✅ Dan Mohler - His Life In Us!

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this message is brought to you by dan Mohler archive comm the number one place to search over 2500 dan Mohler messages in growing now please enjoy this message listen I want you to understand something we're not like Wiley Riley's probably a lot like me I grew up in church my whole life momma made me go to church and she did her best to keep me in church and she took me to several different churches hoping I'd connect and she took me to a more denomination of what you'd call church he took me to another place then she took me to one that I thought was a wild church he thought then mix it out and get my interest right but here's the bottom line I grew up going to church going to church is what I thought Christianity was for Christianity was church attendance so but I want you to understand is that something changed in my life when I was 33 I literally had an encounter with God I talked about all the time he changed my life I live with me I'm confident with that encounter I sleep with me I wake up with me I know me so it you know I'm not on I'm convinced my life's been changed Wiley I got to meet you guys when probably nine years ago or so 10 so the reason he's passionate and excited I want to understand we're not trying to change you we're not here he didn't call this weekend to bring somebody in say hey guys you need to get with it or what you're doing wrong it it really has nothing to do with that and I feel impressed to qualify that and we didn't even talk about this at all I just feel impressed to talk about that welcome guys thanks for coming I just feel like in 1995 I bumped into the Lord at work in a way that changed my life forever and helped me see things I never saw understand things that I never knew and he changed me from the inside and through his word he began to teach me what it meant to be a Christian and wouldn't what he paid for him what he came for and why he died and and I went whoa and it started to transform a life what I learned right away because I came out of that excited and people get a little nervous when you're excited and they said well look I'm fine I go to church you hear this stuff all the time I'm fine I go to church well hey I got my church or hey I grew up with the Lord or a word Christian family and it's almost as if people are threatened and they they're almost afraid to acknowledge the excitement in your heart and why and some whole I spent like this like I'm pretty ramped up all the time so I literally I'm not being funny with you I call myself down to communicate I really do I do know I do I call myself down to communicate cuz I'm not trying I sit on an airplane with somebody and they ask me how I'm doing and I tell them they say how are you doing they're being rhetorical they're just making cover hey how you doing they think I'm gonna say hair hanging in there what do they think I'm gonna say well I'm just gonna have two planes on time but they asked me how I'm doing I start telling them because I actually got something to say cuz I'm really doing good I really am it's not that every circumstance is great it's not that everybody's doing what I wish it's not that things are going the way you always hope but he's amazing on the inside and I understand every day now why I'm alive I'm not trying to make it people aren't deciding who I am and how I'm doing and how good I'm gonna be I found myself through Jesus and it changed my life forever and I can't not get excited about it because I feel for the first time in my life I was free I was free from you your looks your comments circumstances work you know what I'm saying come on we have been decided by life in so many ways instead of the giver of it so we say Jesus is in us and he lives in our heart well that's so he can shine through your heart your attitudes and your motives in your life like he's not in us so that we go to heaven someday he's in us so heaven comes out of us today look it's really wise in us I can show you that all through Scripture he told us to let our light so Shyne before me how many things in our lives dictate who we are and how we're doing that have nothing to do with the Lord then have nothing to do with truth just circumstances how your life is going is usually how you're doing how people are treating you is usually how you're doing yeah what you're thinking what you're feeling is you get what you've been through what you're going through right now becomes your story it becomes your expression it becomes you and I've learned that none of those things ever have to be true again in my life and when these guys met me they just heard some things that because these guys I know Wiley and kelly enough to say this that these guys just have amazing good hearts and they love the Lord the best they understand the Lord and when we met they were like wow I hear this a lot people say man this is what I was looking for but didn't really know what it was or I knew there was more I knew there had to be something more see I used to think that when I was young when I was these guys age mom would take me to church tonight I'd hear a somewhat spiritual message if you know what I mean it was more warm harder it was just about something Jesus did Diana Krall so they read a Bible story but it made me think about God but in time I used to think about what does it have to do with my life it's so I thought to be a Christian was just stay mindful of going to church and praying over your food and saying now I lay me down to sleep and I never realized that he wanted to put his life inside of me not so I can confess him but so I could express him like that he wanted to change me from the inside out the Bible says if any man in 1st Corinthians 5 it says if any man is in Christ he's a what a new creation listen carefully it's 1st Corinthians 5:17 it's there I mean if you have a Bible you could look and read it it's there it says if any man be in Christ he's a new creation it says old things have what old things what's he talking about is he just talking about the bad stuff we did that we knew we shouldn't have did or is he talked about things that were before he came what if he's talking about attitudes mindsets motives come on do you know easy this today to go to church and fight in the car on the way home over where you're gonna eat what you're gonna eat be mad and have animosity in your home but you all went to church but you got animosity in your home do you know how easy it isn't a marriage to say I love you and then she talked to each other was fighting and did get contempt and frustration I started realizing man when I'm read him about he wants old things to pass away life as I knew it he wants it to die because he wants new life to come he said old things will pass away behold behold he's revealing the power of God is gonna help change me if I'm willing behold all things how many things so that means the way it was before he came into my life is gonna die and now who he is in my life which is new it's gonna arise so sudden I realized Christianity is a far cry from church attendance a far cry that's really it's it's not about going to church it's about being her why does the Hebrews 10 say that we gather ourselves together as a church in order that we stir one another up in love and good works now I've learned this since I've been saved many people are only ever taught what God can do for them bless them protect them or whatever happens is God deal with it learn to live with it one day we'll understand and they surround God with all this mystery and make him responsible for everything cetera et cetera and then there's no accountability there's no conviction for me to wake up and be a different person but I can be I read in my Bible I reap what I sow I read in my Bible that I'm destroyed for the lack of knowledge which if I get the knowledge I can see destruction stopped but I never had nobody teach me that but I read it in that book that's behind me there come on most of us haven't been taught this stuff most of us have grown up with an emotional makeup that came out of a selfish wellspring a self-centered motive most of us well I'm just going to be wrong with this all of us were born into Adam what man became apart from God Romans five teaches us that and you must be born again we've turned that into a prayer we pray on a Sunday morning when the Evangelist is there and our names get written in a book of life instead of life coming into us and all sudden it's all about going to heaven and getting blessed and be provided for and protected instead of becoming the person that he paid for and created you to be I read in 1st Corinthians 13 it was the first thing I saw in my Bible when I read it tonight I got changed I was at home alone I was weeping I hope my Bible and I'm looking right down it said if I don't have love I got nothing right in that chapter defines what love is it says love doesn't seek its own such a strong conviction and realized everything I did had to do with me everything I ever said and did even when I said I love you to my wife it was do you love me it was I love you for me I love you for what I get out of loving you so it was still all about me that's why people can say I love you and chew each other up with words actions and emotions body language posture because we don't understand love love doesn't seek its own love is it love is selfish isn't selfish it's love is kind love is right said I'm reading Matthew 16 guess who it says if any of you come after me if anybody Jesus talking since any of you want to come after me let him first deny yourself that's what Jesus said it's not my sermon nobody ever taught me this everybody just said do you want to receive Jesus in your heart they always just told me a church he died on the cross because I was a sinner that's all I was ever told my whole life Jesus died on the cross because I was a sinner and he wants me to go to heaven nobody told me that the truth was robbed in my life and he wanted to put it back in me and on me nobody ever told me died because I was a lost son and he wanted to restore the truth about my life so I could live in him and be in him nobody ever told me I could walk in the light as he's in the light first John chapter 2 any man says he abides in him on a walk as he walked he's talking about love so I'm gonna walking like Jesus walked cool and guys get room