€26,700,000 Superyacht Tour : Rossinavi 50m

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this is endeavour to Peter 50-meter Rossy Navi which is built in 2017 and she's absolutely spectacular and my good friends at ocean dependence have granted me a full tour so very pleased to be able to get this one to show you let's go and have a look we're gonna go through this big lovely cockpit area on the main deck and then we'll get a head inside and give you a tour of this wonderful machine okay here we go so this is the main decks Lunarian as you can see they've gone for a really minimalist look to this area and some very nice features like where they've done this around here loads of space and as you'd imagine on a boat of this size of course and then the dining area is up ahead that's true the crew domain over there we're going to come back to that but for the minute we're gonna head forward I love features like the way they've done this textured material down here it's beautiful let's head on through the boat we're going to press on forward and I'm going to take in the master cabin which is your ride up here so the first thing breaches they're sort of dressing area so these are all wardrobes around here and around here on this side and a little area where you can get dressed and then head on forward again and this is the main cabin it has a drop-down balcony on this side so on your ankle you can lower that it moves and of course there's rails that go around so that makes for lovely area off of this room and you've got this nice little Reading area or whatever you want to use that for and of course the bedroom part itself over there let's head on through I love the shaping of all these bulkheads and so forth this one here this is just a little closet space I never go right on past this is the ensuite some lovely materials in here it's really nicely done how's the shower absolutely huge and then the toilet itself well that's I've been behind this door cool let's keep on moving actually it's not let's just stop and take that in for a minute very nice now I'll keep my moving okay so let's go back out of here and I think what we will do is we'll head down to the lower deck I don't know there's a day heads just here but we'll learn it past that and take a turn down here look at the way they shaped all this and these materials here it's just stunning it's a real tactile treat so this is your main guest accommodation go ahead I think we will head into this one first so this is the twin cabin little dressing area and of course an ensuite shower is behind and if you're head across we'll find pretty much the same kind of thing over on this side and my suite again is in through there another thing worth mentioning is this door goes through to the crew area and the first thing funded as laundry we're going to come back to that for a different route but it means that the crew can come through here and service these rooms when everyone's gone off upstairs without coming through the guest areas now this is particularly interesting because it looks like two rooms and it is two rooms except for the fact that there's a divide you can open as we've got at the moment so what you can have is this as a sitting room off of this cabin which is how its computed at the minute or you can put a bed in here you can close that door off and then sudden you've got a completely separate stateroom and of course they both have an ensuite so this has the shower and then the toilet is in behind here and with that bulkhead closed that then obviously becomes the main way in and out as this has but then this one has its own ensuite there's no sharing needed obviously but was it open that makes an incredible space who don't need that many cabins then you can turn this one into a giant VIP guests fantastic okay let's head on back through here but upstairs one take of head on up the boat okay so we can loop around to the left find another stairway and we'll head on again these fantastic materials that they've put all the way around here just beautiful and this then he's taking us up to the upper saloon so very nice day space a little bit more casual and if we head out of the back when you're this upper area here great place to have a meal there's a barbecue underneath here and all the other amenities that you would want and these great sun loungers right at the back of the boat with a terrific view out and those immunity areas here okay why those doors are that really links these two areas beautifully we're gonna head on forward now this door takes us back into the crew domain because what we have here is a pantry but we also have access if we carry on all the way through now that is access down to the crew area so all of this can be routed without going through guest areas and then this is the bridge how things bleeping I don't know what they are and this is actually the captain's cabin he has asked us not to go in there because he's cool as gear near in the minutes but is very much in use currently so we will bypass that one but we will have a good look at this area okay so out here on the for day this is a wing station here so that when you are maneuvering the boat in port you can stand here and you can see right down the side of the boat sequence exactly where you're placing it and then there is a very nice little social area here they've also got the Sun top up above and this is interesting this is the garages there are two of these you can see the jet ski up on top this whole thing raises or lowers and there's some pretty decent-sized tenders there's one there and there's another one under the floor on this side in fact I believe I'm right in saying that one of them is amphibious you can literally drive it straight up a beach another jet ski that would obviously that whole area lowers down flush and I believe that this is the crane here I'm not certain but it looks like it might be and then right up on the very front of the boat we've got all of the anchoring kit excellent okay we've got more people on the boat gonna keep the camera pointed down we're gonna head on back hi there I see how you doing so this is take