「Stellaris」 Essential TECH and RESEARCH Guide - How to get Techs!

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greetings everyone and welcome to the ultimate stellaris technology and technology beelining guide in this video I will show you how to use the technology system how to make use of the technology system and how to abuse the system for best results so let's begin with the basics technology is a very important aspect of the game and indeed is one of the choices you have to make at the very beginning you start up the game and there are three options that you have to choose for technologies a physics option a society option and an engineering option these technology options are mostly separate and you could only research certain physics texts in the physic stream and vice versa these technologies play a significant part in your Empire's development because the bonuses you get from technologies are quite significant for example and get a better weapon the blue laser that you can research and mount on your ships is about 30% better than the red laser that you start off the game with that means that with just a little bit of a tech edge your pls can potentially be 30% better than those of the enemy and even in late game where bonuses become a little bit less significant it is still very important and you can get very significant bonuses such as those in a society treatment but I'll get to that a little bit later let's first look at how you can actually start to manipulate some of the options that you get from the technology tree obviously this games technology tree is not like most Forex games as in you don't have a single technology tree where you can have all the options valuable to you from a start and all you have to do is choose a certain path instead this game uses a card system where certain cards are more likely to show up than others this is called their technology weight and you can increase it through a variety of means for example if your scientist has an expertise in field manipulation you are more likely to go ahead and get field manipulation techs you're not guaranteed to but you are about 25% more likely things like your civics and ethics also affect this for example if you go ahead and run materialist robots have a higher chance of appearing and if you go ahead and run a certain Civic such as mechanist for example robots droids and cents are all going to have a significantly higher chance of appearing admission to this weight system there's also a tier system in this game technology is put into five different tiers tier 1 2 3 4 and 5 to be able to get any text from the next year you have to research 6 techs our proceedings here for example once we research six texts from Tier one we can unlock text from tier two and so in our situation in addition to all the text that we still have into your one we will have spacer PTO's destroyers our three droids machine mad points star bases housing and engineering unlocked all the other texts of tier two will be locked until we can actually go ahead and research the proper requirements this is the exact same way you advanced into tier 3 by researching six texts of tier 2 and then gaining to tier 3 then getting to tier 4 then getting to reputable x' and tier 5 this is where most the good techs are but they are gonna be quite a bit more expensive in fact one of the ways of telling the tier with tech is by how expensive it is for example this tier 1 Tech standardized Corvette patterns is gonna have a base cost of around 2500 a tier 3 tech is gonna have a cost of roughly 12,000 a tier 4 is gonna have a cost of 24,000 and a tier 5 is gonna be quite a bit more expensive and is gonna be around a 50,000 or even higher at tier 5 there are also certain texts called repeatable you can research them on more than once however they become more and more expensive the more you research them the bonuses that you get from repeatable texts are less than the bonuses you get from normal text because well by the time you get to repeatable the normal text will already be all researched and so these are gonna be your only option for increase in production later on contrary to what I originally thought and what most people probably think repeatable is don't actually come at the last year of a technology but instead they come at the third tier of a technology or if there's no third tier at the last year because once you're at the third tier of Technology you're likely at tier 2 or 3 and tier 5 is a long ways away however reputable do tend to Colette or your tech options once you get to the late game so watch out for that and try to avoid researching third tiers of text but you're not really gonna use that about does it for the basics of the weights and tier system let's get to how actually works in game in game was the research attack you have a selection of options the selection of options is generated once you finish the tech and cannot be rear old in any way other than researching a new tech and getting a new list of options this allows you to re-roll the technology pool by choosing a tech that you don't really need but that is cheap and quick to research or nearly just being able to reroll tech in this matter is quite useful enough but there's also one quirk to it all these tech options will have a 50% reduced chance of appearing in the next role so for example if I don't want any of these technologies I can pick standardized correct patterns wait for it to get researched and then get a new selection of text as you can see here