Zombie Apocalypse | Full Horror Movie | HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

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oh [Applause] wow [Music] [Music] guys i think we should have stayed at the cabin what star besides we need to find out what's happening i mean don't you think they would have found a cure by now oh they're all dead hello everyone's gone man kevin don't go in there any food nothing hey guys that's making so much noise dude just break it guys guys you guys [Applause] yes come on come on man come on stay back let's go this way come on get out of here get out of here [Music] [Music] [Applause] wow stay here okay [Music] remodel up just take you there look i'm sorry about your friend right here you can't look at this what are you guys gonna do hey i'm henry oh slow down are you two hurt no are you bitten the zombies get close to you i don't know okay do me a favor stand up spread your arms and legs out right here why won't you stand in procedures just do it please come on come on come on switch your arms bridge arms he's doing a bite check okay [Applause] you see any bites not yet lift up your pant legs okay you clear i'm mac billy that's ramona honey nice to meet you i haven't been anybody breathing in quite a while you already met henry it's julian cassie come on we got to get out of here yeah we do one of our golden rules forever wandering loneliest clouds what's worth so where are you coming from kevin's dad had a cabin we were just waiting there we thought we'd wait until it was over so we came out i mean it is over sword i just need a lot not in a good way you should come with us come on no really i could do something yes it's too dangerous no i've known him since college [Music] i'm sorry for your house okay but we need to i'm not gonna leave my best friend lying over there or maybe he'd still be alive if you hadn't been wandering around like idiots like idiots you killed my best friend he's a zombie he's not kevin i'm sorry all right i didn't mean that so what was your friend's name kevin kevin anderson where was he from evansville come on we're not safe here if we stick around we're going to turn into zombies too come on you want to end up like kevin oh we gotta go come on how far to the docks about a day or two [Music] so look what's the deal with the arrow archers there must be a group ahead of us yeah so the theory goes i started seeing them back in kansas we've been seeing them ever since kansas that's where you're from no we're just passed through from back east on our way to catalina the island yeah the army cleared it it's a survivor refuge now yeah well we think we know okay well look we don't really know what's going on we had this radio and it died and we couldn't get kevin's truck started those were the emps they're like high altitude nukes they took out all electronics cars planes trains everything they were supposed to contain the play carriers yeah well that didn't work out so well oh man cities keep on burning and there's nothing to stop you'll get used to it oh wow look it's a dog i haven't seen a dog in months come here doggy doggy now leave it we can't take a dog with us i'm sure we can train it not to bark at the zombs julian you know we can't let's go damn dog got to make a stop come on you're coming with me you're my buddy buddy peabody okay look i'm um sorry about before it's just that if we had got there soon i might have been able to save him you know it wasn't your oh it happened really quickly yeah it always does that's why we never go anywhere alone ever not even to pee all right try to tell me that those guys have always been yep it's awkward better than a zom catching you with your pants down um i'm a little shy oh sorry my bad no rush listen up guys we're normally going to towns because there used to be people there now zombies okay we need to get you to some equipment make sure the rest of us can use some fresh socks so here's the drill we're going to town we do it quickly and quietly follow my lead okay stop if i stop go if i go be quiet most importantly be very aware ah look who it is check it out truth i do not stretch nor shove when i say that the dog is full of wordsworth no actually it's ogden ash wait are you encouraging this no look i dropped the granola bar back a while ago he looked hungry stop it julian it's gonna bark at the first zombie season get us all killed let's just get this equipment move out stay alert stay quiet and stay on your feet if you go down you're not getting back up not as a human anyway yeah well those other ones were easy yeah well they were old and slow professions are a lot faster see a runner scream out what's a runner top of the zombie food chain very fast very dangerous it's a shambler looks like a onesie why don't you just kill it best to avoid the slowings kilner makes noise and noise attracts more undead come on come on wait a minute all right there perfect i don't know it looks like a lot of hiding places we'll be quick and quiet it's us i'm deadly looks clear all right let's go what are they doing smelling for zombies are any humans here hello okay usual teams new guys come with us should we look for food why we got all the food in the world literally yeah we needed some sturdy boots for you something to cover your arms and legs yeah look for something made out of hard plastic yeah none of the soft stuff zombies can chew right through that yeah make sure it's kind of light you know heavier it is the more you sweat sorry that was me got it hey why don't we take bikes it's easier than walking right no i'll just make you a target for the runners yeah it makes it difficult to grab your weapons