Zion's Top 5 Nintendo Switch Games

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hello there lovely people it's xeon over here from nintendo life and today we're here to talk to you about my five favorite switch games not not the best games on the switch but just my personal five favorite switch games but of course i'm not alone i have two of my bestest nintendo buddies here today to chat with me about the games say hello guys hello guys i can't wait to talk about sushi striker so like i said these are going to be my five favorite switch games we've already talked about john's on a previous episode and we're gonna be talking about alex's in the future but today today it's just [Music] me the switch doesn't always get the cool 3d hack and slash action games like devil may cry 5 or nier automata but what it does have is the exclusive title astral chain and it's in my opinion it's one of the most unique experiences on the switch it's such a unique world it kind of has like a cyberpunk feel to it i guess like a futuristic japanese look but there's so many different things that i love about astral chain the soundtrack hits it right on the head for me it has that like metal sort of gently feel if anyone out there knows exactly what i'm saying with that the the combat is super over the top and at first i felt really overwhelmed with it because you you control your uh your main character and then you also control what they call a legion and you get to kind of throw them all around the map and you know this three it's a 3d hack and slash and like i said it feels like a lot at first but once you actually start to get a grasp on the fact that you're controlling two characters at once it gives you so many different options to take on the enemies and the art direction is absolutely right up my alley i love the just like this neon fueled world there's just a lot to love about this game have have either of you played much of it oh i've not played enough of it i've played um i've probably played about 15 hours of it and it just unfortunately just kind of got lit you know every so often little by little got pushed further into the backlog i keep meaning to go back to it because i absolutely will because it's i think it's one of the most original and effortlessly cool games on the switch like it it's just cool everything about it you know the style the you know sort of the the graphics which really do not translate well onto youtube due to compression and stuff like that you really have to see it in person to properly appreciate it and the combat is so different and yet so rewarding it's it's just wonderful i absolutely adore this it feels like a combination of a bunch of different platinum games like it's got um like a model for 101 you kind of draw to make a certain alignment and that's kind of in here too like you can you can use the chain itself to draw circles around opponents to make little moves go on and it has like a lot of the combat elements of kind of from bayonetta and it feels like a lot of those just core components are coming together in a different context um and it loves you and you said that it's quite um metal heavy too but then you've got pieces like the neuron hq which is just the that's just like the grooviest track of all time i'd love that track i can't get enough of it just look at the copyright claims that sounds too close to the actual music so this next one for me was a game that i sort of glanced over originally in the beginning and i eventually played it a little bit on pc and i moved over onto switch eventually and i absolutely fell in love with it undertale undertale is such a strange game it's it's absolutely full of life it has an amazing soundtrack it has so many things going for it and the thing that originally drew me away from it was the art style and in the end it ended up being one of the things that i enjoy about the game most even though the the art is a little more minimalistic in some ways because of the story and the way that you interact with the characters you you really sort of feel for them and um and you yourself have such a huge part to play in the story i think as well where the protagonist is basically voiceless you sort of feel like you are that person and all the decisions that you make in the game really affect how the story plays out and it's not the kind of game that no play through is going to be the same but but the the way that you do things really has an effect on the overall the overall ending of the game and it makes you feel for the decisions that you make still have either of you guys touched undertale i know it's such a like some people either love it or they they won't touch it with a 10-foot pole well you've basically already just summed up everything about it in that stint very very very concise and effective i've not actually played this game properly myself which i am not happy about i would really like to give it a go but it's just it's just one of those one of those blind spots i've got but um i'm a big fan of sans undertale the main character um it's a great game i know it's a great game because every you know it's it's got a lot of heart in it and a lot of um real uniqueness about it i put this off for the longest time um i think because of the community like some of them are delightful but there were certain elements was like i don't think i want to play this game and eventually i did and it's weird for a game that's so hyped up to live up to expectations but it kind of did i had had such a good time with this and i didn't think that could possibly be the case with with how rampant um the praises for this game but still i had such a good experience and it's best going in not knowing anything at all if you've gone in reading strategy guides i think you're going to have a lesser time but just going blind and this is just such a delightful game very hard to go in blind these days you guys are right though if you know alex if you ever find time to it don't read into anything else just play the game you can talk to us while you're playing but but yeah just just do it by yourself unless you get stuck i guess yes dad now this next one definitely isn't the best zelda out there i recently replayed it basically twice and and i i'm fully aware of that but for me it's it's a childhood favorite and it's still one that moves with me to this very day the legend of zelda link's awakening it in my opinion is almost a near perfect recreation of the original