한밤의 놀이공원 (Midnight Amusement Park) #1|[SKZ CODE] Ep.16

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[2022.03 JYP Entertainment] Hello friends. Hello, friends on YouTube! It's been a while! [Nice to see you STAY♥ SKZ♥ SKZ CODE's gathering♥ / SKZ CODE is back] - It's been a while! - Hanie♥ Hyunjinie♥ Binie >< Minie >< ♥Bbogi♥ Innie♥ Know! Know! [(Is this not it?)] That was natural. It's Chan! [Chanie, Know, Binie, Hyunjinie, Hanie, Bbogi, Minie, Innie A SKZ-like adorable START] [YouTuber Hanie can't find the camera] Everyone, it's been so long. [(So cute)] We've been preparing for our comeback so we haven't posted a lot of content. You guys have missed us, right? [(Forced laughter)] [(Answers right away)] No. I'm getting annoyed! [That's a good thing] You're getting annoyed? Then you need to relieve your stress! [A natural MC] First... [A walk is not enough today! Seungmin wants to head out] Where are we going today? First, I prepared this! You bought this? [The animal headbands Yongbok prepared(?)] Yeah, I prepared all this. [Don't know what's going on but picking the headbands] Pick the headbands you want. [(Picking the duck first)] I'll go for this dog(?) Hey Yongbok. [Ignoring the chicken recommendation Yongbok chooses the rabbit] Chicken. Tiger! [Chanie chooses the duck to fit his clothes] [Changbin picks the rabbit] I choose the rabbit. Of course! [Lee Know's destiny is tiger] I'll get what's left over. [Seungmin will obviously pick the dog(?)] [(Has everyone worn theirs?)] [(Huh)] It's a chicken. Isn't this on backwards? Backwards? Is it? [Nervous / Stressed from being the MC] [So excited] [(What to do with this...)] [(Chanie's excited after dyeing his hair)] - He's gotten strange after dyeing his hair. - Yeah. [(Baby Chanie got his heart dyed blue)] He dyed his brain, not his hair. [Still so excited / I'm six now)] [MC Bbogi, go on] So Yongbok, what did you say? [Today's SKZ CODE! 1. Wear the watch one person at a time] We wear this watch, [2. Measure their stress level as a team] and scan our stress levels. [(Stress levels?)] - We're going to see - Scanning! - each of our... - I'm too shy! I don't want to reveal that! [(Competitive spirit gone wrong)] I'll show you the machine going out of control! SKZ CODE! [Matching partners with headbands Splitting into teams of four] Shall we split up into teams? How about bear and rabbit? Bear and rabbit! Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Bear, Sat, Sun! [If the bear and rabbit are a team Then the animal to team with duck is?] Then duck and... [Duck & tiger are a team!] Duck and tiger. - Let's sit with our teammates. - Sit with your team. [Tiger + Duck team] [Bear + Rabbit team] [Naturally discussing the team name] - What should our name be? - There's "Hori." My last name is Bang, so Hori Bang! Not bad! [Alright! / (Loves it)] - Hori Bang. - Let's go global. Holy Bang. [Changbin is surrounded by 00z] What should our name be? (1st jab) How about Gomji? [(2nd jab) (Bear + pig??)] Always waiting to call him a piggy. [(Trying to stay calm)] It's too... - It's too unrelated. - (3rd jab) This is a Dwaekki then. It's a rabbit! [(Taken back)] It's not Dwaekki? [(Naming it the SKZ way)] It's Dwaekki if you wear it! [Prickled / Pause] - I'm not wearing it though! - That's why you're Dwaek... [(Haha)] [(A new idea)] How about Kkini? [(Finally bursting)] Don't say things you just like! [(Hmph)] You never skip your meals. [(Finding the lost bear)] How about Gomkki? [(Okay)] Okay, let's go with Gomkki. [Alright! Gomkki!] - Gomkki. - Gomkki's not bad. (So mean) It sounds like "starving"! I hate starving! [(Changbin, please eat before filming...)] - Hurry up and wear it. - Let's go with Gomkki. [The exhausted four / Gomkki] [The energetic / Hori Bang] We're Hori Bang! [(Don't misunderstand)] It's Hori Bang. [Textbook Korean