Operation Dunkirk | Full World War 2 Movie

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/nerdleneck 📅︎︎ Nov 07 2020 🗫︎ replies
so expression bye mmm this video [Music] ah this is hmm six [Music] never tell me but you will [Music] the enemy attacked us on all sides with great strength and fierceness pressing in upon the narrow exit both from the east and from the west the enemy began to fire with cannons up on the beaches by which alone the shipping could approach on japan meanwhile the royal navy was a willing help of countless merchants even strained every nerve to embark the british and allied troops 220 light warships and 650 other vessels were engaged they had to operate from the difficult territory often in adverse weather and their normal seats that hail a bomb and an increasing concentration of artillery nor were the seas as i have set themselves free from mine it was in conditions such as these that our men carry on with little on their rest for days and nights on end making trip out to triple across the dangerous water bringing wisdom always men who made rescues never then lieutenant callaway this must be your lucky day you're not being evacuated you might actually live another day it's a ruddy bloodbath out there battles will be won by the side that first spots enemy airplanes ships or submarines the british scientists have been working feverishly to develop radar technology that will see for hundreds of miles even at night but they haven't been able to crack it just recently we got intelligence from the americans the americans yes it seems a german scientist has developed this technology but doesn't want to share it with hitler i know whatever his reasons he wants to share it with us therefore i need you and your men to go retrieve the package the package being the german scientist do we know where this package is sir yes we're being told the french resistance has the german scientist in a safe house not far from here um he's being held here in an old factory right off of la alta route 825 at 51 degrees north 37 east you to go there rendezvous with the french retrieve the package and get out any questions much enemy activity in the area sir from our reports little to none the french are expecting you once you've made contact they will ask you for a piece of paper give them this sir any more questions so we're not going to be evacuated then is that it you have your orders pull your bowls out of your throat and be a soldier yes sir get your kit together and get ready to move on do you understand me yes sir this mission could not only save lives but win the war carry on you heard the colonel little to no enemy activity we get in we get out we don't miss the evacuation it's just one last roll of the dice nuts that's good [Music] so [Music] [Music] should be just over this field better proceed with caution [Music] [Music] uh so is you must love your family very much no do you realize that we know where they are my soldiers are on the way right now to pick them up mine for me has nothing to do with this [Music] is [Music] is [Music] league show me where she is tiger smear [Music] they will see you [Music] [Music] everything all right thomas it's my son's birthday in two weeks i just really wanted to see him i haven't seen him yet since he was born don't worry about it thomas we'll see him on his next birthday yeah to tell him what a hero his father is i've actually been with a woman myself you've never been with a woman not intimately no so you've not had a shag such a romantic walker let's just find this crap and get the hell out of france yeah what do you say i hate this country stinks lieutenant all due respect how do we know we can trust this scientist here's german after all because clever men and us have told us so well they better be right oh this must be it that's stay sharp [Music] drop your weapons lower your guns know where you can i say drop your gun here come slowly to me tell slowly what is your business here we're with the british expeditionary force we've come to collect the package you should have a package for me yes yes i do [Music] read it read it to me the children longed to play in the fields but had to settle instead for the sand which was accompanied by an enormous roar all right where is he how many are with you just the five of us all right where is he she is inside wait she oh you did not know no i thought we were collecting the chap with the algorithm for radar you were until he was captured by nazi but moments before this he gave the algorithm to anjalik angelique all right let's go [Music] don't shoot don't shoot this is a you have the algorithm we yeah i see it i have not written it down it's the only thing keeping me alive very sensible then we should leave what's the plan we must get here to this location they will further assist earth they have arranged a plane to take her to great britain but uh we must wait for less american they're already late so i'm assuming the worst we need to move [ __ ] we've got company so much for little to no enemy activity take cover i'll see if i can delay them all right let's dig in lads we were given a mission and i plan on completing it harris get me the kernel on the wireless f13c here come in dunkirk f13c here come in dunkirk f13c this is colonel plummer sir i have a code we're at the destination server the package isn't here there is a french girl with resistance says she was given the algorithm by the scientist before he was captured by the nazis has she showed it to you says she has it memorized son bloody hell that changes things uh one more thing sir we also appear to have company how many difficult to say looks like a transport heading our way get your asses out of there before they arrive those are your orders understood sir f13c out you don't trust me it arrived [Music] [Music] we know you are in there come out [Music] [Music] so [Music] she's in there i