Jon's Top 5 Nintendo Switch Games

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[Music] hey everyone john from nintendo life here and i am not alone i'm joined by two delicious people alex and zeon hey guys how do you know that i'm lime flavor and this is part one of a three-part series where each of us are going to list our five favorite switch games and there's going to be no crossover so each and every video is going to have a splendid new switch game for you to discover or talk about or whatever you want to say so i'm gonna go ahead and tell you guys my first favorite switch game now this one is a bit of a diddly one uh it's a very cheap indie game by the name of celeste i went into this not knowing a whole great deal about it and i went away a changed man this game was just such a delightful adventure not only is the platforming tremendous but it tells such an emotional tale there are moments in this that really show what it's like to have a panic attack and i'm someone who doesn't really go through that myself but it's just represented so well in game and so many people with with mental illness speak such highly of these scenes i'd say so many parts of celeste are some of my top 10 favorite video game moments the party on that gondola and it's just shaking around that part stays with me today uh so not only is it just the moment to moment story beats just the gameplay itself though is just so tight and intuitive so have you guys played celeste yourself oh yes i've completed it not fully i haven't got like all of the other hearts no no i haven't got all the strawberries either i've got basically nothing i've just got to the end basically um i haven't gone any further than that but i adore this game i really do i think it is it's just a gorgeous game to look at and it also has an incredible amount of challenge in there but a lot of it is entirely optional it's the strawberries you can you can just do the main level it's still tough or you can do the strawberries and it's even tougher and then you can do the b-sides if you're a madman and that's the thing about the game too is like you said it's extremely tough it's unforgiving at times but it throws you back into the action immediately and i remember countless times which if you weren't aware already i've played celeste and i love it to death as well but you know you'll you'll be running through a level and you'll see a strawberry and you'll you'll try to go for it and you'll fail and you might fail another 10 20 or like me another 100 times until you get it but there's that drive that this game gives you to actually want to try and get it it makes you feel good about like you're actually achieving something you know it's and i feel like not a lot of games or even just platformers give off those same kind of rewarding feelings i completely agree like the challenge is part of the reward but what's great about this game too is if you find it tricky or you have something that stops you from being able to play it then the game allows you to modify it so that it becomes like far easier or more playable to you so if you want to you can slow the game down you can have more jumps um you don't have to use those features but the fact that they're there is just such a welcome thing uh so on all fronts i think this game is just such a meaningful meaningful thing for accessibility but in general it's just one of the best platformers i think i've ever played i just struggled to even i mean it is a platformer but in my mind it's so sort of unique and everything i struggle to actually call it a platformer it's kind of its own beast entirely and that's the thing about this game is that it's it's not like there's just one particular thing about this game that makes it such a treat you know the accessibility the gameplay the the story that what this game is is doing for the world itself and so many people out there the the soundtrack it has so many things going for it that make it such i i can't i shouldn't call it a perfect game but it's darn close it is in terms of story two there's one point where you fall lower than ever and you soar up to the top of the mountain it's just it's such a powerful feeling and just the way that they can express so much within the character that doesn't even have eyes it's just such a beautiful game um and it does so much within its limitations so we have a lot of big games in this series we have some of the biggest hitters from nintendo but this one is a fairly small game in fact it might be one of my favorite games ever made this is tetris 99 i am a fella who has played a lot of tetris in my time and if i had to recommend one variant this might be the one it takes the core identity of tetris but then ramps up the intensity by adding 98 other players and the feeling of being in the top ten having taken down others and just being with the top tier of the other tetris players is exhilarating and once you've finished um once you've won a game you can play invictus where you're playing against other tetris pros people have won those games and the things that some people are capable of is insane but just the feeling the moment-to-moment gameplay of tetris 99 is tetris at its core but just turned up to 11 and it's just such a comfort food game i can turn it on any day and just have a blast i think this is probably the first example of a game that takes the tetris formula and actually you know actually does something different with it and actually succeeds because they have tried so many different ways to try and make tetris new or interesting with things here i know you had like minor upgrades like the hold you know holding on to a piece and stuff but um in terms of like major differences i think this is the only genuinely properly successful