플라잉 스키즈| [SKZ CODE] Ep.13

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Most of them did really well! Danceracha was unsurprisingly graceful and Seungminnie gets an A for effort :’).

Edit: Anyone else’s meme bank fully stocked…?

👍︎︎ 44 👤︎︎ u/CypherSays 📅︎︎ Dec 15 2021 🗫︎ replies

I want to say I’d be Han/Hyunjin if I ever try aerial silk yoga again, but honestly I’d probably be Seungmin

👍︎︎ 27 👤︎︎ u/its_tabby_kat7 📅︎︎ Dec 15 2021 🗫︎ replies

Is the theme for these episodes just how to make SKZ scream in different ways? I mean, it's entertaining so I'm not complaining 😂

👍︎︎ 25 👤︎︎ u/ReinaLeona 📅︎︎ Dec 15 2021 🗫︎ replies

skz as mermaids is not something i knew i needed in my life. it actually looked kind of cool lmao

also i was 100% expecting lee know to be good at this and he did not disappoint

👍︎︎ 19 👤︎︎ u/chenle 📅︎︎ Dec 15 2021 🗫︎ replies

tears in my eyes this is so funny lol

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/hardstay20 📅︎︎ Dec 15 2021 🗫︎ replies

Did I immediately get on the floor and try the frog pose after Changbin showed everyone? Yes.

Was I successful? Well. Not like him, good god. Every day you said, Changbin? Alright, got it. Never thought I’d put “become as flexible as Changbin” on my New Years Resolution list, but here we are.

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/Linalai 📅︎︎ Dec 15 2021 🗫︎ replies

Jesus that’s a really unfortunate placement for the play button 😂

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/starwen9 📅︎︎ Dec 15 2021 🗫︎ replies

Wow after watching this I felt inspired by danceracha to try it but to be frank I'd probably just be like Seungmin. Exercising is bad for my mental health lmao I just can't do it 😂

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/sellin-petrol 📅︎︎ Dec 15 2021 🗫︎ replies

