✅ Dan Mohler - The Purpose For Your Life

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this message is brought to you by dan Mohler archive comm the number one place to search over 2500 dan Mohler messages in growing now please enjoy this message play one of those songs every morning when you wake up and and look at the words and let them be your faith your prayer your perspective and you just can't go wrong yeah that sure beats trying to get through the day and hoping god helps you listen the most powerful thing that will change your life that changed mine is understanding why we're christians and why we're alive and why we wake up every day by mercy because if mercy wakes you up there's a reason you're alive please don't get reduced to surviving please don't get reduced to just trying to make it or getting somebody to say something nice to you or fighting to feel better about yourself the only way you'll feel better about yourself is understanding the gospel if your identity came from him you can only find it in you if he's the reason we're here and the reason we're here is in him so life apart from him is the zero and you'll never know who you are apart from him I don't care how hard you try it'll be a rat race your whole life even when you're doing seasons where you feel good about yourself something will let you down because it's not locked in cement and somebody could actually change that and all of a sudden you get manipulated and deceived and you become a product of things or people or stuff stead of a product of him and his finished work and who he is in us I'm just telling me I couldn't I couldn't say it calm enough passion enough soft enough or loud enough that little simple thing I just said right there that's what has made me tick for 23 years people with steamie honor me it's humbling it's sometimes it's it's a little funny feeling but I get it people's lives would be enchanted it's awesome but man nobody has nothing unless he's given it and what he's given me is a perspective that by faith I am gonna live by everyday and hey nobody or no thing that can change it yeah I've locked in man like it's just not gonna break my heart you're not gonna frustrate me you're not gonna discourage me why I did not wake up for me today I woke up for his great name he says in Ezekiel my people my people they've dispersed all among the nations my people went out into all the nations watch what he said don't get heavy on this blot and they profaned my name everywhere they went in other words they totally misrepresented who I was I'm gonna draw them all back I'm gonna put a new heart and a new spirit in them and I'm not gonna do it for their sake I'm gonna do it for my great no you're not a Christian for your well-being that's why you're stressed out and full of anxiety and on 10 prayer list and your whole life is focused on what's wrong and your identity is revolving around the problem and Jesus this year and he lives in you and you're a light and you're called the shine in the face of it all to have an amazing selfless attitude that gives him glory come hell or high water he's the same the reason you're here is the same nothing ever changes why should we you're not here for a better day you're here to look like him if you wake up for people to treat you're right you're doing as good as you're getting treated and then you're wondering why they ain't treating you better and what's wrong with you and why do you always get stepped on now you're even more self-conscious more insecure more beat down and you're living in an intellectual psychologically driven world that's void of truth and all of a sudden there's no freedom even though you love God the best to understand God and you believe he's your Savior you guys are okay some of you look shocked like I'm just freaks in the gospel we just sang the gospel a new David write that one song because it said I laid down my right I knew that was your song I said he wrote that and then Matt leaned over and said David wrote that I said all I knew when I read the line when you become a Christian you lay down your rights why cuz you deny yourself it's amazing to me as the pastor how many rights Christians seem to think they have some of us think we get more rights now that we are a Christian and even God owes us and because I'm a Christian this oughta innocent when you become a Christian you deny yourself you're not a Christian for your sake you're a Christian for his great name I promise you this is the reason people come to church discouraged they come to church discouraged believing if they come to church and they get prayer God will change what's discouraging them okay so that changes but then you're still positioned to be discouraged so it'll be something else next thing you know we're tricked into trying to live for perfect convenient circumstances and we're self focused the whole time using all our faith to get things to work out for us are you with me well there's no freedom in that I don't see freedom in that I don't see the church like freaked out with joy we let life speak louder than truth all the time we let what we're going through define who we are and how we're doing instead of what he went through I find me in him I'm excited to be alive life's not a grind life's a gift the only reason it's a grind because we're living in outside of why we're here so we're not finding grace to live so we get forced into trying to make it if we think our spouse has to change our job needs to change or our kids need to change our parents need to change to be okay we're deceived we're living in a form of idolatry where let things matter more than what matters most he's the Lord he governs our life he's the Supreme Being he's the one that rules who we are he puts a why in our life that nobody can take a reason for being so are your days of discouragement frustration they end because it's not ever again about you it's about his great name and you're on the earth to shine and you understand that like I realized something really simple this morning if it was anybody at the hotel in the breakfast area you saw how long I was standing at the desk it was just funny to me the mentality were were branded by like they they valeted my truck so they have my truck since Wednesday I didn't my truck was sitting out on the curb it had a toe sign on it and and I didn't even know that's when I got out there and said move this truck will be towed well they put it there I don't even know what what that was but it was just funny because there was this confusion and they couldn't find my key whoa who knows my keys somewhere and even if they don't find it life's gonna move on we're gonna have to walk through it you can't let that stuff mess with you it's not about you and your truck and you and you guys and you gotta be better stewards and you should have a better plan and you're telling me you don't know where he is where you want to take all the expense of this room of power love because I don't know how long I was standing there but I don't know how to not be okay and the poor lady with a longer time went the more pressure she came under than the more nervous they'd gotten the more they were calling and whispering and scrambling I said guys it's okay it'll work out somebody has an answer knows where it is everything so I'm just so sorry okay so we just chatted and I got to meet up with a few people and a hug a few people