귀여운데 도도하고 까다롭지만 친근한 느낌? | 오늘 밤 나는 불을 켜(All-Night SKZ) Ep.01

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no one:

felix: yes daddy!

👍︎︎ 41 👤︎︎ u/Llamapie95 📅︎︎ May 25 2021 🗫︎ replies

was not expecting hairstyling to be a part of this series but i love this so much, so cute and cozy. chan washing felix's hair was just the softest thing. when they were blow drying their hair it also reminded me of how much i loved when my mom would blow dry my hair when i was little, and then felix said the same thing!

love how changbin and seungmin's team dynamic was pretty much the opposite of chan and felix lol

edit: also thought it was interesting that changbin said having damaged hair is a part of their job, i can't remember if i've heard an idol say it that way before

👍︎︎ 41 👤︎︎ u/chenle 📅︎︎ May 25 2021 🗫︎ replies

Definitely not the concept I was envisioning for this series but I'm loving it lol. Felix and Changbin somehow actually looking pretty damn decent with those hairstyles is proof that god really does have favourites.

👍︎︎ 34 👤︎︎ u/Xhiao 📅︎︎ May 25 2021 🗫︎ replies

this one was so cute and domestic(?)

loved lix's goku hair, he's adorable

👍︎︎ 27 👤︎︎ u/day-wishes 📅︎︎ May 25 2021 🗫︎ replies

What I’m getting out of this is that this is a sleepover concept? So we might get Felix doing their make up?

So excited to see the next few episodes!!

👍︎︎ 26 👤︎︎ u/its_tabby_kat7 📅︎︎ May 25 2021 🗫︎ replies

Wow I wonder if they filmed it all in one go or we’ll get different pajamas for other episodes.

This was surely an interesting experience. The thumbnail summarized it perfectly

Felix and Seungmin were cuddly and giggly at first, I want to see them in one team now. Today we got baby Lix and daddy Chan vs teen bros Changbin and Seungmin. The way Seungmin washed Changbin’s hair gave me war flashbacks to my childhood as the younger sister. So brutal. I love this aura for Seungmin ngl.

Favorite moments:

Felix barking Ya at Seungmin!

Seungmin’s questionable technique of breathing on the client’s hait

WolfChan yeeted himself

Favorite quote: - Since Cangbin’s face is gorgeous... - Yeah, nothing to do, really

Notable questions: Are we getting DWAEKKI pink hair for Changbin and blue hair Chan? is this why Changbin recorded an alarm sound on bubble? Cause he sang a lullaby? When are they releasing Felix’s song please?

👍︎︎ 23 👤︎︎ u/erehbigpp 📅︎︎ May 25 2021 🗫︎ replies

Oh boy skz variety best post-work pick-me-up 😀 when Chan spiked Lix's hair up into one giant spike it reminded me of the evil dude from The Incredibles 🤣 And can confirm seungmin washing Binnie's hair with water going everywhere on his face brings me back to the days of crying when washing with that "No More Tears" shampoo as a kid but there was definitely tears... a lot of tears

And Binnie is giving major Monsters Inc Boo vibes with those tiny pigtails! Lix's final hairstyle gives hella TVXQ debut vibes

👍︎︎ 23 👤︎︎ u/pikainthemountains 📅︎︎ May 25 2021 🗫︎ replies

Not sure what kind of content I expected of this when it got announced but I definitely didn't expect this kind of content

👍︎︎ 19 👤︎︎ u/laasa 📅︎︎ May 25 2021 🗫︎ replies

This was sweet and hilarious at the same time.. those hairstyles 😄 Such contrast on the teams 😀 it was a really wholesome episode, really cute ❤️

