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expect less trolling and a requirement for like higher iq which is a little bit of a mix up as fun as it is when uh that's enough for me and someone gets voted off straight away i mean i mean me we'll do a bit but um yeah it's probably gonna be some some high level playing that's required here i think i think i've got the brain power for it right now we got milk in a bag we got simon we got josh we got freya we got george we got creamy we got alum and we have ten i've missed someone there do i say calyx milk i don't know but yeah um we're ready to do the task on the ship and um also work out who's the impossible that's shenanigans i hope i'm getting past it today i'm feeling it i think i'm already on the bottom okay let's do our thing simon's gone right tally's gone right josh allen gone right lux is a little slow off the mark let's hope he doesn't kill me he's gone all the way down look at that everything all the wires are aligned as ever all right failed the card swipe we hate those let's see cream is coming up i will be an electrician i don't know i feel like i'm gonna die a couple times in electrics today carrick's an alum though no one's died down here just yet oh boy oh boy um see look there's not there's not been a body reported or an emergency meeting called we're running at higher frequencies here today look at this so freya and josh i really probably shouldn't be here on my own at this stage in the round i'm you know i'm gonna my also aim is not just to sit on my own because i sit on my own and then i they get voted off because i i've got known to vouch for me just coming down right here look at this there's not been a kill or a body reported there's some shenanigans that was a quick reactor call oh there's a body in here i'm done oh thank goodness thank goodness you never know where these ones someone can just kill that jump in the van and it would have looked like it was me all right look at this what do you mean no one's dead this is terrifying we have we have imposters that are patient [Music] okay uh it was just outside of navigation all right so there's a couple people i think can be assessed for this uh josh frey cal george the only person that i saw that whole round mostly was vic and i saw josh as well and then at the very end i saw uh jords and someone else at the bottom like outside comes creamy i thought i saw creamy too but creamy what's mad is that i i don't actually run down that whole side because when a reactor was called i went to the right to check for bodies everyone would check a room here's why i don't think it's freya because the report button came up while walking past the hallway and i went up there to do o2 first then i went back into nav and that's when the button showed up so i trust one person i trust i trust josh because the lights went out and he didn't kill me okay come on i'm a loyal boy right again defender all this waffle man all this waffle so george is described as being near the body at a time of killing and no one's asking to say anything so maybe maybe my previous statement was wrong he hasn't he even said hi yet you know all right i'm getting my task done and then i'm gonna get on some detectives to try and work out who the other killer is but yeah i mean tasks are flying their way through we actually have again people that do tasks right here right now so i may miss a uh kill or two as i just get through all of this but we can uh watch things oh the wires be be and be lining up all sorts of nicely today i can't believe how many people are close to my body there and just it's you know justice for first kills all right people who die first they never get any any any justice it's just like oh well it's early i guess we're skipping right and that's it and i'm just sat here as a ghost like come on come on at least at least suspect what we have going down here you know you know yeah all right we're nearly done with our tasks here so we can then okay all right this should be this should be well maybe not easy so can anyone account for each other right now uh big t dog lights in electric uh george was in reactor having a great time counting his numbers [Music] yeah reactor yeah so that leaves frey element um i will say frey said last round she ran right side and then kind of tried to put a little bit on creamy for maybe possibly stuff no i didn't you said you ran right side and didn't see your body yeah oh yeah so i i was confused like wait so how how did i miss that so to add a little spice to this bison the person that killed that somebody's a nab and the person that killed it just hopped into the vent that leads to a weapon thank you oh so simon's vouching for free wait is someone vouching for free time bingo bingo likes events thank you simon i probably appreciate it yeah i'm maybe that's pretty i guess actually no i took a big break from my tasks i might say that's impressively fast to finish task but i took a little break to go and try and find some people so i didn't get killed on my own and then i got killed right next to about four people we hate those so i mean we know it's george but who is the other one could be alum um no idea who else it could be very straight on that reactor milk checks for body ah it's alum it's alum allen george he was really quiet in that last meeting and he's he's usually quite when he's pasta big vent there can they pull this one off they got milk oh yeah [Music] that first kill took seven years you guys are impossible to kill i had to kill tyler just because she was running towards reaction there was no one else left i was like i don't know where i meant to go right now i think how many kills did you get that last round there i got one so i think you have two kills out you're two kills out jordan we did those tasks really quickly shout out efficient the first round was really slow and there was only one kill yeah yeah that could be why the past are only one two one and pastors were snoozing got caught napping we brought it down before now because it wasn't that great of a lobby i think this is a good lobby put it on five put it on five put it on five yeah one sure yeah i put five short ones yeah okay all right it's no problem for me but it's a problem for you good luck everyone try not to die out there good luck good luck i'm definitely not dying all right warm-up game is out of the way we're back on the crew but we're gonna live this time and we're gonna we're gonna find out who it is man all right i'll milk up there tyler there freya went right let's go down and see jordan's screaming locks okay so we've got a rough idea of the player split who's what where creamer comes back in which is a little bizarre i must say and at the time i didn't go into now so oh i'm an electrical on my own what the okay that sounds like somebody somebody's there yeah that was that was a little scary i can't lie that i was i was enjoying my silence i missed something i'm a little shocked i'm drunk now it's mad scary going simon i don't really want to say it's kind of cheating let me try again simon with josh yeah with josh in it what like with josh big josh yeah iran what what is that what are you she's saying that me and you ran past ellen i mean i ran past ellen um and then about four seconds later he let out a little yelp and i ran back to him ripped simon like big joshua was with everybody i reckon to make it interesting you probably just leave it as well why don't you give us a one in three options why don't you just name three people and i saw ellen and big joshua leave together so that's why i said did you see ellen with josh yeah give me a give me a give me a yeah three people okay i hope i'm one of them we've got 10 seconds eight seconds left and josh that's enough for me oh man okay i'm scared i'm scared makes it exciting okay who's moving there all right that was a little we know who one of them might be um how interesting again i should probably be going to get identification on people okay i feel like given that no one blames simon maybe it's not him it'd be like a 5 million iq self-reported so but i i believe his story like it makes sense it's logical right he's trying not to met a game as well so i could be in electrical with two killers here potentially i don't know all right we've got a lot of toss down here who that was calyx left in i electrical to be able to detective this i haven't seen anyone in a hot seat no bodies frair comes down it's very quick to do that and i do feel like i'm being chased okay nobody dead in here i don't want to just go and do my task over there if i'm like the only one seems like asking for a killing lux has come out [Music] lights are out i'm calling a damn meeting in a second here don't like this not one bit oh boy i'm nervous now george josh and creamy okay a lot of people are still alive so it's not too much of a worry simon josh someone's on cams so that's part of their story that's fine all right let's do some asteroids look at the the speed of the shoots these rounds are moving slow like usually like these lobby's just like dead report dead report emergency meeting simon joshua i mean if there's four people here five people here it's looking okay i think whoever is whoever got that kill that simon knows is playing it real safe no that wasn't wrong i can't believe you've done this oh my god george where is it cow yeah yeah yeah where are you right next to you bro you who's next to us uh there's one other person but i couldn't see anything it would be josh it will be just me we think it's me no i'm next to you too wait no me josh josh big joshua who died simon yeah he was there was three or five and the lights went off and just as it got to the smallest point someone got slit milk's been killed too yeah i saw this kill the black animation so it's either cow was the milk double kill at the first round simon said it was either me or josh i think she knows it's me then i do you know because i only cause of the first round we were like us three but we're in nav and then you got you guys left together so obviously and then and then he's dead performance there i mean josh has been close to both lux was it lux anywhere near the first kill fred did you see him in that whole area i don't even remember where the first kill was simon said there's three people without one or three people yeah i know but if he wasn't there if he wasn't there yeah but if if lux wasn't there it couldn't that kill can fit him um we need to shoot i'll just i'll go for josh i'll go for josh it was josh or lux i had to go for oh boy sounds a bit salty legs let's get these lights back on this is a yikes because it could be over in one kill but it had to be one of them get those lights on green's put them on unless it was talia but let me let me just call meeting here just so we can do a bit more chatting and no one dies come on come on got him oh my god that's good um you waited until after i finished by the way i'm also done i'm done as well i think i have a couple i was on my final one um yeah just over my left side i think it might be my videos guys i think she's just me now i'm not gonna let you you know i'm trying to be this guy it's fine like we can skip here yeah i just want to reset cooldowns you know the lights and everything you know right i've got some tasks on the right i think people want to come chill yeah yeah just just you know just checking in just vibe vibe checking you know i wasn't nervous you were oh god i don't know there's a good chance it was either josh or talia so no that's not a good sign that's not a good sign at all definitely to get there lux has gone down george is still there so okay so they've smashed that they've got that done i think let's just send the tasks we could win on tasks again i think there's one up i think i do think and there can't be many tasks me and maybe somebody else we find george dead here lux is looking from vice versa to the same thing she's saying that that time i followed vic to the right-hand side because i just wanted to check if it was lying or not that's that's all i did vic can you vouch that um cowboys with you the entire time i'm not even close um no i saw him come i saw him come right and i saw him and george come to the right of nav i went to the reactor locks went down from nav um where's the body it's on cams like in the camera room in security and and i passed i passed creamy along the top and then i saw george because the doors were shut to cath yeah i was coming from the left engine he was coming from cath so i know that this could not have been jordan's oh so you guys met each other at the doors and then you went back together and you found the body in security yeah but what if it was done earlier in the round just asking no no because yeah and there's a kill call down so i passed creamy uh when i was running out [Music] do you have any argument for this being freya where are where are you at the end of the round not really no no no i was over with you where did you end the round where did you end the round i'm literally doing simon says right now and you've interrupted me twice i just yeah that probably wasn't smooth but hey here you go you've got to go for it sometimes you know we've actually been screwed i lost all right we're good we're good [Music] again that would have been big brain that would have been