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shall we do it this is how we do it scoop this is how we do it you know ladies and gentlemen welcome to draw with jazz oh I'm jazzy and today I'm going to spook afire Halloween today's video was recorded in stream on Adobe's twitch channel make sure to check out twitch.tv slash Adobe for loads of awesome stream as they stream all the time loads of awesome different stuff traditional digital animation art you name it and today in Photoshop I'm going to be taking something probably something cute and cartoony or whatever and making a spooky Halloween version of it this should be loads of fun but I don't actually know what I'm gonna spring a fire yet so I'm going to leave it to the twitch chat to leave their suggestions and they will vote on what I will spook a fire I put it to a vote there was about 10 different dudes to pick from and in the end I did a final voting poll of the top three options and the winner at 42% is Princess Peach this is my reference I'm just gonna put her on the side and now I'm going to go ahead and spookified Princess Peach start off with a basic construction for the proportions and pose I try to really follow the original reference as far as proportions and style goes so I kept that cutesy cartoony look but I wanted to make it feel a bit off and a little bit unsettling so I went with a slightly tilted head and I have her left hand holding up a head which will end up being Mario's severed head and in a right hand I'll end up drawing a weapon which at the time I actually didn't know what to draw as a weapon because the chat was giving a lot of suggestions so I'll get back to that later but that being said once the pose was something I was happy with I started to outline and refine the details of the piece I wanted to of course make it that little bit more unsettling though so I made sure her clothes were a bit torn and her hair a little bit messed up Mario severed head having of course a shocked expression and styling of course to define a little bit of the gore in the image as well some dripping blood and the bloody stump of the neck I'm liking how my Princess Peach is looking definitely pretty creepy the twitch chat is having a bit of a conflict as to what her weapon should be so I'm actually gonna put it to a vote because I can't decide for myself as usual so I put it in the hands of the twitch chat the options are knife act parasol which is cleaver biting plant and star wand and the votes are rolling in and having won by a landslide princess peach's weapon is going to be a parasol so in light of that I'm actually gonna get rid of her right arm and I'm gonna redraw it holding the Paracels sort of leaning up against her shoulder and I think the end of the Power Cell the handle bit will be somehow incorporated with the weapon anyways once I've drawn that in and I've got my sketch that I'm happy with I'm gonna jump into doing the line work and the colour now knowing what the weapon will be I removed the basic construction of the right hand and druid holding a parasail I actually looked up references of her parasol and she has a bit of a love heart shaped handle so I did an extra twitch poll to see how she might have used the parasol as a weapon and in the end we ended up using that love heart shape as a blade now moving forward with the line work I'm using a her original line work color which is sort of like a rich maroon color that complements her yellows and pinks to maintain the look that carries a cross between the two of them so that doesn't look like it would be a huge jump for the original Princess Peach character to turn into the character that I'm drawing here which makes it a little bit more believable and a little bit more freaky I'm keeping my lines really clean and complementing that cartoony look which will then end up juxtaposed by violence and gore that I'll add later especially when I get to the color and textures the lines are drawn with my custom brushes in particular there are brush pen brushes that I have as part of the set and then later want to get to the color I'll also be using my custom brushes to add some paint and texture for blood and other things like that I highly recommend if you're interested checking out my custom Photoshop brushes for photoshop cs5 point 5 and above I use them for literally all of my Photoshop work and I can't recommend enough personally because I mean they're all I use but I did make them in the end for myself for my own personal use so everyone has their own different workflows and these are brushes that I've created to really complement my own moving on to the colors again I'm using the original colors as my reference with the exception of her eyes and the gems keeping them all a little bit more unsettling so rather than having blue gems I've kept them all blood-red and her eyes I start off in a yellow which later on I actually come back and change everything for now though is very clean without much gore or grit but it's in the next stages that I'm going to really add a much more grotesque look so I finished adding the color now as you can see it still has an air of bright cheerfulness because I've used the original Princess Peach colors as a base to work from but here's where we have a bit more fun I'm actually going to take my entire illustration layer and I am going to convert it to a smart object I have a keyboard shortcut setup to do that which I made ctrl one but essentially that just merges all of the layers into one that you can go back into later and make changes if you want it also means any changes you apply to that layer manipulations or filters things like that aren't applied to the actual bitmapped imagery itself it's just applied to the smart object which you can break apart or bring back from the changes you make so it's a really nice safety net now the reason I say all that is because now when I go into image adjustments and go into hue/saturation I can bring down the saturation of my Princess Peach character and you can see that we have a little bit more of a grim look to her you can also change the hue on either side and I'm going to pull it to the right until it's maybe plus two then I have a slightly weird looking Princess Peach I'm going to go into adjustments brightness contrast and I'm going to add some contrast once again the saturation still a little strong but the cool thing is you can see under your smart object here you have these layers here so I'm going to double click on my hue/saturation and then bring it down even further hit OK and then with it all applied we're starting to get a pretty nifty look now we're going to have a lot of fun and make it really gritty I'm add a new layer and add a clipping mask which happens when you alt click between those two layers you essentially can turn it into something where you can draw anywhere and it will only paint inside that object I'm going to select a textured brush my paintbrush and find a really nice dark red color and turn the whole layer into about an 80 percent opacity what happens now when I paint is I get this sort of a look it goes on top of the lines and on top of the colors but it doesn't go over the edges now I'm going to play around with my blend modes and find one that looks nice and bloody so this one is looking pretty good I