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[Music] sure why not [Music] welcome to it came from a box this is sergio i am and in this two hour marathon we've compiled the last 10 nintendo switch hauled episodes featuring 101 nintendo switch accessories for your viewing pleasure very weird i know but uh why not as always we'll also have links for every single item in this video down in the description below so uh here we go so first up joy-con controllers not much to say here that i didn't already say in the review but the first reason i picked up an extra pair was to have enough for four players that's the beauty of the joy cons you don't have to buy three additional controllers just one more since they split up into four yes they're still a bit pricey since there's a lot of tech in there but there's not much else we can do about that the second reason is because the colors are also the opposite of the ones that come with the switch neon version that means we can have two blue joy-cons or my favorite to red i can safely say that the pro controller ranks as one of the best controllers i've personally ever used considering we have the joy cons this isn't really necessary but once you try it i feel like you may just be convinced first it gives us a traditional layout that many are accustomed to and it's a size which really feels comfortable in hand it has these nice plastic grips that almost feel like rubber and it's covered in these small dimples which help keep it from sliding in your hands and like the joy cons it also has the same motion controlled support hd rumble and nfc reader for amiibos but it lacks the ir reader so on it you have nice and big responsive face and shoulder buttons bigger analog sticks which are surprisingly buttery smooth i love these things and what some will consider to be the most important feature a d-pad it's actually a bit tough and i've i've read here and there that some people don't like this d-pad but i personally don't really have an issue with it so yeah i highly recommend it it's my favorite way to play the switch next to handheld mode next we have the joy-con charging grip which is a bit deceiving in a sense it's unnecessary because you get a similar looking grip with your switch and the difference between that one and this one is minimal at best the first is in the name it has the ability to charge your joy cons but not as you expect it doesn't have a battery in it in the box you get a usb-c cable and that goes into the port at the top of the grip that's how you charge the joy cons so you just attach them and it has an led to notify its status orange is charging and green is fully charged the other difference is that the charging grip has this cool looking transparent plastic but you can barely notice it it needs to be illuminated to stand out so yeah it would have been really nice if it had a battery to wirelessly charge the joy-cons instead of being tethered by that cable and it would have been also great if they added textured grips like the ones found on the pro controller so there it is i wouldn't really recommend this one unless you constantly use your switch in tv mode and need to keep the joy-cons charged or if you're like me you bought some extra joy-cons and want to have a grip specifically for them if you're planning on traveling anywhere with the nintendo switch you're going to need a case to protect the exposed plastic screen and those analog sticks so here we have the game traveler deluxe travel case by rds industries reason i picked this one up is because it's a hard shell case which is very protective and it's really small so inside you'll see that it's vacuum formed to fit the switch which gives it slots for the triggers it also comes with two red cases which together can hold eight games as well as four micro sd cards that have their own little cases those cases then slide right into these slots and below that you have a bit of room for earbuds the switch goes right in and locks into place with this soft padded pouch up here that attaches via this velcro tab there's not that much room in that pouch but it gives you enough to fit some cables or the joy-con straps in there and that's pretty much it you can carry it by the handle or just put it in a bag like i do if you plan to travel with your switch along with the dock and other accessories you don't want to use a normal bag where everything can slam into each other in there that's why i picked up the game traveler deluxe system case by rds industries same as its smaller brother it's hard shell which helps prevent anything inside from getting crushed and it's also vacuum formed it has slots for the nintendo switch console with joy cons attached the dock and joy-con grip or pro controller there's also slots on the sides to store additional accessories in fact it comes with a pouch for cables and the same two cases for games and the many cases for those micro sd cards i'm big on kits and having bags for those kits which is why i wanted this and it works really well nothing moves inside due to those vacuum form slots and i actually got a lot of stuff in it it's not the most stylish solution but it still works really well after having the hard shell for a few weeks i wanted something really simple to store my switch when i'm at home or at the office that's when i stumbled upon this beautiful pouch by waterfield this one in my hands is made of ballistic nylon that feels really good in hand it's got two compartments the main one unzips from the top all the way to the bottom side which lets you open it really wide this way you don't have to worry about your analog sticks rubbing up against something the material inside is really nice and soft plush which hugs the console and keeps the screen clean now when it's closed you won't have to worry about it opening on its own because it has these awesome locking zippers then on the side here we have this little strap so you can attach it to things i added a carabiner that i had now the second compartment is right here in the front it's half the size it has this nice yellow lining and two compartments within it you can put in all kinds of small accessories in here games or charging cable or those joy-con straps but you don't want to go crazy with it since it's right up against the switch so my one problem with it is pretty obvious protection it's not a hard shell case so if something slams up against this it won't really protect the switch i personally don't mind that at all i knew that coming in this is more for everyday carry than say if i was traveling with more stuff it's lightweight it's easy to use it's extremely low profile and it's very stylish i love this pouch next up something i normally hate and that is a screen protector i think it just looks tacky and no one gets it on perfectly there's always bubbles sometimes there's dust and it just looks gross and i just i never liked it but i honestly feel that the nintendo switch is in dire need of one due to that large exposed plastic screen the one i got is tempered glass and made by am film but there's multiple brands out there which i'm sure work just as well now it was actually pretty difficult to install i haven't done this for a while the good thing is that they included two of them so feel free to mess up that first one eventually i did nail the second one but the problem was that i didn't get it 100 straight it's slightly crooked so now the screen serves as a constant reminder of my failure i don't know if it was a simple oversight but the dock that comes with the switch doesn't have an ethernet port at home i prefer to play hardwired because it's more reliable than a wi-fi connection and to be honest no one likes to disconnect in the middle of the game so that's why i picked up this usb ethernet adapter by you green there's also an officially licensed one that's overpriced and has terrible reviews so i'm not going to suggest that one but this one didn't cost much and it works really well so this accessory is actually hilarious to me but i think it's sadly necessary this is a doc sock and it protects the screen but only from getting scratched by the dock hence the name i got this specific one on etsy from a seller called active patch they offer a few different designs but what i wanted was a custom one so i just sent them a vector file and here it is the front side here is slightly padded while the back is thinner and made of a really soft cotton not sure what nintendo was thinking with those harsh plastic edges in there but now i just don't really have to worry about it so yeah active patch on etsy they were very kind and helpful so if you're interested go support them and pick one up i'll have links in the description below if you watched our review one of the cons with the nintendo switch is that you can't charge it while using the kickstand in tabletop mode so if you want to use it angled instead of laying flat on a table you're going to want something like this hoary playstand i really hope i said that right it's hory right hory anyways the stand is made of a sturdy plastic and it folds down to about half an inch it has three adjustable angles 30 50 and 60 degrees with rubber feet to prevent it from moving the front flap that holds the switch pops right out and it has this cutout in the bottom so you can connect the charging cable via this route below which i like it prevents it from getting in the way it's also nice and wide so it won't wobble around and the most important feature it has an open back for vent airflow if you don't have that you risk having your switch overheat my problem with this stand is that it's actually pretty big it's just about the size of the console i'm not sure how they could have cut down on the size but the issue here is that it doesn't fit in my normal cases so i don't really have it on me at all times nonetheless it works really well and it's a must-have for those of you who love to play in tabletop mode let me begin by saying that i'm returning this one of the first nintendo switch accessories i was looking for was a shell maybe soft shell or a hard shell like this one to help protect it from bumps and scratches so i picked up one of these it's a generic brand which is sold under different names and it's okay at best the material is this hard crystal plastic that arrived with small cracks here and there so it fits nice and snug and locks into place with these little pegs that slide into the screw holes on the back which it was scary to put this on i didn't want to scrape the plastic on the device so i can only imagine how difficult it's gonna be to remove this for the most part the cutouts work really well and it still gives you access to the essentials then on the back of the joy cons they added these ergonomic extruded grips which don't really do much for me at least nothing that i noticed now one thing i do like is that you can still separate the joy cons from the console but the biggest flaw here is that the release button is near impossible to reach because it's surrounded by this plastic shell you're gonna need something to reach in there like a pencil or something pointy so if you only play in handheld mode and you don't remove the joy cons this may work for you but if you're like me and go from handheld to tv mode this doesn't fit in the dock so you're gonna have to remove the shell every time that's why i'm returning it if you're like us and take advantage of those 20 off pre-order discounts for physical games by now you may need a game case we already outgrew the ones we had so that's why we picked up the hoary game card case which holds 24 games hope i got it right this time hori right it's made of all plastic construction and i do like the front is transparent so you can look inside of it now it opens safely nothing pops out and inside there's two what i'll call pages that hold 12 games six on each side and it includes a memory card holder for two micro sd cards inserting games is very easy you simply push the game in towards the middle of the page and it snaps in once in these will not accidentally come out they're held very securely so much so that taking them out is a bit difficult the way to do it is you push the card's edge towards the middle and lift it takes more pressure than you'd expect but you'll quickly get the hang of it so a great solution for those of you who want a secure way to store more games next up is the niko clip grip power unlike nintendo's joy-con charging grip which doesn't have a battery as many of us first thought this one does not only that but more it's like the swiss army knife of switch grips and it's why it's our current favorite this grip is slightly larger than the official one it's all plastic but feels really good in hand very ergonomic inside it has a 3 000 milliamp battery to keep your joy-cons charged and there's also a button at the top to check the charge via these leds now the way that battery charges is via micro usb at the top sadly no usbc and next to it we have a usb port to charge other devices such as a phone now there's a reason for that and it's on the back where we have a hidden universal phone clip which snaps on at the top so the idea is you place your phone on it and then you can use the nintendo switch online app for voice chat one problem the app doesn't rotate to landscape mode in my opinion you're probably just better off using discord which handles voice chat way better and it also rotates to landscape the last thing in the middle for those of you who haven't yet picked up a game card case this grip includes storage for seven game cards and two sd cards very efficient use of what could have been dead space if you have extra joy cons by now you know it's sort of a pain to keep them charged since they normally do so when attached to the switch console last time we checked out the official joy-con charging grip which is a decent option but we found a better solution which charges up to 4 joy-cons at once enter the joy-con charging dock by power a the dock has a nice weight to it which helps keep it in place when inserting the joy cons and the rubber feet at the bottom help reinforce it while we're down there the power cable is hidden in this nice cable wrap which makes it really easy to store and control the length of it now the way it works is pretty straightforward you plug it into your switch dock or your tv via usb then slide the joy cons all the way into the rails and let them charge until the red lights turn green so not only does it charge your joy cons but it's also a great storage and display solution so there's a dock for 4 joy cons but what if you want to charge joy cons and a pro controller well power a just released the appropriately named joy con and pro controller charging dock to help with just that i don't know about you guys but we always forget to charge our pro controller so what i love about this dock is that