BLUEY - Best Lessons For Kids with Bluey Toys Compilation | Pretend Play with Bluey Toys

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blue gets bullied at school oh no how will blue feel and what will bluee do want to know what happens watch till the end to find out how Bluey beats the bully so if you like Bluey click that like button and subscribe to our channel for more awesome videos enjoy the show BL is doing Facey talk with her friend Coco that movie had the best endings I know right blue could you come here for a second please hey Coco be right back mom's calling [Music] me this is so [Music] funny hey Coco sorry I have to go my mom wants me to do a few chores see you at school okay bye everyone did excellent in the last spelling test Bluey came first in the class everyone give Bluey a clap blue excuse [Music] you [Music] what what it wasn't me remember when Bluey kept doing fluffies in class today I don't know if it was her she said it wasn't her oh yeah take a look at this it must have been Bluey look he's wearing a nappy hi guys did you want to come over for a play date on the weekend no thanks Bo I heard you still wear your Napp hey that's not true I don't wear nappies oh yeah then watch this [Music] blue are you okay go away [Music] Bingo what's wrong Bluey I don't want to talk about it oh okay but you'll feel better after you let it out okay my friends at school are making fun of me and talking about me in their chat group oh dear it sounds like there are a few bullies at your school hm yep bullying is wrong and I'm going to make sure it doesn't continue but first you need to be Brave and let your bullies know that they can't bully you but how call them out when The Bullying happens and ask someone you can trust for help like your teacher or me and Dad do you really think that'll make things better Mom you can always try and I'll always be here for you to talk about your feelings when you need me come here Bluey thanks Mom I feel better already [Music] hi guys goooo Gaga ly haha good one Coco I'd say something back to you but I'm not sure you'll understand because you don't know how to communicate properly maybe talk next time when I can understand you Coco did I just hear and see you all bullying Bluey you should all be ashamed of yourselves I am very disappointed in you all bullying is very wrong and hurtful you all get detention I'm Sorry Miss don't apologize to me you should all be apologizing to blou um Lou I want to say sorry for being so mean to you why did you do it Coco I was jealous and I am so sorry it's okay Coco I forgive you I hope we can St be friends okay do you want to play yes please thank you [Music] Lou bullying is wrong if you ever feel scared hurt or bullied by anyone just remember to stay calm tell a trustworthy adult like your parents or your teacher and know that it's okay to talk to them about how you feel because they can help you no matter what the bully says thinks or does thanks for watching b toy town please subscribe to our Channel and we'll see you next [Music] time in this Bluey pretend play episode Bluey has boogers keep watching till the end for the ickiest epic sneeze ever stay tuned in to BU toy town and like share and subscribe what's all that sniffing H I think blue has a runny [Music] nose hey blue you ready to head to the library h Hello Earth to Bluey huh whoa what are you doing there mate stop that that's disgusting why it's dripping out of my nose I need to clean it up oh that's gross go get a tissue and wipe it off don't eat your boogers here take this tissue and wipe it off and blow your nose it's salty you should always use a tissue if you have a runny nose don't eat your boogers that's not good for you thanks Dad okay kid time to clean up your nose the proper way okay here goes nothing I can breathe better thanks Dad now isn't that better yep and now I can see all my boogers look Dad look oh yuck I don't want to see that go throw it out and wash your hands come on let's [Music] go oh no what's bluee doing is she picking her nose hey blue Let's go ask Mom and Dad if we can go to the movies night and why are you picking your nose blou that's disgusting get off my bed and stop picking your nose what I found treasure that's not treasure I'm telling Mom go wash your hands blue that's disgusting you're going to get your boogers and germs all over my bed okay I'm going I'm going you're just jealous because I found treasure mom mom blue is picking her nose okay okay relax bingo ew sticky what have you done now I've got your gems all over my stuff what gems I don't have gems floppy sweetie talk to me now you need a bath it's another wonderful day of learning at CPO school I wonder what all the kids are doing blue is playing with a dinosaur by the window and Rusty and McKenzie are kicking a ball it looks like everyone's busy doing an activity I