us back past the bridge and then these steps will lead us down onto the lower side deck and then we can go from here back inside they head on round keep the camera pointed down because there's a few people about this will take us into the crew domain so the first thing it greets us is this pantry and there's also a small mess area here as well wine coolers at the back but the main area is a little further forward past these fridges and in this stairway here now this is the stairway that I pointed out from the bridge area so that's a crew routing and that can drop people straight down through and then down into the main crew area which is down here so what have we got well if we go into this slide we find the galley there's more chilled food areas very well specified Miele cooking you do a little bit of Miele 3 that's a really decent sized galley and what was it of this is the laundry area now I mentioned when we were in the lower deck guest area there was a door that went through that's that door so you can go from here straight through into the guest cabins and that was he saves I'm being bedding and that kind of thing towels and so on up and down the steps it's just straight renters area there's of Miele professional washing equipment top-notch stuff ok and then ahead of here are the crew cabins so we go down here that's a big mess area just here that's very comfortable huge TV on the wall and you can see the closed-circuit cameras as well as they can keep an eye on the decks and that kind of thing and then this is the actual crew cabin area so there are four cabins up here four crew all twins of course you can see them here here here I'm gonna have a look in just one of them because they are all the same but this is what you get if you have a crew in here so you've got bunk beds and there's an ensuite and of course layers of storage shower in there as well so nice crew domains brilliant ok let's go out of here and we'll head on back see what else we can find so the last thing to find then is the engines which on this are fairly spectacular so for that we're gonna go back up here back out onto the deck and we'll take a look then into the engine space so a back for his little pantry area and this time that's the door haven't the main saloon but we're gonna head out this way touch this little button okay so that's access out to the foredeck we've already been so this time we're going to head back this way so we find the engine-room in through here here we go let's have a look is this it's pretty interesting right the rest of the boat there's a few people in here so we're going to have to be a little bit discreet and cut around this corner and in through here and this will take us into the main engine now the drive on this boat is actually diesel electric so these are technically generators they are the main engines but they're not linked directly to prop shafts and propellers what these do is they drive Rolls Royce as you pods which are stationed further back on the boat so these engines are caterpillars they are 1,200 horsepower each and a boat can run on both of these or just one of these one can drive growth of the electric pod drives if you're running both engines flat out she's good for about 16 knots if you run on one you can drop the boat back to ten knots and then you've got four and a half thousand plus miles of range so she's a proper Explorer ship she's transatlantic let's take a walk all the way around here because it's an incredible area this is the air conditioning system here now as well as these main engines and say they are technically generators there are three more generators which obviously handle the service loads these are just powering the ship if we head on back I'll see if I can show you the pod rooms there's another way out you can see the ladder there there's another route out of this and if we head on back here this is the actual engineers of space there's a pod room through there but I'll show you the one on this side there's a great area there's proper superyacht stuff isn't it let's go in through here so there are two areas like this this at the back is one of the electric engines there are two of them as I say that drive the pots so these are driven from those diesel engines in the main engine room and the pods themselves right up the back down underneath the boat down there serious proper ship engineering going on here amazing so as I say these two electric engines can both be run off of one of those main engines rather than both of them and that then will give you the range okay let's close that big heavy door over there we go sit on up here and finish off actually laughing I'm going to show you just how we do finish is the beach club that's the only area this boat we haven't done so let's complete it properly let's go down this side and show you that area so there's some steps at the back of the boat and then this area obviously you can put a ladder in here for swimming from you've got the seed bobs here and this is that transfer so this hinge is a flush across here when the boats on the way but when your anchor you hinge it down and it makes a great area on the back of the boat at sea level and what they've done with this is pretty gymnasium in here like sight excellent I think that this is as good a place to finish as any so that is endeavor to she's an absolutely stunning 50 meter super yacht I hope enjoyed that tour if you have if you haven't subscribed already I hope you'll consider hitting that subscribe button we've got loads more yacht tours coming and that'll let you know each time they arrive and then the mean front thanks for watching this one now we'll catch you again soon okay bye bye
Views: 1,003,709
Rating: 4.9061427 out of 5
Keywords: Endeavour 2, Rossinavi, Cannes Yachting Festival, Boat Show, Aquaholic, yacht tours, superyacht tours, super yacht tours, Yacht, luxury, millionaire, lifestyle, Cannes, superyacht, super yacht, Ocean Independence
Id: bAq01I_6tAQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 58sec (898 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 15 2019
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