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welcome to some more among us with sidemen and friends it is your latest member of the london royal ravens co-owner in the car here with the simon and friends for some more outrageous ridiculous stupid allowed among us i hope you guys are ready hopefully we get some imposters we got like eight last time and i think we won all eight of them the last time we played among us um we've got we've got we've got a new guest actually joining the simon friends it's full of and with that said let's get it oh we started oh yeah [Laughter] and we're off skis all right don't tell us okay let's remember how to play this game it's gonna be all about i'm probably hitting cold war zombies later tonight cold war mp tomorrow got a tournament coming up a little after uh phase atlanta multiplayer tournament all sorts of cool stuff um coming out the window um down the line but right now we've got to keep an eye on these pesky crewmates here we've got callouts for lobby randy goes left flabby goes right randy and freezie in here all that goodness all that good stuff here today wow [Music] yeah like you're [ __ ] jj the lion got him he's tried to fight the lion uh what in space yeah space yeah the space lions he's actually a pro player fortnight i voted him off nah that's p that's p that's p he's new here he's new here let him off oh uh oh boy for lavi nearly got stuffed in it there okay um freezies gone right flabby's gone down no one's on cams randy on medbay um do i trust randy i mean i'll die right now surely if it's not him it seems about the right amount of time so let's let's cut around with the with the the ceo of pokemon the c e o of pokemon flabby joins the the mix oh no dead body in navigation um a little corridor to navigation i was running [Laughter] oh sorry vic as you were saying yeah so i uh ran from med bay i ran from med bay with uh randy joined uh philabi in cafeteria uh carried on through lights went out i just found the body in the corridor of navigation um that's were you running off like did you run in after cow and you stabbed him or do you run up to him and stab him oh no no strange one because like me and me and freaky pass each other in now when like probably only like 15 20 seconds before you've called that body okay there wasn't anywhere else okay a pardon well me better now on the left no the lights were off though so he could have done it i don't think he did thank you randy recently so it could be josh yeah yeah yeah yeah for sure i reckon give it give it give it three rounds and we'll let flabby call some shots we'll go for labby around in a few rounds wow wow [Music] all right no real intelligence here i can go and get my my vials back from from the king so you know that's that's an advantage in california dying you know not that we like to dwell on the morbid but you know see if anyone's lurking over the top well weezer is all bleeders lights are going out i'm gonna be straight on it hi is lurking surely surely there's a body like right underneath uh [Music] [Laughter] i'm confused so randolph why did you call this body in huh because that's what you do when you stay at their body wait randolph you normally don't though you normally run around yeah i know that's why i said that's why i said that's why i said i hate when this happens because now i'm starting to call it in so i don't look sus and now i look sus i can't win i didn't look really bad for my point of view i walked into electrical when he's on top of the body there was there's actually only two dons on admin table too oh suddenly suddenly you want to start pointing your fingers mr randy your finger at you the last round okay you sound angry that we are all asking right now because i don't want to be the guy that makes everybody die who do we think it is josh and simon would be would be a combo but simon threw sass at josh which makes me feel like josh is actually innocent i'm thinking bears and bears and uh bears and simon would be my would be my guess but we don't really have much groundswell on that obviously we know it's simon for obvious reasons that i am now dead philadelphia's going to f they're going to going to f up the base for sure there's no doubt in my mind of that i really struggled to get tasks done last round it was uh stuff getting called in left right and center but i wanna get all this done i doubt they get okay here we go they gotta vote now uh uh we have to force someone over this is getting ridiculous we do have to find someone else because there's that because because there's two investors there's two impasses in the game where did you find the body outside uh security guys i don't know where security is middle left what [Music] because i'm gonna go and get my fish and chips [Laughter] [Music] that's the most famous quote it's a long time ago where did you go lad after that i was with falafi funnily enough um in admin i wasn't admin doing the download attachment i need to go downstairs who should i vote for right now randy [Music] no josh and simon or ethan and simon the guesses will all get us done even though it doesn't mean anything this is going to be another imposter rampage i'm feeling it it's the brewing of it oh neil i think it was around the end simon maybe it was i didn't believe it to be but actually no fair saw just worked out who the imposters were and i was like oh no it doesn't seem like i'm just going to follow him back one more game for larry jj and you've got you've got your video so he's been put on curfew he's been put on curfew video pokemon i was doing actually just before i came here um why don't you uh suck up charizard um whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa jj that's a basic evolution bro yeah that's a baby book you're crazy um it's actually not me boys imagine thinking your food is more important than everyone else it could never be me yeah but when it's poppies oh is that what he's got that that does change things a little bit that does change things a little bit yeah or maybe an indian butler oh that hits [Laughter] is so how's everyone's day going fantastic uh what's gonna do with me drinking the dark fruits cheese is that your first one chip that's my second now second [Music] [Music] oh my goodness simon again be on the imposter he's high he's high man jesus christ what's happening the ballsiest kill everyone randy would be right there i can't do it i can't because someone might actually know that that's a thing by now lights out run down all right we gotta keep for labia yeah we gotta keep him we gotta keep him living let's get a hard vouch from philadelphia right here you know i get the timings and all the tasks wrong but believe me it doesn't matter in this lobby like that takes a second i've spent ages on it here we go but it doesn't matter no no one looks oh well it's not me everyone why not yeah i can vouch for him i'm pretty sure what it turns out why not why not you galaxy why not you because i am [Laughter] [Laughter] another throw so you know you're two for two right now you're good keep going keep going i'm alive i keep picking that's who do you think it is who do you think kill randy [Laughter] wow am i still getting a pair of trainers [Laughter] all right let's do a couple tasks now is josh timing the task is that what he's doing is just keeping an eye out i don't know okay just keeping eyes on people like i might be doing anyway all right do that one okay so the person always like using the lights huh and in the last one the someone was like it was rain that was doing all the lights just so you know we have to vote for someone here where's the body where's the body where's the body the body there's there's a well there's two people dead but the body i found was chip outside electrical um i saw josh coming out of electrical he went left yeah i carried on up that way yeah you went up the left side of the map right i left johnson right in there vic are you the investor no fair luck said it was vic and who cal on what on what evidence though and what evidence josh how can you use that this is a huge brain okay yeah it's a huge brain so i i'd back i'd back whatever he said no no no no no i can't have that yeah josh i don't know who i want to vote for we need to shoot one bed so if we don't get this person we're done i'm throwing a spanner into the mirror that's that one hello freezie oh lights are still out as well they can't even can't even do a thing so oh we can't even oh they could get a meeting right now you're [Laughter] is [Laughter] once yeah but that's actually that's actually part of the route that was actually a big call for me it was you he called it if he's right he's right you know what simon's in for a stinker as a crew mate here now i said it was weak and i said it was summer i know what to listen to this is going to be another like seven game imposter show it's one of them nice lobby you're pretty [ __ ] against the lion bro oh wow oh i'm just saying no i'm with a stupid lobby don't want to listen to me huh so we lose [Laughter] you traded your mother for mango that's incredible all right rain goes up looks goes in the nerve oh that might have been one of the best one-liners we've ever heard okay so lux is in this area rain could be coming in late do you see that that leaked at a 360 on the way in kellogg's still in the a to the oh early oxygen no one dies here surely no nose here okay they got this side down i'll move with the calyx that's how i've gotten i just had this weird feeling you know oh oh randy randy granny's clock there's no way there's no way there's no way is it actually yeah bro so i i thought it was running out of um communications and there's a body in the hallway just there bro i just ran out for me i just did my download it's not me either he didn't either he didn't call it in or he killed the buddy and i'm leaning towards him killing the buddy i think it's an easy vote defend yourself i was in communications i ran out left i saw no dead bodies all right you've flabby [Laughter] ah thank you for becoming new members of the channel beta check beta checker ap lilly matolo appreciate you guys thank you for the super chats louis lewis ingram joseph did i get that right i probably didn't right let's try that again lily i don't know how you say the third word i'm sorry i tried my best wait somebody no okay um what else we got thank you christian with the hundred danish chronos said for lobby would be scared of the new vic's middle name was lion true that's what sing translates to well then okay it's uh it's outside my my special dance event two people aren't dead you voted off luck what's that thank you oh my god the five euros where did you run from seconds ago i went down to bottom of storage to do the garbage team so that must be like it literally qr report instant wait wait nah this sounds dodgy yeah but the body's in cafeteria why is your yeah struggling you left admin like 15 seconds ago yes it's quick that's not that that's not a quick me and himself were very quick like very recently very very recently quick quick we should we should skip anyways all right seven yeah because we're still confident we got luck yeah or or do we think it was random no no i'm definitely commenting seven it's on seven we should skip like it's on skipping also josh important question to you josh why are you not bright green uh probably because last time we played it was someone else it was quite green thank you scotty with the ten dollars drops the number one fan thank you lucia tomac with a new membership i i think chin i think chip aj says you're looking good with that london royal ravens you know if it's out i think you can get it on the cdl store it's cheaper everyone says every single time yeah call of duty league.com yeah this shirt's on there no the ravens merch is fire actually i have to say i'd be swagging about the sweatpants are super comfy too so yeah it's very very exciting entry to esports and then we're playing their least esports video game there is look at this but that's how we do you know you know we hear whatever games popping um i'm so excited as soon as it hits midnight hopefully i'll uh be rock and roll with some cold war zombies ah i've been craving zombies for the longest time you don't even know i've heard it's good as well i've heard it's really really good like people sound like black ops three level zombies um so that's coming up later tonight and then we'll be back on multiplayer tomorrow as i said i've got loads of actually cod multiplayer tournaments coming up soon that i've been invited to i've actually been streaming a ton lately and for that i do apologize i was putting in like 150 hours a month like like the first half of this year um but lately like i've been doing a lot of work sorting out all