Azimut S7 | Full In-Depth Yacht Walkthrough

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Federico Fernanda here from azimuth yachts we are aboard our s7 so one of the four models of our s collection so just to quick reminder as 6s 7s 8 and s 10 and so we're gonna go today through a pretty comprehensive walk through where we are going to show you most of the features and a lot of actually the things that not necessarily you see in in other ways on more standardized forms of communication so I'll try to go backstage and show so a little bit of the technical side will definitely go in the engine room so let's start actually while we are here let's start from this cockpit which is incredibly rich and full of features so going here towards the back the transom the aft of the boat you see what it looks like and it is a sunbathing area of course with the foldable backrest but this area right here is a concentrate of a smart and engineering solution when it comes to boating so for instance you have an immense amount of storage which is easily easily easily accessible from various area that we're gonna cook in we're gonna go look and this is where you can store as you can see all your covers your windows covers product product cleaning and so on and so forth now one will say why do you have access to this storage also from this 2 compartment and the reason is that these are specifically designed for these folding chairs that folds in in a flat configuration and you can slide them in and out from those storage units without the need of opening from the top so those two pockets are designed to accommodate the chairs moving on this side you do have another access of storage you know more flat and we'll see why that's that's under here is also the garage which we'll go look at take a look at later so but again storage space under is unit and then of course you have a main center area in any any access of course doesn't require to remove or touch the cushions every storage locker you have seen opens and closed with the cushions on top and so this is another area where you know can be used for storage so this entire area is sunbathing but offers the entire volume is dedicated to storage in a very modular and a fraction way so when you have to access us something not necessarily need to bother someone which is staying there if you wait to open this hatch while we are in the cockpit in the aft most areas of course we always like to talk about storage in these specific configurations they haven't use it but we created this pocket where the extra line which will be on your cleat can go on inside this storage locker which is designed to hold the lines nice and clean out of the cleat so exactly the opposite as it is right now other technical Locker which we have looked also on other models emergency bilge pump handle for your captain's and emergency bilge pump leaver and valve selector for wear which builds area the emergency bilge pump will shock the suction water from so each bilges of course electric pumps in case of emergency in case of the electric pump are going bad they had we had installed emergency manual pump so this is what it is you put that handle in that hole right here and then you can use your hand to suction water in case of emergency moving this way this entire sofa once again is available storage and I will actually open it for you because is worth it and will give you an idea of the amount of volume in an in a European configuration this will be the perfect spot where to put a life raft because over there is mandatory here in the US you can put a life right here or you can use it for an immense amount of storage and this is one side of the sofa which then lock into position and also under that cushion right there is all dedicated storage sealed and watertight and waterproof in every area now while we are here and this we have this inspiration piece this give us a message and let me move this plant out of the way because this table not only is actually a piece of art but is made of extremely light gray finished carbon fiber which tells us a story you have carbon fiber here you also have carbon fiber here exposed we love carbon fiber who doesn't like the look of carbon fiber the entire superstructure and the garage door of the s7 is all built in carbon fiber so we have components these of course there is some weight saving but this is more a cool factor is more a good-looking table versus the structure of the boat as well as the heavy components like a garage door and so on from being in carbon fiber they affect tremendously the performance of the vote the way this table works there is a very simple locking system here so what you do you just move this back because you can accommodate eight people for a beautiful of fresco dining in a very simple way you attract this lag you take this part of the table again I mean I can have you feel the weight but I can have you see the feeling and here you go you have a full eight people comfortable alfresco dining under the roof in the shade with basically to move when you're done and you don't want it all the way then you just close your legs or support brackets and under here and once the book is yours you will remember we have a mechanical lock is lock in place and you're done two seconds and moving on the starboard side of the cockpit my plan to go back where it belongs and we have our wet bar so beautiful surface in case you want to use it to serve a food and have you know a countertop available but if you open it you have your hot water cold water sink and your barbecue underneath you have your ice maker trash compartment ventilated ice maker so always ventilation is very important to make sure that appliances have the air they need to perform and here as you can see very beautifully integrated most likely if you wouldn't see the handle you wouldn't even think that there is is that is your cockpit refrigerator two drawers and ample capacity to serve immediately cockpit well we will see there is plenty of extra refrigeration inside so if you look at this as far as engineering and you see how balanced and beautiful is the integration of a ladder which will go to the flybridge wear which of course we'll go through later a wet bar which when in function have this kind of feeling but when it's closed you almost disappeared you have this beautiful again gray carbon fiber bar top if you wish and all integrated under the shade of the cockpit for a very unique and outstanding alfresco experience I would say like every other wood yachts this little panel right here is where you have your battery switches so you don't need to turn on or off all your breakers of your commonly used DC components before leaving the boat you leave everything inside and in the engine room panels the way you want them to be you just flick this little tiny switch and the boat goes all the DC power goes off apart from where it needs to be on such as like bilge pumps so this is very convenient you have your engine battery switch your generator and your service battery switch all-in-one panel of course and your emergency stop right here audio control fusion audio control and I think this is probably the best time to go inside so the way this has been achieved is through doors which are fairly sophisticated when it comes to movement and you know but they give that kind of feeling of once you moved all the doorway with slides into this pocket with the one end very simple and it locks safely in position see it's lock nothing move so you can do that also when you're at the anchor if you have some rolling there is no problem now you are creating this very open feeling concept where the interior communicate with the exterior you can appreciate that we have no steps so from the transom you get into the cockpit and you're walking through this and all the way until the first step you encounter is the going down to the lower deck and so now you have a completely flowing one environment and if the weather doesn't allow is too hot or too cold of course you close the door and then you're creating a more traditional layout with the separation while we are approaching the interior this is we offer the this model the s7 in to the core we call them to look configuration one is called purlins era black pearl and the other one is called platinum platinum which is this so this one has to would you have a brush oak so a very 10% gloss finish very materia finishing to this world so I almost feel