슼즈로운 제주생활 (SKZful Days in Jeju) #1|[SKZ CODE] Ep.20

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[Bang Chan, Lee Know, Changbin, Hyunjin] [HAN, Felix, Seungmin, I.N] [SKZ CODE] [A warm sunny day in May] [Jeju, where a beautiful blue sea lays] I.N, let's go... [SKZ in Jeju Island] [Let's start their bustling Jeju vacation] Why are you startled by a bird? [Calling out the viewers from the get-go] Who's watching this? If there's anything you want to brag about, feel free. I'm fine. [Bragging about being in Jeju Island] I'm in Jeju Island. I'm not jealous at all. [(Isn't this it?)] [(Redo the opening) (New MC)] We're here at Jeju Island! [Opening with the blue Jeju sea view] How is it? How come none of our eyes are open? [Everyone is squinting due to the sun] Mine are open. [(They're in a very good mood)] - I can't see... - Oh, sunglasses! [(I look like this without my sunglasses...) / (Wide open)] [Although we can't open our eyes, the view is nice so let's continue] It's been a while. Since what? Since we've been to Jeju Island. [After the first schedule 4 years ago] When we covered "Adore U." [This is the 2nd visit to Jeju] We came here once for that. But back then, we drove here... [The flight was erased from his memory] - Wait, you can't come here by car. - This guy... [(Whatever, taking a trip down memory lane)] Try coming here on a car. [Kind leader] - We probably took a flight back then. - Did we ride an airplane? But hearing the sea and the waves come in... That's the fountain behind you. [(The sea is farther than it seems)] That's the sound of the fountain. [(Loud)] [Today's not going to be easy] [(Changing the MC again)] Is there anything you wanted to do in Jeju Island? I wanted to run along the coast! Woof woof woof! [(How is a puppy so puppy-like?)] [(Puppies can ride cars too)] [Looks a bit cocky / I have one] Do you have a license? [(I don't, what about it?)] I don't. [Time to introduce SKZ Jeju Life] [3 drivers] [SKZ adult, Chan] [And his sidekicks, Changbin & Lee Know] That's a sign of old age! [Driver's license is a sign of old age] [It's actually 1, 2, 3 members born in the '90s] You're right. - If you're old... - It's exactly by age. [Shout / (Doesn't mean you can say that!!)] That's...! You don't think the people here don't have a driver's license? [Raging so hard you can see his veins] - Don't joke around with age like that! - That's not it, I just... - Let people live! - Just using our group as an example... [(Stubborn)] You don't need to mention names. It's just a sign of old age. It's in age order. [But we'll introduce them by their names] Like we mentioned, if you look at the age order, [(Rage over)] STAY's mental anchor! Stray Kids' leader. - Let's introduce him as JYP's son. - JYP? [(Okay)] JYP's son, Australian Bang Chan! [Next is] Gimpo's pride, - Gimpo's son! - Is this like a neighborhood party? [(Neighborhood party MC)] STAY's cutie, Lee Know! [SKZ's granny is here at the Gimpo party] Look at how much Lee Know has grown! [Final driver] And, [HAN started trying to tease Changbin (Endless teasing)] Stray Kids don't need to worry about fuel. [(Let's save HAN for now)] He just eats a lot. [(Is HAN going to be okay?)] [Chanbin beat HAN so he can't do it] - Kill him! - No. [Praiseworthy patience] You've gotten pretty used to it now. I'm not listening, I'm ignoring him! [Let's have 2 drivers today] Are 2 people going to be driving? Yes, 2 people here. [Dreaming of revenge] I really hope HAN rides in my car. [(That's a no no)] I can't. [Explaining how to divide cars] I'll explain to you all. [2 drivers for today] There's team Wear Your Seat Belt, and team Screwdriver. [What's with these names...?] What are these? [Turns out it's Lee Know and Changbin's nicknames] - Did the 2 of you come up with these? - Yes we did. [Whose nickname is which is a secret] I'm not going to reveal who came up with what. [Wear Your Seat Belt] Isn't this Changbin? [You can already guess from the nicknames] I think I know who is who though. [The remaining 6 can pick their driver] You can pick and ride. - We can pick? - Yes, out of those 2. [Need to pick the driver based on the nickname] It's anonymous. It's all random! [(Where is this confidence from)] I know you all want to ride in my car. [(?)] But there's nothing we can do. We have to split up, [(Denying him of that confidence)] Raise your hand if you want to ride in Lee Know's car. [As if everyone was waiting for this moment] Ride in the trunk! [(Me too)] I'm even fine with the trunk. [(Sure sure...)] Raise your hand if you want to ride in Changbin's car! [Kind of nervous to get into Changbin's car] Yongbok, I love you! How are we going to decide? I'll explain. [(Explanation fairy)] - You see the car over there, right? - Yes. [Candidate 1. Screwdriver's black car] [Candidate 2. Wear Your Seat Belt's white car] [1. The remaining 6 members decide the order] Let's play rock paper scissors. [2. 