source material at first you know like some people might be put off by the graphics just because it you know it gives off some of those feelings that someone might have felt when wind waker came out you know wind waker was announced and lots of people were expecting this more hardcore zelda after something like majora's mask and ocarina of time and and now we we just got link's awakening after breath of the wild and it's you know link can jump still in this game surprisingly um but there's a lot of things that are so much different than breath of the wild this game was criticized when it came out for being such a direct port as well from the original but i played the original right before reviewing this and i remember it just felt so inconvenient screens are basically in quadrants every single time you move up a screen you've got it has to scroll with you and when you're going around the world like that that can be tedious because it resets all the enemies and also you've got to pause the game so much because you can only hold two items and that includes your sword and shield so there's points in the game we've got to pause it get a bracelet on to pick up a rock if you don't have the bracelet on some dialogue box comes up so the original game is just very inconvenient today and this alleviates pretty much every inconvenience that game had i have to agree it's it again just like easy on this is a game from my childhood and i love it i love it to death it was the first big zelda game i ever had and even then is probably one of the smaller ones um but i still absolutely adore it and i think it's a very faithful recreation but jon is absolutely right there's a lot of inconvenience and a lot of aged stuff about it that has been completely you know sort of done over in this remake but you wouldn't necessarily know it because you always have a you know a rose-tinted view of the pre of the original and i think that's very common you never really remember what an original game was like when you're playing a remake until you go back and play the original after playing the remake and i'm one of the people where i actually really love the art style i think it's gorgeous i love the fact that it runs so well bit of sometimes there's some you know frame rate issues certainly between screens occasionally but i can forgive it it's not a game that absolutely requires tip top performance and most of the time it is just flat out stunning and dudeos the soundtrack there's so many brilliant tracks in here oh telltale heights oh i've seen the legend of zelda symphony twice and both times they've played ballad of the windfish and i shed a tear i i swear to start crying right now you can cry too off-key can you [Music] now the original ukulele didn't really pan out how everyone was expecting but ukulele in the impossible layer on the other hand is such a gem of a game you have to have played some of the original donkey kong countries or even donkey kong country tropical freeze the impossible layer channels that exact same energy but they actually managed to get back some of the original sound composers for the game like david wise and then grant kirkhope from banjo-kazooie and goldeneye and then for the the world traversal you actually have this over-the-top segment that kind of channels some legend of zelda energy and you actually get to explore and uh solve puzzles and go to different levels and it's kind of a nice break from the the donkey kong country platforming which is extremely tough at times it's it's not a nail biter it has a solid level of difficulty until you get to the impossible layer i had a great time playing the game until i got there no i don't oh yeah you both have probably played impossible by now haven't you oh god yeah i think it's just it is just a beautifully wonderful modern homage to those you know sort of donkey kong country style games but at the same time giving it its own spin and indeed yep you say the impossible letter it's kind of like it's kind of like going to going right to the final boss in a certain game that may be featured in a future episode a feature of this week um where you um you can just go right to the end like right to the end but mate you are gonna you are gonna die and but i love the fact that it gives you that option and you just like oh well i'll i'll give it a go i'll see how far i can get and it absolutely knocks you for six it is not easy it's not not even slightly easy it is painfully difficult and in terms of like sequel progression this feels like rare coming back to donkey kong country i'm gonna mention the forbidden game dkc3 right in that game you can traverse the map yourself you can get in vehicles and just wander around it like like freely but when when retro studios took care of donkey kong they kind of reverted back to just a standard set level select screen with dk and diddy but this feels like they're trying to expand upon what they made in dkc3 and i love that they returned to that and also i'm no froobe i know that tropical freeze released six years ago and it's great that another game is kind of filling its shoes while we haven't had a proper donkey kong game in almost half a decade now so it's it's just it feels such a great gap um in terms of that genre and it really does feel like rares return back to their roots with this one and while the original ukulele didn't quite pan out how i wanted it to this was just such a brilliant surprise no one really saw it coming and it delivered on all fronts and that's kind of the best part about the way that this game was released as well is that this you know the original ukulele was a kickstarter project it had all these sets of goals and things that they were trying to achieve with the game but the impossible layer really seems like it was the game that they wanted to make because they didn't have any constraints or you know all these extra goals that they had to try to reach they just they they set they set their own personal goals for the game and they made it happen and it's i think it's one of the best platformers on the switch i also think it has some of the best cheats and everything those tonics you can get you can just have so much fun with it oh my gosh you're right just have random horrible effects to make the game almost unplayable but you can do it and i i i it just reminds me of stuff like goldeneye i love old-fashioned cheat codes like that more of that please everyone in the world [Music] and my last favorite