploring I hope we see a lion oh I think it's unlikely we'll see her hello there it is Mr lion I'm having a picnic would you like to be part of it uh I've got lots of lovely fruit and a big bowl of salad oo my favorite yes salad and what could be a better lunch Mr lion likes picnics Everyone likes picnics so you're canoeing down the river yes we're having an adventure fantastic I think you'll like the next bit of the river it's very exciting I like exciting by bye-bye goodbye H I wonder what Mr lion meant when he said the next bit would be exciting careful not to hit that rock daddy pig don't worry mommy pig it's only one Little Rock see that was easy more rocks daddy the river is going faster now hold tight everybody watch out there we survived that was the best again again yes let's go through the exciting bit again again uh if I can possibly avoid it I never want to go through that bit of river again what's that noise it's time to come back oh we have to take the canoe back ah yes so we do have to go through that bit again ready Mummy Pig Ready Steady go it is very hard work to paddle against the flow of the river we are going really slowly hi again do you need a push yes please please goodbye a amazing how are you moving against the flow without paddling hi there Mrs Crocodile you stared me oh sorry Miss Rabbit I was just giving them some help yes thank you so much Mrs Crocodile you're very welcome that was the best canoe trip in the world ever Peppa loves canoe trips everyone loves canoe trips the Lifeboat today Captain dog is taking Danny and Peppa to visit the Lifeboat aoy there young Sailors AO there grumpy rabbit we were hoping you could tell us all about the Lifeboat of course hop aboard lifeboats rescue people when they get into trouble at Sea oo you wouldn't believe the number of people who set sail without a moment's thought yes all they had to do was follow a couple of simple rules before setting sail check the weather nice and sunny is good for sailing and always take a phone in case you need to call for help simple rules but it's amazing how many people don't follow them and then they have to be rescued by my Lifeboat how does the Lifeboat rescue them good question pepper first we ring this Bell then I pull this Lether and who the Lifeboat shoots down this ramp making a huge Splash to the rescue wow can I pull the lever now no Daddy the lever can only be pulled in a real rescue the lifebo won't be launched today thank you for showing us the Lifeboat grany rabbit you're most welcome by byebye bye all that talk Salin makes me wish I could set sail again but Dad you're staying at home now oh yes that's right I promise to never set sail ever ever ever again I fancy a bit of cheese Grampy rabbit likes cheese oh ooh there is no cheese in the fridge no problem I just get some [Music] more this is Madame cow's Cheese Shop it is on a little rock out at Sea hello hello there do you by any chance have any cheese of course this is a cheese shop we have lots and lots of cheese goodbye good they've got cheese but what if they say all the cheese before I get over there I'd better hurry oh dear gry rabbit has set sail without his phone and he has set sail without checking the weather oh the M seems to be broken maybe I should have checked the weather Grampy rabbit is out at Sea all on his own and I don't seem to have my phone how could I call for help I suppose I could try my voice that's quite loud grumpy rabbit has the loudest voice in the world it's grumpy rabit he needs rescuing quick back to the Lifeboat all aboard the Lifeboat hi Captain do Peppa ring the bell wait I said I would never sail again but grumpy rabbit needs rescuing you're right daddy pull the lever this is brilliant the Lifeboat goes very [Music] fast rumy rabbit you save me hooray would you mind if we carried on over to The Cheese Shop hello one piece of cheesee please of course what took you so long uh I got into a bit of trouble on the sea and We rescued gry rabbit yes you did a fine job and the good thing is that now you have seen exactly how the Lifeboat Works gry RAB loves the Lifeboat everybody loves the Lifeboat Andea party it is a lovely sunny day Peppa is feeding Goldie the fish mommy how old is Goldie well I think she must be almost a year old when is her birthday let's say her birthday is tomorrow can Goldie have a party oh um perhaps we can have a little party daddy daddy Goldie have your birthday party party a party for a fish that's fun I suppose it will be an undersea party with starfish treasure and mermaids all in an amazing undersea world oh yes it will be the best party ever Oh Daddy Pig what have you done it's just a game isn't it we're not really having a party well yes I think we are and it's tomorrow oh I see okay okay keep calm don't panic we'll just get some help under sea party here we go undersea parties brought to your house by Miss Rabbit sounds good click here and I'll be straight over hello wow that was quick how many days have I got to plan this party it's tomorrow no problem you go to bed I've got this thank you Miss Rabbit good night right let's get to work it is Goldie's birthday Miss rabbit has made an amazing undersea world with shells seaweed and big waves on the walls wow you did all this in one night it's unbelievable happy birthday Goldie oh who can that be well you said it was a party so I invited everyone happy birthday Hello Penny hi Peppa girl this is Penny polar bear I never been to an under sea party bye Penny have a lovely [Music] time I've made costumes for everybody you can be a mermaid Peppa thank you and here is a crab costume for George pinch pinch I am Susie octopus I'm Andy shark squeak but I'm not a scary shark I only eat cheese Penny polar bear is a penguin y Danny dog is a pirate ah Rebecca rabbit is um I'm a fish finger because I love fish fingers I'm a sea captain and Edmond is a jellyfish I'm not convinced this costume accurately represents a jellyfish but I'm not going to spoil the fun you all look brilliant is everybody ready for the pirate treasure hunt yes Miss Rabbit the first clue is I swim along with a giant tail I'm the biggest fish in the sea I'm a