might even bring the color down a little bit so I have an approach to adding blood to our character using my textured brush and I'm going to be pretty brutal with this I'm not going to hold back I'm just going to put lots and lots of blood this hand in particular I'm gonna bring my brush size up and sort of tap it out as we start to gradient towards there being no blood and that creates a bit more of a spattering look and I'm gonna go an even larger brush size and just do this spatter elsewhere on the dress just to add a nice bit of grit now of course we need to not forget Mario has had his head cut off so I'm going to have to make it nice and gruesome here so things most close to the Mario head makes sense so the side of the dress here am I also going to add a whole bunch of red to our parasol always nice to keep the hands really bloody now I'm not a hundred percent with her colors but the cool thing is I can make changes pretty easily I can just double click and go into the smart object as you can see everything is exactly as it originally was now it's the hair in the eyes I'm not 100% happy with so I'm just gonna try and find my hair and eyes layer so with the hair selected I'm gonna paste that and I have a duplicate that I can adjust ok I'm happy with that that's got a bit more of a blond look and then the eyes themselves these yellow eyes again I'm not a hundred percent happy with so I'm actually going to go in here and just adjust the colour an easy way to do this is to simply paint a color you want to try on a layer over the area you want to change like and then just try your blend modes until you hit transition into that color that works nicely so hue does that well and now I'm just going to try my hue/saturation and just adjust the hue in two different colors until I find something I'm happy with so I'm going to hit OK save and now when I go back to my other picture I'm happier with this so we're getting somewhere we're nearly there we're doing really well but there are some final adjustments and additions I want to make now one of my favorite things to do when working with gruesome images like this is to work with textures so these are a bunch of blood textures that I have so I'm actually going to select some of these and drag them into my image you can see when applied to the clipping mask again they're sort of applied only to that area which is really cool so only to that area and the object again I can go through the blend modes and then find one that works really well with the character I think in general multiplier works well and I can bring the opacity down and if there's any areas that are a bit too too much or that I want to get rid of I can just rasterize it and then just simply crop and then just delete and I like to do this incrementally bit by bit adding blood spatters layer by layer I add my blood spots I ended up in the end adding about five or six extra blood splat but of course I refined them so they're not too over-the-top or overwhelming and so that they sit in different areas and I of course rasterize and tailor them as I need them then I go back to my rich dark red and add a little bit more saturation to a few areas and that's about it I'm happy with that we definitely have a lot of gore here but it also does look a little bit flat because it's all just sort of part of the image so my finishing touch is to grab a nice rich red color got a detail brush that I'm going to use and I'm going to start to add those drips that I created initially and this kind of helps bring the gore outside of the image a little bit so we have some more dimension to it and it feels less flat my favorite way of doing this sort of thing is you start off by finding the areas that are dipping down that gravity would have the blood gather sort of like this then outline usually one or two main ones that start to hang out they sort of taper in towards the bottom there and then they get heavier at a drop of blood at the bottom another thing I really like to do is also have some interconnected so if I have some blood starting to hang down here I also like to have it look a little bit sticky and wet by connecting this to sort of like another drop area though is nice of course to have a drop or two just sort of hanging or dropping on its own like that and then once you've drawn the cord blood dripping areas on a layer on top of that you can select a much lighter red almost pink in fact you can go almost white with this just add a little highlights to make it look nice and wet really little just dots really it's good to not just do this on the the blood that's dripping it's also good to find areas where the blood has gathered or is saturating objects for example we have a Mario character here so his mouth probably be nice and shiny the edge of his head and this is where we just make it all look nice and wet and a bit gross and just with those simple additions you can see that now it looks nice and wet there's one last thing I want to do and that is give him a kiss so I'm gonna go in here select a an image from Google Images of a kiss mark I'm going to drag my kiss onto the stage bring this down to size and whack it on Mario's nose i'll skew it to shape it's very hard to see with all the blood in his face but there's not much I can really do about that I might maybe make it a bit smaller because her mouth is quite small and then we have the finished result this is my creeper fide princess page she looks pretty creepy to me I definitely wouldn't want to walk across that in a dark alley in the Mushroom Kingdom thanks so much for watching ladies and gentleman make sure of course to check out the dough bees twitch channel to see their other amazing streamers they stream all the time so if you enjoy watching art content while you work or while you do things or just enjoy interacting with a community it's a really great place to check out our highly recommend it and they even put up with me doing grotesque and immature stuff like this well I can subscribe if you haven't that's it for now ladies and gentleman until next time I'll see you later thanks for watching make sure to subscribe to my channel for you content every week if you want to support my work and get some goodies for yourself head over to my store for archives ebooks digital brushes video courses and more if you enjoyed this video here's a link to another video you might like from this channel if you want even more make sure to check out all my behind the scenes action on my vlog channel daily Jazza draw with jazzer is proudly sponsored by Adobe join the creative cloud today and get loads of incredible creative tools like Photoshop anime Premiere Pro and other apps for your computer or mobile device that's it for now thanks for joining the arty party and until next time I'll see you later
Channel: Jazza
Views: 2,126,001
Rating: 4.9534187 out of 5
Keywords: josiah, brooks, jazza, jazzastudios, animation, game design, media, newgrounds, armor games, flash, humor, drawing, how to draw, adobe, photoshop, cintiq, 24hd, Adobe Flash (Software), tutorial, Artist, Painting, Educational, Software Tutorial, CS6
Id: 9uGvZpONrOw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 35sec (815 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 27 2016
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