Ahahaha this is so good 😆 They're so cute and funny 😄 So adorable ❤️😄

Yay for office skz comeback next week 😀❤️

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/_j_oana 📅︎︎ Dec 15 2021 🗫︎ replies
(This is where SKZ are making butterflies with their abs) - Do you endure with your abs? - Yes That's right - Is this how you do it? - Yes, that's right (Hyunjin butterfly's perfect posture) This is hard (Lee Know butterfly) This is perfect, this is it - He said I'm perfect, everyone - This is it, this is perfect (HAN butterfly passes too) His posture is good too This is torture! (It hurts) My armpits hurt (It keeps hurting in class) Sir, my shoulders hurt real bad (They try to end class quickly) Good work Thank you, sir Not yet, we're just beginning - (Unbelievable news) We're starting? - This is just the start - This is the start? - Yes (Sways) I respect you (Lies down) (What will be the fate of SKZ?) [SKZ CODE] (In this episode of SKZ CODE) They say this is really good It feels really good Hyunjin, do you want to try? (Time for SKZ who are tired from the past horror and countryside experiences to rest) Try it (Flying yoga) You put it on the wide part You pull up starting with your achilles' heel - Then it gets fastened - Okay Good? (He's using new tools) Wait I feel a cramp coming (Roll) (Everyone stretches differently) (Elegant) (Han Jisung is excited) Jisung, are you having fun? Try it, it's really fun (This disorderly atmosphere) (We need to start filming soon...) (MC Chan is hosting today as well) We're at a peculiar place today (Let's play) It feels like we're here to play (The peculiar SKZ playground) - So funny - So today! (Hosts while pushing the swing) There are people who are into working out Yes I'm out of exercise I'm out of exercise I'm not into exercise (They're also out of it) (There are a lot that don't like exercise) (A mess) Why don't we watch and follow? Okay All right, good Okay (Being the leader of SKZ is hard) (Gives up) I don't think I can do this (A group greeting to help them focus) Okay, let's say hello, one, two Step out, hello, we're Stray Kids (They greet the camera for the first time after 13 episodes of SKZ CODE) (Says hello all of a sudden while straightening out his clothes) Did we always say hello? - What? - In the first episode (The immature young ones) I don't know If there's a stretch or exercise you want to recommend - We'll look at it and... - I have one (Hyunjin recommends stretches?) You do it like this (This is the perfect stretch) You can stretch this part (You can stretch out your entire body!) It helps with blood circulation (Everyone is interested) What do you do? It seems difficult (He teaches him step by step) Fold your knees and stretch them out Like this (A nice show from Hyunjin) Stretches (But there was a stretch expert here) Stretches using a foam roller (They run to get foam rollers) (Hyunjin keeps lying down) Do this with foam rollers (Today's trainer: Instructor DWAEKKI) Take the foam roller (A simple stretch with Instructor DWAEKKI) Go like this (DWAEKKI's stretches 1. Latissimus Dorsi) Stick it next to your opposite shoulder Then put this arm on top (Like this?) Then raise your body a bit Then to the side (SKZ follows along sincerely) Then your latissimus dorsi... (He knows a lot about muscles) You'll stretch out even your lower parts I think we did this a lot in pilates (I can do this much) This is good Come back (There are students that can't do it) I can't do it - You can't do it? - I can't (DWAEKKI changes the pose for the student) Then I'll show you the frog pose (DWAEKKI's stretches 2. Frog pose) It looks weird (It helps with pelvis and back pain) But you need to do this often (You're the youngest one!) (People are already screaming) I can't do this! (Argh!) Oh, this is nice Are your knees supposed to hurt? - Do your knees hurt? - Yes I have some meat on my bones (Everyone experiences different amounts of knee pain) Oh, right (You can put your knees on the mat) If your knees hurt, you can look this way (Embarrassed by the members next to them) There are people at the back and the front He's looking at my butt (You can turn the mat 90 degrees) That's why you do it alone at home! Oh, right (DWAEKKI goes around to help people) The important thing is to make 90 degrees Oh, hey! Push it forward - Like this - Right (This doesn't seem right) (Something seems off) That's right, do that - Do that and come back - Like this So you go - Go as you pull up your foot - Oh, like this (Demonstrates it himself) Raise it like that - And then come back - This is so nice, that's crazy It is, isn't it? (Stares) You're like a ballerino Ballerino And the thing that Hyunjin hates the most If you don't stretch it out, your back and legs will ache later (DWAEKKI's stretches 3. Thigh side rolling) You need to stretch this part out (DWAEKKI's stretches 3. Thigh side rolling) I hate this part (Argh!) (Everyone screams as soon as they start) It hurts so much! (They seem to have a lot of stiff muscles) It's bad for my mental health (Hyunjin gives up quickly for the sake of his mental health) (Yongbok's one-on-one lesson) Support with this and it'll hurt less That's right, oh, that feels good You need to stretch it out, especially you, Yongbok - You're tense, so you need to - It hurts so much I can't do this - You have to - I really (Bang Chan: I give up) I can't - You have to - I don't want to (But today's main is flying yoga) Flying yoga Nobody's done it before, right? Have you heard of flying yoga? (The workout they've seen but never