of this partnership and ownership with the with rex global the royal ravens and rogue um but now we're back on it you know that's all done that's announcements we move oh yeah flabby boy ah no no no no no no don't talk to me where is the where'd you find the buddy yeah i'm asking you're gonna ask a big question real quick yes okay so someone was someone was just on camera i'd have a little dance for them and then the light went off and i was sad so i went to go find out who was there okay and then no one was there so i went down to electrical yes and you were in there and you ran up but then there was a dead body in security so there's no chance you came out then i did i didn't go into security i was in the electrical and then and you never went into event never saw anyone going i know i i no see you know see where were you chip where were you i am i'm literally with randolph right now on the complete where is it right side of the map [Music] kill someone and then press the thing on the right and then everyone went to the right and then all of a sudden ah yeah who didn't know no not me no dude it was me i just wanted to test you out why why well they're sick so last time if you're starting back it's cheap he was next to me but he could have like traveled ah i've got you huh you know that was nearly a two-round game so it's a good thing it wasn't that was nearly kill voted out kill voted out because josh oh sorry sorry sorry but i think rain was there and storage went back up i saw i was i saw i had recollections seeing rain so briefly like there resent yeah everyone make sure you check your uh viewer list getting a bit too i don't know what's good about that oh me and luxy boy in the cat it's gonna be a tough one for suresies for absolute shoresies um okay we definitely want to get uh samurai josh eliminated nice and quickly that would be nice through the wires oh optimization wrong place for the wrong time [Music] what's up [Laughter] i'm not a good actor uh i'm sorry lux likes having a tough time that was you know what fair play on randy i i don't know why he decided to come back there he got me good you got me geared up i was like what am i supposed to do here all right you know let's try and help lux out here oh boy oh my randy with the time in [ __ ] you can't come on get him i've locked the doors a few locks get out of there and get out through there at least i got a kill for him on the job yes morocco josh's date ah joshi did i saw him alive and now he's dead the dog said oh no no no no they don't the doors were closing i was like why is the doors never opening so i wait i wait and then i go in the electrical and josh's is killed like as if someone had stolen he's stolen got meat and he's not yet killed him they killed him like he got stunned so how did you kill him did you stab him or shoot him no you know no no no he's not to me i'm cool no i know what you were thinking just just send it brother about you about you on the ropes today you deserve this i've sent out wait wait are we sending for the detective so i mean me and rayne were together i ran past jj randy called out vic so i'm like it's either lux chip award it's the same it's not me i'm doing it no no no it's chip it's chip oh yes it's not me hey what are you then i can't do the uploading madmen oh it's guys it says not me it's not me uh they suspect me i i have i mentioned myself huh they're going to kill me they're going to kill me flaming me [Laughter] all right let's see if we can help blocks here that's for you that's for you locks oh come on look i need to hit some other random doors just so uh so people get a little confused about things i don't know i'm gonna wait till people are really far from uh lights and i'm gonna oh wow oh our enemies did ah oh morocco i saw chip and carlos why do i keep coming up i i literally ran into you outside cams and there's a body and lower engine you naughty boya you you try to play with our emotions boys i agree i'm kidding oh [Music] [Music] oh the lobby doesn't miss salami doesn't miss is he's in stream boys [Laughter] he's not in the lobby he's not in the lobby sorry all right run it back or that one hey [Laughter] what's up oh boy oh boy four in electrical what do you mean okay rain goes right who's that simon's in the right randy and rain go in the front i should you know should i be doing i don't know i like i like doing detective work no one ever finishes on tasks oh for crying out loud in the same come on i just started my med bass guy oh my god there's two quick kills this is the one who's good at the game someone who's good yeah i'm saying josh say something josh say something where's the body by the way all right okay the thing is the thing is chip it actually is josh i've literally witnessed him slice someone over oh yeah i think it is [Music] i don't feel so dumb anymore because that's the third stupid kill three rounds in a row i never knew that monkey [ __ ] in your face can i stink i don't want to do tasks also because that's right simon is clear i hope people realize that i really want to do tasks to be honest i never even get close let's just go and watch people okay so we've got freezing randy there chippo and the comms you know when jj's uh impostor is going to get mad salabi calyx wait is it floppy's on his detective shenanigans for sure i think if it was for lobby he would have killed there oh well it's not it's not flabby or lux or simon i can't see your body but it is an electrical somewhere and i'm pretty sure that i ran past randy as well on the way in so you've either done it and not reported oh you didn't see it because the lights are off i didn't even see you well you must have seen it because i was ready i've reported it randy why did you write why one because i said that's enough for me no no no no no no you were in the navigation yep and you instantly want to vote for randolph yes because the other side to the body no so alex is he's angry you're voting i have a feeling because usually what happens is if randy gets accused he does start losing his mind early doors and he hasn't lost his head since being voted here i you don't have any proof chippo's come with proof shut your [ __ ] mouth well that [ __ ] has much more right it's definitely josh yeah 50 50 these don's then randy and chipper yeah randy you are the weakest link goodbye it's definitely not me get rid of randy then give it around i'm voting randolph that's a good move oh now you vote him for abby i know because i think randy bought me was proof that it was randy towards me and i'm like oh that's actually quiet i thought it was about to throw that he was like no i knew i was like keep talking please please no because randy when you do get accused usually they're like no yeah no worries on the last one you almost threw so hard so you're not getting any credit no no no no but that was just all five memes i don't play this game remember [Music] all right we're back in it okay lux and rain go up chip on the fk rain there me and bears go adam together around these in here bears goes up uh rain comes down and in rain was with who randy i don't know okay so it's all gone foggy now it's now early reactor which means i could be a body out on this side someone else they got that surely bez is out here anybody anybody home shippo on upload and you didn't report it straight away why mr detective oh my mic was right next to me and i was doing the download and vic was stood watching me waiting for the kill time jj no no wait wait can you guys hear me with me yeah yeah oh yeah sorry my mic um jj why didn't you report the body sorry sorry um jj why don't you report the body straight away yeah as in as in i was watching chip i walk over i see you top middle cafeteria then you run back towards the body and report it why did you do that oh i was running in front oh no no no no no no no no have that [Laughter] um [Music] [Laughter] raven [Music] [Laughter] oh dude oh dear he could have got away with that everybody said he was like investigating first but actually the fact that i my mic was the wrong one actually clutched out there oh my goodness all right freezer runs down oh boy imagine if that was a lie though like that like like you gotta you should throw some of those in as imposter because no one disputes those like when you come with like a hard story where's the body [Laughter] the body was oh i speak man i hear it electric um who did i see it who did i see a reactor just so we can talk about who that was that was being simon said so probably you saw me upper engine okay and then i went through i know i'm storage okay yeah i did i did just see how inside of storage though that is a decent old little girl i was in storage oh you bought my storage because that's right i went through storage to electric and didn't run past anyone and called the body pretty quickly but i'm bottom of storage i saw you go top left and i went down yeah i went top left like i said i saw vic there and then i came all the way down and i went across into storage i don't know if that was enough time for that to be honest i'm very suss of cal but this is the most i've heard vic talk oh oh so i had the wrong mic so i came in mid through jj's shenanigans so yeah that's my bad happened wait am i good am i good yeah you're good wait why am i not louder it's much louder suddenly oh sorry i i used my voice modded i had a mare but we're good we're on seven so we shouldn't vote but those are my two sausages yeah wait so who are the two sauces okay it's not follow me right it's not chip and it couldn't have been randy it couldn't have been randy he's in reactor no yeah he's still doing simon says i'm gonna go do it again right now you can anyone kill it i guess it was i'm pretty sure [Music] um that's a that's a tough one because yeah i was sorting out my audio and we got it we got it working right now i might need to adjust the levels a little bit whose rain is on top of me right now and that freezes okay freezy doors of sharp do we double back that way nah let's get on the old filler up oh come on no so close yet so far no simon look to find the body find the body find the ah okay maybe just amazing that one freezes is [Music] oh it's a good thing i was muted i killed yeah if i wasn't muted you probably would have been able to put that on me but the fact that he started explaining the fans are asking where did all this iq come from never seen it before but my color so i have to go shiny i'm here what's up all right every every first round you'll start [ __ ] the table oh he doesn't move does he because he's on his mind exactly yeah i know exactly why he's on instagram good luck friends well we're turning it up though that's calling it all right crew they're going through it's good news shiny zod and simon go right chips okay freezy comes down big biz in the heels freezie best let's put the lights on let's run back that way and just have a little chat did frieza and bess make it it's top lecky yeah that's a bit mad oh i am literally just walking into it now i've just come from the admin you fixed the lights yeah no so it's not that he wasn't electrical because i fixed the lights yeah so rain vic and then i joined very late and then i went to the top of electrical with you see i feel like i saw you come down rain i could be wrong but i feel like i saw you can't get from that engine i have some information about the other body by the way oh the other body was in med bay okay oh as i went as i wanted to call it yeah i was there very late though like very late me raining yeah yeah i saw everyone walk in so how did you see us walking lights were off i came from lower engine and saw you walking in front of me and the best came from did he did that happen bess he was in a vic bear in mind i've just gone to electrical like very just now as the lights come on i think that's cap i feel like i saw him i feel like i'm trying to come down right behind you i feel like i i can't be sure because lights were off but i feel like what i saw is that i did you fix like did you fix lights no you must have been you because you were on it right yeah it was me yeah i'm not i'm not i don't know i don't like it but i i didn't see anything heavily incriminating but i don't like it [Music] i actually don't think it could have been i don't know i think it'd be very stupid if that was rain so actually the more i think about i think there's somebody in the event maybe even two in the vents so josh and friezy highlighting them suspicions for sure i mean i feel like chippo's good i feel like bez is good i feel like freezy is good that's what i want to go ahead with rain i actually do feel like he's good because i couldn't see enough to work out really what's going on over there so it's actually most other people that i'm suspicious