and talk for a few people while they're looking for my key it's a truck it's a key it's okay if I'm that vulnerable and something like that cuts into my disposition and it's so about me that my day has been fractured well then I'm a sitting duck for adversity Satan will play me like a fiddle and then because I'm so deceived in self-centered how even wonder why God's letting it all happen and if you really would open your heart and ears he's saying your position for it deny yourself pick up your cross follow me don't just thing to me and pray to me when you're overwhelmed follow me let Who I am in you start being who you are to others allow I'm like this any time you'll ever see me I'm gonna be like this there's nothing nobody can do about it it's the way it's gonna be for the rest of my life why I understood something back when I got saved my life's not my own I am NOT a Christian for well being please understand that I've realized over the years many Christians become Christians for well being so in their Christian journey they're puzzled why things aren't going better and they let things not going better decide their disposition so they live non-productive and get forced to trying to make it instead of shine I hope you hear me are we ok pastor I don't know what she came for today I just get up this stuff floods my heart it's not my fault I'm blaming it all on Jesus all the time I just your fault I you don't know what it's like when when I'm in my shoes with a microphone standing in front of your faces like I don't even have time to think about what I'm gonna say it just it's just the way it is why cuz He loves us and he has a lot to say and if he stood up here and you gave him a mic what do you think his message would be hey it's all right guys don't worry I'm taking care of it no I know your needs listen trust it I'm faithful I'm gonna get to your new job there's just a little timing behind it try to calm down and find patience listen he's love God is love you know what's so powerful about love you say that it loves us know what's so powerful about love it doesn't seek its own that's why it's love that's what love is love is something that's motivated by not seeking its own so if you're seeking your own there's it's never love its feeling it's emotion its passion sympathy its sympathy could be uiju is starry-eyed whatever we call love a lot of things what what defines that it's love is when it doesn't seek its own why do we believe the people that are closest to us can hurt us the most when they're the ones we say we love because we don't understand love they're the closest to us so we have an expectation on them and we haven't they have an identity too we need them they're closest to us there they can hurt us the most because we need them the most they're the people we're relying on but you say they're the people you love and love takes no account how much they count guys cheer up this morning this is not my message look I'm just not interested in creating a yey atmosphere and and we that would be easy cuz he's amazing you can sing about him and freak out all that but when you walk out that door you gotta walk into your sphere of influence you come here but you live there and what are you gonna do with the gospel and his truth changing your life and are you living with a single eye are you vulnerable to the way that seemeth right to a man and former things and getting reduced into trying to make it instead of your already home so this is a sharpening training this is a cheer on stir up and love and good works time yeah yeah this is not what you can do for me this is how you can make me more like you now that you live inside of me how you can get my attitude to agree with yours how you can override the old opinion of my life with the new truth of who you are in it how you can fix my eye to look so it's so single that my whole body's flooded with light even when they can't find my key to my truck it's so silly to me you know you stop for gas on the way here this way this is my morning you just stop for guests on the way here you're getting us excuse me sir hey sir I'm coming I need to live I said honey don't fall don't hurry I'm not in a hurry I'll wait for you I just need to talk to you I'm sorry I'm not gonna bag I'm not going bad you see what's coming this lady's learned to live a certain way your heart breaks for her you don't think oh man I don't need this I got to get over to wake church and preach the love of God this awesome message this morning buddy he's just my morning I don't know what your morning look like but they couldn't find my key and they've finally found it and I pulled out and I got somebody tracking me down asking me for money telling me they have a few habits but they promise they won't use it for because they need a prescription fulfill and can you give me a ride somewhere I said sure I can't honey jump in my car I said I want to talk to you anyway [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] she talking 100 mile an hour she's she's so used to scamming she's so used to bringing up stories to get something to try to play on people's pity or sympathy she's been reduced to that so she's reduced to survival and she's playing people and she's learned and become so cold and callous to it because she's so driven by survival and she's saying whatever she can say to get something in her hand and I just stopped her and told her how she's become used to live in and told her that that's not my heart and she doesn't have to try to do that to me that I love her and then I care for her and here's my concern for you honey and she said oh I just she listen I was talking for three minutes and she's crying and says I don't know why I can't stop crying that's because you've been needing to cry this way for a long time you've this in your Fox she doesn't even know where to go I'm driving she can't get out it's like when I sit on an airplane and they got that little glass window I've never seen anybody get through there but I've seen him almost try cuz I'm not playing I'm in this thing I'm not I'm not bother but she has no ability to get on my nerves she has no ability to inconvenience me I got new nerves I am NOT alive for me she don't know me nothing she can't make me angry there's no way I'll judge her I will not see her according to the flesh at second Corinthians 5 by the way I won't judge her without word appearance as if you read a book by the cover you'll never look into the inner chapters that might be very interesting and worth the blood of Jesus oh boy did Jesus die for that lady did he hang on the cross and see her set before him man if I'm a Christian I better see that kill you're not a Christian because you come to a wake Church or whatever Church you go to you're a Christian because Christ is in you mm-hm oh to get in the habit of coming here and singing Hallelujah and have an animosity in your homes and thinking it's normal no that's not legalism that's just straight talk don't think it's normal it takes two to tango it takes one to pursue peace and if you're selfless you'll never tango because you're a peacemaker and you know what I read about peacemakers who's ever been blessed when they were tangling and I'm not talking about a dance who's ever honestly been blessed in the midst of a fight you've been blessed in the midst of a fight animosity tension you know how spouses give each other the silent