big bro yes i almost had it i almost had yeah to be fair though to be fair though at the same time my reason for luck was it was finishing the 50 50 on josh and lux like because it was one of them from that kill outside now literally nothing wrong you know what you did wrong do you know what you did wrong josh simon said your name so that's your outer hold mate that's your ultimate hold yeah that's what you did wrong [Laughter] that made me vote ran to shield and i just see to see cow jumping to the vent i just start laughing anyway i didn't mean to unmute and then as i've just been finished my task i don't know why i finished my task he just jumps back out the vent kills yeah okay that was a good round got there eventually for apples right cremian lux went down i knew it was josh or lux that got that kill in the middle there i guess yeah it was just completing the 50 50. that's the way the logic goes but yeah the way the stories add up i don't know i could have got finesse but i didn't so we moved all right killer's got to move quickly though we could have just finished on task then but that was that was more exciting wasn't it let's be honest josh in the comms simon rocks up late just keep that in mind george comes back up do this so you really [ __ ] really first time twice [ __ ] you i mean oh no [ __ ] sake i guess this was topo2 yeah this is on top of two yeah i'm i'm in the in cafe tell me milks who saw who that was wait so they killed them yeah but why would you do that i guess you're playing you're playing it out lobby that yeah a good idea nothing makes sense anymore the players to fix o2 and then kills that no one yeah rather than not fix any kill well my guess is that maybe lux is dead on the left side and they called o2 and then the person killed them i think we voted for the smallest brain does a small brain play milk milk no just just get this right okay what something else talk about where somebody is why why has this happened again my head this is supposed to be intelligent the smallest brain in the lobby like literally it can't it can't be jordan's because [Music] [Music] oh [Music] i'm just gonna do and just do my task just remain keep calm and do wires ah doing me i feel like this is turning out to be one of those days as well like you know just one of those days but now we we will turn this around oh my goodness creamy's dead who the [ __ ] was that well alan's obviously dead who even was i don't even know oh no one's finding the body for time which is a problem very slow round oh that's two isn't it yeah it's two i thought it was one who found me well i know who one of them is okay because i literally walked in on them killing and they're bending but they haven't said anything which means my story is most likely accurate when i say it the fact they haven't jumped and said oh it's simon killed simon killed is it josh he's in uganda and look he voted for me you're a middle fan you can't do that right i'm actually hella sassy has been moving much as well i'm just playing my games bro no you just move weird though it's chilling maybe it's the 170 ping i'm on no no no where were you where were you where was you doing that round milk uh a little bit of this a little bit of that you know mad king isn't it um well as my fellow imposters it sounds pretty darn good does it mate okay well i'm pretty sure you got four votes sitting on your head right now so yeah well you've got 30 seconds to wait oh my gosh unless this is simon and george and he's just stuck it on josh i mean he couldn't with the fifth player taking an l probably this could be huge you know if the game ends here that's unreal but sounds like it was jealous no okay that would have been insane from simon to be self-reported pulled that in one oh my goodness but i guess it's not him then but imagine yeah you could just pull the 180. you just pick a random person you say you've killed like it's crazy that they believed like it was a really convincing call but to believe that on five when there's two imposters up is nuts i mean you kind of have to i guess if no one else has intel right holy smokes holy smokes how does george play this one huh do my task while i fly around if we toss it on again that's wild he's looking for that kill he's like i need it i need it milk on the cans that's when you know you got a problem imagine a kill on that intersection there would have been quality i guess actually but the survivor wouldn't know who the other person is it's going to be so i don't think george can do this come on hurry up mate jigs up there's no way [Music] little chicken i'm pretty sure it's simon i literally just voted out josh the only like yeah it's just a strong defense it wasn't i don't i don't know do you know the only thing it could be just be desync but i could have sworn you walked into camps i went into cams you're not in there went to admin and there's someone in electric but electric doors are closed so anyways get in with the event so you're if you're not the imposter i'm not i mean i'm happy to skip right it could just be desync on my screen oh joe's need to jump in on that and just throw something at simon just be like oh yeah yeah i i went into like electric and he came out and there's no way he could have been there skip oh my goodness i don't have a skin so you can watch me no i haven't died oh my word no let's not have anything stupid happen here so george literally just needs to kill who's the other person up who is it is it he shouldn't kill tyler if he kills tyler that's outrageous bro this is good he's build up his thing with oh it's milk though he needs to kill milk if he just oh he needs to kill milk oh why am i rooting for him [ __ ] [ __ ] you yours if he kills tyler it's a throw he kills tyler it's a threat it's the throw he's thrown he's [ __ ] thrown i'm praying my brain hurts my brain actually hurts i might have to change my title this is a small brain among us i don't care [Music] so i ran up to i checked admin table italia seen someone in mid-base someone in storage uh checked who was in med bay watched i've seen you come out of the doors because they were closed on you which would help prove that i went up there um when i left talia down in admin i run back to check on admin table and i see george sliced holly and half and jump in the event lovely george tell me yours on my story he has to go elaborate here he could clutch it i'll vote for him i ran to storage you know i was looking around i finished all my tasks so i'm just looking around for body i saw talia on admin table left there went back just telling milk story milk sliced there short and simple it's just told milk story here story tellers see i i i think i might be throwing some that's not what happened that that's where that's where simon went he went out of med bay after being locked in there and ran out into the left towards us so why why are you attending just to prove that i went to this to show that my pathing was truthful that doesn't matter actually you know what i don't even care draws you voted me for a small brain i'm voting you don't care thank god thank god karma comes back around i don't know even smaller brain if you voted him for a small brain and he lost this but george i've died first both rounds and no one's even discussed it like justice for first death like no one's even like asked where anyone is they're just like you're just chatting [ __ ] i hate it i'm not happy [Music] the small rank hall was huge though it's been good rounds just all right milk and simon go up that's talia went right luxe no sorry that's freya that went right lots elem and i [Music] who's in shields right now i just left shields uh and who do you leave there with how's it going i know so you're calling shields right now are you simon silent joshua and did you guys watch like so someone there before the other or do you guys walk through that i was i was nav then josh i i joined josh in nab and he left now i left now and then he was in shields i ran past him and did communication download because i think i saw the vent in um an admin move and i when i've seen it i checked admin table and the first blip i seen was into shields we have to do justice guys we have to do justice for it yeah so i'm easy right now well i'm in electric and i saw tally around yeah and i'm on a task with someone now who is that me i can vouch yeah i'm just i'm gonna just say one thing real quick before i die um now we have to do [Music] natalia [Music] all right time to do some tasks ah my green screen's fixed cool i punched lots of things um i can't believe it they again not not a good conversation give me impostor i need to kill i don't even care if i get caught i just need to kill don't be one of those days don't be one of those days don't be one of those days [Music] please yeah yeah i love doing tasks this is so fantastic just why do i get killed so quickly that no one else kills [ __ ] i've done all my tasks i'm so angry i'm so angry you big [ __ ] stinker calyx i'm gonna watch you i'm gonna watch you be a [ __ ] imposter wow that was [ __ ] awful get voted it's so stressful josh just fake card swipe because it's in cafeteria yeah talk about what happened there's a kill i hate you all right oh i want to unmute and scream we do we 100 have cars creepy the [ __ ] is wrong with you by the table so it looks like they ran for the emergency button but couldn't make it they seen something they saw something and then got killed i could have sworn i saw josh's color up there you saw the kill oh i'm pretty sure what is going on [Music] i think you voted for me but i don't think it is brain up cells oh my you know they're nearly done on tasks uh it doesn't even my brain my brain cells i think it is milk unlocked but they only they need to move fast right now they need to kill report bodies kill stop tasks lights were off but i pretty sure he still would have been able to see okay maybe it's not milk as well i just well i can't believe lock's got away with that kill he's i can't believe it let's go and find him let's go and find the big stinker where is he where is he i don't even know what this guy is unless creamy is the other impossible oh my okay oh my gosh it was josh and i saw his legs run past me josh were you did you just vent into electrical and started chasing me yeah he did guys guys guys when i die just find out who it is um when i die find out that's all i ask just have a conversation about who it might be that's all i'm asking for do you know what the only person who tried to talk about who killed me was lux and he killed me i was so sure it looked like you were doing it wrong and then i was like i checked and i just didn't she's doing it wrong put me back in coach i need to kill people i don't trust it so i then checked but then i checked wrong and we do have it so put me back in coach good luck my goodness this has been an experience okay fair simon milk go that way i i just i need to hang out with three people at all times it ain't safe out here for me okay three people there we're just gonna no no no no no no no no no no no okay say the [ __ ] away from me son oh [ __ ] up are you protecting me or you waiting for the irony killing me again i don't i don't need no friends like you ah i'm scared help me oh issues right thank you thank you freya i will i will okay i don't know where the body is but it's at the intersection from stories to electrical i was coming down when lights were off i see i see the report button but i did i didn't see a body so i think it might maybe it's lower and just as you go from storage into the corridor it's definitely you scared the life out of me because i thought i was gonna die first again so i booked it it was dark and he ran past me and admin and i ran out and followed him and then the body got reported so it either really quickly did herself like kill and self-report or i think it's milk oh because i'm alright i'm pretty certain he was the last one to leave admin before i was the first one to leave admin yeah well that just looks really bad for me but that's enough for me i mean i i i'm just glad not to be dead so what you're saying simon is that us three were in admin when the lights went off and milk left first is what you're saying i left first people there was two other people doing download or upload i left first to go to lights and did anyone make it to light i'm on lights right now i didn't make it i'm at shields okay so it's a skip yeah that's good i'm gonna shoot yeah i'm sure i was right now myself are you yeah yeah oh boy somebody's not needed you creamy creme de la creme i'm sorry ah you know what we should not be hanging around with the milk man that's for sure i don't i don't know that i don't know the thing is we just we're taking simon on facebook because he's had a few good calls lately but we don't know really where he was during all that shenanigans josh has come down through and he did suss me i'm faking a task that obviously i didn't fake because i'm crew so milk and simon are up there on the list again i would quite like to spot some people lighter out again if i find another body it's stress okay well these lights are not getting done okay that's a double kill i haven't seen anyone not sure how i'm alive right now but if it was a double kill but yeah where's the body see the body i literally can't see it it's