accent] - Hori Bang? - Hori Bang. Since we've chosen our names, we have to scan our stress levels. [Finally measuring / (So curious)] I've scanned mine, [Felix 48] - and I got 48. - Whoa, 48! [The closer to 100, the higher the stress level Yongbok's stress level is low] - He's a happy guy. - Low stress. [(The curious puppy)] - I want to try it. - You want to try it? [(Putting it on)] I'm so curious of Changbin's stress level. [(It's my turn now)] I've never been stressed in my life. [Meanwhile] Ugh, I put it on backwards. Ugh... Seungmin. [(Very high maintenance)] Where's the stress level? [(Yongbok's so sweet)] Just looking at Seungmin gives me stress. [(Full of complaints)] [Measuring with MC Bbok's help] - That's good. - It's scanning! You need to stay still. [Taking longer than expected...] It says to strap it tightly... [(Come on Seungmin!)] You should've done that from the start! [Responding to anger with cuteness] Help me! [(Come on Seungmin!)] Why can't you do it alone! [(Helping) / A warm welcome to anger] It's been a while since you shouted like that. [(Has nothing to say)] [Measuring the strong puppy's stress again] Failed in measuring. [Getting stressed because of this...!] What if we get stressed because of this? Ugh... Inner peace. [Kind to the members but not to the watch] Failed in measuring? I'm done. - Are you sulking? - What are you doing? [Seungmin will scan at the end] [Changbin 52] I got 52. [Hyunjin 55] - I got 55. - 55. [Just doesn't work for me...] 55. [Next is Team Hori Bang] [Suddenly summoning Bixby] - Hi Bixby. - Do you receive a salary? [Starting with a sensitive question] What's your annual salary? [(Refusing to answer)] Bixby. [Everyone's calling Changbin's Bixby] Bixby. Do you know Seo Changbin? [Nope] I don't have an answer. [Bixby's so popular] Hi Bixby. Reset my phone! Reset my phone! [No!] [(Respect)] I think that guy's crazy. [(So shocked)] [Chan was helping I.N so he didn't hear] What did he do? He called Bixby and told it to reset the phone. Really? [Thankfully it didn't reset] But it didn't work. [(Disappointed)] Too bad. [The owner was taken aback] It asked for my fingerprint! Hi Bixby! Reset to factory settings! [(Again, finger print)] [You guys...] Just stay put. [Teasing Changbin is the best...!] Please stay put. [They love tugging at Changbin's patience] Measure my stress level right now! [A mountain of stress] - Hi Bixby! - Hi Bixby! [Not stopping] Hi Bixby, I said reset to factory settings. [(Learned the word)] Oh, factory settings. [Hori Bang's stress levels are?] [HAN 39] - I got 39. - What? Why so low? [Lee Know] - I got 45. - 45? [I.N 43] I got 43. [Bang Chan 41] I got 41. [The happy quokka] I'm the only one in the 30s. [Finally Seungmin's turn again] Should I do it for you? [(Measuring)] [We're already having fun!] The two teams are so different. [(Having fun) / (Sleeping) This side has 0 stress] This side doesn't have any stress, but us... [This side is super stressed / (Jealous)] So frustrating. [Seungmin 47] I got 47. 47? Why is ours so high? [Full of anger] You guys have anger issues. [Gomkki 202 / Hori Bang 168] [Today's mission Have fun and relieve stress] [After enjoying today, the team that reduces more stress wins] All right then, let's go relieve some stress! - Okay! - Let's go somewhere! [(Not angry) (Not sleeping) (Measuring stress again)] There's Lotte World near our office! Then let's go to Lotte World and have fun! [Attempting for 0 stress!] Let's measure again after that. Let's go to Lotte World! [(Leader Bbok)] Let's go release some stress! Let's go! [But there's another mission for SKZ...] - There was a reason for this. - Let's go to Lotte World! [Before filming] [(Clearly a mission note)] [(No patience)] [The solo mission] This is the word you have to hear from the members today. [(Heard a false rumor somewhere)] Is the