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/_j_oana 📅︎︎ May 25 2021 🗫︎ replies
(Bang Chan) (Felix) (Seungmin) (Changbin) Hey Hey! What? I've counted sheep to go to sleep up to 100... - 100? - Yeah While counting sheep up to 100, all of a sudden I craved spam egg rolls So I woke up Ugh, I can't sleep! Am I the only one who can't sleep? - Ah, I'm so tired - You woke me up - Everyone, wake up - I can't sleep because of you Won't you guys wake up? - I don't need to sleep - I'll turn on the light first... Didn't you wash your hair? How did you know? (-The first night-) (#1. Styling "Changbin & Felix" at midnight) Yipe, Seo Changbin! (Blinding) Ah, it's too bright! (All four got up in the end) What would you like to do today? What would you like to do today, Changbin? (Wanting to go to bed) I want to go to bed (Wanting to go to bed too) Me too! (Me three) I want to sleep... (Have to stay up playing) (No one cooperates) Ah, what should we do? I'll wash your hair (Startled) What about this? (Is hairdressing today's concept?) Do you want us to dress your hair? (Approval) Okay (Primly) I'm too lazy to wash my hair Will you wash it for me? (You made your bed...) Okay, I'll wash it for you (So Seungmin lies in it) And I'll style your hair beautifully (Sarcastic) Are you saying my hair isn't beautiful? I didn't say that! (Hair designer) (ruining the plot) Excuse me (Resetting the plot) (He is the leader) It'd be really hard to do Changbin's hair Right, my hair is really stubborn What? Stubborn? (Stiff like its owner) Just like its owner (He has unruly hair) My hair... It's hard to style my hair even with a curling iron Really demanding (Pfft) Yes, I am - The demanding guy - My hair is kinda... (??) Gourmet Ah, then I need someone's help (One more person?) - Felix! - Wash my hair, my hair is too long (Chan will do Felix's hair) OK, I'll wash it for you - Let's do that! - What? (Being serious) A battle Who's better at styling? (Changbin and Seungmin) We're Team "Pieces" (Chan and Felix) We're Team "Aussies" What should you do when you lose? Do you have any idea? Idea? Like... We're now... (Sakuranbo) You know Sakuranbo challenge? - Ah, this? - Yes, that Playing with fingers of a person from your back (A battle of styling with Sakuranbo!) And the one in front plays the only torso! (The plot's ruined anyway) The winner will be decided by staffs' poll Shall we begin? - Yes, let's begin - OK, now (...Mischievous all of a sudden) Ready, get set! go! (Satisfied) [All-Night SKZ] (Pieces are left alone) Hahahahahahaha! What style would you like? Changbin would like any style if Seungmin does it Okay, then we should try combed-back hair - Can you do that for me? - What? Style like a helmet (Detailed plan to become cute) with 3 ponytails (WHY NOT) Okay If you want (...) (Aussies came to wash his hair) (Discussing how to wash his hair) In salon's style? Or any ideas? - Salon's style? - Yes, like that! (Salon's style fixed) We'll go then (Cold or hot water) Do you want it cold or warm? Warm!!! (Then cold water) (Just like dad washing his son's hair) (Still cold water) (It isn't easy to set perfect temperature) Alright Wait (Crying) (Finally washing hair with warm water) Ah, there we go That smells good? Smells alright (Looks comfortable) (But it's hard to maintain→) Why is your hair so soft? (Flattered) ♪ it's a smooth, Felix ♪ (Bragging about his soft hair just like a happy chick) Wow it's refreshing Would you like a massage? (Enjoying Chan's massage) Yes, it's good - Yes, it's good - Oh yes, Felix (Tickling attack) - Don't tickle me! - (Listen) It's your future (Chilling) What's happening up there? (Foreshadowing his future for unprepared Changbin) (It's just a tickle) ♪ It was ticklish ♪ ♪ It was ticklish ♪ (Hard-working) Yes (Felix is melting) Yes? - Do you like that? - Yes... - Do you like that, huh? - (Finally) Yes, Daddy (LOL) (Perfect service, matching towel for Felix?) Which color? Pink or gray? - Pink! - Pink (Waiting calmly) Pink, pink, pink! (It's