in electrical um i just press report because the button came up so after the first light fix after the first light fix i was there with milk and simon and i left and went up to cafeteria past josh then when the lights were broken again i came back yeah so i left simon in there and i went up to cams i uh to try and confirm that i was on cams i've seen creamy over going to nav side um i i i'm pretty sure he's still over there so i don't unless and i don't know who so who died this round is freya and fray mentor is that true and correct first so oh yeah it's highly rich quick so it's just simon wait so so vic you were in electrical yeah yes yeah we just okay who who is in electrical then i was i was in there with milk we did the first lights i left no that don't know when the afternoon right now right now me just you guys report the body favor so i i stayed on camera it wouldn't make any sense i mean there's two impostors up right now so we can't believe what one person's saying i it can't be creamy if both depending on the other bodies unless the body's on the right side then i guess it could be just i can tell you what i did simon sauced me in milk and simon's dead i'm going to vote milk but we have to vote i mean they've lost either way like who was it then i think it's milk and creamy i don't know i mean i'm unless one was actually tarlia but i mean what what can you what can you do like well josh voted like he wrote me before the conversation had happened so he's in troll mode for refuge sakes maybe it was talia again and she's like that again that would be unreal if true i'm flying through my task i just want to give them a chance to win on tasks again even though they they literally just shot me off the ship like what do you want i knew it yeah nice one nice one guys [ __ ] nice one [ __ ] nice one oh my god come that you lead more than you normally do no everyone always says this i do it randomly i lead if i have information [Music] can we hold for like one minute yeah we gotta pull someone else in right that could be a spot right there freezies coming out boy okay hang on i'll be back okay we're good we're good duo who's messaging freezing i'll put it in the chat oh yeah oh dear vic how you been nah mate there's nearly a hole in my desk you don't understand how jarring it is to die in these and then just just listen to the conversation and then ellen gets voted out for being a small brain like there's no justice hello sorry i'm back before we missed crazy i think this was meant to be playing so he's probably let about for a spot okay yeah frieza's not around for a bit anyway so we'll get viz in the house before that game i was on a was that 11 crew member streak let's guess that's not that bad at least you got to play as a crew member yeah yeah if you accuse people in this lobby you get voted off there's love you have to play so i was expecting this to be like really like switched on it it switched on but in the wrong way oh my head my head hurts ten part planes only my head's in the game i had a midterm this morning so like i'm like hot you know my brain's moving so what uh promotional management now tomorrow tomorrow i have a business law midterm and then i'm done midterms until finals in december i think i'm like to next week i didn't examine once [Music] i don't think i could pass any exam now it's been 10 years for one of those skill testing questions when you win money oh yeah that's a thing in canada right you have to do like a math problem is that not a thing everywhere no oh my god i didn't know that yeah if you win anything you have to do a skill testing question it's usually some map remember because nowhere else can be trusted to do a simple math equation we've got a good education system imagine you just get that skill question wrong and you're just like well sorry million dollars is gone yeah that would be tough that would be tough wow i didn't know that was just a canadian thing learn something new every day all right what you guys saying have you guys been enjoying the gameplay thus far i mean i can see the entertainment value we've got some people shouting for victor seven million in the chat 170k subs to seven mil that is nuts you know what actually let's get let's get the the live count up on the screen do that right now for all of you also i got some some bangers planned for the channel coming up soon i've been thinking of some more real life videos i can do so you guys better keep your eyes out for some bangers coming down the line it's like among us in real life it's like the uh the vibes right now all right let me add this live count uh oh under capture properties here we go yeah let's add that up where is it aha can we find the sub count that's the views there is the subs there we go bang let's get that framed well chocolate bottom right but yeah look at that 164k to go 163k and a bit to go to seven mil that's nuts we've gained like 300k subs in the last few months if you're in phone says love the pokemon vid that was just too much fun to record my goodness that was just too much me and randy ultimate vibes ultimate vibes simon sander was great yeah it was good fun definitely to do like a reboot with 10 people or something all right we're back in the crew try not to die all right luxe and creamy go down george goes down this simon allen you know you know i've been killed so early so many times i legit have like anxiety i i just don't trust anyone i feel like everyone's going to kill me milk alum simon whoever is lime green josh on the shield oh that literally why not milk and uh simon so that leaves josh jules creamy and lux and rockstar and electric yeah vouch electrical oh okay calyx i'm in electrical now it's joshua listen to the information and then on my way to electrical he was following me and then we were just in the electrical the whole time so it's joshua sorry when when people said that they were in electrical i i can't distinguish the voices like so who's there can you say the names creamy george and calyx right so that leaves big joshua thank you freya that we will take those we will take those we will take them [Music] [Music] welcome to the lobby joshua maybe thanks for coming by freya still sauce of josh which is good oh my lord oh this my head starts to hurt yeah i'm changing the title to cursed among us this is cursed i can't even do cars back that's do you guys ever see me fail card swipe it's cause i'm tilted it wasn't this as well i thought i died there okay it's big joshua thank you he was with ellen last seen in nav and they were both running down towards shield and i said if her body dies now and it's ellen it's big joshua where's this body you could have turned back on yourself in any way where did you leave ellen josh we've george is clear for the last kill he can't be the killer you're all somewhere literally playing yourself george just say you're clear for the last kill you can't be the imposter the only person that isn't clear oh if you don't vote josh um i literally it's algorithms work it out you [ __ ] pee brains if everyone's clear but josh and viz and there's been a kill and tone saying it's josh it has to be josh josh in that last kill and we might have got yeah he's wrong thank you freya you have iq i like josh you [ __ ] sip for i think there's no way that it can't be either viz or josh so i think it's safe thank you logic please people listen to the logic i'm gone i'm gone do me justice all i want is justice remember that [ __ ] papers [Music] existence is pain this lobby is pain there's third imposters there's fourth imposters there's people who just don't care i might need an alcoholic drink soon i can't lie if lox isn't imposter he's just [ __ ] p headed we're not gonna be friends by the end of this i'm gonna lose friends here josh [ __ ] voted me off when i was clear last round as well oh my god yeah in cafeteria and by association come on josh is standing there well i saw john cena and i immediately you turned away and you did as well i thought it was fk so i was going to stand by him but then he became unafk oh so when they did my uh subs so i saw him and i just instantly noped out of there okay what were you laughing at george where is the bottom i just i just i'm sure i just saw calvin but you didn't because i was doing upload whatever it is top right of the map above uh asteroids well cal you were running with josh what is it milk and simon you guys are intelligent just put some bang some brain cells together come on come on how is how is coming from where have you worked out his visa josh fred's been saying it's josh and fred is dead and you still don't think it's josh [ __ ] after all the nice words this hurts this actually hurts so much you know in the film when it's just like you're behind the script and it's just so obvious that's the color but um oh my god it's not creamy though i would say oh i didn't catch the color it's joshua i want to say john i want to say josh because um oh my [ __ ] word uh [Laughter] oh my oh dear you know maybe that you know you're right they don't deserve to ask being done you're right you know what i don't even i can't even why is it not over yet as well he's like trolling yeah the shields again oh okay okay i don't think it's george um milk died okay lox is going to say oh my god uh um it's gonna be doors closed killed an electrical vented to either medbay or security i think it was a while ago it could it couldn't have been because i walked past milk going in i saw i went past george and then went back and then the doors were shut on the loop around why didn't you kill me last year he'll cool down mate yeah i don't know why are we just going to win on tasks so why is it not george i don't think he moved at all wow were you on the field the whole time in storage uh i went from fuel and then i just went to admin just and i was just there okay i have no idea who it is i mean is that still two killers in the game that's the question yeah i doubt it based on how slow it's going i mean the vote was split on josh unlocks we could just go for one of them yeah cute looks yes yes a turn of oh thank god for that finally a modicum of intelligence josh and lux just through as well by not getting two kills that round yeah is that you voting me because if you're saying there's two left in here and i'm not and i'm not and i'm approved then i think life is safe this is it right this is the end of the game it's [ __ ] not okay you know they they can have this they can have this on tasks you know what they finally finally came to their [ __ ] senses but the fact that josh is still in here is unreal come on win on tasks i wish i could do a ghost these sabotage comms what is that um i'm exhausted i am exhausted just call the button and get him out come on come on come on or just do your tasks yeah that's right capman oh my goodness creamy saw that surely yeah creamy called the [ __ ] button ah [Laughter] simon don't throw this you know who it is when he throws it like it's for the content anyway i'm going to do it for the memes please josh i didn't see you this game so i don't know if your footage is uploadable no it's not it's not a good win if someone's giving you the win for content oh okay simon's three so he did it for the memes oh my god he actually did it for the memes you're clowning bro oh my god that's that's jarrod that is yeah [Music] [Music] guys guys i don't know how you can narrow it down to two people for a kill and then one of those you vote one of them out the next round one of those two gets accused of the kill and no one doesn't just realize it's them it couldn't be anyone else if they've been accused [Music] so i just thought it was you this whole time but it turns out i did think it it it was cow too and then this said that it was him in in the chat i was like oh oh well we go again he said it was me i thought it was pain i just i actually like i need to start trolling you know what but the thing is i'm going to get played so hard right because someone's going to come through with logic but they're just going to make up the logic and i'm so desperate for any modicum of logic that i'm going to lose my damn head all right simon runs out fair on the outside okay that was quick geez where is the body the whole round so okay so hold on like put your fist down i'm not accusing you however george you might want to put your fists up because i'm going to accuse you did you see [Music] so the body is in uh oxygen and i i seen elem come down from the top weapons and i seen george running out of weapons to cafeteria and i saw youtube and then freya and vic star have just so i closed a whole bunch of us yeah josh who did you vote for uh vibes check can't tell you i'm voting george i think i don't think it's ellen but i think it's george i was hoping ellen would tell me that it looks he wasn't doing it at the start i'm skipping okay i don't know it's a killer thing [Music] the vibes could be right then it's just meant to be or it's if not it's i mean it could be milk or alum on that one oh i'm doing some taste i'm actually lightheaded because i've been yelling so much this is impairing my ability to play this damn game guys from my suffering subscribe button's over there i hit that just just i mean the button's not even the button's down there but let's get that number a little little a little higher for my