prize really an iPad? [But surprisingly, there is a prize] Is it as good as an iPad? [The word each member has to hear] [Changbin / I love you] [(Resentful)] That's so hard... [Seungmin / Seungmin, bark] That's so easy. [Seungmin's confident] I think... [(Hearing this once a day)] I can get HAN to say this easily. [HAN's checking his mission in a special way] [(Creating his own suspense)] [HAN / ???] I can't do this! [What's the word that made the ace HAN give up?] [I.N / I'm so excited] This is the hardest. This is so hard. [Felix / Thank you] [(We use this often!)] Isn't this too easy? [Another easy phrase] This is easy because I'm normally impatient. [Hyunjin / ???] What! [Bang Chan / ???] [What's the word that stumped Chan?] [(What's the word that made Lee Know go quiet?) Lee Know / Be quiet] [(So calm)] I think it'll be fun. Let's go. [Will SKZ succeed?] SKZ CODE [Venue sponsorship : Lotte World] [Arrived at Lotte World!] It's Lotte World! We're going to Magic Island! [Out of control as soon as they enter the place] Seungmin, it's been such a long time, right? [They're super excited] We'll walk with eagerness! [(Walking eagerly)] Hey, quiet down! [(That's my word!)] [Say it to me!] Why! [(HAN's the victim)] The people in front said be quiet. Lee Know, your volume is too loud. [Begging him to be quiet] My ears hurt. Shout that way. What? [(Shouting again)] I should what? - Be quiet! - Oh! [Please] I hear you fine, so talk gently. [Lee Know succeeds as soon as they start] Why! We're entering Magic Island. The escalator's not working... No, it's working fine! [The ducks act like it's working fine] - It's working fine! - It's perfect! Yongbok, doesn't it feel like we're dating when we're walking like this? - Yeah! - Does it feel like we're a couple? [Changbin's plan to hear "I love you"♥] - It does! - I love you, Yongbok! [(So)(Happy)] - Really? - Yeah. If you love me... [Show me with your actions But the partner is Yongbok] [(Bbogi's so cute)] [A passerby is taken back] What the? They're saying they love each other. [(Can't lose to them)] Let's lock arms. It's been a while. So pretty... In the past, amusement parks used to feel really big. [But even as an adult, Lotte World is amazing] Whoa! It's Atlantis! [(His pet chick?)] The first stop is Atlantis! Looks so fun! Atlantis! At-land-is! Not water! [Okay... Let's keep going] - Whoa, it's Lotte World! - It looks fun. Isn't Atlantis the ride I said I can't go on? [He succeeded the mission but he's still going for it / (Sudden rage)] Just ride it and decide for yourself! [Meanwhile in the back] Everyone, I have something to say. [(An unexpected destination)] I have to go to the bathroom. [(No way)] No you don't. Just hold it in! [SKZ won't let him go] Just hold it in! [Suddenly acting like an employee] Everyone, show me your tickets. [(Going along)] Then answer me. How do I look? How do I look? That's his mission! [(Got caught)] [Keeps trying] How do I look? [(Giving the wrong answers)] You look like a mouse. [I.N forgot all about his mission] [No entry then] All of you go home. [Can tell what HAN's mission is] [Atlantis mission : Spot the difference of Yongbok] I'm all dressed up right now, right? [1. Look at Yongbok and remember how he's dressed] Remember how I'm dressed right now, [2. Ride the ride and spot the difference] and then after the ride, find what's different about me. [(Summary)] - So it's like a memory test. - That's right. [How will they do?] - Let's ride in the front! - I love this! [Hori Bang gets on first] I'm so excited! I guess I've grown a lot! Why? [He's so happy being uncomfortable] My legs are uncomfortable. [Nope] It's just your imagination. [Not even thinking about his mission Not flattering anyone / (Staring...)] Nonsense! [(Stamping his feet)] I'm looking forward to this! [Excited and nervous just by getting