like you're touching a raw natural piece of food right next to under percent gloss mahogany so again the combination of a very materia very wild if you wish to the touch into the look so very warm a very you know warm material with the very luxurious mahogany under percent loss or something a little bit more sustained and the combination of the two together then in addition with beautiful innovative materials and stainless steel trim created this look which is the signature of a very renown and sophisticated designer you know Francesca guida is his name is Oh Francesca qui dies the designer which design the s7 interior and what we'll talk about designers Stefano Ragini is the iconic animal designer which design the exteriors and we'll will look at some of his signatures touch on the exterior as well so while we are in here we'll go through the features as I said I'll try to show you maybe more behind the backstage so this is of course it would be your glass cabinet your bar I just opened it so you can look at it better but was clear already and underneath again plenty of storage and bottle holder for this bar party area if you if you wish you have of course you know a little bit of storage for audio/video here all your China is actually located here so this is your fool china set very close to the galley very close to this area which can be an internal dining we'll see how and of course very close also to the external dining area so all your China it is one place all your glasses are there and you have storage for extra liquor and bottles and of course you can miss a wine cooler so in this compartment right here you have your integrated wine cooler so everything in this beautifully designed piece of furniture which integrates the amount of features of course I love 55 inch television this I know has a switch right there up and down arrow when you want to watch television you bring it up of course but when you don't it completely disappears integrated in the back of the cabinet in order to you know leave as much as of this natural light and beautiful view possible and available in this in this salon moving on the portside this is a very very interesting and sophisticated layout first of all I personally believe those are two pieces of art if you look at the base stainless steel base of these tables they are of course electric they go up and down they're extremely quiet they are controlled by those two switches right there in the corner and they create they allow you to create a very multi functional area if you for instance would put them in the in the lower position they have a more coffee table configuration so you're lounging now on on this sofa and you have the you have the table down and is more in as I said in a coffee table configuration and you can put your feet on it you're watching a movie you put your pillow there this is the perfect position to be comfortable at relax on board if you bring them up as they were before you can actually extend it you know they both open and move and slide and they become basically one large table similar concept of of the table we have just seen in the cockpit but times two for dining inside eight people again in a comfortable configuration or you can leave one down and one up and this can be for instance a morning breakfast nook tableware that is the your coffee table configuration and this will be more always up so you can there dynamic or you can take it down as well they work in a very simple way so they slide for instance these if you would be in a coffee table configuration of course we would have slide it forward in order to create this more distance so again the concept is extremely dynamic they fold and open and can create a very large dining table one can be down the other one can be up they can both be down so very versatile is a very versatile way of configuring the salon through these tables sofas again we always talk about that sorry the entire sofa is dedicated to storage so the entire volume of the c-shape a beautiful Italian leather custom-made sofa every section is dedicated to storage can be used for anything on board and also as as I mentioned already in other videos if we have customers which are more inclined to do sophisticated audio/video package that's the perfect spot where you can locate and place some audio/video components as well other than that the entire area of the sofa is dedicated to storage we have design lamps in this particular decor unit so we paid an extremely high amount of attention to lighting and I would say in the last decade and a specific especially more in the last five years so every lamp is designed from the largest manufacturer snick Canyon designer so you have floss you have our Tama day so those two pieces on that bucket right there is designed like it's part of the design lighting package as well this panel right here is part of the design the lighting design package so you see there is a there is not just lighting you you look at boats from you know seven six seven eight ten years ago lighting in in it was this this was lighting spotlights all over the place and that's it there was no lighting design look only at this salon you have a backlit glass cabinet you have design lamps as a piece of art in a corner there you have a design light feature on the ceiling a design lamp on the on the on the cabinet here so there is a lot of attention of details and design to make the environment more and more look like home we want our customer to feel at home on their boats so if we move forward we get to the gallery this is an open galley concept therefore there's a lot of communication this is a part of our sport collection the S collection so is you know a dress for maybe a little bit more will be less formal way of bowling so the galley is part of the salon which is part of the cockpit so you can you can tell here a nice large family of friends that enjoyed the space and they all have a great time on board full galley miele appliances as always on our on our product and if you were wondering where would be refrigeration there is plenty so you have two drawers of refrigeration right here one and two on the bottom freezer and another refrigerator is actually right here so you have a hood the combination of these three plus a wine cooler there and a refrigeration in the cockpit so so in 15 feet of length you have basically four refrigerators a freezer and a wine cooler so plenty of refrigeration space plant your storage as well so this is a very big nice as I say I always like to show that that so almost a fruit deep drawer this is all your cutlery again all our calculator is specifically made for ads in with the author so every piece come with the boat and with the ads in logo on it focusing on storage in Galilee you have this very convenient is-3 very convenient pocket if you wish where miscellaneous the Galilee stuff can stay of course you have storage and trash under the sink and you have the mini dishwasher as well so no need to wash dishes provided is also natural ventilation so true this switch right here you open this glass and you have natural ventilation in case you are cooking something smelly you can actually open this one on the poor side you opened that one on the starboard side you create airflow and then imagine if you also open the roof which we'll talk about later then of course you have you know all the air flow that you need this material right here in Italian we call it quasi 10 in English to be honest with you I don't know it's ports port side it's a man-made natural material and the it looks like marble and as a matter of fact we call this that WarioWare theta which comes from the stat wari or Carrara marble the difference with marble dough is that this doesn't absorb fluid so it cannot be affected by spillage of Cyprus's orange lemon alcohol wine so at the same look of marble but is much more durable and resistance in terms of absorbing fluid this will be your in helm electrical panel so of course you have you know your DC panel and your AC panel are separated but these are the first access first control panel of course in the engine room you have a more for the main components but these are the rakers and system that you wanna control from here air-conditioning coming through the galley and also on the windshield we now to call the wind covers the window covers off because of course we want to show the boat in the way it will be the boat comes equipped standard with window