Our Most Played Nintendo Switch Games

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hey everyone john from nintendo life here and the switch is around four years old now and this thing has changed how we play games it's super flexible you can play wherever you want to meaning you can play for longer so i'm not alone to discuss this though i am joined with the stupendously stunning xeon whoa me as stupendous i never i'm also joined with the miraculously vibrant alex diddy kong racing that game is also miraculously vibrant though i will say not as vibrant i've actually come up with a drinking game for my uh uni friends and i when we were at uni unsurprisingly where you'd play diddy kong racing and you had to finish a beer before um you finished the three laps of a race and so you could try and drive and drink at the same time don't do that in real life that's a terrible thing um it was called drinking kong racing and it was oh i tried i tried playing with my feet it it actually worked surprisingly well and i won this is a strange image in my brain right now as is probably for everyone well i wanted to keep it relevant anyway the nintendo switch does not have to be kung racing although it very much should um but when nintendo merged their console and handhelds together they gave us a flow of games and we're all dedicated to this one system now meaning this is basically what we play on for our nintendo fix and though it's kind of hard to track at the moment because the switch does not have an activity log but we can go on to our profiles and check how long we've played our games for by booting them up which is kind of tedious but um xeon i know you've got some thoughts on this what do you think about the activity log out i'm so mad it's so nice to just thanks for asking john uh it's just it's so nice to to have the activity log on the 3ds and i did the wii or the wii u have one of those too actually you had one yeah it did yeah yeah it's a bit more tedious um like you have to go through and uh like find a day when you've played a game and then touch it and it tells you you're full amount okay but it's not quite as elegant as 3d sure and i guess i suppose for anyone who's listening and is unaware what the heck we're talking about uh the 3ds had an app called the activity log where you could go in and it would show you every single uh application you've ever played on on your system and it would tell you how long you played them and uh and it was great i mean it it showed you how long you watched videos or how long you played demos and stuff but you could sort it by how long you've played them and the the i think the even the most times you booted up a particular game it was super in-depth and for some reason the switch has just completely skipped it and for reasons like this it just it makes it such a hassle like um like you guys said we had to boot up every single game that we uh that we think that we've put a chunk of time into uh just to find out so that way it appeared on our play activity on our switch uh our switch profile and uh yeah i just this is a feature that just should exist it's like it's like nintendo went a step backwards by uh by not including this app they created it and then they went ah we don't really need that just just put that in the recycling bin i know of people that downloaded the parental controls app just to track their switch games because that get like that tells you in detail how long you've been playing your games for it's still no activity log but it's at least a way to like properly look at it yeah i used to use that um to begin with and then i got a lot of people commenting saying alex why have you got parental controls on and i'd explain and then i'd have a load more comments and i didn't end up using it that often so in the end i just ditched it but yeah uh it's ridiculous that we have to do these kind of work yeah exactly i i use the parental control system for a little while too and i agree it just it wasn't straightforward for the uses that we had and nintendo has proven i mean they are tracking the data um through the the the parental controls and the and the play activity so it seems like a no-brainer that nintendo should be able to just create something like this and it's been four years now there's i know it'd be a little late if they did it now but just please let us all know how long we've playing we've been playing our games there is no harm you're not harming anyone by doing that the exciting reason to do this video i think is we spend a lot of time talking about games and looking to the future of what's coming out and ranking games but how long do you actually spend playing these games which is one of the most important parts of games so i don't know how many you want to do here because i think we all kind of vary a lot in the quantity that we've we've definitely spent playing games i think we all have a lot of games on our switches as well oh yes so where do we even start well i've got a top five um and i think that's that seems to be about the right amount in my mind so i mean but i'm happy to be flexible no doubt we'll be talking about more than five games total because well what are in my top five are not necessarily gonna be in your guys but i'm fairly confident that there's gonna be some crossover well why don't you start off with your fifth most played alex well my fifth most played alex is skyrim if you can believe it with um 110 hours which um i was surprised at because i know i've played skyrim a lot but you know i had it on the 360. and i i'm sure i played it even more back then and um i think what this comes down to is i think a couple of christmases and a couple of holidays i've basically just spent a lot of that time just playing skyrim um and as a result um yeah it's crept up the ranking for me and i i really like