with me Jesus was mistreated Jesus was judged Jesus was hung across and crucified for doing nothing but right that would be a sad day for every one of us in the room that would be a hot story that's still nothing but right nobody appreciates me these stupid people bunch of knuckleheads idiots if they didn't see by now they're never gonna see I'm trying to do good here and they keep calling me bad I'm done doing good that I wasn't Jesus this is Jesus forgive them father they don't know what they're doing see he showed me a way to live and it's called the way flow it's so powerful to me Jesus came to save me from me yay I've only ever been taught he came to save me from hell are you kidding me me live it for me as hell cuz I'm only as good as you're doing me I'm only as secure as you treat me a man if he could get me free from me now I'm finally free from you and I can see you clearer for the first time in my life no sudden I understand you have value you're worth his blood his spirit wants to live inside of you he wants to change you from the inside out all of a sudden I realized we can all start becoming love we can all live in the kingdom yeah and also night waiting to die and go to heaven someday no I came alive in him my dying days are over sorry I'm getting a little happy right now I'm just free it's not my fault 24 years ago the gospel taught me to never wake up in the morning and live for me I didn't wake up this morning for what you could do for me I woke up this morning for how I could be more like him and how I could live from where he abides that's what keeps you free if my life is contingent on you treating me a certain way I'm only as strong as your weakness I'm only doing as good as you're doing me and that's why a lot of people are miserable broke down discouraged angry bitter because they got rights and they were violated they got lines and they were crossed but how do you have lines and rights when you deny yourself pick up your cross and follow Jesus I'll sudden you give them up see this is what I learned a long time ago is what these guys heard me teaching way back when we met and I was pretty excited back in what now yeah I keep telling people I'm getting worse why because I know him a little bit more than I knew him before and that this isn't my doctrine it's my life it's not my sermon it's the word that lives on the inside of me now it's the way that's become the way I live in it's this awesome because now all sudden you see the value of people first impressions are out the window oh where they bother me oh I'm gonna hang over here when I'm comfortable I don't like them at all could you imagine the Lord with that mindset where'd we learn it if he didn't teach us where'd we get it could you imagine the Lord just down and out and bombed on the earth just Salkin through the day I just don't think people like me and appreciate me I just keep going out of my way I mean I'm multiplying food I'm raising the dead for heaven's sakes healing the sick and people just keep bickering and backbiting and saying I'm evil I'm just described as don't know if I should just be even be here come on when we were treated wrong for doing wrong it was hard let alone being treated wrong for doing right and Jesus was never nothing but right and called wrong all the time and he never let what men didn't see decide what he did see because he's the truth and he's the light of the world here to cheer you on in something Jesus bear with me because I think most of us me included have been taught different than this but I could show you scripture after Scripture and I'm about to read a few of them in a minute Jesus did not die on that cross just to forgive me of sin he died on that cross to put his life inside of me his ways inside of me his spirit inside of me and he told me to deny myself and put off everything I was so that I could put on everything that he isn't willing to help me to be if I'm willing that's Christianity let me make a strong statement here on my first night nothing else is because nothing else is scriptural it's just a form of the message he said you got to die if you're gonna live he's not talking about your heart stopping he's talking about dying in the old former identity okay I'm so excited you guys are really listening you're great listeners you guys are like you ought to see your faces I have the best seat in the house I'm looking around and I'm kind of amused by it so I I just might as well break the ice and tell you you're making me laugh right now the majority of you are going you all have the same look that's exciting to me listen for what it's what I'm just done being hurt offended angry self-conscious no esteemed moved by everything but the truth come on everybody in this room everybody from the oldest to the youngest knows exactly what I'm talking about from the time you have knowledge and awareness of yourself you were self conscious from the time you can remember you needed honored loved appreciated supported value to feel value to feel loved to feel accepted it's a constant rat race to fit in and feel like something be real with me every body in this room knows what I'm talking about from the oldest to the youngest they laugh at you in third grade for something you're wearing and you realize they're laughing at you and two of them that are laughing you thought were friends you're in third grade right there you either become a fighter or you become introverted and have a low esteem issue and all of a sudden life is deciding who you are and all you are at a very young age is nothing more than how you responded to how it unfolded and then we psychologically assess it and call it personality types no it's everything built on a lie everything built on sinking sand and all the sudden where people aren't decides where you are and yet he's Lord no I'm done with that he is Lord and he's deciding my life and all of a sudden he teaches me what it means to die to myself so I wake up and nobody owes me anything that's a pretty free place to live and not a whole lot of people I've met even understand that it's there or possible to wake up every day and nobody owes you a thing I'm married I even mean my spouse she doesn't owe me a thing she doesn't dictate how I'm doing he does that's why I love her on her most challenge days I got nothing but love for her why cuz I know who she is and what she's created for and I will not let where she's not in that moment decide who he is in me when he's in me to shine so I'm just done having those kind of days so I'm either a pretty good actor and I'm just putting on a great show Friday night wherever I am I'm somewhere they drove me here or this is really how I live I would have no idea how to live this way if I didn't find it from him and all of a sudden I understand why I'm a Christian and all of a sudden I understand what he paid for and why he actually came on the cross he came on the cross to restore me back to love not being loved that comes through the cross but being loved this way so the whole goal and I'm gonna explain it right now and read you some scripture the whole goal of the Christian life is to become loved not to go to heaven someday come on that's self-centered that costs you nothing the prayer prayer to go to heaven and you can still be mad at your boss and yell at your wife but you prayed the prayer and you're going to heaven cuz you believe in Jesus if you believe in Jesus why don't you let him have your life and shine through you yeah why don't you put off the old and put on the new blessed are the peacemakers not the issue oriented blessed are the peacemakers for they are the sons of God children of God come on I just gave up my life subscription to issues I'm just tired of living tit for tat and he said she said well I wouldn't be this way if they did well they should then well how come you always were you well don't look at me I can't find that in Jesus's life I searched the scriptures I can't find that in his life even when he's being mistreated I can't find those mentalities in Jesus so if he's the good teacher and he said don't let anyone be your teacher because you have one he's the Christ so if I can't find it in his life and he didn't teach me where I learned it so if he ain't saying it who was where did I get it are you following me come on is this important there's a million things out there guys trying to eat your lunch to press your heart down to make you angry to give you an attitude that doesn't produce life this come on there's a countless list of things that just gray you out and ho-hum you and whatever that's a real big thing on the earth today whatever what does that even mean far from whatever one day we'll find out but we have a response and all these things called faith we believe and he comes on the inside of us and we begin to yield and surrender and put off the old the things that don't produce life and we put on the new so actually a Christian is somebody whose mindset and motive and purpose has been changed by the Lord and all of a sudden you have a different reason for being and it's not just attending a church and serving in that ministry it's actually walking in love and living by the spirit and making peace and showing mercy come on honestly I'm gonna be bold with you anything less is in Christianity it's just a form of it are you with me he said you'll know them by their that's not baking cookies and taking them to service he's talked about the fruit of the Spirit he's talked about loving kindness gentleness temperance self-control perseverance he's talking about character he's talking about where you live from not the simple deeds we do he's talking about the person you are from within he said if you'll clean the inside of the cup you won't even have to work on the outside the outside I'll be clean Jesus said these things I read the Bible man they're all there just wonder if we'd believe them wonderful we'd really understand and believe it it's so easy to be angry in today's society people are mad at each other that go to church because they don't agree with the doctrine and I'm talking mad angry and I'm like wow okay man if people that far off shouldn't you feel merciful cry for them or think about praying for them why are you ready to slit everybody's throat I mean come on it just doesn't sound cool you know you want to do with the Bible says they'll kill them for God kill them do God a favor it's this man