Scarecrow's Revenge - Full Free Horror Movie

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so [Music] she [Music] so [Music] [Music] so a curse but nonsense okay [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] ida eater [Music] uh peter what what are you doing i'm resting it's too hot in the sun and i nicked my hand cutting corn the clouds are out now gather what you can we will head to lord melberg's castle and deliver his corn so i have to work a new rest sullen child [Applause] ah father there's nothing father i'm tired my whole body is tired can we take this corn back to the castle and go home now you've clearly been in the sun for far too long today [Music] so so father who is that stop aah oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] olaf summon the village for dinner do we have boar they are preparing one one remains is that all you must go hunting tomorrow yes my king i'm not king yet just y'all for now you are king to us you'll give me a big head and then no crown will fit me get about your job what are you doing i want to go fishing today go to fentanyl oh it's boring no daughter of mine should be bored by anything in nature but what about this lake here it's bigger and i surely have more fish i've told you before never go to that lake nothing lives there it's cursed by black magic i do not believe in that nonsense i believe only what my eyes show me greta i've told you let that be an end to it no one who goes there comes back home not everything can be seen with your eyes black magic exists witchcraft exists well is it any match for a viking warriors with her sword no nothing's a match for that but please today go to fencilla and one day i'll take you to the great rivers of boulder the journey alone will test you and when we're there we shall catch fish the like that you only get to see in valhalla as you wish um too much aggression greta your strikes must be measured and calculated tactical most of your opponents will be blinded by fury they will have nothing but hope of victory because they do not know in their hearts what we know what is that father [Applause] that whether we are victorious or defeated in combat if we are honorable we will see valhalla in the next life control your emotions you will have nothing but victory in your life before the next world mayan father you must excuse me but you are needed at once there is trouble in balak trouble hendrick and the other men they stole ill from the village and they took two women away one escaped to race alone but the other one is still with them olof is keeping an eye on them who has henry taken lisbeth does malcolm know his daughter's gone yes he saw his wave with a stella take new me back to the village tell the other men to keep watch i can help you father no go back to the village shall we go just in time i y'all how many are there i see two for a sign of henrik elizabeth and olaf i sent him back to watch the village the sooner we find my daughter and we hang henrik the better before my blood boils calm yourself we're vikings not savages and we've got a fight on our hands fine let's deal with these falls first then they're coming out i'm ready ugh where is henrik and where is the girl that he took to hell with the girl they probably already had their way with her oh let me go please [Music] no one can hear you [Music] you have [Music] you bastard you pig henrik elizabeth what did this animal do to you daughter try to force himself upon me father [Music] we shall find him and hang him [Music] take elizabeth back to the village we'll deal with henrik where is he i do not know i ran away from him as far as i could i want him dead that's not the way malcolm you know that he'll be banished take me home i need to rest he was last seen near the cornfields [Applause] that old one that was poisoned by foul crows that cursed plane isn't that elizabeth's bracelet [Music] he's been through here we can track him [Music] the goal what he's headed back to the village as if he's done nothing wrong he's taking freya's pathway let's cut him off [Music] my good grace of fear home song not so gracious oh my god do not run henrik you'll only make it harder on yourself you've overstepped the line again henrik uses i'm mistaken if you went her name is french elizabeth it to me then went back on her right that is not good right please stop i should have stayed at the village with elizabeth [Music] let's hug him no we're vikings not savages besides he did not succeed my uh what do you suggest he is to be banished from henceforth and all his possessions in the village are to be given to elizabeth to do with as she sees fit as compensation for his actions it is pleasing to you malcolm for you and your kin accept your decision relay tonight except he is to be banished and if he returns to the village he will be hung for disgracing the viking code damn you intercourse stellen [Music] you remember that old cornfield the one with the cursed scarecrow yes that wretched thing scared on a single crown attracted plague to those crops probably witches work take henrik to that spot tie him to that scarecrow and if he is not yet persuaded to accept his banishment then you have my permission to persuade him further at your leisure do not kill him though