skyrim it is one of those games that you can replay not endlessly but an awful lot of blooming times and every time i play it i'm always discovering something new and it's not without its fault but you know it's it's a it's a damn good time and the fact that i didn't think i'd even come close to 100 hours shows that i clearly must have been enjoying my time that's an interesting one because it's not it's not a new game by any means and it sounds like you played it a lot on 360 as well um i've i've got another game similar to that it's not in my top five or even my top ten but i played dark souls on ps3 for i think 150 hours and i played it for another 60 hours on switch and it's just it's kind of nuts that you can start from scratch again and still play for like a largely extensive amount of time yeah that's pretty bonkers i mean especially if uh yeah for considering that you've already put yeah so much time already into it on other platforms it's uh it's good to see that not only did you buy it again on another system or get a review copy or whatever but you you really you really put in the time oh no i've just checked something i just when i when i said that about you know sort of oh i've had a couple of christmases where i've basically done nothing but players suddenly thought hang on i've had that with stardew valley as well i've just checked and i've played stardew valley more so so in fact skyrim is not my turn it's not my first play game um i've played stardew valley for 120 hours wow are you still playing stardew valley or has that kind of been replaced by animal crossing um i wouldn't say animal crossing has replaced it um i generally only play um with my partner sasha we've got like a multiplayer system that we have and everything and it's really good fun but we kind of dip in and out of it i would say overall um we went through a stage of just basically as i say there was a christmas period where we basically woke up played stardew valley and went to bed and we would eat and stuff like that and that sounds like an exaggeration but no seriously i must have got a good 50 60 70 maybe even 80 hours in that one christmas period alone it was crazy and it was one of the weirdly sort of like nicest times off i've had in my life because it was so simple and everything was stardew that's awesome and it's an indie game too i i think a lot of people see indie games as these quick things that you blow through and study value reflects that in its price but it doesn't at all in the value it holds so that's awesome that your fifth most played game is such a a small uh a budget one yeah it seems like a lot of bang for your buck as far as that goes well i i want i want to mention i picked up stardew valley and i love like farming sims i played like a lot of harvest moon back in the day and um and i put in i think about 20 hours to stardu and then um and then i think i just like looked at like i wasn't playing with anyone i wasn't talking with anybody about the game and uh and i just looked at it and was like what am i doing i could i could spend that 20 hours playing like a story based game or something which is what i i try to spend a lot of my time doing these days um but uh but i think like yeah if i had somebody else to play with like you did alex too i think that would have helped me a lot in playing it um but so i'm glad because i have a buddy that has i think i just checked the other day and he has like two or three hundred hours in stardu and i'm like how is this how do you do this how is this possible um but so i'm glad to hear that you have tons in it as well i totally feel that though i i've played a lot of games from just all thinking to myself like is this the best i can do with my time but i think as long as you're having fun like that's time well spent yeah i think there's all this pressure to you know sort of make the most of your time and you know sort of you only live once so get out and live the world and you know do something that frightens you every day and other such bloody cliches but at the end of the day if what you really want to do is just you know sort of sit down you know cozy well-fed maybe you got a drink in hand and play some stardew valley or like sink more hours into any one of the other games that we've got here and if that's what you genuinely want to do and it makes you happy and healthy you're not hurting anyone just do it you know what's wrong with it there's all this pressure to do different and like exotic things but and you know i'm not saying you shouldn't do exotic things but that's not to say you shouldn't do something cozy and relatable and simple as well so my my fifth played game is splatoon 2 and it's not even with a ton of hours i i could be wrong i might have more games that have more but i have 30 hours in splatoon 2. and that's surprisingly that's mostly the campaign i believe i i played a chunk of online but uh but i really wanted to i love the world and everything that surrounds splatoon and i i played a little bit of splatoon 1 on wii u and and i was like i i told myself when splatoon 2 came out i was like i'm going to beat the campaign and um and i was on like it's not like my band was like always on the road or something that's that's not what i'm gonna say here but um but i used to play a lot of switch games offline in the the van and with my band and so um i think splatoon 2 was one that like the campaign just carried me through and i love i love the game so much um even the online even though i'm not great at it um and it's a game that i want to play more i just uh i think you know kind of like that that reason i just said about stardew it's like sometimes it's hard for me to to put in the time to play um to play something online you know even uh even if i'm having tons of fun i don't know why it's just a weird thing i