3 people max in one car!] - Decide the 3 people on your own. - Okay. [3. The 2 drivers get in last and go about the day] And then these guys are going to get on last. Rock paper scissors! [(Rock alone)] [Seungmin] Okay, you're last. [One more time] Rock paper scissors! [(Rock alone)] [HAN is] - First place! - What is this... [Quickly deciding the order] [1st HAN, 2nd Hyunjin, 3rd Chan] [4th Yongbok, 5th I.N, 6th Seungmin] And they're 4, 5, 6. Okay okay. [Start from 1st place HAN] - Number 1, let's go. - Okay. - Now... - Why are you taking your bag? [(It's my precious bag)] It has my sunglasses and everything. [(Nervous) / HAN's choice is?] Which car will he ride? [Calls himself the Lee Know expert] I totally know Lee Know's preference. [(Please get into my car, HAN...!)] [HAN picks Screwdriver's black car] Lee Know! Lee Know, I trust you! Wait for me! Get on and flip the car. [Will Screwdriver be Lee Know as HAN hopes?] Please be Lee Know. [Next up is hipster Hyunjin] - Here I go. - Let's see what Hyunjin's going to do. Will he pick the car with the loud passenger HAN? [(Loud)] Whenever you're riding in the front, you need to wear a seat belt. Or will he go with the car [Will he pick the white car?] that nobody chose yet? [Now must consider both the passengers and driver] I think Changbin is the white car. [Producing their own background music] [What will Jeju's hipster pick?] [There he goes...!] [To the white car!] [Hyunjin avoids HAN and picks the white car] As expected, he enjoys solitude. Does he like white? [There's a camera instead of HAN] Wow, there's a lot of cameras. [3rd up is Chan] I feel like Changbin is Wear Your Seat Belt. [(Hint?)] It does sound like something Changbin would say. [(You can't ride both...)] Do I need to pick one? [(Please pick one) / (I pick both)] [At a crossroads] [Hyunjin is in Wear Your Seat Belt (Rummaging)] I feel like this car is Lee Know's car! [HAN is in Screwdriver / (Getting pretty)] This one sounds better. [Who will the Son of JYP choose?] [Peekaboo / (HAN, I choose you!)] Black cars are where it's at. Lee Know, I trust you! [(Whatever you say)] Why are they wanting me without even knowing how I drive? The black car is hell. [Someone with no choice starts belittling the black car] It's a hell car. [4th is Yongbok] Here I go. [A gulp of his drink] [Starts walking towards the cars] You just need to get in a car. [What's Yongbok's choice?] [Just get in!] [Picks Wear Your Seat Belt with no hesitation] [Next is I.N] Is it my turn? [The loser's useless concerns] We're getting weird groups! [While I.N is actually thinking (Jeju hipster came out for air)] [(A confrontation)] [I.N finally moves] This is hard. [(I.N is totally welcome)] I.N! I.N, come here! [Jeju hipster recommends the car next door] I think this car will be more thrilling. [(Why would you recommend that?)] - I.N! - They're so loud. [Desperate appeals] I.N, come over here! [What will I.N pick?] [He passes by Hyunjin] [And complies to Chan's pleas] Bro! [(Delighted)] Bro! I never thought I would ride a black car. - Bro! - Ain't this the CEO's car? [Seungmin automatically joins the white car] Nice, nice. No take backs! [(Full speed ahead in case of take backs) / (Scurry)] [The white car team won't let Seungmin in easily] Open the door. [Causing a ruckus as soon as he arrives] [(Fine)] [(Satisfied)] This car is Lee Know's, right? [Time to reveal the drivers!] Okay, we'll reveal our identities now. [Changbin is Screwdriver] - This guy right here is... - Screwdriver. [Lee Know is Wear Your Seat Belt] I'm Wear Your Seat Belt. We can understand Wear Your Seat Belt, but aren't you curious what Screwdriver means? [(Curious)] What does it mean? I like to just screw it and eat, right? [SKZ style word play] So I went with Screwdriver. [Screwdriver: HAN, Chan, I.N] [Wear Your Seat Belt: Hyunjin, Yongbok, Seungmin] Should