covers throughout so when is that the dock or in the marina to be protected order interior material sorry and so on so for you will have all your window covers on let's move to the helm very comfortable and generous one would ask why did you put the copilot seat on the starboard side so if I'm driving the boat and somebody's with me they need to kind of we both need to move or it's kind of unnatural the reason is not we obviously wouldn't make a mistake like that the reason is the impose visibility standard by the certification entities so this is first of all is a c-class a boat in terms of a classification of safety and standard navigation and along with the tens of parameters that you need to satisfy there is visibility so the angles there is a very specific angle gradients that you need to make sure you respect in terms of visibility in order to position your helm so you we need you need the death structure right here you need that structure right there because they support your superstructure and the helm here would have created an interference with this structure right here which doesn't provide the safest possible position so again safety first as always specially when you go out to sea so the reason why the helm is here and the co-pilot it is here is because this satisfy info the requirements in terms of angles of visibility going into the details of the helm this is a Raymarine equipped product so our electronic packages are arranged this specific unit as the Platinum package so the best of our electronic package which of course include also the what we call the monitoring system so this is where the owner or the captain can also control several of the functions of the boat from the alarms for instance from bilge pumps we can turn on and off and they're pointed every green dot here shows where a bilge pump is located and from here you control them then distribution of power you can start and stop the generator here you can put the generator online and offline and you read your voltage and amperage drop of your either generator when the generator is the source or the shore powers when should so power are the source for instance in this configuration you can tell that we have one short power plugged on board which is feeding both bars of the electrical system of the boat if you would have a second shore power you will see obviously this side green that bar closed and you know each independent this will be open that close and each short power feed one of the two bars when you have generate around everything is connected and power to the generation to the generator navigation page you have your tanks freshwater grey water fuel control of the Pam's controls of the windshield wipers and navigational lights air conditioning is probably the most useful because until we started to integrate my turn system in this way you were forced to basically go in every single area and set the parameters of every single fan coil or area at least the individually now you can do that by clicking on each one of this area you select the area you decide what you want to do in that area but if you don't want to border with that you just synchronize maybe during the day where the same temperature is okay for everyone you hit the one button and the entire both the entire air conditioning system is set on the same temperature and on the same fan speed level so noise and of course you have your alarm page and settings is the page that you need to change setting you need to hold your finger on that if you want to change the language if you want to change unit of measurement and all the specific parameters you can also customize the monitoring system to your own specific needs and then of course you go you hit the home button and then you go in the standard chartplotter radar fishfinder pages of the standard Raymarine g-series configuration moving here control station handles everything provided by volvo so we buy from volvo penta of course the three engines in the engine room IPS the 1350 and the levers as well as the joystick so is a full package all provided by volvo penta which is very important in terms of service warranty distribution parts you have the customer will have only one reference point and one supplier for the entire propulsion package Joystiq always located to the most external part of the helm because you can actually use it and look where you are controlling and maneuvering the boat from this side where you also have an electrically operated open ball window we still provide bow thrusters on our IPS configurations and the reason technically you don't need about trust their own IPs and is true through joystick and their maneuvering of features you can do the same and movers that you would do using about truster without we still put ball truster in because specifically here in the US as you can see we dock a lot to true pilings and so when you want to do the finance maneuver maybe is a husband and wife and he's driving the boat and she's putting the line on a pole with the bow thruster you can get to that finest point where you don't have any movement of the boat and so that's why in product of this level and range is worth it to also add the bow thruster for that extra comfort zone so I think we have covered the hand about of course the the helm seat up and down back and forth electrically adjustable the copilot seat is that is fixed in position both bolster all these seat are handmade custom made custom design for animals and for the s7 so this is not an off-the-shelf seat that you can buy in any in any ship gender these are designed by a demo to manufacture one by one and actually the leather and the color finishing is selected by the washer perfect position comfortable to open closed transform load and operate them that cabinet right there could be the perfect place where to put you know the various a soap and softener and products that the Machine needs you close them it disappear and you will never know you have a basically a laundry set in this storage little shelf this will be actually probably even a better to be honest position for material which are you gonna use the soaps and so on for the washing machine maybe you can leave them here even though I mean you also have the refrigerator for night usage so you might want to have some glasses here so but that again you have storage on the bottom refrigerator storage shelf storage shelf on top so maximize usage of the volume and space while we go through the boat you will encounter these components right here and this is the central vacuum system so we try to place them in the most discreet position but also they are located in position where by connecting the hose you can cover the largest area given the length of the holes without disseminating the boat of multiple sockets so we try to put the least of them possible while they're not that beautiful to look at in order to cover the most area possible given the length of the hose which also of course is the is the given point but if you wonder what they are those are the central vacuum system Inlet you insert the hose which of course is supplied with the boat and as soon as you put the holes in the vacuum cleaner start because the hose has a metal ring which getting contact with them another switch in the in this socket and basically that's works like a switch like a light switch and starts the vacuum the vacuum system central vacuum system appreciate also the light work at this decoration panel is all backlit LED and gives this idea of a floating beautiful panel to to create space head into the master cabin which is where we are right now full beam separation so you can see that the the bed is the furthest most way possible from the noisy area of the boat if you wish which will be the engine room so you have this entire block which is will see is a walk-in closet shower bathroom once you close this door this entire block create a complete separation from engine room and crew quarters so granting the owner the most quiet so is the widest part of the boat that's what we call full beam master cabin is the widest part of the boat but also the comfortable and quiet because of this air pocket insulation design positioning of bathroom showers and closet natural light this is a natural light galore so of course is the sport collection so we have a little bit more of an aggressive look with this six windows a framed instead of being frameless because of that cosmetic looked we want to give to