can't really hear them coming been there before not doing that again look at this just because it's the end of the world doesn't mean people can't clean up maybe whoever it was thought i don't know everyone else was dead what are you doing isn't that a waste of time depends on how you want to spend your time hey do you see a woman say seven definitely not organizing shoes i'm gonna go look in the back again hold on hold on we'll go with you yeah yeah yeah you gotta you gotta be careful i don't know what kind of putrid undead mess you'll find back there zombies can't even figure out doors hey remember that one guy what was his name brooklyn kirkman yeah yeah this guy who was with us at this coffee shop once he's looking for his dark roast or whatever right he opens the back door it's like 50 zombies waiting ready so what happened to this kirkman guy just what you expect so what are we looking for again say seven like a combat boot come back or something like that it might be a natural this there's a seven perfect [Applause] go [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay do it [Music] [Applause] that was the last thing why are they leaving they're attracted to the sound let's get going won't distract him for long this is crazy we've lost kevin now they're trying to kill us it's okay no it's not okay we can go back to the cabin we can take food i promise you ramona we would never make it there how do we know it's not like this in catalina my husband told me all right guys let's talk about it later let's just find a place that's safe let's go come on [Music] oh more record-keeping yep who do you think is going to read that well on a good day i think it'll be my kids which i currently have none by the way on a bad day i figured it'd be the guy who finds my body it's awful at least you know there's somebody left to find my body right all right we're about 16 miles away from the high school if we get up early she'll be able to be there by nightfall high school yeah it's a survivor stronghold right outside of la it's our next stop how do you know it's still there man you like to ask a lot of questions don't you excuse me if i don't know everything but i do want to we ran into a group who was headed east said they had stayed there said it was quite the operation east they had heard of a safe zone in south dakota they didn't think catalina existed so wait found it what civilization what is it [Applause] family dinner [Applause] [Music] michigan in the summer i mean can you imagine and i don't want to go into details with the smell oh and that's the end of that story yeah i just ate so cassie weren't you saying you had a husband uh yeah still stewie officially acting surgeon general stewart anderson at least as of two weeks into the crisis they were running low on doctors and he volunteered he went with the interim government and i stayed to get my brother jake we were going to get the next wave of flights out to catalina well what happened uh let's talk about this another time there were no other flights um so i found jake and headed west met up with julian a day later it was stuck behind a soda machine and an s mark and imagine that yeah i can't imagine that and max saved all our asses outside of pittsburgh i don't know how much saving i did uh i do got the big guy in ohio surrounded by and i kid you not over a hundred crush zombies he's freaking looking for more you killed my horse i was pissed off now you can mess with me but not my horse what fight doesn't divorce with something all right enough melancholy it is time for dessert i see the best last s'mores [Music] hi hey that was actually kind of fun it helps so how come nobody would say what happened to cassie's brother it actually happened before i met him they were out looking for supplies and they ran into a pack well what do you mean what's a pack well it doesn't happen very often but sometimes zombies they'll get together and they form a pack it's kind of like a like a herd of cattle kind of all following each other's lead and for whatever reason i keyed in on jake did they kill him right in front of her i hope so i'm being honest cass thinks that she saw him moving as he pulled him away she thinks he turned i mean i mean that has to be so terrible just to like think that he's out there and he's one of them yeah it's hard to take what about you have you lost anyone not to the plague though but uh a couple years before i lost my wife cancer i'm so sorry [Applause] now sir really pretty she looks like a wonderful person she was she made me promise when she died that i would go on living for both of us so that's what i do hey don't worry we'll get to catalina yeah what is that it's not a zombie it's julian's dog get out of here um i didn't know dogs could get the plague neither do we what about using flamethrowers okay so you're fighting a zombie and you hit it with a flamethrower now what now it's dead now you're being attacked by a flaming zombie burner as we call the trade oh yeah but eventually severe head trauma removes the need for eventually what do we make of that sniper was there let's check it out right behind you there any humans in here 30 odd shells more zombies than just a friend around here let's get out of here there's a onesie looking a little past itself by day so leave it alone stay under the radar ready let's go let's um shot so where is everyone we're lucky barricaded inside what if we're unlucky [Music] it smells really dark in here yeah zombies are any humans in here i don't know guys this doesn't feel so good if anyone was here wouldn't we have seen them by now yeah let's just go this way no i want we should get out of here they're here