treatment if you late and control each other to express how they feel to get a message across utter total deception Jesus would never live that way he would love he would rather be marked guilty and hang on a cross and lay down his life than play that to make the guilty go free rather than play that in hopes that the guilty would so see love that they'd become it because it's amazing I've read this in my Bible blessed are the peacemakers not blessed are the fight' starters and the one that respond to the fight that started it takes two to tango see I've been a pastor for years so people come to me with stuff they ask me not so much anymore hey just listen to YouTube I think I don't do too many counseling for me anymore but we're not full-time pastor it was always people issues it was he said she said well I feel well how come well that gets old after a while well how long will I have to passed away and I'm like well truth doesn't know time first of all so when you're telling me you can't take it anymore I'm more concerned about your perspective than what they're doing three months into jesus's ministry if he said I can't take it anymore I'm tired of being blasphemed and bickered about gossip Don I'm really struggling with these people I don't think I like them anymore all I do is good and they try to find what's wrong with me what a bunch of goofy people can Jesus think and talk like that why because he's Jesus because he's loved and he made you in His image and he said as the father sent me so I send you and as he is so are we in the world none of us grew up in love we grew up in self-centeredness our lives were driven because we were born into Adam you must be born again please Christian don't turn that into a prayer that takes you to heaven being born again is a transformed life that puts heaven back into you [Applause] and makes all things new and you put off the old man and his deeds and you put on the new man Colossians 3:10 renewed in knowledge according to the image of the very one who made you so what's the cross a restoration back to the image the cross isn't a passport to heaven we all say he's the way to heaven he's the way back to the Father he said that we should know it enough you mean but self-centered tendency has even slipped into our preaching and we tend to preach a gospel that benefits us instead of transforms us that's why there's discouraged Christians when discouraged Christians are unscriptural pester that's unfair you're being insensitive you don't know what I'm going through and how hard it's been and you don't know what they did if Jesus had your perspective he'd be talking like that but I never saw him talk like that so if I never saw him talk like that and he told me to follow him and he made me for His image I would probably get a hold of his perspective rather than believe what's destroying me what would we accomplish if I stand up here and tell you every trial I had to face since I've been saved and everything everybody did wrong and the decisions my children made and the trouble my wife was in and the challenges of witchcraft coming against me in the pains that were in my body and the stuff that what would it do to even talk about any of that and try to qualify and talk about the road of Hell I've been through and then find out in the room everybody else's story to see who's been through the most hell well brother you don't know what I've been through you're on the wrong road to begin with just thinking that way as a zero what are you asking who's gonna make up for what you've been through Jesus didn't die on a cross to make up what you've been through he died on a cross to get you out of darkness into light and give you brand new life with a brand new meaning with a brand new identity with a brand new purpose and you never look back and you go forward why do you need prayer to make up for your daddy not loving you when your father sent Jesus and said love you what might I never heard my dad say I love you I just saw him drunk what does that have anything to do with Christ crucified it's a dry cup who needs truth and if I'm trying to drink from a dry cup of course I'm thirsty and if I psychologically say yeah but that's my dad and I missed a need never and on my childhood ah I'm 56 years old what what Wow week is this I'm 56 or not yeah but you don't know pastor you don't understand what it was like when I was growing up I'm 50 acts you hear the lie the devil has tricked you into taking what was and making it your everyday so tomorrow is always yesterday and you never have a present or things to come because you're stuck back there [Music] you don't need prayer you don't need deliverance you don't even need counsel it's time to believe that they didn't owe you a thing even though psychologically the world disagrees Jesus gave you everything and you owe no man anything but to love and in that transition guess what happened I had compassion for my dad not vengeance the first day I got born again I ran into my house thinking they'd be happy did you ever go expecting the motives of another did you ever get so excited that you wanted them to be as excited as you and when they weren't it hindered your own excitement because you're so looking to get something from others well you don't have to get excited with me you're too late to keep me for being excited look you guys could sit here like a bunch of stones this morning not that you would and just glare at me and I'm the most blessed I can be and I'm gonna preach the same gospel and I'm gonna leave here excited cuz I'm not gonna let where somebody isn't decide where I am when they're not Lord and I'm not gonna let what they don't see decide my vision if he's the light of the world I'm trying to get something out of my daddy no wonder I'm thirsty he needs help and then I'm going to get bitter or I'm gonna get deceived and let my identity crisis hit because I mustn't be worth anything my dad couldn't even see the value of me my own dad didn't even love me he was hurting he needed a savior he was lost why are you assessing it in such a way that all the sudden his lost becomes you're lost and then you have children in your loss and you become to them what he was to you and the light covers generations and we call it a generational curse wonder if it's blindness and deception and no faith hope you're okay I'm passionate about that stuff cuz it's lies I'm not mad at people I see what it does to people and it destroys people that actually are good on the inside that care about things I am rarely talking to rooms of hypocrites that lady that got in my truck she's been so bitten by the world she's in so much trouble how could she be a pain to me I got her to her place I was praying for her there's a lady she's supposed to be getting she sang that lady's waiting to take my set okay but I need to pray with you I want you to pray with me I took my time I prayed longer than I normally do cuz things kept coming on my heart I wonder by faith here's what I was doing just so you know and understand where I was that it wasn't the length of my words it was my faith I was releasing faith over life believe it if I speak it over and into her Holy Spirit would seed it into her and things would come to pass so I might never see her again Matt I might never see that lady again this was my chance so I'm speaking life I was proclaiming I'm prophesying yeah why cuz I'm a believer