think the best ice cream flavor is chocolate no way it's got to be strawberry Neapolitan for me chocolate strawberry and vanilla what story are you writing now winon this one's about how to be safe for not to do dangerous things oh cool I can't wait to hear the story as everyone is doing their own activity a tickle gets into blue his [Music] nose blue remember to always cover your nose and mouth when you sneeze okay you don't want to spread all of your germs Miss Calypso offers blue a tissue to blow her nose and when Bluey turns around oh no thank you I'm all right oh goodness me Bluey go wipe your nose okay Miss Calypso I'll wipe my nose oh no you should should be wiping your nose with a tissue not your arm ew that's not very nice at all all clean I hope Louie washes her hands and arms before she starts playing with her friends some germs can make you and others very sick oh oh my it's dinner time at the Haler house ooh what's for dinner well nothing until you wash your hands by they're clean no they're not I just saw you touching your nose but I can't see any germs just because you can't see the germs doesn't mean it's not there fine my hands look clean to me it's Saturday morning and the healers are at home Bandits reading the online news Blue's reading a book and Chile's cleaning the house hauh ha H hey I don't have boogers anymore oh few look mom I've got a drippy nose OD de I'll go get you a tissue Bingo has boogers oh I want to see Bandit can you pass me a tissue oh yeah no worries who's the tissue for me [Music] ah biscuits oops sorry thanks for [Music] watching bl's jumping from high places I don't know if she should be doing that blue what are you doing stop jumping on the couch that's not a trampoline but it's fun the couch is for sitting not for jumping stop that now before you hurt yourself no I'm having too much fun all right sit yourself don't say I didn't warn you that's not a good idea blue oh dear it looks like she's flying owie owie I hurt my arm mom I hurt my arm oh goodness me oh Bluey bluee are you okay I told you not to jump on the couch come on get up my arm hurts I told you not to jump on the couch don't do dangerous things oh no Blue's hanging on the towel bar I don't think that's a good idea blue hey blue what are you doing this time that's not a monkey bar get off that before you hurt yourself wee ouch my head oh I hurt my head oh no you broke the towel rack oh hey Bluey are you all right mate ouchy ouchy my head the kitchen can be a dangerous place don't play with fire it's dangerous oh ah cooking yeah let's do some cooking Don't Go Near the stove bluee it's super hot I've got the stove turned on you might burn yourself no I'm just having some fun mom don't worry blue I'll say it again you might burn yourself burn myself I'm not that silly I bur my thumb you should have listened to your mom bluee be careful bluee or and electricity don't mix oh this hair dry is going to give me a nice hairstyle Lou you shouldn't be using electricity next to water you might get electrocuted turn it off yeah yeah okay mom wait what did you say I got electric shocked what's going on here open shut open shut hey blue don't play with the door you might Jam your fingers don't worry Dad I know what I'm doing ah do you now okay don't say I didn't warn you it's just a door open shut open shut open ouchie I jammed my fingers you should have listened to your dad bluee now you have sore fingers oh no what's blue got in her hand blue no running with Scissors or other sharp objects you might hurt yourself you need to play safely I hope blue makes the right choice that doesn't look safe I don't think blue should be rocking that chair would you like some more tea blue yes [Applause] please hey Bluey that's not a rocking chair you might fall back no I won't dad OE I hurt myself hey blue what you did was dangerous you didn't listen to me that wasn't fun I'm never doing that again always look left and right before crossing the road and hold the grown-up's hand pay attention blue there might be cars coming BL watch out my my foot blue didn't you see me coming ouchy muffin didn't you see me coming you should always stop look listen and think before crossing the road oh good tip muffin I'll remember that for next time but my foot still hurts Blue's riding her scooter but where's a helmet that doesn't look safee faster faster faster look at me go oh gee I hurt my head you should have been wearing your helmet bluee riding bikes and scooters without a helmet is dangerous bingo bingo watch me slide hey McKenzie look at those Ducks those ducks are cute let's go feed them come down the slide Leela what shall we name the Ducks blue ice cream ice cream I want ice cream hey wait up I'll just feed the Ducks myself then hey little kid you want some candy come with me I have lots of candy uh-oh I don't think blue knows who that is