these texts are not at all what we had before but let's say what are the text was one that we had before for example we saw destroyed bill patterns once more a next role is gonna have an additional 50% reduction in appearance dropping it down to 25% total rate as you can tell this 50% reduction applies to the existing weight and not the base weight because we still have a chance of getting a certain text three or more times in a row although that chance is quite small and it's gonna be quite unlikely that that happens as such you can reroll for texts that are quite a bit more desirable to you and before you ask this only applies for the next role once the tech is unseen that is completely reset and it has the base chance of appearing according to its weight this also means that if you have two good options making a choice is quite difficult because the second option is unlikely to just appear on the next role to be chosen it can happen but it's unlikely and while we're still in the game let's also talk about the technology speed system the weight resource speed works is that all technologies have us turned cost to them and you have us turn mine of progress per month progress per month can be checked right here this number right here is just your base research but this number of progress per month it takes into account your scientists and other bonuses to your empire this progress per month is not actually the same for all technologies for example if I choose this tech is gonna stay at a 57% bonus and it's gonna give me a 580 progress per month however if I choose a tech like coil guns I will get a 97 percent bonus and an effective progress of 728 this is because in addition to the base 57 percent I also get certain bonuses as this guy is an expert in propulsion and this is a propulsion tech you will get an extra 50% research speed additionally I have a research with another empire that already has this tech a research agreement will increase research progress by 25% so it is something worth going for and something worth paying attention to this effectively means that you can't really just trust the price of attack but instead you will have to judge whether or not it's worth it in terms of the usefulness to your empire and also whether or not you have scientists and bonuses to boost its research it also means that having good scientists is just as important as having a good base research amount this amount right here is just what I produce all my planets with all the research bonuses affecting pops as you can see here we have quite a few bonuses compared to just what we have in our technology tree because these bonuses on planets and these bonuses and scientists are completely and entirely separate and you know what while I'm still in the game why not let's also cover the scoring system and how technology is calculated their malady level in the scoring system is more indicative than just a simple number of how much research you get per month because it indicates how much tech you research previously and it's basically like I don't know 1% of the points of tech it's somewhere around that but you can easily tell which empire has more tech by taking a look at their technology score this is a significantly more accurate number and a representation than just going ahead and looking at the contact screen and seeing Oh equivalent equivalent is roughly 30% over or under and so you could potentially be 30% worse than someone and still be considered equivalent so keep that in mind and now with all the basics and not so basics covered I'll talk about how you can use this to your maximum advantage this technology tree is something I created myself if you want to see it for yourself there's a link in the description to the full file but anyways let's go ahead and have a case example how you can get dissents in as little text as possible as you can see in the psychology tree the main branch of research is the bold line and the off branches are the smaller lines so in the case of this robotics tree you go from power its exoskeletons to robotic workers to droids to cents to synthetic personality matrix you don't actually need this last tech most the time but if you want to go ahead and synthetically ascent which by the way is the most powerful ascension in the game at this point you're gonna have to go ahead and go all the way to it one thing that's quite obvious about this tree that is not like the other trees is that there are certain requirements that are not from this tree for example colonial centralization is a tier to society tech now highlighted by this green outline and positronic AI for sense is actually a physics technology may not be obvious at first but part exoskeletons are the tech to start off this tree we cannot actually get robotic workers without researching this tech and so even though this tech is only like 5% minerals and 5% army damage we still Anita if you want to go ahead and research robots robots are very powerful you can get an extra two pop growth per planet and you can even increase it to 2.3 with rapid assemblers it is very nice and it is very much worth it however robots are robots and it can only work minor or food jobs so you likely are gonna want to go ahead and get droids droids can work a lot more jobs and robots and you will have significantly less unemployment caused by not having the proper districts for them however you not only have to research robotic workers before you also need to have 6 technologies from this tech tree in the best case scenario we