on] I'm not going to scream. [Let's not forget Yongbok] - You have to look thoroughly. - But isn't this too easy? [(Last-minute scan)] This is easy. You have to search my pockets too! Pockets? [You challenge me?] Okay, I'll take off your clothes and search you. [(Taken)(Aback) / What...?] Even better. [(What did I just hear?)] What? [(Embarrassed)] [Anyways, let's go] - It's starting. - Let's go. [(Eyes wide open)] Hey! I'm so excited. It's been so long! This is crazy! [(Already?)] This is crazy! [It starts now! SPEED UP!] [You can hear the tremendous speed] [(My heart)] [No time to breathe] [(Passing through!)] [(All he's saying)] Wow! [(And Bang Chan really isn't screaming)] [Blasted by the wind] I'm so cold! [(Shoosh)] [Time for a quick breather] It's been so long! [(Remembering his idol image)] So cold! I really... [(But took up 80% of the screaming)] I really tried not to scream. My throat hurts. [(This guy really didn't scream)] I really tried not to scream. I think it's going to speed up again here. - I've been to Lotte World so many times. - It goes up really high here. [(Gulp)] Yeah. [(Barely calmed down)] - What? - Huh? We're going up. [Going up like Lee Know said] Muyaho! [(Since they're going up, they're getting ready to drop)] It's been so long since I've been here. [(So romantic)] Guys, I love you! [(Can't)(Hear)(A thing)] [Meanwhile, Gomkki conspiring] You can use your bag or your pockets. - First, let's change the ring's position. - Okay! [Smaller scale than expected] - Change both sides. - Both sides. Got it. [(Rummaging)] Take that out. [What did they change?] That's too obvious. 1, 2. SKZ CODE [Hori Bang brothers still can't close their mouths] [Already at the end] Hey! It's scarier that we can't see anything. [(Screamed a thousand times)] - It's so scary! - It's scarier because it's dark. This is so fast! This is so fast. Was it fun? It's so much fun. [So much fun / (Still)] - It's so much fun. - Hey! [Now time to observe Yongbok] Guess. [Yongbok! Your hands!] Hands! [(Eyes of a hawk)] - Hey. - Wait. [(How!)] - Your ring! - Okay. [(Already found one)] A ring, and... [Found the chick!] - The chick changed. - It's a different chick. [Arresting the non-Yongbok chick] Chick, okay. - There are 3? - So we found 2 so far. [What's the last one...?] [Is it the bag?] Was he carrying the bag that way? [Wrong] [Or his sleeve? Nope] - You folded your sleeve. - Nope. [Hori Bang only found two] - It's over. - Time's up. [The last one was?] You can't see this very well. [Totally unexpected Something inside the bag] [Trying so hard] - Wow. - No, this was supposed to be [(Excuses)] sticking out like this. [(But it went in) (Should've cleared out the bag too)] It's a wide bag. [Not even disappointed] Okay, are we done then? But kudos for getting the ring right! That's how carefully we observe our members! [Gomkki's turn] The black part is on the bottom of the index finger. [Studying out loud without a strategy] His shoelaces are tied. His phone is on the right side. [(Bbok)] [Scanning complete] Got it. It's so much fun. [Getting on with excited hearts!] - I'm scared. - Changbin... [Predicts Changin will lose his voice] He's going to lose his voice. No, I'm not going to scream. [(Changbin will soon be Thunderous)] It's not even scary. No reason to scream. - Are you ready? - Let's go! He's going to scream five seconds after they start. [(Yay!) / Start] [Watching them] See you! [(Took two seconds)] [2 seconds, not 5 seconds We overestimated him] What! - Wow... - What is this! What is this! What! [Time to drop!] Where are we going! Aaaaaaah!!!!! I hate this! [(You seem to be enjoying it...)] I hate it! I haaaate it!!!! [(Changbin, are you crying?)] Be quiet! [(Waaaaah)] I hate this! [Going up again] The view is pretty. [Gomkkies are floating above the night view] I really can't do this. I