£2.2 Million Yacht Tour : 2017 Sunseeker 75 Yacht

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this is a sun seeker 75 yacht it's a 2017 example and normally when it comes to these boats i have a pretty good idea what to expect but every now and again i come across a boat that just makes me go wow and this i think is one of those boats i'm going to take you on board and do the full tour and explain to exactly why now this of course is every area we're going into the cabins the decks the crew cabin the engine room the lot let's go now we board as usual via this hi-lo bathing platform this of course will take a tender or a rib and that door there is access to the crew cabinets we will look at that of course towards the end we're gonna head on board first of all there's a passarelle letterbox style that comes out of here so if you're standing burst in the mid that gives you access but we're going to start on the inside because that is the bit that maybe go well so we have a quick look at the cockpit which is protected by this big overhang and then we'll head on in and here we go now this one's got the high gloss walnut and that really works on these boats i love the lighting detail they put into the ceiling as well but the high gloss it really gives it a feeling of quality and i don't know depth somehow looks really nice this is a really social area here in the saloon it's not a gallery after layout as you've obviously noticed and i think that actually is quite nice because it connects the cockpit and the saloon as one big social area i don't think that's a bad thing at all however the galley is on this deck it's just up here on the port side this is one of those boats that sits right on the cusp of owner or crew operation so it'd be a very comfortable boat to own and manage but it's also big enough to take a cruise you can run this however you want and this is the galley area and so there's a big fridge of course as you'd expect and there's a freezer underneath you've got your hob and your oven down here at the end for a 2017 boat this is immaculate this of course is all storage along in places like this and you've also got some nice sensing details like the way they've done these cutlery drawers and of course there's a dishwasher in here as well and directly opposite this then is your dining area and that seats eight people it'll sleep eight as well so that is the perfect size for this boat and the head of that of course is the helm position there's a side access door on here this is a little bar area and up ahead is the helm with these beautiful chunky leather sunseeker seats really set this area off and the helm up ahead it's quite a well-equipped boat this one so it's got things like hydraulic bow and stern thrusters rather than electric this is the autopilot control over here you've got twin simrad screens that can display charts or radar or engine instrumentation as we've got on this one and those are touch screens but they're also controlled from this fellow here and the other thing we have on here is the stabilization system it's actually got fin stabilizers i don't know how clearly you can see that but this is nice as well this is a management system for the boat so you can choose on here for example tanks we can hit that one and you can see instantly fuel tank fresh water tank the waste tank for the toilets showers and so on or we can choose an overview so all the information on the running of the boat it's all here very nicely done and this i like this little snug separate little area i might come over here for a drink of an evening separate from the rest of the accommodation somewhere to tuck yourself away with of course a good book and then we have the stairway now again a lot of classic sunset detailing and things like these stainless steel areas and you can see it here as well all the way around it just adds a bit of depth and interest and that makes that quite a nice sort of occasion as you come down to the lower deck the mirror ahead of you here if you must give yourself a little wave and we're going to head to the front i think and work our way back this accommodation is really nice in here so vip gas cabin up in the bow again that gloss walnut i think that just looks fabulous there's a hatch up above so that's give me a bit of ventilation or another way out of this level then of course this is all storage around the outsides and there's a a big wardrobe [Music] more storage here and a nice little dressing table like so and as you'd expect you've got av equipment in here but look at the size of this tv for a guest cabin usually you get a little tiny one but they've put a proper full size of them into here this has its own ensuite and again beautifully done separate shower stall of course as we head on back down the boat then there's day heads on this side and again separate shower and directly behind that is cabin three i think what strikes me most about this boat is there's just no sense of compromise anywhere so this has a door through to the day heads so at night this is ensuite and what that does is it means that every cabin has its own ensuite again masses of storage in places like this a decent view out the window there's a little boat going past let's have a look we are in sultan's marina at the moment that's just heading for the fuel berth excellent quite a great cabin there now we