🎃 CARVING the 7 DEADLY SINS on Pumpkins! 👻 *spooky*

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now I have to start off this video with a bit of a spooky warning because it Kate yeah that's what I'm talking about occasionally there's gonna be something that pops out and spooks us say it'll be ready for that ah Oh it'll happen when you least expect it it's great it's good content now as you no doubt saw in the dom now flash title this video is going to be themed around the seven deadly sins i'm not actually sure where the seven deadly sins originated a modern concept of the seven deadly sins is linked to the work of fourth century monk a vigorous Pontius illustrates evil thoughts in Greek it's Latin II prostitution / fornication avarice or greed pride sadness wrath boasting and kdr dejection the sin of dejection that's spooky you know what else is spooky say that yeah so this place was spooky the seven deadly sins more widely recognized in modern folklore are the ones we're gonna be working on today without many pumpkins namely lust gluttony greed sloth wrath envy and pride as you can see I learned ahead I have a few spare pumpkins because I don't trust myself and I thought I would use one of my spare pumpkins to just do a test carving and see how this little thing works before we dive into our seven deadly sins so I think the first thing we do is gut it I've have done this before and because it was two years ago I forget everything that I learned so I don't know from scratch there's something behind here isn't there this place is spooky you start off by carving a lid off I can scoop it out I lost the top it's like part of the conic imagery you need to be more gentle when I take the top off oh it's a bit smelly I think that's the function unless it's an overused joke I'm gonna carve two sides of this because I'm gonna try two approaches the first approach is going to be just the really sort of standard having a face he's got a quirky little sideways mouth that's pretty cute but obviously there's not a lot of detail you can get into if you're just carving basic face shapes like that so that's the way most people carve pumpkins that's the way I might try and carve would be to do like the whole like inset fully sculpted this I'm gonna try doing it by eye making like a little bit of a face frame maybe use a yep take the plastic off take off a bit of the surface so that the skin isn't there and in theory I can use these carving tools slowly bring the shape of the face out ah I lost the knife better be careful with knives you know what happened last time damnit cut my head off scraping is one of the most effective ways to take off the mass without running too much of a risk of slipping and taking out big chunks and I've just big chunks of pumpkin big chunks of human flesh ain't that right buddy over the zombie thing over there behind me definitely behind me I'm hoping we can find a zombie to bring in and post from like a stop video website but if not whatever is there will suffice I'm wondering what it would look like if I put some in into the deeper crevices of my sculpture here how good as say it's look he's sort of cool I think that's a very successful dabble with that done he's about time to dive isn't that right Skelly so now that we know how we're gonna carve now it's time to figure out what we're gonna car let's start off with our first sin lust I think obviously the best way to do lust is carve the expression I just made feel like I need to go like in a bit of a Jessica Rabbit direction he rigged luscious lips I won't be able to get any hair oh why oh maybe I can use like the pumpkin like the way I carved a frame around this fella I could use to carve a hairline but I think just as a base concept that's a pretty good direction so let's do it [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay now it's time for gluttony to make an appearance and obviously the way we're gonna be doing this is making someone who looks like really grotesque and bubbly fat mucin but it's not just the gluttony aspect it's the real hunger it's the degree although I think that's a separate deadly sin so we're gonna lean more in the direction of the food thing I think a cool way to pull this off will be to make the head look too big for the face like the face is sort of protruding out fit to burst so we're gonna have a much wider outline here and need rolls and folds of skin it's gonna be a little tricky to pull off cuz I really need to make it look as rotund and bursting as I possibly can but there's not a lot of depth to work with all right gluttony ready to go let's do it [Music] all right next is greed and as we sort of saw with gluttony there are some close themes between some of these if I make someone look to like me like with his greed and the rat is just sort of like a slightly angry a version of that so we have to find features to bring out to make them look like those unique deadly sinners and I think the smile like the teeth specifically is probably a way to go with green almost like a really smart man or real estate agent you know those ones that they're hiding some things because they're just trying to get the best deal for them possible so most like I'm saying that as if I've had some bad experiences with use car salespeople and real estate agents Oh God oh I want this to be like super uncanny like a creepiest big teeth I can possibly make and I think the best way to do that is to make little teeth I know that sounds counterintuitive but the idea is said to find if you have like little teeth and big gums it looks super creepy so any wide eyes but they're being pushed out of cheeks as his greedy smile envelops his face I love the way this expression feel it remains to be seen if it can be pulled off on a pumpkin but that is of course the aim of today's video so let's see if we can pull it off [Music] [Music] it's time for sloth and this is a very different sort of expression a lot of the expressions we have have a lot of intensity so far but sloth is really about complete lack of or disdain for energy and effort I think to sustain that mix with a complete lazy look and trying to amplify that is gonna be the way to go so only slightly raised eyebrows and a very lowered eyelids with just bags under the eyes and a really low mouth like what