the exterior but also create a more dynamic and sporty design without penalizing the amount of natural light so again if you look at the amount of light and you think about being in the Bahamas in Sardinia in Polynesia wherever the animal yacht owner of an s7 would be and you are in your master cabin and now what you're looking at from from from these windows is paradise I don't think there is a better place where to be very innovative as you can imagine is that we call this a TV totem designed to incorporate this curve of course 50-inch TV and made the custom for the purpose and creates this suspended element technological and advanced but meanwhile elegant and design oriented with of course this led profile which make it look like it's kind of floating perfect visibility from from the bed of course and we'll see here which the s7 have this very unique head the bathroom configuration will now go through a little bit about through actually storage and again like a signature pieces of our all our collection cross across reference a lot of storage under the bed so under every single bed unless we need the space for technical purposes and typically on smaller boat maybe you have the freshwater tank in in 34 and a 40-footer but anywhere else where components can be in the bilge and they don't need a space under the beds is the best place for suitcases and large volume towers sheet set covers and so on and so forth so under the beds you have a lot of storage yeah but that's that's of course a drover you have a drover set here which is actually pretty voluminous and you can tell is the four bins compartment and I always like to say you know you're talking about almost a foot deep each and so a lot of storage for clothing here this unit right here is another immense amount of storage now three bins for that kind of length right there and same that as those so an incredible amount of storage there that area right there is was a sort of a design inspiration from Francesco Francesco guida which now in this case they have put these dis feared is the course fear but you will see probably also on our website on the brochure there were little plans so was an area to have a sort of a Zen garden if you wish so they are designed to put decoration elements which connect to the light of course mirror on both side that we've created that feeling of depth that makes the cabin feel so big and also here we are looking at design pieces this is for instance this is from Artemisia and it's called Medici Mira which medve mean Italia means half and half because the original design of our Tomita from the 70s was called chimera was as tall as I am and actually I happen to have one in my house from the 70s in his incredible piece of art and lighting and now recently they release they still make the full chimera and they release the shorter version which they call meds a chimera because it's hard for a chimera those are timid as well and they are called Tolomeo so those lamps or those reading lamps that you see on top of the bed those again are design pieces and they're not just light there are pieces of design if we are very inclined to design we are probably the most sophisticated manufacturer in the world right now when it comes to design the amount of designer we use the level of designer we use and product so every component every combination of material as hours and hours and hours of design and engineering behind so if you go back talking about design this is actually a very unique solution in terms of design because we decided to do something different something innovative which is a sink outside if you wish of the bathroom which we'll see later so this is your sink area of course with storage growers in the cabinetry throughout natural stone countertop design minimalistic faucets ample mirror beautiful top here and so is outside of the bathroom in a way but of course is behind this television totem and so created this new configuration and look behind this bulkhead which as you can see almost humans seamlessly flow in reality there is a pretty decent surprise because it's a full walking class actually walk in so I should give you an idea of the dimension you have a 90 degrees angle hanging bar one two three four or five shells the bottom shelf on the bottom with a safe in the middle a full-length mirror if you need to see the way you look before going out a set of four drawers and another three shelves here so this is a pretty in in terms of size for seventy feet walk-in closet all the drawers again very deep you can see the amount of storage dddd fabric and I can say clothing that you can fit in in in that storage available moving into the head it's worth it because also here storage is impressive and also cleverly hidden for instance this is a huge volume of storage which once closed one wouldn't even think that exists the same for here so look at the volume we make sure looks like we have a lot of toilet paper rolls all over the place but a lot of volume you know and deep look at the amount of clothing or towels or you name it you can have here like this is not enough now look here another storage volume and when you lift that panel you have another storage level underneath the panel so you can divide and then to a storage component and of course this is self-explanatory but you also have storage here so and again we just move the within you know three feet in a bathroom and look at the amount of volume of storage available look at the amount of space and now can I move freely you have a rain shower as well as a telephone shower here and this is a full residential size so I can move and take a shower without any impediment and all the comfort that I would have in a shower at home I always like to compare and you know showers and an elevator I will make make the joke that showers in in the US are the same size of elevators in Italy actually believe it or not in Italy I've been in elevators this big so this is a very comfortable shower talking about the technical aspect this entire panel is down with the male-female clips you lift it up you can access the drainage for maintenance and cleaning without any need of any tool there's no screws there are plastic clips male female and this lifts up you access the drainage you put it down you step on it you put down a nice kick and go back in place detail of the stainless steel for instance I like always to point out a demon logo on the handle of the shower which means that is a custom-made piece for the s7 as you note this is not a piece that you buy off-the-shelf from any brand which makes them in thousands and therefore can keep the prices in certain ranges this is custom made by small companies in Italy handmade for the adamite s7 actually not for ads even for the Azimut s7 moving forward I think probably we do the VIP cabin first which again is extremely the voluminous and spacious thank to our signature bow trapezoidal bow you know you have the largest and widest actually separation bulkhead between the collision bulkhead and the VIP cabin it gives this incredible amount of space in a 70 feet forward cabin also in this model bed comes up and actually we talk about the vacuum the central vacuum system and here we go that's that's a hose and this is the amount of storage that you have under the bed of the VIP cabin if you wonder what this red button is is the emergency stop of the bow thruster it comes a part of the kit in case there for some reason the bow trust will get stuck and keep on running because of a malfunction you simply come here from there I mean it's ten steps lift the bat push this button and devote about trustor power is cut off and under those panel you have the battery bank of the bow thruster so that's why the emergency stop is closed to the batteries the rest is all available storage into levels so that panels lift up and you have extra storage underneath divided so things don't move around this is as we said is our vacuum system hose the ring I was talking about before this is the metal ring you insert that into the socket the metal ring a connected to switches and the vacuum system start on its own and you have a handle that you connect the various components and you can vacuum again ample amount of storage everywhere so hanging lockers on both sides and shelving every time you see this kind of pull out four panels it means that behind here there might be components valves drainages maybe grey water carbon black filters components we