can't do this! I can't! I can't! - Hwang Hyunjin, I can't ride this! - You're so loud! Hyunjin, no! - Seo Changbin is a dummy! - Noooo! [(Changbin, are you okay...)] Nooooooo! [Hori Bang is noisily changing Yongbok] How is it? [Putting on the phone case backwards] [So detailed] That's perfect. Should we tie one of these for an easy answer? [Tying a knot as a giveaway] [The result of the passionate changing?] Should we unbutton one more? [(Confident)] We won this for sure. [(Hmph)] [Gomkki is still screaming] [(Shoosh)] Noooo! Please nooo! Please! No! [(The Thunderous noise doesn't end)] What are you looking at! [(Oops...)] [(Falling over) (Laughing)] [Endless tears are flowing...] [Something to tease him about] Changbin cried! [They're coming!] [(Wailing)] This guy! [Telling the world of Changbin's tears] This guy's crying! [(Really?)] Changbin's crying right now! [(Changbin, stop crying)] [He was Thunderous] Why is his voice so loud? He's actually crying! [(Clear trail of tears)] [What a sight] - Changbin cried. - It's not scary at all. It's not scary at all. [(Sniff)] [Talk after you stop crying...)] But you have tears in your eyes... [Teasing] He's 24 and he cried riding a rollercoaster! [(If you're done crying, let's do the mission)] - Guess. - Guess. [(Sorry guys...)] This one's really hard. [Man...] It's super hard. I can't believe we did it like this... - We're so smart. - Turn around! [They really don't know] - What did you change? - Wait. [(Hmm)] - Something really small... - It's really small. The hoodie strings! [(Whoa!)] - What about them? - This one? The end part... [Focused] You tied the end part. Correct! [Finally got one right] That's correct. Your sleeve. [Sleeve? Nope] Nope, not the sleeve. [Really detailed Pants in his shoes / Nope] - Your pants are in your shoes. - Nope. Time's up. [Gomkki got one right] What did you guys change? [Answer : Phone case] His phone. [(It's a transparent case...)] - We changed his phone case. - From front to back. [Speechless] So it was hard. [The last answer was the button] - The button here. - The button was buttoned [(Can you call this a memory test?)] but we unbuttoned it. [(Really...?)] I knew it! But we would've had to check it ourselves! Then why didn't you? [Accepting their defeat] - All right. - We won! [(Yeah, we won)] - We win. - That was hard. Good job. [Hori Bang wins the Atlantis mission] [(And they enjoyed it again)] Let's go! The back is even scarier! [(Went to the bathroom)] [(And Changbin cried again)] SKZ CODE - Wow. - This is so fun! [Atlantis was so fun] Riding a roller coaster really refreshed us. It's been a while since I've cried... [(The crybabies)] It's better than fainting. [(Spacing out)] What are we riding next? Now it's... [The MC forgot...] Atlantis... Is it the Gyro Swing? [Hanie & Hyunjiie are getting sentimental] So pretty. It feels weird that it's just us here... [(Slides his hand)] Right? [(Hanie : Doesn't act like it but he's really sentimental)] - Honey. - It's been a while, honey. [Suddenly a SKZ Family reunion] - My husband! - Honey. [Mom and Dad's night walk] We came here 20 years ago. [Spotted people singing a love song] I love you the way you are right now Do you know this song? [(Is it this song?)] - Is it this? - Sing it again! Nope. [(Changbin is actually doing his mission)] From the start. - What are the lyrics? - I love you the way you are right now. [Trying to get him to say "I love you" but failed] - I don't know it exactly. - That's fine. What's with that optical illusion? [No problem going up] - What? - I thought he was riding the escalator. His butt is too... [His butt keeps getting in his view] His butt is swaying too much. This is the Seokchon Lake Park! We always... We always did that here. Kiss? Honey. [Their date's not over] - Huh? - When the cameras are on... [(What's that