one because it doesn't actually really interfere with the core gameplay at all it doesn't even augment it it merely complements it yeah because i mean you have like things like tetris effect which you know pulls the musical elements into it in visual aspects and obviously that is not on switch and i feel like they kind of borrowed some of those elements from was it lumens or lumines i think was like a playstation title um but yeah tetris 99 really does just kind of it takes that original formula you know every basically everybody who's played the game knows how to play tetris and they they just threw a new spin on it and just that simple idea just made the game so not so much more enjoyable but just so so unique and so different than just playing a game by yourself and and you're absolutely right like i've never won a round of tetris 99 but i i've been in the i've been close and every time i'm there i'm like sweating bullets but it feels great it's great to have three different variants of tetris right now like we've got tetris effects we've got tetris 99 and pure prior tetris too and they're all so different like one of them is like a journey the other one is more or less a party game with quite a competitive element and then tetris 99 is just this rambunctious battle royale and it's just great that there's so many different ways to play this iconic series and everyone if you're subscribed to switch online you have this game you have the capacity to play it and they keep updating it too when it first came out it was just that one theme of one piece of music but now i don't even know how many themes there are there's there's so many so many different crossovers with pokemon with zelda with mario with fire emblem don't do it don't do it i feel like dragon quest has always had kind of an uphill battle in the west our advertisement for dragon quest nine had jedward in how do you sell again alex don't look at the adverts they will they'll crush your soul but dragon quest 11s had the push of hero being in smash i feel like now more people have played this game than ever before and i'm so pleased by that because it was great on ps4 but the switch version has so much quality of life improvements you can speed battles up even further there's orchestral music you can move around the world even faster you can ride more enemies there's just so much more you can do but the core game is still there and i think this is the coziest rpg of all time uh your party member feel like family by the end of it and it just feels like such a great journey and there's not really a whole lot like this on the switch just a big grand rpg it's traditional in its core and i love that it rolls with that these are turn-based battles and i feel like but these days rpg is trying to reinvent what it means to be an rpg with real-time battle systems and it feels like not very many rpgs just try and be what an rpg was to begin with but this game relishes in what it is and that's part of the reason i just adore this game i tend to agree with you especially with the idea that you know jrpgs and and just rpgs in general just don't seem to capture that turn-based nature as much as they used to um because they're always trying to do something new and flashy like look at final fantasy xv it's it's a fun game but they changed up so much from what made a final fantasy game special and dragon quest 11 which i still have the demo downloaded on my switch i'm still waiting to play it i have some time off for the holidays so i might dive into it no promises jon but it's it's very much on my list and it looks like such a such a joy to play so i'm so glad that you included on this list speaking of the demo xeon they're so generous like that's like a 10 hour demo in what's longer than some games like you see you can transfer over your save data from the demo correct as well so like if you that's right yeah so the demo takes i'd say if you're just playing the core story and not doing any side quests that's a 10 hour demo wow okay that's pretty bonkers i may have to play this because i've not played this game at all i've been quiet for a reason um yeah i have no opinion about this game because i just haven't played it i know it's hugely well regarded and i know it's a very good game but jrpgs and me have had a bit of a turbulent history i've absolutely adored certain ones like final fantasy well it depends whether you call it final fantasy 4 or final fantasy 2 depending on where you go alex my favorite but this i don't know i just i just never got into the dragon quest series i need to give this a go i just need to this is an amazing place to start and what i love too is there's also a 2d mode they made the entire game again in 2d uh and in that mode everything's very retro so in the chord game there are no random encounters you have to actually find a an enemy in real time and then run into them but in 2d mode there are random encounters so it's just such a cool way to re-experience the game and um this was like an anniversary title in japan so what a cool thing to do for an anniversary to remake what was the original form of dragon quest and did i hear is that just like a toggle switch that you just turn it on whenever or do you how do you encounter that sort of thing too is it that easy you talk to an npc and basically they take your progress in 3d and turn it into 2d so you can't do it on the fly because things change slightly like the scale of the world and where certain buildings are but for the most part it's basically an identical game that's so cool to have that different perspective on on that world bonkers fellas this year mario 3d all-stars came out compiling of mario 64 sunshine and galaxy and i had a great time replaying them but replaying them kind of made