of randy ethan now randy i don't know about he's on cams right now me and ethan are finishing our electrical work wait wait wait oh unless it's somebody else on cams it's gotta be right yeah it's gotta be somebody else on cams i thought it was randy on cams but how could he be that there's no way he just vented and just chilled next to us right right wait let me just chat let me just check [Music] yeah just want to quickly ask one thing who was on cams that round i went on that school oh okay okay no no just just no just just just checking just trying to work out who that was three nil by the way all right just trying to figure out who to kill that's what it is yeah no so i i saw randy uh i thought randy left reaction went cams and then i saw him in electrical but it turns out that it was it was raining that went on camp so nevermind i just spent the whole round serenading simon but you kept playing hard to get i'm just saying bro i was watching that you know you managed to see me in certain places i didn't want to be seen you know i was singing enrique lazios to you and you didn't want to hear it you kept running come on give me a taste give me a second i can be your hero baby baby that's got some serial killer vibes to it but i was i was given a bit of harmony man [ __ ] harmony that was arm i need harmony in the mood come on randy give us a rap oh i think it's joshua he's got a big nausea come on um when i'm playing sports i like to play squasher someone [Laughter] [Music] [ __ ] right i trust ethan i trust ethan a lot chip yeah he's not even paying attention he couldn't be the imposter there's absolutely in factually no way unless he's he's outplaying everyone on an unreal level but i just don't see it so bez is still good on the jerry can josh on the trash do me upload sad boy goes through i see okay buzz is still up brain's still up i hate these i hate those tasks oh hey db rain oh that's a good one as well he's got away with that completely scot-free yeah the body's so tarnished that just no one's gonna know is someone else the wrong person's gonna get accused surely i was trying to be your hero again i know but then at the end you started chasing me you see that i was smart i ran ahead of you it's we're about to have these kills is it freezing or freezing no sorry rain and randy it was weapons rain and randy i reckon i was locked in storage it's my expert opinion everyone else was locked in there with me i mean i know it's wrong ruby was at calms does that mean you fixed it it was uncommon with me no i didn't fix comms i didn't fix it i can't believe percent promise you did you only part of the hero training around why because you did a terrible rap it's my dead bars try and like fix up let's see if you can fix it in this round i've got a bad that means he's normally i don't know who's afraid he's getting angry brother hello that could be simon [Laughter] i'm pretty sure it's rain i'm pretty sure do i get sent here [Music] every round you've got yeah but they oh so they've got a i've got to get this done and call a meeting before two of before kill downs cooldowns off which they could do actually there is time but let's see if josh josh gots down the button if josh stays on the button and the other two do it they must realize right they can do math they can do math and realize they're about to lose right they're about to lose yeah oh my god what oh it's just raining wait did they oh right where is there literally all of us together yeah it is randolph i've done i've just seen him oh it's both now the double kill just killed in security i found the double kill i'm not killing the security brandy whoever you was with then whoever the other one was oh it's all together rally that's what you're doing then i clicked before you're not all together because i'm studying i mean bloody right side of the map i'm doing my task i'm doing my task right next to him how are you okay because he was suspect to me and i'm i'm crew bro so i was making a point of staying with freezy me and him did bottom reactor we run into security and i've just seen you kill in front of me wait where's where's carol right now then i haven't cool i'm not in there josh come on come on it's a failed double kill no it's not that's not your [ __ ] monk it's a failed double kill oh my goodness hold on hold on hold on well i've voted charlie's hard bro he's trying to it's true i'm gonna go back i'm gonna go back you guys you guys do what you're gonna do but i'm gonna bed you know it wasn't me i didn't josh i'm following your lead here fella come on oh i feel like i'm gonna lead i'm on the right side of my own so tell me what happened then we can talk about it if i knew what [ __ ] happened josh i would have voted what i've heard what are big monks is it 201 there's two you haven't voted anyone off oh my god really shot i can't be bothered you haven't voted anyone off right or am i tripping i can't believe they and now they win i wait if that's i can't believe this if this is true this is this is we've gone from 999 iq to 9 iq you lost our stinkers you got away with the worst failed double kill ever you never voted anyone else you never voted anyone else exactly what you did for me last time you never voted anyone off and then you're like how many killers are there i couldn't you're not a [ __ ] you're not a superhero you've got that guy get the double kill why don't you not focus talk to me um did you do the reactor when you know when the reactor went off and then he wanted a double kill right no it was o2 at the end right no no before that the round before uh i don't know because your kill cooldown wouldn't finish if you went on reactor who knows i don't know i remember oh that hurt my head i i just uh i just i my head i can't believe they won that i can't believe i'm i'm still in a state of disbelief brain cells are gone all right frieza's gone right i called it from the first first meeting then no one knew who'd been voted out they didn't they never voted anyone out everyone just died and then they didn't know how many imposters they were they didn't realize that they tied so okay okay that's fine i'll be fine where's everyone else i've not managed to actually get out of the cafeteria the body is in nav so someone's probably vented out of nav back into careful weather or down who went right the only person i saw go right by myself where did you go after you went right freezing well mickey's mixing cap with me as he's not playing that i think how are you the imposter okay yeah he's not that's not moved freezing you're the imposter that's making me think that you're already imposter and it's a quick selfie i'm just asking you a question bro i'm asking you a question where did you go freezie when you went through weapons where did you go after that i went through weapons went down looked into o2 wasn't in anything you know too and then i just kept going all the way down and went towards shields freezing freezing what are you doing um is [Laughter] oh my god he did not say that with nearly enough conviction and he avoided it for time like he would have he would have given his path thing right i'd be fuming off that or oh we've got it wrong and it's rained self-report but either way it's funny we had josh randy somebody else in admin oh my that's funny all right locks and freezer go down look at me flying through the wires wire express wire royale oh deary me bowser's gone left from now simon's leave it in assignments i don't know so i'm just gonna do that one i'm i just don't feel too safe being near him there i'm gonna go okay damn uh in admin you did the same upload task twice oh [Music] that is so the only other thing is is josh's josh and randy didn't vote for uh freezie last round and randy's down and it's got to be vic okay all right cool on the left [Music] that's free on the left side anyone else that wasn't melting right now doing download that's where i was anyway well hold up i like the suspicions but i will skip [Music] i'll buy it from lux i think it's going to be very very tough let's not get i mean i should really not be here but i'm going to get my task done i'm going to jump on the jump under cameras but i mean those two things add up i noted who didn't vote for friezy and then if lux is saying that it's convenient isn't it and randy's dead that really does narrow it down quite see if he caughtly i do not want to be here with you mate absolutely not not a chance in hell and he says he's already done this one so chances are we won't be coming back here it's with some confidence that i can i can roll with those deductions like just chasing locks too i might call a quick meeting just to uh see if everyone's alive [Music] what is happening that was hella cool what is going on boys i'm just checking up on the world because i saw him i called that meeting lux i called that meeting because i saw him gunning it down storage with you he's so scared he's dead no i just i just thought alex might be dead but he's not so weird let's hope he lives all right we definitely got freezing that's the funniest part he bottled it like no one had ever seen before okay so josh is still chasing locks bezza's cutting about chippo and admin with bears imagine chip just kills bears on cams they'll be unreal doors are locked here josh and lux going into storage simon calf engine he's dancing simon and rayner dancing i can dance with him i think we know i think we've been knewing i think we all i think everyone in the lobby is on the wavelength here by this point rain doesn't come to reactor though which is oh no no he was there at the top one she's trolling he has to be all right so how come there wasn't a big old rush towards that body oh because we all saw her on cams i didn't i wasn't on camera we all saw it on cams what do you mean was it vic weren't you there did you see that vic's at the bottom of security like a weirdo yeah i was watching over you when you're on cam's lux i assumed he was gonna he was trying to get into the vent because he was at the bottom of the security i was watching over here um i don't think only only you was on cams so reigns dead yeah i found his body josh were you yeah josh were you not chasing lots all round and there was nobody there yeah he was with me the whole round so now i think i think it's like in a med bay twice and admin okay let me just throw something in when i was on cams earlier i saw rayne and simon dancing no no no no no no no no no [Laughter] okay no but that's three votes from now he's gone right right well my suspicion is chip okay simon i i think it was true it chip but right i'll i'll exit now oh what because i voted for you no no because you're with ethan in admin before i [ __ ] got the shoot and while simon and thing were dancing he was out there okay [ __ ] sake how'd you guys believe that it could be me though it was cheap are they fair i know it's chip i can't believe to be fair if chip does yeah ah please it's calyx it's calyx it's ship he's [ __ ] calyx he's alex i just need to run down by doing the little thing where you speak um you a mute that was smart that was smart wasn't it that was my it's him oh my [ __ ] god i hate egypt you're going to throw this entire game [Applause] i gave evidence to why it was him but no one would let me unless it's no it's not something we saw chip killed see josh has been following you the whole game so i kind of think how has he got away from you no there was a couple bits where he wasn't following me i actually don't know i don't know cool no all right okay that's the heads heads is chip tails i'll take that i'll take that oh yeah i'll tell you that okay okay how do i get it yeah okay what's happening you voted for nah there's more suspense there's more suspense i'm more suspense why are you deciding i'm trying to work you've thrown it haven't you simon oh my god thank you simon [ __ ] man [Music] wow about to give evidence on why it was chipped and you and josh just voted me out i was about to i was i can't believe [Music] it's just embarrassing by somehow you die little [ __ ] dark fruit yeah [ __ ] it can i stay on muted for that one it's just oh boy do the wires with the cow freezie real quiet he's been dead for a while that's what happens when you watch streams jj so wren do you want to talk to me talk to me just for that i was actually on instagram [Laughter] ah 1v8 up for the boy all right he's gotten the old garbage a bit classic vic roy [Music] no what i think it's freezy i was doing a test all right this time i was afk but i was watching cal sits and waits for me he's waiting for that kill timer to go down he's the only one waiting no no no all that i was doing actually chip was talking about our podcast on stream and gassing it up being like look at this legend look at that now [ __ ] you [ __ ] you that's cool and that's great but you did it you didn't [ __ ] check was it music you swapped your uh enos for your mafia [Music] wow you swapped your ain't that's what you want all right and i reckon we vote for larby off next for that we've got rain there won't be a next if you've got look i saw the lobby now boys what it is just just take it all in wait nobody actually voted for him that was all for the memes i'm recording the vid yeah thanks someone come and dump the trash please it's my favorite spot i just gravitate to that every time it's just a big classic do that one quick say about what i said he looks great at all times it's not cal who was who was doing the task in that room i think it's calyx i've just walked into the room with you yeah i've just walked into a scene he's there pants down someone's dead it's [ __ ] messed up yeah my pants are down and i'm going to shove my [ __ ] clock in your mouth [Laughter] me cal and chip have walked into so i could tell you i was i clicked upload then i saw the report button and i i tried exiting out but chipper had already called it i think he'd started doing it before yeah i'd already clicked upload i know i know i know what we can do okay i'm going to pray to the lord jesus christ i'm going to speak to the dead does he give you a name oh no no no not with paper today we are playing among us and we need to find who the poster is right now uh salmon is dead so i want you to resurrect him like jesus christ and uh tell us who who the impastor is salmon rice all i'm saying is i don't have a text saying i'll give you a grant burn it's a slow burner it's a very slow burner can i upload now no one even remembers that this was done already for lobby should be in here yep he's let's gone out i think he will have gone this way where's he gone bath in the middle just pop enough time see someone please you know what let's do the likes hopefully bye time so we can group up with people at lights and follow them so it's like big chilling [Music] lobby this this has been a very cheeky one by a certain individual i don't know [Music] that's who i think it is i saw you two together as well on the right side of the map shiny side you know i want you to pretend you're ash and do the pokemon teens uh okay i'm ash i've got a pokemon called pikachu that out can you do the song the pokemon song gotta catch em all i wanna be the very best no one ever catch them [Music] [Laughter] i think vic's the other one oh my [ __ ] god i don't believe it oh no hmm with detective philabi you are full of [ __ ] are you you you bad why am i well well now i used to work at mcdonald's give me one good reason it's me please please i beg you silence he's too quiet what do you mean i'm too quiet no no it's too quiet oh so you think your trick is then yeah okay that's why you think it's me or because i have no information on the previous skills do you think it's you no and i don't think it's you either because i clear we were sat in electrical for how long like forever right okay okay well oh look at this why do you think it's not you because i i don't lie you've lied you're like you've lied to me mate like three rounds ago wait wait wait quick question who got who got rain voted out who was it do you remember does it matter i think you might be gone it was jj um all right well i'm skipping just remember you said rain rain go away i voted it's vic it's rick i told you we win we've won we've won if you've got the streams open again it's peak i don't actually vote for big one we win i don't know i don't know about that one i don't know about that one she i don't know you know what i think chip actually chip always spurts out random people that he thinks it's just before that round ended he went yeah i reckon it's nick and then straight away he calls the meeting goes yesterday i don't know i didn't i did no wrongs there there was no reason to hear much from vic he was keeping quiet no i i gave jj an alibi they're around but fair fair whatever we move we move ryan you laughed me with a 1v8 i did leave you a little bit not all imposters yeah no not apart from you i don't want to talk about that gas filled baby why is it when i'm imposter i just got hit on a random hunch but when chip does the most obvious i'm doing obvious [ __ ] you know trying to play it too smart doesn't matter because they're just going to pick you and they're just going to send you into the depth into the absolute depths let's hit lights and let's kill some on the way out last person out dies it's absolutely impossible for anyone to find out who it is unless they fix the lights first they didn't all leave well all right we move take out the trash looks to be watching me [Music] no no no no no some more i want you to talk to me why is your name in red on your stream [Laughter] i see you come out of nowhere like you are juju i ran past freezie and someone else into electrical you vented you should know i literally walked in and walked on to download that's so bad [Music] whether it's legitimate he has been hitting whether it's legit or not he has been here ruining people you're ruining people's nights [Music] i'm going to die [Music] does the big joshua know though i spin some discs up we need best to get something i'm just like on the sus radar right now there we go oh there's a lot of us in electrical right now who just wow wait wait wait so uh can i just get everyone's location then yeah then that's fine me and better at the bottom of electrical in the corridor [Laughter] can i not move can i not move um [Laughter] [Laughter] ah oh good old colors and it says upload with just see where it goes and that's the end of your game oh that was crazy who's just been alex i've just watched you there who was next to you looks no no no no no no no no you can't call it the end of my game and then just kill on top of me oh okay you're just gonna vote like that okay right cool wait wait wait wait wait i did walk in i'm on the upload i was on the upload i'm uploading with josh and he's dying my [ __ ] on your face what do you mean i saw the animation okay describe it to me describe the animation to me it's describe what happened while i was uploading i walked past the room and i've i've chipped okay thank you slapped you across the face of my [ __ ] [Applause] you saw me on upload right mm-hmm and it wasn't a big cop but yeah no not mad it's calyx i thought i thought it was chip i thought it was just guys wait wait wait wait wait if chippo doesn't vote for vic it's chip and vic okay wait listen wait wait wait wait wait we could just 50 50 this not instead no i'm not guys but i i don't think i was going to call it on shift straight away because i was in the upload screen and chip and locked with that you're saying it looked all right fair enough right now and they both looked a bit dodgy alex looked like he was leaving and then he just came back and reported lux's big brain though randy's helicopter yeah maybe maybe but there were two people there um i don't know [ __ ] it you're a bunch of walking out it's seven you know what i don't know yeah what up [ __ ] it might get another poppies i'm just gonna vibe with freezie oh bears i don't like that at all i don't like that at all i don't like that dead body fellas on the left side of the map we've just come out of med bay walked into it talk to me who is on the left side of the map i'm on the right i'm bottom they're not bound to fix lights somebody is gone from the top down i was doing direct power somewhere that's why i just run down from lights i didn't even see the body as well i just came up saying before no i saw you because i just run around the corner to try and fix lights lux where are you where are you i'm on the right hand side of the map i did download and then um i did the download in the right very right side you voted very quickly yes because i saw what i saw last round talk to you guys chip where's the body the body's on the left-hand side just outside of the room that cams is in i think you did it chip i was in the upload i was in the upload screen on the last kill chip unlocked that and i was in the upload screen that's all i'm saying so i don't know so so right so i don't know who it was i don't know who it was if i if i hadn't voted yeah because yeah because i'm sussing you because i don't know who it was this is my fault for not believing calyx crimes who do you think it is i think it's somebody who has wait wait randolph where are you randolph wherever he's in the bottom left right it's whoever's at the bottom left part of the met whoever's there oh like the bottom of me and bears apparently but i didn't even see bears that's what i think i've just i've just run around the corner to fix it it's it's it one of you two that has killed this person i think he's ripped back i skipped because i had nobody we didn't have a current did i not click on luck i mean i was done either way yeah yeah it was still three three b two i was done either way um that was a tough one i thought it was it was a grace that i got as far as i did because i [ __ ] up in comms i shouldn't have flip-flapped on chip i thought i thought that maybe maybe we'd win over and get chip out but that's fine that's fine i was out either way did i really click on myself wait let me watch that back i could have sworn i didn't let me see we get a sabotage let me hit some doors i don't know that's helpful but wait wait i clicked on lux i didn't click on that could have been a huge yeah okay i watched it but i literally clicked unlocked but the tick appeared on me and i just i just defaulted to click it because i was mid-talking i mean it didn't matter it's not i'm gonna have to go ahead and say it's not calyx i don't think for sure i'm almost certain on that and that means oh it's got to be best if simon is dead it has to be best look where were you electrical and then i was just with chip in um cams yeah but i thought it was you from back and vic earlier like why didn't you just vote vic out we saw him because because i didn't see the animation like you were saying and i just saw two don's like two people in there and then we ran into each other on the outskirts were you in chip together we we've just been together for that like first half of that round no second half right right at the end right there yeah yeah yeah yeah and i was on camera for you guys it's me or better then and i think it's best because what i just saw that's what you're saying i'm i'm literally just getting into electrical now to flip the lights on so you see you're saying i killed sam and then because it's me or you potentially make the lights rough and nasty you then you should be blaming me fully if you think it's me yeah to me i don't see anything bro yeah you can't but you can't oh oh [ __ ] yo big stop you're a [ __ ] idiot you voted yourself yeah it wouldn't have changed like second kill in left-hand side like chip saw vic like next to each other simon genuinely was well i was faking the thing he run i'd rather the corner i was like yeah i was still pretty much on top of you though by the end of the round all right oh okay so i messed up the first vote oh that would have been quality if we got lucks out there that's my bad i like i yeah i just didn't realize it was a bug where you click on someone else in it put sing on someone else oh boy i quite clearly clicked on somebody else but i just i didn't realize that was a thing that you could click on someone else okay where's the body well that was hella quick i don't i don't think it's rain where's [Laughter] three buddy of information right now one it's not chipotle because he's not [ __ ] playing it again because he's not playing either and it's not me because i've been running turkey money yeah it was me bro all right so he's playing well [Music] yeah it's just it's on the admin desk that's all there is to the game so i went through the right and that was freezy going down uh into storage and he went into admin but i didn't go into admin i came straight i came down from cafeteria josh i saw you in o2 is that right yeah yeah yeah me and josh are right side as am i wait wait wait what hold on yeah admin and gone towards o2 i don't think no i went the opposite way i went off i went down past yeah you know what you know i'm stressed because i voted myself okay if you want the honest explanation i'm stressed because i voted myself all right he just said how that comes across like you just basically made something alive real quick what do you mean like oh josh i definitely saw you in o2 right oh i'm clear then no no i was saying that we're both on the right but you know it's like if you want if you want to vote me off for it that's fine for you i'm not fighting no i'm just i'm just clearing two people from that kill hopefully get