100 Million BC | Full Action Sci-Fi Movie

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so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] me you at the bottom wait this isn't a race we're looking for caves landsat images show the temperature variations in these rocks consistency i'm not kidding i could have been a lawyer [Music] at least your spanish is getting better [Applause] you okay think so it's my harness it feels i'm okay [Music] my god this is amazing yeah then you're going to want to see this [Music] so [Music] eddies welcome to los angeles gentlemen and the western home of naval research stow your gear use the head and we'll muster in the ready room of fifteen hundred dismissed seal team change dismissed lieutenant did good work in angola thank you sir uh what's this all about sir well you're here because of the delicate nature of this mission that and because you're the best search and rescue team we've got pardon me sir but uh search and rescue hear sir 1500 hours aye sir hey jones is just to say anything about me that clock is incorrect my name is frank reno i'm a program director here i've been with the navy since before you were born since before jesus was born [Laughter] dr reno is a civilian ses5 that is the rank equivalent of an admiral which means keep your goddamn mouth shut thank you chief go ahead doc i graduated from mit in 1942 wanted to do my part in the war effort the navy wasn't interested in 12 year old recruit fortunately they had other plans for me i couldn't even drive myself to base and there i was working with the greatest minds and theoretical physics and what would become the most important discovery in history may not be aware the us military was already experimenting with stealth technology during the second world war we called it the philadelphia experiment it's been called that but the official unofficial name was project rainbow we were attempting to use electromagnetic radiation to bend light around an object we were trying to make our ships invisible to the enemy instead we stumbled upon something far more powerful in july of 43 the uss eldridge was docked in a philadelphia naval shipyard when all of a sudden it just disappeared at around the same time that same ship was spotted off the coast of norfolk virginia by a merchant marine vessel some 370 miles away most of the crew vanished completely and five of them were actually fused to the various bulkheads and decks of the ship itself leading many people however to believe that the government actually discovered teleportation not quite the eldridge didn't move at all at least not through space the position of the ship didn't change but the position of the earth did a rainbow device actually sent the eldridge eight hours backwards so time we're talking about time travel here indeed after the war the program was moved here where experimentation continued by 1949 i was in charge of the program and eager to move it to the next level so on 29 november of that year i sent a team of scientists and sailors including my older brother eric through the time portal but the system my system for bringing back didn't work and uh 19 men and two women were stranded 70 billion years in the past 70 million years you think a couple of weeks was enough we were trying to be careful there was a great deal of debate about creating temporal paradoxes like if you went back in time and killed your grandfather sort of thing exactly yes so so i i chose a time well before human history to minimize the chances of adversely affecting the present [Music] i spent the last 59 years trying to correct my mistake improving the technology to [Music] safely rescue the people i sent to their deaths excuse me sir what makes you think they even survived the transportation we weren't sure until a couple weeks ago when a team of archaeologists discovered a series of cave paintings western argentina electrocarbon analysis dates these paintings at between 64 and 76 million bce but that doesn't prove that those are your guys i mean [Music] lights please welcome to the rainbow room everything you see here controls the mechanics of the rainbow device which is buried beneath us what is it basically a mile long beryllium tube we discovered in philadelphia that by applying electromagnetic energy we could create a tachyonic field inside the tube which spins at close to the speed of light after that it was just a matter of gravity to do what to open a wormhole the theory of general relativity allows the possibility of closed time-like curves through which an object can theoretically move to any point within that space-time curve when the rainbow device reaches maximum velocity the path between two points in the curve is created the gravitational pull of an object dropped into the singularity creates a passage through space-time look i could sit here and try to explain quantum mechanics ctls and minkowski space to you but i'm afraid you would be very bored and you still wouldn't understand it the bottom line is it's a surprisingly simple process but the difficulty has been in calculating the space time relation when hasn't been nearly as big a problem as where that is until the cave paintings were found why not just go back 60 years before they left first there's still the concern about paradoxes and second it's impossible to pinpoint the exact moment when the team was sent i'm confident however that we can come within a few months or years that they disappeared we i'm going with you i never make the same mistake twice and i won't send others in my place again besides you'll need me to uh reopen the portal on the other side extraordinary mission gentlemen more dangerous than anything you've ever done before and i will not order any of you to accept it you don't want to do it there'll be no questions asked [ __ ] it we're in write your letters to your families get your effects in order dismissed get some rest you leave it oh 300 hours [Music] [Music] is everyone ready and they're good to go the uh eldridge sailors reported headaches and nausea after the experiment so we're giving you scopolamine for motion sickness and a strong nsaid for pain the oxygen levels during the cretaceous period are half of what they are today so we're also taking diamox and altitude sickness medicine to help us breathe take your [ __ ] pills initiate temporal sequencing one second sir [Music] ready good luck gentlemen [Music] [Music] all right ladies this is just another search and rescue upgrades let's mount up all right let's go go go let's