it comes with a little adapter which you attach to the controller's usb c port and now it has a little which allows it to charge wirelessly by simply sliding it in the dock love it it's dead simple just drop it in and it's charging then in the back you have rails to slide in and charge your two joy-cons same as the other dock you have the charging indicator leds at the top the same rubber feet and cable storage at the bottom a similar overall weight and it also serves as a display so as you can tell we're big fans of both of these chargers they're very convenient and they keep our controllers topped off and ready to use at any time for those of you looking for a secondary dock that's smaller and less expensive either for another room or travel we found two solutions the first is an hdmi type c hub adapter by fast snail there's a few of these out there by multiple companies and i was scared about it at first since i never heard of these brands before but they have a lot of good reviews currently it's the most affordable docking solution out there and it's also the most portable because it's literally just a dongle it doesn't come with a power or hdmi cable so you'll have to supply your own but the good news is it actually works now i'd suggest using this with a stand such as the hori one we checked out in the last video if not you're gonna have to lay your switch flat on a surface but that's no bueno if you lay it on the back you're blocking the air vents which can cause your switch to overheat the other option is to lay it on the front but the problem there is that it places all the weight on the analog sticks so if you're an indoor soccer player or if anything hits it you may damage the console so it's affordable it's portable just use it with a stand and you'll be golden the next docking solution is the portable docking kit by niko [Music] all right calm down relax we dedicated an entire video to this talk because there was just a lot to talk about including your concerns so click up there or the link in the description below to watch that but to summarize some users reported problems ranging from connection issues to damaged consoles scary stuff i know but we bought it before we heard of those reports and so far we've been pretty lucky because ours works just fine we like that it's travel friendly since it's light and compact yet it has all the same inputs and outputs as the official dock the backrest doesn't block the vents and it can also be used as a charge and play stand what we don't like is that it's flimsy the console is only supported by the usb-c port and this light backrest so once again if you're playing soccer in the same room as this dock you're gonna have to be extra careful we're also bummed out that the usb-c port is always exposed which means it can get damaged if you're traveling with it as i said this dock didn't harm our switch but that's just our experience with it if you're not a careful person or if you have any fear of this breaking your console just don't buy it it's not as well thought out as nintendo's official dock but sadly it's one of the few options out there for those of us who've been waiting for a portable and affordable alternative as of right now this is our secondary dock and we use the dongle for whenever we travel and nintendo if you're listening maybe a mini dock might be a fantastic idea the next two items are for those of you who want a dedicated storage and carrying solution for your switch kit the first is the nintendo switch elite player backpack by pdp sorry you've all seen it it looks stylish it's made of this very nice and durable canvas plus you can also use it as a regular backpack on the back we have this pillowy mesh material that keeps it from getting too hot on your back and the straps also have it but they're not as cushiony as i wish they were at the top you have a very soft and comfortable hand strap so if you'd like you can carry it from there now let's dig in first you have this front compartment for smaller things like a tablet and you also have two zippered pockets inside behind that we have a larger compartment for headphones books things like that right beneath the hand strap you have a secret pocket with a soft plush interior which works really well for your phone and the last compartment is what makes this bag different from others and that is slots with soft plush interiors for just about everything your switch comes with the switch console fits perfectly in the left slot with or without joy cons attached but there's not much to protect the analog sticks in there it would have been nice if it was a bit larger so you can fit the switch within a hard case next you get six individual slots for joy-con so you can carry the max which is eight that can attach to a single switch console really like the individual pouches this way they don't bump up or scratch each other then on the right you have space for a pro controller or joy-con grip beneath that we have the slot for the official dock and finally you get a zippered pocket for all your cables one minor gripe i have with this is all the velcro yes it keeps everything secure and in place but it can get a bit loud that aside this bag is a great option to help you carry your full switch kit and more the second bag we're taking a look at is the everywhere messenger bag by power a it's a bit smaller and lighter profile than the pdp backpack it weighs just about nothing yet it has some good padding not a lot but enough it's made of a nicely threaded type of canvas that i really love the feel of you can carry it like a briefcase with this rubber handle or over your shoulder with the included padded strap unlike the pdp backpack you don't have as many compartments and that's because it's meant for the essentials on the back we have a very thin zippered pockets not much fits in there maybe some legal documents passports social security card birth certificates things like that that you don't really want to carry in there in the first place i don't know why i said that over on the front we have the main zippered compartment let's open it up first thing you'll notice is this very nice soft mesh material which makes moving things inside very easy they just glide against it one problem is that the inside of this flap seems to be cardboard which means it can possibly dent or soften with time so make sure to be careful with that so on the right we have a dedicated compartment for the switch dock then you have one to store all your cables and to the left of that we have space for a pro controller or joy-con grip of course you don't have to do it exactly like that you can get creative with the space and fit all kinds of things in there and if you have one of the other dock solutions we mentioned it'll give you even more room to play with now for the console you have this velcro slot at the top inside they include a separate case for the switch very awesome for those of you who don't yet have one and for those of you who do if it's not too big it should be compatible with this slot what i love about this is that say you're traveling with this bag and at one point you don't want to carry the full kit well you just take the console with this case and you're good to go so if you're on the fence and don't know which to choose the backpack is better for those who want more space and the messenger is best for those who want a smaller bag for essentials if we had to choose one we'd go with the messenger bag it doesn't take up a lot of room and it also makes for an awesome gift since it comes with a case for the console last time we checked out one of those generic crystal cases that we didn't like so we returned it but since then we stumbled upon a replacement for it in fact we found two and they're by mumba or is it mamba why does this always happen to me let's go with mumba mumba mumba mumba mumba first up is the slim fit version which is their lightest one it's available in a few colors and as you can see it's a single piece so it's best for handheld mode since you'd have to remove it in order to use the switch in tabletop or tv mode as you can see it wraps around the switch like a glove and i like that they included the bumpers it has cutouts for every port except the buttons at the top instead they added buttons which press down on those buttons but i like them they have a nice and smooth action to them on the back we do not have a cutout for the stand because as i said it's designed for hand-held mode then on the bottom we have very necessary cutouts for the vents now for the plastic we have two types one is a soft and reflective rubber and the other is this translucent rigid plastic both are just the right mix of soft and tough so it's easy to take off but still protects your switch from bumps and scratches they even added this linear design to the back of the joy cons to help improve your grip the second mumba mumba case is the heavy duty version and it's my personal favorite it's available in four sort of adventurous colors and just like the slim fit it's a single piece case it's easy to remove and it has the same cutouts for the ports and vents materials are the same as well but instead of the glossy rubber we get this very nice and thick matte rubber that is very shock absorbent this thing is a tank and i'm a big fan of the design love all the line work and the edges very nice now i know what you're thinking and yes it adds bulk to a light and portable console but in doing so it offers great protection and a more comfortable ergonomic grip so if you always use your switch in tv mode or tabletop mode this case may not be the best option for you but if you're like me and primarily use the switch in handheld mode i honestly believe you're going to love this case starting off the list we have thumb grips these offer a simple way to enhance the performance of the analog sticks now you may already have a few because some switch accessories include a set of these but you can also buy them individually in different shapes sizes and textures here as you can see we went with skull and company's thumb grip set they're made of a soft tpe rubber that really feels like it enhances your grip so to install them you turn them inside out lay them on top of the stick and slowly peel them into place these are available in three colors and they come with three pairs each with a different design you have skin grip which offers protection as well as a different texture at a similar height as the original analog stick then our favorite cqc elite with a chubby concave design which helps your accuracy it's very easy to control with a smooth texture in the middle and a gritty texture on the exterior finally we have the fps masters these are very tall and you'll either love them or hate them the idea is that they increase the analog sticks range of motion so you can play at a higher sensitivity with more control now it does take some time to get used to but of course your experience may vary and also be careful because your switch won't fit in a small case with these attached so for a few bucks you can easily change the feel of the analog sticks which can help with comfort performance and protection we previously featured the hori 24 game card case but many of you requested the premium ones by power a so let's take a look here i have the question block and creeper versions but there's also other mario and zelda designs they're very well built with rugged materials but the size may be too big to fit in smaller carrying cases to access your games you simply lift the latch here and you'll find 12 form fitting rubber slots these are much better than the hori hard plastic inserts which can be a bit rough on the cartridges the rubber ones are soft and flexible for easy insert and the notch at the top makes it simple to take them out now my only problem is the capacity uh i wish they had a version that held more games because this is definitely the most protective case out there and that's also exactly why i went with the hori 24 game card case but if you want something more like power a's cases there's the u unik unik game card case which is very similar but can store up to 16 games and 16 micro sd cards don't know why you'd you'd have so many but sure the design is generic but it's also waterproof next up for those of you who frequently use the joy cons individually for multiplayer you may have already seen these around and that's the humble joy-con grip as the name implies these give you a better grip on those tiny controllers not only that but they also enhance the difficult to use shoulder l and r buttons with larger and wider ones these here are by amazon basics they come in a two pack and include two thumb grips they're available in four colors and are made of durable abs plastic with a coating that feels very good in hand honestly it's just so good so if you find yourself using the joy cons individually for multiplayer as i said they're definitely worth having around now if you want an alternative i'd suggest gamester's f1 racing wheel yes it's a racing wheel but it also works really well as a grip for those of you with bigger hands it has huge easy to reach shoulder buttons a window to check your player led and you also have access to the z button we made an entire video for it so if you want to know more click the info card above or the link in the description below for those of you looking for the thinnest hard case on the market one that's become very popular is the ultra slim carrying case by tom talk it's small lightweight with a minimal design and premium feel the exterior is made of an eva hard shell plastic that's form-fitted not only for the triggers on the back but also the face buttons and the analog sticks that's how they reduce the size by almost half of other small cases out there it's available in two colors black and this one here gray with a spill resistant canvas material on the sides we have strapped up durable ykk zippers that open smoothly and inside we have a soft microfiber lining with a flap to protect the screen that can also hold up to eight games now in order to keep that thin size we do lose out on a few things such as a mesh compartment for cables or accessories but they were kind enough to include a separate soft carrying pouch for those things and because it's such a precise fit you won't be able to insert the switch with larger thumb grips or with an attached case unless it's very thin like a shell so keep that in mind but for those of you looking for a minimal carrying case this just might be the one you're looking for in previous videos we checked out the water field pouch which is a simple and stylish alternative to those generic hard carrying cases and it's still our current favorite it's less protective but it's flexible enough to carry the switch with a larger case attached like the moomba heavy duty sadly it's not compatible with