will be that twisted in the last days that they'll be thinking of killing each other and killing each other thinking they're doing God a favor that's how twisted things will be see that anger that I'm talking about that people get over even their doctrinal issues the anger that's just evidence you don't know him like you could cuz it didn't say God was so frustrated and so ticked off with humanity that he finally sent his son said for God so loved the world it says where sin abounded grace came even greater and abounded much more not to empower sin to get it out of the way he said when I was messing up the worst grace was coming greater to rescue me and pull me out of that place he was this him well I'm disgusted well he don't want me well if he didn't turn him by now he ain't turning I'm done with him that's not the Lord you can't find that in your Bible when I was lost he found me when I was far away he came he'll leave 99 to get one that's amazing I get it now it's not just so that I'm forgiven it's so I become forgiveness he's not just so I obtained mercy it's so I learned by it and become merciful it's so that I give to others the same thing he gave me a chance to be changed yeah you just think about this I'm gonna read your scripture I really am it's my introduction if you let this gospel teach you this one thing especially this weekend you raised your hand said I never heard this man speak if you take one thing from anything I say if you let discuss will teach you to wake up every day understanding nobody owes you a thing because you wake up to shine you wake up to shine not to need to shine nobody owes you a thinks you wake up for one reason to be more like him wonder if everybody would grab that and believe that and start pushing into that truth that one truth that every day you wake up you wake up to shine well that would change some attitude that would change some reactions that would change some marriages irreconcilable differences you ought to be glad the Lord never filed that on you I'm not condemning anybody I'm saying no matter what mistakes we've made we ought to learn and let God change us well I just couldn't take them anymore well you better be glad that ain't God talking to you could you imagine coming to the otter sincerely ready for change and God would just show up he would just show up and sit right above you oh it's you so you're crying now and I guess you're broken and you want to change now after all the running well you know six months ago I really would you gave you a good chance to come where were you then costs a lot of Hell and pain in the last six months it's good I don't slumbers or you two kept me awake tell you what I'll have a meeting with the 24 elders and see where we stand because I'm not even sure where we stand anymore wouldn't that be something has anybody ever had God do that to them in the history of time through the blood of Jesus has God ever treated anyone like that then I wonder where we got it so if he didn't teach us that mentality where did we get it ain't that something I've pastored for a while and I've learned that 99.9% of counseling sessions are people having trouble with people and it proves to me we don't understand the gospel and we don't understand why God sent his son cuz people are having trouble with people instead of loving not their own lives unto death and laying down their lives for others see I didn't come here on the contingency that I was hoping you'd even like me what did you do or not I'm not trying to get you to dislike me please understand but it's highly irrelevant I came with a sincere heart before the Lord who judges righteously to cry out my heart from the rooftops just hoping that someone would hear just the kingdom of God as if a man which scatter seed you came he called it I came you're here you're facing me it's not even my fault anymore I got a live microphone just trusting that something I say makes you think about you and how you're responding and where you're living from and what you're living for because God created man that's what I wanted to show you that's where I was heading where there now I can finally read that's the end of my introduction go to Genesis 1 would you if you have a Bible if not just listen carefully verse 26 then God said who said God said let us make man in our image you can look up the Hebrew word you could look up image he's not talking about a head arms legs cuz God's Spirit he's not talking about what God looks like let's make man to look like us he's saying that snake man like us that means who he is not what he looks like let us make man in our what in our image according to an agreement with our likeness let them have dominion whole list of things fish the air seabirds over the creeping things that creep you have dominion over the creep and it's not people just joking every creeping thing Dominion but but watch catch the first part don't get caught up in the Dominion part don't get caught all where's he heading with Dominion no no God said let us make who in our image according to a lightness verse 27 he didn't wait around long after he said this so God did it he did what he said he created man but he didn't just create man he created man in his own image in the image of God he groomed listen ladies you're like this you're not just here you're not just here to serve the man that's not why you're here you're here for His image I found it in the Bible you can't talk me out of it you're way too late you can twist a couple scriptures and try to change somebody else's mind you're way too late for me I found why women are on the earth to be found in His image the reason a woman makes a man complete isn't because he's lonely and needs her it's because he's fulfilled in Christ and has to reproduce Christ and without her where do you go you take the image of God and bring it together with the image of God what do you reproduce the image of God and then the earth gets filled with his glory is that the plan of the Lord so now you enter in sin and selfishness and Adam did you eat the tree how did you know you know it was the woman you gave me she gave me to eat sudden The effect of sin is on the earth right there a chapter laid two chapters later he can't even take responsibility he's blaming his life on God and he's blaming his life on her and a second ago he was in the image of God ain't that something you ever see people do that did you ever do that I know I did I watched my brother get a whoopin cuz he broke a light that was in our family was matching lights I was a passed down thing we got roughhousing weren't supposed to be roughhousing with what we were doing and we did it anyway and I bumped into that lamp and it was done and I looked ready my brother and I can't believe you did that he said what y'all don't you try to lie cuz I knew I was gonna get whoops silly my dad was a drinker he was gonna come home and see that light he was gonna hit me hard so I did the total opposite of Jesus instead of getting on the cross I'll put that my dad's hand in my my brothers bottom it's like I lied through my teeth I can still remember him taking my brother up the steps to whoop him and my mom look at me crying saying you better not be lying I said he broke it mom I wouldn't do that no I broke I need to change why cuz I wasn't living what we just read I wasn't living his likeness love lays down its life the opposite lives at the expense of now how many times we've lived at each other's expense you say Wow come on you live in a family you just live in a family you cop an attitude that's not productive you cop an attitude that forces your other family members to have to respond to you it's manipulation it's control it's selfish it's deception and all of a sudden you're living at the expense of the atmosphere of your home and instead of adding life to it and light to it and walking in love it's just all about you again yeah come on see you may not be used to somebody talking that straight and plain but let's get real where are we producing in our life what fruits are before the Lord when we stand before you know them by their fruits what's he talking about collecting the offering or doing the sound during church service or he's talking about where do you live from him what you convey to others are y'all with me quote I want you to see this because this is huge so we find that God created man in his own image in the image of God he created him watch male and female Pam so the woman's created value is to be found in the image of God that means love walking in love living by the spirit see we have so bought into who we've been that we have entrapped faith around who he is in us so we've gotten more confidence in following our own experience instead of life than him something brand-new that we need to go after yeah see because I've learned I don't have to be frustrating anymore you don't have to believe me time will tell one day I'm telling the truth you don't have to believe me I'm done being angry and offended I'm done letting what people say and do decide Who I am and how I am I'm done I'm gonna let Jesus decide that because he's the author and giver of life he's the way he is the life right he's the truth he's the life I'm done letting anything else matter more if it doesn't matter most here's what I found in Matthew 16 If any man come after me let him first deny what pick up and what why why is that first because of what we just read the Bible's teaching you and me that the whole reason man is on the planet is to pursue and be found living in His image it's called love God is what happened when Adam got cut off from God through sin he got cut off from the source of love and became in need of love now everybody in this room knows exactly what I'm talking about everybody in this room has needed to be loved from the time you can remember to the point that it drives you values you and decide you be real with me everybody in this room knows exactly what I'm talking about we have needed to be loved why because when Adam got cut off from God he said the day Adam you eat that tree of the knowledge good Eve was the day you surely die is that in your Bible now I'm just letting you help me since I'm quoting rather than just read it verse by verse some people say you better read it's there you will surely die did Adam died did he fall over dead well then he wasn't talking about physical death he was talking about dying in