mine) You're done (??) Finished? (Felix, you stay here) (Teasing Felix again) (Ugh!) (Yeah, that's it) (Satisfied♥) (Shiny) (Showered yellow chick enters) Massage Massaging gun Rattle, rattle (Looks sleepy!?) I'm awake! (Tap tap tap tap tap tap) I'm awake (Aussies are laughing and teasing again) Hey?! Excuse me?! (Now it's the Pieces' turn) Let me through Changbin It's Changbin's turn Changbin's turn (Refusing) What?! - Changbin's turn - Let's wash your hair [All-Night SKZ] (Determined hairdresser) Squat over here - Hey, hairdresser - Yes, keep your head still Hey, can you take your shirt off...? Didn't you wear anything? (Oops) (Bump) (Shy) Okay x3 (Decided not to take it off) Make it quick (Holding) Right, hold it tight (Different vibe from the Aussies) It's cold!! x2 Ahhh, it's hot! Hot! (LOL) (His voice is loud) Ah, hot x3 (Seungmin warmly greeting) Welcome to Seungmin's salon (Dripping) You have your hair split today Huh? - Have you got your hair cut? - Yes If you do this way, the water will splash all over the face Ahhhh (Bustling) Ah, I forgot that this will splash water all over your face (Scrubbing) (Hehe) I'm drooling...! - (It can't be) On my hair? - No lol - Did you drool on my hair? - No, not on your hair (Screaming comes out in Seungmin salon) Also, wash sideburns It's ticklish - Hurry up! - Okay Oh, my (Difficult job) Ah, you're so talkative Let's go (Pain) (Seungmin is enjoying Changbin's torturing situation) (100% happy puppy) (Hehehehe) (Nothing is impossible in Seungmin's salon) (Eventually finishing it up by himself) (The hairdresser is happy even though he's lost the lead) Mmmm... Mmm... Finished? (Sloppy) Looking great The handsome guy looks gorgeous after a shower (Team Pieces finished washing hair) [All-Night SKZ] (Refreshed?) (We are ready) Did you wash your hair? Right, I should dry my hair Can you show us your styling technique? - Show me what you got - Right, I have styling tools with me (What do you see?) I should be careful... If I am capable of styling... Let's style it after drying hair (★Styling tools★ from the hair team) Ta-da (My hair is important) Felix, apply this first Yeah, oil There are tools here They look very familiar Dab oil on your hair Put hair oil on your skin! (Me too) Dab it on your face! Dab dab dab (Good chemistry) Dab dab dab! - There's an outlet here - Ah, here? Yeah, over there (Seungmin looks excited) I'll dry it for you (Happy Seungmin) Look at me Blow drying your hair is very important The back hair is longer than the front - I should give it a try - I have unruly hair (Tip) You have to straighten your hair while you're drying your hair (No need) There's no need Why is your hair so stubborn? (Challenging) Like its owner (What?) (Teasing officially) (Just excited unlike Seungmin) (Bang Chan is such a pro when it comes to setting temperature) (Languid) Oh, it's hot, hot, hot! Do it with a cold blow! (Unexpectedly calm) (Drowsy) (BbokAri is drowsy because of the heat) Feels like mother's touch styling my hair, when I was a kid Hey! (Hehehehe) It's hot (??) Look forward (DWAEKKI is demure and calm) It's called "dandy cut" (Such a rapper) It's called "Uppercut" (Team Aussie's still friendly) (Teasing) Do you want Super Saiyan Blue? (Why?) (Doesn't care Felix is excited!) Or Super Saiyan Red? (Slick back hair!?) Let's just slick back hair (While the Aussies wait for the Pieces) What do you want to do? - Super Saiyan! - Super Saiyan? (I want to be Super Saiyan) (This hairstyle was chosen by Felix) And Perfectly... (Demanding perfection) straight! (Checking his hair again) How would you like your hair? Um, I'd like... - Cute and... - Yes chic at the same time Cute and chic at the same time? Cut but charismatic Very particular (In an instant) Looks like a picky person (Enough) But friendly at the same time That's enough And looks like a senior student at the university You don't need to talk anymore Don't look in the mirror It's not done! (Have faith in your stylist) Why would you keep looking in