sanity it's about everyone there fair creamy simon some other person oh boy freya lux milk alum creamy comes out turn it up fry's fixing that fur alum okay you know honestly if i get killed by an imposter with logic that's better than dying randomly and getting smoked simon milk come down no simon callux come down some detective vibes here creamy we've had a poor victim of being targeted here i think unless the game stitched out what do you mean well that milk's died okay yeah did you put my fingers that like a mixture of jaws and adam we did get george out there yeah yeah i thought we did our vote on seven simon i mean josh if you're trying to sit down my chest actually where's the body let's talk about where the body is you know i was spinning on your head let's talk about where the body is guys body [Music] shields simon and um milk now simon lux went past us simon lux and creamy went past us i saw simon in comms at the end of the round so simon i think i want to say that me fryer simon lux and frizzy are clear for this freezer is not a killer either so so that leaves it to this was either josh or ellen it was one of the two of them so yeah i'm always happy to vote whenever seven though yeah to be fair allen's not real you can where's where you are thing where you at i mean i'm not gonna lie to you but i'm literally in reaction i'm gonna skip i'm gonna skip but that kill was one of those two that kill was one of those two and there's another imposter as well a couple deductions i mean one of those guys could definitely be the other imposter all right we're just a detective team now this is this is fine all right this can take a while then jump on cams i think survive okay it's gonna do some detective work okay josh coming spotted outside security there's a dead body in admin creamy is top right sh we need to get the button and not split up his cooldown is going to come off oh he knew exactly where to go didn't he yeah because the body was on camera vic is in no way where'd you come from josh is it on camp yes yes if it's in admin is that on cam yeah because there's a camera four of you were following me there's no way i killed that body and you're pissing me off yeah i did see creamy dancing in front of the camera up by me the only reason i danced was because the cafeteria door is closed so i thought i was about to die okay so like us so us three are clear again so it's i actually it was the last kill was alam or josh and alan's dad so it's josh yeah yeah shoot josh yeah you sure you're right actually sorry i think that back fizz could have been um again was it it wasn't a george sorry that voted off could be a killer sorry i've jumped to a conclusion i mean i think i think this this kill is lux or josh so we can 50 50 or we can just play actually you came from electrical were you shot in electrical though lux okay no no if lux was shut in i don't know i feel like josh could have killed me though like rounds before many times unless it's josh and creamy unless it's josh and creamy [Music] was the only thing for creamy there that he was dancing on cams and he was shut out from the cafeteria now i think we we've got at least one out all right well we're chilling mean yeah we did get at least one out so that's cool creamy got here rapid do that that's my last task there can't be many tasks left react call we'll go together get that upload done there's got to be like one task left come on let's move it oh dude lux is dead there i think cool down gives us enough time to get this just take one inch i'll go low okay creamy's there okay we're all four up so we just got tasked so who has a task to do i think i think it's actually yeah creamy and josh somebody do their tasks i mean we're fine we're quite safe here because there's only one imposter here so relatively okay i'm gone but i'm back who has a task like someone should be leading the way to a task here she's doing her wires let's go together to the lights this is where everyone should be going right now we just have to trust that everyone is oh i'm just going to call a meeting oh uh at the emergency button okay so me and vic just walk run past there i left victor go do the lights so what did you do then i ran away to med base soon as the lights turned off and i just kind of hovered there why didn't you go to lights because i didn't want to get killed at the lights where's the body at the emergency button in cafeteria so freya is waiting on so i'm going to light some freya's waiting on the button to call it as soon as i and i ran to medbay just to hide well i saw vic go to lights go go to lights to fix them that's why i didn't go so it has to be creamy so why does it have why did it what does it have to be me though because if it's not me and it's not big what were you doing though i saw vic was going to the light so i've got one more task uh upper energy so i ran that the alignment and you didn't think to do that when we were all lurking around that area huh yeah for 300 hours creamy you're done tasks right creamy your taste is done right well done yeah okay all right cool all right i'll vote i've either been played so hard or we got there eventually what an exhausting round you know actually kill me first next time that's that's tough that's tough you know a lot of you i'll be honest i should not have worked i said i was just dancing oh my we got there eventually deduction we were crimes fighting fighting team until you died yeah thick i believe oh boy we got there we got there it locked in the first round i i thought you in there yeah yeah so i followed you away i voted you last round i was like oh good yeah oh who wants to repeat how i got voted out when i was with you like the whole time that was for the last kill though just i just could remember right and that kill i was also not start either you were you were that kill had to be you or ellen josh was it you you didn't happen of course it wasn't me he was with us i just said i was dancing and i got cleared [Music] no we got there we got there's some blunders along the way oh my oh my that was but yeah that that was the casting that gave me the final call like if someone still had a task left they would have there was so much time to do it so the fact that luck said he didn't have a task and creamy said he was done that was that was a good enough call for me at the end but yeah that kill was locked then obviously he came out and then into electric then came back all right we got luxe over there marbury that was that was that was a tough one that one very tough one okay very clever kill whoever that was well it was about 101 iq where's this life uh it's on the refill thing in storage but they closed the doors and i was the only one there yeah wait ellen run past as well no no i came back milk about yeah so if you've seen anything where did you come from though you came from stores no i didn't no no wait no wait so ellen you you ran past me and milk doing dad donating cons so yeah so i walked past you maybe for like less than a second then i turned back just to make sure that you were still alive so you never went into storage you went to no i wanted to do this i didn't i mean i was like did you guys i finished my calm download and i ran up out of comms and albums there but the door and storage is closed and he's on your side of the door where did you just come from when just then because you just passed me i went down to admin and then i went back up towards weapons i went down with locks and then i went back out i did see i did see picking up here yeah yeah long ago do you think it was like i don't know man is there a way you can tell with the body or no [Music] do you think it's been stick your finger i i had enough time [Music] on the other side of the nearest door to the kill is he running away i [Music] um as well yeah i was in electrical and then i ran from electrical to lower engine all right josh coming along wires wires okay we've got pretty much the whole lobby in there uh it's jaws guys ouch where's the body in communications i i was legit about to press the report button on that body too dude legit just walked out penis paint us a picture i want to hear story okay took 10 seconds then walked down just communications and to be fair i didn't see george kill freya but he was just i don't know dancing around the body and then i go ahead and report it can you can you give me like the ambience what's the ambience of the room when you walk in like you know what what what and what emotions give me some emotions like what are you feeling as you're like making that journey as you get there talk come on come on let's paint a picture with words here i'm just saying it was very dark in the room there was no music jules just stared me in the eyes that's enough for me that's enough for [Laughter] the only me i want to go for george is because he also said he was like oh what why why is it me and then said oh i just saw his over the body i said i was going to report you that's a big moment where did you come to it turn the music on turn the lights [Music] okay and then who are the saucers on the other kill it was alum and that was it i guess yeah ellen maybe simon and george to be fair because they're both electrical together so we'll keep that intelligence in the head i feel like if i get impostor i'm [ __ ] out though actually like it's been some some scuffedness but imposters been doing all right simon and this simon goes up i think this went down um not a whole lot going on this made a pretty convincing call and there'd be no reason to do that as well okay um he was actually my main my main sauce oh so he's gonna be dead on the left side somewhere me and uh fitz just walked all the way through from electrical together um i'm rocked up onto wires and security doors locked so i actually i assumed he was watching cams and he's been killed by someone in there so the only person i saw over there was josh and myself yeah why the emergency meeting uh no and milk and why the emergency meeting lux because it was a bit too long it wasn't that what she said it wasn't that long of a round fair enough i'm kind of luck because i never trust the admin table but it looked like someone went from security it was in security i was in security i watched someone was on camps yeah i was on campus briefly and then now i'm in electric me and vic i think you do yeah yeah so what have you so what okay the little picture of words josh where were you me i literally had to do your numbers to ask so the three susses are lots of milkhead josh yeah yeah yeah but when i when i left reactor cams was on i danced on camp two seconds yeah i i saw you in lux no no no no yeah i think we got yours yeah i'm gonna vote uh based on vibes that's convenient maybe event okay meme is chilling or the safe gang safe game do their thing yeah it's just one of those three that's for shows is there's on comes lux coming into goes into mad bay why is this gone i'm still down there aligning this is back on cams if they're on locks on cams josh lurkin see was he dead callux no josh guarding that hallway lux on it milk comes up simon's med bay where is viz no don't do place like this i need to see this carrot smoking bag big joshua where's this is this dead because that's a real shame if he's dead because he's like no that's okay don't guys stop being so 6v1 like this is who bottled it there it's always so hard when like people uh cams to uh med bay so what you you said was right yeah i said i said you did i don't think you did you did because you killed and then you jumped in an event josh yeah i was just chilling looking at milking electric yeah i i i thought um if you like if you're in a vent and then you go to like electric but don't jump out the blip will still show you in electric like somewhere in electric no i should actually try being in campus all the time i think because because i never jumped out anywhere oh okay [Music] that button [ __ ] it by the way bro because we didn't know like where the body actually was you were just guessing that it was in security do you know what i thought you i thought you'd done a 5000 iq you killed in security shut the doors you should not have started that i was going to say i was going to drop so freeze you can join okay let's play round table let's play round table round table round table [Laughter] yeah that's enough for me that's enough for me roundtable's a savage game to go that's enough for me willie sabotage look how still big joshua is he's cold convicted everyone go round in one way it's like a ritual to the emergency meeting oh josh isn't playing vote this is not in the rules of of of round tables we have to do the lights you have to do that hit the round table [Music] [Music] i'll do running the wrong way that's us [Laughter] [Music] that doesn't need to be a reason [Music] where we go you guys know that we don't wait can we rely on google all right yeah we'll take google for this one yeah okay okay pick a number between one and eight i feel like cal is going to say a number between one and a half stars he's taking something out of hate [Music] wow he defies google how dare he defy google [Music] are we gonna run out of buttons here i've still got one i still have one okay the killers just don't call them killers are allowed to kill them round table you're not allowed to sabotage however that was a