the sense of his identity and losing who he was a minute ago what God created him to be died when he ate the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and he got cut off from the source of love and Adam lost his identity through sin and when God came he hid from God and he said why did you how did you breathe how did you know you were naked did you eat the fruit of the tree I forbid you he said it was the woman you gave me for she gave me what a cop-out answer what's he saying if you don't want to gave me the woman probably will need the tree don't look at me he says to the woman what is this you've done she said it was the serpent he gave me what's she saying the devil made me do it no you chose to eat that tree and you cut yourself off from everything you were created to be and al i watch al I came over humanity and darkness covered man's heart and what was alive in him a minute ago got reduced back to just a form a desire and a forethought and every man was dead on the inside where True Life was concerned and in Romans five teaches us that since that day every man was born into and you must be somehow we turned that into a beneficial prayer that takes me to heaven when I die instead of a truth that empowers me to become what he paid for come on I know I'm getting a little aggressive I feel it in my heart don't run from me don't get offended by me please you get too offended you'll give yourself away no cuz everything I'm sharing is good news who the see see that's the struggle we don't we just want to hear sometimes if we're not careful a message that benefits me instead of transforms me he said don't be conformed to the world romans 12:2 be transformed how by trying to order no by thinking like you've never fought before where am I gonna get these new thoughts probably from the new and living way probably from new life called Jesus Christ see that brings me back to the point Matthew 16 if any man and a youngster and he white haired fella come after me let him do one thing first all of us do the same thing force deny now see that's the problem in it on the earth see I'm convinced I'm not the brightest man but I'm on to something here it ain't politics it ain't racism it ain't Isis the problem on the earth is and all the things we point to it's that every day men wake up and live for themselves when they're made for God's image and selfishness is the cancer in the rod that's on the earth because the Bible says we partake in 2nd Peter one of His divine nature and escape the corruption that's in the world through self-centered seeking see we just preach pray a prayer go to heaven you don't have to think about self in that prayer that might be self that prayer you don't even really have to believe to pray that you just pray it cuz it's the guys right hey I might as well pray can't hurt now I don't preach that they actually have a little tub over here water because if somebody wants to get baptized weekend you're getting baptized this weekend did you know that okay I didn't know if they actually cuz she wants to and I would be honored to baptize Esther you know what she's gonna do when she gets in the water she's going to get in there like death bury on resurrection just like Jesus died buried raised from the dead Romans six she's going to die to sin once for all so everything she's ever done everything outside of God everything that ever was she's calling dead and dying in the likeness of his death Romans 6 Paul that's so amazing it says just as Jesus died right and we died with him he was raised by glory the Father he was raised he says just as he was raised we shall raise to the newness of life Who am I do this so we're gonna baptize Miss Esther probably tomorrow night we're gonna baptize miss Esther and we're just gonna put her down I hold people down so every bubble stops I make sure this thing is done there's nothing you do about it Sampson anointing will come on me I can hold you down with a hand I just about 40 seconds after the last bubble you got him then you pull them up by faith new life new life it's a point there we turned it into a Norton is amazing the stuff we do we prepare to go to heaven and then we think baptism is the next step to qualify to go to heaven no no heaven wants to come into you the kingdom of God is here jesus said go preach saying the kingdom of God is here so then we get in arguments yeah but the gifts and the miracles aren't here today and other than we make all this stuff wonderful it's not even about that wonders about his heart in his ways and humility and mercy and forgiveness and love wonder first Timothy is right what if the goal of our instruction the purpose of the commandment is love it flows out of a pure heart and a clear conscience innocent seer faith wonder if the Bible's true what if the goal of Christianity is becoming love and the only way to become love is to get rid of what's not love self-centeredness because the Bible teaches you there's no selfishness in love and there's no love in selfishness so they don't coexist so put off the old put on the nil died a 1 to live for the other so now you understand what Jesus said deny yourself he didn't say if any man come after him make sure he prays quick in case he dies any moment our evangelistic order calls at least the ones I've been around if you hit a tree on the way home and lost your life and don't know where you're going pray this prayer we make the whole goal going to heaven instead of being transformed come on we give ourselves away with our articles we make the whole goal eternal security instead of transformation by the Spirit come on you can agree with eternal security and stay just as angry just as jealous just as prideful and all the sudden there's no conviction about your life because hey at least I'm going to have it come on everybody in this room has needed to be loved and the whole reason we're on the earth is to love we got robbed to that purpose through sin so Jesus took away sin so we could get restored back to that purpose get born again so wonder if sincerely the gospel teaches me that when I wake up in the morning nobody owes me a thing because I'm on the earth for one reason to love to shine to follow him come on if you don't put new wine in a new wineskin how will it be contained you don't put something new into the same old vessel you got to change the heart within and I'm not being mean to anybody in this room I'm making a general statement we have become so religious and traditional that we left a thousand other things take the place of knowing him and being changed by him we let our church attendance the ministry were doing the prayer group were leading we let so many things we do in his name take the place of bearing witness of his name and that's a shame the things that men do in secret the stuff that goes on behind the scenes the stuff that pastors I've been ministering to pastors they hear these messages on YouTube get a hold of me and cry and tell me the sins of their life and it breaks my heart cuz I realize they're riding the wave of ministry finding their identity through what they do instead of their identity through what he's done the sudden their ministry becomes their life instead of his life and how long can you live that way how long can you ride that wave a surfers only riding the wave till the wave what he's in the tube it's great he gets scored but all the sudden there's no more way for what happens if you're riding some kind of wave like that now you gotta go out and catch another one the whole reason man's on the earth just be found in God's image you see that's impossible why don't you look at Colossians 3 with me pretty amazing you guys okay I'm almost done I'm not going to keep you forever no no i-i'll be gracious to everybody there's a lot of children here actually I said plenty already I feel it in my heart the whole reason everyone I'm looking at and everyone out ever since why I don't have any muscle it's why I love travelling lines don't bother me people people you ever fly anybody ever fly who flies okay tell me if I'm telling the truth we're all going to the same place but there's a limited room for bags and stuff like that we all have assigned seats so that ain't the issue you have your seat on your boarding pass but you might not have room for your bag so people is inching up your boarding classes coming up people is inching pushing that last guy on the last boarding clip pass and there's people actually right behind them just slide and stand three feet back just so they're in front of their boarding class and zone so that there might be more room for their bag stuff like that happens every day in public and I just kind of chuckle over it because I'm like oh my goodness the gospel's the total opposite is laying down your life preferring others considering others more highly than yourself we turned the gospel into praying for blessings in favor and we think if we get the best parking spot we're in the flow are you kidding me when you're in the best parking spots somebody else isn't but you don't seem to think about that whether you don't even have do you know what traffic lights are they're red yellow and green they tell you to stop so go you guys know okay I just haven't seen any for a long time today I've been driving for a long time there's no traffic lights I didn't know if you knew what they were but you do know what they are okay so you guys get out from this little area every once in a while traffic lights you know spirituality isn't believing your lights always green because when yours is green somebody's just red and somehow you don't think about that it's not favoring blessings you have that you're forgiving of everything you've ever done and God will never judge you for your sins he'll judge you for his son and he'll put his life inside of you so you can live his life by the Spirit that on a matter faith says yay to that ya unbelief says whatever see here's the deal and I know this by now cuz I've been sharing my heart for years I don't talk in riddles these kids can understand what I'm saying easy right honest like you're here and no trouble follow me are you some of the youngest in here can track with me I'm not talking in riddles I'm not so deep so when I'm finished speaking it boils down to two things a man says well I hear what you're saying I want that or he says well I hear what you're saying I just don't want it and then I'll