the mirror? Don't... you trust your stylist? Basically... - Oh, no - In salons, you look at the mirror! Not in here (DWAEKKI just wanted to look in the mirror) It not fun if you look in the mirror I'm interested in my face (Choosing a spray) Which one should I pick? ♪ Put hairspray on your hair ♪ (He's foreseeing his future) Let's go (??) (Uneasy feeling...?) (Frustrated eyebrow) (The sound of a spray is intense) (Would it be fine?) Honestly, it's better than here (Chan isn't wavering) How am I gonna put this? (Grumble) Show my forehead to show the image of a charismatic senior (Changing his mind) No, I want to do a helmet style No It feels like someone's doing graffiti on my hair (Coloring) Painting something (Hey Felix your hair is too) Wow, look at his hair - My hair? - (You too) A little unbelievable! (Unbelievable?) (Big waver) Unbelievable! (Wavering) It doesn't work (Nibbling) I have a lot of issues (Suddenly having a big issue) And what are those? I have a younger friend who I really like (↗ What should I do?) I'm wondering what I should do with him Who is it? (Felix's 2nd attack) Changbin's hair looks like bread (Is it a good thing?) Looks like bread (If you have to be specific) I don't know, which bread but... It looks like untasty bread - Untasty bread? - Yeah, untasty bread, you know? (His meltdown) Just like that! I'm really good with a curling iron (What is Felix's hair like...!?) (Satisfied) My eyes got bigger (Popping) (Looks like K***** chocolate) (Wow, how is this possible...!?) (Seungmin's upset at Changbin's distrust) For real... Does it look weird? (He needs approval) - Is it good? - Trust me It doesn't look as funny as you expect! (Artistic touch) It looks great, right? (← fixing, never-ending spray show) OK, here we go! (Felix's power gauge going up as he sprays) Because I am Goku... (Unbelievable★) Better than that (Bang Chan pro was doing his artistic work) Hairstyling is a work of art Look at me Ah, it's still wet here Wait a sec x2 (Passionate) - Seungmin is so passionate - Ah, stay still x3 Seungmin is so passionate Oh I can sense it now, man (Changbin let it go) Hey, Seungmin, put your hair back - Like this, your curly hair, like this - Oh, it's hard (The owner is also unruly) Your hair is so stubborn (Revenge) (He's awakening while his hair is going up) (Wide-eyed) (Why, what) (Performance for DWAEKKI in the 1st row) (Amazed) (Teasing again) Look at me (Seungmin doesn't blink an eye in spite of the attacks) I'll do it by myself... (?) (My... My customer) (Lost his focus by an attack) I'll lose my focus But you keep your concentration That buddy is... (That buddy is losing control) I'm gaining power! OK, here we go Boink☆ (Boom) Wow, it's legendary (Why is he so good at it? Designer Bang Chan showing off his techniques) I can imagine You look like an amazing runner (I can sense the speed in his style) You look speedy (run) Wait for it x3 (He has seen a lot of things) (Bang Chan is trying different skills) (point) I've learned this Oh! Hey, that's so nice (Competing for each other) Bear the sting Felix, look at me Yes! - Yes, Daddy♥ - Have you ever tried ponytails? - Yes - Oh, that's not it... (It's showing the outline of the fiery hair) I'm going to hit it hard, one, two, three [All-Night SKZ] (New anxiety) Have you ever tried ponytails? Oh, that's not it... (Hair designer who doesn't know how to pull a ponytail) (Concentrated mouth) (Sloppy) (So talkative) Wow, what's this? I want to try this Calks? (Hey guys...) Is it a kind of hair chalks? (※Wolf Chan made a doll fall...) (Help) (Fix it with spray) It should branch off... OK! (He's satisfied) That's it! (Practicing it first) You had a lot of interest in hair styling? Not at all Oh, really? (Feels good about designer's passion) Very passionate (I'll be passionate for Changbin) I'll be passionate! Really, hmm... Wow, what should I do now? Is it that bad? (Caring about his mental health) Not that bad, Felix, trust me (DWAEKKI ear is done) (Feeling numb) (Changbin is