violation no i didn't know that oh okay now you can kill okay gotcha thanks man oh my god all right so it's not your little guy on top your head is pointing at george nah that guy on top of cow's head is pointing the [Music] anyone can just say anything it just counts you just stay with enough confidence yeah that's enough how did no one see that uh about like i need to catch up we still have buttons oh milk you're straying from the table a little there i got wide wide circles here um why is your circle better than ours you should just end it because we can just vote off the right one now who do you think it is simon now you guys pointing at milk oh yeah that's true that's the one that's a one that's a one round simon i'm freezing there's simon and creamy he thinks he's about right in in this in this group i just got one question when you have a cup of tea okay milk [Music] is [Music] there was people in front of me and behind me and then it's almost like it was screaming like no it's not i was like what i was like i was like what okay i thought they were trolling like i was [Music] your date as the host the flip scale backwards it makes backwards like mirrored scaled yeah confetti so it makes a mirror scaled so like instead of reactor being the left side it's on the right side an interesting one hey um don't worry about it yeah don't worry about it be quiet you're really quiet sounds like he's like in another room i've turned him up i feel like he's like yeah i wouldn't i mean it's not bad to be honest are you talking again how about hello hello hello hello your mind anywhere near you you're quite quiet uh no mate it's on the other side of the just shout just shout the whole game please just shout in every meeting apparently it picked it up code luke no no no no no no no no no no no could never beat me [Music] it oh i'm so down for that all right all right all right uh on milk up here i'm gonna peek back again you have a sentence hello hello it's better just boost him on discord if you've got a problem yeah obviously he does it that's not solution of him he can baste it in the edit temporarily he i told him he can just shout if he just shouts that's that is your volume up or down yeah gang what are we doing we're playing the mirror version of the map wait so first so how do i do that i think actually if the host is on the april fools if they set their pc to april fool's day it inverts the map oh really yeah yeah matt you're playing with heskey mate i vote out husky call an emergency meeting and vote out husky we're making a new lobby to flip the map codes down below let's go i'm excited this is going to get so confusing because you'd be like he went left as well or is it just like just about the map i believe is dude i don't know i've never i've never played i've just heard of it and lie to all your friends josh why'd you leave oh he's back oh my god [Laughter] brother good luck guys good luck all right invited crew man oh my head is my head is scrambled oh my the map goes the wrong way okay okay okay all right top left is top right right yes okay one task done okay palace you know i'm just gonna stick down the middle oh okay oh my god i was not expecting scrambles where is it one question lux is the body on the left or the right everybody's in the lights lucky i know the names of places now the body's in lights okay with someone and it was on the floor i should have not reported it and walked to the back so if you walk to the back it would have been me so i turned lights on no one's dead walked to the back so whoever killed walked out or is still like was anyone in there with you i am on my task so i don't know or it's milk or it's milk yeah yeah or it's like actually i didn't see anyone come out right freeze you have you um i went from someone told me to vote chill child children lux do you see anyone else on the outside right so you came in who was i with george no i didn't see anyone come out and milk hasn't said that and a milk milk could someone have killed invented i mean like i said like i turned lights on by myself and ran up and went on a task do it do we know if this kills fresh it has to be if it's in lights i literally just turned the lights and got it would have seen it well if it wasn't lux i'm very suspectful of milk it's a good word [Music] is like einstein or 170 or something when i play this map i cap out at 20. rain hurts things backwards um okay josh has gone out we got frizzy in there lights are going again lights are actually to the right haha amy and josh have gone in luxembourg here weird that milk's not here if he was supposedly doing his tasks and likes okay okay well well well seriously okay so it's on the left side of the map no no no no no just say the same that same place names oh you are a stinker you've waited all day for this to get on with the boys and not tell them where the body is you need to control your [ __ ] volumes because he said because milk said milk said it's enough milk said it's in that yes i was with josh the whole round and i didn't get past life i got on camp the body was dead and i watched you walk up to the body and report it it took me it wasn't me then i mean it took you a little long to hit the report button i don't know maybe i'm pints in but if it's outside that kill can't be big thank you i've got a question when you pull up tab and you look at the map the map is not inverted no it's not normal okay okay then yes it is literally just outside now though the only person i seen was in storage where me and george walked past each other in storage yeah that is true and milk can anybody is where the body is why just because you i'm on camera they're doing well they're doing well i like that from you lux you know yo not not so that's why we do that one time it's so confusing i need to see some people i'm gonna give me some movement okay freeze is here we're assuming that freezie didn't get that last kill could be the other imposter though let's get these back on stat look at that pace frizzy appears to be doing tasks um come on josh man i really just see you slightly and teleport and you're trying to pin it on me is that your defense yeah i ran past him he sliced him ran back i thought i hit the self report but it was i mean the report you guys about yourself hard on that lad you don't go go do what you want in it it's yours does anyone else have anything sliced in front of me so you do what you wanted does anyone else have anything uh what i can add is that there's definitely still two killers yeah i know i know where's the body where's the body uh top left now so that would be that'll be between weapons and nav reversed yeah between weapons and now um he's literally in front of me so is it is it me it's me or jaws yeah did anyone else see them during the round what was your path in josh how did you get to that area uh from bottom shields uh and up and george what was your path together same bottom shields and then i went up what a surprise and he slit in front of me i don't know why i don't know other people who may be crew who are we voting i mean personally i want to vote milk again but i guess we have to vote one of these guys i'm i'm going to vote josh but i it's josh oh dear let's get a little toss down in the middle see alan and frieza here on the job [Music] cow get off the table yeah we kind of have to yeah do you really want to just throw a crew out like that guys i told you i saw him no it's not it's not enough for me it's not enough for me it was the same difference yeah by the way guys what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna call another meeting we're just gonna get rid of milk as well i'm not against it [Music] okay no i don't i don't want to do this now because we've got one out we don't need to do this do we need to do this we don't need to do this oh my head i'll just use the button since do we waste your button but well so is that basis behind this freezer is this just a shot in the dark but but at the same time i don't like the way ella i yeah i i don't i think we just do you should middle about a little bit we should just mill about a little bit you know what i like that i like that i think two people should vote for freezie just for fun so vic and ellen destroy freezy for fun oh okay okay bud okay bud skip skip skip we're gonna skip alan we're gonna skip if you're about it you're gonna scare i don't like this [Laughter] we [ __ ] it by the way i didn't like that at all did you not hear that laugh crazy [Music] i need to start speaking on him [Music] he actually played it well so he didn't actually back it enough to be sus because i said i was i died i'm like realistically bingo could have just gone yeah i saw just do it just for having his name wrong oh dear oh my god milk milk milk yeah i don't know why at the end you accused me i had the situation under control i had freezie going to skip everything was fine frieza you're real rich first i'd wondering why i'm questioning you when you're the one that was gonna call button but you know what he didn't vote you he didn't vote you milk which was actually a pretty that was a pretty like he said he was gonna do it but he he had to think about it if he was actually imposting he would have voted you straight can you change color it's because you said you're going to vote him he was really like ellen's laughing a lot he hasn't added his [ __ ] man [ __ ] 3v1 is supposed to be hard all right me and freya are on job on the mirror map so this shouldn't be too bad okay so we've got milk and freezer going that way joel's coming this way how i'm going in where even is this this is by shields that's lucky that's fair that just came through on the lights let's do some tossing electrical i'm pretty okay then we're all in electrical so how would this be us this one oh i failed a couple of the spins oh that's so annoying damn it put my wires together how was that good he's dead yes all right so i did my little toss on the left side of the map and this body is on shield's bottom left okay coco pops i don't trust milk anymore what because he fed him bastard nah when when i died on lights alex found my body and ellen just ran upwards and was standing next to milk and milk was like arm at the top on my own was milking electric with us then milk were you an electric with us then wow was milking electric with us then sorry sorry i don't know i had i had a dog i had a dog run in here um no chestnuts is he was the first to vote then um [Music] which is fantastic stuff get back on some tasks on this old mirrored map i'm trying to think like who's our prime target here for the next one definitely leave both the cows start fixing this if somebody comes in got that cool all right i'm going to finish my tasks that were over here fresh should kill some during this time and then i'll be clear which is worth having [Laughter] the dog the dog wait what i don't even remember me it was all a bit of a blur oh and josh i killed you right in admin no that was me oh there's george yeah i didn't even do my first topic i didn't swipe i'm dead nice all right thanks for voting guys okay my homework excuse me and we're back in all right we're back on the crew one one imposter one win we take those okay freya okay freezing lux go top right ish okay let's let's let's say things as they are go to nav um and then we want to go back around that way okay josh and simon make it i can't find my damn cars i'm this is so confusing that's mirrored i'm trying to find where i've got stuff to do hey viz up here fair and josh no freezing josh came through we'll there back to lights and do some tasks there who's lime green from viz here simon rocks up late all right where is an o2 why josh so there was a body in now when lights went off but i didn't report it because the lights were off and i wanted to follow the people who ran but i lost them in the lights off unfortunately so i'm trying to have a think about who was in there you could have saved you could have saved cow's life if you've reported it i i did i did leave coward with putin's with lots of weapons at the start yeah and there's an asteroid or a vic star in nav i believe no i was never i was no i never went to nerf and actually the way later in that round i think i went yeah yeah i did i but i thought i was going to react to it i thought i was going to react to it it could be it could be vic because because the colors that i saw run past me wouldn't have two bodies ran past two people ran past me out of now if anybody wasn't there is this recently after it was killed because i was i was way out i was way out and i was i think task and electrical is like there's no real way i was in electrical with freya and viz and then simon rocked out a little bit later no but but for like the last like 10 15 seconds so lux and simon came into electric league right yes yeah did lux did get there [Laughter] i don't like that freya just tried a last minute flip on me there but i mean she wasn't electrical so after our perfect synergy is imposters what do you mean who's this josh comes through who did we see there we saw like frisian freyr or something see if josh is still here josh is still here so i've just walked into uh electric and there is a body right on the vent do you think has anyone seen anyone in my hands for once josh i was remembering what you do and i was going to stand