go so [Music] yeah i'm fine seal team sound off the rican you guys all right you got stubs in myrick stop stop murray you all right [Music] [Music] so [ __ ] all right let's settle up we need to get to higher ground we can't just leave him here like this we have to bert you're on point let's move [Music] thank god it is damaged what does it do it keeps the wormhole open on the other side as long as we have this we can get back [Music] so doc this is argentina huh it will be right now the southern part of a continent called [Music] gondwana [Music] [Music] that's it [Music] what the mountain where the cave paintings were found nah it's too small ah played tectonics it's been almost 70 million years huh [Music] it's herbivorous it won't bother us [Music] all right you heard the man big feet [Music] ladies foreign i think he likes you right in your face all right stow it stow it crazy all right [Music] okay let's get him out of here all right ladies that's our warning now let's move up i'm not losing any more [ __ ] men [Music] move it come on let's get out of here [Music] so okay what's the problem burke i don't want to get eaten jesus christ burke keep it together now let's move what's the problem petty officer something out there sir some i saw it something's out there yeah all right don't shoot me burke there's nothing out here jesus christ burke we're not gonna lieutenant jones we're wasting ammunition [Music] [Music] [Music] uh jesus how do those things move that fast there's more than one of them and they're picking us off reno [ __ ] this i'm out of here manriquez get back no wait [Music] boom boom [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah [Music] ah get hold on [Music] [Music] oh we'll shoot the goddamn thing will you [Music] ugh [Music] bruce [Music] what are you looking for they always hunt in pairs bud look who's here look who's here [Music] chief stark [Music] well i reckon you could still call me bud doc what happened here what betty what happened to him come on we got to get the others 21. three never made it through the portal [Music] and the rest well [Music] it's a dangerous place you came back [Music] how long has it been we have to get this man all of us back to the entry point big red's gonna send the kill okay [Music] [Music] who's been great [Music] hey is this stuff potable well i hope so we've been drinking it for the last six years you've been here six years well give or take forgot my calendar doc [Music] i'm sorry enriquez leave me hi i'm a senior right get off hey come on get off me leave me a [ __ ] gun where's the jeep where's the chief what the hell did you leave where's he doing don't leave him get off me [Music] [Music] [Music] that's big red [Music] so let me get this straight we live in the 21st century and we don't let women into combat now how is it that you two we're led on this mission way back in 49. betty's a nurse and uh well i guess they needed somebody to take notes and make coffee but you don't do that anymore we ran out of coffee years ago don't be mean i always thought you two would make a fine couple really i always thought eric was kind of a fuddy daddy i always thought you were kind of sweet on frank well who wasn't hot for frank everybody had the hots for squirt right ruth betty listen to those two frank you ever get married oh no ever gotten laid where's bud he's down there excuse me hey we at war with the soviets yet what's the soviet hey picasso hey doc [Music] you know it was your paintings that helped us find you is that right [Music] huh what the hell's that uh just messing around hey how's my viv oh bud she uh she passed about three years ago cancer i'm sorry [Music] i figured doc i saw how old you got she never remarried she never gave up on you and my boy david he's um he's okay [Music] out with it frank [Music] i don't know he's uh he's angry thanks with his fists damn near damn near killed a man in a bar fight goddamn kid damn it [Music] well i reckon he's bigger than i am now isn't he older and bigger [Music] is it my viv beauty doc time huh it's a [ __ ] up thing isn't it doc [Music] it's breathtaking one of the things i'm gonna miss the [Music] most [Music] you couldn't have known frank tracer was damaged on impact [Music] it wasn't your fault nothing you could have done about it i should have seen it coming i should have known frank look at this this amazing adventure i'm seeing things that no man has ever seen or ever will see [Music] i'm gonna go back to a world that's just as new and exciting as this one it wasn't supposed to end like this whose life ever turns out to be the way it's supposed to [Music] all right we got to get moving let's pack light but grab things let's not grab some of those why don't you try that all right when we get going we're going straight and fast make sure your weapons are ready ruth ruth get water bottles get plenty of water got it also remember to walk side by side it's very important they're not gonna take out the weakest prey they're gonna take out the lead so the rest scatter so let's stay together yeah let's stay together let's try and have a day where nobody dies i mean i'd really enjoy not having to bury one of my friends that'd be that'd be great frank let's go [Music] hey chief we take a break we need some rest i need a breather you need to get some water [Music] hey what are they recruiting in the navy now huh girl scouts that's right where did you say that entry point was about a mile and a half due east it's getting late you better get going frank we best be moving hey come on man we got to move out pull my hand pull your hand why don't you pull my dick [Music] [Applause] pushes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's still working all right everyone move back i don't know how big it'll be how are you going to initiate the casper effect subatomic particles with negative mass [Music] no no no you created exotic matter let's move it people no no wait wait wait wait how are you going to close the margins without the rainbow device [Music] quickly everyone into the singularity enriquez let's go no prank no no frank no frank unless the connection is closed the weak energy condition will continue to expand the wormhole until it absorbs everything what is he saying he's saying that someone has to stay behind to close the portal what i'll do no you don't know how to operate the device i know what i was doing when i came here i'm an old man eric i've lived my life i took away 60 years from you now i'm giving it back go go thank you [Music] if