head across the boat we will discover cabin four singles in here but again no bunk beds or anything like that it's all proper full size beds proper full sized cabin loads of headroom as you come through here look at this here's what i mean about the whole new compromise ethos it's brilliant and as i mentioned each one has its own ensuite and a separate shower stool and look at where they've caught these doors finish on here exquisite and that just leaves us the best till last the master cabin check this out how nice is that let's close that one over and then we can get the full impression of the size of this that is a lovely cabin 55-inch tv on the wall sound bar up above it loads of storage down this side again those big hull windows for that view love the way they finish this on the back really like these lights that they've put in detailing everywhere detailing look at these fillets in the ceiling just gives it that beautiful three-dimensional feel really take in with this boat dressing table on this side like so a shaylon how pronounced that right i think so on and then down here this slides and that actually gives you a walk-in wardrobe and there's drawers underneath as well and opposite this then is the ensuite to this cabin as you'd expect of course really nice size huge shower at the far end and you're losing here this is all storage in behind [Music] and towel rails up here again it's no compromise it's real let's go like a super yacht vibe to it it's not quite super sized not far off but it's definitely a super hot feel awesome let's go and check out the decks actually i just mentioned as we go past as well but it doesn't turn to you that is the switch panel so your 24 volt systems for the boat your domestic systems 24 volt and then this is all your 230 volt systems so air conditioning that kind of stuff that's driven either by shore power which is what we're on at the moment all those generators on the boat as well which of course i will show you and underneath that you've just got storage for towels and other bits and pieces okay let's head on up this staircase i think it's fantastic coming up here in the morning let's say it just gives a bit of a feeling of a bit of an event and out into this area how lovely is that cool let's go and take a look around the outside so shoes on again you've got that sort of slight superyacht feel with these high bull walks as you walk around and it's overhanging here i don't know whether you can see them but these are all lit all the way along so this whole boat is lit up at night and then right at the front here seating in the front and they've not forgotten the details so you've got these lockers built in for your fenders and lines and that sort of stuff these lights again down the side now every time i point out these lights you can put in the comments have you got a video of a boat those up at night and the answer is yes if you search alcoholic illumination you'll find it there's a full walk around a completely illuminated flybys cruiser at night worth taking a look at these little details like this sunseeker yacht sign on the side okay to access the fly bridge we're over here again this is all illuminated all the way up so at night it looks brilliant and look at the lighting down underneath all of these so you just get a wonderful low-level glow and in fact because they've sort of scarred these back under it almost looks like the seating's floating on here that's a really nice effect let's go right to the back because you can get an impression of the size from here as you can see it's got the hard top on it and above that then that's a radar reflector that's the radar navigation lights antennas and so on all up on top there's a big seating area up here and this table is either this size for dining or you can actually fold it away obviously same on the other side so you can make that much smaller table if you're just having a drink up here of an evening there's a bar area up here so little [Music] sink there's a fridge this one is the ice maker and of course you've got your grill up here as well people often ask about these metal things here sometimes they're immersive it's a stainless steel plate the reason for that is imagine that's really red hot and something clogs and closes it down it protects the grp and that there is so that if it's left switched on and someone closes it down that cuts it off so it's a safety cut out another fridge just there very nice another seating area up next to the helm that's lovely this hard top has got a big opening section so all of this here is a canvas electric section that will power back so you can have this completely open to the sunshine if you want to and your helm is over on this side lift bolster seats which is great because when you're maneuvering it's great to be able to stand in the hell and your view then is right down across the bow right down the side of the boat and you can even look down through there and you can see the back end of the boat as you're maneuvering it so that's a great feature the navigation instrumentation that's all repeated up here of course and then up at the front you've got your sun bits and that's terrific when you're going along people can lie out here they can put their back against here great view chat to the hounds one and you have some shelter from the screen around the front lovely place