one vote who wrote it for me stress levels stress levels rising i think it was freezing self-report it's my suspicion um i need to be with people otherwise i'm gonna get the books thrown at me i just need to be with people who aren't the killers so we got simon we got randy i'm just going to chill with our lights are out ah i'm going to get voted off accidentally here is you don't actually know people forget so fast in this lobby rain for lobby lux and simon okay simon for lobby surely these aren't both killers right oh boy guys subscribe button over there hit it your voice your boy stressed out his mind after voting himself madness what'd you say lux has just jumped that event in front of my heart oh you're not throwing that on me where outfit where where is i swear he has the like animation of popping out i why would i do that if you're standing on a vent i'm not going to come [Music] is and then lights went off you start running again [Laughter] so surely like if you could not ask me as a gamer you could do that i was thinking that about you no no because you were moving funny and then the lights went off so i ran to the lights because i was scared i like that you know i like that suspicion the body is in top left i don't know who it is i mean lux is there oh i didn't vote i didn't vote i didn't [ __ ] broke i want to kill myself i wasn't paying it i wasn't paying attention if it wasn't lux it was simon he's gone now it has to be simon [Music] hard to really know if our suspicions are jj lux and simon i'm gonna hang with the big joshua holy smokes the lobby's here adventures with big joshua adventures with big joshua a lion that engine oh tossed on the lobby looking doing the wires shiny zod goes into storage chipper coming over the top simon for lobby come in simon goes down reigns here as well it's a damn party up in here don't kill me you wouldn't there's no way you would everyone would know we still have two rain's gone down simon and for lobby have gone into enough it's uh just outside of electrical okay and you're in town you died so i was with vic locked in yeah he was running he's a good enough gamer to lock storage and lock security at the same time yeah i was still there though i was there i jumped on cams i was on cams at the end and i also saw simon and flabby going to nav to confirm that they were that's where they were right at the end of the round i was still on cams now no oh was that admin was that sorry you weren't right on one of the cameras admin sorry sorry okay you guys went into admin you were pretty much the other the whole time me and ray and you're in storage yeah locked in so someone's someone's where's the body so the imposters there's two imposters left so it's josh and randy there you go job done welcome i don't think it was locked oh actually it could have been locked look a bit locked it's no it's locks and i i suspect uh seymour but it's a you know what why would it be unless unless hang on no i i don't know i prayed why would it be i don't that that killed right there that killed right there couldn't because it's not simon is it definitely two imposters no actually it might be not definitely correct but that doesn't mean we do need to vote for somebody else or it could be rain it could be raining vanity in storage how do we get in storage me and you together it's not me i don't know [ __ ] we have to vote i'm going round off randolph yeah we have oh no we don't have to i'm sorry sorry that's my bad that's my bad yeah that's my back you got killed and then come in right now actually i was in storage for ages though wait randolph why did you vote for vic because you told me to vote boy well i know who it is not so i just hang with them this is how we do this is how we do it this is it could be rain could be around it could be josh the only two people i i don't think it would be rain because i think i would be dead oh does that mean it's two people definitely not [Music] okay so we've established it once it was lux then it's 100 oh wait yeah yeah it was lux wait did rain just die wait wait okay so that couldn't have been me that could have been me it must be it's rick or simon no no no no no no no no no no no we were together we were together and then rain ran off to the top i was finishing and i thought i was going to die didn't die randy meaning you run past each other i'm going towards the cafeteria you're going back down towards o2 and then i've caught a meeting rain's dead yeah it wasn't dead if it was josh and then he was dead i think josh he was on top oh too i ran off wait wait wait i you know what it could be jj and also we we're pretty oh no we think we've got lux because there would have been a double kill there very very there was plenty of time for it no no no it's happened before though i know they've been throws but i i do like to say you promised me it's not you yes josh because i came to laura your wife oh no no no joshua outside yeah okay i get your whole pokemon collection if you're imposter sure also jj's been trying to kick me out for the longest time yes yeah you bet your whole pokemon collection and if it's not jj then what we know what's going on it's you randolph [Laughter] i want to poke my collection bro i'm ready to see i'm ready oh that's scary that's very scary that you just said wait that's me i've got pokemon cards that's very scary that's very big and scary we do these together simon i've done that at a rapid pace i don't want to waste my button here that was one of years that was one of these [Music] that was one of yours simon it was one of them it was one of them nothing happened no i'm saying i'm saying then three all four of them were up like we were together the honey the last time this is a legal binding contract if it is like simon you established that it could not that kill could not we were together the entirety of the round that reign died in simon how how how secure i'm not i'm not i'm not 100 okay okay well that's fine i was sticking with you and you know that's what you did today and jj called about no no no no no no i mean we were i i didn't everywhere but i don't know why randy would do that i think this could and i'm back i'm honestly bathed because that makes me want to think it's josh but josh calls the emergency media he wasn't muted unless josh called the emergency meeting to hide um hyde reigns body and he knew jj and randy would go off and he could just jump on one if it's v he was with me so long earlier in the game if it's vic he's played very well i wish it was me because this would be back to you lad you can't be hey could one of you have killed rain yes who how i him when when though yeah no let me grab the floor for you simon one second okay shut up shut the [ __ ] up okay all right okay let me just drop this real quick okay simon we're both on the bottom o2 rayne josh and jj and randy all are live on the top 02. i couldn't have killed him in the i was with you until the meeting was called so it could not have been maine was on the top yeah so it's one of those two thank you i don't know when rain died josh could be saying oh wait it just passed him but blah blah blah okay okay fair fair ah this is a madness this is stress this is stratus's paint ethan ethan paid without the ethan okay it's an o2 o2 ting i'm letting simon get on it okay this game's never going to end on the [ __ ] pokemon cards you know oh i'm [ __ ] rich i don't care bro that's mad that's nice that's mad bro it's on video randy who got the kill randy who got the kill i don't know what's happened the guy you just killed it has literally just like he's he's come back from the dead to get your collection oh i never knew that i never knew my chat told me you read your chat yeah yo vic i'm sorry i'm sorry well i did i switched yeah did you hear me i lost it i lost the rag i [ __ ] lost my ship got cards how would you know that quick basically it has to be you because it could be we ran past each other and rain died in seconds i mean you're running past each other that's how i think i think i think you can't try to try and spin it because it can't be fun i'm not spinning it i can't say that i'll bet your collection because if i [Laughter] [Music] oh [Laughter] oh my oh dear everyone simon back up that was wow that was a lot that was a lot blood pressure did be rising there holy smokes cut the light let's just hit this impossible too [ __ ] there's a body in admin and i can't i don't know what color the other person is but i think it was purple was in storage unless someone come back at the start i ran down to i was going like towards lights and i ran over chip and he ran out and then back oh now then it's then it's you because that didn't i literally i ran over buzz it's not me who i don't know they were just about to get caught and didn't report it and the lights were off so i could only see like a little bit um it's in admit just outside the not the card swipe but the other one and i know and i was afk so first place i've walked into before you gotta stop doing this match you gotta play the game it works man you can't you're gonna fight a problem actually you know what you won't be hating us when you're half afk so hey chipper about to [ __ ] you in the lobby that's really weird why do people still vote for it me come on suck it alrighty do me leave you come back with some people do the upload with values do an asteroid's gonna be here for a while mate gonna be here for a hot second i am faster i do hear those all right give a quick flip [Music] looks what are you why are you just following me around and oh yeah i got i got a little question for you yeah uh i was on download yeah i was watching whoever was doing the shooting thing below me yeah you came up onto download bef after i'd started and got off as i ended this is poop no it's that's like that's not what happens also people have died about 10 seconds ago by the way i know he's dead josh i like that wait what you saying rain i just saw around like 10 seconds ago and i was dead wow the last person was josh on the left side of the map wait wait wait wait wait wait wait i i i'm smelling something in the air i heard you smell like something with me baby uh uh chip chip talk to me uh-huh talk to me what do what do you want me to talk to you about say something say something i need to i love dick it's not cheap simon and jj in security i ran up to the upper engine came back down into into cams thought randy lads let me pull up a stream someone's killed ryan lee right behind me no not stream i i just think it's someone why but what's your evidence what's your evidence because it's because they were having a conversation all right we skip on seven anyway we skip on saturday we skip on seven lux you know those weren't me right you were with lux two people died or one or two people and now you're with me the whole time two people died how did i kill any of those luxury [ __ ] stinkers you're such a thinker from the from the first admin thing oh sorry who needs to go who needs to go can i get a chippo to go that's not a good spot to go to japan i've emptied the bins and i'm going to fix the lights i need to go and join locks quick um [Laughter] [Music] because the same thing happened again but no one's gonna [ __ ] believe me so i might as well just not speak so it was the numbers task cal what you did it i'm rapid yes you did it yes how how fast your fingers mate [ __ ] fast i did that you know the speed test thing that you can do they made that number i'm rapid trust me anyway anyway where's the body where's the body let's not wait simon's just come up to find me like right next to it he wouldn't have had time to kill and report um flabby boy yes not you is it be me i'm a son of god i don't want to lie yeah it's funny then the last thought was that yeah he was on that [ __ ] time yeah wait searching for dons okay it's raining you think i couldn't have it was a while ago it was a while ago because i saw the body bought my shields ages ago but i was trying to suss who was in the area oh one of them ones [Music] before randy [Music] that is a game is as good as one i think we take those i think we take those like it would be fun to mess with it but i think simon might get annoyed and also just be a bit of a throw imagine no one's going to call a thing i need to find simon actually just hanging with luck my friends no but i'm scared of being pulled out again when i saw him because at the time so i had a start chip i saw you run off the body and run back on it wasn't me that killed but i forgot lights were off so i was like oh he ran over me he ran over me oh i see i ran over because i didn't know that my body was uh i knew someone because he was so quiet and he was just i've been quiet because literally if i talk flabby votes me off he's got a