getting cutter) It looks so good (They are very confident) I'll do the perfect final touch - Perfect? - Perfect final touch! How am I going to finish this? (Keeping in check) Ah, why are you copying us? (ENFPs are getting fidgety) Changbin, do I look good? Yeah Let me see (How is it?) You... You look speedy Cute - Thanks - It seems I should call your name in a cute way like "Changbin♥" I think it's too much (Do you mean very cute?) (Smiling) Felix, are you excited? Yes! (Don't get your hope up) No, don't do that! Very much! (That style is outstanding) Can you beat... that hairstyle? Didn't he just wing it...? (Overheating diss) I didn't just wing it What are you talking about? (Wing it?) You winged it (When did he design it with his talent?) And I designed it (Refuse to be compared) His hair is parted perfectly That sounds ridiculous [All-Night SKZ] (Styling is done!) Ah, we'll tell you about our work There's a cartoon that everyone watched called Goku (Dragon Ball) I didn't watch!? Dragon Ball... When Goku tried to kill-- (Nasty) I only watched half-seasoned half-fried chicken (My way) the severe villain...! And he was awakened then (Yes, I am) And our Felix is also awakened! (It has a narrative) So presenting Felix's hair when he gained Super Saiyan 2! (Awakening show) (He was awakened but, little tired at repetitive performance) Not bad Because of his look You should show them the back - Yes, the back - Back is important (The back has perfect detail) Yes, this perfect detail You've never seen something like this, right? - Wow, what to do? - I'm looking forward to it I really want to see it! Our team (Empty hand) Since Changbin's face is gorgeous Yeah, nothing to do really About 3,4 years I've been getting my hair, make-up done Finally I showed you how I part my hair What ratio is it now? (An unusual ratio) About 5.5 : 4.5 My favorite ratio What's the name of your work? We now... Goku-Lix (Goku-Lix) What are you? Good at sport but cute I'll go with Cute-Bin Cute-Bin Got it, okay, now Let's start voting (Vote for number 1 Goku-Lix) Goku-Lix If you like number 1 Hands up! Please! Now! (Optimistic?) (Counting) (Lips twitching) One, two, three, four, five, six 6 votes (Goku-Lix got 6 votes!) It seems 6 votes 6 votes (Because of the pressure) The real hairdresser went away Thank you Now, vote for number 2! Hands up for number 2 Cute-Bin (Vote for number 2) Let's go! One, two... (Glaring) Now 3 votes? x2 (An eye-contact looking for more votes) Three? Ahh, it's only three I guess No x5 No, they're trying to refocus! (Focusing) By no means you didn't pick me...! (The camera men zooming out) (Irritated) OK, I get it (Last up, hairdresser's opinion) Now we're gonna get the expert's votes (Global votes?) Global? - No, not global, hair experts - Oh, hair Hair expert (What would be the designer's choice?) 1st!!! (Happy) (Sad) He just did this like this (Excited) (Annoyed) There comes the result The winner of the hairdressing battle is Goku-Lix Applause! (Staff are clapping) They're giving an applause (Frowning) Giving applause! Acceptance speech? I was so grateful for trying a hairstyle of a character who I liked (Admiring) I didn't see the details but I believe it's unique (Satisfied) We STAY! Please give your love and support (Pieces are sad, and Aussies are excited) Great! I'm so satisfied with the result! [All-Night SKZ] (Models can check themselves) (Shocked) I'm not embarrassed (Smirk) Wow, this is... These details... Wow! (Appealing) Do you know how hard this is? (Appealing again) Isn't it? (Appreciating his hair) Wow, the back slicked all the way up! - Cute - Wow, these details... Honestly... It's not that strange This is authentic (Seems he likes it) This is authentic (Changbin isn't upset anymore) I'm not angry I think... I think it's cute Cute (Seungmin never lies) I won't say anything if it wasn't cute (Satisfied) I like it a lot Just wow... Slick my hair... Really... I should do this hairdo on stage (Felix! No) No, don't try it on stage (Chan