require access these panels I'll hold in place either by male female pin lock system or double side 3m velcro so they come off easy without the need of any tool so you just put your finger pool and you access the system or the components which are behind the panel these are actually very beautiful they are ceramic so this handle again focus on design this is a ceramic handles which are characteristic of the of the s7 same on the other side as far as a locker with shelves and and then you have a ceiling storage on both sides of the VIP cabin as well as you know use of space everywhere so sort of nightstands if you wish because the shape of the bed but nice stands with the drawers where you can put your phone the night book and whatnot in sweet of course the VIP has an industry the same material layout of the master cabin so we have stone countertop storage ample storage everywhere and we have storage here and storage here so this is the amount of storage and also right here so this you can see again in two feet now look at the amount of storage that you have to make sure that you can leave on board everything you need when you get to the boat so that's also one of the luxury and privileges is that when you want to go boating and you leave your your city the place your home to go boating not necessarily you need to pack you just take yourself go maybe it's no little bag with the couple things but you can leave on board everything you need to go boating and that's why so much storage shower 16 75 kilos under seventy eight pounds and change and I am absolutely super compromised and I have any limitation of movement telephone shower adjustable I can put it away you know at my height and you know is really I don't have any discomfort I'm not in an RV environment I'm onna on a yacht or nothing so the comfort level is I think we can go now to the other two quarters which they share ahead so this bathroom right here served the double purpose of serving this cabin with a direct access and a director as well as this cabin with this door and also works as a day head so if you have guests on board and friends that not necessarily spend the night and they need to use the bathroom this is going to be the day head you during the day so now the poor cabin is a twin very comfortable wide mattresses storage everywhere so we have you know hanging hanging locker with shelves small and large as well as storage under the beds which is vented so we want to make sure that whatever is under the bed also has as much air flow as possible and so you see that they are designed with vent in order to guarantee hair flow into the storage and while we are at it actually all our mattresses are lympha is the brand and is the memory foam so the top quality mattress is available for yachts on the market they come standard with under each bed you have storage and we always take a look also at technical space which is important this is the air-conditioning unit of this cabin and the same applies for every area and every cabin as well as the salon on the boat so we always place the air-conditioning unit in a very easily accessible location because it's very important to clean the filter the inlet filter so the you know the filter are holding place with with Velcro and they just have to come off you clean the filter put it back on this is something that I always recommend to do at least every couple of weeks minimum once a month and that's why it's something that you want to be able to access very easily without tools without the need of taking apart components we install them in very convenient locations so they can be maintained easily and properly and then once you have clean it you put it back as two velcro pieces in front and you're done of course you need to do it for every fan coil in the boat as far as a storage the same applies under the other bed where I'm sitting on so will not go through it but there is the storage under this bed as well as we said you can control of course the air conditioning from the main helm but you don't have to every every occupant of every cabin then of course as his own dedicated independent panel so you will see this dramatic panel in every cabin and each cabin can set is on air conditioning temperature and fan speed so you can do either/or and this obviously prevail I would say we covered this tween this is actually a more versatile cabin so 70 feet is a range we're having four cabins layout is this challenging and there are many many boats in this range which are which are three cabins still so we wanted to provide instead four cabin and through a very creative if you wish the solution which is this L shape so it's sort of a bunk bed but much more comfortable first of all is much easier to go up on this bed actually you know I can show you well you know it's extremely easy and once you're up it's a fully comparable bed where an adult can sleep very comfortably so it's not really a bunk bed with the ladder and stairs it's very easy to go up and down and the cabin despite this configuration perfect for kids of course but it's very large so you have an ample amount of storage the hanging bar and shelves and all that bottom is a shelf of course you have a storage under this bed so all this bed is storage but also once you are in here you have a lot of space you can dress get dress on dresser so is is really a fourth cabin of course is a little bit more sporty if you wish then a little bit more formal formal tween or VAP but it's a full fourth cabin so can allow you to take two extra people cruising on on an s7 so we cover the main and our data so I think it's time to approach the flavors actually before moving there I would like to notice look at this beautiful piece of carbon fibre we talked about the carbon fiber table in that instance made in grey carbon fiber and we'll see that there are different carbon fiber accent throughout the boat to always remind the owner of course of the beauty of the material but also the fact that he has purchased the most technologically advanced yacht on the market in this segment and so this look at this beautiful piece of stainless steel at carbon-fiber frame this is obviously a cosmetic aesthetic it doesn't have a structural function but is a is a design piece so going to the flybridge we saw it briefly in the carpet later so integrated ladder so very safe sturdy handrail but integrated into a polished easy stainless steel so also this kind of design look if you wish very safe again well we just mentioned carbon fiber carbon fiber profiles here as well very safe approach to the fibrous handrail so I leave the end rail here I have immediately another handrail to grab here and another one here so again I always like to point out stairs and handrail because we always do these videos when the boat is at the dark steel it is true that we provide sea keeper stabilization at all our boats so rolling the rolling I remember back in the days when I was younger and going out at sea doesn't exist anymore thank to see keeper but still you might be caught in rough condition and so it's always good to be safe and so if you look at this path you have a very safe and rail as soon as you leave one you grab another and very wide nice and safe steps to go up to the flybridge while you go this way look at his piece of art III every time I've seen these hundreds literally hundreds of time and every time I see this piece I like to sit down and contemplate the beauty is really it looks like a spaceship in between a spaceship and a Formula One car race and of course the custom black painted domes as well have master and clear night-vision camera and rather than makes it all flow like really this is aggressive and in design oriented and while I'm here this is a very comfortable sunbathing area so we are on on a product from our s collection as a sport so is a design which is more oriented towards shape which are more a few salat or you say in Italian so something more aerodynamic if you wish and so we put the flybridge on the s7 because the size allow and it's also a good comfort zone for this is a product which would be most in most of markets and owner-operated and so it's much more you feel much more comfortable driving about this big from the flybridge so it's also some practical need but still is a flybridge on an s product so you can compare size-wise a fly bridge of 70 feet fly bridge collection versus a fly on an s collection so to be on an s collection this is a phenomenal