camera in your room ladder he can see i'm just saying he could be nothing bro he called me out enough but also could be awful at the same time randy [Laughter] oh my god what did i do you said you pressed play again fair enough oh boy here we go all right we're back in the crew we had some imposter pansies though that's for sure yeah it's tiring being impossible my goodness have to be on the readiness those were clean kills last game they're like the only thing i did wrong with my uploads to be fair you will tell me i need to do better but we move we move all right it's josh why no i was just kidding i was just kidding you [ __ ] what i'll practice for later on when he screws me over again sorry sorry sorry you owe me a whole pokemon collection anyway so and a wife you were doing the charting very fast yes because i'm not a [ __ ] idiot and it's exactly you want to hear him talk to you does it work yeah do you know actually i wish i hadn't given him that flaw to him it's not hard to swipe the card one time bro it really isn't i know that you can't even do the maze on the other mat but oh there's a guy all right well i'm suspicious you and josh you and josh i'm suspicious yeah bro [Music] oh boy let's do some tasks rise and grind let's do some tasks rain and the purple man rain and purple rain who is purple wait rain is purple i think i don't know brain cells they do be good sometimes it's random all right wait wait wait wait baby it's randy why is it why is that funny why is that funny you think this is a joke wait wait i'm laughing because it's not me i'm nowhere near it he's just lying here you're nowhere near it how do you know where it is oh i don't know where it is if you guys let josh do this where's the body no around you where's buddy go and tell us where the body is [Laughter] everybody's there it's just waffling you know i do think that's waffle because i saw signs so much i saw simon in admin well i'm just in tears away just detective no no no no what happened hundred percent josh here we go here we go josh if you're lying right now you have to give me your percentage insideman stop hi yo when you vote outside of the world you know what i mean all right everyone yeah okay cool you know i backed that because simon was in admiral and there wasn't enough [Music] oh all right okay okay no there's no way simon i don't think no simon couldn't have got to nab in that time there is there's no way he has to have been killed somewhere else or i'm tripping something serious i literally said my little purple rain thing unless unless it was rain and purple wasn't there that could have been the case i mean things get blurry but we move i don't know maybe maybe i imagine simon being there but i feel like he was and just like the the delivery of that like blatant kill wasn't enough for me was not enough for me and now we rollers again okay i'll go this way rain fall i'll be big bears i'm hitting three names on this side luck's coming down i don't think anyone will be dead actually i was gonna like try and catch someone who's that i was on with a spaceship um i want to get my tasks done by don't um okay so randolph has died i don't see him recently what did you see in the event what do you mean in the event did you see anything eventually it wasn't an event i wasn't in an event i don't think okay just sure isn't it i still don't know can i just say by the way i went to electrical to do the lights and i chip has stood on the lights and he's not doing anything no i've literally gone up to the lights and yeah two people do it it messes it up [Music] josh where did you see this kill it was at the top top of calf top of calf so you didn't you didn't think to call out john when he said it was in nash you stink you stink you stink you're absolutely i need you guys to know that it was genuinely i think it was josh just so you guys know it's freezing your beds but i i feel like it's nice you guys all right you guys through it you guys through it no you don't laughing we shall see we shall see look how we win ah what off okay so huh i'm baffled now there's no consistency i've got to jump on cams and try and work out the [ __ ] is going on here let's get some wires up who we got who's next lux going into storage rain over by nav bear's coming up now um okay so the body is top uh weapons i haven't seen it but i got report bun so it must be like right on the other side of the chair um the one thing i want to say is that what doesn't make sense is we thought it was either josh or randy killer then kills randy i'm really bad so it must be someone that isn't that good at the game so it's not me because i know i'm terrible again and then where did you end the round uh i did the chart course in nav what did you do vic okay i was on cams and i saw ethan yeah come out of nav i didn't even put your right style on the map so vic i completed my task after charcoal stuff i saw locked around admin a little earlier in the round uh where are you locked um just lights that's enough for me fair enough rain okay i don't know bro i don't know the body type weapons i don't know i've seen crimes i don't know why i don't know why someone would kill randy though it doesn't make sense so that that whole start of the game happens it doesn't none of it adds up it doesn't mean we can skip boys you know what i'm gonna show you the recording late and you're gonna be like oh come on i'm getting my path done we're close we're close we're close one of those had to be right i just could not tell you look at that twist oh no i'm not doing that okay i can do it i can do it because they're there just keep an army guys that's all i need you to do but wait someone else is gonna die i'm gonna have to work out who it is okay there's this admin hallway this is dangerous to be on cams jumping off rain unlocks admin there's still there rains coming around this way which i don't like so we've learned from when lux hit me on the cams that we don't want to be there don't think there's a huge argument for it not being rain i don't want to get i feel that i would be dead by now rainbow so where's chip in all of this where is he i really don't know who this is chippo's back so everyone's up but bears let me just call this and see what beds [Music] are do you not like fixing the oxygen would you rather just suffocate in this little tin i've been on the left side of the mat fella i know where my boat's going again skip skip skip oh you can't do this skip the chip but we're nearly done on tasks it's these two that's i'm straight on this and then i'm going back admin way okay that wasn't it these were the two that we did see around there who's not doing their tasks it's it's lacto-chip we need to find a body okay this could be bad i shouldn't have used my button when i use my button cafeteria is locked and we're all outside of it run the other way bro you called me out and run the other way bro i'm not doing it i'm not dealing with it anymore just [ __ ] hold it bro it's fine you can't do it again i was so close though you weren't close you were like chip you [ __ ] it so bad chip the one person you didn't need to kill was [ __ ] randy and you killed randy reactor i literally said i literally said at the beginning i said i've seen randy kill all we need to do is keep randy alive and we can get the next one you've gone and killed the one guys [Music] and then he called reactor so i was like [ __ ] it we need to do reactor he's just running the other way bro i'm just chilling with vicki no specifics of the game i just killed now in the round before he called o2 ran into electric vented to med bay and ran out no one no one's outside of the mountain oh sorry [Music] [Laughter] is tired it means you're like really tired obviously oh it's plus eight or something yeah oh yeah yeah in that game you vented into electric with everyone in yeah i know no one no one called i can't believe he's been so far so many times i've had like some rounds with clean kills and i've been done get so far into that like you're blinding my way through there start up hello [ __ ] sake i want to bang your head bro [Music] all right well we are crew what are we gonna do all right josh rayne josh goes right chip fk bez chilling freezy randy crazy randy here we go freezy keeping eyes on me moving a little odd there oh we've done it again yeah we hit these perfect wires all the downtime guys i need to get to all my superchats and members bear with me i am i've been i've been alive a lot lately actually touchwood um but we'll get to those when i'm in ghost mode guys we're nearly at 6.9 mil subs it's over there hit the subscribe button down there hit the little bell notification thing and they'll let you know whenever a stream is here we don't miss these because we got a lot more streams coming in the next few weeks it's big out here we're closing out the year big with some epic games oh simon simon's been dead for a minute you know yeah a long one okay so what was everyone doing i was with uh carlos carlos what were you doing what you were in cafeteria doing what do you know what no flabby man might be impossible you know he's come back from energy i know that's what i'm saying all right kallus was top left doing the exact same can do let's see what you can do he could have killed me the quicker he gets the game chip what did you see though like come on you can't just say it's an electrical and be done what did you see i saw half a body on the floor with bone stuck out and leading up to this moment that sounds like a flabby killer too fast absolutely nothing no one come out i didn't see anyone going in 100 vic you you're still [ __ ] sad i uploaded faster than you that's 100 [Laughter] hold that lux is getting brave freezing zard on the spot doing it right rain runs it across chinese odd looks to be doing legitimate transactions surprise surprise well one of us had more energy this round what does that mean what does that mean you you you you seem energized you seem awake it's just about you seem so energized that you've killed bottom reactor and i've seen it oh wait lovely lobby see you were chasing me yeah yes and i got and i got away from you yeah best friend party over direction all right big bears are dying there's only one man for the job well i suddenly body gets called and he's dead i'm sorry i was trying to try i was trying to get to you and then i lost you and then all of a sudden i i i [Music] [Laughter] uh [Laughter] [Laughter] what's going on what's going on before we agreed no frogging we just skip see what you can do i i think we need to give him one more chance yeah see what you can do see what you can do i told you who it was is it shoe yeah all right well we lit goes so yeah fair enough [Music] oh dear i'm nearly done on the old taskers i think freezy could be one in the sidelines though like not much to go off but just a sly hunch frieza and jj would be my my shout on the initial proceedings could be wrong i got this surely the hardest bully there freezes on the bottom white and somebody else are on the top for lobby and frieza on the bottom it freezes down okay that's a little worrying who is that i've seen a buddy i've seen who i saw red rainey's date randy's [Music] oh well then i didn't know that i didn't know that don't vote for that colors what the hell that's such weak this is such weak mentality okay well then if you are talking about where the killers are when vic was on cameras it was on cameras instead of going to julio too that's one thing that saw us i saw someone run out of admin as i was running in to do the thing and i can't remember who it was i think it was chipper or callux i believe the cameras i believe the camera's thing because the cameras are on red tell us what i missed well i've seen someone do two kills in this game yeah all right because he's not my teammate i mean there are two there are two so you're not coming in are you i am cool no because if your crewmate looks like your teammate randy i was watching candy try and work out with you guys what's up it's your turn no no no no all right everyone stick together everyone stick together you're getting on your button to get your buttons that's not gonna work though vic that's not going to will it will it will work come here yeah come this way no no we gotta go like we gotta go we got another one [Music] we're here [Music] [Applause] everyone agreed everyone i was panicking that's what i have to call the thing in first pitch hey fellaini's got his video right now [ __ ] off come back come back is ksi i'm going to let case happen wait so if you if you reported ran and he just appears next to me next time you die first or jj you should just run into his room and then lose the game oh no no no no no no no no no no no i mean guys i wanted jj to get his win so he