something like the skull and company grip case with those large handles now recently we found a similar bag but with more space and at a lower price tag this is the switch travel bag by game sir it's made of a soft padded nylon that's water resistant with an adjustable shoulder strap and unlike a similar sized hard shell case this bag has more room to fit your switch with protective cases and grips of all sizes including the mumba heavy duty or the skull and company grip case and you can even fit the switch within the tom talk case in here if for some reason you want to aside from that you also have a zippered slot in the front for cables an additional compartment that's large enough to store accessories a portable battery extra joy cons as well as eight game slots so if you want something a bit different with more flexibility check it out if you're someone who always takes your switch on the go along with a portable battery then you may want to check out this charge and play case the switch easy power pack it's available in three colors and it's made of a micro weave nylon on the back we have the power strap to hold an external battery with these two bands and the larger strap for a joy-con grip with or without joy-cons attached back to the front instead of a zipper or latch it uses loud velcro and it's lined with a soft microfiber material that almost feels like felt in here we have seven game slots with a cutout so you can actually see what the game is inside and then you have a mesh divider the switch goes in the back and in the front we have cable routing for the included usb to usb l-shape cable now the charging feature allows you to place a battery in those back straps then run the included cable via this cutout into the case to charge the switch on the go the other option is to route the cable and pop the usbc port out towards the front and then you can charge and use the switch in tabletop mode so if you always carry a battery around and you want a versatile carrying solution check out the power pack and we'll talk more about this product in another video soon now the product you all requested the most was the one backed by over 2 000 people on kickstarter and that's the skull and company grip case it's available in a few color variations and it has two big selling features first and foremost the grips you get two pairs but you can buy additional colors they attach via these hooks that easily snap in and you can then press them from the inside to remove the snap grip is a normal rounded out grip for average hands and the trigger grip is larger with a curve at the top for larger hands such as mine the second big feature is or was that you can dock your switch with the grip case attached but recently skull and company has removed that information from their product page completely most likely because not all official docks are compatible some are slightly bent inward which creates a tighter fit the one we have fits just fine but that won't be the case for everyone so keep that in mind as for other details the case is made of a flexible tpu which makes it easy to install and remove the grips are made of a hard polycarbonate with a subtle texture that i wish was a bit more pronounced looking around you'll see that we have access to all our i o and vents except for the kickstand now at the top you'll notice the case covers both sets of shoulder buttons which they say provides a better gaming experience but in use we found that they take more pressure to actuate so not everyone will like these and being that the grips add to the size of the switch it most likely won't fit into a normal carrying case which is why they also sell the grip case in a kit with their large max carry case but i'll talk about that and more in the review which is coming soon now if you want an alternative there's the oddly similar mio case which we checked out in a previous video click the info card above or check the link in description for more on that uh to sum it up it's about the same form factor at half the price but the grips tend to pop off every once in a while which is very very annoying on average we get about three to four hours of battery life out of the switch which is why a battery charger is a great solution to extend it that's why i suggest an external power bank that you can use for more than just the switch there's a lot of brands out there at different capacities anker being one of our favorites but we found one that's perfect for the switch and your other tech this is the ghoulie kit ghoulie gully it's a 10 000 milliamp battery about the size of a smartphone and it looks just about the same as others out there you have a power button power indication leds usb c in to charge the battery usb c out to charge your devices but there's more in the box you get this thin adapter that snaps onto the back of the switch and that corresponds with the rail behind the battery so you slide it in and it safely locks into place now to charge you don't need to carry an extra cable because it includes a detachable one at the bottom you push out from the corner and you connect it to your switch and you're good to go now the only issue if any is that you can't clip it on if you have something like a mumba case on your switch but you can still use the battery detached so 10 000 milliamps should roughly give you an additional 10 hours of gameplay and the best part is that it comes in this portable size that fits in larger carrying cases previously we checked out the power a charging dock for the joy cons but recently i stumbled upon a different take on the same concept this is the bionic power plate duo it comes with two 4500 milliamp power plate batteries with built-in display to check your power level and confirm what's connected to charge them you can use the usb-c port at the top or simply place them in the dock while they're in there you can also connect and charge your joy-cons so the reason i love this system is because you can also use and charge the joy cons while attached to the power plates which serve as a grip it almost feels like a mini switch now if that's not enough bionic also includes two carrying bags for each battery and two usbc mini adapters the idea here is that you can take these batteries along with your switch kit if you ever need more juice in theory that's awesome but in use it's a bit problematic because you have to hold it against the switch unless you use a longer cable not really a big deal but honestly it's better than nothing now if you don't need all that bionic offers another version with just a single battery for two joy cons and they also have their own very nice looking joy-con charging station starting off with the super exciting game card case uh we're always on the lookout for large capacity game card cases but a lot of them out there are pretty small like this hori pop and go game case it can hold up six game cards three on each side and they lock into place and with the press of a button they pop right out but if you need more than six slots then you should check out the unikeep 28 game card case it's a locking binder which makes it easier to store or carry in a large bag and it's available in three designs a switch version abstract and this retro one we have here and no the design isn't removable i think it's actually printed directly on the case now inside we have a foam insert for 28 games and for some reason 10 micro sd cards um i'm not sure about that so the foam insert is glued on and it works perfectly for games because they pop right in the snug fit prevents them from falling out and the cutout makes them easy to remove it's a great solution for storage that also makes it easy to quickly pick out the game you want but there's a few things that annoy me about it actually uh right as we finished editing we found a new version of this case that fixed every single issue we had by replacing the micro sd slots and adding a second foam insert so it can hold up to 60 games it's a bit more expensive and it sort of makes this one obsolete sucks for me but at least now you know these are rail covers they protect the contacts on the rails and keep them clean of dust and debris now these are switchblades and they're as niche as the videos in this series gravalogic sent these to us and they're currently live on kickstarter to keep it simple they're premium rail covers but they go further than that first as you can see they're decorative and they're available in a variety of hardwoods limited acrylic acetates and an executive line with inlaid aluminum they attach the same way as the joy cons and lock into place with an easy to access latch at the top so as you can see they make your switch look classy like it belongs in a business meeting doing business things no but seriously they look good and they protect the rails but they're also functional over on the back we have deployable kickstands and these give you awesome viewing angles which you can easily adjust i was surprised as to how much i love that feature because it's just way better than the default kickstand on the switch so if you're tired of your switch looking lifeless and dull when docked or in tabletop mode check out the switchblades over on kickstarter recently making the rounds is another hard protective case by smatri i think that's how you say it i don't know i think it kills me we reviewed some of their tcg cases before which is why we're excited to check this one out same as the rest it's made of a tough and shock absorbent tpu with a nice amount of flex on the back we have low profile dimples grips that work well but they're very smooth in texture which for those of you with sweaty hands may affect your grip then in the middle we have a frosted back so you can show off the switch logo stickers or whatever you'd like so compared to the popular moomba case it's a little thinner it's not as grippy but it also has one big advantage on the back you have a cutout to access the kickstand and you can also remove the joycons which makes this case tabletop mode compatible three thumbs up i can definitely recommend this one the moomba protective case is by far one of the most popular cases to protect your switch so much so that just about every carrying case we check out is followed up with someone asking will the mumba case fit in it well this year mumba tackled that issue by releasing their own carrying case it's available in three colors and the exterior is made of a water resistant textured eva hard shell material with a nice linear design similar to the case on the corner we have a detachable wrist strap to carry it around and then we have a nice zipper pull to easily open the case inside we have a full mesh pocket at the top with enough room to store extra joy-cons cables games or any other small accessories you may have down the middle we have two cushioned microfiber flaps and each has 10 transparent game slots so you can carry a total of 20 games and actually see them then we have a slot for the switch which is of course large enough to fit with the attached mumbai case or any other similar case so it's stylish it's rugged and yes it'll fit the mumba case also they sent out three to give away so stick around till the end for more on that a few weeks ago we found another way to carry your switch on the go with hori's carry-all bag it's a small rectangular bag that you can carry either via the handle or the included shoulder straps and it's available in two versions mario or this one right here zelda so the bag opens diagonally and inside you have enough room to carry the dock the console with or without a case your power cables and extra joy cons or a switch grip but we did find that it's a tight fit with the joy cons attached and you also have a mesh compartment in the back for smaller accessories and yes you can also throw in a pro controller but not in that slot you gotta place it outside of it now these compartments are actually an insert attached with velcro so you can remove it that's not mentioned as a feature but because of it you can then use the bag to carry other things or break down the bag to a smaller size to store it then you can use the insert to keep your kit organized and ready to go so if you're looking for a small lightweight carry-all option this one is definitely different and definitely worth considering the joy-cons are crammed with all kinds of cool tech but instead of a d-pad we have buttons so things like diagonal inputs can be difficult and it just doesn't feel the same well hori's back to save the day with their d-pad controller it's available in three designs zelda mario and the latest [Music] to use it you just slide it on and it simply works but although it looks like a joy-con it's missing three core features to keep the price low first it doesn't have a battery which means it's not wireless and only works when connected to the switch so it's exclusive for handheld mode second it doesn't have motion controls and third there's no hd rumble but onto the d-pad it's good it's slightly concave in design and there's no texture to it which makes it easy to navigate around i also love the size of it it's not too big not too small but it is positioned a bit low which makes it feel cramped and let's be honest there's not much they can do about that as for performance we found it to be very accurate and responsive especially with fighting games where you have to perfectly time diagonal inputs so if you play a lot of fighting games puzzle games platformers any game that can benefit from the precision of a d-pad this is definitely worth having around smash brothers ultimate is just a few weeks away and as is becoming tradition nintendo is once again re-re-releasing another edition of the legendary gamecube controller it's only available in black and as you can see it looks identical to the original except for the longer cable this one's nine feet compared to the old which is six feet and the logo in the middle now for the most part everything feels just about the same and apparently so are the internals but then you still have some users reporting issues with quality control like stiff buttons or drifting as for myself i haven't had any problems using them side by side the old and the new i can't really tell the difference but then again i'm a casual player so maybe i won't notice things like snapback xy offsets things like that now if you're still on board the last thing you'll need to use these with the switch is the gamecube controller adapter it connects via two usb ports to the dock and it allows you to connect up to four gamecube controllers new or old but if you had another adapter you can connect up to eight controllers and let the chaos begin a lot of you have requested this next one for over a year and this is the separate charging grip by game tech we had to import it from japan and it's a bit pricey but after using it i think it's worth