game on the switch could not have come at a better time i and i feel like basically everybody on on the face of the earth can agree with this animal crossing new horizons it's a game all about hanging out with people decorating your house getting outside and just exploring the world and having fun and in a time where not a ton of us could do that the way that we used to animal crossing sort of was it was like like a nice not even a band-aid but it was like just a a new option a new way to to go and hang out with our friends celebrate birthdays it's uh you know it's it's a cute little simulator but it has so much heart and so much depth animal crossing fans have been waiting forever for and gosh i don't know i could just gush about this game there's so much so much to talk about it i think for me and it's it's a bit of a weird thing to celebrate but one of my favorite things is arguably the inconvenience the fact that you have to wait uh you know in real time to go to the next day it just adds a real sense of i don't know groundedness to the game and just really makes you appreciate things all the more because you really have to work for them you will eventually reach the point where bells are no object but in order to get that point to that point you really have to work or just do the turn the stock market but regardless it's just absolutely fantastic and when this game came out i was i was actually having my kitchen redone which was frankly it just basically took over our lives because the kitchen is like a really central part of our house and animal crossing was genuinely a really excellent escape for me and i got it early because i was reviewing it so yeah i did always going to have an incredibly special place in my heart this game and i would have included it on my list if we didn't say that there wasn't going to be any crossover for the sake of everything this series has always been about escapism and i think the prospect of going to a deserted island just speaks to that way more than it ever has like going to another village sure but just leaving like the entire country going to your own little island that just sells the idea far better than it ever has before and not only that but you can represent yourself far better than any game in the series uh new leaf in an update allowed you to change your skin color but before that game um this series never allowed you to do that so for the very well pretty much the very first time in the base game you can change your skin color you can change your hair you can change your eye you can change pretty much anything you want and be who you want to be in your own little island and that's just so cute and adorable yeah but more importantly you can actually change your character your entire appearance down to everything have you know the works whenever you like you're not locked in when you first create your character and i think that's just so great because you know what if what if you do you know dye your hair or you get a significant haircut you know it it's just so important that that sort of stuff is there and it's just wonderful it's it's really open and hugely appealing i definitely agree and there's some complaints about the the way that the game kind of sort of drip feeds you content as well you know we're getting you know people can't just time travel because in the game you can actually well you can change the the clock on your switch and you can adjust the time so if you if you don't want to be like when alex was was saying and uh you want to you know skip days and things like that you can but um i don't if you want to go see jingle on toy day before the update came out you couldn't just do that and i think it's kind of a nice way to keep fans excited and invested and if nintendo continues this process of releasing content slowly you know over the course of time i think this is a game that some of us could be playing for a long time yeah and a new leaf update gave that game puzzle league so if possibly comes to new horizons then i'm never playing another game jon has to try and force puzzle league into every single video possible i'm just surprised he didn't call it panel dipon frankly it could happen john that update didn't come until like five years six years later it was welcome amiibo when it came yeah it was uh quite a while after yeah yeah so who knows maybe maybe in in that amount of time we'll have puzzle league in new horizons and you can be the happiest boy you can be the happiest point and there we have it my favorite five games on the nintendo switch now of course alex and john both have their own separate favorite games on the switch right your favorites aren't all mine right no no i've got i've got my own favorites as well shut up i guess that means we're to have to give alex his own video to talk and and john has already had his moment so if you want to go check out those videos we'll we'll probably have both of them up on screen if we remember to do it or if i can even figure out technology and uh you're very honest you're very honest and in the meantime if you enjoyed this video and you want to see more content like this then uh why don't you go ahead and um tell that subscribe button it's your favorite by giving it a good old click and then ring that notification bell to be notified whenever we release new videos and while you're at it feel free to let us know your favorite switch games in the comments down below and then copy paste that and go post it on alex's video and john's video so that way we all have the same amount of love thank you all so much for watching i'm ian for nintendo life stay safe out there and we will see you next time bye bye bye you
Channel: Nintendo Life
Views: 136,677
Rating: 4.9177938 out of 5
Keywords: Nintendo Life, Nintendo, Nintendo Switch, Switch, NX, New 3DS, Nintendo UK, Zion, Alex, Jon, Favorite Switch Games, Best Switch Games, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, Great, Good, Fun, Top 5, List, Astral Chain, Platinum Games, Undertale, Toby Fox, Earthbound, RPG, Action, Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening, Zelda, Link's Awakening, Adventure, Yooka-Laylee, Yooka Laylee and the Impossible Lair, Impossible Lair, Platformer, 2D, 3D, Animal Crossing, Multiplayer, Cute, Family
Id: 7jEHkRdL0gY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 20sec (1100 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 27 2020
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