we give the drivers a chance to change a passenger? Let's send Seungmin to the black car. [Excited to screw Seungmin over] Let's send Seungmin to the black car. [Seungmin remains oblivious and checks his appearance] [(Wow)] - Seungmin doesn't like it when it's loud. - Yeah. [(What do you mean we're loud?)] [Thinking about Seungmin] I think it'll be perfect if we switch Seungmin and I.N. [(Agreed)] Seungmin and I.N, that sounds great. When I.N got on the black car, Seungmin loved it. [The winner of rock paper scissors determines who to move] I'm going to do that if I win. I'll do that if I win as well. [Unexpectedly... / The game became meaningless] Rock paper scissors! [(Winner)] I'll swap Seungmin and I.N. [(Hehe)] [(We are going to swap those two, but...)] We'll swap those two and, should we swap as well? [(Already regretting it)] I feel like my feelings are going to get hurt. [With switched flags, on the way to trick the members] Let's go. Here they come. [Looking forward to it] [All eyes are focused in this car as well] I think they're going to do something to confuse us. [(Not just confuse you, but we're actually switching cars)] [(Screwdriver impersonator)] Hello. [Cheers] [(Lee Know was Screwdriver...?)] [(Wear Your Seat Belt impersonator)] Open the door! I knew this was going to happen. [(You're not playing, right..?)] [(Checking the flag)] - For real? - Hello. [(Applause of reassurance)] Hey, good luck! [Comforting the white car without knowing it's all a trick)] - Hey, good luck! - Good luck! [The white car is in disbelief] This is Wear Your Seat Belt. [(Should we get started?)] Okay. - Lee Know. - Yeah. - I'll send Seungmin over there! - Yeah, we have to swap now. [(What do you mean...?)] - I.N and Seungmin, swap! - Why? - You need with swap with I.N! - We have to swap? [Explaining the situation] - Why? - We did rock paper scissors earlier, and they said we could swap a member. Seungmin hates the loud team so much. [(So you're swapping with me?)] - Oh... - We're not that loud. [White car is explaining the situation as well] We played rock paper scissors to decide on a member to swap. We're going to swap I.N and Seungmin. [Doesn't want to accept this situation] I.N, come on over here. [I.N is flustered as well] [(Goodbye I.N...)] - Bye. - Bye, I.N. Seungmin, get over here. [(I can't believe I'm getting on the hell car)] This is the worst. [Got on the hell car] - Do you want to ride with Changbin? - Yes. [(It'll turn out that way)] This is hell car. Welcome to hell car. [I heard we were swimming (No...?)] We'll win in swimming at least, so? Are we going swimming? [Time to reveal the truth] Should we swap now? Yeah, let's go to our real cars! Huh? What? [(To your real cars...?)] Everyone. I'm sorry, we lied. I'm originally in the black car. - Huh? - What? [(Quickly)] [(Bad news)] [Moods swapped as the drivers swapped] Hi. [Satisfied Seungmin] [(I think this guy likes the hell car)] Hi! [(Changbin is coming? I'm dead)] Hi! [(Let me unfasten my seat belt)] [(RUN!)] Bro! [Flee] [Let's run away... Anywhere but here...] [HAN is running away] [(I'll let Chan go since he came back)] Hurry, get back in and close the door! [(HAN, did you want to go for a run?)] You're not supposed to treat the driver like this [(I'll make you really run)] and show your affection like that. [The black car goes without HAN] [Can members get left behind on SKZ CODE?] You have to let me on. [(Flustered) (Deserved)] You have to let me on. You have to let me on... [He tries to apologize with his cuteness] Guys. [It's just good entertainment for viewers] [(HAN is coming!)] [(Let's run away)] [(Wait for me)] Let me on! [(The white car enjoying the view)] What are they doing? [A chase in broad daylight] Hey! Sorry... [(Pleading)] Please take me with you. [(I'll let you go this once)] Please take me with you... [(That was fun)] [(Geez)] [Quickly getting on] Why'd you put sunglasses on? [Quickly shutting the door] - You said you wanted to walk. - No, I'm sorry. You didn't want to walk? [(Then act like it)] - The car is the best. - The car is the best, right? [SKZ Jeju Life, the mission is...?] - We have a mission. - A mission. - We have a mission. - A mission! [The mission was hidden in the car] - HAN, do you want to read it for us? - Okay. What's the mission? [(Curious)] - SKZ CODE, - Jeju Life episode. During your 2-day stay, please play to your