it now unlike the official grip this one snaps onto the joy cons directly and charges them via micro usb now the grips here are awesome they're very large with a ton of space to rest your fingers on and it just feels amazing in hand very comfortable but it gets better because you can remove the joy cons along with the awesome grips and use them individually or attach the switch in handheld mode love that versatility but it's not perfect because the materials are just okay the plastic feels a bit cheap and it would have been nice to see some texture or maybe rubber on the grips also keep in mind that the switch along with these grips won't fit in most carrying cases that aside we love this versatile grip i don't know why i waited so long to pick it up this next one just arrived at our door and i'm extremely excited about it it's the satisfy limited edition holiday bundle pre-orders are currently live on satisfy's website uh they ship out early december but apparently they have limited quantities so you may want to hurry well let me show you timmy inside we get their brand new slim case and the name checks out because it's about half the size of their large premium case it's wrapped in a nice gray fabric with a strap at the top and an easy to open zipper inside we have a soft lined interior a flap to protect the screen with 10 game card slots and beneath that we have the pro gaming grip but this version comes in an awesome red with black tpe coated handles also included is their premium usbc cable along with four concave thumb grips so this is more like four accessories in one but it's not cheating because it's a bundle yeah we're also including this bundle in another video so keep an eye out for that and also make sure to check out our review of the pro gaming grip to see why it's our current favorite grip raising over half a million dollars on kickstarter this little guy is genki it's a low latency usbc bluetooth transmitter that upgrades your switch so you can use it with wireless headphones it connects to the port at the bottom of the switch or to the dock with the optional usb adapter and it's powered by the console which means you don't have to worry about charging it it's available in two options by itself or in this awesome combo pack that includes the adapter along with a 3.5 millimeter microphone the usbc to usb adapter for the dock and a portable stand with clearance for the genki adapter at the bottom now to use it you simply connect it pair it and just like that your switch now has wireless audio with the latest low latency aptx codecs but unlike other adapters genki goes further with multi-broadcast that allows you to pair two bluetooth devices at the same time that feature is awesome for multiplayer in places where you just can't use the speakers now the only problem is that since it sticks out it's vulnerable to bumps or hits so you'll have to be careful with it and because it connects flush with the console it's not compatible with cases that surround the port too tightly but in the end the pros easily outweigh the cons so if you're looking to add a solid bluetooth connection with great range and versatility to your switch the genki adapter is one of the best options on the market so with nintendo announcing the labo vr kit it seems that even they plan for the switch to be worn in a headset but if you want 3d then check out the ns glasses by ex climb raising over 90 000 this headset claims to add an immersive 3d experience to the switch taking a look around as you can see it's pretty big but it's also lightweight and well made on the back we have a soft breathable cushion for your face but it's not large enough to fit with glasses on unless they're really small next we have a velcro adjustable headband very elasticy to suit small to massive heads now over to the front we have the tray for the switch very simple design it snaps in at the top and the switch connects to the pegs at the bottom and the edges are covered in this soft foam to protect the screen once in there you still have access to all the ports in io so yes you can play while charging with headphones on but if not don't worry there's also clearance for the speakers alright so wearing it is pretty comfortable but about 30 minutes in and the additional weight from the switch did become uncomfortable so to avoid that you can use them laying down so it sits above your head in a balanced way or staring down at them but you can also use it with the joy cons attached to hold up some of the weight in practice it looks hilariously awkward but then again uh so does any headset to be honest now the 3d effect is created by an infinity stone no no it's not it's actually created by a single lens uh that means there's no electronics that can break or batteries that need charging and you don't have to adjust focus now the experience is difficult to show on camera but it's like a poor man's ready player 1 headset it feels like you're inside a corridor staring at a huge screen and the lens in there creates this slight rounded distortion with a subtle 3d effect so at least for us yes it works it makes games like breath of the wild or dark souls feel even more epic and it gets rid of distractions so you can focus all of this at the cost of looking very odd when it comes to carryalls you have backpacks messengers and a ton of hard shell cases but this one is very unique this is the storage travel bag by tomtoc unlike other bags this one isn't as protective because it's more of an insert that can go in a backpack or your luggage with the option to carry it by itself with the shoulder straps or the handle at the top looking around on the front we have a water resistant fabric with dark outlines of the switch kit now inside we have roomy elastic mesh pockets and compartments there's enough room for the official dock charging cables or the ac adapter a strap for a grip with joy cons attached or a pro controller and one for the switch it can also fit with a protective case or tomtok slim case but it's not roomy enough to fit with a larger grip then on the other side we have a large compartment that can fit two maybe three pro controllers or a ton of joy cons along with a battery bank adapters games and other accessories like that so as an insert it's not as protective but it makes for a very nice lightweight yet roomy carry-all for the switch we've mentioned joy-con grips before but these next ones are by far the best we've tested this is the grip kit by mumba so these have a very linear design with reflective lines throughout and very ergonomic curves on the handles it's constructed of a smooth abs plastic that slides right into your hands but i wish they added some rubber to the back of these handles to help keep your grip regardless we've never had them slip around during use but if you have sweaty hands it might work against you so the slot for the joy-con has rubber at the top to keep the controller in place and it has these sections that push down on the sl and sr buttons either joy-con can fit and you just slide it in from the top and push the bottom in you'll notice that they're still a bit offset due to the design of the joy-cons themselves but this makes them feel way better in hand compared to using them with just the wrist straps they're by far the most ergonomic grips we've tried and it's perfect for just about any hand size finally when you're done you can just press on the lower back of the grip and the joy-cons pop right off so if you're always using the joy-cons individually for multiplayer i would highly recommend you take a look at the moomba grip kit now if you're looking for joy-con grips to use together as a pair we've previously checked out the separate charging grip by gametech but they're a bit pricey since you have to import them now recently we came across a similar option by butterfox first thing you'll notice is that they're extra thick the design feels exaggerated with these very long shoulder buttons and wide curvaceous grips that extrude towards the sides instead of the back they're made of a smooth abs plastic that same as with mumbas i wish had some type of rubber to help with your grip now installing them is a bit tricky you first insert the shoulder buttons and then violently snap the bottom into place now you can try to slide them in from the sides as i first did and it will work but the curves on the grips can actually scratch the joy-con so be careful once attached they work well in handheld mode but they're also dock compatible finally to remove them you need to have them attached to the switch then you grab the grips from the side push outwards and down takes a bit of time to get used to but they suggest keeping them on an extra pair to avoid damaging the joy cons from constantly installing and removing them but that sort of says a lot doesn't it alright so overall they feel good and do enhance the ergonomics of the joy cons but it's a love-hate relationship because i really don't like that they replace the shoulder buttons and uh they're very harsh to install and remove oh almost forgot uh each grip also has a little slot for a game if if you know you want to put a game in there so the collector in me finally caved and pulled the trigger on nintendo's official nes switch controllers these launched alongside the paid nintendo switch online subscription service that includes a growing library of classic nes games also you can only purchase them if you're subscribers so keep that in mind now they look identical to the originals same colors and button placement except you know they're wireless but also at the top they have the same rail as the joy cons that's because they charge when connected to the switch in this very awkward first gen apple pencil way now for those wondering yes they actually work when attached but they're limited to the functionality of a single nes controller now for nes games it's perfect it just takes you back in time they work exactly as you remember very nostalgic we've been playing a lot of the adventure of link and yes it's just as infuriating as i remember but these controllers are also great for other classic style games that don't need more than a d-pad and two buttons the next two are slightly different products in the same category and that's replacement shells for the pro controller but why not the ones for the switch because i'm a coward but we'll probably do those next first up is by mass carry it's for the main body and they're available in five colors aside from the shell it also includes replacement buttons in blue red yellow and green but we chose to stick to the originals now installation is a bit annoying because instructions are not included and the pro controller has a ton of screws but it's doable the first one took a little over 15 minutes but it was much faster the second time around just take it slow one screw at a time and keep everything organized so you can then put it back together similar to the original shell these have that transparent look that just it looks awesome and really stands out perfect for b-roll next is i i don't know how to pronounce this one uh minia mania i don't know but instead of the body these are replacement grips they're extremely simple to install since a grip is held together by just one screw but still be careful because you do not want to strip them being that we have that green shell it only made sense to go with the yellow grips to match our colors but we also found that it looks really cool if you only add one it's like an accent color now these do feel different than the original pro controller grips those are made of what feels like a softish plastic almost like rubber with tiny dimples throughout but these grips are more of a smooth hard plastic with a type of wavish texture on them but they work just as well next up with over eight thousand backers who pledged 140 thousand dollars is the flip grip by fangamer this well-designed piece of plastic provides a convenient way to rotate the switch 90 degrees while keeping the joy cons attached for games with a vertical mode down the middle we have four soft pads to protect the console while at the same time making it easy to slide in then on the right we have a small rubber piece that fits into the back vent to keep the switch in place so following the diagram in the center you position the switch the right way and then slide it in to remove it you lift the release tab on the back which lifts the rubber stopper out of the vent so it can slide out finally you slide the joy-cons into these tracks until they lock into place keep in mind that they're not physically connected to the switch they're in wireless mode so they won't charge looking around although we still have access to the headphone port and game card slot we lose access to the usbc port which means no charging and the power and volume buttons are also blocked off but that's okay because the home button is all we need by holding it you can wake up the switch and then holding it down gives you access to the side menu here you can put the switch back to sleep and you'll also have volume and brightness adjustments so next you'll of course need a compatible game there's currently a little over 20 games in the east shop that support vertical mode and you'll have to enable it in the settings or options menu after that sit back and enjoy unless you're playing ikaruga at that point just do your best to contain your rage so you can avoid throwing your switch shut the wall [Music] because you can never have enough bags for the switch this is the hori go pack it's a small sling bag with enough room to carry the essentials and it's available in both mario and zelda designs on the back you have breathable mesh padding along with a single adjustable strap we have two compartments the first opens up about a quarter of the way and it's very roomy it can fit a play stand battery bank charging cables joy cons games things like that but it's actually large enough to fit the official switch dock yes that thing fits in there now the main compartment has a slot for the switch that's made of a soft plush to protect the screen and yes it's roomy enough to fit along with an attached protective case once inside you'll still have space for something like cables a stand or battery bank but nothing too bulky like uh ironically the ac adapter that some of you will need for the dock so if you want a small lightweight bag to carry your switch essentials on the go check out the go pack you get it previously we checked out hori's d-pad controller but next up is an option to simply convert the directional buttons on the joy-cons into a pad with skull and companies joy-con d-pad and button caps the name says it all uh they're just caps that go on the buttons very low-tech fix there's two types you have the normal d-pad and then you have a rounded d-pad they also include colored caps for the face buttons