스트레이 키즈 멤버들을 벌벌 떨게 한 것의 정체는?|Stray Kids: 제 9구역 시즌4 EP.01

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(First trip with 9 members) (We survived) (No adult) I can ride because I am under age (SKZ's Fun Trip START!) (The 9th Season 4) (AM 10:00 on one day in January 2019) (Familiar siren in SKZ's house) (AM 10:02 Woojin woke up) (What's this?) (AM 10:02 Hyunjin & Seungmin woke up) (AM 10:03 I.N seems to wake up... but sleep again) (First Morning Mission) (Good Morning Stray Kids!) (Dance to this music) (First five will have prize money for snack) (It's 10 AM / They knew they had to wake up at 12 PM) (Puzzled) (Seungmin left) (AM 10:04 I.N woke up What's wrong?) (Just dance Gently on tiptoes) (Self-mosaic) (Wriggle) (Grasping the situation) (Lee Know woke up but slept again He thought it's only music playing) (Whatever, we are very serious) (For your information.. this is the original version of this dance) (District 9 has powerful motions and excellent group choreography) (Gently / District 9 floor ver.) (But emphasizing key points) Changbin! Where is he? What! Changbin! (Seungmin is tired) (Changbin sleeping deeply) (And Bang Chan sleeping well) (First five / Now 4Kids with I.N) Very tired (Who am I? Where am I) (Completed the first morning mission anyway) - Good Night! - Bye (Reject shooting) (Smash it all) (The 9th loves Seungmin) (We try to get out of this dance but there’s no way out until there are five) (Dancing hard on tiptoes) Hi! (Found someone!) (AM 10:12 Lee Know & Felix woke up) Hurry up (Who will be the last?) (Checking the mission) (Quickly) (Now he checks) (Lee Know joined and the first 5 succeeded) (Sleeping) We are five! (Teddy bear pants) (Are you SOPA prince?) (Who am I? Where am I) (I.N CAM) Wake up! (He came to wake up Changbin & Bang Chan) Wake up! Wake up! - What? - Wake up! (What..?) Wake up! I can't film him (I.N PD filming others quickly) (What's wrong?) (No idea) Wake up! Wake up! - Get up! - Wake up! Wake up! Come here. Hug me (Failed to hug I.N) His condition is bad I can't film him (Let's protect Bang Chan(23, leader)) (STAY, close your eyes / They are Stray Kids) (It's time to get rewards) - Wow, what's that? How much? 50,000 KRW? (Shy 5,000 KRW) 5,000 KRW for each It's 5,000 KRW (Sleeping Bang Chan) (Messy hair) I thought 50,000 KRW for each! - Almost sad - Wow, 5,000 KRW (Vain) Good for you I gave up 5,000 KRW and slept more We danced so hard to get only 5,000 KRW (Group Resistance) We danced in the morning (Anyway mission completed) (The 9th Season 4) We are going on a trip! (Screaming of joy) (9 of Stray Kids will take a trip) - Who got 5,000 KRW? - Me! Two of you? Very good (Woojin & Seungmin succeeded morning mission) Wait, how much do you have on your debit card? More than 5,000 KRW (I have 5,000 KRW too) If you act cute to your partner I will give you snacks (Partner?) Ah, you are my partner (Choosing their partners during trip) (Choose a mission card randomly and the color on envelop will link partners) (4 days before their trip) First-come first-served? Just choose? I have no idea (They don't know but they choose) I don't know, but I'm taking Give it to me! (I don't know what it is but yours looks better) - What! - This was mine (Fuss) Mine was green actually Stray Kids' Wish-fulfillment Program The 9th Season 4! For SKZ who worked harder than anyone in 2018 - Again! - That was natural (Excited) For Stray Kids who have done a great job in 2018 their biggest wish comes true That is! (Stray Kids' the biggest wish: Trip!) (The first ever trip with all the 9 members) Who has got the gold? (Sticker colors determine partners) I got gold (Gold / Bang Chan X Woojin) - No! - What? You guys are grandpas! Who's got red? (Red / HAN X Seungmin(Roommates)) - Seungmin! - They are roommates! Who has blue? (Blue / Changbin X Hyunjin (quarrelsome)) What? Changbin? I'm the one who should complain Pick it up! Play paper disk flipping game Next is green! (Green/ Lee Know & Felix & I.N) What is this combination? Lee Know Lee Know does not look happy (Randomly chosen partners) I'll turn it on and you copy it just like it (Seungmin wants his partner's act cute) Just as it was? - Do it - What is it? (What is it?) Just do it when the music is on (Intro music is on) (HAN's version of cute song he showed on 'Weekly Idol') Seungmin! Don't