tried!) Only in videos (Let's learn from a professional) We brought in someone to teach us Applause! (They greet the flying yoga instructor with applause) Hello - Hello - Hello Hello Hello (Instructor Lee Sung Young) (Korea's first male flying yoga instructor) (Saying hello as a group many times today) Let's say hello to the instructor Yes, let's say hello, one, two Step out, hello, we're Stray Kids, it's nice to meet you (They've said hello, so let's begin) Okay, stand below the hammocks (They're taken aback by the abrupt start) Right away - Let's put them back - Clean up What are you doing? (This instructor doesn't use foam rollers) (The students put the foam rollers away) (Let's start learning flying yoga) Find the back part of the hammock Find it and wave it about with your thumb and forefinger (Felix is having fun already) Use both hands and roll it back up (First are stretches using the hammock) Let's start with the right foot The arch of your right foot (Glance) The center of your right foot (HAN is confused) Put it where it arches If you hang it there press your right foot down heavily so that there's no swing Pull your left foot up with the strength of your belly Pull your left foot up with the strength of your belly (They're suddenly on top of the hammocks) Come up so that there's no swing It's a swing (This works) We're up You don't have a lot of swing (Being on the hammock is a new and strange feeling) Now bend your left knee and put your left foot on your right knee Oh, my foot hurts too much (First error: Seungmin is stuck) Just doing this will help with your foot (Out of the hammock) Right hand out in front of your chest (We're already unstable, reach out?) This is dangerous) (He's falling) (He rolls) (Is this better?) (I.N seems happier after falling) Okay, let's go (I.N was the only one that fell because the others can't let go) (He keeps trying) Reach out with your left hand (This time, it's your left hand, let's do this side properly) How do you do this? You need to keep your balance (He quietly succeeds) I can't (He has muscles but no sense of balance...) Wow, this is crazy (It's hard even for DWAEKKI) Wait, I can't do this (Chan ends up falling) Oh, no (They're hanging) (They reached out but are swaying) (They start the next pose) Reach out with your right hand and hold onto the hammock so your thumb is on the bottom - Then go behind the hammock... - Why can't I balance? The right side of the hammock should be behind your head Then let's push the hammock to the left, just slightly (The students are following along) Raise your left foot Slightly lower than your pelvis Slowly push your left foot out following the hammock (Falls gracefully onto the hammock without meaning to) Okay, then, let's put your right foot on top of that Am I too low? (You're right) Hold on high above your shoulder and raise your hips (Heave-ho!) (What are we supposed to do?) (Seungmin has an input error) (SKZ are lying down horizontally) My trapezials hurt If you're okay, raise your left hand (Your left hand is on your left side) Where is my left hand? Oh, here Right hand? - My trapezials! - Raise your hands Three, two Hold onto the hammock and lower your hips Do you want to spread your wings with the hammock behind your head? (Did I have wings?) Wings? What wings? Open up your wings on both sides (Got it) Oh, these wings (Almost took out his hidden wings) (Lee Know had a big misunderstanding) (Cover your body with the hammock wings) Your hips are covered now, right? Then stick out your right foot and put it behind your left foot This reminds me of changing diapers (He's got extraordinary memory) Oh, you remember that? Oh, here we go (Tee-hee) Push on the hammock with your right hand and bring your left foot in Then you can do the same thing on the opposite side with your left foot (Gather both feet into the hammock) Make your feet meet Sir, what do we do? - Oh, like this? - Sir - The soles of your feet - Is this right? Like this? (Eight questions for one pose) Your soles, yes, good job (The instructor is busy) Your soles Now bring your hands out and hold onto the sides of your feet - The sides... - Hold onto the sides of your feet (He heard it but hasn't processed it) Outside Hold on? Like this? No (Not like that) (He tries again) If you bring it in, your heel will meet your belly button - My heel and belly button? - (Calm down) As if it would (Arirang Twins following along well) Now gather your knees, pull them up Knees up Now bring your feet straight up following the hammock (Changbin looks for his hamstrings) Wow, my hamstrings! That's right, your hamstrings Now, put your hands out, and if you can, grab onto your ankles (HAN is following along well) So your belly and thighs get closer Like this (Another flexible person) Got it (Seungmin's current situation) (He can't see, hear, or follow along) (His eyes are empty) I can't Let your hands go and spread your wings Take your right foot out of your right wing - Right wing... - Right wing Right foot Left wing, left foot (He's completely swaddled) I can't speak Korean (Don't worry, the instructor will help) Your right foot on your right wing - Left foot on your left wing - Oh, like this Now get up, hold onto the hammock (This is Yongbok) Hold it high and lift your hips Press down on the hammock with your knee (Changbin is fighting with the hammock) Sir! I spun! I'm kneeling! (He's bagged up) (Success) (Puppy and Quokka make their ways through) I get it Oh, this (The third stretch already) Open wide and raise your right heel Push