to sit when you're underway excellent let's carry on down and we'll take in the crew cabin and the engine space so you've got access to the bathing platform on both sides you can go down there when that with the basket's not in the way or we can go down this side i didn't mention this as we came in this is just again an outside fridge for your champagne and a bit of storage underneath and even here look at the way we've put the lighting switches into the stainless steel plate that's engraved with what they are details everywhere details stern handling winches so if you're stern two in the men you can put a rope around there and winch yourself into the key and even a little locker so you can drop your lines once you've pulled yourself in out of the way let's head on down now these along here these are storage so there's a little clip on the side that opens up but they're really deep so you could probably even get like a c-bob in there or water skis for example if you want those for your tender great place for canopies as well of course which in fact are in here very useful feature boat hook clipped away easy to get to that's nice and again it comes back to the practical ethos they're not just a show pony they're a proper boaters boat and then this door this takes us down to the crew cabin now i mentioned that a lot of these boats are operated and the reason i mentioned that here is because this would actually make a perfectly good fifth cabin for guests because it's the same quality of finish it's got the high gloss woodwork it's all nicely trimmed you've got big windows in here plenty of lighting air conditioning there's a little desk at this end and then two big berths so whether your crew or whether you got a couple extra guests this works either way let's go right on down to this end you can see what a great size this is that's a proper cabin and again mass is a headroom there's tv in here there's an av system as well that's his fusion system in behind here yeah i'd have no problem at all putting guests in here if you needed a bit of overflow and the other thing that you find in here is the laundry facilities so a dryer and the washing machine and again big hanging locker and that kind of stuff and of course ensuite all the doors on this are quartered so you've got these panels really beautifully finished and they haven't skimped even in here it is guest cabin standard all the way through and that is your ensuite to this cabin so storage up in behind here and again beautifully finished and your shower is on that side that for a 75-foot boat lovely let's go look at the engines so back up these steps this is the air conditioning outlet for that cabin this is the shore power cable across here so we're plugged into the marina and that's giving 230 volt power if you add it so you can run the generator and get it that way of course and our access to the engines is under the floor here here we go now i mentioned every last detail and it's a silly thing but how often do you see a handrail on the ladder down into the engine room not often so what we've got in here well engines of course are the most important things these are a pair of man 1550 engines they're b12 big motors and these are giving you about 33 knots flat out which is fast for a 75 foot boat cruising i guess you're in the 2025 knot area somewhere around there and at cruising speeds you've got about 450 miles of range which is pretty big actually it's further than most of these boats this target at high speed obviously as ever drop speed right back you'll get further but that's its planing range hot water cylinders tucked away up on the ceiling out of the way electronics on the front these are the fuel tanks that's what gives it the bigger range and there are two generators in here so there's one on this side and then there's another one over there so you've got backup and redundancy these are all the air conditioning units neatly tucked away here and this is the side power thruster system so this is the hydraulics for your bow and sternum thruster so you've got a manual backup down here as well come right back here because that is an excellent engine room that's what i mentioned earlier no compromise even in terms of headroom look at that again it's massive just feels such a big boat proper super yacht vibe everywhere let's head on back up and we'll finish off in the saloon to say thank you to sunseeker pool who organized that tour that is a boat with real wow factor i'll put a link to those guys in the description so if you're interested in that you can give them a shout let me know what you think of that one in the comments and as ever if you've not subscribed do me a favor hit that little bell hit the button help the channel and it'll help you see new videos coming each time they're uploaded thanks very much for watching catch on the next one take care bye you
Views: 417,087
Rating: 4.9514074 out of 5
Keywords: Sunseeker Yachts, Sunseeker International, Sunseeker, Sunseeker 75 Yacht, Sunseeker Yacht 75, Boat Show, Aquaholic, yacht tours, superyacht tours, super yacht tours, Yacht, luxury, millionaire, lifestyle, superyacht, super yacht, boatlife, luxury travel, luxury homes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 6sec (1266 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 25 2020
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