probably just have to get over it but uh this makes a bit tricky for me because that's my fifth as well um i'll put in 145 hours and i played the wii u one for like 100 hours as well and i thought i kind of had my fill with splatoon um but then i just kept playing more and more and i i played the campaign through once i didn't really touch it again um i played dr expansion as well but the online is what hooks me like it's such an addictive flow just come back again and again and there was a time where i played with friends for um for a while with splatoon but even my 145 hours looks small compared to some people on my friends list i have several people with over a thousand hours in splatoon 2. i um have splatoon 2 on my list as well and it's actually my number three and it's 200 hours geez wow which um that surprised me i checked it because i thought oh i played a fair amount of splatoon 2 but i didn't think it would be in the top five i was surprised to see it was my number three um yeah i i absolutely adore splatoon 2. and i think a lot of it comes down to um i've got a group of friends that i play online with haven't done it in quite a long time and these are friends that very much like people you've mentioned john i'm fairly certain have thousands of hours in fact a brief moment please whilst i check he's done 735 hours of splatoon 2. more impressively 620 hours of arms that is impressive i feel like i've played splatoon 2 a lot but i feel like i've barely touched um salmon run the the horde mode oh i love salmon rum i love salmon run too but i generally play ranked when i boot up splatoon and it's cool that you can play a game for so long and still feel like you've barely like touched the surface of what it has to offer what about you john i want to hear what one of your most played games is yes my fifth one was splatoon so um to catch up a bit i'm gonna um just quickly go off some of the ones that come before my top five so i actually have nine games though over 100 hours and my ninth is when we did a video about recently which is mario tennis aces so yeah i i elaborate on that in the video but my eighth one actually is one i think you guys are gonna have way higher and that's animal crossing new horizons i've only played 110 hours which is relatively small compared to what a lot of people have put into this game isn't that insane to think about the fact that that's a relatively low amount of time in in a game it's not i think a lot i think a lot of people um again there's animal crossing there's one of these there's almost this sort of pressure in animal crossing where oh you know people were saying like a month after the game came out oh i put 300 hours in and it's i can't even i can't even get my head around playing it for that long because animal crossing new horizons is my number four at 160 hours but then i did review the game and animal crossing my god you have to sink in so much time in order to actually be able to review it and yeah it's it's just ridiculous but you know it's it is what it is and you know yeah not ridiculous in a bad way either right it's just like it's just a it's a real large number to look at yeah it's funny seeing people be like i'm bored with the game now there's nothing else to offer this game has a lack of content so how long have you played for well 500 hours any game you play for 500 hours does not have a lack of content when you think about like um if you were to i don't know go bowling or something like that or um or even you know sort of go to the cinema if you can imagine leaving your house at this in this current climate um you know you would pay i suppose for a film if it cost you 10 quid a ticket just for argument's sake um i'd probably not accurate but we'll just say for argument's sake and you watch a film that's two hours that's five pounds an hour it's not bad but you know five pounds an hour for entertainment if you spend 60 pounds on animal crossing new horizons you play for 30 hours and you've got um no that's not the same you uh how oh maths has fallen out of my brain um what is it five pounds an hour 60 that's 12 hours 12 hours and you've got the same value i think some people just put this ridiculous amount of um of sort of like pressure and onus on getting the most out of a game when realistically gaming is one of the most ridiculously ridiculously like good value ways to entertain yourself like there's nothing that even comes close except maybe sitting down or you know the thing that you do when you get to a certain age i do feel like we put a lot of pressure on how long a game is as well and that doesn't matter that much well this is a video about the games we played for the longest but i still feel like you can play a game for like five hours 10 hours and it can still be one of your favorite games like short games aren't i'm bad by any means i think untitled goose game is a classic example of that it is a very short game yeah there's some other things you can do to kind of like pat it out but that you know those those few hours are just absolutely magical from start to finish and that doesn't mean that long games that take you hundreds of hours to complete or something like that doesn't make them lesser it's just it's horses for courses different experiences are different things i think just because they come under the banner of video games a lot of people seem to think that they need to be comparable and i don't think they are the one thing that i that uh that comes to mind for me is i think that developers you know just need to be somewhat um they need to be transparent with like how much time you can put into a game um because i remember when so i was working at gamestop uh at the time that star wars uh the force unleashed ii came out and i think i never played it but i remember hearing um loads and we had tons of people