I hope blue makes the right decision stranger danger mom BL all you get out of here good girl girl blue you did the right thing you should never go with strangers thanks Mom thanks for teaching me how to be safe come on off to jail you're going away for a long time stay safe everyone always be sensible and don't do anything dangerous don't tell lies BL that's not nice blue thinks it's funny to trick Bingo and Bandit with lies but when Tigers creep into blue backyard will anyone believe her watch till the end to find out if the tigers are terrifying or tame so if you like blue click the like button and subscribe to BU Toy Town enjoy the show remember that time at the beach when dad found a crab yeah it was going snip snip snip snip and that cheeky thing nearly got me too well good thing it didn't bingo bingo you've got a spider on your shoulder spider ah get it off get it off ah I tricked you gotcha blue that's not a nice prank to pull you shouldn't play tricks like that on your sister oh okay sorry but it was just all for fun Mom oh it's so difficult fixing cars no wonder I wasn't a mechanic this is hard stuff hey Dad yeah what's going on Blue there's a snake there's a snake there's a snake there's a snake huh what a snake ah where where's the snake blue where where' it go I you there's no snake you silly sausage hey that's not a funny prank blue what if it was a real snake that was a good one I'm just going to go play on the swing now huh what's that is that a tiger ah mom mom mom mom mom I saw a tiger in the backyard mom mom there's a tiger in our backyard blue haven't you heard the story of the boy who cried wolf if you keep telling lies no one's going to believe you but Mom I'm not lying this is for Real Life yeah yeah Mom Mom Mom there's Tigers hey what's all this racket huh Tigers ah Tigers ah Bluey Chile come on let's get out of here ah Tigers hey what's all the screaming ah Tigers ah come on let's get out of here blue mom come on run quick run quick hurry up get on top of the car oh my goodness what are we going to do Bandit don't worry stay calm I know just the right person to call did anyone call for a tiger Tamer it's me blippy blippy is here to save the day hi Bandit thanks for the call I see you have two big Tigers here who look very hungry don't you worry I'll sort them out well hello tiger come with me get away from that car that's right this way come on this way yeah you're a good tiger okay you stay put how about you fella come on this way oo okay come this way follow me be careful oo comfortably me well would you look at that I have two tigers one two they might look scary but we're going to make them friendly here's a yummy cupcake for you don't worry I have a cupcake for you too you two are very friendly Tigers they deserve a bow for being such good Tigers now don't you look cute one tiger with one bow I also have one more bow for our other tiger friend now we have two bti tigers yay all right Bandit it's safe to come down now oh blippy you're a champion I knew you could sort out those Tigers I'm glad that I could help come on come and meet your new friends aw the tigers are so cute Mom Dad can we keep one what I promise to look after them I think that's your best joke [Laughter] ever here we are Louie first day of work are you ready I sure am Mom try not to eat too much ice cream kiddo hi Uncle rad I'm here I'm all ready for my first day of work hi blue you're nice and early first things first let's get you Chang into your uniform hooray look at me hi blue you look really smart in that uniform are you ready to get scooping ready remember the ice cream is just for the customers I hope you had your breakfast brewry cuz you need a big strong arm to scoop the biggest ice cream in the whole [Music] iide that's it you're doing it you're doing it oh yeah I'm winning yeah I'm winning oh yeah oh all this ice cream is making me hungry maybe one little taste won't hurt stop blue that ice cream is for our friendly customers I know I know lucky but it all looks so yummy be strong blue you don't want to get in trouble on the first day of work what ice cream flavor would you like pretzel I need to look at the flavors wow we everything looks good I want Strawberry one scoop of strawberry ice cream coming right up here you go pretzel hooray Jasper's mom this ice cream is so tasty well that does look delicious you're the best babysitter in the whole wide world oh look Blue's working hi blue hi muffin hi socks hi Uncle stri welcome to the best ice cream shop in town what can I get you dad I want banilla and strawberry please strawberry and vanilla please blue strawberry and vanilla coming right up what about you socks what do you want popsicle please Dad here you go muffin thanks buoy lucky you have all the ice cream in front of you to eat come on dad bye booby don't eat too much ice [Applause] cream all