but that's more decorative than it is useful at first i thought you'd simply place these on top and you're done but it's not that easy as the instructions state you have to place the included double-sided tape on each button which are very tiny and annoying to peel you then take the cap you want and stick it on top at first glance it looks pretty legit and feels like it might work until you get in game we experienced a ton of accidental inputs uh we'd press down it actually go down and left press right and it goes right and down at first we thought we did it wrong so we tried the rounded d-pad as well and it's the same thing we couldn't pull off any specific moves and it's not just in fighters even in binding of isaac you can see that we press down but it registers a diagonal down and right instead so i like the concept but the execution is lacking so if you really want a d-pad check out horiz or a pro controller or something similar since we chose to go physical we've been cursed to always walk the earth with a game card case there's a ton of them out there and we're putting together a video to show you all of them but our current favorite is by bag 2 it's a small stainless steel case and it opens at an angle why i i don't know but the inside is lined with two foam inserts with cutouts for eight game cards and two micro sd cards everything stays securely in place the case locks closed and the button on the front makes it easy to open it's a very slick and simple solution plus it's very fun to fidget with sorry next up we featured this controller in our last video and had to add it to this list this is power a's wireless gamecube controller to keep it short it feels almost identical to the og gamecube controller and with a very similar layout except for a few additions we have the capture home plus and minus buttons in the center at the top instead of a single z button we have two l and r buttons with the triggers for z l and z are and unlike the original the analog and c sticks click in as buttons now a few cons first it's not rechargeable it runs off with two double a batteries which last 30 hours next it doesn't have rumble or nfc for amiibo finally the triggers are digital not analog which is a bummer but to be honest little to no games make use of it on the switch cons aside it remains a favorite due to the nostalgic the legendary gamecube design that just works so well especially for smash brothers also that little d-pad is actually very solid for fighting games now we spend a lot of time searching for the latest and greatest stuff for you guys and every once in a while we stumble upon a truly hidden gem this is the switchpad pro wireless controller by surge and i'm gonna say it on the record this is the current best pro controller alternative out there here's the quick rundown it has the same button layout as the pro controller but it weighs less and the ergonomics feels slightly better in hand on top of that it has a 20 hour rechargeable battery the strongest rumble we've experienced and it also has motion controls the construction is solid but with a generic design the buttons are made of a glossy plastic that makes the d-pad much easier to navigate it also has a turbo function and four extra buttons on the back that you can program with macros all that for 30 bucks what yeah this is crazy if you haven't seen it everywhere by now you will after this video and i have a feeling that it's gonna sell out once word gets out same as when we showed you the bionic commuter bag for the first time so i'll have links for it down in the description below good luck when it comes to thin protective cases water fields pouch and tom talks ultra slim case are at the top of the list but out of nowhere lowepro makers of some of the most popular camera bags released the switch wrap it's part of their gear up series and as the name implies it's a wrap made of nylon that's held together by this aluminum clasp which you can attach to any of these loops now inside it's pretty bare bones you have a game card or sd card slots at the top and the switch is held securely in these two elastic slots and yes it also fits with a protective case like moombas or smart trees finally at the bottom you have thick padding to protect the screen and it gives the analog sticks enough room to breathe so if you want the thinnest case to protect your switch when taking it on the go lowepro's switch wrap will not disappoint i don't know why but almost no one takes advantage of the fact that you can reduce the size of the switch by removing the joy cons water field designs did so with their arcade case which i believe they phased out but finally pdp has stepped up to the plate with their play and charge console case like their latest products it's made of a durable gray fabric with black pleather details and it's much smaller because it's meant to store the switch without the joy cons attached so the controllers go in the slot on the left and you have an extra one on the right for additional accessories extra joy cons whatever and then the console goes right on top then we have a protective screen flap that can also hold six game cards but it also acts as a stand that sits on these rails so you can charge and play the switch in tabletop mode we love it now when it comes to batteries our go-to is ghouly kits power bank but a lot of you have been requesting a battery case for the switch so we recently came across this one by you green it has a 10 000 milliamp capacity which should give you an extra 6 to 10 hours of game time and it has the same standard output as the officially licensed anchor battery so it's the same size as the console itself excluding the joy cons and to connect it you just slide it into the usbc port and snap it in at the top once in there we still have access to all the i o along with cutouts for vents at the top on the side we have the power button and battery indicator leds and at the top you have a usb a output so you can also charge another device like your phone or tablet and that micro usb port is so you can charge the battery itself so in handheld mode it does add a bit of bulk but it's still pretty lightweight and it also has a stand on the back so you can charge and play in tabletop mode it seems a new one's released every other month so we're back with another grip this one is by the difficult to pronounce lam ko oh and like the name it's a little weird it's a single piece that's made of a treated plastic that feels like a very nice soft mat to install it you push it up against these retractable top rails align the usbc port and slide it in the design is very cool and unique you have cutouts for both sets of vents and access to most of your i o except for the game card slot and kickstand now why does it have a usbc port well apparently it was originally designed to work with a battery that would attach in the back slot and it connects via these pins which would then charge the switch i'm guessing they ran into a problem though because although the product page has images of it they still haven't released it so now if you want to charge the switch you can use that port at the bottom but regardless the ergonomics feel good in hand and i do like the design of this grip quick update we just found a better identical version of this script that includes a game card case and a stand so i'll link that one in the description below instead way back in the first episode of this series we checked out the hori compact play stand which is a simple portable solution to charge and play the switch in tabletop mode but since then they've updated the concept with their multi-port usb play stand with the push of a button you have a large range of viewing angles that lock into place along with rubber feet to keep it from moving around it's ac powered to both charge the switch and power four usb ports all from the side so they don't get in the way so this hub is perfect for everything from wired controllers a keyboard fight stick a headset an ethernet adapter and more this is definitely the best way to play in tabletop mode with friends and when you're done it folds up into a nice portable size next up you've all seen them and can't stop commenting about them and that's our black joy-cons now there are official black joy-cons but those are only for development kits these are custom ones from colorware they take hardware ranging from phones laptop consoles etc and customize them in a ton of different colors as for the switch you can buy and customize the full console or individual pieces like just the dock or joy cons and even the pro controller they offer a large variety of colors in either solid or metallic so why did we go with the least exciting color well that's just because black works best when we're reviewing and displaying all these switch accessories but also i just love that blacked out matte look and i think a lot of you agree let me know in the comments this next one keeps popping up in video after video but it's by bionic who makes some of the best high quality switch accessories this is the tv links a portable charge and connect kit but it's pretty much a third-party dock so before i get into it psa no third-party dock is 100 safe the switch isn't usb-c compliant so using anything other than the official dock means you risk bricking your switch so now you know and of course i did reach out to them and they responded with this statement to summarize they've thoroughly tested the tv links with the switch and their dynamic power adapter helps adjust to the power requirements it needs i'm not an engineer i'm not an expert but during our use we've had no problem with it it's been fine for us to keep it short the kit is pretty much just a bunch of high quality braided cables which you can use as a normal usbc charging cable for the switch or other devices then if you want to connect it to the tv you simply use the hdmi cable as i said we've had no problem with it but that doesn't guarantee the same for everyone else then when you're done you can wrap it all together with the included velcro strap which makes it easy to travel with first up is the highly requested split pad pro by hori these chunky joy-con alternatives give handheld mode a full-size controller upgrade first thing you'll notice is that they're big i'm talking game gear big although the build quality is pretty solid they feel a bit hollow and that's because unlike the joy cons these don't have batteries instead they're powered by the switch which means they only work in handheld mode once attached it makes the switch look massive and really wide which kills off its portability but feels so much better in hand due to their size and the grips on the back which are subtle with a nice texture that makes them easy to hold another factor is that everything on them is bigger we have large trigger shoulder and face buttons along with wide analog sticks but don't worry the d-pad is normally sized then we have a few other features there's an on-the-fly turbo button which works really well and you can change the speed of then on the back we have two extra buttons which you can assign buttons to and finally this thing is dock compatible all right all that's great but there are a few things missing such as nfc for amiibo the ir camera hd rumble and the biggest bummer motion controls so with the split pad pro you're trading off those things for a more traditional and comfortable gaming experience but to be honest it does feel worth it next one of our favorite carrying cases for the switch is back with a powerful upgrade this is the bionic power commuter same as the original we have that discreet tactical look with water resistant materials the unique flap loop on the back so you can attach it to other bags the same soft padded console compartment large enough to fit with a medium-sized grip and accessories compartment for games joy-cons and cables overall it's just about identical to the original except for one big new addition behind this flap we have a removable 10 000 milliamp battery which can charge the switch a little over two times as you can see it's pretty large and that's to suit the size of the bag good news is that it's also slim and lightweight on the bottom right we have a button with four charging indicator leds and on the side we have a port to charge it via micro usb and a usb output to charge other devices like your phone tablet or whatever now to charge the switch it has an integrated flat usbc cable so the battery lives in this mesh pocket and when you need it you just pull out the cable and start charging very convenient especially for trips when you need the extra juice steelseries has tried to tackle the wireless headset for the switch before with the arctis 3 but the method between modes was confusing for most users but now they're back with a simplified process with the arctis 1 wireless as the name implies it's a wireless headset with comfortable airweave ear cushions on-ear controls a detachable microphone that i wish was integrated and a hefty 24-hour battery life it can also be used wired with the included 3.5 millimeter cable and it has multi-platform support so you can use it with all your consoles and devices all of this revolves around their new tiny usbc dongle the idea is simple turn on the headset plug the dongle into the switch and you're good to go if you want to use it on another device such as the switch light because it doesn't need the pegs to connect you just attach it and you're all set reason we love this is because the lack of bluetooth audio on the switch is a major oversight but with the arctis one wireless you just plug in the adapter and you get awesome sound along with a great microphone for chat that you can use in any mode it's our current favorite it's just about perfect except for two things one the dongle does get a little warm so be careful with it and two you can't lose that dongle because if you do the entire headset becomes pretty useless following 8bitdo's popular sn30 pro is the sn30 pro plus we went with the blacked out version but they also have super nintendo and game boy editions like the previous iteration it's retro inspired with the same button layout along with centered analog sticks a turbo function and one of the best d-pads we've come across but the plus adds a few new features such as these grips that enhance the ergonomics curved out analog trigger buttons that are easy to use and it's completely customizable via their new ultimate software on top of that like most of 8bitdo's controllers it's also compatible with multiple platforms that all together makes this one of the best controllers for the switch and if you want all the details watch our full review by clicking the info card above or the link in the description below for those of you who love fighting or retro games but want something a bit smaller than a fight stick this is power