try to add to that without him what I was talking up I'm not talking about what you would talk growing up I'm talking about what he taught us through his life I'm the talk about your heritage I'm not trying to dishonor nobody but don't you cleave to your heritage if it doesn't agree with his life why would you make your heritage Lord yeah but I grew up this I grew up that the only reason we have a lot of that not all of it some of it has good healthy roots a lot of it does but there's a lot of it that doesn't because it came out of what we can't agree on how unified is that what fruit is that producing on the earth just a lot more building materials so we can meet in our respective places look it's not about the building you go to it's about the life you live you go to church for the rest of your life and never miss a Sunday get thrown into crisis and respond like the man that's not even a believer and what's your church attendance amount to you've been deceived friend you're gonna church your whole life serve in a ministry never miss a Sunday gets thrown into crisis get betrayed by a friend and live betrayed you've missed the whole point I could show you in first Corinthians 11 on the night Jesus was betrayed says it on purpose to teach us see on the night Jesus was betrayed guess what his idea responding was he took the bread which was his life and his body and he broke it on the night he was betrayed he gave his life you better make sure in the night you're betrayed you ain't on the phone talking to a friend telling them all about a crying because that's a giveaway cuz all of a sudden you ain't following Jesus you're following the wisdom you were trained by on the night you were betrayed you'll find out what you understand on the day your spouse doesn't do what you were hoping you'll find out what you really see on the day your best friend does what you knew they would never do you'll find out where you're living and if it ain't laying down your life and Father forgive them they don't know what they're doing you say oh they know what they're doing know if they really saw if they really knew they wouldn't be saying and doing what they're doing and mercy triumphs over judgment and love covers a multitude of sin who in this room be honest with me did things in your life even after you said you were a Christian that you knew you shouldn't it did but you did them anyway and thought oh well and did them anyway be honest alright so see all that honesty let's see that again that was a lot of people so wonder if God came to us and said we don't even do what I say to do and you knew better you did it anyway so you're not even for me you're against me you're not gathering to me you're scattered and he starts using his own word against his own nature would he ever do that no you got the blood speaking better things and you got Jesus Father forgive them if they really knew if they really knew oh you got some convictions and you know technically it ain't right but should do it anyway but if you had a revelation if you had ever been with him long enough to where your eyes actually see you would value your life in him in his life in you and that thing wouldn't even look tempting anymore because the value of who you are has been raised in him most addictive behaviors most cycles of sin only come through low esteem and people not seeing the value of who they're created to be so they live up to the low level they're living because they don't see a higher value for themselves and truth be told most individuals don't really like themselves that much that's why they need everybody else to how's that for straight talk and there we are again getting tricked only doing as good as people are doing us living for the praises of men for the encouragement of others instead of in the truth that's why I told you in the beginning without being arrogant or self-righteous that's right old job believe I'm free I got free from me a long time ago so that makes me free from you so now I can finally love you instead of need you and set you up to fail me come on you married folks know exactly what I'm talking about everybody in this room does because our relationships we got so much stuff going on sometimes well I wouldn't be this way if well they should have never well you don't know what I'm going through pastor see I'm not even talking about that I'm talking about what he went through I'm talking about finding yourself through what he went through pastor I'd be in a better place if it wasn't for this this and this will this this and this isn't Lord why are you letting it govern your life why are you letting that be the deciding factor why is how you're doing always related to how it's going instead of who he is inside of you guys all I did tonight was lay out a simple message of what it means to be a Christian and I'm saying it's strong and narrow my own conviction nothing else is true Christianity it's just a form a faucet what I'm preaching to you tonight is what I found in this book I quoted how many scriptures I told you where they were it says if he loved us this way ought we not love one another the same way he says he who loves first John 2 has no cause for stumbling or a fence because of his brother why because he loves he didn't say cuz his brother didn't do wrong if you let somebody do wrong decide what you're going to do you've given them the influence in your life that they never should have but I wouldn't be this way if they went away you don't it was long you don't even know what it was like when I was growing up stop it you're 35 stop you're 35 I'm sorry it was that way look my dad was an alcoholic he never said I love you I was touched wrong when I was about 4 my mom died of a sickness and was sick 40 years of my life don't tell me I don't understand hardship we all have stories some are worse than others don't make that your identity and don't attach it to God wonder if there's this strategy out there to get you so hurt so hard so identified through life that when life finally comes you think you already found what does it matter if my dad was an alcoholic and never said I love you if Jesus hung on the cross and gave his life for me while I was he had a sinner that God the Father said I love you through his son guys I would never have to hear my dad say he loved me for the rest of my life now I'm settled in Jesus and I ain't got no bitterness and anger towards my dad and because of it he saw the change in my life came to me and cried and got born again why cuz I'm not a hurting broken kid that's 33 with a trapped little eight-year-old inside come on my mama died how can you be encouraged you were young she was sick your whole life well maybe God stopped Jesus shed his blood my mom's gonna live forever let's not read into this thing let's let Jesus decide my life now I honor mama I was therefore carried her to bed change her diapers pray for her and love her till she passes and just keep on living this thing stronger and more convinced than ever that's not good sentimental well I'm just so hurt since my mom died well I'm confused well why and how and I got theological question stop if it wasn't for the blood of Jesus it's a loss maybe we don't even have to answer all those theological arguments maybe we can show that we love God more than we loved our own lives I think I heard him say that unless you love less your mother your father your spouse your children your house is your land and yes your own life you'll by no means be my disciple that's a wholehearted follower a discipline or he didn't say you couldn't go to church he said but unless you love less that intimate list you'll by no means be what he paid for and what you're here for how strong is that come on I've read all this stuff in my Bible jesus said unless you love less that most intimate list why cuz you'll let something matter more than what matters most and all of a sudden you have a justifiable analytical reason for not being on fire for God and move him forward in his spirit and you'll be stalemated through loss or life I am NOT a Christian to make it through the day I am a Christian to shine cuz I'm never gonna die anyway so death has nothing to do with it yay come on I would love to see us get free from that one do you know that a lot of us become Christians to survive to get through to make it I don't even know what that really means oh you get born again you're not a Christian he's not a security blanket he's the answer for a new life y'all good did I turn you to Colossians can you guys forgive me I look I just jumped up here and started talking it's only quarter after eight is that early is that early that's early to me ah no I'll stop can you guys give me can I have just 10 or 15 minutes to try to get you all finished up here by 8:30 would you be good I know that sounds funny to you see she knows me a little bit because I'm like barely getting warmed up but I'm gonna just finish because I feel like I'm supposed to very soon but I want you to see something because I keep talking about and I feel this in my heart just because there's a lot of backgrounds in the room not because of anything he said or we talked about I just when you talk about people pursuing his image we have been so far removed we just think honestly we've been tricked into waking up believing we have to fail we're gonna mess up thank God he still loves us but that's not what I find in my Bible I find the Spirit of God can lead my life if I live by the spirit I won't live the same way that I used to live him fulfill the same lusts and desires of my flesh I've read in my Bible that I can be changed and transformed by His grace through his wisdom so guess what all glory goes to God it's not cuz I'm a good guy it's cuz Grace has empowered me but I have to be willing and I have to wrap faith around those truths wonder if I actually believe I can be changed wonder if I actually believe he wants to change me what if I start going after that in prayer and relationship with God I wonder if I wake up in the morning and nobody's around but me and him and I just say father thank you nobody owes me a thing today father even my dear wife I just want to love her like you love your church that God my life would always be empowered to bring out the best in her that she can always just shine be sensitive and discerning that never negativity or anything will cut down her identity or steam would come out of me