malcolm you understand i'm cursing you to hell with your voice on your own village i will see you burn in hell and never make it i have a throne waiting for me there henrik all you have to look forward to is purgatory [Music] [ __ ] it's my mother's sister's almost there brother good this big ass of a man is heavy i found you do not let your precious silence we need you to destruction you need to try that's and proof time to the skate [Music] club viewers [Music] hmm it's done by y'all there'll be no sign of henrik you didn't kill him he's still alive but hopefully his lesson is learned this is the honorable way my brothers ah here you go thank you you may go now as you wish sleep well lisp you have been through a big trauma do you think they will kill him no my father wouldn't allow it shame my father doesn't allow a lot of things don't speak any of him greta he's a good man i know but he has a pain in my backside oh sorry welcome you're my most trusted carl i hope you don't resent my decision if it had been greta i with all due respect sir if it were greta henrik would have died trying she's strong like you i hope you're right i see much of her mother and her how is she she's all right her wounds were minor she was not deflowered she asks after you malcolm i'll take my leave good night to you both and thank you i we all owe you so much what were you talking about with him [Music] i heard you say something about my mother nothing greta you worry i'm like her why not now a child i must rest and some assume have much to do in the village tomorrow i'm to come on the hunt with you today you've got the chest of a pigeon and arms like supplement branches what good are you our young commander odin you are playful today as you know very well it's loki that's the playful god do you have a problem olaf no no oh [Music] ah try come on well come on then get on with it looking forward to getting out there with troy you are he's a fine warrior even the most puny sapling may become the mighty oak exactly what my wife said last night you were sapling last night and always will be begone woman damn woman she's a good woman malcolm you've done well there would i help you this morning i think we should check on henrik make sure he hasn't returned we should make sure check the perimeter of the village a mile out take the four points you take northern east take stellen and he can take south and west very well i'm sure he's well gone [Applause] [Music] what brings you to my lair henrik of the larsens i know then you will know you cannot leave and you will know there is a great price for anything you ask of me tell me what you want henrik of a license those woods are lost to you now henrik [Music] tell me why you came or i will feast on your organs here where you stand hey i want revenge on who i want all the vikings of ukrainia dead in the village destroyed and what do you offer you came here so i will take your body that is the price you pay for my company for your vikings i will take your eternal soul [Music] you do understand the consequence i cannot for the next world if i leave this one without vengeance [Music] [Applause] i will give you two days to fulfill your task for your soul and every soul you slay it will belong to me [Applause] [Music] i accept take my body now where's no more time rich [Music] now yes [Applause] now [Music] we've been walking for ages i have seen no balls yet not even a rabbit stop complaining the day is early still we continue until odin blesses us [Music] [Music] oh okay now you flank the animal and keep your distance and by the grace of hardin please be silent uh [Music] olaf [Music] our dinner escaped at the sound of your howling sorry brother it was it was here what was here scarecrow scarecrow yeah not here no i'm just there brother have you been there blind mushrooms aren't here [Music] that's not way small so that's what's here over there just let's continue the hunt fry the day's escaping us and we can't die no scarecrow come on see that i see that [Music] troy scarecrows do not move what do we do what do we do stay here stay here [Music] so [Music] ugly beast try [Applause] girl ah [Music] uh [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] ugh [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] ah [Music] [Music] foreign olive olive [Music] devil [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] um no sign i'll often try yet to return the darkness has fallen what should we do we cannot track at night we'll have to wait till morning and go then you don't think henrik got to them have you seen him since this morning no it appears from his movements he headed west toward the gelder pathway the gelder path what is it you know what is near that path yes i'm sure even henrik will not tread there he probably passed and headed out to harveck it's a place of bandits that would suit him well probably we'll find troy and all of tomorrow it's late if they've gone far they'll have set up camp we should go to dinner no meet tonight we'll turn into deer at this rate [Applause] i shall make for good firewood [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] my finding my husband might be so well [Music] dressed oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] um [Music] [Music] aah [Music] malcolm malcolm what is it viking what happened malcolm dunphy please in the name of odin tell me what happened there's a sickle in her back her neck snapped in a noose her organs strewn across the path [Music] anna is dead no sign of lisbeth though just her neck achieve stained and blood i've never seen such brutal savagery oh the murderer left his signature an age carved in her face why didn't you hang him why didn't you let me kill him dolph [Music] [Music] uh [Music] i know [Music] what will we do father permission to enter you may enter how is he forgive my words my y'all i was in the deepest of grief there's no need to apologize we will right this wrong together we will punish henrik with a slow death and we will find elizabeth double the guards at the gate everyone else ready your weapons we have hunting to do let me go with you father i am a good tracker i can help you find henrik and we can send him to purgatory together no i'll accept no argument you're staying here listen to me old man you have no son you only have me when you are gone i will have to leave this village i will have to lead us in battles i will have to lead us in hunts i will have to carry us all to valhalla sooner or later you must let me fulfill my bloodline it's your bloodline that worries me you speak in riddles father i have had enough i want to come with you [Music] now uh say nothing let's just find the heathen [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] uh elizabeth take the three points man i'll take the front this time vikings [Music] [Music] no no brings you back here henry got the license is this a gift from elizabeth [Music] out [Music] uh wow [Music] ah greta aren't you well [Applause] i have to go i have to hunt my father in the bed that's menswear greta no it's viking work stalin what madness is this do not creep up on me i love stead too i found troy i lost all trail of anything same what man could have done this surely not a coward like henrik something's out there but it's no man grief later viking hunt first [Music] no man disappears into thin air you are not henrik can i help you pretty are you from harvard yes have you had a stranger visit your town recently no the guards i have been very generous today you two are messing with the wrong viking you're not [ __ ] only men are vikings [Music] no no no viking viking pick up your sword we can't win we can't win and the village will fall pull yourself together viking the village will not fall i must go please have you lost your senses i must go to the black lake by the majesty of valhalla you have lost your senses a true viking leader never gives in what is this it's our only chance i must see the witch no you know you're told fight until your last breath hold off the monster until i've completed my quest the village must not fall viking do you understand me find the monster do your best valhalla awaits [Applause] [Music] [Applause] elena do not toy with me show yourself you know why i'm here elena i do not go by that name anymore have you been completely consumed by evil i have an insatiable taste for souls tell me your wish to be rid of this heathen save the village save greta greta [Music] that is her name why did you choose that name this is the name of our first child [Music] i know not of what you speak [Music] our first child died at birth that's why you gave yourself to this witchcraft so that you could bring her back i failed i did not know enough i did not have enough power but you did not fail the second time we have a beautiful daughter does she know about me does she know what flows through her blood no [Music] and she never will i can offer you a choice viking what you can save the village or you can save greta is there no good left in you no that is your choice and you know what i will ask of you [Music] the viking choice [Music] or the selfish one [Music] the nothing of my elena left no make your choice you know my choice i foresaw it days ago the lake told me just grab me one last thing i beg you if there is any remnant of myelina left take pity on me grant me the time to say goodbye to my greta [Music] you will have the time it takes this sand to go through the timer to find her and to deliver your parting message you may not have long so i suggest you make haste [Music] go now [Music] [Music] what madman puts a scarecrow in the woods scarecrow have i seen you before looks like the same straw man we tied henrik too what are you bless me with this odin [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on no better do not heed those screams it's too late for stalin why why are you not at the village i came to help do not berate me father i cannot be undone cuz what which what cause oh father this is madness tell me tell me what i must do to say this tell me tell me oh witch what curse father this is madness father tell me tell me tell i made a bad choice i did not make the leaders choice [Music] i mean self-rich selfish choice i guess i love you let me let me go see the witch hello father father father i have to go see the witch with my own eyes i have to save the village [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] ah aah [Applause] ugh [Applause] so do not tease my fish greta [Music] i see more of me than your