this ice cream is making me hungry my drink oh no jper mom's builded her drink on the floor clean up needed clean up needed it sounds like winon needs help I'll be back blue don't worry J's mom we got it all under control taada nice and clean a chocolate strawberry vanilla all this ice cream looks delicious I can't take it anymore I have to eat some one little sneaky taste won't hurt but first let's see if the coast is clear Oakley no one's looking yum it really is the best ice cream in town while no one's still looking let me try the soft serve this is the best job [Music] ever M yummy m this is the best day ever in my life how come no one's behind the counter Bluey what are you doing blue we I'm sorry Uncle rad I couldn't help myself remember when I told you the ice cream is for the customers you're supposed to scoop the ice cream not eat the ice cream yes I know taking something that doesn't belong to you and not paying for it means you're stealing stealing no I didn't steal yeah mate it's stealing and it's wrong don't do it again I promise I won't steal ever again Uncle rad well I hope you learned your lesson blue yes I sure have Uncle rad stealing is wrong and you should never take what isn't yours thanks for watching subscribe to BU toy town for more awesome videos see you next time in this Bluey toys pretend play video Bluey finds herself in a very dangerous situation warns blue to stay away from the lake but Bluey doesn't listen will bluee learn her lesson keep watching to find out and subscribe to BU toy town for more blue videos it's a bright sunny day and the Healer family are having a picnic at the park I want to play at the playground now me too muffin Let's go ask our parents oh can you ask Louie okay oh did you hear about rad he's going on a date with frisky someone come with me I'll come mom can Bingo muffin socks and I play on the play equipment now yeah okay but you need to play where I can see you okay okay Mom and blue don't leave the playground and don't go anywhere near that Lake are we clear crystal clear mom and so bluee Bingo muffin and socks excitedly head to the playground pulling their wagon full of their favorite toys it's play time hooray I want to play in The Fan pit fan CLE Bluey chooses to play on the swing wee yay H oh I've got butterflies in my stomach and Bingo and muffin are on the Seesaw ice cream ice cream Bluey Bingo muffin and socks all excitedly run to the ice cream lady four ice creams coming right [Music] up thank you ice cream lady you're welcome [Music] yummy hey is yours bigger than mine oh muff the Healer cousins are enjoying their ice cream very much they lick and Gobble up their ice cream until it's all gone who wants to play soccer blue Bingo and muffin play a friendly game of soccer they kick the ball this way and that way and then she shoots and she scores oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah muffin you lost my ball no I didn't your ball's just over there yeah but my ball's in the leg muffin then go get it blue I don't think that's a good idea and didn't mom say to stay in the playground area and to not go anywhere near the water yeah she did but Bingo my balls right there and it's my favorite ball muffin walks towards the wagon to see what toys are inside H ooh this is perfect blue you can use this to get your ball back oh good idea muffin no I don't think that's a good idea blue don't worry Bingo it'll be quick muffin bluee and bingo leave the fenced playground area is blue making the right choice did blue listen to her mom I don't think so there's your ball blue but it's in the water I don't think you should try to fish it out blue it looks far too dangerous don't worry Bingo my grab is pretty long I've got this and so BL decides to try and get her ball back anyway come on come on ball Bluey stretches her arms M reaching over the water to try and get her ball back I can do this come on ball I'm so close Bingo don't do it blue come on let's just tell mom and dad hurry up blue get the ball now blue inches further and further off the platform and then help help help help help help help Mom Dad I'm coming blue don't worry I got you I got you I got you there there blue it's all right you're safe now oh my goodness blue are you okay BL what were you doing in the lake oh dear a you okay blue there there you're safe blue bluee are you okay I fell into the water blue you didn't listen to me when I told you to stay in the playground area I specifically told you not to go near the water I know I'm sorry Mom your dad and I don't tell you not to do certain things for the fun of it Louie it's for your own safety we just want you to be safe I'm sorry Mom I'm sorry Dad I promise I'll listen to you all the time from now on come here blue oh we're so worried about you so boys and girls you should always listen to what your mom dad or responsible