sure yeah they're here [Music] it's the last safe house before catalina they're here hey i don't know doesn't look so good down there either we should go i don't know who would want to give up all this luxury look around for any papers notes signs anything [Applause] foreign it's an ambush [Applause] two doors [Applause] oh [Applause] [Applause] oh you guys hey oh [Music] uh [Applause] jesus [Applause] shut the door [Applause] there was a zombie so i killed it i'm sorry what what where's billy i'm sorry we got separated what do you mean you got separated there's four of you i should have gone back for him i should have gone back of course you should have gone back you just left him we tried him back okay we did we tried listen it could have been much worse all right they were waiting for us inside there's no way there's nobody there waiting yes i'm telling you all right they were hiding it was an ambush we're lucky any of us got out zombies don't hide julian who cares if they were hiding if she's right we just got to get out of here oh let's catch up bruh henry how can a man of your stature not be windy i don't talk as much as you do all right i kind of know damn it what i lost my brush we'll get you another brush no mac i don't want another brush i want my things when we get to catalina what if we don't what if they what if they're all dead what if there is no one there okay this is this is crazy man we are all going to die getting to catalina i don't plan on dying and no one ever does julian you're just tired yeah you're right tired of all of us it's gonna be okay i don't know why i'm going to catalina one no zombies two no zombies and three i wanna i wanna take a shower i want a toilet that flushes i want water hot water that comes out of the tap that you have to put on a pot boil over a fire and i want the hot water to take a bath after i take a shower verbally with a girl i don't want too much just a small house a garden dude and i used to grow tomatoes i like to do that again me i miss my horse damn dude that's got to be a big horse just want to be any place but here i want to die like billy and kevin until you get the map i'm moving out looks like we should take that west road there we can come past these houses pick it up on the other side yeah it's gonna get dark in a few hours i should move out as far away from here as we can look at that things could be a lot worse for us how far do we have to go no maybe we're going the wrong way i'm kidding we're going the right way hey you guys see that smoke up ahead look looks like that house might be on fire so i see something moving up ahead me too what do you make of it i don't know it looks like a human maybe it's the archers oh what do you say should we help him let's go hello hey hello julian not so fast [Applause] um oh uh [Applause] oh let's go we lost two of ours you can lose more if you don't come down they're fighting us cassie henry shut up you're joining up too it's your last chance we're leaving [Music] [Applause] [Applause] oh don't know [Applause] [Music] over here i'm here [Music] memory i wish i would have found this earlier damn you ugly let's go [Music] [Music] where are we going we have a safe house set up there's no creepers following us we left banks behind to distract them you left one man behind to distract a hundred zombies one girl don't worry she knows what she's doing how many of you are there just the three of us okay we're not too far away now now watch for tripwires they're marked by ribbon but you think the uh ribbons will give it away no zombies don't know what ribbons are look we appreciate the help but we have to go find our friends do you honestly think they made it we fought our way across 2000 miles so yeah pretty sure they made it you made it that far hi hi myra julia hi julian they want to go back they have two other people you won't make it there's more of them we thought we have to go all right we're close listen if you want to go after them i got your bags as long as i stay alive okay we were headed through the city of the ferry where we had a massive pack of the dead yeah we just calm zombies what fairy catalina sends a ferry every few weeks to pick up survivors at least that's what we heard we heard about it back east took us a while to get here though yeah same as us it was like six months we've been looking for a way around the undead for two days but the city's full of them as a rule we don't go into cities good rule we came out of chicago started with 20 survivors cops and firefighters well armed we're the only ones that made it it's been difficult oh they'd still be alive if they listen to us now look the east route is filled with the debt i'm ruling that out we all know what the suburbs look like now we could come around down here and avoid this section and come up through the south that'll take us two or three days at least correct and we don't know what we're gonna find there what about this northwest road here i'm getting to that now we scouted this when we first got here and there's a lot of dead but compared to other options it's probably our best we'll need to move quickly no guns kill only the dead that are a threat look i don't know if your team is up to it it might be better if you stay here and let us bring back help i don't have a team i have friends and they're up to it we just have to go back for henry and cass that kind of thinking is going to get you killed we saw how you handled yourselves back there and we don't think you're up to it i have to think about my team we are not dying for anyone else all right i'll make this easy for you if henry and cass are alive they're gonna take this route to get