it out smoothly (Hyunjin's favorite pose, lying down) Oh, my shoulder! (Lying comfortably in the hammock) Right, you're supposed to be covered Put your hands and feet inside and stretch out This is great Sway your hips Go back and forth (Sway) ♪ By the pond ♪ (Changbin the tadpole by the pond) I want one of these at home Push the hammock with your elbow and show me your faces (Peek) Press the hammock and show your faces (They press the hammock with their elbows and raise their upper bodies) Press down with your elbows Oh, good You need to raise your upper body You need to raise your upper body Open up your shoulders and chest and use your core strength Hide again (Seungmin isn't here) (Peekaboo) Press down and show me your face (He controls his facial expression) Take out your hand Bring it out Here, your lymphs by your armpits (Wow) Oh, my god (Massaging your armpit lymph glands) Straight down Open and close your hands Is your belly supposed to stick out? (You can't really help that) Yes, a little bit My belly is sticking out a lot Hold onto the hammock with your right hand (Just looking at it feels good) Wow, that feels great (Not Wolf Chan, Wolf Gang) (Their screams get more intense) Look to the sky Okay (Wild) Let one down (One move, one scream) (Straight to the other side) Left hand on top of that (I.N's arms aren't working) Wait, I can't grab it (Help) It hurts too much (The instructor goes to save I.N) Open your shoulders and look up (He nags them) This is why you should be stretching Okay, three Wow, I did it Two Oh, this feels good One, now come back Now press down on the hammock beneath your armpits - Tense your abs - Oh, my god Press your knees down and raise your upper bodies Press your knees down and raise your upper bodies - Like this? - Yes, keep your knees straight (Hyunjin succeeds first!) That's right (They struggle) (This one struggles a lot in particular among everyone who's struggling) Oh, gosh, your knees should go down (The instructor rushes over to Seungmin) (He got up on his own) (Hyunjin is used to the hammock now) This must suit me This is fun (After a long battle, he kneels) If you've raised your knees Find the back edge Both hands, that's right, find it with your hands Put your hands behind you (I found the edge) Behind, that's right Did you find it? - I found it - Did you find it? The back wing Bring one hand to the front Your hand to the front of the hammock - Hold the wing - Oh, hold it Forward, one One (He quietly succeeds again) Did you bring it out? Really... (It looks simple but it isn't easy) I did it! How did you do it? Just do it Bring it to the front, no, the other side, inside, yes Like that That's right Wow Then... (Yongbok is so cheerful) ♪ Cheer up baby, cheer up baby ♪ (Now the poses get harder) Push out with your elbows Now tense your core Slowly lower your upper body and drop your head (Endure with your core strength!) (While everyone is breathing heavily) (What's this sound?) Hey! (Why did the members burst into laughter?) (Help Seungmin, please) (Shaking) (Seungmin yells out) That's cute (What is our puppy doing?) (Seungmin doesn't understand) (Boo hoo) I'll help Press down with your knees and out with your elbows (The instructor tries to rescue Seungmin) One, two, three (He struggles) - Go in - He has no strength (I can't control my own body) - Elbows down - You can't get up? That's right, come in No muscles Okay, there you are (A generous compliment) Good job (Embarrassed) You did well I think you did everything Good job (Let's try getting back up from here) Now use your foot to get up Step on it with your foot (One foot at a time) Okay (One foot at a time) Oh, yes (Sit down like on a chair) Put one leg out at a time and sit down Now put your hands together and bring them next to your ears (Next to ears) You can't let go of this - Okay - Hold onto it - Will we spin? - Yes (Spin) Bring your leg to the back of your head - And that's how you come down - Oh, my (An unexpected turn, but SKZ spin well) - I did it! - Oh, it worked (KISSES did it!) (Yongbok's full-body ceremony) (This is no work for the oldest ones) Yes, bring your foot out back (Changbin's shoulder hurt, so he succeeded carefully with the help of the instructor) (Seungmin succeeds in spinning too!) That's right There are many poses for flying yoga (Will they try a cool pose?) Is there a most famous pose? The most famous one (This was just the basics! Let's learn a cool pose since we're here) If you've got the locking, make the back of your hand face down This is the monkey (Candidate 1: Monkey (Inversion)) Come up while opening up the side (Candidate 2: Da Vinci) - Da Vinci - This works - How do you do it? - It works (About to cry) Sir, is this it? (The members copy the instructor’s pose) Oh, it's working! Tense your abs and stick your chest out (Candidate 3: Tinkerbell) (Lee Know does a perfect Tinkerbell) Lee Know did it How do I get down? Hold the hammock and turn your knee (What did I just see?) Mermaid (Candidate 4: Mermaid) Wow, it's very sexy (Which of the four will SKZ try?) Is there one you want to try? - Mermaid? - Mermaid (The Mermaid is popular) Mermaid (They decide on the Mermaid) Let's try the Mermaid, then Let's go, Mermaid! (Okay, the instructor goes!) (Changbin will cheer them on) Okay, Changbin mammoth I'll watch each of you closely to make sure you're doing well Okay, members, let's go (Let's try the Mermaid pose!) Find the edge and shake it out Put your left foot in from front to back My left foot? (The class has become serious) Now hold the