Frye which you have a double sunbathing bed here which of course have storage underneath immense amount of storage where you can put all your covers here you have refrigerator drawer refrigerator here for your drinks so when you are on the flybridge you actually can keep beer and sodas or cans here without the need to go necessarily downstairs for drink you have a beautiful dinette so once again you might have a owner wife a significant other side by side driving the boat and you can easily have three four friends here in a very comfortable relaxed environment and again you're driving your wife is there I'm here my wife is here we chitchat we have a great time down the intercoastal waterways or anywhere else in the world you might be cruising this is really this is what yachting is about spend time with family have a good time outdoor and these flybridge right here you have two four six people can be very comfortably located on on a fly bridge on the S product this layout also very cleverly convert into a sunbathing area so again Italian intelligence so you have a cushion here this panel slide in this cushion feels there that other cushion you put it on top of this and this becomes a nice sunbathing area so now you have one into some bathing area a two sitting side-by-side driving and you put this back on top push on back in this storage the door and you're done so the somebody here you are converting to a sofa with very simple mechanical gaster nothing can give you a problem of course every every the boat comes with the exterior covers so every time you see these these days naps in these devices here are because we provide as a standard covers for all the exterior furniture and upholstery and you also have a bimini top which folds right now they have removed the fabric of the bimini top but you see this arch structure right here it opens manual this line right here connected those hooks right there at the the aft of the flybridge and you have a shade through a very sturdy stainless steel built up with Sunbrella fabric on top the helm of the fabric is very comprehensive as everything that the hem downstairs has so from your zookeeper control joisting levers I don't think we want to spend too much time here and actually I need to reprehend myself because I forgot when we were in the salon and main help me galley I think I mentioned it fairly quickly I don't think we spend enough time on the electric roof and from here actually we probably have a better idea because if you look at that black pan and those two stainless steel pieces right there you can picture actually the framing that roof completely slides open and there is a shade a curtain shade in the salon which actually can open and close independently from the roof and so you open the shade you open the roof and then you have that big section completely open air so I always like you know to say maybe not during the day but at night when your beautiful stars are glazing and the moon is full like it was last night here in in Florida and you open the roof you might have an incredible view and experience on board your yacht so I think we cover the flybridge we can approach the bow side boarding gate so this is very convenient for the US market where typically we talk and we have a side docks unlike the European market where most likely most of the time they dock Stern in and in case that will be the case the boat comes with a gangway which is a high electric trolley can control by those two keypads right there one control the garage door the other one the gangway but in case of sy boarding like more typical of the American markets you would have typically a ladder side boarding ladder and you have side boarding aides on each side already cut through I don't think we cover this so this is the your docking station cockpit docking station again joystick from Volvo and you have different features on the joystick itself the joysticks are all the same the one here the one on the flybridge and the one in the main helm this will be your skyhook so once you press this button the boto stays had the latitude and longitude crossing as well as the bow heading so it doesn't moves with the tolerance of two three feet you have joystick maneuvering excuse me cruising which means that you use your joystick as a rudder basically you're moving the path during navigation through this feature you have the high mode which is extra power from the docking mode locking mode is your docking you use the joystick for docking means that as a limit of the RPMs the engines can reach in in relation to your impressed movement and then you have high maneuver in those instances where you have a strong current or strong wind or both you can have extra powerful docking features so here you have your joystick which again controls all your pipe ipod sorry IPS pod drives as well as your bow thruster progressive bow trusted so we said we were going to go to the bow while we're passing through here this is the access to the crew quarter which we'll go through in a little while and you can see how wide and comfortable is the walk through to the bow very sturdy handrail throughout is in 1916 Electric polished stainless steel and here you arrive to basically the fourth lounging area on the s7 so we discussed about the talk the cockpit which have the Africa dining combined with the sunbathing area the flybridge comparable available room for six people in a comfortable environment to sell to sitting that the sofa which is very versatile and here you have immense sunbathing area in the fur in the front side of it and you know a comfortable see shapes of with the shade and your coffee table again when you can enjoy the weather relax and have good conversation with friends and family somebody can hang out in the Sun somebody can stay in the shade and we all enjoyed the same area at the same space of course you have audio system here there is music and that's the control diffusion control that blacks which is the switch will control this beam in the top to close and open when you close it you simply fold these backrest so the bimini top falls into this pocket right here but also the back rest during navigation high-speed navigation would not interfere with visibility when is in a down position beam it up our design always with this mesh back so wind can go through without making them blow up like both and you see all of these snaps because of course this is a very this is the area of the boat where speed and wind from speed will affect this so that the cushions are secured in place in a more strong manner than the aft clearly and but once you lift them under each cushion you have a watertight storage throughout the entire sofa so the entire sofa is watertight storage divided in compartment that you close and you access by simply removing the cushion and reporting them in place let's go down to the crew quarters again storage everywhere just to give you an idea of volume and depth this is where you can put of course covers maybe small small fenders a cleaning product more than anything this is the perfect position for your cleaning product chamois brushes and then window Co very few Asian furniture cover secured in place so they don't open in any kind of weather condition to comfortable steps again handrail and after this is this is what we're passing by here this is a very interesting this is one of ragini again we discussed this is an exterior design by Stefan origami which actually is the same designer which this which did this is 72 fly which as well and one of his genius touch if you wish was this what we what he called diamond cat so you will notice that this window are not on a flat surface there aren't a slightly inclined surface to create an angle where they meet which if you think about it is exactly what the diamond cut is when they cut diamond they give them those angle cut so that the light reflects differently and this is what if you see that the s7 from more far away you will appreciate the details and again as you can imagine is much easier to build about with the flat windows tend to create the right perfect angle that the designer wants but this is the result instead if you follow so I think we should go into the crew quarter and probably you want to pass by here and we go back there because otherwise to adult man with a bigger camera will not press through the walkways they are comfortable and big but not that much we are still at 70 feet so the way down very sturdy