but only that which edifies God thank you for teaching that one love looks like through your life let your life be what my life looks like I'm you wonder if I pray that way when you're not looking yay see what's wrong with me I pray that way when you're not looking so when my kids are growing up making their own decisions finding their own selves not following their daddy or the god of their daddy even though they respect me and know that I'm a straight-up they're not he's a hypocrite he preaches one thing lives done no no no that's not my kids but who knows every person has to know the God of their own life who knows everybody has to come to their own place of faith so when they're in middle of doing this stuff and lies and war and brewing their minds and I'm encouraging them and telling them and exposing some of these lies and even getting words in prayer and yet they're still making decisions thank goodness I'm not waking up insecure putting pressure on my children or do they have to do this and this and this cuz everything they do reflects on me how many of you saw parents get totally smashed when their kids didn't do well and then they said well I love them no you're finding your identity throw them and you believe if they're not doing well you failed that's what parents believe I've pastored long enough to learn this and then there's intensity in the home there's usually control manipulation and all of our prayers are driven by despair and fear and tears and we're not okay to our child's back on track and the whole time you're called to shine and be productive and their fruits under God yeah so when something robs you like that don't you think you're finding your identity through it nothing wrong to leave him for your child there was a season where my own son wouldn't let me hug him because of the deceptions he was living in house the last person he wanted to see because everything he was doing was contrary to the convictions that were in his heart and my life represents something to him because he's seen my life in God so he knows his life's out here in left field so to speak so the last person he wants to be in fellowship was me because it's all he's thinking about so I couldn't even hug my own boy so guess what I did just talk to everybody else's boy yeah I hugged you man I promise yeah just hug everybody else no pumping gas same old guy pastoring same guy I don't let where my son isn't decide where he is in nee so I just hug everybody else's son why what should I've learned there's nobody else's son on the earth that has less value than mine he paid the same price for everybody just because he's my boy doesn't make you more valuable than your boy are you kidding me that's bias and gods not to see that's a revelation a lot of parents don't have their kids are the most important on the planet it's not true I heard a pastor once say if only four people were going to heaven I'll make sure it's me my wife and my two kids and I'm thinking well Paul was wishing he'd be a curse to the nation would so you're probably missing something there sir oops my my son's doing great my daughter's doing great my wife is in one of the most amazing places she's been my whole family is doing great there was a season back in 2000 2004 2008 or it didn't look nothing like that and if you let that moment decide who you are and what you believe you might not see the moment that I'm seeing now my boy wrote me a handwritten note and snail mailed it I didn't even know he knew how to put something in the mail you know he put a stamp on and everything I was impressed he had wrote that big man snail mailed me a letter and thanked me for being a daddy that I was and he said through all the rebellion and doubted I can hardly even put my finger on that season it was so blurry dad but I know one thing you've given a son the best gift the daddy could ever give a son you showed me what Jesus looks like in a man in the midst of it all dad you've never changed and I treasure it and love you for it thank you for the gift mm-hmm cuz he's drug addicted he's out there for two years he don't even want to talk to me he's my boy boy you get hurt and offended if you don't know Jesus you can get in fear if you don't know Jesus one day I'm I'm a gardener man I'd fit in with you guys I'm a farmer right I live in the suburb but I got my girl I'm a farmer man I got my whole yards of garden I got jars I'm a canner my wife's out of town I'm in the kitchen with worship playing loud and the canner is going rattling and I'm adjusting the heat and I got Tomatoes going man I got I got my whole table his tomatoes and I'm just I got a system stay out of the kitchen I'm on a roll you know what I mean and I hear boom boom boom boom I haven't seen him for two years haven't talked to him or looked into his eyes now here the door no thought was at the door cuz I got worship going I got the Cantor gone I'm just out in the kitchen singing I go look I don't see nobody I thought man that was the door I lean further there's my boy tight against the wall trembling and crying he's down to 123 pounds didn't look good he looks sickly I looked out there and I said see this is where you know where you're at because if you're hurting parent if you're mad at him because your wife has suffered you look out the window out the door and go what in the blank are you doing here don't show your face for two years and you want just knock on the door unannounced even know what you've done to the heart of your mother what are you doing oh yeah and you feel justified because you've weighed his actions but you haven't weighed his heart in all a sudden you feel justified because you're so right and it makes him wrong and that's not how we got safe we got safe through righteousness wrong things got turned around and made right don't miss the point so I looked out the door and I said hey buddy it's so good to see you man you're not doing well you don't look well no dad can I come in I said come on man you should gonna hug you I said come here shouting he come on in the house he's just crying I said I don't even know where to start I said how about if I start and I said do you understand that I'm not one bit disappointed or angry with you he said I don't see how that's possible I said I don't see how it is cuz you didn't wake up in my mind to live for me today I woke up to love you like he does and son you don't owe me a thing powerful guys he's Paul he told his mama he said mom I've heard dad preach on love my whole childhood and I know how he lives and I see his life but mama have never been loved like that in a situation where I deserved everything but love so deeply and powerfully it's changed my life mom he stone his mama's wrecked by the way dad loved me it meant something to him and you find these scriptures that say know ye not that the goodness of God leads men to change not what are you doing you idiot why are you out there slopping with the pigs you ain't supposed to be doing drugs yeah that will never change a person but when you look at them and treat them outside of where they've been and treat them outside of what they've done you start to raise their potential make it draw on a new value my son's doing amazing he's not a drug addict he's a man of God he went through a couple years season of deception but I'm glad he knocked on my door you know why because I don't have reprimand for him I got love for my boy and all I'm gonna see him for is what he's created to be I looked at him I said son if I cry for you I cried all in this situation it's not because of me and what you did I cried for you cuz son I know you're so much more than what you're choosing it just kept mounting him down breaking down he's just a sobbing mess yeah after a while and that kind of love you get to the point of duh what was I thinking why was I even out there what was that doing because all of a sudden the person realizes he's so much more I'm telling you if you're struggling in this room with an addiction tonight you got a habit in your life you feel like you haven't been able to break see it starts judging you because your actions affirm your worst belief your fear if you just get alone tonight when you leave here and say god I believe you made my life to be more than this Jesus you paid a price to set me free and I'm looking to you tonight and I'm asking you to set me free because I believe my value is way greater then and you watch and see what starts happening in your lives when you start living like that it's called living by faith and trust in God hey man well there goes 13 in my 15 minutes I better read fast okay I was talking about the image thing remember I feel like people struggle with that sometimes because we're so used to how we've been that we lord our experience over the potential of life in the spirit we say yeah but brother we're always going to have a meltdown man brother everybody's going to have their moments well I'd like to challenge you with that maybe that's why you have yours because you're always expecting it and you have no faith wrapped around any change so maybe when it happens you justify it because you're expected and you have no conviction to change because it's what we are you know it's amazing He loves us He loves you for what he created you to be he loves you for purpose and potential and destiny yeah so don't hide behind that language it's deception when you talk about being restored back to his image it's all through the scriptures Romans 8 says we've been predestined to be conformed to the image of his son who he predestined he called who he called he justified who he justified he glorified by filling with the same spirit that raised God Christ from the dead right it says what shall we say to these things if he's for us who can be against us come on that scripture 2nd Peter 1 says he gave us his divine nature so we can get out of darkness into the light says that we could get translated into the kingdom of the son of his love in Colossians 1 yeah gee watch what it says here says since you've been raised with Christ seek those things which are above this is Colossians 3 I'm just going to read it right our Bible where Christ is sitting at the right hand of God watch set your mind on things above not the things of the earth what a great admonishment how many of us are getting moved by the things on the earth and taking that to prayer and praying to God based on the things