is excited seeing Felix's response) You can see these details, right? Ah, this detail... Oh, you noticed it now? STAY might appreciate this hairdo a lot So I think I can see why we won (The winners are smiling, relaxed) Hoh, confidence Changbin, how do you feel? Yeah, I, I appreciate because it... (It means he likes it) maximizes my cuteness with this hair! You all know "Monsters, Inc.", right? Ah, I know the baby BOO! (cute) Looks like BOO, BOO - Cute - Looks the same It's cute [All-Night SKZ] (Cute but it's time for Sakuranbo) Changbin is the best It's so... I can't move my arms What should I... Because your lats are too big, Changbin (Talking compliment) Right Wow, really good! Stop (Admiring) Wow, that's good (SPEARB is always cute) Oh, it's nothing His look changes when the music plays! Ah, it was so fun! Hasn't Seungmin been enjoying it? No? - It was fun - I was surprised you were so passionate (Seungmin can't do anything half-heartedly) I can't do anything half-heartedly Cool Never do anything half-heartedly (Such attention) Wow, you're so awesome For real (Power off) You are amazing (It's now time for bed) Now, since we stood up all night Shall we go to bed now? OK Sure - Are you going to sleep with that hair? - Well... I have no idea Is this possible? I think it is because I didn't put anything to the back of your head (He can't lie down) Oh! No Oh, no My hair is pulling me I need to sleep on the side I am a genius - OK - I'll... just sleep like this I considered you sleeping, so I didn't put anything on to the back I should sleep on the right side OK! Oh, so comfortable! Do you have any hairstyles you would like to try? I think I've tried almost all styles - Dyed my hair in every color... - You tried so many hairstyles (Felix dyed his hair with various colors) Pink, red, purple, white, and other colors Your hair must be damaged Actually, it's one of our job's traits It's difficult Right, dying hair multiple times... (DWAEKKI's tip on undamaged hair) Put your hair in the fridge before it goes bad You can't keep your hair at room temperature - So... - Ah in the fridge? The fridge was a trick It was to be frozen (Felix's way to manage his hair) Wash it gently... Don't scratch your scalp Wash it clean, and then, just Put some oil! - And it's done! - Just oil - That's it? - It's important But my hair is too weak I want to dye my hair Dying hair... My hair can't bear it But I want to try I think pink hair would look terrible on me But I also want to play the role of DWAEKKI nicely - Oh, really? - Yes So pink hair is on my bucket list Do you have any hairstyle you want to try? - Hmm, I - Oh, that! I also think that would be nice, certainly Which color do you like to try? Dyed hair But I also... I've tried many different colors But I've never tried blue Wow, is that right? Light blue... Or blue I think blue would look good on you! Please turn off the lights Chan, could you turn out the lights...? Changbin your foot OK! Let's sleep - Yes - Good night Good night Ah, I'm hungry (Bonus clip) ♪ In the dark world ♪ ♪ Without Seo Changbin ♪ ♪ The world will be so boring ♪ ♪ I'll be motionless ♪ ♪ If I can't see him a minute ♪ ♪ My life's spine disappears ♪ ♪ Seo Changbin ♪ Ah, What was it? The lyrics?
Channel: Stray Kids
Views: 5,054,738
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stray Kids, 스트레이 키즈, SKZ, 방찬, BANG CHAN, 리노, 이민호, LEE KNOW, LEEMINHO, 창빈, 서창빈, CHANGBIN, 현진, 황현진, HYUNJIN, HWANGHYUNJIN, 한, 지성, 한지성, HAN, JISUNG, HANJISUNG, 필릭스, FELIX, 승민, 김승민, SEUNGMIN, KIMSEUNGMIN, 아이엔, 양정인, 정인, I.N, 오늘 밤 나는 불을 켜 1화, 스키즈 자컨, All-Night SKZ, 스트레이키즈 눕방, All-Night SKZ Ep.01, Stray Kids hair salon, 스키즈 미용실, 아이돌 콘텐츠, 아이돌 눕방, 호주즈, SKZ hair salon, Stray Kids content, 스키즈 힐링, 스트레이 키즈 힐링, 스키즈 자체콘텐츠, 스트레이 키즈 자체콘텐츠, Stray Kids hair, Stray Kids hair styling, SKZ hair styling, 스트레이 키즈 미용실
Id: 65J56znZVpw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 14sec (1334 seconds)
Published: Tue May 25 2021
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