adult tells you what to do and what not to do never try to get your ball or toy from the water if it ever Falls in always call your parents or a responsible adult for help thanks for tuning in to B Toy Town subscribe for more videos and we'll see you next [Music] time BL goes back to school but she doesn't want to do her homework how many excuses will blue make and will she get her homework done by the end of the week stay tuned to find out so if you want to see more bluee click the like button and subscribe to BU Toy Town enjoy the show I hope you all enjoyed your first day back at school here's your homework when's it you miss Calypso first thing Friday morning oh that's Heats of time I'm home hey Mom hi blue how is school yeah it was good wait blue don't you have I've been waiting to play with a laptop all day I can't wait to search up about dinosaurs blue goes to play on her laptop fun facts about dinosaurs and search blue don't you have homework to do I do but but it's not due until Friday so I've got plenty of time I know you have plenty of time sweetheart but it's not nice to leave things to last minute I won't mom relax don't worry I'll get it done I promise we're quick let's run to the kitchen yeah and then we can go play some video [Applause] games look Bingo mom made cookies oh yum they smell so good I want the biggest one no I want the biggest one come on bluee quick quick let's go play the game hi girls ooh I see you found the cookies how was school good it was good I played in the sand pit oh that sounds like fun come on Bingo let's go go where Missy Bingo and I are going to play video games hold on hold on what about your homework Lou what about got it I'll do it mom don't worry blue come on Bingo let's go let's go ooh I really hope you break the high score this time so why Bingo oh no bl's decided to play video games instead come on oh go left go left go Blue go go Blue go go [Music] one this is the most exciting game I've ever seen in my life hey girls no video games it's a school night and we have rules now blue do your homework yes Mom I will don't worry I'm not worried it's not my homework that game better not be on when I come back just a little bit more Bluey you're nearly there this is so [Music] exciting blue is relaxing and reading a book hey blue what are you doing just reading what's it about it's about a bunny who goes out into the wide world and chases her dreams a that sounds interesting but don't you have homework to do yes I do but can I do it after I finish the book I've only got about five chapters to go Dad five chapters oi you can read it later just do your homework [Music] first okay blue goes upstairs to do her homework uh-oh that doesn't look like homework I'm going to ring Coco instead hi Coco what are you doing hi blue just doing my homework would you like to come over and play instead uh no I can't BL sorry I really have to do my homework uh okay well see you tomorrow school bye oh I'll just go see what Bingo is doing just one more day before Blue's homework is due uh I didn't realize there were so many questions While Blue is busy concentrating the doorbell rings blowy you've got visitors oh my friends must be here coming Mom hi guys hi blue just wanted to know if you want to play some soccer yeah you bet I do uh no you can't blue you need to go back upstairs and finish your homework but Mom just let me play first I'll finish it after we play no you've given excuses all week blue and now it's Thursday your homework is due tomorrow I know but no but you're not playing you need to finish your homework a yes Mom sorry guys I can't play I have to finish my homework that's right BL how about finishing your homework earlier next time so we can play next Thursday that sounds like an excellent idea Rusty did you hear that blue finish your homework earlier next time great idea Rusty I'll make sure I do my homework earlier next time ah sounds like a good plan to me bye BL bye Mrs heer it's all right mom you are right I promise to do my homework early from now on and she kept her promise that she would do her homework early every week from this day on and wouldn't leave things to the last minute ever again
Channel: Bunya Toy Town
Views: 2,626,823
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bluey, bluey toys, bluey full episodes, bluey and bingo, baby bluey, baby bingo, funny bluey, disney jr, bluey funny moments, bluey kids, bluey faceytalk, bluey onesies, funny bluey videos, bluey house, bluey characters, bluey joke, best bluey, best bluey moments, bluey pizza girls, lessons for kids, bluey safety, bluey safety rules, bluey fire safety, bullying for kids, cyberbullying for kids
Id: OIiljYxiAPg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 13sec (2233 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2024
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