trying to trade the game in and return it um because it was like a five or six hour campaign i believe and um and at that time you know we had people dropping um 60 you know full retail on a game and that they expected to be able to put 15 20 hours in whatever and we had a lot of our regular customers that would come in and buy all the big releases and um and i think they were you know a lot of them were just upset about the amount of time even if it was a great game and i think we've gotten a lot better about that now now that indies are more um are more popular and are just more readily available um but uh but yeah i think partially knowing kind of what you're you're getting into also helps because maybe that's why so many people feel strange about animal crossing is like they they ex maybe they expect too much from it and a hundred hours this is uh is is definitely it's it's worth you you've animal crossing has paid for itself by now um at least in with the value well i've actually got a game that kind of beats these odds because my my third most played game is a free game uh tetris 99 it's a game with like no progression you don't pay for and i've spent uh i spent 190 hours in this game wow to be fair though john i mean it's tetris 99 it's a puzzle game and you're john cartwright i mean if you look at all the tetris i played on switch it adds up because i've also got um i think 60 hours and puyo puyo tetras one and then like 30 in period power tetras too so there's been a lot of tetrising on the switch for me you paid for those so you should feel like i don't know maybe you owed like sometimes i feel that way a little bit like i oh i i bet a lot of people feel that way too like they they paid solid money for a game they feel like they they owe you know it time you know um so it's interesting to know that you did that with a free game technically i mean i i guess free in quotations you pay a subscription to get access to this game um i do feel like though that's this completely changed my opinion of switch online like the nes and super nintendo games like they're neat but i've i've played my fill of those i played the majority of the of the games on that system that i want to play whereas this is something entirely new and if i lost my switch online subscription i'd be sad because this is my comfort game i would often like just boot up a game of tetris 99 and play like 20 minutes and then like that that's that's it that's my gameplay feel for the night i think because i do that so often it just kind of it builds up to nearly 200 hours but i don't play in bulk like this is just something that kind of accumulates over time so zeon is there another game you want to talk about on your list so my number four is because yeah did you was what was your number four bounced around a bit less yeah let's just we'll try and get some structures what's your number four so my number four uh is i am satsuna which was like a i think it was a launch title on switch um but funny enough this was one of those scenarios where i i bought i bought a physical copy from japan and it had like a it was a like a multi-region version so it has like a north american cover as well which is like really strange but it also has a japanese cover um and so i actually didn't even get this launch day i like had to wait for it to arrive um but i think i felt i really liked the game a lot it's like a chrono trigger uh basically a spiritual successor um and the story is really deep and touching and the soundtrack is to die for i i love it so much and um uh but yeah i've i've only put three yeah 35 hours into that game and it feels like there should be more games that i've put more time into on my switch but you know after i i popped in tons of cartridges and i have so many little like 20 hours here and there like i think astral chain was 25 ukulele and the impossible layer was 20 or 25 even like undertale which i i thought that i sunk my life into apparently i only played it 15 hours and i i don't even believe that that that just doesn't even seem right to me but um but it the switch doesn't lie um but yeah i guess i am set to know was was my fourth most played game surprisingly i think that's very normal like playing games 100 hours is not a norm no i think it's awesome that you have all these different games you've played through for a pretty significant time like for 30 hours is completion for most games um and the fact that you own so many games and you've gone through a lot of them that much that kind of speaks volumes to you know you as a quantity player like you you play so much but you do get through these games that's true yeah yeah and i do i do try to i mean sometimes you know stuff comes around like i finished travis strikes again and i'm not happy with that game at all um but uh but i did it and and i i bought it and maybe that's you know um maybe that's part of it too you know i am set to know maybe i saw it through because i paid hard-earned money for it to who knows but um but but it does yeah i do i've been trying harder these days to actually finish the games even even if they are short you know it's funny to say short but uh but even if they are only 20 25 30 hours whatever but i think i've got three so i'll i'll do i'll do my own yeah so my number three is is it number three is a number four i've bounced back this is my number four one so this is mario odyssey tetris was number four three so mario odyssey i've played for 100 hours and i've done everything you can in this game i've got all the moons i've got all the costumes uh i've just done everything that you can possibly do and i just i still feel like i can come back to this game a lot of times and just play through it again like i started um a playthrough again twice now uh and the last time i did it i i guess i kind of forgot how good this