it takes another 60 years [Music] [Music] you all right time travel's a [ __ ] ain't it [Music] yes yes so it didn't work oh it worked but you just left and we just got back okay so where's lieutenant pete where's the dock where's everybody else well they didn't get through now did they i think something's coming [Music] so ah madrid hello [Music] what the hell is that thing how did it get here gina's therapoda from the cartridge sword family i think who are you science officer lieutenant eric reno sir this is chief petty officer stark calendar yeah all right all right all right main thing you got to keep that thing in the building [ __ ] i wouldn't count on it coronado this is commander dorne c code 47423 we have a situation jesus christ holy moses looks like you're driving yeah coronado contact command center i need a seahawk north tower come on people talk to me what's this thing going to do and confused he's going to go find someplace to hide look out go go come on [Music] [Music] damn that nigga's pissed yeah you ain't kidding huh where is he i don't know we just got to get to that helipad we got to get airborne all right people let's go all right let's go i don't like this damn it where is it i don't see air one do you copy air one this is alpha command please identify threat the threat is biological in nature it is bipedal and it is carnivorous say it again alpha what is it that we're looking for it's a dinosaur who the [ __ ] is this and how did you get in on the secure line this is roger go so there's nothing the hell is that thing sir did he say thermal imaging you're not going to be able to see him with heat sensors why not thermal [Music] there let me guess it can fly too conan oh [Music] civilians down there civilians okay so this thing is cold-blooded you can eat helicopters anything else we need to know i'm telling you commander this thing's got thick skin 60 rounds don't even pierce it people assume that because dinosaurs have small brains they're unintelligent that isn't true we first ran into it we chased us into a series of caves eight days later commander diesel [Music] sir well it's nice to see something's still the same all right betty ruthie stay here hey i don't think so stay in the air we just don't listen i just don't wanna i think that might be him take her out take her out holy [ __ ] sir he went down brooklyn avenue i think it's brooklyn all right we're gonna have to split up and find him then we gotta find him first how can you run they've been so in 11 percent in the last six years [Music] all right you said a [ __ ] [Music] let's talk about my mother [Music] now [Music] ah [Music] oh god thank god any ideas running always seems to work [Music] you used to live here right what do you think we should do [Music] third street tunnel we could trap him inside the third street tunnel i mean if it's still there we could trap them inside of it great great great so how do we get them in the tunnel [Music] yep more running i thought all right so the chp has blocked all [Music] there they are move down ready [Music] hey stupid piece of [ __ ] [Music] oh [ __ ] they're trying to lead him into the tunnel tell lapd to block the tunnel entrances wow [Music] [Music] we understand you have but we can't take it out without doing serious damage to real estate sorry he's already doing serious damage i am not fighting launching a missile attack against a major u.s city stingray one hold your position away from my orders and flame throwers okay we're gonna burn that son of a [ __ ] now is he still following us [Music] didn't big work cap right we'll catch him on the other side of the tunnel [ __ ] come on let's go [Music] so wow [ __ ] what the hell's happening where'd that tank come i don't know but it doesn't look like it came from that nice [Music] frank oh my god eric oh i missed you you're okay how did you get back here [Music] about a year or so after you guys disappeared i came back 60 years older went through the time portal try to beat you guys back he he went through the time portal and tried to reset the timeline he went through as it was closing up you crazy old man [Music] as far as i know this trip was cut short got sent back to 1950 mortally wounded [Music] what before he died he told me everything he showed me how to use the rainbow device i could have never done what he did but you did you did god we missed you oh don't call me [Laughter] squirt [Music] he told you all right i'm loving the reunion and all doc but what about the dinosaur well well that's why i'm here [Music] so what are we supposed to do we wait comes back [Applause] [Music] no no no not this time [Music] be ready oh there's no way lapd is going to block every downtown access before rush hour starts we got to end this now everything right one can't do that sir got no choice lock onto these coordinates and arm your mavericks what about collateral damage sir light them up stingray this one's on me sir [Music] [Music] on my mark hold your fire [Music] [Music] please tell me so [Applause] yes [Music] looks like you're stuck with this doc well not quite i never make the same mistake twice [Music] so 1950 anyone go home see by vivian again she's alive i think i'd like to go out with you someone's supposed to stay behind and close that portal right [Music] it's my turn [Music] you're crazy good luck take care of that son of yours all right yes sir oh yeah look at this huh oh i'm gonna miss you girl take care little bro take care [Music] take care of her you know i will hey one more thing where did you send big red [Music] back where he belongs [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the time [Music] i [Music] again [Music] into the land [Music] the passage of time [Music] we are [Music] we just [Music] five [Music] is [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Sci-Fi Central
Views: 2,108,915
Rating: 4.4924898 out of 5
Keywords: full free movies on youtube, latest sci-fi movies, science fiction movies for free on youtube, Full Action Sci-Fi Movies for Free, latest hollywood movies for free, SyFy channel, The Asylum, hallmark channel, Sci-Fi Movies, Movie Central, full free sci-fi movies, classic science fiction movies, old school sci-fi, 100 Million BC, movies like Jurassic Park, Michael Gross, Christopher Atkins, Greg Evigan, land of the lost, the land that time forgot
Id: jd1W9XnHayQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 16sec (5116 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 31 2020
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