right side of the hammock with your left hand (Focused) Turn to the right and look at the mirror Put it in between the hammock Hold the hammock up high and lift your body At the same time, push the hammock to the side with your left foot (Felix easily succeeds) Left foot (Lee Know also easily succeeds) (Hyunjin obviously succeeds as well) (Now that they're used to the hammocks) We need to stay here (The members are doing very well) That's right, you need to stay You're doing well (Bring your right foot into the hammock) Now put your right foot next to your left Go in, I'll cover your butt (Assistant instructor DWAEKKI runs over to help Seungmin) Bend your knee toward the wall - The wall? - Bend it toward the wall? Like this? (The final stage of becoming a mermaid) Hold the hammock and push your knee back Think of putting your right elbow in and spin (It looks easy but you need strength and skill to do this) Wow, how do you do that? (Many fail) - Wait - What's this? I don't know (The two are at a loss) Mine is all unwound This is hard even after seeing it (He scans the instructor and spins) (Will Hyunjin do it?) Is this it? That's it! (Hyunjin is a mermaid now) (Proud) (Members, look at me) I did it! (The sound of mermaids struggling) (Bang Chan becomes a mermaid too) (The instructor is turning I.N into a mermaid) There we go! (There was a mermaid here...?!) (HAN manages to become a mermaid too) (He's busy creating mermaids) Thank you That's too sexy (He's talking to himself) What's the pose? (Fallen in love with mermaid Felix in the mirror) Fix your shirt (Lee Know mermaid needs to tidy himself up) Oh, good, one, two, three Right away Is everyone done? (Seungmin mermaid smiles even if he feels like crying) Sir, I've been doing this for too long (Hyunjin who was born first is struggling now) (Everyone became a mermaid) One more time, just a little more - There! - Good? But it looks awkward (Let's open up the tails) Kick both feet out to the side There! (I.N mermaid was a little late but was born beautiful) Wow, you really need muscle strength (The graceful mermaids) Look at your right hand sentimentally (Sentimental) Is this right? (Am I a mermaid?) Is this right? Yes, it's right, perfect (Flop) (A performance of joy) (Everyone has become a mermaid and is having fun) (Let's take a picture to commemorate this success) Hurry up, people! I'm dying here One, two, three (Thanking the instructor for his hard work) Thank you so much We had so much fun You were really great (The leader cheers up at the compliment) Really? (The leader cheers up at the compliment) You did very well (Shy) Thank you (But the instructor hurries away) Take care, thank you (They say what's in their minds as soon as the instructor leaves) That was fun (A new world of exercise) I never imagined something like this (A model student) That was fun, it's time for a recap (The ones who want a recap gather) I want to do the mermaid again Just staying like this is fun too (Felix had fun but doesn't want to go again) (I.N went into the hammock lair) (He wraps himself up) (Changbin stares at the recap group) (Changbin wants to do it too) (HAN thinks he's cute) Is this the left hand or the right hand? (There's a sure divide) (Resting group VS Recap group) Turning like this (He's in the wrong pose) (This pose isn't good for resting) (Yongbok doesn't want to recap or rest and goes his own way) (He's playing in the monkey pose) I'm Spiderman (Flip) (Whoosh) (Faint) What happened? (Ariel was attacked by aliens) I was attacked by aliens I realized something today Flying yoga is a full-body workout It feels good It get pumped too It looked really hard, but trying it... It was even harder It wasn't easy I thought it needed flexibility But it need core strength even more (The caterpillars discuss core strength) Core strength is important for balance It need the skills Right DANCERACHA had good skills You're right (That was hard) (Where did the relaxation go?) Still, we... What... (The caterpillars still have energy) I'm going to become a butterfly I'm going to become a butterfly! - I'm going to become a butterfly! - I'm going to become a butterfly! I'm going to become a butterfly! HAN, let's make our feet touch Wait (I'm coming!) - Here I come - Okay, let's go - Go! - Go! (At the age where this is fun) - Nice - Good (A nice first date with the hammocks) I want a hammock at home The mermaid is sleeping (Ariel fell asleep from exhaustion) (Startled) Will there be ghosts if the lights go out? [JYP] What have you been doing? Can I open this? Yes, open it I can't stand it anymore Intern Bang is good at reactions Nothing has changed over the past year and a half Nobody gets promoted before I become CEO Shall we plan the CEO's assassination? Placebo effect!
Channel: Stray Kids
Views: 4,506,634
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stray Kids, 스트레이 키즈, SKZ, 방찬, BANG CHAN, 리노, 이민호, LEE KNOW, LEEMINHO, 창빈, 서창빈, CHANGBIN, 현진, 황현진, HYUNJIN, HWANGHYUNJIN, 한, 지성, 한지성, HAN, JISUNG, HANJISUNG, 필릭스, FELIX, 승민, 김승민, SEUNGMIN, KIMSEUNGMIN, 아이엔, 양정인, 정인, I.N, 스키즈 자체콘텐츠, 스키즈 자컨, 스키즈코드, 슼즈코드, skz code, 스키즈 리얼리티, 스트레이키즈 리얼리티, 스트레이키즈 예능, 스키즈 예능, stray kids reality, skz reality, stray kids yoga, flying yoga, skz yoga, skz flying yoga, stray kids flying yoga, 스키즈 요가, 스트레이 키즈 요가, 스키즈 플라잉요가, flying skz, skz exercise, 스키즈 운동, 스트레이 키즈 운동, 플라잉 요가
Id: R9m47Lkimkg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 4sec (1324 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 15 2021
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