me realize how much i love mario odyssey this game is such a pure open sandbox now you look back at mario 64 and there are certain levels towards the end like um like total mountain where it's quite linear like every single time you're going up a bit higher getting a star going back out going back in and that kind of thing is not in odyssey this game you're continuously going on an adventure you're going from one moon to the to the next there's no um breaks in the action and not only that but i think mario is never controlled better than he has in this game it feels so good to throw cappy jump off gabby do a dive jump back on onto him it's just such a great movement style and um this game gets a bit more flak from fans these days but i think if you go back to it and just properly experience it again with the context of the prior games now 3d all-stars i think you can really appreciate just how much this game gets right i think honestly this is my favorite 3d mario it's it's an outstanding game it absolutely is it's it's it's it's bizarre because it is so refined and so infinitesimally tuned to perfection that i kind of forget about it because there's no glaring oversights there's no sort of glaring you know sort of troughs in the gameplay or the fun or anything except maybe bubbling bubbling's not amazing but um it's just the weakest ones yeah but it's amazing you know it's fine it's like saying this is my least favorite werther's original um that will be irrelevant for most people watching this anyway um it it's just it is just so refined so straightforward so beautifully polished down to the nth degree that it it's it's almost unremarkable in how remarkably well it's made it's a weird situation and there may well be people arguing against that against that idea in the comments which i welcome absolutely these you know the sort of thing that needs to be discussed but i think that odyssey is an absolute marvel it's it it's just so wonderful in so many ways as you've already mentioned the movement the movement i think is the biggest thing but also the world's so there's there's not a single area of wasted space in these worlds like the metro kingdom is the is the perfect example everything there has a purpose and when you think you may have found a corner that oh nothing happens there here you know and then you go you know you play more of the game and you've discovered that actually oh no i just needed to do a bit more come back and ah this corner is now the most important corner in the whole game just bafflingly incredible bafflingly good and it doesn't feel like levels are obnoxiously large either i mean like this they are big but like you said everything has a purpose so it doesn't feel like you're it doesn't feel like levels are big just to be big um and another thing that a lot of people like to complain about with mario odyssey is the fact that some of the moons are there's too many of them or or that some of them are just too easy to collect but i think part of the ability of you know not being sent out of the world when you collect one um adds to the the reason why they probably threw more of them in there because they just feel good to collect like you might see one off in the distance that you just have to you have to go run up a thing to go get it or you just suddenly um you break this box and then bam there's a moon um but but they're fun to collect and and you know not everyone is a i don't want to say a professional gamer but um but a lot of people are just playing games to have fun and i think um mario odyssey does a great job of being just that and to that point on on the moons as well like people do complain that certain moons repeat and honestly i don't think that's i don't think that's really a problem at all i think that's such a special thing that you can just see something off in the distance recognize it and go way off there and be rewarded for that it's just a game where you're constantly rewarded for your curiosity and i think we haven't really seen that since breath of the wild and that's what made 2017 such a special year that these two juggernauts came out months apart and just blew us away i missed 2017 let's go back when super smash brothers ultimate was revealed they told us every fighter was coming back and not expect too many new fighters well now i think we have more newcomers than any other smash game counting all the dlc and when all said and done it won't even be close i think right now we have just got past what smash 4 had in his base roster so smash ultimate is not only a huge celebration of the entire franchise but it goes above and beyond and adding new stuff and if i i went straight back to smash 4 for a video recently and it feels weird that game now when you launch someone it feels like they're going like they're slowly traversing through like the moon the gravity is just off in that game and things like the shields were so different too smash ultimate only changes the fundamental gameplay but it celebrates nintendo more than this franchise ever has we have over 1 000 music tracks we have over 80 characters there's over 100 stages there's so much love poured into every corner of this game and not only that but it's just it's just so fun to play oh you said you say it's a celebration of everything about nintendo i'm actually going to argue against that because i think it's a celebration just of games it's gone beyond nintendo now it is so much more it you know what have we got on there we've got cloud we've got sephiroth i mean come on we've got banjo-kazooie who were bought out you know rare was brought up by microsoft banjo-kazooie went with them and now they're back on a nintendo platform looking the best they have ever looked this is not a celebration of nintendo this