body and heart's content. All you need to do is fulfill the schedule below. Day 1, eat Jeju food, play at a swimming pool, have a fun barbecue, end the day off with a video diary to yourself. [He's very honest] Everything but the last one sounds good! Day 2's schedule. [Day 2's mission is unexpected] - Huh? - What? I don't think this is right. [The next car is shocked as well] - For real? - Really? [(Boycott)] Enjoy Jeju activities, third, get sentimental watching the Jeju beach sunset. [(That's good stuff)] Getting sentimental. Is that it for the missions? [Nothing complicated, just a good rest at Jeju!] Yes, today is totally for healing. This is totally just healing. [1st mission, "Eat Jeju food"] Let's go eat first. - You're all wearing your seat belts, right? - Yes. Here we go. [To eat] Let's go! [(Singing his heart out) The white car is getting sentimental even without a sunset] [(Blow) / On the black car Seungmin gets sentimental feeling the window breeze] [(Only 3 seconds) / (Bangs are more important than vibes)] [HAN sitting in front checks how he looks] [Music car mode ON] [Black car's passenger seat Chan is in charge of navigating] You just need to go straight from here. [Loud navigation in case they're tired] Just keep on going straight. [(Lee Know, you're on your own)] Let's play "Astronaut" next! [Already by the restaurant after one song] This is going to be the last song anyway. [playlist by I.N / Astronaut] It really feels like we're on vacation. [The sea reveals itself] What's this? The sea looks great! [(Super hyped)] This is crazy. Here it comes! [The vast sea waiting for SKZ] I love you, sea. The sea is an emerald color. [(In awe)] It's so pretty. [The black car is in awe as well] Is that a yawn or are you in awe? He's yawning. [(So excited!)] Hey, hey! - Guys, I have something to confess! - Okay. I'm dating someone. With who? With the sea! [A bad joke for a good view] Let's go! [Let's just enjoy the view] I love you, sea! [The white car is practically a karaoke] [(You have to sing in the car on vacation)] Bang bang! [playlist by HAN / How Can I Say This car was actually listening to their senior's song] [Passionately singing] [(This was expected...)] Slow down a bit and... You're hitting all those high notes. [This car is loud as well] Wow, this song is totally for vacation. - "Astronaut" sounds really good here. - Right? Even the sky is so pretty today. [The weather is so nice] The weather... It says it's 300m in front of us. [Already at the restaurant] - You see that right there, right? - Yes. [SKZ CODE] [Entered the restaurant] - Anyone here? - Hello. [Straight towards the ocean view (Let me sit down a bit)] Look at this view! [Turned their back to the cameras] - The view is amazing. - We've got the place to ourselves. Isn't Jeju Island so nice? The sea is so clear. I feel so refreshed. Jeju Island is love. [Our eyes keep going the sea] Jeju Island stole my heart and it's great! Not to mention, Jeju Island - has such good food. - That's right. [You can't leave Jeju food out] Right, it's crazy. Everything here is good. [Good Jeju food arrives at a timely manner!] [(Get in my mouth right now)] Isn't that cutlassfish? It's cutlassfish, right? Look at the red-banded lobster! [Here is the red-banded lobster] - The shrimp is so... - Is that shrimp? [(Answering his own question)] You sure that's not a dragon? No, it's not. There's crab underneath as well. - It's marinated crab. - It's crab. [It's I.N time] You have to say crab like this! Everyone, enjoy the crab! [Amazing dialect] [The food keeps on coming] What is this, cutlassfish? [2nd food is whole grilled cutlassfish] [It's so long it invaded Yongbok's rice] [(Burdensome) / (Hi)] [(Look at the length)] [Next served is seafood stew] [(Have to take a picture of this) (Focused neck)] [Let's dig in!] - Thank you for the meal! - Thank you for the meal! [(Shake shake)] I'm going to try the abalone first. [How is the abalone?] They say there's more coming, braised cutlassfish. [(HAN, look at the abalone, it's crazy)] HAN. [(Let me try)] [It's good!] [Full of awes] [(I'm going to eat some more)] The abalone is so good. [(Abalone is the best)] I'm going to start off with some red-banded lobster. [(Nom nom)] [What's Changbin's rating?] This is nuts. [Seungmin starts off with some broth] Let me get some broth... I need to prepare myself. Should we enjoy? [Rolling up