research part exoskeletons badhak workers Robo modding because it is quite good and has a very high chance of actually appearing engineering assembly patterns and mining because all these are very good technologies after the first 6 technology picks we will have all of these texts remaining to us and also droids engineering mining mineral purification tower bases and destroyers and also space torpedoes based arpita's are quite nice provided that we already researched colonial centralization in the society tree these are the tier 2 texts that will be available to us however since we have not yet researched these technologies they will also be in the pool if you get lucky enough to just go ahead and select these six texts I instead of dealing with any tier 1 text will I be able to go ahead and unlock tier 3 it's very unlikely that we're gonna be able to just get the tier 3 text without having to deal with the tier 1 text so let's say we also research stuff right here now when we go ahead and reach tier 4 we have a quite a few options available to us at the point where we can actually have access to synthetics we will have a quite a few options to choose from ants ethics is just gonna be one of many in fact it's gonna be one of 19 or potentially even more texts that are available to us for research that is not good and so to really be able to get sense we have to develop a path to get to there with as few technologies as possible this involves heavily avoiding specific text to not have many tech options after that for example if we avoided fusion missiles and to correct HP instead we would have one extra option instead of two extra options and if we just went ahead and went with Corvette Bell speed we just have this tech researched to be able to unlock tier 2 and then no additional text to actually clutter our tree however since you also have limited time instead you want to select text that will not only not clutter your options pool but will also come in handy with running your empire or example technology is like mining and engineering are just straight-up good you're gonna have a plus 20% to production and 20% is it quite a lot an empire with a lot of mining tech is not going to need as many pops to actually run its mines and so can do just as well as an empire with a lot more pops I'm just having better tech additionally certain texts like consumer goods 1 and alloys 1 are also very very useful these guys allow you to upgrade your tier 1 alloys billing to a tier 2 alloys building this will not only provide more jobs but will also consume some unique resources that means that you have to actually unlock certain to be a good resource tech to be able to use it but that's whatever you have to wait until it you can get to tier 2 and unlock the technology before you can actually research the respective tech for alloys of consumer goods it is a stupid mechanic because it does not consider whether you have a stock of these resources or not it just considers whether you have the means to be able to extract those resources the jobs that they give are just the same as the jobs given by tier 1 buildings however you get way more jobs per building slot and considering how valuable building slots are that is quite useful even when you go ahead and extract where you find resources yourself it is still more building site efficient to have a tier 3 building and refinery then just a bunch of tier 1 buildings and so in the end these t1 texts are likely going to be unlocked after a lot of the tier 2 or even tier 3 text depending on your luck and fortune and getting these or the to the galactic market although by the time you're 20 to 50 rolls around I should probably have at least one of these texts but even if you are behind when the market opens you can very easily just bioresources off the market upgrade your buildings and get a lot more production going if you have less than 500 tech production by the time to market hits I should probably focus more on technology technology is very good and so resources spent on research are generally going to be quite a good idea instead of just going ahead and increasing production in other factors peg doesn't ever just stop being useful and even when you hit the end of your pupils and it's still worthwhile to keep a researching although at that point it might be worth it to just switch over to Palace & Rec everyone with your tech edge and massive fleets but anyways thanks for watching please leave a comment for what you want to see in the next guide of course well I can subscribe and draw my discord I always post materials like this tech tree in advance on my discord so you can be the first to check that out but without further ado thank you so much for watching and I'll see you guys in the next one bye bye
Channel: Stefan Anon
Views: 299,025
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stellaris, Stellaris 2.5, stellaris 2.5.1, stellaris 2.6, stellaris federations, stellaris tech, stellaris research, stellaris beelining, stellaris guide, stellaris technology, stellaris technology guide, stellaris tall, technology, technology guide, research, engineering, stellaris tech tree, tech tree, stellaris mechanics, technology stellaris, ultimate technology guide, technology and beelining, stefan annon, stellaris origins, stellaris gameplay, technology beelining
Id: vk6kGHeajo8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 13sec (853 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 06 2020
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