and I'm that serious and believe what I preach when you believe you respond it's not when you believe you quote doctrine when you believe you attend church when you believe you bear fruit your faith what you believe about yourself and what you believe is all revealed through how you live the just shall live by faith so she ain't showing no signs of nothing good but Jesus showed me a sign that's good forgive her father she doesn't know what she's doing and I feel like honestly there's truth in my heart and I got one crack at her yeah she didn't see me do it but in the spirit when she got in my truck I'm telling you we cut into her so her lady friend whoever she wasn't sitting there and she's yelling she got out of the car and said look out and she reached out and pulled out without her she said well blankety-blank you holding me up you know I need to get you blank and blank and I'm like wow no I'm up the street she went I said hey you okay so I don't mind her honestly honey remember what we said you see Dan she's got a whole life of deception you think one little time in the truck no I think Holy Spirit loves her and is amazing and if I could sow a seed something will grow if you don't sow nothing grows why are you praying for your city if you don't sow into your city the kingdom of God is this if a man prays for City the kingdom of God is if a man scatter seed and then when you pray into that seat God transforms city your city won't change because you're praying for it because you recognize it has trouble your city will change because you love the destiny of your city and the people that live there because Father forgive them they don't know what they do you don't pray for your city because it's overwritten with drugs you pray for your city because there's potential to be unlocked in destinies to be revealed and Christ to be glorified so if you don't love your city and the people in your city you can't even effectively pray for your city you're just trouble driven calling you an intercession are we okay you're okay you're good I'll keep looking to you cuz you're the pastor so if I'm out of out of order he's pulled me off so I back out and I have to come here so I'm coming up the road and I look up and the car that screeched out and the lady there sitting up along the road and there's two of them in the car and there probably should we go back and get her I don't know that blanket whatever they're doing they're pulled along the road just siding should I go back so there's my opportunity wash fly up there right up to their windows hey girls I'm really really sorry if I made that lady late Ruth late for you I'm really sorry oh no no don't you feel like that man don't you be upset about no no it's just a thing I said no no honey listen I don't feel anything like that I feel great I said here's my concern you're not doing well and you're letting a little situation like that creates such a hostility in you honey your life is called to be so much more and I want you to consider and I gave her about 60 seconds of what I felt like God could take and impart to her coz I gonna have a ton of time I just went sue and I watched her sit up stay super humble and a smile came to her face and she said sir you are really a nice man and I said no ma'am I I care for people Jesus lives in me he changed my life and he's what makes me see how valuable you are to him and what happened back there listen okay yes sir yes sir I said god bless you I'm so glad I got to talk to you ladies have an awesome day you say well that ain't gonna well you sitting your unbelief all you want and fail to pull over your car and even sow a seed have a religious opinion without even love than anybody and I'm going to take my chances yeah you just sit back with an attitude in an opinion you just type out what you believe probably ought to shut that thing off and take a walk and look in somebody's eyes and be real probably older I'd get away with that I'm getting my truck and leaving unless my tires are flat but you know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna believe Jesus fills them civil so you'll think I'm out there having a Holy Ghost service my tires Phil whoever cut him be gone try get saved cut my tires watch him fill up you just say I'm sorry you guys okay listen this Sunday morning is like a pep rally to me Sunday mornings are it's not a lot of time we don't have to win a Marc spiritual because we stay all day or we know the reason we don't forsake assembling ourselves together is in order that we could stir one another in love she brews 10 it's there is it there he's a Bible teacher if you're from awake you know he's a teacher he's a good teacher you gave me that little book last time I hear that you wrote I'm not a real book reader I think I told you that but I sell check it out but what I did was I laid it on the table and my wife gravity because she reads books and she said who is this this is good that's it I just wanted to tell you that my wife said this is good and she lives with me so [Laughter] my wife lives with me this little note she put this little note in my Bible I got these cards in my suitcase I I had him in my suitcase she writes me no she just sticks him in between my clothes it's my wife not a youtube fan it's my wife not a youtube fan not somebody that just sees me on a screen somebody that lives with me you will see the stuff she writes man you want your family right and stuff like this hope you have the best weekend ever you're a true man of God now this is her talking cuz she's talking to me personally because she lives with me she's not downing anybody at you but I doubt God can find many men if any on this earth with your integrity your character in your heart that's not a youtube fan that's my wife for that awesome why cuz she lives with me and I don't fight her and I don't have rights I'm gonna go to the bathroom I wipe the seat the whole way around every time every time did you believe I said that in church hey I'm a guy I grew up with that thing don't pee on the seat make sure you lift that litter I grew up a guy so when I got saved it finally hit me hey girls are suffering because of us this matters I'm in a hotel years ago traveling with Todd touch this dude why do I see you with a half piece of paper wipe around the toilet so I'd do it every time I go to the bathroom he said Wow I said yeah I'll keep it clean I messed it up I'll clean it up so then Todd come to me laters dude you got me so convicted I find myself wiping the seat over look wouldn't all the women just as simple a man hey man just the gospel did things to me like you know I'm not I don't take things for granted I don't get a hotel or charge me X amount of night and then you just live it on throw things everywhere and hog the place up figure hey I had to pay for the room I used one garbage can I'm one guy I don't make a lot of garbage I don't put garbage in every can I put it all in one so they just empty long it's just simple stuff I don't spread it around Oh guys I think they didn't even have to do anything in my room but one day I said just cancel room service I still make money on the table cuz I'm ladies work so hard it's not I give you you give me a fifty-fifty business mind all the time it's lay down your life I love you and I'll prove it yeah it speaks to people that like why would you why would you you want to mess somebody up really bad if you can if