a's fusion wired fight pad the design is inspired by the sega saturn gamepad that they say is revered by fight game enthusiasts it definitely has that retro vibe with this wide shape and subtle grips on the back overall it feels really good in hand it has a six button arcade style layout which is best for fighters so you can have all your light medium heavy punches and kicks in one area instead of splitting it into the shoulder buttons in use they're pretty firm with a short travel distance and so far have been very responsive then we have a floating d-pad which is really fluid and precise aside from that it also has a few other features such as a removable cable three swappable magnetic face plates a 3.5 millimeter audio jack at the bottom and on the fly customizable toggle switches for the d-pad and right shoulder button so if you want an easy way to enhance fighting and retro games definitely give it a try moomba makers of the most protective cases for the switch is back with two new additions first is the blade case we featured it before it has a similar vibe to their previous versions and it's made with top of the line premium materials that can protect against scratches bumps and even drops we still have all the necessary cutouts except for the kickstand and ir reader but this time around we have two new additions first are the grips in hand they feel great they're subtle with a nice angular design that has both smooth and matte textures to help keep your grip next the joy cons are removable which makes this case dock compatible just keep in mind you may have to use a bit of force to do so overall it's one of the best looking protective and dock compatible cases out there next is the larger battle case it has a similar techie design and the same rugged materials with the addition of this glossy plastic the grips are also different these stick out towards the bottom and extrude more on the back they feel good to hold and at the same time provide some good shock absorption now unlike the blade case this one cannot dock it's just too thick but it is tabletop mode compatible you just remove the joy cons and pop out the extra large kickstand on the back so both of these cases are awesome for handheld mode but just keep in mind that the blade case is meant to work in tv mode while the bigger battle case is meant for tabletop mode next up is a minimalist backpack to carry the full nintendo switch kit this is controller gear's zelda switch backpack it's very clean with a classic look similar to jansport or herschel backpacks with that simple two pocket system it's black with caramel straps and gray icons all throughout on the front we have a simple large pocket nothing special there but in the main compartment we have a lot it opens halfway and starting off we have a 15.6 inch laptop sleeve then on top of it we have a padded velcro pouch for the switch it's not large enough to fit with something like a grip but it should be fine with thin carrying cases and of course by itself under that flap there's eight elastic game card sleeves now at the bottom it's difficult to show but we have an elastic pocket for things like the ac adapter and your cables and next to that we have a long elastic band for the official dock overall it's a discreet bag to carry the full switch kit that you can also use as a normal backpack but it's not going to blow you away the construction the build quality is subpar and it would have been nice to have some more premium materials and weatherproofing but regardless it gets the job done this next one is ipega's tomahawk gamepad they make a ton of similar looking android gamepads so this is their first nintendo switch version it connects via usbc and same as the split pad pro it makes the switch look huge but those large grips make it much more ergonomic than the joy cons in hand it feels pretty good but not as premium as it looks due to this hollow plastic they went with the layout is also a bit different with the analog sticks at the top face buttons on the bottom right and all your other buttons on the lower half as for how they work it's a love hate relationship because they are responsive but some of them like the trigger shoulder start and select buttons feel very cheap the face buttons are fine but the analog sticks are a little looser than i'd like and they have noticeable dead zones that you can really feel when you're aiming and trying to be very accurate that alone will be a deal breaker for a majority of you as for the d-pad we've also had issues there with the occasional missed or incorrect inputs especially when traveling from one end of it to the other also i wish these edges were rounded down a little bit more finally same as the split pad pro it also lacks nfc for amiibo the ir camera hd rumble and motion controls but also there's no usbc passthrough so you can't charge the switch with it attached for those of you who mainly play in handheld mode and want to enhance both the battery life and ergonomics of the switch i present to you big blue's battery case it's made up of two parts first is the joy-con grips inside each you can store both a game and micro sd card and they pop right on next is the battery case to install you just lift up the top slide the switch into the usb c port and close it in together this thing is a tank and definitely adds some weight to the console but that's mostly due to the large 10 000 milliamp battery that can charge the switch a little over two times on the back we have a power button leds a usbc input to charge it and a usb output to charge additional devices next to it we have a nice and wide kickstand so you can remove the joy cons to use in tabletop mode as for the joy-con grips you have to make sure you attach them correctly because if not they can pop off but overall they feel very good in hand and i like the plastic they used so if you're constantly on the go and want to add more battery life to the switch along with a better grip this might just be the fix you need one of the switch lights best features is its portable size but unlike the 3ds which can close in on itself to keep everything in there safe to protect the light screen and analog sticks you're gonna have to use something like a carrying case or our current favorite the official flip cover it's a minimalist and stylish hard shell case wrapped in a durable gray fabric that feels great in hand while also providing a good amount of protection the console pops right in and the cover has a magnetic closure with just the right amount of strength as you can see it adds little to no bulk it's very low profile and we love how it looks with this minimalist design over on the back we have cutouts for the vents below that another to charge it and easily open it now when using the switch it sort of hangs out and flaps around not a big deal but worth mentioning because i know it might annoy some of you also no you can't use it as a stand as for protection mostly everything is covered including the analog sticks via these indents but the shoulder and trigger buttons remain exposed so it should be fine bumping around your bag but i wouldn't be surprised if those corners took some damage after a drop and that's pretty much it it's very simple and to the point but makes it so you can both protect your switch light while still having quick access to it to celebrate the release of animal crossing new horizons hori is releasing a ton of accessories many of which are slowly being shipped our way but we did get our hands on the aloha edition of their carrying case it's available for both the switch and switch light this one being the ladder and it's wrapped in that iconic animal crossing leaf pattern colorized in white light blue and turquoise as for protection it's not hard shell but it is rugged enough to defend against bumps and light drops to get in there we have a hideaway zipper and inside it's pretty bare bones at the bottom we have the slot for the switch light and then a screen protecting flap with eight game card slots on the other side now above that we have a net for accessories but as you'll notice since the case is about a perfect fit there's not much that can go in there outside of something like a charging cable or earbuds and even that is a bit much so if you're an animal crossing fan looking for a stylish minimalist case and don't mind the lack of storage inside it's worth checking out and as i said we do have other animal crossing products headed our way which kate is gonna take a closer look at so keep an eye out for that and follow us on instagram so she can keep you posted this is the three up sling bag by villager it's a stylish switch bag that reminds me of a puffer jacket with retro 80s aesthetics when it comes to design and construction the three up is top notch it's made with a handful of premium materials with a lot of attention to detail and the price sort of reflects that the exterior is made of a water resistant nylon and weaved fabrics there's large ykk zippers for each compartment and on the front we have a d-ring for things like your keys or keychains to carry it the three up comes with a lanyard and an adjustable shoulder strap both attach via this fastener or screw on the back which is a decent idea but you got to be careful because it's pretty easy to lose and once you do uh this feature is pretty much useless now inside the first compartment is lined with a smooth rib stop nylon and we have three slots that work well for joy cons earbuds a game card case a small power bank things like that but i do wish these compartments were adjustable to fit more things then all the way on the back we have a flat pocket which we normally use for our phone or a notebook finally we have a wide opening main compartment for the switch that is lined with a soft heathered fabric surrounded by thick impact resistant foam to protect the switch in here we also have a screen protecting divider with 10 game card slots and last but not least up on the other side we have a little port so you can charge the switch with a power bank on the other side so if you're looking for a stylish bag to carry your switch and the essentials that will last past this console's lifetime the three up is definitely worth checking out since the last episode 8bitdo has released two new gamepads for the switch so let's check those out first up if you hate joycon drift well you're gonna love 8bitdo's like gamepad it's a portable pocket size controller with not one but two d-pads but before we talk about those things you should know it's wireless with an 18-hour battery life charges via usbc you've got two modes either for the switch or x input so yes it's multi-platform compatible then we have a turbo mode but sadly not for the switch it's only 4x input now the shape is similar to the switch but as someone with big hands it's not the most ergonomic this leads to moments where my grip would cause me to accidentally hit l and r due to their elongated shape and the left d-pad was difficult to use precisely unless i move my fingers behind the gamepad next the layout is almost identical to the switch with the same amount of buttons including l3 and r3 on the d-pad but pressing them in can cause accidental inputs then instead of triggers r2 and l2 are in line with l and r and every single button including the d-pads are clicky similar to the face buttons on the joy cons so you can feel every single actuation alright on to the d-pads on the switch these emulate analog sticks but they only have 8 points of input no pivot and they're digital so unlike an analog stick they're not the best for games that require precise incremental movements for something like aiming or camera controls so it's a unique experience with those games but it's not meant for them instead it's better for 2d fighting games beat-em-ups platformers puzzle games etc as for the extra d-pad the idea seems very niche and i don't think most people will make use of it but at this price point it makes for an awesome little retro pad to take on the go for those looking for the most portable retro controller out there look no further than 8bitdos02 this latest version of the gamepad improves on a handful of things while keeping that adorable miniature form factor it's available in three colors to match the switch light but it's also multi-platform compatible things you should know it's a little under two and a half inches and weighs in at just 20 grams it's wireless it has an indicator led at the bottom an 8 hour battery which charges via micro usb sadly not usb-c and it also comes with a silicone wrist lanyard but you can do as we did and instead attach a keychain so you can hang it on your bag or keys now the d-pad and face buttons are mushy while the lr select and start buttons are clicky overall they work well no complaints there but due to its small size it's not the most ergonomic controller out there which makes using the shoulder buttons a bit difficult with that grip but on the other hand that size makes it perfect to just leave it in your carrying case so it's ready whenever you need it now when using it with the switch keep in mind that it doesn't have zl zr capture or home buttons and obviously no analog sticks so it's not compatible with games that require those instead this tiny gamepad is best for retro games such as 2d platformers beat-em-ups fighters and they specifically targeted nintendo's nes and snes game library by including a button combination for zl and zr by pressing in both select and start so you can access that suspend menu in the end this makes for an awesome little retro game companion especially for those who don't want to buy extra joy cons we're huge mario kart fans here it's one of our favorite multiplayer games and in last year's gift guide we mentioned hori's mario kart racing wheel pro mini that gives you a fun immersive way to race which we said this about right off the bat it looks like a toy and it pretty much is it's plasticky but the wheel works well it's very springy and responsive and i like that the pedals are optional now the whole thing is pretty small so if you're an adult child like myself you're probably better off with the deluxe version which is larger with a more modern design since then we did get our hands on the deluxe version which upgrades just about everything it's larger same goes for the foot pedals which are full size with way better resistance back to the wheel it's wrapped in rubber to increase your grip it has a better button layout they've also added zr and zl buttons to the wheel itself the paddles on the back are bigger and clicky and you have two mounting options to choose from overall it's a very cool peripheral that makes it feel like you're playing the arcade version of mario kart and keep in mind you can also use it with other racing games including from other platforms charging grips are a great way to extend the life