would stop being flabby that's why that's why we didn't vote for him the first two times said let's see what he can do and then i voted for randy because now we have ksi back the energy thing was spot on energy was spot on although i did i did want to bring it back at the end just because we could because i admitted it was them we were so close we were so close but that's because we didn't go straight to reactor oh no oh no who's done this then who doesn't have heart girls we've got some i just haven't discussed again oh my god oh yeah screaming right if you're a killer you're a dick you're you're you're bad you're bad if didn't like doing a thing the body is at the top right of cafeteria next sadly yeah i was i was there oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god wait simon off the internet [Laughter] how are you still here jj yes now oh simon how did you do it how did you do that i guess i've got a boot now but how is jj still here yeah uh [Laughter] vote for who you think it is i'm skipped that's good i feel bad either way actually okay wow look it's all your fault i'm not doing my tasks [ __ ] that josh for second imposter maybe maybe just maybe i don't really know what i'm looking for freezi i think is a is a good it's good person likes i wanna trust who could it be chip i just did his own thing it's not chip i think it's josh let's see let's let's let's watch him in ghost view and see what see what's up save yourself for 10 seconds okay i think that hunch was wrong so then who ethan ethan bazinga because lux was just voting me on a grudge yeah ethan wow oh my god are you dropping my flies someone has yeeted everyone wow someone's on a mazeline there's no way because it's good enough no sound yeah there's no way this is something that's [ __ ] that's why i'm not willing to to better chip today though i haven't seen i haven't seen chip in that little section yeah none of these died on the right side of the back because i was on the right path i was doing tasks i could have seen your body you just reported including doing tasks like blindlessly i that's what i've been doing but i haven't seen the body on the right side that's the only hey based on to get this it's either joshua it's having joshua cow for me yeah based on lobby love it's got to be chipper no that right you know what that right there makes me think it's you because i've been on the right side of the map and now i've just actually normally done this so when you're a crewmate you don't talk and when you're impossible you talk no that's not true i'd say it was nominated that's not true is [Music] right i need to fly through some tasks they're actually getting there [Music] let's put down the pace first time here it's only look at this look at the pace have you ever seen a ghost move like this oh my goodness i need to get to my super chats and my members sorry guys i'm very much i'm into these games they're good i'm not watching the action but i am doing the tasks i hate this task oh it lands it has to be josh because i was running i was running to uh go do my last task in reactor which is the number one one two three four and then josh just walks out of scary like how did he get that fast i wanted to just vote it just see if i'm right if i throw it i don't care yeah it's not me bro you gotta use your insulation randy what bro how did you i got to security fast how did you get that fast by walking at the normal speed of the game which route did you go to security left it took you a long time to go over that how did you go there though oh [ __ ] by walking the normal room i actually kind of sleep that's my bad i i voted [ __ ] but i kind of believe that you actually yeah no no but i committed this game sorry i want to pause on this call you're saying i got security fast which way left yeah from cafeteria that's where i ran there and then i went down to go to the reactor you popped out security what ping you're sitting on i'm i'm running no one's like that's straight in one speed not only you'd have seen me go into med bay that's the case then tell me to defend security true did you see me do that true true but i didn't see that oh but yeah josh realizes he needs to go chip to thailand yes he does maybe i'm wrong maybe i'm wrong maybe i'm wrong guys oh my god i think it's i think it's free it doesn't matter if it's changed uh if it's josh then that's my bad because i shouldn't have voted no i'm worried now he might he might be right let's get these done a to the a to the a to the asp all three to do then was vote for josh but then maybe is it chip i don't know at least done one more oh it's a long one come on task again oh boy here we go okay a little bit it is it's i'm watching just to see i want to see someone do it let's kind of and i swear to god if you actually say wait what do you mean because i'll just it's over it's done if if it's you it's done no you can't you can't verify anything in this one please freezie because you already said you already said what's wrong with that josh no because he said mum's life it's josh me so i don't want to i don't want that to happen i'm trying to be verified randy i'm starting to think it could be cal we can still skip it and do tasks by the way we're going up bit by bit there we go [Laughter] yeah i don't know what happened there oh my god i swear to god [Music] oh boy this is this is quite one they might win on tasks here there's barely any left all right let's go follow the action chippo crosses josh freezy needs to kill chip out here but there's randy that's the timing you never know who's just around the corner yeah friday's not getting away with that chip you and now i know why now i know why you did it you didn't square on your fellas you little rat you little rat josh it's it makes sense as to why you didn't say a single thing about the fellas in the last one and surely surely wait no no no no here i can i can totally back myself here because otherwise would i not have voted for you josh would i not voted for you when those other two voted for you that's what started making me think it was you though because you were being impossible because then that would have been an easy win for me and i [ __ ] it i think by thinking about voting for you when it was you the whole time i'm getting better but i'm not it's good josh is him oh my god it's a massive throw because it all lines up it all makes sense are you going to be blagged by kyle friesey of your whole street hold on a second hold on a second hold on a second if you're on cams then how do you know how how can you say that i've just because you did it you literally josh there's an easy way for this to work randolph i would have voted for you if everyone had just jumped on it but i didn't i wanted to all right simon do the final task uh here we go what just happened bro what the what the [ __ ] are you not doing what the [ __ ] is this bunch of [ __ ] melons what just happened oh my god what an incredible round sam does the final task before kill calling you know come on oh my god everyone about what you're doing oh gg yeah because i had a chance to win it just straight up on the vote but i thought randolph said it was chip that like rented really quick and got around the map and then he was like oh hedgehog and then they're like oh no i voted the wrong question that's when almost like really pulled off you because obviously you didn't vote for josh so that was yeah yeah but that's what i thought i thought was josh would be yeah because my whole chat is that brah perhaps my whole chat is simon has final task that's not about the killers [Music] there's one person out of like 5 000 people that are watching you not going to put a spoiler in the chat once you've seen it you've seen it once you've just bare of them there's bare of them it's not like it's one person there's bear saying simon has final task that's about talking about that that's not something read your chat where's that the so you're telling me there's not one person in there that goes through california yeah my chat said it as well yeah bro of course it is no wonder on what it made total sense right at the end there i mean [ __ ] anyways sorry sorry jj sorry jj how did you how did you get it all right we're back in oh my goodness these games be all over the place all right um let's keep it going keep it going focus what no no no no no yeah i should have waited because of the double kill right in front of me and i don't know who did it i think it was jj's training and i don't know i just panicked where was [Music] where other people might not be well i don't because i'm smart in it you guys didn't [ __ ] me out anyway no don't let him get away with this i mean i don't think it's chip because there's a kill quick british [Laughter] all right i'm afk for a bit thank you lo alonzo 56 landon aaron wilson lintz um beth freeman jasmine eve jrfn sam ahmed and stefan hutchinson hans telephone alisa vids ramboy plays aaron germain lewis uh louise louise ingram with the super chats thank you skillful sap 7-eleven black mamba 25. now i'm shalem lee have um 56 landon zakar g with the memberships thank you um for the seven dollars louie purin can you say that yak smells like fish i don't even know what that means i don't know what that means i'll get through the other super chats oh it was a stat kill on lights it was and i did the fight i did the light i was on the light it was the middle one no i was promised the middle light if anyone else had it open they can back me did anyone else have the light open i was doing i was doing the do you guys want to know a signature move right that right there is a simon's signature nav good luck okay so it's not who was that who was that wait who was that kyle were you there uh and i've seen the bodies was it more wait wait wait that was fun is that four simon and chip who love doing the [ __ ] lights thing again bro i'm in nav what what's the lights thing simon i'm in shield by the way and i've come down from the top right who was winning [ __ ] reigns it's me it's not me no he was the one he he was the one that reported last game yeah i reported by the way okay okay is that you for that okay that's not the greatest oh my fingers stink i'm glad i'm not playing this round thank you uh 56 london with the five dollars uh appreciate you um thank you at dustin bruh with the five dollar super chat and thank you dylan faulkner with the ten pounds says hi vic just want to say congrats on the royal ravens news levels thank you thank you don uh thank you kenneth for the five dollars said vic i don't know i saw what i put in your streams um i need to get into simon server but the twitter link won't work it's probably expired um i'm not sure the next time we use a do a video with the cyber discord that's when the link will get out let's watch jj and freeze you get oh if they get another double kill here this is unreal they should they should just for the culture just for the culture of it get another double kill and it's done the game over just massacre like i'm pretty sure they're on six right now they legit just need to kill each i don't know if they know that are they on six the whole i'll be understandable have a nice day it's six right hold it in i want to get rid of lux man i'm done with this oh my goodness there's actually only like one or two two people in this whole lobby they ever do comms players by the way who is it who's that i don't actually know how to do it jj is one of them why am i one of them because you're only one i've never seen many people do comments than you and someone else well what the [ __ ] is that wait dude wait has bez died here yeah what the [ __ ] is that or fam i died first [ __ ] off cow i was with you the whole round no no no no yeah but there's always two apostles my friend unless unless we did get rain but i'm not teaching i think rain was one of them for sure i don't how can you see it how i was deliberately because you follow you that whole round to show you in case someone died bro i felt like you didn't see it just do it don't work it's looks simon's been mad quiet simon what's up oh my god i've been talking the whole time i agree yeah it's either jj lux [Music] because ultimately if it's not rain we have to vote and if it is rain we get a free vote oh we gotta go i know you're on a boat but i think it's locked i think it's i i consider that was all josh's fault you know all right now let's go watch freezie see what he's got where is he is this boy oh my goodness just text me saying this is unbelievable double kill in front of players i'm fine bro i need a drink head losses head lost oh baby this good this just got very juicy ladies gentlemen there is a body uh orange where the ven uh the vent not vent where the um you've killed the leaves you destroy the