know yes sir but she has been joined by five baf soldiers and they are in there right now are you sure yes sir they just arrived maybe a four or five minutes ago they are well armed [Music] and the americans no sir i have not seen them [Music] and she has the algorithm for sure what is he doing [Music] excellent work mercy sir may i leave i've been a tulish you have five seconds to run for your life no sir sir no please no no that's why [Music] died [Music] let's concentrate on the task in hand i count ten men yeah same here sir can we trust you i risked my life to fight the germans i watched as my mother and father beg for their life and the life of my brother and sister they were only eight and nine years old they'll do the same thing to her if we leave her no one said anything about leaving her we heard the kernel sir you swear you have the algorithm that's all i have we know you are in there to the british soldiers inside send us a girl and you will all go free otherwise you will experience the same fate as your french friend here she will never give the algorithm to the allies ever if you send her out you will all go free you have two minutes to send her out no no no please please please i am telling the truth please please you must believe me please [Music] gentlemen speak freely lad you heard the kernel you know the mission [Music] well i want to go home we don't even know if she has the algorithm and how do we know that this algorithm can even do what people say give it to them how can we really trust her [Music] i couldn't live with myself if we turned her in sir let's complete the mission i've always thought it's a soldier's duty to protect those who can't protect themselves now there are ten of them to our five but we have the elevated position but lieutenant they may have reinforcements yes that's quite possible harris but sometimes a man has to take a stand on principle no matter the consequences i'm with you sir you say when i'll film so full of lead it'll be coming out their eyes [Music] thank you gentlemen you will not regret it thank you [Music] all right fritz we've talked we're not bringing her out so you're gonna have to come in and get up [Music] fire oh sir i have some dynamite let me set a trap i blow these bastards this morning i've got a track here oh god then we're out gunned we got to get out of here any ideas let's go at the back way i know the forest thing walk around thomas go thomas let's go oh get in line [Music] just keep moving come on turns up that's it this way all right mind you footing everyone down here [Music] shut this isn't uncommon [Music] but i know from innovative come on oh stay with me come on come on hold it together thomas we've got to move on we're all getting out of this together [Music] [Music] right [Music] [Music] this is [Music] los angeles i'm getting medical support for thomas the wireless was destroyed there's no calling anyone are you sure we can trust this location that he gave us i mean he was working for the germans it may be compromised i don't think so i don't think pierre expected us to escape you know yes you may have a point damn it we need a radio we need support i know stay fast radio papa i know [Music] currencies house hogan so um sir so he's not doing so well so they're getting closer we'll never outrun them especially with him in this state no we can't just leave him here you are you have to i'm not going to make it i know that and you know that this can't be or not he said we should be heroes now get her to safety you're coming with us thomas we're gonna get you home to see your wife and son you lads can do it but not with me not with me you get home to england you tell my son what i did you tell him i was a hero give this to my wife you tell you keep that promise suit me up the green snack free and hand me my gun you don't have to do this thomas yes i do now go i'm so sorry go um come on you bloody crime indeed [Music] uh [Music] so [Music] uh hunt there's thought simona shall i [Music] [Music] [Music] uh that'll slow him down but it won't stop him if angelique's secret is as valuable as we think that nothing will stop them well at least thomas has brought us enough time to gain some distance it's just news a few kilometers let's move on everyone stays alert we need to rest all right let's stop just for a moment [Music] be sure and conserve water these blisters are killing me sir i've got ammunition here stop stop freeze king don't move oh [ __ ] is it booby-trapped yes sir with a compression mine attached to a grenade a secret hey sir do you see where it's connected it's a about six feet to my left mr king i need you to ever so slightly point to where the grenade is don't move your head or your hips at all do you understand just turn your wrist and point [Music] do you see it yes yes i see it can we cut the wire i need you to stay very very still we're going to get you out of this but you have to absolutely not budge in the slightest yes sir how bad is it they double rigged it there's a compression mine under the butt of the rifle as long as he keeps pressure on that it won't detonate but the wire that's attached to the grenade is already under tension we clip that the charge will blow shoot what do we do i've never got to be with a woman how am i sir stay calm mr king we've got to do something he's already struggling those nazis can't be too far back what are you thinking sir well the only thing i can do is try to tackle him out of the blast area that's insane keep your voice down man we need to keep him steady are you losing your mind lieutenant all due respect sir well do you have a better idea if we had something to dampen the blast and that would be a fine thing but any branches we might find would just add to the shrapnel i think i can get him clear sergeant walker if he would accompany me over here we can deduce the blast radius what our best chances are looks to be