his sleeves to properly eat] [Yongbok tries the broth as well] [A typical Korean reaction] [Chan goes for the broth as well] This is seafood stew? [Blow on it to cool it down] - It's just meat. - It's meat? Abalone. [Can't help but be in awe] [Lee Know is starting off with the cutlassfish] I'm going to eat it in a wrap. [Taking out the bones] The cat is good at handling fish. This is crazy. [Carefully deboned fish] [Big bite] [Hyunjin takes an elegant bite of the red-banded lobster] - It's really good though. - It's so good. [(Eyes wide)] [(Woah, what is this...?)] What? This tastes so sweet. [The last dish is here] What is this? [(Very polite)] - Is this braised cutlassfish? - Yes. [Correct! / (Look at this)] It's braised abalone and cutlassfish. [Everyone is happily getting through the first mission] It's delicious. I took a bite, and the red-banded lobster is so delicious. [(Struggling)] Do you want me to get you some? [(Am I a child?)] I can get handle my own fish! [Yongbok is eating abalone] [SKZ don't need to worry about food] [They're eating very well] It's delicious. [Silent mukbang] [(Burdened for no reason)] I feel like I have to keep talking... What should I do? [We didn't say anything but the baby MC is anxious] I'm so anxious not talking with all these cameras around. [What is that!] Oh my god! [Spilling red on white clothes is a must] [(Forgot his concern with a bigger problem)] Where, here? [Yongbok the angel wipes it for him] [Chan peels the abalone in case HAN spills again] Here I go. [With his own sound effects, performing surgery on the abalone] [Doctor Bang's surgery was a success!] [(I'll eat the intestines that HAN can't eat)] - Thank you. - I'm going to eat the intestines. My stomach's going to burst. [SKZ Jeju Life first mission: Eat good food is obviously a success] I thought we weren't going to finish it, but we keep eating because it's so good. We can't be the only ones to enjoy this happiness, right? We couldn't get on flights for about 2 years. We couldn't really go anywhere. [Freedom to travel is back] But that's ended and finally being able to come here, [A new feeling of travel in a long while] - it definitely feels different. - Right. It feels different. [Don't be startled but HAN is going to talk to you all] [3] [2] [1] That's right, STAY! It's time to come to Korea. [Inviting STAY] Come and eat good food like us! [Charismatically promoting Korean travel] - Enjoy the good view! - It's nice. We're so happy, [To STAY] we want you to experience the same thing. It feels like all my built up stress is being relieved. This is just how I feel. I actually feel relieved. Right, it's very healing. It would be nice if STAY overseas could visit Jeju Island. [(Agreed)] I wish they could. [(STAY, you're watching, right?)] Everyone, come visit! [Bang Chan sends a message to STAY overseas] For the United States, everyone all around the world, COVID has settled down a lot. It is really okay for everyone to go out and just really feel the fresh air. If you guys ever get the chance, take a plane, take a ship ride, get in the car, go anywhere you want. If you guys ever get the chance, come here. Enjoy the view, enjoy the food, enjoy the whole life experience. Because it's such a great place, we're having so much fun too. Travel to Korea begins again! [After the meal] Is everyone all done eating? I want an Americano. - Me too. - Should we do a coffee bet? [HAN's MC instincts are back] Yes, you've all been waiting for this. SKZ's tradition! - Let's gather up our cards. - You know the person who brought it up usually gets chosen, right? [(Whatever, rock paper scissors)] Gather up. Let's buy the coffee with our personal cards - Okay. - and coffee for all the staff as well! [(The stakes are kind of high)] Including the directors? [(With all the staff!)] - Everyone. - Including the directors! Let's go, let's go! [(The staff are silently thankful)] - For everyone. - Let's go! How many people do we have? The directors are all smiling. [He started this but he's getting nervous] How many people do we have in total? - Including SKZ, around 40...? - Okay. [(40 people isn't that bad)] Let's use our personal cards! - This is doable. - This is totally doable. [Rock paper scissors with 40 coffees on the line] - Okay. - It's doable. Hold up. I just got a sign from god. [Chan goes to the camera director for a sign] What should I