sound?)] [Furious over the still escalator] This wasn't part of the plan! [(Let's get a workout)] - This... - This wasn't part of the plan! [A long way to the next ride] Let's go. [Hyunjin was so happy that...] Seungmin, look at me. Aren't I cute? Agh! [(Puppy punch)] [What happened?] - Why's your hair like that? - It's cute, right? [(Wanted to make pigtails but only had one hair tie)] I just want to kiss you! [Word of Hyunjin's half-pigtails goes around] - Hyunjin, what's with your hair? - It's cute, right? It's cute, right?!! [(Checking how he looks)] [Why is he so excited haha] He's excited. Roller coasters make people happy. [Excitedly going to the indoor Adventure] I think we could relieve all our stress. [Finding the place of their memories] - Here! The jjajangmyeon place! - Oh, it was here? - Yeah it's here! - Yeah, here. It was so good. [(They seem pretty happy)] [(Stray Kids are pretty happy)] I just can't help saying it, but... [Hyunjin's never-ending words] Don't I look so cute right now? [(Tired)] Oh, that's your mission, huh? [Hearing the words "You're cute"] To have someone say you're cute? [(Guilty)] Oh right! I forgot about my mission! [Never going to tell him he's cute] [Wait! Are those bumper cars?] We're not going to ride bumper cars like little kids, right? [(Wow! Bumper cars!)] No way... Bumper cars are so old... And we're riding them now! [bbbangz love bumper cars] Whoa! Bumper cars! [Let's ride] [MC Yongbok's directions] - I want to ride that! - Ride as much as you want! I'm going to ride the yellow one! [Loudly getting on] [How do you wear the seat belt...] Put your head in, guys! [SKZ all get on the bumper cars] You guys have ridden these before, right? [Hyunjin-bear looks very urgent] I want to start now! [Chaos] - I want to ride now! - Quickly! Quiet down!!! [(You're going to make Yongbok mad?)] Everyone, enjoy your ride. Begin! Get out slowly. [Congested area] How do you do it? [(Got out 1st)] See ya. [Seungmin gets going] Hi Chan. Come here! [One by one, they get going] Hyunjin, what are you doing? [(Struggling)] How do you go forward? [Crashed by himself] Like this! [(The one who said bumper cars are for kids) (He's the most excited)] [Who's the next target?] [Attacking his partner] You have to hit from the side! [Hit from the side?!] [Getting him right back] [Dwaekki, the loud outlaw] I'm Seo Changbin, the outlaw of the road! [Bin & Bang collide] [Driver Baby Bread is so excited] [(He got me)] Sorry, I'm sorry! [(Super happy)] [(Still don't get it?)] How do you work this? Seungmin, why are you so bad at driving? I'm the best driver! [As soon as he says that... Bang! / (Swaying)] [The real best driver is here (Relaxed)] Hi! [Can even say hi] [Why Yongbok is smiling?] So cute. [The devilish Dwaekki is flirting] [(The shocked rabbit ears) Got distracted and crashed] Watch where you're going! [(But he was staring at Yongbok)] Eyes on the road, man! [Bam here] [(Oh come on)] [Bam there] [Bam here and there nonstop] [A peaceful bumper car drive] What are you doing? [Siren wailing] [The sudden sound of a siren] What is that? Everyone stop! Stop for a moment! Stop! [Suddenly] There's a mission. [(A)(Mission?)] There's a mission. [Bumper car mission : Put on lipstick neatly] While driving, [1. Put on lipstick while driving] you have to put on lipstick neatly. [2. The person with the best lips is the winner. The team with the winner wins!] The person who does the best wins! [(Give it to Lee Know)] This is nothing. [Let's put it on quickly] [One hand on the handle, one hand with lipstick] Ooh! [(I.N's addicted to being sexy)] [His plan is to put it on quickly before he gets attacked] [The outlaw appears!] Put it on! Put it on! [(Disrupting everyone)] Put on the lipstick! [Means to attack Chan quickly] Chan is about to succeed! [Chan's composure gets caught] Chan's doing