there and i was like no [ __ ] that yes and then run into electrical to have a look around because i've done my tasks in there and there was a body on the floor so you didn't see anyone prior to this i don't want to clear i don't want to clear it because there's only only been one killer that's fine you don't have to clear me just play me for that kill wait lux you were in electrical last round uh last game first round the first round the first round survived later he was there yeah you just said you finished all your tasks there yes okay i'm um i'm just simon simon where were you on the map simon where were you i'm deserving where i was i went storage and then i went i'm honestly i keep running into rooms and running out towards where though which towards where towards which like the room did because you're in storage of storage on this inverted map so that's towards so you didn't make it to did you make it to nav or o2 or anything no okay you're okay in the area though in the in the local area well there's two probably yeah [Music] yeah because just fred jumped on me and simon's deadly quiet i kind of just want to chill with josh for now just because i i feel like he is safe and like the way through those vibes they were pretty fire i can't lie because that that that adds up with what i'm seeing you know what i'm seeing so i'll chill with el capitan so we got it doesn't show you the colors i see wait where's he gone is that him do some tasks here please no killing here i could get killed in a second because two of the suspected killers were lurking in these bits i need to find a person who i'm not scared of throw a button in the mixer in a while so i got scared nice i saw you in lights yeah i finished my task from there and then run straight around everyone caught from lights there was like six people i was like oh i feel chill here and then there was nobody and i was like i'm just going to call it i actually don't know what my sus is always you're always quiet when is you in it me it is yeah alan alamein like an enigma i know that you're sass on me but i i'm not stuck on you i i i feel like i know i'm just going on live checking in yeah that's fine that's fine we got quiet vibes though i'm just i'm just going to vibe check there any people i saw at the end there were simon as you because you walked past me when i was near canvas doing my final task on the corner i did see this as well but i do like that i trust i trust this me and this is done it says together and then we both front to load you walk past the corridor so i'm in cams i'm in the top corner at that task we need to press the middle bit i've just done it simon yeah yeah i'm quite as much yeah so then comes i is that's his problem he can't kill him he can't be an event [Music] i'm going to regret i'm going to regret the fact that that emergency meeting i just know that i am don't i don't want to be alone on that side of the map with fred i mean tasks are nearly done so we can clinch this i just don't want to go over that side alone like i know i we'll get there we've got josh here lux beers and josh these are people that i have a general decent trusting of that's o2 which is on the opposite side this could be imagine if there was a throw on this with this okay i have to shoot okay oh this is this is two kills right i want to see if the person who killed wants to say anything first the person who killed oh yes cow it was you correct i was asking a question because the person who killed wouldn't speak first would they well i just said where's the where's the body nice nice i'm not that [ __ ] we're not playing mind games where's the body okay the body's in reactor and cal uh just left reactor and ran down i did indeed so it wasn't me i think i think i just just given that josh's suspicion was that it was freya and i feel like i just saw lux i'm pretty sure it wasn't me my vibe is telling me that it's luxembourg thank you it's uh i was with you for a lot of that round running was there as well yeah i know what you're going to think i know what you're going to think about whoa whoa whoa it was either lux and frail there's another josh said it's freya and simon and josh is dead lux wait lux why are you not defending the fact that this kill wasn't you just said some soldiers and you're assassin me are you good vic i didn't see a dead body and walk down and that's my story there's nothing more to say vic vicky's beating him set himself out no no no i'm not no i'm not no i'm not i'm just going with what josh said josh said that he i'll vote locks i'll vote locks but i i don't have it please i'll believe you on that much simon i'm voting vice let's be friends let's be friends let's be friends she's obviously right there so we just we chilling i need to do the rest of my tasks on the other side it would be over by now let's go do these i got my tarsi on the other side this is a scary one we just gotta hope that viz went to the other o2 you got to turn back for those you got to turn back you got to turn back to those you got to turn back for those you get that on the way out surely fair there you go there you go that's it that's that's that's case done thank goodness oh no i mean i'm just going to wait freya needs to say what are you going to wait for freya needs to say that she got the last one right because there were two killers and they're if they're excited i already know it's not viz that's that's the issue i i think if if viz died i probably would have been more on the fence and also the fact that cal his last words were simon i am voting v yeah i honestly i yeah that was that was a sus thing although saying that killers do say fake people to try and win freya uh yeah but um i got to o2 first and then you wrote on it with me after and then he's like i did 02. no i i mean we both like we we both like did it like you just said i got there after it now you're saying yeah you did it you did get there after but you can still do it as well like you you could still punch in the numbers and how would i be there after this needs to ask some questions you said and then you got there after but you're now saying that i did it with you yeah he was so quiet all game this should be easy um sorry yeah but you've like you're literally saying two different stories this i've literally gone to o2 and then freya is literally just self-reported and i assume anyway the only reason is big brained it no no no no no no i know something i don't think it is i i he this did you do the other one too because i did this through he threw it through through it's okay over i can't believe it well gggs lads oh dear wait can they win on task wait if i do these real quick i've got to fly through these i went and did the last two tasks i when i got to ghost i could do them oh to vote so i wanted them to level out i didn't i didn't see but on the vent where i was the only other person on the right hand side because if i was going to walk out that room they called me you know what was crazy right so so i got killed i went into into a ghost i had two tasks left and i was like please be quick tasks i went over and it was wires which i did in about half a second and then the flip switch if you're a killer by the way on someone's hand yeah i i mix it up i've got a question it can be easy persuaded sometimes oh yeah you tell me something i'll believe you i mix it i mix up the playstyle i'm unpredictable you'll never know what's going on how did we end up winning that task task i couldn't do my tasks as well i literally was saying i was i was like simon i'm gonna protect you and then you just kind of just snaps my deck oh no all right cool is gonna join up now all right we'll get the boy i certainly threw that by just not doing my last two tasks as well i just didn't even realize until i was a ghost i know you asked me all game but then but then i was right with the colors as well you know when you said if you had killed viz you might have been yeah fred would have voted me out in an instant leaving your side sorry vic wasn't going to leave your side so i couldn't kill him i couldn't kill biz or else you know yeah yeah to be fair uh yeah i think so yeah turned up late for electrical i couldn't tell the hue of it being yellow or orange building cams you followed locks out i think am i still getting bm i was deafened no we can't know if you want like yeah as well what the hell were you doing bro yo simon when when i got called out for that like i was like oh [ __ ] this i'm sorry uber yeah you you're in my chat just bm and me literally on his way out bro he said simon brown if i was saved we just needed a double kill i know but everyone had already voted you and i was like [Music] yeah also oh it's me i know that you think the reason why you didn't tell simon to vote was great blah blah blah but that really did kind of settle for me i smashed my head off a wall [Laughter] i was kind of waffle against freya but it was it was quite hard you did all right you know you did all right we're [ __ ] from prayers all right that was around 0.5 a round and a half oh boy right let's get all this shenanigans out of here [Music] all right stay full cursed welcome welcome ethan welcome to the game what a fantastic it was his time breath so i found big joshua at shields yeah thick where did you come from the top where did you go i came straight from kathryn to nav and started i saw you and when i saw you you were double back into the body yes are you saying that he did a full 180. yes we were just with even an electrical and then me and you split storage and you went right and i went up i couldn't tell you mate i don't know if i speak i'm in trouble no i don't know i looked left yes it's not me that's why wait so what was this with jaws and um ellen i'm not really waffling i didn't even see any of so basically what's happened okay the body the body is in between nav and comms and ellen said he's walked straight up to it and reported it did you and george is saying he saw him double back it has to be jewish even see me is very impossible [Applause] [Music] he's trying to double back [Music] [Laughter] he tried to question me straight up like hoping i'd like slip over something anyway could be a third imposter could be a shrewd decision maker we didn't need to vote anyone there but sometimes you just go for it you know you make these moves you're making for the people all right simon earns that lux i've just crossed fair in the cup wait huh [Laughter] that you're trying to do the same trick on me that i did on you yes i am how did you know because you said exactly what i said like yeah if the body was at storage on its way to communications um someone sliced them into fragrances well that's um i i'm actually in shields doing shield so i don't know how i'm suddenly in storage you know what i'm saying no no no no no no no wait wait wait i believe you i think it's cow can i ask who i around what yeah know that this has got to stop this has got to stop [Music] uh the dane bramage the dane bramage let's get these tasks done and pray for these poor souls so it's fair but who else i can't believe unless it's luck sam freya i think it is so i'd like to doing it for his content not freya's content that adds up it's my suspicion anyway unless lux gets sliced here oh no he's just a simple absolute [ __ ] thank you guys good stuff good stuff good stuff great stuff from you calyx [Music] guys guys to be fair i saw her kill yeah yeah you step two steps over the body thank you a very irish potato with the huge 150 dollar superchat he says hi i say hi and thank you very much thank you also ismail rahoy with the 100 euros how are you doing vic i'm a big fan of you i'm doing great um these brain these brains are melting my head these games are melting my brain a little bit but we move we're having some good ones thank you for the super chats i mean one for one imposter so you can't complain about that um thank you enjab ismail we've got the sideline wonderland bug and renee nicole tolson lissie marion contreras milk and gaming mark dempsey michael jalepsi johan cremius becoming new members of the channel we'll get to the rest of the super chat shortly all right let's work things out we got freya and jordan top okay sit [ __ ] sick we're back we're back in the win the full quantum loop of tilted yes well time to eat some sweets i can't believe my my first death life oh it's on leaves in cafeteria i'd like to harvest cafeteria i mean yeah you can't update i didn't yeah he's not lying he is actually an electric car just once i would also like to hard clear myself because my name is actually in white which would mean i'm not impossible i'd like to take away i'd like to take away ellen's heart clear and i'll tell you why all right vic went up to the download at the top right of calf and next next to it is the garbage one lights went out i ran down i left ellen and vic up on the garbage chute oh no you didn't i didn't know you did right now you guys make it up and and if that's where simon is saying the body is then it makes sense [Music] this was like early on like at the very same time myself were in there [Music] thank you kieran slyne exialed is here conveyor sandu um chronic finisher mark dempsey milking gaming with the superchairs he came with who was a 2000 hungarian florians what a sick currency thank you varun pandit michael