say "Hey", just give me snacks (Lyrics changed naturally) - Give me some snack - Look at the camera - You nailed it right away - I made it I'll give you some OK. I got it (Snack in return for his cuteness) Which snack would it be? (In the other car) - There's nothing for me? - Okay - Is it good? - Yeah Looks good (Lee Know X Hyunjin X I.N succeeded in wake-up mission) - Let's have gummy now, not crackers - How does it taste? (Felix was so close) Injeolmi Injeolmi? I love Injeolmi One of the best ones in Korea You need some fresh fruit when you feel unpleasant in your mouth - Who wants 'HONEY BUTTER CHIP"? - What is it? Where did you get it? Did you give it to him? - I felt sorry for him - For free? (Hyunjin shared with Changbin) - We are partners today - He asked for some mercy. I fell for it We should help one another What do partners do today? No idea. I'm curious There should be some mission Do you want some? (Yes!) (District 9 Season 4 Partner Mission) (Completing missions with your partner) (The one who doesn't do the mission gets stickers on his face) Which one? The middle? (Mission paper) The right one This one? Then we'll get this one Okay. Hope you fail What is it? (Quietly folding it back) Huh? You guys take this Again, read it again - I did not check it out - Don't tell me you chose the hard one (Lee Know X Felix X I.N's mission) 'Treat your partner like your friend calling him by pet name' We have the youngest - Like how we do normally - Like, "Bin, what would you want"? Okay, okay (So excited) - I.N, decide one - You want some, Lix? (I.N, the youngest, are so good at it) - I.N, decide one - For Felix, Jjix - Jjix? - Yes, Jjix - Not that one. Something funny - Funny? - Make fun of him - Bok - Bok? I like that - Bok? (Bok comes from Felix' real name Yongbok) Yeah, Bok it is It doesn't matter - Yong, Bok, I like it - Yong, Bok? (Stray Kids having fun just with a name) You're teasing me already Alright, Bok it is I.N's pet name... Yeni! It wouldn't show if we call him I.N (Abruptly made pet name for I.N) - OK. Yeni - Yeni, OK Do it For Lee Know! (A pet name discussed by 4 name generators) - How about mustard? - Mustard (Mustard!) - What does it mean? - Mustard! (Super simple pet name for Lee Know) Bok, Yeni, Mustard! What is that? (Why is Hyunjin in pain?) Why? I'm fine with it It's part of life Bin wants Hyunjin to call himself in the third person (Changbin X Hyunjin's mission (Talking formally in third person) It's kind of punishment for us Show it again For us, it's uncomfortable to hear it What was the rest? Any chance? (The rest one) Let's check out the other one - What is that? - It is... Today's partner mission, holding hands all day long! Oh my! - That's the worst - How cruel - Oh boy - So harsh That is the worst Thank God we didn't get that Be thankful for what we have (Let's be thankful for the current mission) That was so close (Nervous about checking out the mission) Today's partner mission Our partner mission is... (HAN X Seungmin) 'Using the honorifics to each other in third person' - Seungmin hates HAN (Third-person diss) - Like this (Harsh words in the third person) You two have to talk like that - Two of us - 'Holding hands sometimes' (Bang Chan X Woojin's mission / Holding hands all day long) We have to hold hands sometimes That's the hardest mission (Highly difficult mission for the elder) Seungmin does not want HAN to talk (Unintended effects of the mission) HAN does not like when Seungmin talks like that Hey! Hey! Stop it! (The mission causes fury) HAN does not like Bang Chan to get angry and scream 'Like a bulldozer' "Like a tank Like a soldier' Look how ugly they are (Video call from Lee Know) Look at these ugly guys So ugly! (2 ugly guys) What is your mission? (Blurred out for STAY) Calling each other by pet name What are they? Yeni, Bok What's HAN and Seungmin's mission? Talking in the third person HAN misses Lee Know - I don't - Oh, really? I see (Embarrassed) See you later! All right (Mission checking completed) (The 9th Season 4) (The first destination / amusement park) Hyunjin is so excited Hey, partner come over here stop wondering around Hey! You said come here (Formal X / Changbin one sticker added) Two stickers right from the start! Can I borrow a sticker? (Changbin caught right from the start) Didn't you hear the please at the end? - Nice Shot! - Nice Shot! Enough How many are you putting it? SKZ it's been a while right? (Everybody's wish was to go on a trip!) - I feel really good! - This is the best Now that we are here let's go on the viking swing! Okay let's go - Wow, viking swing! - Viking and Stray Kids, shall we go Hyunjin will go right now! (Silent thumbs up) Okay! - He's not even trying to talk - I can't talk well Seungmin wants HAN to not talk (HAN on a silent treatment) I second that Why does everything Seungmin say annoy me? - ‘For me?’ - I meant 'Changbin' One more! Changbin!! (Two more big hearts added) (Tossing the bait) Seungmin doesn't know why Changbin is in trouble all the time For me ‘For me’?? It's a formal language! (Bit the bait) You need to say ‘Changbin' Changbin doesn't know why Seungmin is like this (Saying random stuff in third person) All good Four already! - Hyunjin is having fun - There's a winning candidate Just a little bit more Changbin will be careful from now Hyunjin wants to go on it now Let's go on the viking swing! (Getting on the viking swing) HAN will go up Have fun Are we all getting on? (Yes) It's not just three getting on? (so excited) Hyunjin wants to know why HAN is by himself - (At the front seat) HAN is scared - It's okay so far! HAN is scared - Shall we start? - Yes! Hyunjin is ready! We'll start shortly(... was a fake) (Hwang coward(20, Adult) Scared but still seated at the back) Hyunjin is scared (Excited I.N) (Fear expressed on Lee Know's face) (Known for its height) (Hid in fear) (Shouting gibberish) (Very front seat) My hat flew off! Hey(?) My hat flew off! My hat! (In the chaotic viking swing ) (Comfortable) (The ruler of SKZ) (Viking slowly coming down) (Soul escaped / Serious lips) (A lot have changed in one year) Safety bar is going up Thank you! (Without spirit) HAN had fun HAN thanks you! Changbin will listen now (Changbin is more humble) Thank you (So fun) He said, HAN thanks you (What's going on today) Hyunjin is very #@$ Hyunjin had a lot of fun Like I went back to my childhood? Childhood... hahaha (HAN was more excited than others) HAN doesn't want you to ask that I didn't hear or see anything (Bok and mustard in shock) I just closed my eyes I can't explain It was spectacular I want to do something spectacular (Spectacular mania / I.N is satisfied!) Is this all for Hyunjin's ‘The 9th’ for today? I'm already tired (Hyunjin is out of his mind) Hyunjin is having fun but not as energetic as before Hyunjin couldn't help the time (Feels the age thanks to the viking Hyunjin(20)) He is very satisfied What did you say? Hello! What do you want Hyunjin? (Free time at the amusement park) Hyunjin wants you to hit at least one Oh my... Something is wrong - Nothing is wrong - Really? Okay (Not easy / Failed to blame the equipment) Let's try it together We'll show you our perfect combination Let's go! I'll show you the power of Woo Chan (Bros using one hand each to aim) - Trust me! - Okay! - I used to be good at shooting games - Shooting games? Ready! Start! So close! (Bullet just missed) Didn't I hit it? It went right - Let's do it together! - We need to do it together to... (Hyunjin giving out orders) - How's everything going? - I'm going to shoot! 1, 2, 3! (Succeeded with perfect teamwork!) This was Hyunjin's strategy Okay! One more! (No adults allowed) No, you're an adult I can go on it because I'm still underage (That is all for Stray Kids' amusement park tour) We are at Nami Island! (SKZ arrived at ‘Nami Island' ) (See you next week)
Channel: Stray Kids
Views: 7,439,211
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stray Kids, 스트레이 키즈, SKZ, 스키즈, 방찬, 찬, BANG CHAN, CHAN, 우진, 김우진, WOOJIN, KIMWOOJIN, 리노, 이민호, LEE KNOW, MINHO, LEEMINHO, 창빈, 서창빈, CHANGBIN, SEOCHANGBIN, 현진, 황현진, HYUNJIN, HWANGHYUNJIN, 한, 지성, 한지성, HAN, JISUNG, HANJISUNG, 필릭스, FELIX, 승민, 김승민, SEUNGMIN, KIMSEUNGMIN, 아이엔, 양정인, 정인, I.N, YANGJEONGIN, JEONGIN, JYP, JYP Entertainment, Stray Kids 제 9구역, 제 9구역, 스트레이 키즈 제 9구역, 스트레이 키즈 리얼리티, 스키즈 리얼리티, 아이돌 리얼리티, Idol reality, skz reality, 스키즈 제 9구역, skz 제 9구역, Stray Kids The 9th, SKZ The 9th, The 9th
Id: RN8eDvjADhI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 4sec (1084 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 12 2019
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