slightly angled towards 11 o'clock this direction radius nearly five feet should have two to three seconds before it goes shall we seek out cover sergeant walker what you gonna do sir here's what we're going to do mr king i am going to tackle you you are going to stay absolutely still until you feel my body slamming into yours you understand that but panzer what should you say tackle you king it's our only option i don't want to die sir but i don't want you to die either maybe not just move no no i'll take care of this don't worry this is going to die king i can do this but i need you to let me do the work do you understand if you move you cost us precious milliseconds let me move you you understand yes where are you going to do this sir oh i shall give you plenty of warning don't worry mr king maybe it's such a good idea i mean we can always just cut the water uh you all right oh i'm sorry sorry it's my fault i'm sorry all right that's enough i'm alive you're up this is not good what's the diagnosis man well good news is you've got clean open wound probably some shrapnel tearing through the bad news is this branch not much bleeding because it's an impalement but it could have lacerated your female artery and bleed to death internally and how do we know that oh you'll know if i just plug this stop the bleeding and then and then if i dress this branch to stabilize it just do as little as you need to harris we don't have much time that's an order it's good the house is not far off sir because you can can you walk i can try [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] this is it how you doing sir still planning on surviving this bloody war are you sure this place is safe i'm not sure about anything anymore but what dress do we have let's go quickly quickly this is that busy yes sir i was a nurse hospital you you have a radio yes we but you'd only have frequencies from the resistance well i mean is there any way that the resistance can get in touch with the allies so we can let them know or wherever it is possible i can't try all right harris you accompany our friend and see if you can achieve that and you know this happened time as a nurse sir thank you i was just doing my job it's much more than just doing your job saving my life you're welcome kim so um how's it going with the uh french resistance there oh no no it's nothing like that i'm sure [Music] this was a good field dressing i'll just sleep at 10 to you and sir what nothing it's just being an idiot he's just a little boy who needs the love of a woman f13c come in over is f13c checked in here negative sir raise them yes sir okay this is going to hurt i wish i had some whiskey i never touched the stuff no really really why not it's okay it's it's none of my business my father was rather too fond of this stuff i wasn't a great man you're a great man no no i'm just a soldier no you are so much more than that [Music] i'm sorry i'm sorry i thought it was better to take you by surprise oh you certainly did that dude god that sword thank you for trusting me i'll say this for these frenchmen they make a damn good wine more beer man myself win in realm drink up you never know what it is [Music] right you've really never been with a woman well i mean i've kissed them lots of them no not all the way you're missing out mate well to me it's not just about sex the more you have a thing the less special it becomes [Music] at least for me i always wanted it to be with the right woman right they're all the right woman to be honest with you my first time i was head over heels in love you're just kids no idea what we were doing but it was real i can't imagine what i'm going to tell mrs thomas you're going to tell her that her man was a hero and we wouldn't be here if he hadn't done what he did if you want i'll be with you thank you you're a good man mr walker no i'm not i'm trying you have your moments all it takes is one one good one you should wait for the right woman king ah f1 3c this is 7 8 echo charlie papa come in over again f1 3c this is 7 8 ecp come in over yes sir f13c here are you there dunkirk repeat f1 3c are you there dunkirk f1 3c here are you there dunkirk repeat f1 3c here are you there dunkirk f13c come in keep searching maybe using a different frequency this is colonel plummer what is your set repeat what is your secret we're at a safe house uh outside the drop coordinates approximately four miles northwest good to hear your voices boys what's your situation we've lost sergeant thomas lieutenant callaway is injured but we have secured the package we're being pursued by jerry sir we're possibly gonna need air support the french resistance of the change of plans so we we may have been compromised where are you heading we're heading to an airfield about two miles from the bridge the package will be flown to mainland [Music] i'll do my best to provide some air support pop some smoke so we know where you are one more thing uh what's that colonel there should be a bridge a few [Applause] kilometers in danger i want you boys to blow that bridge but with what sir walker should have the explosives you boys need a roger that out tell headquarters you should send men to the bridge and to see astrid moos and scheiger need more company boy oh that's gonna sting mr galloway do you drink as much as i can man looks like it's going to be fun i'll live you see any more let's hide the bodies indeed time available why what what's happening we've just killed two nazis about to call in our position sir damn it can you walk doesn't look like i have much choice does it come on that's it all right the airfield is 15 kilometers north thank you for what you are doing so nazis are coming you cannot stay here you know that i know i'm going to try and buy you some more time so are you sure you don't want any of that morphine no thank you harris it dulls the senses yeah so does having a tree in your leg [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign it's a rather nice day for a stroll isn't it where is our french little mouse strolling too we can make this so much simpler if you just tell me where she is wait i don't know what's going on [Music] [Music] [Music] wow i love the smell of burning flesh reminds me of how i it's a little boy my father would host a shrine on an open fire now tell me where they are i don't know what you're talking about [Music] [Music] now tell me everything or you will die okay they are heading into the village now why would they be going into a village to this calling with germans exactly that is the last place you would expect to see that do i look stupid to you on this dancer so be it for your information i know that the girl is trying to escape by playing from a small airfield [Music] not so stupid now am i [Music] [Music] [Music] last do you need to stop perhaps just for a moment by my calculations we are here so it should be just beyond this next ridge you're never going to make it on that leg that's at least another six miles i'll manage well you may not have to what do you mean [ __ ] take up [Music] you know i could probably just pick them off from about 100 yards of this rifle these snipers are all the same trust me mate these blokes will piss their pants yeah so we'll see about that will we be ready here they come [Music] oh good afternoon gentlemen i can't believe that worked what would you do if a big board bastard tossed a grenade in your vehicle bad point [Music] [Music] it's quiet i don't like it they should do the trick once we destroy it that should slow them down mr harris sir you stay lookout mr king mr walker would you kindly assist me in rigging pleasure would be mine sir come along king you seem to like explosives today so [Applause] how are we doing gentlemen getting this up time walker a few more moments please very well how's it going down there chaps almost done make it quick this is the bridge here the open space on the other side of this tree line as a hana like structure has got to be the way out so if i'm reading this map correctly then the airfield should just be on the other side of this forest where's welcome king just finishing up they should be up momentarily do you hear that that doesn't sound good that doesn't sound like a lot of fun mr walker how are we doing down there almost there sir well hurry up we have to go he won't start get out come on drop your weapons and surrender you have nowhere to go it's a ruddy tank damn it this is your final warning drop your weapons and surrender damn it's already 10. for your outdoor ants we'll have to go on foot somebody go go go die fire nose get on so climb the same did you really think that you could escape from me huh we monitored your radio transmissions it's right sharma lunder so what's up oh we do it we're good i do not understand how anyone could like such an inferior race see i like rats don't you know this all they have ever done with lie steal and cheat and you support them now we could have easily slaughtered you britsa dunkirk but we offered you a second chance a chance to align with us let's just see if your mr winston churchill makes a right decision if throw up to me i would have killed every last one of you on that beach you will all die here today do you realize this i will decide how and it's for you you french me i would love to kill you right here and now but apparently has some information in that french little plane of yours that is very valuable to us i will ask you one simple question and you will answer me what is the algorithm ah i will count down from five and then you will tell me i'll go head on fence okay i will tell you i won't tell y'all don't tell him anything sorry uh [Music] [Music] simon let's go [Music] ah takeover we need to slow them down you have nowhere to go soon enough attention more tension [Music] and give us a go and you will all go please you will not escape you will not get away now i'm going to surrender please one minute okay two one five [Music] go go [Music] [Music] i'm enough [Music] now [Music] [ __ ] country i'm willing to bet that fritz is still coming so let's go [Music] where's the place it's supposed to be [Music] you have nowhere to go surrender round of ammo sir what do you want to do hi everyone magazine left your weapons do it now you are totally surrounded stand down sergeant walker it's our only chance i'm sorry angelique we did all we could i wasn't supposed to end like this fire i'll die look [Music] it's a bloody time ah oh roof uh we did it i can't save the king we did it we did it let's get out of that planet [Music] [Music] thank you thank you i'm sorry for your man but thank you for my life i just hope it was worth it is [Music] could you do us a favor let me get back to london find emily thomas give her this ladder i don't think i'll be around to give it to her and rather she got it sooner than later of course thank you [Music] let's put you on that plane you're right you i'm alive i don't know how but i am i sniff it up it does not matter how it matters why you are a special man left in it you have a purpose you must trust it thank you those men that heroes is there a better way to serve your country none what will you do now will i see you again this war is far from over i'll just have to enjoy the beauty this world has to offer when one remembers to look beyond the [Music] ugliest i'll see you in london now let's get you on that plane so [Music] [Music] [Music] she likes you sir i don't know did you see the way she looked at me just now might be a real future there [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
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Id: PzfqTGCJ2f8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 48sec (5748 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 07 2020
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