you have the means to do this don't do this because you know you think okay I got to do this Dan mentioned I do this but it's gonna really no no if you have the means and you you have the monies and now I'm going to talk about sacrifice and doing it by faith I'm just saying your bills are being paid you're caring for your family and your standard grocery line and your heart distres out to that lady and you realize man I think she's a single mama and she's got the two kids and you could tell she's not got a lot she doesn't you have food stamps but she's digging he's reached up and swipe your card when you her bill rings oh it's the funnest thing they go sir what did you what and the clerk's like that was her stuff yeah I know no I just paid for it it's okay honey I wanted why did you why would you pay but Jesus paid for my life and it just came on my heart to pray for your groceries it's not me I'm not paying for him came on my heart Jesus paid for my life I feel like he said I want to bless her today I want to show her that I'm thinking of her and that I care and it's all covered by him he loves you honey I hope you know him you they never don't cry and the clerk's gone they leaving the clerk can't even Harley and she and I'm thinking isn't it amazing we got to live all these years and all this stuff and when somebody does that it's the most beautiful thing you've ever seen why isn't it just us why do people come to me and say I never met anybody like you why do people in the church come to me and say you know what I like about you you for real and I'm like well what are you like what is that I guess half hearted half then half out lukewarm we're all supposed to be real I'm not excited that the greatest compliment I get is that I'm for real so everybody that's compliment me one that means they're all being moved by what's not real their hearts are getting jaded and I'm refreshed you can live in consistent in your heart the rest of your life and even do it towards me I'm staying refreshed like I'm never gonna let that change what I seek I I mean I'm gonna have my got a six-hour song drive home today Jesus in the car but at some point I might stop I might have to get gas that let me sleep a bit right in front of me hey man how you doing you've been driving a long time oh man yeah where are you from just get talking next thing you know you're right there fire you just get a little word you just get it rather than our man this trip six and a half hours I wish I'd just flew ah I can't wait to get home you pump a gas and all sudden you're the only one in the world going through an airport you're more worried about if your flights on time and you're gonna make your connection and why do we got to walk all the way to eat from A to E what you know ah travel I can't stand travel and you got people sitting Oh everywhere around you and you're missing the whole point cuz it's all about you and how the day's end I've been on oversold flights where I give my seat to people that can't make it cuz they can't handle it they're falling apart because they never fly and I fly all the time and I'm just okay so why don't you just take my seat I'm a frequent flyer I have a lot of miles I don't type in the seats on the computer I don't expect first-class treatment I'll sit in the middle it's exciting I know people that have status and all of a sudden you can't sit in the middle cuz you have pagans sit in the middle see my thinking in Jesus is somebody has to sit in the middle why can't it ever be you when do you ever want to let life teach you that you've earned so much that you get special treatment I know there's a lot of pastors and ministers want preaches stuff it eats them up they get probably mad at me because I traveled with a few ministers that I'm a little conviction to their life they won't treat it a certain way I was with the guy that gave a waitress a hard time because his order wasn't right I am the wrong fellow to sit beside and do that if you aren't looking for change you're going to stand up in your gifting and anoint it and people want you to pray for impartation and you're belittling a woman because the order wasn't right I'm wondering if you know Jesus or if you've studied about him I'm just didn't real I'm just being real you're alright come on cuz if this isn't our lives what's the big deal that we're just doctrinally correct and we're trying to talk people into a language they agree with and then we won them I think they know us by our fruits not our doctrine and if they can't see in your life what you say so amazing then why is it amazing and why would they want it I know this I don't want to go to church the next 30 years and never miss the Sunday get thrown into crisis and respond like the man that's never been to church then I've missed something along the way says do we say enough on that yeah everybody says Amen yes yes I'm waiting till the last breath leaves and it will raise you all up seriously just simple Christianity is all about dying so you can live it's not all about dying it's dying so you can live so if you don't die to who you've been you'll never truly live to who he is there'll be a weird mix which is what we're so familiar with we say well yeah but everybody has their moments brother no no no stop that's why you have yours because you believe they're coming so when they come there's no sense of repentance or conviction cuz it's the way we are you know so you never Stewart your heart or deal with your heart or take your heart before the Lord I could show you in James 3:13 it says who is wise and understanding among you let him show by the good conduct of his life that his works are done in the meekness of wisdom but if you have envy or self seeking in your heart don't boast and lie against the truth in other words don't appear to be what you haven't allowed the truth to cause you to become if you have self-seeking in your heart don't think it's okay and act like everything's okay deal with that take it before the Lord crucify it in prayer call it dead come out of agreement with it until the grace of God begins to shape your mode you in a selfless way so you can bear fruit unto God do you know how many Christians on the earth became Christians for themselves for their own well-being for the blessing for the provision for the protection for the breakthrough ah no wonder so many Christians aren't doing well because life will eat you up in that perspective and you're only ever as good as it's going I don't number witchcraft coming to me and hitting me and I was telling people men don't care about them which is coming to church you ought to be excited they're in church they would come into church services and everybody knew that's their wicked that's amazing they're here they're like shall we go downstairs and pray in tongues why and so the devil you're freaked out by him and afraid so I'm the one selling will not be afraid and then this stuff starts trying to hit my body what's it do and it's coming for the words sake okay hotshot preacher you think you got a revelation you're all young in the Lord who are you to have a microphone who are you to be a leader in a church you ain't even two years old who are you to be preaching in a church when you're nine months eight who are you to have a home group you ain't even a year old in the Lord well cut you down we just know every man it's all about themselves every man's for