comfortable handrail with actually two beds with the second bed will be instead of these storage units right here you have a second bed which actually fall down you do have this is actually a table you know so for the crew to have also a sort of a desk if they've never to do their notes sometimes you know fuel readings and maintenance log and cruising log they want to have a comfortable little table so there's an area here where they can do their their homework if you wish closet on that side which is very easy opens you know with the shelves and safe in the distance there is a storage under the bed vacuum system also in the crew quarters and and of course you close your table this is obviously the bathroom area and they have a separate shower and toilet compartment so which is actually very very comfortable I mean I can totally stand and move around freely without any limitation um TV system of course the TV swing around you know you you have a bracket and you unlock the bracket or weather protection you don't want this to be a light piece of equipment and you can watch these TV n rice then when you cook it back this a spring-loaded lock will make sure that it stays in place electrical panel as well as clever usage of space again hanging a bar hanging bar for you know t-shirts and shirts and so and so forth as we'll have a lot of useful storage and electrical panel which actually take a look and this gives you an idea of the level of technical quality if you can come and take a nice look and as everything is organized all the wires or number we provide each boat with digital and paper my diagrams showing case of issues and problem and attrition just with the diagram can come and locate all the components and all the wirings all the Fed of the loads relays and contactor and so and so forth so this is the level of quality backstage of a demo yachts engineering so this gives you an idea again we are in 70 feet so not a small boat but it's not a big boat either so you have to you have a lot of creative intelligent solution and usage space so for crew quarters again I think this is it and we can go take a look at the engine room so we got now to the as I like to call it the heart of every yacht of course Upstairs everything is nice and pretty but it's extremely important of everything down here is nice and tightly nice and tight because if something goes wrong down here no matter how three DS up there your experience will be definitely affected so we will go quickly through components and and design these as we set it at the beginning is a triple IPS proportion package which means that you have these three engines which the IPS approximately provided 30% and more power as a drive versus the equivalent in a shaft wine configuration what that means that in order to provide a thousand horsepower of moving power to the boat in in a shaft flying configuration you need an engine able to create 1,000 horsepower with you have an IPS configuration you do the same with 700 horsepower so smaller engine means several things one of which is compact compact means that the engine room the space dedicated to the engine we can be smaller and narrower and in this instance of this specific model that provides two very specific advantages one is everything we have seen going that way which is crew quarter master shower toilet walk-in closet master cabin and song sore we're being able to move more aft the engine room and make it smaller enable you in the same amount of feet to make much larger living quarters in the low that and then also when it comes to height the fact that you don't have a shaft line so you're gonna have to respect that angle of the shaft coming out of the boat and going in front of the rudders but your propulsion system is right under the engine go right under the transmissions because it's a pod you can drop the engines so number one there's Moeller while delivering the same power as bigger shaft line configuration and number two you can drop them because you don't need to add that angle of for the shaft which gives you this this big box that you see here is a garage which is 70 feet allow you to host a jet ski and attender side by side always cover protect them from the environment we'll see it later we'll open the garage and take a look but this big protrusion if you wish that you see on top of the engines is the garage module which can be can happen only because of an IPS proportionate this boat would be shaft line proportion we have to be much higher in order to add a garage and we'll have all will not have a garage we'll have a platform with a fender on it so this is the triple IPS configuration as we said these are thousand fifty each so you have a total of three three thousand one hundred fifty horsepower powering the the s7 you know the performance I never go to performance too much because those are all the information which are available online this is a wide open 34 35 not boat cruising all day at 28 another extremely important benefit of the IPS proportion combined with the right hull is the complete lack of vibration and noise so if you compare the same amount of power delivered by a traditional shaft line vibration or noise are significantly higher the IPS configuration because of the pod and the fact that there is no turbulence so the propellers are actually biting into clean water that's why the revolution of ips propulsion was extremely significant the propellers are facing forward pooling they're pulling the boat forward and it means in a simple way that they're basically the propeller is a screw is the screws going into a piece of wood right imagine that and the propeller facing forward are screwing into clean water they both the water the propeller screws into has full volume there is no air there is no oxygen underneath there's no turbulence in a shaft line the propellers are pushing and they're biting into a little bit dirtier water in a way of turbulence and that's why there is all studies engineering and also there you need to design house properly tan nose avoid cavitation and so on support but in 90s configuration vibration noise and last but not least you are in the range between 2025 up to depend on the RPMs level up to thirty percent less fuel burn than the equivalent power in a shop line so it's really a win-win configuration and this is what we have here on the s7 fuel tank also capacity I mean this is a thousand gallons of fuel available we typically III really mentioned range and sometimes I forget I apologize we typically design all the product to provide the owner with the 10 hours at cruising speed so this means that this boat has a thousand gallon of fuel capacity our calculation always include generators on and return so you know diesel engines they burn fuel but they also have fuel that they don't burn which goes back to the tank so our calculations are very precise they leave a 10 percent margin and we want to provide 10 hours of navigation occlusion speed for every model this is the role of the rule of thumb at least at at some of the artists so range on an s7 you're looking at to wonder anywhere between 250 to 300 miles range the speeds between 25 and 28 knots and burning of 90 gallons 19 and regardons an hour so fuel system these are the regular fuel filters you have a double set for each engine port center starboard behind you you can select one two or both so in case your problem with one filter you always want to run want to run on fill on one filter so then if you have a problem you run with the other self-explanatory firefighting system here is our air conditioning system so all the compressors and the compressed gas is happening here in the engine room this is a chilled water system which means that you have compressors we compress a gas which by chemistry produce cold and that called this transfer into a loop of water you have a pump which drive this water and this is this distillate of the pressure at which that water is flowing through the boat and imagine you have a water line which goes to every fan coil on the boat that water is extremely cold the colder the setting on the temperature that you put the colder the water the compressor will generate the water goes through the fan coil which then blow air into the serpentine and the guide is conditioned air so all your gas all your noise all your technical components are here and all you have going through the boat is a line of cold water and a fan which you can adjust the speed of the