so well, guys! [Can't leave you alone] [(Attacks) / 2 birds 1 stone] [The main target is unharmed] [(Up and down)] [(The victim of a three-car collision)] [(Hit from the back) (Hit from the front)] [Running away] [(No way you're leaving)] [5 seconds left] 5, 4, 3, 2, [They crash until the very end] 2, [(Beaten to a pulp)] 1. [(Satisfied)] [End of the mission] Everyone stop! [(Makeup artist) (The expert is actually on set)] Our makeup artist is actually here. [(Makeup artist)] She's going to judge [(Going after gold)] [Getting nervous for some reason] how well you've applied it. She'll examine you one by one. [1. Chan / (Lacks detail)] [2. Lee Know / (Very clean)] [3. Changbin / (Sticking out)] [4. Hyunjin / (Very clean too)] [5. HAN / (Just... Fail)] [6. Seungmin / (Very clean again)] [7. I.N / (2% unfinished)] [(The results) / 1st place is decided] Okay everyone. - She didn't see all of ours! - 1st place is... [(Running away)] 1st place is...! Lee Know! [Nice! 1st place!] [(Ugh)] Everyone, drive safely! [But you drove the most dangerously....] [End of bumper cars with Lee Know as the winner] Lee Know wins! [(So serious)] Is there a cash prize? SKZ CODE [Moving on to the next ride with red lips] [(Shouting again...)] [Naturally massaging his neck] [Yongbok needs to hear "Thank you"] [(Say it)] Thank you! [Yongbok succeeds his mission in one go!] [Suddenly turning Yongbok into Rudolph] [(Wants a nosebleed)] Nosebleed! [(Self-review)] No. I wanted a nosebleed. [The members protect Bbok's visuals] [The happy bunnies] - We're like bunnies. - Yeah. We're like a couple! [(We're like a couple, you say?!)] [Attempting his mission again!] - Do you love me? - Yeah... [(So shy)] Yeah, I love you! - You love me? - Yeah, I love...! [The bunny couple both succeed!] - Stop saying that! - Ow, that hurts! [These two haven't cleared their missions] What are we doing now? [(A ride) (Forgot about their mission...)] - Viking ship? - It says pirate ship. [The next ride, pirate ship!] I love it! [The Conquistador mission : Screaming loudly] The third mission. [1. Sit on the ends with your team] Sit with your teams. There's a sound level meter on each end. [2. The team with the louder sound wins!] - Oh, a sound level meter. - The louder team wins. [A simple mission of screaming loudly] - The higher number wins? - Yes. [(Loud noise? That's me)] [(No, it's me)] We've got this one! [The battle has already started] [Gomkki is losing 2:0) Our team is actually losing. [We'll win this mission] - But we'll win this one. - We need to do better. We have Changbin. [(Empty stomach for two hours)] I can't scream if I haven't eaten... [It all comes down to them] I'm looking forward to Lee Know and Changbin. [How will this mission end?] Let's get started! [Next week] Let's go! [But...] - This isn't a problem of volume. - Let's go! [Lee Know & Changbin are scared of the ride] I can't even scream! [Flexing at the arcade] This is so good! [The solo mission prize that shocked SKZ] - You succeeded? - I succeeded! This is crazy! What? That's amazing! No!
Channel: Stray Kids
Views: 2,910,287
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stray Kids, 스트레이 키즈, SKZ, 방찬, BANG CHAN, 리노, 이민호, LEE KNOW, LEEMINHO, 창빈, 서창빈, CHANGBIN, 현진, 황현진, HYUNJIN, HWANGHYUNJIN, 한, 지성, 한지성, HAN, JISUNG, HANJISUNG, 필릭스, FELIX, 승민, 김승민, SEUNGMIN, KIMSEUNGMIN, 아이엔, 양정인, 정인, I.N, 스키즈 자체콘텐츠, 스키즈 자컨, 스키즈코드, 슼즈코드, skz code, 스키즈 리얼리티, 스트레이키즈 리얼리티, 스트레이키즈 예능, 스키즈 예능, stray kids reality, skz reality, midnight amusement park, stray kids amusement park, skz amusement park, 한밤의 놀이공원, 스키즈코드 한밤의 놀이공원, skz code midnight amusement park, skz code ep16, skz code 16, skzcode
Id: bpUfd4J3Shk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 43sec (1423 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 01 2022
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.