go with? Just go with rock. Okay. [Chan is planning to go rock all the way!] Okay! [Who will pay for the 40 coffees] Rock paper scissors! [Paper wins: Hyunjin, Lee Know, Yongbok, HAN Rock loses: Chan, Seungmin, I.N, Changbin] [BABOKRACHA is hyped] [(He really got a sign from god)] [(He said it was doable, but looks blank now)] [(Director...)] [(This almost feels like a music show win!)] I can't believe HAN got out. [The instigator doesn't always have to pay] For real. [Don't know where his faith is coming from] I'm going to trust you, director. [Round 2 with Changbin, Chan, I.N, Seungmin] There are 40 staff members right now. [(Shout of nervousness)] Rock paper scissors! [Paper wins: Changbin, I.N Rock loses: Chan, Seungmin] [Chan lost because he listened to the camera director] It's going to be Kim Seungmin! [Just loser Seungmin] [(Director...)] Kim Seungmin! [Last match between Chan and Seungmin] It's going to be Kim Seungmin! Rock paper scissors! [Who will pay for the 40 coffees?] Rock paper scissors! Rock paper scissors! [(And thus, that was a game where you won as long as you played paper)] [It's Chan / (What a relief)] Fine. Enjoy the coffee! [Chan, who stuck with rock, is paying] Enjoy the coffee! So cool! [(Holding a grudge)] Director, if we can talk in the back... [The rock paper scissors hype doesn't die down] I'm so full right now. - I'm so full. - My heart is literally... [(How much is it going to be...)] 40 people... [(Thank you for the meal)] 40 people... [Sea lovers out to see the sea after the meal] Nice view. [Yongbok is Lee Know's photographer] 1, 2, 3! Honey, take a picture of me with my honeys. - Hyunjin needs to move... [(Honey, look over there)] That's perfect! [A picture with Lee Know and his honeys] 1, 2, 3! I.N, get in the frame. [Lee Know has endless honeys] - Me? - Get in frame. [(Pros in getting into character)] 1, 2, 3! [Lee Know and his honeys in Jeju Island Taken by Honey] 2, 3! [Honey Hyunjin with the peace sign] There we go. [(Have fun)] [BinBang not done eating] [Admiring the sea after pictures] I guess the water is really clear, you can see the rocks and everything. Do you want to be a rock? I want to be reborn as a rock. Then you'll probably be there. [The conversation seems sentimental but it isn't] - Hi rocks! - You'll be there with your other rock friends. Hyunjin! [(You have rock friends next to you)] At least you're not alone. They don't look lonely though. They don't look lonely but they do look bored. [Since you don't like to be bored, be SKZ in your next life as well] [HAN enjoys the view as well] [The buyer of 40 coffees joins them on the balcony as well] [Getting sentimental at a cutlassfish restaurant] [Should we stop and enjoy the ocean breeze?] [NEXT WEEK!] [The day goes on after the Jeju food!] There are fruits over there! [Getting boyfriend pictures under the natural light] It looks good. 1, 2, 3! [Unexpected parking] What's going on? It's usually like this. This officer considers your safety as most important! [Swimming game of many twists and turns] [Practicing the PPL line] Should I say "Travel to Korea" and we all say "begins again" together? - Or just "again" together? - Let's just say "again" together. - Won't it be weird if we say it all together? - Really? Okay. This is our first PPL, so... This is our first PPL, so... [This is SKZ on the block] Awkward! That was so similar! Try saying "Travel to Korea." [HAN hyped at the compliment] I bet you can't catch this, you dummy! [Might not be good at PPL but he's good at impressions] Travel to Korea begins again! - You're good at this. - He's so good!
Channel: Stray Kids
Views: 5,563,848
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stray Kids, 스트레이 키즈, SKZ, 방찬, BANG CHAN, 리노, 이민호, LEE KNOW, LEEMINHO, 창빈, 서창빈, CHANGBIN, 현진, 황현진, HYUNJIN, HWANGHYUNJIN, 한, 지성, 한지성, HAN, JISUNG, HANJISUNG, 필릭스, FELIX, 승민, 김승민, SEUNGMIN, KIMSEUNGMIN, 아이엔, 양정인, 정인, I.N, 스키즈 자체콘텐츠, 스키즈 자컨, 스키즈코드, 슼즈코드, skz code, 스키즈 리얼리티, 스트레이키즈 리얼리티, 스트레이키즈 예능, 스키즈 예능, stray kids reality, skz reality, skzful days in jeju, stray kids jeju, skz jeju, 스키즈 제주도, 스키즈 여행, 스트레이 키즈 여행, stray kids travel, skz travel, 스키즈 운전, skz driving, 스트레이 키즈 운전, skz code ep20, 스키즈 드라이브
Id: fkkVFZv2JjM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 37sec (1297 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 20 2022
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