is a celebration of video games and the fact that it this is the sort of thing where i almost feel like it's an impossible game how on earth does this exist all of these franchises coming together the licensing alone must be an absolute nightmare which is probably the most boring thing i could say about the game but as you say the game itself is also just incredible fun i've probably put i don't know like three 400 hours into this game and i still only play like five characters there are so many more i could be playing so many more that i could be expanding my horizons with but you know what it's just fun to play banjo baby and that's one of the best parts about smash bros is sure you may only play five characters but you know all those other characters that you're not playing i bet somebody out there is in love with those characters they they fit their play style or just their mood or whatever you know like even pichu especially pichu even if pichu does get absolutely demolished by sephiroth it's it and it's his uh his new final smash it's fine what a sentence to say pichu getting demolished by sephiroth i think that just kind of says it all about smash ultimate everything is on the table you could have it's it's bonkers you can have isabel and ridley versus cloud and ryu it's just which what is that what is that do you remember the times you you you probably do but do you remember the times when sonic was being not even teased but was rumored for the game and i just remember the feelings of being like what's that that that can't be that that'd be impossible and now and now look at look at who we have in this game anything is possible we're considering master chief could be in the game oh yeah no more rest in peace gino sorry when one character comes along not only do you get a stage in their music but then the essence of the gameplay itself has to change around them how you approach that character how you play as that character uh and as alex was saying earlier you can just play as that one character for 200 hours and still have a blast recently they added sephiroth and those music tracks ah they take my breath away the new arrangement of earth's theme is utterly beautiful and i could easily spend another hundred hours just playing sephiroth and that would be enough for me it's it's insane how much value is here and how much you can play and how how many different play styles can merge because of them and it's such a magical thing just being able to see so i was finally watching gameplay of uh someone playing as cloud versus sephiroth the other day and they were both super skilled players and it was just such a magical thing it like it reminded me very cheesily of the fmv videos that i used to watch when i was like 13 of like you know cloud from advent children fighting sephiroth to the the music of like nickelback or something like it it was a really cringy time frame i understand that we all had our moments it's okay but it's it's just it's it's nuts to see this actually on not just on paper but in in practice it's it's nuts i think i just also love more than anything the amount of detail they put into things there is so much love care and attention that is poured into every character at the other day john and i were playing smash and i noticed for the first time banjo's swimming animation because i hadn't i hadn't seen it before if i'd fallen in water just jumped straight out but banjo's swimming animation is the same as the swimming animation from the n64 and they could have done anything but they took the time and effort to make it as true to the original character as possible and i don't think there's another series that can come close to that level of detail we are well and truly spoiled there are three characters left i don't i don't care who they are if it's someone i don't want that doesn't matter because i have already got so many characters that i love in this game ridley made him for the first time k-rool is here we've got banjo we've got um we've got cloud we've got so many characters that i adore from games that i adore my appreciation for sakurai and his team is at sky high and anything they do from here on that's just sprinkles on top of a very well made cake it's just gravy on top of your ice cream it's just lovely oh i've got to say like this was this was really tough this was really tough because i had to concede this from my list because my god i've really wanted to include this on my list you'll just have to wait and see what i've got to talk about then because if if smash bros isn't on it the rest must be an absolute treat and maybe there were games i'd conceived from my list for future lists and you will find out by watching those future lists when they become available but until then be sure to check out that subscribe button and check out four others from other channels and make a top five list of them but press them all because i'm sure they deserve it too and we will catch you next time bye everyone bye bye
Channel: Nintendo Life
Views: 252,990
Rating: 4.8803649 out of 5
Keywords: Nintendo Life, Nintendo, Nintendo Switch, Switch, NX, New 3DS, Nintendo UK, Jon, Alex, Zion, Super Mario Odyssey, Super Smash Bros. ultimate, dragon quest 11 s, celeste, tetris 99, top 5, top 10, best switch games, peach, bowser, 3d, 3d all stars, the legend of zelda, breath of the wild, animal crossing new horzions, best switch games 2020, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, Fun, Good, Great, Best, Favorite, Ranked, Platformer, Adventure, RPG, Puzzle, Multiplayer, Favorite Switch Games, Best Games
Id: uZ2dY0Hp7P0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 58sec (1318 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 26 2020
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