airflow you want so that's what is called a chilled water system Olin Cummings onon the same same company American brand the generator in this case we have a single unit but 21.5 kW which is explained or there's way more power here than what you need on the entire boat so these units this unit obviously is capable of supply power for the entire boat with very minimum power management we have a the main electrical panel here which again I always like to actually show they all come with their own connect a safety opening device but is always nice to show the backstage or something that not necessarily is shown on average videos and if you come this way instead you can appreciate the level of details and quality that oedema yachts put in every system I always love to see into showing these videos the backstage the engine room the electrical pan is the bilges because these are actually the things we are extremely proud of just as much as we are of the exterior design interior design again if something goes wrong here no matter how pretty is the main deck you will not have a pleasurable experience so we close it now and while we are next to it every of our model is equipped of course with tanker we thank fuel tank reading levels in the main helm but you also have your optic level in the engine room so in case the main helmet goes Brown you want to make sure that you come down here and you press your two valves and you have your visual fuel level indicator why only on one side because all the odds in watts fuel tank are communicating of course you have a valve that you can close in order to avoid communication between the tank let's see for example that you are you have water in the fuel and you realize then you need to transfer fewer from one tank to the other to clean it that will allow you to easily the tanks are from each other for maintenance or service and so on but in an aviary in a normal day operation the tanks are communicating to each other this is why you need a visual gauge only on one tank and that will give you the lap of a boat a boat tag to that level again going this way you have this is actually the central vacuum system hose that we we have seen before there is a spare one here for some reason going this way you have actually a lot of room again this is a technical space of course I'm not walking into a salon or hallway in the lower deck it's technical space requires some adaptation that's that's normal we're now in the technical environment once once you're here you can stand this is your transmissions that you can access control check service in a very comfortable way even the middle one I don't think is the case for me now to go down there but I could I mean there is a room to do all the needed maintenance over there I have to it draw the hydraulic units one is for the garage door the other one is for the gangway easily serviceable refill oil the oil tank checking condition in maintaining you know it's all there is there is definitely a decent comparable amount of space here to do your check and your maintenance these are actually the minimum bypass mufflers of the exhaust so until that the engines runs at a certain rpms exhaust water comes out from the side and then when there is pressure enough comes out from underneath so this if you wonder what this big chunky components are fresh water pump again this is not here by accident these are components which sooner or later go are very stressed that used a lot and so you wanted to make sure that they are in very comfortable position to be worked on to be maintained to be checked to be reset to check your fresh water pressure system you have your manometer here your reset button here and in case you need to either replace the brushes of the motor or replace the entire pump the position couldn't be more comfortable than this you undo these four bolts you disconnect this line from a quick disconnect up here and you take the pump serviced it replace it and put him back so it's not hidden in a in a stupid position this is nice failsafe galvanic isolator we're not talking about it a little bit this to make a long story short what this does is protect the underwater metal from galvanic corrosion and you can see what this does is basically it separates the ground the conductor coming from the dock this is the short power cord the ground conductor is separated by this component what does it mean it means that now even though you are connected to the same dock in the marina with all the other boats you are not connected to them in terms of grind ground wire which you need to make a long story short that is what would cause corrosion and problem of zinc's erosion in case you don't have a failsafe telephonic isolator because if the boat next to you as no zinc's and you do have good Zing's and your boat connected to the same ground without this component what you are doing with your boat is now doing is protecting the boat next door so your Zing's are the generating it twice as much as the speed because you're protecting you and him for her and that what that means that they're gonna run out faster and you're gonna get your underwater metal damage because you're protecting someone else just because you're connected at the dock and they are not doing their job maintaining their Zing's this cut that line still protect ground protection so ground is a safety equipment my truth is you're no longer connected to any other boat on the dock so your Zing's are only working for you are protecting your underwater material the engine room we are approaching our stern again I always like to put a lot of attention on handrails so always the safe also to come out of the water you might wonder what is this this is the boarding ladder you unhook this hatch take it out goes down in the water when you come back on the boat you want a nice safe and on the deck to come back up so this is the the transom of the s7 of course this door pivot this way creating a beach platform obviously we can't open it here at this dock so I will open it as much as we can to show you but picture it that once it's open becomes basically this entire surface that we will see is enough is wide and long enough to accommodate two up to three actually Shea's long sunbathing chains long and anyway is a beautiful lounging area that can be used to you know access the water and have a good time in close contact with the water garage is designed let me go as done as much done as I can without risk into damage so but give you the idea of the dimension of this platform the garage is actually designed to owes to to water toys so you can have thirteen and a half feet tender and sea-doo spark jetski the compact just skied next to it which is actually pretty unique for this size of boat and you know on one end they don't pollute if you wish the exterior line of the boat so once your toys are in the garage and these doors closed your boat will always look as pretty as it has been designed without hanging we are the components on the transom but also they are always protected from the environment they are once you rinse them off with fresh water and you put them in here they're gonna be protected they are not exposed to the Sun the upholstery Dhading doesn't get abused by the Sun and so is a double purpose cosmetic but also technical to preserve your toys this tent obviously is intended to make these area looks a little bit more pretty if you wish when imagine that the platform is down now your toys are in the water and your head you're using your platform you have a couple of chairs and a chaise longue you don't want to look into a garage which is more technical space you have a dedicated tent when you roll it down it actually has the Nazi multi-author logo on it so it's a beautiful tight tender which cover the garage and so I guess that here from the transom we have completed our work cut through video on this ultimate yacht s27 thank you for watching if you have any question please donít hesitate to contact us Adam to locate your official dealer and have a nice day thank you
Channel: MarineMax
Views: 532,201
Rating: 4.6881919 out of 5
Keywords: boat dealer, new boats, used boats, boats for sale, marinemax, yacht boat, boat tour, boat video, yacht video, boat review, yacht review, boat research, review, overview, tips, tricks, comparison
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 36sec (5316 seconds)
Published: Fri May 29 2020
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