himself you just listen to God in job's conversations or Satan's conversation with God every man's for himself every man will do anything to save himself that was the devil's comment to God that's what he thinks about you so he's not impressed with your Christianity your worship your hands raised your Bible devotion he's impressed when you walk in love and love not your own life unto death he's impressed when you looked like Jesus he's impressed when the anointing of the Spirit of God flows through your life because the pure in heart shall see God and he can't stop that train he's not impressed with your confession he's impressed with your mercy and your forgiveness and your loving kindness he's not impressed he believes every man is for himself and every man will do anything to save himself so witchcraft comes I can't use my legs for days it's a big fat swollen leg and I have zero use it's like dragging a big hunk of rubber around for 810 days whatever it was I prayed for the sick I preached two messages in the midst of that season I saw about eight people healed of things that were prayed for over a hundred times and it had never changed why because of the component of humility and never letting my leg decide Who I am or who God is but always letting who God is decide who I am and decide my leg don't get it backwards hey how you doing brother oh man it's been tough it's been a hard ride but I'm hanging in there how about keeping me in prayer it's a dead giveaway that you're doing as good as it's going and all your faith is wrapped around it going different which means you're subject to your circumstances so you're telling the devil go ahead and nest with me are you guys good let's do this we got communion setup okay this would be a great way to close the service I'll tell you why communion is amazing and it's not just the healing table because it is but almost all the time we interpret everything we do for what we get out of him what about blood for blood body for body what about covenant what about your body for my body your blood for mine my life's not my own teach me to love not my own life unto death I give myself to you and as you laid down your life I'm excited to lay down mine as you shed your blood I'm excited to give mine nobody owes me a thing because it was father's good pleasure to give me the kingdom and you are loved it's still the forgiveness of sins it's still the beating and bruising of his body and the chastisement for our peace it's still all those truths and you can grow in all those truths what about covenant is that this the sign of covenant why do we get always tricked into God's end of the Covenant towards us and what we get from him now that he came here's the clearest definition of covenant that I know at lunch you can help me if you have a clearer one because I would appreciate it but this is the clearest one I know all that is mine is yours and all that is yours is mine to be coming I'd give myself to you I went to a women's ministry we received communion was a recovery program and we did it like a wedding ceremony and I spoke the promises of God over their life as they took the bread in the cup and it was like they were getting married they were oh it was off the hook ridiculous the Lord said I want you to bring this into a place of giving themselves back to me and it was the most life-giving thing cuz it broke every selfish tendency and reason to be dismayed are you with me so let's do this there's table here there's a table there there's a table back there can we just make our way as quickly as possible don't hug too many people even though you're in church just just make your way grab the bread grab the cup and find your way back to your seats let's do this let's do this before the Lord and let it be a holy thing a sincere thing and you're the steward of your heart so make sure you do this from the heart because you do yourself injustice when you do things shallow or on the surface because you know you did it on the surface that's why you don't see good things when you look in the mirror yeah you need to learn to love yourself like he loves you and do yourself justice Amen man it's good to see you buddy yeah you just need to make it happen or do you come here [Music] okay yeah you just you have a pastor [Music] all these awesome we're gonna do this with the motive that I feel like we're directed to this morning through the message [Music] why they're getting there they're elements the community elements I want you to know that there was a season in my life with a Holy Spirit Holy Spirit asked me to receive communion every day and he was that he was going to teach me through the word I was reading the power of these elements so for every day I would take the bread and cup when I woke up and I did it for a long time and it got so big in me the power of what he did through his body the power would he did through his blood that it was probably 45 minutes in and I still didn't even take the bread yet because I was just so growing in the accomplishment of his flesh the way and first John 4:1 that you discern if a spirits not of the Lord as if he denies that Jesus came in the flesh you think it would be he denied his Lord now he denied that Jesus came in the flesh because the devil doesn't want you and I to know what he accomplished by coming in the flesh and this is a great thing when I did the kingdom living school the Lord said I want you to receive Communion on every Monday the beginning of week we did Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday for 13 weeks three hours a day they put the whole thing it's all on YouTube every Monday we've received communion to start the week and here's what the Lord told me he said Dan my people are lacking intimacy with me not that they don't desire intimacy they don't know where to go with it they don't know what to say they don't know how to be when they're alone with me it's what he told me a lot of that self consciousness not feeling good about yourself feeling a little unworthy now you take 20 minutes to capacitor self to get to him bummer he said use the communion elements as a tool to trigger their hearts to spring them into intimacy and I went oh my goodness so that's how we talk communion the kingdom living school other than you know other aspects of what the communion represents but we used it as a springboard to intimacy picture this you waking up in the morning in your home and you're just grabbing the elements off your counter and you just have them right there and you just grab it in in your kitchen father thank you for loving me do you know many people aren't talking like that to God thank you that you value me Lord Jesus that you would give your life your body that you would hang on the cross when I was at a sinner to forgive me and love me to live inside of me this is amazing I thank you for loving me and you could get real with God if this is where you've been for years I've been insecure for years I've needed people to say the right things those years are over there behind me a new days come new life's come the ways come and I thank you and the more you pray you see dad I can't pray that way that sounds so fluent I've been in fellowship with God for 23 years don't try to pray like I pray I have fellowship and communion with God so it's I'm real at home with him that makes some people mad they think well that's not respect are you getting up