father you have a beautiful complexion what madness are you spouting witch did your father not tell you [Music] tell me what about your mother he told me my mother's dead now i am your mother [Music] you feel it [Music] you know it to be true [Music] do you not always have a yearning to come here [Music] i have waited for years to draw you here but your father was a persuasive and commanding man you killed him he gave himself up willingly no one who enters my realm leaves alive i can give them something in return for a price what price which i took his soul he gave up his village all of his kin even his place in valhalla for you you were very special greta but you were torn between two destinies the vikings destiny and witchcraft i will always be a viking what good is it being a viking without a village go now henrik or the larsens you have a village to destroy and little time to do it please please stop him i beg you mother my mother who must have some good enough stop henrik daughter henrik paid a price i will not stop him and no mortal can he will go when his time is done there must be something i can do fulfill your destiny give yourself up to the dark arts to witchcraft i can put a spell upon your sword and you can slay henrik before the village falls at what price which when it is done you will be bound by this lake you will become immortal greta i cannot i dishonor my father by even being here i'm out of your village do you not want them to live women children decide quickly do it and make heed i have a village to save uh but no one has returned yet this is warrior we're weakened without our y'all and his warriors they'll return no one can defeat them do not recall a scarecrow being there maybe someone put him there when our attention was turned if anybody sneaked past us into the village we'll be in trouble relax there's no way this is merely the work of a jester is this the one from over near the field by three-point path it looks like it why would someone put such a cursed scarecrow near our village they say there was a field with the most lustrous corn that died under the watch of this wretched thing twice the farmer enraged tried to burn it and both time the fire just faded away the third time he tried he burnt alive the fire jumped onto him nonsense what can we do with this cursed thing [Music] relax we simply have to [Music] [Applause] oh and see the healer so [Applause] hendricks [Music] that's all you've got [Music] [Music] [Music] so this is my destiny what of henrik he's gone what did you feel when you killed him nothing i felt nothing i feel the energy i don't feel henrik's soul was within me i thought maybe your instinct might have caused you to consume him yourself nothing happened this is not possible henrik is not dead [Music] uh [Music] now he's dead you saved me i felt this power surged through me i did something which goes against odin it defies natural law did it feel good it's like nothing i've ever felt before i was i was so close to death and then this power came from nowhere you were bound to the lake and you cannot leave but you can learn everything within this and your power within this realm is almost limitless you can steal the destiny of souls from their place in the next life like you stole my father's he gave it willingly what if i wanted to give a soul back could i do that only in death i am sorry mother for what i must do my father deserves no less than his place in valhalla [Music] ugh [Music] [Music] greta [Music] valhalla [Music] valhalla i saw the others up ahead we should go and join them then i can't even do that right i who are you you do not know do you not know of this place who are you what ails you gregor of [Applause] what's the matter i feel bad for gregor why do you feel for that lowly blacksmith you're way too pretty but at our workhorse besides soon i will make you as pretty as me we'll be going to my castle tomorrow and there i will buy you the finest dresses and adorn you in the most exotic jewels for you are beautiful what is it sounds like scavengers why don't you go and find out me yes you you're a village girl they'll see you have no money and leave but what if they want something more you must go look if i go they'll kill us both and leave us for the crows now now go now you call yourself a man [Music] ah [Music] uh [Applause] [Music] maybe someone put him there [Music] trying to leave [Music] he will give you two days to fulfill henrik and you didn't kill him and then no [Music] crown [Music] everybody [Music] everybody's shaking yes [Music] okay [Music] okay [Music] [Music] oh [Music] you
Channel: Viewster Horror
Views: 214,346
Rating: 4.5347018 out of 5
Keywords: scarecrow revenge, scarecrow revenge trailer, scarecrow revenge full movie, scarecrow revenge movie 2019, scarecrow revenge 2019, scarecrow revenge movie, scarecrow revenge bandcamp, free horror movies 2020 full movie english, free horror movies 2020, free horror movies full movie, free horror movies full length english 2020, horror, horror movies full movies, horror movie, horror movies 2020
Id: ql9eDvH5pzE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 59sec (5819 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 03 2020
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