of the earth instead of setting our mind on heaven and looking this way and seeking first the kingdom of God yeah come on for why are we gonna set our mind on things above watch for you died see if you didn't you can't relate to this you prayed a prayer to go to heaven but he's expecting you know that you died he did when Esther's gonna act out by faith tomorrow and she's gonna die so she can live oh it's so amazing he says you died and your life is hidden with Christ in God and when Christ who is your life appears then you will also appear with him in glory therefore because this is true watch put to what death thank you put to death he didn't say control moderate and find a healthy balance he said kill life in the flesh as you know it and the first thing on the list sorry guys first thing on the list sexuality always every list Thessalonians Corinthians Ephesians Colossians first thing never list sexuality why there's not one arena exploited more in our lives than that arena there's not even a close second why because you don't hold the light up at the one dollar bills you hold the light up at the hundred dollar bill so the thing that has great value and potential has been masked with counterfeit and and that whole sexuality arena is driven sensually to win man through his emotions and his feelings and his desires and he has that on every list as number one and he said put it to death that arena in your life the way you know it the way it drives you the way you need it put it to death because it's all about you meeting something in you come on I did a lot of weddings in my pastoral life I've done thousands of counseling's I'm up to three couples that before marriage weren't all across those lines before married that's a giveaway three couples now I'm not saying there ain't more my experience bumped into three that weren't all mixed up and crossing those lines before they were ever entered into covenant why because we feel it because we need that and it's how we were taught and the Bible says because this is true in your life is in Christ put - he's saying kill it as you know it what's he talking about the self-centered side of that arena The Selfish side the members which are on the earth your members which are on their fornication uncleanness passion evil desire it's all covered this it's all idolatry it's making something matter more than what matters most that's idolatry because of these things the wrath of God is coming upon the sons of disobedience that means those who continue to disobey now here's a humble statement in which you yourselves once walked when you lived in them see that's a that's a humble righteous statement so people don't get self-righteous and forget they've been delivered from the same things people need delivered from in other words I used to be an extremely selfish man and I know that and he changed me from the inside so I don't get self-righteous towards a selfish man I have compassion towards a selfish man because I realized the lie he's trapped in because I lived there with him at one time uh-huh it's a whole different heart now watch this but now but now right now right now guys you yourselves you yourselves it ain't line up for prayer you yourselves guard and steward your heart put off these things watch anger wrath malice here's why the emotions you grew up with on what God gave you from the beginning it's what Adam gave you through separation all your emotions came out of a self-centered mode of a self-centered wellspring nobody had to teach you to be angry you didn't have to study to be jealous self-conscious you didn't have to hit the books to be discouraged we all passed with flying colors why because we had the platform for it selfishness not a very young age you're a toddler you can't even speak English but you can go as precious as kids are you can see they're gonna need Jesus someday two little ones still little ones toddlers man they they don't even talk much they're their mamas are so sweet their mamas love Jesus they got worship laying there sipping tea cryin reading Scripture and they just having a great time and they're over here playing with toys and there's this pouring little plastic apple laying in the middle of the floor and they got these crazy fancy toys in there and all of a sudden one of the little ones just picks up the Apple I sudden the other one goes once it happen you ever see it now we have a small war that just came with the package called the fall of man every man for himself one of the first things children learn you never did that did you little buddy never did it good we've all done it because we were all born into it it's called born into Adam and you must be born again it's a dead giveaway you'd see it in a little child a little child you take that binky and they ain't done with it [Applause] yeah you take that little copy right before bedtime copy oh yeah copy that no we're not taking the copy into the bed you get those mamas all these great moments they're in the grocery store now we're going through that checkout line you are not gonna do to me what you get the last time I don't even want you looking at the candy aisle I don't want you asking you listen to me I'm gonna give this to you right now but don't you ever do this to me again where did they learn that stuff we get so desensitized were too short snore we just think it's the way we're always gonna be but then Jesus confronts it with his life not just his word and he didn't say sing to me pray to me he said and he said the things I do you do if you believe he didn't say if you attend a church he said if you believe the things I do he'll do and greater works shall you do cuz I go to my father meaning the person of Holy Spirit is gonna come and empower us all to live new life did it okay I'm way over time now way over but I'm just about done promised mom quit laughing at me but now you yourselves are to put off these things anger wrath malice plaything fulfill language from your mouth don't lie to one another why cuz you've put off the you've put off the old man okay you put off the old man now guess what you do you put off the old man in this stage and you recognize the way I was before Christ is not the way I was created to be I was created for His image in his images love watch and you put on the who the new man who's this new man he's renewed in knowledge look according to the image of the very one who created him so what is the cross all about him becoming a lie to put the truth back on his people so did he die on the cross because I was a sinner or did he die on the cross because I was a lost son there's a difference he had to die because I sinned but he did not leave me a forgiving sinner he gave me his life he gave me his way and he told me to follow him but the only way you can is if you begin to understand what it means to die I'm gonna talk about it a lot tomorrow I'm gonna talk about tomorrow morning we have questions and answers at lunchtime if you want to come back if you don't that's fine but we'll be here wherever I am we'll be here because they're gonna bring me so I don't have to find my way and then in the evening we'll wrap it up and I believe that's one will baptize you if you've never been baptized and you want to bap - if you're if you're sitting here hearing what I'm saying and you're going man I'm convicted by this man give your life to Him I don't have to have some former altar call give your life to Him do it from your heart tell one of your friends and say hey I was moved by that I don't I don't want to be living for myself anymore I'm done being vulnerable and weak and make an excuse for everything that doesn't look like God I want I want to be in this place if you've never been water baptized you bring your stuff Saturday night will baptize you you can tell us where your heart is and what you're doing wrap faith around out we'll wrap it with you I'll baptize y'all hold you down to every bubble stops you've never been back to listen I'm not trying to be offensive some of us were only ever baptized as little children because our parents meant well that's really symbolic to a dedication unto God that's not a believer baptism jesus said believe and be doesn't even know what they're believing it's just you're hard to submit them and dedicate them to God that is not a believer baptism that's a dedication to God it's whether it's a sprinkling a baptism it doesn't qualify for Matthews believe and be baptized or a mark 16 are you following me a baby doesn't even know what they're believing because they're not but you come of age you have convictions and you believe now you get baptized into Christ into what you believe and you're convicted by it you're empowered to live what you're convicted by that's what I'm talking about so if you've never been with a baptized will gladly baptize you on Saturday night just bring clothing bring a change of clothes bring a towel you won't even be inconvenienced you already have a heads up you can bring your towel you might say you know what at Friday night I was listening I got really moved I just want to man I want to publicly die to some things put off some things ask Jesus to forgive me and I want to live this life he's talking about I won't tell you I'm all-in man I want to die to live that would be amazing I will hardly let you get finished talking and have you under there I'll be so excited I've seen countless confessing Christians and I'm not judging anyone God never said make confessing Christians he said make disciples a disciple is a wholehearted follower a disciplined learner one that has given his heart to the truth of Jesus's life and words and allowed Holy Spirit to empower him to live the same are you with me come on we could go to church for the rest of our lives and it won't change a thing but if we become loved it starts somewhere Sunday morning we aren't even meeting because we didn't want to interrupt with churches around here but we could go to Sunday morning service for the rest of our lives and it may never change anything around us but if we become loved it has to start somewhere I could tell you so many testimonies I've seen so much transformation I've worked several secular jobs well you're in there forty hours a week you're in there five days a week ten eight hours four days a week ten hours one job and I could tell you testimonies four hours of this living consistent walking in love and ministering