hyden c tgf tweets daniel plays renee with the hundred points said became a member tell you quite a bit louder than the other so it's difficult to hear them during meetings um when you're also talking love the vids i've been here since 2014. thank you renee and you know what we can do something about that actually my levels are probably at 100 because it's the new pc so we'll fix that up we got you no problem thank you for letting me know recording okay properties levels put that down to 97. settings audio okay we should be all good in the hood now check i've got the right one on discord yeah all right we're chilling and game's over wow justice for halloween [Music] oh [Music] you started with eight you started with eight my chat yes um [Laughter] i mean the lobby's still here we're in it now yeah we're all good same code just regional saying that there was no one in the game previously or this game that you're in now this game [Music] thank you a very irish potato it was the big fifty dollar super chat said vic high once again it's a pleasure to watch your streams thank you my man thank you my man we haven't been slamming him out lately but i've been working on the real life videos content i've got some cool stuff coming up don't you guys worry thank you jack aitken amy stockhill bethan freeman ellie hartley john kerry with the five pound tip watching from ennis killing country ferment northern ireland yo great that good place i've been i've been to belfast so i'm basically basically part of the game thank you zizei kevin hardy archie smith the sideline with the super chats hk22 edmond honeyed jubinator mattis crumman with the super chats appreciate you guys all right let's get to it all right we got freezy freya ethan down here double kick are you mad are you mad who is that fair and who three in a row she's gonna marinate the lobby again head's gone what do you mean i cannot get a break i'm either uh you know what at least at least i didn't throw my imposter around at least at least i have that gun for me my goodness ethan and freya are gay back to back that's so hard to get can you just hold a high note real quick i'll sing a high note that was kind of nice it wasn't too shaky not much nervous would be proud right yeah [Music] [Music] oh [Music] yeah oh yeah sure so george i found george's body and it was out if you come out of electrical and turn right like just before storage i'm right yeah okay sorry i'm here this where did you go you disappeared i went i checked the admin table and i saw two word communication so i went down i thought maybe someone killed in communication then i saw you run past me and i saw josh do the download so then i ran back up and i think you were doing the download and admin i was about to do the admin swipe but then the o2 got caught so i did that and then there's a lot of waffles yeah i didn't even hear what you just said ethan where were you even where were you i did the top 002 in the actual world too in cafeteria joined by his bowel movements i'm feeling a big joshua kill you know absolutely slammed again i reckon it's some [Music] jesus christ i'm gonna win so like it's just it's just it's just once they've been in fosters you just don't think it's gonna be the same to imposters straight after yeah the no signal thing on the cam i don't know i mean maybe like try and re-attach the wires i don't know i'd smash a lot of stuff up in my room i wouldn't be surprised if i broke something i mean it looks 90 fine and that's how most things work dear me i hit like every wall surprised i didn't break any of them to be honest i've punched every wall in this damn room why am i doing tasks man they're gonna win if they win on this round that's mad [Music] my head that's what this game does to you hello i won't be there because you'll kill me first i won't run from a fight with you stinks no you stink off you can't speak listen i'm telling you now no god is cal fella with the five pound super chat just says man like man like among us guys if you're enjoying the uh the carnage the failed uh vial checks yeah literally everyone's like i didn't know you could do that well that's what happens when you fail uh vials if you're as cooked as me and you're trying to multitask the brain um yeah guys if you're enjoying your new around here the subscribe counter is over there the subscribe buttons like over here somewhere do it hit the little uh notifications bell you'll get notified whenever i'm live so you guys can catch me losing my mind live on camera i'm jumping on cams man let's watch so what's josh down there oh he went to check for the body but he's like shot here right okay oh it's either it's either viz or ethan because i'm comfortable and then i stood at lower engines staring at each other because the lights are off bro the lights are off no i [Music] [Music] i knew i ran over someone and i thought it was viz but because of of what yeah josh knows it's freya there's no way how could he not um like just coming out of reactor i just want to say that i voted and everyone should vote in the upcoming yeah thank you very irish potato what's the twenty dollars we love that they've lost by the way come on kill him man kill him end oh again we go identical duo back to back if i die fast one more [ __ ] time saw these and lights were off so i technically couldn't have seen any anyone so i had to lie and say that i'd run over your body and i jumped out of bed vince mysteriously i just stood still oh my god [Music] i'm noticing a trend of you not reporting bodies and they're not going quite quite your way because i need to not be invested right now you did it and then ran around reactors were lights also not off josh well light's not off so could you trust in not be imposter that's two in a row isn't it that you guys have done in like three meetings identical squad back to back crewmate for the 23rd time this is going swimmingly absolutely fantastically okay that's fred has killed me twice in a row first person of a round um i just everyone's got it out for me simon allen freya coming out of there i'm ready to just vote someone on round one all right even do some downloads i'm navigation anyone else no no no all right come on come on do it for bingle man the guy's been voted out so many times now for nothing just just say where you are state your location cars right so basically i've seen someone vent but the light lights are off so i have i can't see who exactly is vented um but it's in admin and it's by the by the card swipe okay yeah josh josh ellen was there yeah yeah but then he ran up i i went to comms yeah i ran past the sprayer okay okay i've got a question um how did you see someone vent if the lights were off because yeah you can see the vents are you sure you're not stuck in an event [Laughter] i know it doesn't really clear me but i've just done the calibration thing you know the three things that's been run you know i'm pretty sure it's not bad so you have a knife in his hands it can't be him okay okay wait so simon who can we clear on like for that kill you and vic basically okay and ellen well alums could be yourself report potentially but honestly i don't think i i don't think he'd self-report because dude's getting voted off for kills that he's not even near so i don't think he would self-report i'll be honest i think this could either be for this kill maybe lux um crud hit that card swipe couldn't be three imposters in a row there's no way we're still alive simon and frizzy in la admin tools with a little bit of a double back there but these things happen to the best and the worst of us simon and freya come up now what might have happened to freezie i still like crazy lux go left alum on the right the more people we can cross paths with holy smokes first simon cox ellen freeze the more people we like cross over with the bags we can just piece together timeline everyone chilling there alum unlocks there imagine it's both of these guys no oh okay where have josh guys so did i just say what everybody is right yes yes on the leaves yeah that's it okay i was with a bunch of men but i'm not gonna care yeah did you guys see each other leave like when you dispersed in admin because there was a bunch of young men i know two people who are clear for that kill but i'm not going to say who they are just just i want you guys carry on talking if you're part of that group just don't say anything let everyone else do the talking i was not part of that group i was with it i was with you a lot you know yeah in the election and then i ran down and right through shields and now i just done the top one so i did actually yeah near it how come you did the little fill up uh one but you didn't go like dump all the juice where it belongs because someone was standing still because someone that's someone you don't have to dump the juice straight away you can hold on to it it's a bit weighty though right now look i'll come when i want to come okay just leave me alone [Music] all right um i think it was ellen that was just standing there and then he followed me back and forward and then i was like [ __ ] this so i hang on to vic or at his upload or the wires in the corridor so yeah that's that's nice i think it's out by the way um oh sorry me lux and ellen uh like when admin bottom left i was actually following me and ethan went top left so i don't think it's him either like really wrote himself imagine no one else voted imagine if i could have known i was voted then i tried man i tried um freezing marks i trust likes i just like freya comes down [Music] gets on taskers george chilling lux is my guy you know lux is my guy why aren't you dumping your juice bro i'm not trying to hear it from you one sec because what you're looking at my stream no i've just walked into i've walked into the reactor and gone and reacted you're there so i've walked the top of the bodies at the top and can i say something you're also getting onto me you're getting onto me for no reason that whole round i was with vic the whole also also why would friezy say oh are you on my chat like as if he knows that he's the imposter is he's giving you he's giving you a pass he's giving you a pass i reckon you pull it up guys i'm being generous guys come on let's play around the whole i'm not gonna lie could be ethan again but i don't know about that i don't know about it friends everyone's in there it's a line some enjoying and the other one and then we jump on the cams so mad um freya's dead on cams and there's no one in security so they've vented to either med or electrical or it's me but yeah or it could be it was ah but actually actually to be fair though lux can vouch me lux can vouch me for the last two kills that i wasn't anywhere near them so actually so that's a question george last round i wasn't going to bring this up but last round vicstar was standing over download top right or whatever it was upload you did it about two seconds standing right on top of his body are you counting people no dude i saw you watching both of us yeah i'm just saying because i was i said to my chat i'm i'm [ __ ] i'm following vic this round i'm getting cleared and then you were there and i just happened to see okay so where's everyone right now where's everyone right now i'm storage side electrical there's two people in electric right now yeah yeah that's why i just ran from electrical to reactor do we actually know we've got someone out by the way no oh no oh no [ __ ] you lot you know ethan out of jordan allen who do you feel like it is do you know what it is right i feel like if you slap pressure on [ __ ] ellen he crumbles but then i haven't played enough for george brown this is the first time i played with george i'm a noob at this game legit and george let's let's just let's just consider that we've got friezy out and we can skip but we have suspicions let's just let's just play that little simulation yo it's the first time he hasn't voted for himself to be fair it takes a lot for me to unvoice myself let's get straight on those cameras lots of light on engines um we've got jaws in nav alum element admin ethan going down jord's going down blocks outside my door ethan's gone into oh my god [Music] ethanol do you know what got me like freezie i've just deep that it could actually be me that's what got me there was no denial that was just like oh [ __ ] crewmate ooblee okay freya to the right nathan's done well there with a straight head-on collision probably should have just 50-50 but that's that's big all right cool i'll be back a little bit i'm happy double kill there's one outside electrical which is freezy right now and i think this is just seeing me also run towards it because honestly i was just scared i'm not gonna lie to you bro i swear i swear to god it is is it is it because you saw me come through and think i need to report the body yeah you're scared you click report right because you don't want to die as soon as i report a body of the moon i get voted off every time yeah that's a fair point that's okay okay i will give you the barefoot finally i would assume that vic is there as well right this has got to be a double click no no oh okay uh ethan where are you right now right and then went out to the top of a lecture so no one saw you oh my god i'm actually not in boston this time but yeah [Music] well the lights were off and then they came