bitter bitter I'm gonna make the face look a bit gaunt we've got some very sort of full faces and go for much more like sharp and shallow generally just very unenthusiastic and drawn-out face there it is my sloth face let's see how it looks in practice [Music] [Laughter] [Music] all right Rath Rath is gonna be fun because wrath or rage has a lot of energy definitely a bit of a pick-me-up after Slaven this was gonna be fun it's gonna be similar to greed as far as it being in the teeth in the eyes but I really want to direct it out I guess we could go in an opposite direction where Greed's face was all pulled up in a triangular direction like that we could have that more of a upside-down triangle with the teeth hauled out in that direction and I really want a scrunchy middle of the face I know that sounds weird but when someone's like really you pause that face I'm gonna make like a super super race face and we'll pause it in the in its peak you ready so all in here is all squishy and scrunchie uppy they have a technical term it'll notice this is sort of going out to the outer edges of our pumpkin here on my I'm essentially gonna have to wrap this around the pumpkin a little bit but I'm also gonna want the teeth to sort of stay around the front I think that does a pretty good job of getting wrath across here's me pumpkin shape obviously I can't go over the edges like that but let's see how it looks when we wrap the rage expression around the shape of that pumpkin envy how the hell do you draw Envy I think one of the clues is all of our pumpkins and sketches so far I've directed forwards as Envy is really looking at someone or something else something they don't have with envy so I think one of the best ways to carry this across is to direct a whole face to the side like this and I'm gonna really stretch the expression width way so it looks like he's trying to be off to the side somewhere he wants something else and I might even throw in like a few hairs in father's face so that might give us the feeling like he's peering through something almost like you know looking through the hedge to the neighbor's house to the things that he wants but otherwise I think overall that gives us a pretty good envious expression see how it works on a pumpkin [Music] last but not least we have pride and this is an expression that is really above others when someone has pride about obviously up on their high horse so we're gonna want this one to really raised eyebrows but really lowered eyelids so that he's really looking down on his lessons if what his looking at is off to this side maybe his mouth is pulled off to the opposite direction like he's trying to escape being too near the less than desirable people or things that he's unimpressed with now pride is often associated with nobility so I'm gonna go for a little bit of a noble look I wasn't sure how to do this I want to accentuate the direction of the mouth by making them pop out a bit so I might go with a bit more luscious lips and I'll make a face that looks a little more level II hills maybe with this one I can like somehow do earrings not entirely sure how I'll do that in the pumpkin I don't know it's just a thought it might or might not work in the end I hope it turns out good in practice but that's a guide I'll start off working with them we'll see where we go from there [Music] so after many hours of mini pumpkin sculpting I have a mildly spooky result of the seven deadly sins pumpkins I did have to redo the first one and I'm so glad I did because good lord this is yeah this is what the the first one look like that didn't work but this turned out a little better I think the real decider is gonna be what they look like with candles there it is their fake candles because as we have learnt I should not be trusted with fire all right there you go I've got my slightly more dramatic pumpkins are they dramatically really wait now they are [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so if same lust this is my gluttony pumpkin he looks pretty cool little to concentrate on the dark in the middle there but overall I think he looks pretty lusty white knight black knee getting mixed huh I guess is sort of lusting after food so what I'll look like at a buffet am i right this one is green so on all the things and we have sloth this one looks pretty cool definitely looks a bit more tired than slothful but I don't know how else you you do sloth then we have rage not rage that's not the sin rough there we go I gotta say this is this one's probably one of my favorites pretty cool looking MV a little hard to convey it as envy acceptance so to say hey look is he's looking off to the side he wants but you've got and last but not least pride I'm very important person mean I should be taken very seriously that's what air voice is an interesting result I hope you enjoy it and definitely a fun process I haven't sculpted with the mini pumpkins before better it's definitely a really cool way to sort of lay around with ideas and techniques without having all your eggs in one pumpkin think that's the same all you say all your seeds we received in one pumpkin that's better that makes us should start off with that bull stuck with the basket thing anyway I want to thank you so much for watching this video and joining me in my spooky forest the forest of several spooks make sure to LIKE this video if you did enjoy it and if you haven't subscribed to my channel we have a lot of fun with art and creativity sometimes we just goof around and sometimes we get a little ambitious and thematic otherwise more videos over there thank you for watching this one and until next time I'll see you later
Channel: Jazza
Views: 1,133,064
Rating: 4.9188256 out of 5
Keywords: josiah, brooks, jazza, jazzastudios, animation, newgrounds, flash, humor, drawing, adobe, photoshop, cintiq, 24hd, Adobe Flash (Software), Artist, Painting, challenge, funny, crazy, weird, draw, art, crilley, zhc, vexx, boxofficeartist, entertainment, hillarious, bob ross, halloween, spooky, spoopy, 7 deadly sins, pumpkins, sculpt, sculpting, carve, carving, tools, ink, inking
Id: euy4UaYJXzY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 57sec (1017 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 29 2019
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