there we'll go with you that far after that you're on your own thanks for the favor all right fine that area is my biggest concern okay there's a lot of dead can't you just call them zombies yeah really the streets are narrow and they're gonna be hard to avoid so you do what we tell you or do not come alone you understand we'll help you through all right it's gonna be a big day let's turn and get some rest my team will keep watch i i i just i had a question yeah so we've been finding your arrows for weeks now and why bows those are a great weapon they're silent everybody that raids the sporting goods stores goes from the bullets nobody even touches the arrows because most people don't know how to shoot bows we're part of the quincy archery team that's coach sinclair oh all right sweet dreams [Music] [Music] you uh you want me to take over let you get some sleep we have a system going it doesn't work well when we try to include outsiders yeah we won't need it after tomorrow and we'll be in catalina that's the plan anyway as they say the best laid plans of mice and men often go astray it's actually gang optically from i mean from the original burns trying to charm me with poetry during the zombie apocalypse is it working that's not a no [Music] i hope that's a satellite not the space station get some sleep julian you'll need it hey look what is that satellite maybe i don't know sometimes the end of the world is beautiful look we better find a place to sleep it's going to be a busy day tomorrow all right banks will be in the lead i'm 50 feet back and then sir on your team bobby remember the hand signals uh maybe look listen wait move up and rally which is the bad one rally it means i need help if you're confused ask sarah we're only eliminating the dead if they're a threat or they'll see us we ran out of ammo last night good won't be tempted to shoot your version of good and mine are not the same he stole the arrows if anybody can safely retrieve an arrow do it we're gonna need him do you think the others made it out okay yeah mac will keep them safe we should go back man now we're gonna go towards the island that's where they'll be headed you know if we make it to catalina there'll be other people there well i hope so i mean my husband it's just that you know you and i have become friends and i don't want to don't want him you'll be happy to see him won't you yeah but i don't want it to change any then i'll be happy too [Music] ready banks go [Music] [Music] there's seven of them all spread out so i'm looking our way we can probably do a stop and drop what's a stop it drop pick off the furthest one when it drops it attracts rest they go one way we go the other i bet you we make it on the first try and i went let's go oh toilets yes toilet time jillian what are you doing got zombies [Applause] [Applause] down there get to the man everybody oh [Applause] wow oh [Music] [Music] gun looks intact it's good maybe we can find some ammo not much here bingo i want to take it with us too heavy please [Applause] back [Applause] you should keep this going what keep going for me promise me why [Music] so write it down julian [Music] [Music] [Applause] don't make this harder find cassie henry get to catalina and then live [Music] julian julian come here um oh [Applause] [Applause] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] ramona give me his machete henry behind you you're getting smarter come on ah [Applause] huh let's move out let go [Applause] [Applause] uh ah [Music] and this is getting worse and worse i think we're trapped henry what's that i think it's mac [Music] well maybe we can work our way over to that roof i don't think so big guy got a plan come on [Music] cassie this way [Applause] bye it's on my head [Music] [Applause] okay [Applause] okay i don't see any gaps unless zombies have learned to climb i think we're gonna be okay so you guys are the archers huh yeah that's banks that's sarah in brockton hey i'm cassie this is henry you've admired your work where's where's julia yeah make a cast i thought julian wouldn't get with us you guys the ferry arrives noon on wednesday what day is it jillian would have known i found something a lot of instructions there's a quarantine procedure all the survivors be segregated on the island for a week makes sense there's food dropped it here oh my god oh my god [Music] weapons banks guard the rear zombies once we got in here somehow most of them returned that doesn't make sense i've never seen the dead dragon human away before neither we hey what was that what i don't know what's up the dragon bodies on the top of those containers what the hell we're going down hey ah all right i'm coming hey [Music] [Music] meow [ __ ] [Music] [Music] i'm not through with you [ __ ] uh you got that [ __ ] don't let me turn goodbye [Music] anyone see a fairy we're sure it's coming right i hope so it'll come [Music] so cass it's gonna be the first thing you do when you get to catalina kiss my husband and find a new sword [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Movie Central
Views: 936,298
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Keywords: watch, free, movies, online, Turner, TCM, youtube, download, full, movie, films, classic, 70s, 80s, 60s, sci-fi, horror, drama, latest, retro, b-grade, funny, comedy, hollywood, worst, ever, popcornflix, bigtime, goldmines, Free movies on Youtube, Hollywood movies, Classic, Movies, free full movies, Classic Movies Channel, CMC, CMC YouTube
Id: ZYdP-z7IpFU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 16sec (5236 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 31 2020
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