shark almost most I have a giant tail I'm a whale that's right here's a whale the biggest fish in the sea is a whale actually a whale is not a fish it's a mammal Edmund elephant really is extremely clever okay last clue I'm buried treasure and x marks the spot here it is well done you found the treasure oh it's teeny tiny that's because it's for a tiny fish ah this is for you Goldie happy birthday happy birthday Goldie Goldie loves undersea parties everybody loves undersea parties the tractor Peppa and George are visiting Mrs Badger's Farm Peppa George can you guess what you'll see at the farm today dinosaur no George there won't be a dinosaur but there will be a tractor what's a tractor they're like cars with big wheels and they can drive through mud I love tractors [Music] it is a traffic jam come on get a move on beeping won't make the cars go any faster daddy pig we just have to be patient no What's blocking the road Mrs Badger is driving her tractor thank you for your patience hi there Mrs Badger we were just talking about tractors Peppa and George have come to see your Farm oh good follow me here is the farm Danny Dog Pedro pony and Suzie Sheep are visiting too we'll pick you up later have a nice time byebye hello there my lovelies hello Mrs Badger now before I show you the farm I'd like you all to wash your hands wash wash wash your hands wash them nice and clean bubbly bubbly wash them nice and clean very good now let's have a look at my tractor isn't she a beauty yes she's lovely she's got big chunky wheels and a strong engine to pull things along the tractor is pulling a trailer HP in everybody let's go for a tractor ride hooray here is a field of long grass the field is ready to be cut you wait here and watch I put a cutter on the front a Bor on the back and the tractor does all the work the tractor is cutting and making B nail s wow job done all thanks to my tractor the trailer is joined to the Tractor again on with the tour it's very muddy here will we get stuck no tractors are good at driving through mud and now we're going to drive along the road thank you for your patience mommy and daddy pig are coming to pick up Pepper and George oh no we're stuck in a traffic jam again like you said mommy pig we just have to be patient or maybe we could take a shortcut are you sure this is a good idea I know what I'm doing M pig is taking a shortcut no traffic jab for us this is brilliant oh I think we're stuck look that's our car do you need help no thanks we're fine um we might be a little bit stuck perhaps we could you you some help of course hold tight hoay thank you for rescuing us Mrs Badger don't thank me thank my tractor oh yes thank you tractor tractors are the best Peppa loves tractors everybody loves tractors Woodland club today Peppa and her friends have come to the Woodland Club Mr Wolf is in charge children please come to the middle mommies and daddies please stand back and watch now children I know all about living in the woods I was born in the woods and I was raised by a family of wolves oo today I will teach you how to look after yourselves out here in the wild wow imagine you're on your own far from home no one else around oh sorry carry on no one else around what do you do if it starts to rain get wet ah but what if you don't want to get wet go home but remember you are far from home I've got an umbrella yes all right but sometimes the only thing to keep you warm and dry in the woods is a shelter oo it's like a little house it will keep out the rain and it will keep you warm from the wind you make a shelter using sticks and other stuff found in the woods wow who wants to try me off you go then here are some sticks this Leaf can be the flow bag it's finished well done okay who would like to test the shelter I will are you warm and cozy in there Mr Pig oh yes I like my little house of sticks good let's see if your little house keeps out the rain ah the water goes straight through the roof I'm getting wet did the house keep out the rain no let's see if the house keeps out the wind I will huff and I will puff and I will blow your house down wo Daddy Pig's house is gone oh dear maybe the children should have used bricks a brick house would be good Mr Pig but there aren't any bricks to be found in the woods only sticks and leaves but we've tried sticks and Le leaves we're going to have another go first collect Big Sticks like this one off you go here's a big stick here's a bigger stick here's the biggest stick in the world very good let's have that big stick here lay your sticks along here now we need little sticks to go over the roof little sticks teeny sticks and itsy wiy e sticks use the little sticks like this is it finished nearly we just need lots and lots of leaves leaves lots of leaves loads of leaves bundles and jumbles of leaves wow it's co house now it certainly is Daddy Pig please go inside um maybe somebody else should have all the fun of testing it this time me are you ready children yes first the rain is the rain coming in no now the wind I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house down did you feel the wind no the little house is very strong so that children is how you build a shelter in the [Applause] [Music] woods oh it's raining all the grown-ups are getting wet but Peppa and her friends are lovely and dry in their little house this is fun Peppa loves the Woodland Club everybody loves the Woodland Club
Channel: Adventures With Peppa Pig
Views: 1,837,060
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2d cartoon, Made for Kids, Peppa Cartoon, Playtime With Peppa, Pre-school, TV, cartoon, cartoon for kids, for kids, funny peppa pig, kids animation, kids cartoon, kids education, kids entertainment, kids playing, kids stories, kids stories about baby, kids videos, pepa pig, peppa pig, peppa pig cartoon, peppa pig english episodes full, peppa pig full episodes, peppa pig song, peppa pig songs, pig peppa pig, pop it, preschool, safe cartoons for kids, toddler, video for kids
Id: _KN_dIQ9CdE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 55sec (3775 seconds)
Published: Sun May 19 2024
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