game was now we visited it i was like whoa this game really is as good as as people are saying it was when it first came out uh so i feel like this is one of my favorite mario games and i i don't think i i might we played mario 64 enough to reach 100 hours but i don't think i've played many other 3d sandbox marios for anywhere near this long no i don't think i have either um i know that i i must admit i haven't actually checked how long i've played mario odyssey so who knows maybe i've played it more than skyrim but um i don't think so i'm gonna be i'm relatively confident that maybe i've done like 70 hours give or take um i mean i put 60 hours into arms so what do i know um but the um it is just a wonderful game and yeah you're not going to be able to get the same number of hours out of it like splatoon 2 maybe because that is kind of perpetual for lack of a better term now you want to see you can do everything which i've done as well i hasten to point out i have done everything um and i did start a new playthrough as well i didn't get very far but um yeah i it is honestly one of the best experiences on switch and i think most people are probably gonna get to i want to say the soft credits um without saying too much um even though the game's been out for blooming ages but even so um i think most people get to the soft credits maybe do a bit more but that would probably be it for them even then there's probably even more people who wouldn't even get that far but even so it is still a wonderful wonderful game ever it's not like you have to complete it in order to get the most out of it i think you get the most out of it just by playing it i'd argue the point is not to complete it to be honest like the point is that anywhere you go you can find progress and if you're checking every nook and cranny to get everything that kind of goes against the point of the game but you're not meant to get every moon it's just something you can do if you desire like in a similar way to getting all the stars in other mario games you can comfortably finish once you get 70 and defeat bowser in mario 64. but if you want to like if you love the game so much that you want to get everything you can go for it but it's not necessarily the point yeah that that was i think mario odyssey probably ranks up pretty high on my list too but it's also one that i um i sold my copy a long time ago and my so my girlfriend fallon still has a copy and it's in her switch and i didn't want to pull it out because she's playing it right like i mean she's not playing right now but i'd like in case she has progress give us the marriage no i know i love the idea of fallon just like in the middle of the game you coming up and just ripping the cartridge out i'll bring it right back i promise but the moon um but yeah you're that that was a game that i finished i'm i'm pretty sure i'm it's been so long that i'm pretty sure i did the soft credits thing and then went further than that alex but um but i i sort of felt like that i just didn't i didn't want the game to be over either so i i just didn't go and collect everything else and it is kind of like when you guys mention that it is kind of the game that if you don't collect everything it it can just be around forever um and it's cool especially with you john too that you've did you say you've completed the game twice now and that you're still able to play it and be sort of surprised and just like have fun with it still that's that's amazing 100 percent did it once and i've played through it until the soft credits i i think i i think i've done two other playthroughs of that okay but yeah it's just kind of a comfort game like just coming back and trying to exploit all the jumps i still found like find really fun and i'm by no means a speed runner but seeing what people can do with the jumps is just fun to watch and trying to replicate that yourself is fun even if you do even if you can't do it as well as them it's still fun yeah like mario's balloon world i mean that really highlights the creativity that some people have and the sheer mastery they have over mario's movement i mean it's just in a way it's absolutely terrifying yeah the blue world's an interesting one too because that was a way of adding like infinite content to the game it felt short because how it was exploited there's a lot of outbound glitches which felt like it was the majority of balloons that got placed and that kind of ruined things but for a while i had a lot of fun with that mode yeah i remember being really confused as to why this mode came around but then after seeing like videos that dunkeys put out very very much in particular i can see the fun and the uh the infinite appeal um to uh to balloon world and kind of why it exists because it just it takes this this sandbox that we have right and just it it uh uh it gives it gives like a new meaning and new use to it um but it is it is a bummer when people start to exploit things and uh and and make it you know it just takes away from some of the fun and and the the challenge from from things i mean some could argue that it makes it more challenging but that depends who you're talking to i suppose i think you've still got the most games left the answer do you want to um give us your next sure my my third uh which i also i don't have this downloaded on my switch anymore but i know for a fact that it falls into this middle category here um it's fire emblem three houses i'm thinking i probably have around 60 hours in it because i completed the campaign and uh um it could be more around 40 somewhere around there um but yeah i played through it once and i was doing i put a lot of time into this game because i i was able to preview it for nintendo life so i wrote that um and uh um and i just it just i didn't surprisingly i don't even really like the game that much