to come boldly into his presence the more you do it the more your heart builds language and understanding and the more grace creates knowing all the sudden you know he loves you man it's one thing to theologically believe he loves you because of the fact of the Cross it's another thing to let that truth through your relationship and communion get branded in your heart to where you know he loves you I mean know he loves you we've come to know and believe the love he has for us yeah to know you're valuable to know you're indispensable that the same price tag was on your head that's on any ever and anybody else ed you're not higher you're not lower we're all in the same plane we've all sinned we've all fallen short of the glory of God he comes one blood one sacrifice for all men that's because we all have the same value to live for his image snow dumps her gifting and calling it's about his image it's about walking in the light you don't find your identity through your gifting and Colley let's stop making people heroes [Music] no one has a thing unless it's been given the things we can thank thank you for your time spent with Jesus obviously brother I can tell you've spent a lot of time in the word man I appreciate the relationship you've cultivated with the Lord and how it's impacted your life it's really impacted mine I can receive that I understand that but if he didn't open this door there'd be nothing to go through and if he didn't have grace I wouldn't be in power he started this thing and he'll finish this thing keep your eyes on you yeah so take your communion elements if you have them I better get mine thank you Jesus kid I don't want to be cut off no I'm just kidding look you could be sitting you're gonna be sitting wolfing down a bowl cereal don't get offended at me with this don't get religious on me don't don't shift gears on me you could just be you could just be eating the bowls Tara will sit down running late for work and you're kind of hurrying and all of a sudden you think of the cross then you think man I didn't even slow down any and have a heart-to-heart with the father I've been so busy I woke up late oh my gosh I've been just running if I don't slow down I'm gonna strive today I'm probably gonna walk into work and seem stressed oh my goodness and you're there and you just pull the teary oh right off the spoon and just snap the thing right there at the table cuz he said as often as he didn't say as often his pastor Matt leads that you take it he says as often as you chew I'll tell you there's one thing this is my personal pastoral pinion pastor Matt that the biggest thing lacking in our lives is in sincerity this personal spending time when nobody's looking intimacy with your father I think our hearts are right I just don't think we let that right heart guide us to the right place and we need to cultivate something with him to where we know him where we're alone and we feel good being alone and we feel good be it was one another we ain't afraid of the dark and we ain't afraid of being alone and if my spouse has to leave for three weeks what am I gonna do what do you mean what am I gonna do yeah you shut me in a room with no pictures no windows no TV no computer no phone you just shut the door for a little bed panning that for me and if you're only gonna leave me in there three days you have to put food or water just put me in the room shut the door with nothing you better be ready when you open it cuz I ain't going I'm staggering out there oh man I'm so glad you came to get me out of here I was I was bouncing off the walls maybe literally why because he taught me how to be with him and to believe what he thinks about me through his son so it's not presumptuous I'm not running the risk of being presumptuous everything that I believe he taught me through his son through the cross I love you Dan on your darkest dad and lose sight of you you have destiny you have purpose you have value and I paid the price of my son for you to be my son I've loved you from the beginning you're only here because I said so cuz life comes from me there's a time to be born are you not here you came from me called no man on earth your father you have one father me that's pretty good your woofing down this area and you break the cheerio and you say father thank you for loving me man thank you God for grace in my life thank you for my job I'm done complaining I know people have been acting crazy but I'm not gonna let that make me crazy you're not crazy you're amazing you're so sound you're so stable you're so amazing thank you that everything I see in you is what they'll see in me today I don't read my job I love you and it gives me a whole different view I'm done complaining about my boss I don't need you to knock him off his high horse forgive me for praying that last week what I need to be as a better example to him and I need to let him start seeing without me trying so hard just who you are and me because I have relationship holy spirit have your way of me today I have this amazing sense that things are gonna be cut under if you would start doing that all the time when no one was looking and keep your eyes in that place what do you think that would turn into yeah don't be afraid you act and look like me just be the best you because the thing I just explained its what's wrong with me every time you see me that right there's what's wrong with me he's the God of the universe but he's so intimate and personal and he's lived inside of me for 23 years he's known my name and allowed me to know his he's wrapped his arms around me he's spoken to me in the quiet he's spoken to me through his word he has loved me through his son and I'm ready to give it all back to him are you would you say yes would you say no to animosity in your homes would you say no matter how I feel like I've missed it on my job I've only missed it if I fail to receive change and respond in truth I've only missed it if I fail to pursue peace from now on in my home I can't make up for the words I spoke a year ago a month ago but man you can sure do a work in me now and the words I speak can bring life not pain and in time the one that I hurt with my words will see that you're doing a good thing and hopefully they'll see that their life isn't the thing I spoke when they were so depending on me God would you bring change can we do that today can we believe for the redemption of all things and the restoration of all things but first and foremost were given our lives so when we receive communion there's healing in this cup there's a forgiveness of sins and by His stripes were healed right I get I get all that I don't want you to miss that if you want to grab a hold of that here's what I don't want you to miss this morning because of the tone that I'm in you gave your body I'm giving mine you gave your blood I'm giving mine can we pray can we do it together as a family are you ready if you do this in sincere or you just do this because we're doing it the Bible talks about that it's not cool you won't receive the fruit of the truth in your life it will actually dull your senses sear your conscience and won't produce good fruit it's not that God goes you did that in sincere you hurt yourselves when you learn to live plastic because you know you're doing it and when you look in the mirror you can't see anything good and the gospel wants to teach you to look in the mirror and see him