Jesus to co-workers is the funnest thing of all it sure beats having issues and attitudes and gripes towards your employer and hating your boss and God why don't you change him if you love me I think we've missed the point I think we're supposed to shine so we're gonna put on this new man he's renewed in knowledge according to the image to verse 12 is the image that's holy and beloved people elect of God put on tender mercies this is the image of God put on remember put on His image put on tender mercies kindness humility meekness long-suffering bear with one another and forgive one another if anyone has a complaint against another even as Christ has forgiven you so you also do but above all these things put on love because it's the bond of perfection feel like I've preached the gospel to you tonight I've preached why God sent his son I'm glad you came thanks for giving me all that time being so patient with me I know I'm passionate I know I get wound up and I know I come across a certain way at times it's not intentional my heart is full of what I'm telling you I'm either the most deceived man you've ever met her for the last 24 years I've been free ha ha we'll find out someday but for now I got all my chips on the free space and now I'm just believing I'm free I believe if we become love it'll change things we can sit back and agree and disagree and argue and fault-finding nitpick and life will be the same we can still go to church let's pursue to be more like him let's pursue to walk in love and live by the spirit let's not be religious people that just know how to say grace over our food and have animosity in our hearts let's not cross all kind of lines and then stand in a spiritual setting and bow our head like we're participating let's learn to know him to really love who he is so who he is begins to shine through our lives I talk about how easy that is tomorrow I'm going to talk about relationship a lot with him tomorrow morning and how easy it is to become what I preached I didn't set you up for this I'm not trying to control you the paradox is you can't walk out tonight and live what I just preached it's knowing him that changes your life it's only through relationship and through prayer it's only through you saying a sincere yes and going after this truth and not turning back you cross the line and say well I tried brother but they just won't know we're not talking about a method 30-day money-back guarantee try me see if you like me talk about Jesus becoming your life I just know this friend I've been bound by myself and by lies and I've been free for a while I'm gonna be staying in this place this is where I found life so the reason I got on a plane I didn't come here for an offering dinner Riley he don't know I'm saying this I said if you got to rent this place and it's a lot please let me know I'll just help you pay for it or I'll pay for it out of my ministry account I'm not receiving an offering I didn't come here for you to give me nothing I came here because I believe what I preach and I believe is for you I was gonna pay people say you're gonna pay for your own meeting it isn't my meeting it's a kingdom of God I'm not here for an honorarium I'm taking nothing with me except the joy that I got to sow some seed you flew here just to toss that thing of it this is not a business deal it's called family and whether I ever met you before or not you say you believe in the same father that I have that would make us family might think a little different we'd have a little different background I think we all have the same potential and purpose I think we have destiny so why don't we just plow the ground and go after this thing and not make it about a business deal such thing as pure on the earth you believe that right I hope we haven't been so jaded that we think there's a catch to everything because there ain't no catch to this did you buy my plane ticket I get my own plane ticket everywhere I go and I've never turned the reimbursement into a church ever since 2006 why this is not a job I believe what I'm preaching it's the way I live and I'm not here for your money and I'm not here for your blessing I'm here to inspire you to become what he paid for cuz I'm convicted by that truth are you with me alright let me pray over you okay I'm 20 minutes later than I wanted to be sorry let me pray over you would you let me father I just thank you for this room of people I thank you for hungry hearts I thank you for inquisitive hearts I thank you for even like these guys I teased him I said did they rope you into coming and they chuckled no matter why we're here god I thank you that we're here and I pray that not one ear would miss the truth of what I've been crying out I believe by your spirit I'll pray that every person would see their value that they have a person a purpose in life and that every person matters big time that this room is the roster of heaven that here were the best you've got and you believe you've got enough let us believe that tonight let change come from within let hearts be convicted and let not this truth slip away from anyone Lord I prep blessing over this night and I pray that every heart would contain this truth and begin to bear fruit accordingly in Jesus name Amen amen I'm gonna do something tomorrow night I'm not gonna do it now cuz I told you I was done no I'm not I I do something everywhere I go and I usually do it on Friday night but God's not religious but we're gonna do something real quick and if I see you tomorrow you can tell me what happened when you see me tomorrow if you're sick in this room I don't ever do it this way but I feel I'm gonna do it cuz I'm gonna hold to my word tomorrow night we're gonna do it a little different it'll be fun cuz I'll I'm planning for it I see we can do it but if you're sick in your body in any way I don't need you to stand or anything just raise your hand and let me know just raise your hand if you need healing in your body you're sick in any way raise your hand let me know please don't not hold your hand up I'm tellin you serious I do this every day of my life this is serious raise your hand if you're in this room and you have sickness come on ya see I'm compelling some more folks don't be afraid you say well this ain't in my background I'm not talk about your background I'm talking about sickness in your body I'm not talking about your background if you're sittin real near them and they got their hand up just somebody reach up and put a hand on a shoulder or just touch them please just touch them just kidding get near him somebody just stand behind the cameraman please just stand me on somebody go stand right behind the camera and put your hand right on his shoulder thank you honey oh that's beautiful oh she's gonna make me cry make me cry thank you girl you feel this don't you it's good okay all I want you to do is just believe right now in your heart you can even mother some amount real simple like be healed in Jesus name don't get heady don't get long don't try to pray so just say be healed in Jesus name or be completely made whole just go ahead and just begin to speak that over them one or two times as a declaration father I thank you for healing all through this room I'll thank you you remove sickness right now out of the people that are humble enough to raise their hand even some that didn't even know what was about to happen or what I was about to do and they tentatively raised their hand I thank you you come on them strongly every sickness every weakness you come out of the people right now healing all through this room in the authority of Jesus name now father I thank you for what you do and I thank you most of all for who you are and your love is amazing in Jesus name if you're being prayed for just believe he loves you and just thank him right now for doing something beautiful inside your body just believe that just just in your heart you can just believe that in Jesus name Amen okay now I'm not taking any more time I'm going to turn it over to Wally if you need to say anything but here's what once you do if you come back tomorrow at any point you'll have tonight you wake up you'll have tomorrow you let me know what happened in that little bit of time we pray because I'm telling you things happen all the time I'm just having the time of my life last week we're in a service and and and the man came up and he was trembling he had a tumor and then this lady she had a hernia thing she said was the size of a tennis ball and she realized it was completely gone in her flesh when she started to check and it was easy to find it's completely gone as big as a tennis ball I just stuff just farce I'm already fired up I don't need much more but it just got to puts me over but I'm telling you you leave here and you thank God and you inventory your body in the next 12 15 24 hours and if I see you again you make sure you let me know what what happened but tomorrow night I'm going to teach a little bit of something and for about 15 minutes we're gonna do something that'll be really fun so please come tomorrow night if you can we'll do baptisms bring clothes if you want get baptized I know we're doing it'll be very special if you know some sick folks bring them tomorrow night and evening service because I'm gonna do a little mini teaching we're gonna do a little exercise and well get you guys involved it'll be fun and you can't go wrong it'll be fun do it all the time it'll empower you and you'll be glad that you came I mean it so if you can come tomorrow night for that okay y'all good okay [Music] if you enjoyed this message please visit dan Mohler archive comm to find over 2500 more messages from dan all organized by category playlist and search enjoy [Music]
Channel: Living Gospel
Views: 7,677
Rating: 4.8655462 out of 5
Keywords: Dan mohler, pastor dan mohler, pastor dan, pastor mohler, dan mollar, dan molar, dan moler, dan moller, smiley dan, smiley pastor, smiling pastor, white hair pastor, best dan mohler, power and love, gospel message, best gospel message, happy dan, full, dan mohler archive, danmohlerarchive, dan mohler website, knowing god, finding god, classic dan mohler, meaning of life, god in us, holy spirit, god's spirit, galatians 2 20
Id: obuMEZ4TT2w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 56sec (6056 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 14 2019
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