on and i i said you [ __ ] steak okay we have regained composure and we are ready to play some more among us ah i know i i just i can't i can't i i've had not only have i had crewmate about what 15 times but i've died first in about eight of them there's dead bodies everywhere thank god ready i'm ready i hope you get impulsive freedom but honestly i reckon i'm one of your boys in it so don't kill me no i'm not going to kill you come on [Music] imposters this is not going well for you boy this is not going well ah work please oh boy all right all right callux my hand is so mangled you know i'm gonna ask for a new map after this like just something to mix it up or something i beg outrageous simon frizzy there's calix oh boy lux alum george john spares josh simon goes now thank god that was a long time just one kill oh my god all right i was sad again like oh no i was literally i started i gave up on my house and just went i have to find a body because everybody used to be dead ethan was in now again i have nothing let's all vote without talking i okay okay oh my god i have no info no i was i was on cams and i saw simon go no i don't remember who oh i'm actually on the same wave as you because i i i i know it's no use but oh my god i think it might actually be josh that's why you're trying to do the old no anyways [Music] if you don't know what you're doing bro [Music] who was it i mean if you don't remember you don't remember obviously it's easy and if that's what you're paying attention to but there's four different cameras to look at with people on all four of them it was light blue it was light blue it was yours yeah oh my [ __ ] word ah a little too late wait [Music] i finished my tasks round one so i've been on cams that entire round even when the o2 was going off yeah because i didn't i did all my tasks in one round where are you like running towards it from storage that's cap best cat that's cat why is that cat basically this yeah we just did the i don't know basically i've i've done o2 the bottom one and i've yeah and there's a body on me and fizz and that's why i'm like for some reason i don't think it is viz i don't think he's running out of votes this is a very hierarchy kill i think if josh and freezie freezer you definitely saw josh and josh you definitely stopped you yeah yeah josh literally walked up to my gaffe bro i think it can't be me i was on camera the entire time you saw the red light you shoot in front of them no i didn't yeah someone came on camera i told you i wasn't running up so from storage too i shot george i shot george george i'm gonna say no no it's just big [ __ ] that's good uh oh we can win on tasks probably and it's that okay so that's fine call me many tasks here react to melter down they should be fine here there's so many of them up wait did josh just kill and jump in the money dude lex go off and report the body you've got 10 seconds don't let us down locks go up looks you're [ __ ] oh my god i can't belie bro you went in with three people oh my [ __ ] god lux locks i can't believe what you've just done locks locks that's that's can we change map i'm actually sick of that map after what i've seen i don't think i can look at it can we change map can we change them out and went to the please one and died and you just stayed on the bottom one lux if three people walk in with you and and and it's not done within 10 seconds someone's been killed josh you hosted no who keeps leaking clothes no that was me i'm sorry my my uh cam lost signal george i know that was not i was i don't you killed on top of simon i oh my [Laughter] i'm tired as [ __ ] man i didn't even think that you were there for like 14 seconds what were you thinking though i i genuinely know what's going through your head so you're sat on the on what are you thinking like because you've been there for a time you've been there 16 seconds who's creating the roommate the room anyone even doing it everyone's just waiting for them should we play should we play mira should we play should we play the y-shaped map we've never done that oh i haven't done that with you guys to mix it up cool oh my oh i remembered who it was on the cams just before i died it was literally i was like i was like oh my goodness because i ran past you and kathleen's like it was like blue yeah it was and he just killed me and i was like as i made the realization i couldn't believe it it's hard because there were people on every single camera so there's four different cameras with people on it and i've got to try and remember which one i saw your color on it was terrible that was too funny i can't believe please please oh cba man cba but the time was going down bro when it was like three two one i was like no one else is gonna do this oh fair enough then at five you should just always just run to the other one because if you find a body you can call the body and that stops the timer instead it just assumes someone's dead you know vic just get back on warzone that actually you know what actually i think that hurts my brain less actually i think that's actually warzone's probably quite therapeutic you were playing one and four bro there's one more i think we're missing right here okay all right thank you vic dylan with the big 20 super chat thank you will hd with the basic membership i think i got [Music] oh someone's gonna die here it's gonna be sad someone has to die there right friezy alum locks beers okay all right new map new vibes i was off the lights and the first person to start moving there was viz enough for me i'll i'll shoot on it like i could be wrong but oh josh does that mean i hold two votes this whole game as long as you're alive essentially yeah yeah i might try and run with that [Music] it could have been ellen it could have been ellen it could have been sometimes you know you just gotta mix things up i need to make sure josh stays alive he's my second vote he's impossible he's just gonna help me shoot people who are innocent it's too much power not to abuse man i've got josh's vote i've gone to the polls with josh's vote this is fantastic oh gone to the polls going to the poll loss see is [Music] there's both josh's and who else he's the other person there i'm not in the stack they remember so why are you not in the stack yeah i'm next to you i don't i just don't think alan allen there's no way alan is killed and self-reported here there's no no no no but the way he's getting treated in this lobby also do you know what to avenge viz i feel like it's it's respect from the first one that would have made sense oh yeah to be fair you're not wrong yeah yeah you're not you know i hope i subscribe to you they said ella more george and so ellen's please say that he's done it he would say that we don't know but it's very specific yeah you raise a good point yeah let's let's i'll take my vote and i'll shoot her along come on josh let's get this bro alan let's get this bro whatever he says goes all right oh wait no there could be two imposters no that might be a mess that might be a big old mess i think that was actually john but he'll vote himself so no no that logic wasn't there at all it it so could be josh it so could be josh oh wait but that means no we got we got the right on vid so it could be this and josh actually so we're we're big chilling all right let's make some moves now yeah i that's my suspicion because yeah just because just because the first kill wasn't um and josh will get like a banger out of it's he's like i said for vixx are on one yeah it adds up it adds up but the thing is kills are on him right now i don't know maybe maybe i'm thinking too crazy i don't know i'm i'm doubting everything i know i'm doubting everything now i don't because it can't have been both of them nice it's if there's a kill i'm pretty sure it's george george it could be jordan josh josh is still here not i'm gonna run and check vitals real quick see if we've got anyone dead okay no one died since that little bit right there okay most people are still up i don't know i i don't trust anyone anything not another stack kill online should be so funny i can't die because these josh is right i don't know what's going on freezing deer just be hovering wax is trapped in there is anyone on the other side they are let's go and check vitals in fact it's going to check the other side for a body okay we're good this is a bizarre round i got my security though everyone's still alive as of right at the moment node mlg put that one in for me i think it could be josh but you need that no maybe not let's go josh beg joshua what is going on it's actually i don't know no one's died no one's died since since time does that piss in your swords yes you know i've been following you all the time i know like obviously that you are the god and stuff like you are free some of you yeah surely like it couldn't be you right that's enough for me no no no no no don't vote for him he's my team no no no no no no i tell you to vote me i'll tell you about me you've been with him he said i'll tell you he said i have to go unless you say that like you know you like don't group up but i guess like in this lobby whatever whatever i mean i couldn't get away from charge he was simply sorry it's fine because [Music] anyone else i am back in the game task dude why do i still just feel safe being there josh even though he could be the impulse to this game like really he wouldn't kill me all right you know let's go and give josh all my votes where is he it's not gonna be very good for getting tasks done but how many times has this mother [ __ ] been in past their lives bro what do you mean that's a good one as well he he's been dead for a while me and lux have gone to go and turn lights on and then time is literally in the door you can't even see the body until the doors open [Music] it was fun did you after dinner um shepherd's pie cottage or shepherds shepherds okay kind of always true fair yeah it's great what did you you have cow i actually cooked some steak stuck up on my story had some steak put it in two babies screw that no worries i'll vote myself as well it's not a tier three victorian killed him i think it was mate and that's why you're saying that no he is the almighty i protect him i bet him the whole round last time also i want to say i feel bad for simon he's died first twice past two games didn't feel sorry for me when i had it three times in a row [Music] you know what i reckon it's not me it's not me yeah what are we doing sorry do you feel sorry for me well no because josh has been imposter so much what what have i got to feel sorry for have that exactly 360 no scope because it isn't me i promise you two doo doo doo doo how is it not over unless it was freya and alan anything just went for it for no reason that's what i'm leaning towards now actually oh i'm not doing it i can't be bothered it's not my last one we'll see if i get close yeah i guess it must just be alam up so i did get fred right what you know about one imposter in three hours love that go on if i die first how many times do you want to kill me today is that like twelve thirteen like you walked into the video josh's the two josh's i've been killed by josh's so much today that is why i didn't feel bad for you josh i just knew it was you obviously clearly yeah all right guys i have to bounce oh yeah that was actually a big by the way we love yeah i'm going to call it there too ggs guys good fun thanks catch you on the next one peace all out well what do we have there we had uh 16 crews and one imposter we wanted one imposter though so we got that going down um yeah till worthy stuff but we move we move if you guys did enjoy leave a like make sure you subscribe and hopefully i'll get impossible next time this is getting scary because this has been like three streams i've just been imposter city but the rages is entertaining at my expense so thank you all for tuning in uh once again subscribe check out my previous among us videos you haven't seen them all we got some good stuff we got some memes we got some plays all that sort of stuff check it out previous videos on the channel i unboxed some pokemon cards with randolph um recently you can go and check that out we'll have another reddit video soon so go get some posts on there reddit.comix123 and i'll probably be doing one of those in the next week or so just keep an eye out for that see you all on the next one thank you all for tuning in shout out the member gang for sticking around thank you will hd with the late game member thank you joshua potter rob show jade lee cable jack aitken christian ford with the super jets he said utg i don't know what that means but yeah let's go shout out harry evans john kerry to five pound he said hello jasmine and david there you go thank you a very irish potato with the twenty dollars thank you to the big super chats the fifty dollar from the irish potato we got a hundred euros from ismail rahuli actually i very much protected him was like two twenty dollars would go carried um yeah i'll see you guys all next time thanks for tuning in
Channel: Vikkstar123
Views: 4,658,301
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ic7dAEa5rpA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 205min 47sec (12347 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 27 2020
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