so when you violate your conscience you shipwreck your faith and it's impossible pleasing without it and I just live by it probably not a good idea to violate your conscience probably to treat it more important than your human heartbeat because if your conscience is seared whether your hearts beating or not you're living dead so that's come alive in him you ready [Music] father we just thank you for the gospel we thank you I thank you I'm honored here I feel I feel honored right now there's a sense humility on me right now just that I could stand in front of you guys this morning and be here and cheer you on the way you receive and the way you listen is humbling the father in expressing that I just thank you that we're here as a family we're here as a family and what you did for one you did for all and we acknowledge this morning that every one of us whether we have different callings different grace in our life for things and ministry different passions different visions different talents we're all the same in this one truth that every one of us can wake up every day and live for your image and pursue love so father we hold up this bread representing the body of your son Jesus and we say Jesus thank you for giving your life and paying the price to remove our sin and make us right with the Father and seeing us through your own eyes and heart and vision as if we've never sinned and robing us in righteousness and writing our names in a book called life and giving us the garments of salvation man let these never be theological phrases and positional phrases but let them be the realities of our everyday life consume us with the love you have for us consume us with the truth that comes through your son we take this bread and we say it it represents the body of Jesus given and as we take it today we're saying in our hearts your body for our lives we want to know truly holy spirit what it means to love not our own life unto death teach us in every situation an opportunity we want to know what it means to not think for ourselves without being legalists and condemned would you teach us the very grace of life so that we can live as free as we see you so that men see that freedom and see that your good let our lives become desirable to the onlookers let our lives be desirable to the world so as we take this bread as best we understand we're laying down our lives of fresh we're peacemakers we walk in forgiveness we show mercy and we're asking you to help us every day and if in any way we show something else speak to us quickly because it's not about failing it's about becoming and I won't get condemned I will run to you and find grace and be in power you pray from your heart if you're sincere and you tell the Lord your body for my body teach me how to walk in love you pray that to him before you put that bread in your mouth from your own heart and when you pray that and you're satisfied with your expression you pop that in your mouth by faith to seal the deal and Jesus take the cup we're done in just a couple minutes Lord Jesus you shed your blood your blood is amazing it was wholly spotless blood you were the lamb slain before the foundation in a world you were raised from the dead by the spirit of holiness according to the spirit of holiness romans 4 it's amazing a holy lamb holy blood a holy God an amazing unbreakable covenant through your blood we enter into fellowship with this covenant God that you made through your son and as we hold these cups that represent the blood of your son we say blood for blood we are laying down our lives as you forgave us we want to forgive others as you made peace with us we want to become peacemakers as we drink this tough were saying we're all in spirit soul and body and we're asking your grace in our lives to father us and steward us into a life that looks like you we thank you for it wow this is what I hear - just do when you take this cup you tell the Lord if you're serious that you're saying goodbye today and ending the right to offense discouragement disappointment or anything that rings a bell in your heart all those things that have never produced life you list them you name them you whisper them out you say them in your heart but before you take this cup body for body blood for blood I'm all-in go ahead right now you tell god what you're surrendering and you tell the Lord that you're trusting his grace to make the difference but your heart's willing and you're ready to run and it's not about failing it's about becoming in Jesus name [Music] thank you God can you stand your feet with me please thanks for this morning you got you want me to just close pastor complete close or do you have anything or okay here's what I want to say before I I'm gonna let pastor pray over us you'll do that then he has a couple of remarks listen thanks for coming thanks for letting me come there's a lot of you a lot of people want to say hey and stuff please don't just rush me for prayer and all that stuff I'm one guy there's hundreds of you I'm not your answer [Music] they have Auto teams they have Auto ministries if you need prayer please go to them don't think why I went down to pray for me stop don't make an idol out of people's revelation or gifting or relationship be inspired by it to go become it okay all weekend the whole power love all week the whole purpose was to empower everybody to run in the same thing that we see in Jesus amen okay so just honor that I'll learn to honor one another that way and I appreciate your love I don't mind that you guys are excited and want to say hi to me I appreciate your testimonies a lot of you have made me cry this week with some amazing testimonies of life change people coming up saying take a good look at me my marriage 20 what it is if it wasn't for this revelation and they'll cry and walk away and I'm like oh [Music] lift your hands with me would you Father we thank you for your great unfailing love we put our confidence in this fact that the way you love us today Suhail love us every day for the rest of our lives you don't change none of this will change so thanks for the grace that we would never change except to grow up into you and more things in everything that you are the full measure of the stature of Christ father I thank you for blessing your people with truth with Revelation with grace and empowerment and I think that today it looks a little bit different and a little bit more like you than it would if we wouldn't come I thank you for it in Jesus name Amen love you guys so good [Music] if you enjoyed this message please visit dan Mohler archive calm to find over 2500 more messages from dan all organized by category playlist and search enjoy [Music]
Channel: Living Gospel
Views: 19,380
Rating: 4.8652482 out of 5
Keywords: Dan mohler, pastor dan mohler, pastor dan, pastor mohler, dan mollar, dan molar, dan moler, dan moller, smiley dan, smiley pastor, smiling pastor, white hair pastor, best dan mohler, power and love, gospel message, best gospel message, happy dan, full, dan mohler archive, danmohlerarchive, dan mohler website, knowing god, finding god, classic dan mohler, purpose of your life, purpose of life, life purpose, god's purpose for you, your destiny, life destiny
Id: ahP_usXhzDM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 47sec (4547 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 12 2019
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