of the switch while also improving on the ergonomics of it we've checked out a few in the past but the charge play clutch by hyperx brings a few new features to the table it's made up of three pieces the first in the center is this six thousand milliamp battery which gives you an extra five hours of play time at the bottom we have a usbc connection and a latch at the top to secure the console on the back we have a power button and four charging indicator leds to the right of it we have a usbc port to charge the battery and above that we have a kickstand that you can use in multiple angles next we have two joy-con grips which magnetically connect together and both have nice textured ergonomic grips that feel great in hand to use them in tabletop mode either together or individually you got to use the pop-up rails to hold the joy-cons in place and you're good to go next for hand-held mode you have to remove the joy-cons drop the rails attach the grips to the battery and slide the joy-cons on the switch and yes if you change between modes a lot that will get a bit tedious now in use the grips feel better but it does add some weight to the switch so if that bothers you you can just attach it when your battery is running low or simply use it in tabletop mode that aside the benefit of an extra 5 hours of battery life along with a better grip definitely make the charge play clutch an option worth considering if you want to get a better grip on the switch light you can't do better than those by satisfy and skull and co as someone with big hands i have a lot of love for satisfy's original switch grip but their smaller switch grip light or i believe it's now called their zen grip light is just as awesome it's currently only available in white which nicely complements the buttons on the normal switch light and it's pretty much a shrunken down version of the original along with the same features that being the asymmetrical design to better align your thumb with the right analog stick which does help reduce fatigue those large textured grips that enhance the ergonomics and make it feel really good in hand what they call their float design where the inner silicone tabs prevent the switch from touching or scraping against the grip plus it can also stand on its own so you can charge it with an angled cable and use it in tabletop mode albeit not in the best angle now as soon as you hold it the zen grip light just feels right and it makes the switch light way more comfortable to use for a longer period of time which is why it's a personal favorite now because it does make the switch light bigger it won't fit in a normal carrying case which is why they also sell it in two bundles the first is their slim bundle with a minimalist low profile case and the second is their elite bundle perfect for those who want to carry it along with a few accessories skull and co's original grip case for the switch became popular because it both provided protection along with interchangeable grips and the same applies to their latest grip case lite this time around we now have a transparent soft tpu case so you can show off the color or design of your switch light and it has cutouts for everything except the micro sd card slot so the back and each side is protected same as the original grip case that also includes the shoulder buttons which love it or hate it changes how they feel but should provide a good amount of protection against drops so we have three sets of grips the snap grip is low profile with lines throughout which makes it easy to hold the plus grip is larger and rounded out to fill your hand and the trigger grip is about the same size but with a spot to rest your finger on attaching them is different than the previous version as well with a sliding system instead of clips it's pretty straightforward but can be a bit tricky if you don't line them up perfectly also keep in mind that you can mix and match these to whatever suits you best very cool now because of the size of the larger grips it won't fit into most carrying cases which is why they also sell a bundle with their max carry case light so if you're looking to both protect your switch light and enhance its ergonomics with interchangeable grips we can safely recommend skull co's grip case we've tested a ton of joy-con grips but this next one is the most versatile we've come across this is the game pal multi-function joy-con grip so first thing you'll notice is that it looks and feels cheap just being honest but one thing they did right was nail functionality so there's two parts to it the grip itself and the inserts the grip feels really good in hand they're just the right size and curve enough to ease your fingers into the shoulder and trigger buttons next the two inserts the first is for using a set of joy-cons together we actually like using a detached and it's perfect to also travel with since it keeps them together on top of that it also has a usb-c port at the top to charge the joy-cons the second insert is for a single joy-con to use individually in this mode it enhances the sl and sr buttons and has holes on the back to easily eject the joy-con finally you just slide in the one you want and you're all set so it may not be the best looking grip out there but it's by far the most versatile and that's why we bought four of them right out the gate horiz already released four new accessories for the switch light first is their slim tough pouch it's available in blue but we went with black because we like how discreet it looks so it's a clean and simple hard shell case with a nice kind of linear texture to it inside we have an awesome yellow interior that really pops and at the top we have a mesh net for accessories below that a screen protecting flap with 10 elastic game sleeves so the switch light drops right in and fits perfectly overall a nice discreet case that's very secure next is the duraflexi protector it's a clear case but unlike a crystal case this one is very flexible which helps absorb impacts now installing it is sort of a pain it's best to start from the bottom and then slowly insert the triggers and shoulder buttons but at least it's easy to remove once it's on it looks really nice and even adds the shine to the entire console but most importantly cutouts are just about perfect and everything you need is easily accessible and you'll be glad to know that yes it is compatible with the tough pouch moving on this is their very rugged hybrid system armor it pops right on without a problem and as you can see it's got a very rugged look with all types of different textures throughout along with a curved grip on the back it's very thick to protect it from bumps and drops but every port is still accessible along with the easy to use extruded power and volume buttons then over on the back we have a clear plastic to show off that logo so does it fit the tough pouch well technically it does but it's sort of a tight fit finally we have their dual usb play stand very similar to the previous one for the og switch but like the light it's tinier and more compact so this actually adds a mode to the switch light which is tabletop mode on the front we have a usbc charging port to the right we have a usb and an ac adapter port along with another usb port on the left then on the back we have a simple kickstand that opens to one angle so the switch light pops right in and then you have two usb ports to plug whatever you'd like to it be it wired controllers fight sticks adapters etc but although it's smaller the extruded usb-c port on the front makes it a bit too thick to fit in smaller cases next up we have the very unique slip case by waterfield which like their previous switch cases was designed with input by the community similar to the switch pouch this is a clean and simple case to carry the switch light and a few essentials first thing that stands out is this very thick kind of cross-stitched exterior made with water resistant luna textiles this is the very vibrant cobalt blue which really pops but it's also available in red and gray along with wax canvas and ballistic nylon at the bottom we have a full grain leather grip then on the right there's a small loop for something like a carabiner or wrist strap to help carry it next it has a full-length magnetic closure that has just the right amount of strength to it then throughout the inside we have a soft padded plush liner and two pockets on both sides which are about the size of the screen which gives the analog sticks room to breathe as for capacity you have enough room for small accessories like earbuds a game case a small stylus things like that and then the switch light gets sandwiched right in between very simple with a unique and fun design perfect to toss in a bag and go oh and for those wondering they're also resizing the city slicker and pouch for the switch lights so keep an eye out for those next on the list is pdp gaming they've decided to approach the switch light with dual compatibility which means these cases work for both the original switch and the newer switch light perfect for those who own both starting with the smaller deluxe travel case it's a hard shell case with a nice heathered texture to it and this being the pokemon version we have a pikachu accent strip on the side then on the corner here we have this rubber snap in handle to both carry it and attach it to other bags inside we have a mesh accessory compartment at the top and a very wide protective divider with a massive 14 game card capacity and it can also hold two joy-con straps on the left on the other side we have this very soft pouch to protect the screen that also gives the analog sticks room to breathe now on the last compartment we have a nice strap to easily remove the console and in here we have a molded insert for the switch light it's nice and rigid i'm sure you can even use this with other cases as well and if you want to use this for the original switch you just remove the insert but for those wondering no you cannot fit both the original switch and switch light in this case next is their larger commuter case which is a different take on those large hard shell travel cases it's made of a semi hard shell with the same look as the deluxe version at the top we have a really nice handle with rubber grip and on the front we have a thin zippered compartment for smaller accessories now in here we have a lot on this side we have a thick cushioned flap with four game card slots and a tiny mesh compartment it's held down with a velcro strap and underneath is where the switch or switch light goes that adjustable strap makes it so both regardless of size will fit but just make sure it's nice and tight you don't want it wiggling around above that we have two straps for joy cons or possibly some cables now on the other side there's a pouch to store the ac adapter cables and joy-con straps and then to the right we have nine more game card slots and this strap is to hold a pro controller but yes you can also use third-party ones as well then there's tom talk with their familiar slim case which has been resized for the switch light this is their gray version that's wrapped in this heathered or interwoven material on the front we have the extruded controls of the console which helps it keep to that thin size and at the top we have a long wrist strap to carry it then to get inside we have smooth opening ykk zippers in here it's as simple as it gets we have a soft lined protective screen flap with eight game card sleeves and the slot for the switch light below no room for accessories because this is for those of you who want the thinnest yet most protective case on the market now as a quick heads up we were going to bring up their grip case cover kit but apparently they're changing the material on it so we'll check back on this one later finally there's orsley starting off with screen protectors this is their lifetime pack that comes with four tempered glass screen protectors for only 8 bucks while most others come with less and cost more we made an entire video on these showing you how to best install them so click the info card above to check that out and then we have their carrying case for those who don't know orsley makes one of the most popular nintendo switch carrying cases on the market so this is a shrunk down version of it that's available in every color that the switch light comes in the exterior is nice and clean with a hard kind of bouncy shell that should protect it from drops moving in we have a dual layer mesh compartment with room in the back for larger accessories and a zippered compartment for smaller things like games or micro sd cards below that we have a soft lined flap with eight mesh game slots so they're easy to pick out very handy now underneath we have our switch light compartment with two elastic bands to keep it in place and there's also a tiny compartment for something like earbuds overall it's very protective for things like bumps or drops with enough room inside to carry the essentials and more raising over 1.7 million dollars 26 000 backers have shown that there's a pretty large demand for a portable nintendo switch dock this is genki's covert dock the name comes from its very discreet design and size which is 10 times smaller than the official dock while still retaining the same functionality on the front here we have usbc to connect and charge the switch keep in mind that you need a usbc cable that's 3.1 or higher which they do provide in order for it to dock correctly next unlike the official dock which has three usb ports here we only have one to keep to this portable size and that's for accessories such as controllers or adapters then we have hdmi to connect it to your display finally on the back we have a retractable prong for power and it also comes with international adapters which makes it that much more travel friendly so to use it you just plug it in connect your cables turn on the switch and it works just like the official one but like i said make sure to use the right cable usb-c 3.1 or it won't work now it gets better because this also makes for an awesome charging brick for all your other tech with the latest pd 3.0 protocols to fast charge phones tablets and even laptops if that's not enough it can even output those screens if they're displayport compatible and all that is why the covert dock has become one of our new favorite accessories for the switch just toss it in a bag along with another set of joy cons and you'll be tv mode ready wherever you go back in the early 90s niko released the shock and rock for the game boy color think of it like a rumble pack which works off the in-game audio while also providing power louder external speakers and a better grip as a kid this blew my mind it was amazing even though it wasn't perfect 20 years later and it's back to add rumble to the switch light which in case you didn't know doesn't have it