leaves you're egg done but i'm sorry [ __ ] hell all right i think i'm starting to think it's not calyx though he was last one into electric i think he had want to lose oh good all good all good i'm sorry about that yes i'm saying just get me out of this game could be it could be you though comments i'd have to guys [Music] me doing bryce bro bro i started doing the first round but i was muted i'm literally going out of all the places to say you are navigation bro that had me rolling i was in stitches of the deadline jj killed me and vic he saw it happen yeah that did happen but jj we just needed we just needed a double kill yeah so so you were on six and you're with all of them about 10 seconds past the cool down and all out because obviously that's why he went against you like he's too annoyed he's like i never do comes okay so first round and i was like no you aren't like and that from that moment it was like you're [ __ ] yeah yeah i know that's josh yes mate [ __ ] off bro you saw me and vic get sliced and then said well if you walk into vietnam you walk into vietnam yeah everyone in front of you we're gonna [ __ ] protect you you walk into vietnamese bro got your chip the bag alarm okay right okay who was that okay one sec i've never moved yet i'm trying to put an order bench just killed someone in admin and invented i did not do that okay yeah i i i it sounds about right no eyes that right there sucks yeah what bro this is my where is the body i mean i've just walked into it it's the bottom left side of the table and bez has vented out i have not done that vote me out there it's not true i will vote you out because this is what you play you're sticking it on me yeah slap my [ __ ] on your head let's get out of here it to you jj that's good for me do you mean what about in story time it's a massive room this is what i'm saying right i'm in the [ __ ] room what the [ __ ] the top the bottom the left right it's jj [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] i don't know what i'm doing i i can't play this game properly after like after the two hour mark my all my brain power's done oh sorry i can't be bothered i've done enough tasks today [ __ ] tasks i'm not doing them i cba i've had enough lux shiny czard someone's ditching jj up here there's no way there's no way that's jj someone stitched him up there oh my god lux has been in there for a seemingly an ample amount of time i'm gonna jump on the cams see what we can see lux and storage simon and somebody else went into nav simon and shiny czard simon makes it out simon do be moving suspiciously rain seems to be chill he's going up she's gonna call a meeting [Music] that was long it was long why did he even leave i think yeah he liked that i was gonna say if you quit then it wouldn't look good on me by the way yeah brother proper bro uh so anyone dead no it's just tracking see if they were so okay so real quick also comms was done so does anyone want to suspect me no actually i don't know and then as i ran up i ran up followed like where he went he was just standing in the corridor between nav and now you see i think it's you because i really don't believe jj would get voted out for doing it and do it the next round i think that's actually kind of to even suggest that so why do you think it's me because you're the only person you're the only person who thinks he would do it twice thank you also hey yo vic i love you bro [Laughter] well that's i'm just putting i'm not saying vote anyone i'm not saying vote anyone or do anything i'm just saying that i i believe that jj's been framed there and that's that's that's what i'm saying just putting it out there thank you anyways communications it was vic rain me and you yeah okay yeah i'm just throwing it out his logic was i said it was jj so it has to be me you're the owner and you're basically you call him stupid at the same time he's kind of peak man no he literally no he's double played if he has played us then fair enough great play oh boy oh boy oh boy we'll see we'll see how this plays out but i just want to i just want to throw that out there they're gone again there's this could be aj that went quick i think the logic checks out obviously i didn't shoot anyone on it okay well okay well i'm dead now oh to be fair that's gonna put simon in it and if it is if josh is the only imposter left that's uh very unfortunate but hey um what you called that in vic is dead and simon called it well so vic who was and the doors to storage lock yeah yeah i've come from but i've come from bottom right i see vic jj and austin see someone else sad yeah i think i did this was earlier on and then i ran up into admin did my task in there went up all the way around because that door was locked and vic is dead and randy comes in from the from storage i think it's randy now looks no no you go wrong i was trying to follow that hang on so randy where did you go do you come home i came in storage i was locked in i was locked in and looks as locked in the other side in electrical everyone right looks running away from you because i was a bit sort of you well i'll scare you actually then i saw a body and i saw simon coming down from nav and i called the body in and then but then simon called it as well so i guess he should go up there quicker than i did jj where were you in the game where were you at the end uh far left you know where the hand things are is that reactor i ran the opposite way to you guys because i was like [ __ ] comes i don't need to do it i've got two tasks left on the left-hand side i did the wires outside the left i think it was because he wasn't looking where are you outside no so i was wrong but i you know i didn't tell anyone to vote him off i just threw my suspicions out there into the world so now unfortunately jj becomes the number one target and josh is having a great time with the uh sabotage of comms but it definitely wasn't jj he's just yeah he's just lucky that i mean it would make sense it was josh because he was the one that called out but he's josh is smart about it and he didn't say anything he just let people everyone else discuss the comms thing i don't think it i don't i don't think it was simon and uh simon and josh i think it might have been ethan and josh or somebody else in josh so we'll see what happens here but my goodness i was wrong but that's fine i i never said i was 100 sure i just it just seemed odd it just seemed odd to put that on jj because evidently it wasn't jj and i feel like that was obvious but apparently not so josh is going to kill lux here on cams isn't he that's a no-brainer yeah jumps in the vent stays an event if randy gets blamed here this is tough okay right it has to i have no idea i have no idea i think it's gotta be josh us why i'm pretty sure yeah joshua ksi i mean just just based off what's happening the other rounds as well what do you mean i mean i'm with ronnie the whole round yeah jj where are you i cannot bother fast okay i'm i'm reactor again doing the same hand thing still says josh what do you want to shoot or don't wait no why does it mean what what does it mean no i don't know oh so all we're saying is i trust i trust josh i trust josh no no it's me and rayne we're in admin together the whole time yeah we were in admin together oh no i checked cameras it was looks like it rained rain ended in the lobby you're with him end of the time sorry yeah wait so yeah so josh you were with me in reactor right nothing makes sense you know we can skip but i think i'm jumping it could be you huh i need your snipes jeez [ __ ] [ __ ] you did you did you vote [Music] oh dude oh dear it's making sure it's making sure yeah yeah cool cool good cool good cool okay so josh was the last one to come to the reactor right yeah doesn't mean a name no i'm just i'm just i'm just not clearing the stuff well i've got one more task to do and then i'm done okay it has to be josh i'm telling you or is you rain oh you killed it or is it admin why is it happening whoever is imposter has to kill two people so we got time we go yes yes smart thing is a skipper i'm saucing random josh now you could have followed me wait the bar's full oh my goodness if they just fix comms game's over chip had tasks you can get it randy you can get it if they fix comms games should be over because he's done his last task the bar's done because randy here he can paint it on rain task oh that there's one task left right where's your guys what's your guys what's up no that was your best boy right everyone's screaming right now skip it go finish your time but my balls it's randolph it's random do your [ __ ] task he's throwing he's intensely throwing he has to be and they're gonna vote him off if he doesn't do his task and then they'll still lose we'll see he's just trolling he's just having fun now what changed i'm not doing my final task it's randall oh my god okay guys guys oh my god the [ __ ] is going on brilliant what what we doing this what what's happening here you're being a [ __ ] idiot that's what [Music] are you gonna throw in the game are you gonna win oh i don't know oh wait oh my god oh my god did it it's raining just logic logic jj just logic i have 80 seconds wait okay um logic rain you just need to say that you thought it was randolph me and randolph voted the same every so many times for no reason there was no sus with me you put it on me this is so special try trying one person out to limit to make the group smaller so you kill some less people then wait why do you think it's josh i troll him bro it's me bro about me fight me what what the [ __ ] are you doing it's not me of course it's not me it gives logic though you can't this is who killed randolph i i've called them as well right yeah [Music] if i didn't call the meeting and i was imposter i could wait for cooldowns to happen because now i have buttons right and then we could we could win if i was imposter i would kill josh i'm skipping oh my [ __ ] god i'm ending this oh my god oh my god there we go you can get it done in time now go jj okay what's his final task can he do it in time oh my god it's an upload i think he hits it i think he hits it oh my [ __ ] god he has to do it's over it's over he has to do it in time and he's not doing it in time oh my god you want to see jj killed me in one game and just let it play out but when i can't freeze you could hear by the tone of his voice he wasn't trying to has something wrong with him jj jj do you want me to break down what happened there at the end the only thing that would give me away too much as me saying i wasn't with him no no well no no here's the thing that gave it away so just one thing okay so here's one thing okay and then he died no let me just say one thing okay so just one quick thing three meetings in a row okay rain and randall vote together to skip they're voting to skip they're voting to skip they're voting to skip you think it's randolph then randolph dies so it wasn't randolph so how could it be raised randolph baby he was starting rain though he was starting that point left with rain yeah like that killed me giving up by the way and that's what you know actually he did the download he still had to do the upload oh my god oh my god that's why the game didn't end against the title i could have called it for you no i had the ball by the way all right [Laughter] you could not [ __ ] make this [ __ ] up if you tried guys i'm done for the day for the pain that i just i just endured to get to the end of this guys subscribe count is over there subscribe buttons down there here uh turn on notifications um i'll probably be going live with cold war zombies later on tonight or maybe tomorrow we'll see um i didn't expect this stream to go on so long and hurt so many brain cells thank you shiv sankavi the cutest frog you will ever see jonah k zakir g 56 landon with the memberships thank you lo alonso 56 landon pure fire yt julian perrin with the super chats thank you john parent with the six seven dollars thank you in careers with the five dollars i'd love you from toronto will the sidemen ever visit canada after the pandemic's over yeah i'll be in toronto for sure my homie rob lives there i definitely come through thank you ryan don again for the 10 pound guys if you did enjoy make sure you subscribe turn on notifications um we're nearly at 6.9 mil subs which is pretty pretty wavy we'll get that nice and soon i'll see you guys on the next one thank you all for tuning in and have a good night guys adios wow that was something
Channel: Vikkstar123
Views: 5,960,121
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: JnxySBregpA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 209min 14sec (12554 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 12 2020
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