to install it you just slide it on it'll lock in place you then connect it to the headphone jack and turn it on like the original it shares all the same features but now suited for the switch light first thing it's a grip and a very good one at that i love the size and angle on the grips and they also have a nice grippy micro texture next because you can't use the console speakers it has its own located on the right grip but it would have been nice to have too the quality is okay it can get very loud but also a bit crackly so you're better off using its pass-through headphone jack and finally there's rumble normally developers program cues in-game to when your controller should vibrate but the shock and rock instead uses peaks at specific levels from the in-game audio to vibrate so the louder the audio input the more frequently it'll rumble and you can adjust it with the volume rocker on the switch light in something like action games it can work pretty well uh we like it best at about 75 volume but in games with a lot of dialogue it's uh i came to this island to investigate it's very awkward so don't use it for that as you can tell it's not for every game but if you miss rumble on the switch light the shock and rock is definitely worth trying out we're big fans of it and say you're playing a game that doesn't suit the rumble you could just turn it off and continue using it as an awesome grip that rivals the best out there this little thing here this is the sidekick by hyperkin it's a simple gadget that attaches to the rails on the switch and it then opens at an angle so you can use it as a basic kickstand but on the other end you have another rail for another switch so now you can angle these together in multiple ways and it also comes with a second one so you can link a third console but you can also get more to connect literally an infinite amount don't know why you would do that but i guess you can so that's the sidekick it's a simple way to link multiple switch consoles together for local play and that's that's about it i mean i guess you can attach it to a joy-con grip like this but that does that doesn't do anything all right we finally did it we found the courage to swap out the shells of our switch and joy-cons and boy was it worth it these are by extreme rate they make a ton of custom parts such as shells buttons leds and more for each of the latest consoles in a large variety of designs and colors be it transparent reflective textured and even with graphics for this build we went with the transparent kit that has shells for both the console and joycons and a set of matcha green buttons every part seems very high quality and well machined we didn't find any imperfections on top of that they also provide all the tools and parts you need along with extra screws so if you do strip or lose one don't worry they've got you covered now being my first time doing this i definitely struggled with it it's a very time consuming process you got to take it slow and be patient because you don't want to strip any screws or damage any parts in there so if you know what you're doing you can knock it all out in about what 35 minutes but because it was our first time we ran into a few roadblocks for example the buttons kept rotating out of place some of the ribbon cables randomly popped off the battery cable snapped off this little connector so i had to replace it with a new one and all of that is due to a lack of experience and has nothing to do with the parts themselves so like i said be patient anyways three hours later and here is the final result was it worth it completely love the way these look and feel they just look awesome look at that on top of that now that i'm a bit more familiar with the inner workings it opens up a world of both customization and i can also tackle repairs by myself so if you feel adventurous we'd highly recommend giving it a try and make sure to let us know what configurations you went with we'll be testing out some of their other products including ones for the pro controller very soon so make sure to subscribe and ding the bell to stay notified no it's not a lunchbox i mean you probably could use it for lunch but no that this is pdp's pull and go case it's a two in one carrying solution for the switch from their elite line of cases which share this premium-y looking design you've got durable materials throughout it's semi-hard shell and you can carry it by either the shoulder strap or the plush handle that connects via g-hooks on the sides and that's so you can quickly remove them along with this rubber strap to access the velcro attached slim travel case for the switch which by the way is held very securely no way it's going to come off on its own and if someone tries to steal it that velcro works as a very loud alarm as for the case it's pretty much a simpler version of their standalone slim case with a screen protecting flap that has six game card slots and a small accessories compartment then you have the slot for the switch below next we have the second bag to carry the rest of the switch kit here we have a deep compartment with an accessories net in the back along with soft padded walls that we can use with the four included velcro dividers so like you see with photography bags you can arrange these in all sorts of configurations to best suit your kit that means you can make space for the official dock some controllers grips a power bank your cables etc overall love the two-in-one concept here this modular approach makes it perfect to travel with so you can either take just the switch by itself or snap it back on and take the full kit along with your lunch we've checked out pdp's line of deluxe controllers before but this latest one adds two highly requested features which makes it a new favorite this is the after glow wireless deluxe controller same as the other versions we still have great build quality and an ergonomic design large and springy face buttons some of the best analog grips out there a solid easy to use and responsive d-pad curvy accessible shoulder buttons the ability to wake up the switch with either plus or home buttons along with paddle buttons on the back that you can program that awesome customizable rgb lighting with four modes our favorite being this one which reacts to the movement of the analog sticks and this time around it still doesn't have rumble but they did listen and make it wireless with a long lasting rechargeable battery and more importantly they gave us motion controls so it's not just all looks because there's definitely some substance here along with those new additions which make it a new favorite that we can safely recommend we're always on the lookout for new protective cases for the switch and recently we were surprised to find one by spigen makers of phone cases that we're big fans of and have been using for years it's available for both switch and switch light and like their phone cases these have a very similar stylish clean low profile design with beveled edges gently textured grips and a transparent back all around we have very precise cutouts along with this nice indent that makes the power and volume buttons easy to access but i do wish they left the back of the usbc port exposed to keep it compatible with charging stands and wider adapters now looks aside it's also very tough on the grips and towards the lower corners we have a very thick amount of protection that thins out at the top and like just about every other case does leave the shoulder buttons exposed so if you do drop it you don't want it landing on there while we're here this little piece in front of the l and r buttons does make it a bit difficult to insert and remove but it's not really a deal breaker so if you're in the market for a clean slick case for your switch spigen has you covered it's thin yet protective feels good in hand and you can do this with it which i actually forgot to mention it it comes with a very long and elastic wrist strap but uh don't don't do this with it this is the vx2 aim switch by game sir which gives you a pc gaming experience on console it's a keypad and mouse combo that we've primarily used with the switch switch light and pc but it also works for ps4 and xbox one there's a lot to like here it's well designed with very solid construction it can be used wired or wireless it has a seven hour battery life it has non-clicky ttc red mechanical switches which feel a lot like mx browns it has a small joystick that works as either the left analog stick or d-pad you can fully program the thing via the app which lets you adjust a ton of settings but sadly no macro support and it wouldn't be a gaming peripheral without rgb lighting and effects now whether you customize the bindings or use the default it'll take some time to memorize and get used to it but once you do it works well in just about any game however it's clearly best for shooters due to the accuracy you gain from using a mouse speaking of which the included one is pretty decent it's very lightweight due to its skeletonized design and has a good list of specs but in our testing we did experience a few random jumps and stutters one expensive way around that is with razer's viper ultimate because yes you can use other mice with this keypad regardless of what mouse you hooked up though because it's mimicking an analog stick it won't exactly feel identical to pc regardless of what settings we adjusted it feels a bit floaty and things like flicking or quick turns don't work exactly as they should so the best way to use it is similar to motion controls where you move into position and use the mouse to fine fine-tune your aim so if you want a pc-like experience on consoles or a portable gaming setup for your laptop definitely check out the bx2 aim switch it gives you a massive advantage in shooters which i'm sure many will hate you for there's a lot of protective cases out there for the switch light but if you have kids or if you have an otter case on your phone then niko's bubble case may just be for you unlike most cases which are made of a rigid and tough tpu this one's made of a softer high density foam that's very thick and shock absorbent it's available in three colors has a round bubbly design hence the name and it looks a lot like those kid cases for tablets it even has feet so it can stand on its own for tabletop mode as for protection it has a lip all around the front that i wish was slightly more extruded to level off with the analog sticks then we have nice coverage over all the edges except the shoulder buttons i would have liked to see them covered in some way especially if i'm gonna let my kids use it but not a lot of people want you messing with how they feel which is why most cases do this there is some defense around it but if you drop it right on that corner it's gonna take some damage that aside in hand it feels fine but it would have been awesome if they extended these feet into grips so overall it's a decent case especially for kids but like i said just try not to drop it on those shoulder buttons we've tested out a ton of nintendo switch cases and grips but this next one is very unique this is the command case by mongi at first glance it looks like a bento box and you could probably fit a lot of the foods in there as well it's made of a tough tpu with a soft touch coating and it's a two in one the first part is the protective case for the switch with individual pieces for each part so you can use them in every mode as well as docked if you don't add the console case with it on we can still access all our ports in io while protecting most of the console except for the shoulder buttons bummer but that's to keep them accessible over on the back we have a very wide kickstand that works at a single angle and snaps closed with a magnet then at the bottom we have feet which lift it up enough so you can play and charge with an angled cable now on the joy cons we have these awesome elastic bands to secure your grip they work very well they're very comfortable and the tension on them can also be adjusted since they're attached via velcro now it's not perfect because there's two things i want to bring up first because the case covers them the release buttons are a bit annoying to detach second these can be a pain to remove so it's not really a case you want to install over and over again so this connects into the second part the carrying case it locks into place via this latch which is very secure and over on the other side we have an accessories compartment in it there's four game card slots an elastic band to hold a power bank along with extra space for a few other things it's held shut by two pretty strong magnets but i wish it had a more secure latch instead finally at the bottom we have feet so it can stand on its own and at the top we have a longer elastic strap to carry it to keep it short this is an awesome kit it's protective well thought out and designed very versatile love the aesthetics of it and i haven't seen anything like it on the market also if you don't want the carrying case they sell the protective case by itself if you just watched all that you you're incredible this series started because you guys asked for it so make sure to continue talking to us in the comments or on social media because we're always listening i know it sounds impossible but yes we have a lot more nintendo switch hauled episodes currently in the works along with next gen ps5 and xbox series x2 so make sure to subscribe and ding the bell to stay notified for all of that also if you're looking to pick up anything featured in this massive video and want to support us at the same time please check out the affiliate links down in the description below once again this is sergio am and i'll see you for the next box thank you so much for watching if you like this video and want to help us out you can do so by clicking that thumbs up button and while you're at it why not subscribe for more content it's free we also love to hear you out so please leave a comment down below or talk with us on twitter instagram and facebook i'm sergio i am and i'll see you for the next box
Channel: It Came From A Box
Views: 3,139,223
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nintendo switch, nintendo switch accessories, best nintendo switch accessories, nintendo switch accessories 2020, best switch accessories 2020, switch, best switch accessories, switch accessories, nintendo, nintendo switch case, top nintendo switch accessories, waterfield switch pouch, top 5 nintendo switch accessories, satisfye grip switch, gulikit switch, switch lite accessories, nintendo switch lite accessories, nintendo switch mumba, tomtoc switch case, 8bitdo sn30 pro
Id: U55B8jM01xc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 118min 29sec (7109 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 20 2020
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