in the end i love the whole split arc between the fact that you can play as three um you can start the game with three different characters and there's all sorts of different endings and things but um but overall um it just uh as far as like turn based or uh like tactical rpgs go it doesn't even fall like high on my list but i think it's only on my most played games because i i put in the time you know and effort and i wanted to see it through to the end and uh and and it happened um it's like i got a tattoo and uh it's forever just branded on my on my switch play time this is an interesting one for me because i i own the game it's sitting on my shelf and i booted it up once i just i didn't play any further than that i always intend to go back because i know this is like one of the pinnacle one of the biggest switch games out there but it's it's my it's my gap it's the one i haven't played you know what john i loaded my copy up twice oh wow you're pretty strange i didn't get past like i i i don't know how much you know jon but i know zoom will know i didn't even get past what is generally considered the tutorial you know the first like two three four hours of the game sure i i i'm still i'm still in the past i just never got any further and for the longest time i didn't know there was any more than that i thought i was going to stay in the same time period i didn't think everyone was going to get upset it's weird because i like for me like if we were talking about 3ds as well um i i finished awakening and loved that game absolutely and uh and i think three houses was trying to do so many new things for the series and i feel like it kind of flopped in a few areas and i think that's probably why i why i remember it with the just a weird taste in my mouth um but you know it's still it's a game that if you want to see through to the end it requires a lot of time from you and you know i didn't even i only did one playthrough you know to see all of the games like true routes and everything you know i should play it more um and maybe someday but that's a that's a big that's a big ask for me i think alex and i probably have the same top two and they're probably very similar hours as well oh quite possibly um but can i can i can i just put an embargo on number two if if it is indeed the same john can i just give you put an embargo on it um and just say we can discuss it briefly but we've got we we well i'll just say it's breath of the wild isn't it yeah it's breath of the wild we've already got an entire bloody video where we spend an hour gushing over this game um and it is just it's one of those games where i think it's probably norm more normal to have more than about 30 to 50 hours in this game um i know i mean i've got 240 hours that's two playthroughs not completed but a standard playthrough and master mode and i am i mean i suppose i could complete master mode but i'm still i'm still trying to get through the trial of the sword and i just haven't i stupidly told myself i'm not gonna play uh trial of the sword in my normal playthrough i'm gonna do it in master mode that was a mistake so this is another sort of splatoon thing for me where i've played the game for a long time but i still feel like there's a lot i can do so i've played for 330 hours wow and that's mostly all in one playthrough i've started up another game just to sort of play casually i've never finished it again though but on my main file i've got all the corox seeds i've got all these all the shrines i've done that trial of the sword basically everything you can do is done that file and i i started master mode but i've not really gone far in that so if i wanted to i could play that again and build up like another 100 hours so it's just crazy that there's still so much you can do after so much time on a personal level john i would highly recommend master mode it's it's not like playing a new game or anything like that but if it's been a while since you've played the standard playthrough really give master mode a go because you'll rediscover things in a very different way surprisingly given that it's just harder i i like the the guardian lasers get off put a bit that's kind of cool because that was my biggest problem with the main games that they're so predictable so that was a nice change um i what i like about breath of the wild though is i can just go back to my main my main file which has everything done and i can still just walk around and just chill and have fun and like for like an hour or two and i can't think of any other game i can really do that in yeah so my number two is also breath of the wild and i have 160 hours in the game and i have not actually finished the entire game i mean i beat the campaign and uh and i did the um i haven't finished trial the sword but i did all of the dlc from the second not the second pass champions yeah i did all the dlc from that but i still have yeah tons of shrines left to do and i still i think we mentioned i mentioned this in the um in the big breath of the wild discussion that we did and uh i think i i got um not scolded by you guys but you you're surprised by by this but i still have not uh started terrytown like i have not even found this i know i know i'm still annoyed and i still haven't done it i still haven't but but you're right though like breath of the wild for me is is is the sort of game where um you know even though i'm not like john where i've done everything and i can come back to it whenever i want and it'd always be free or you know always be new um in in the sense that uh you know he's done everything um i i look forward to yeah like picking it up for for a few hours or um you know just i i don't want that game to ever be over for me and um and i don't feel a rush to complete it either um like i remember i was um i was with a friend and they were getting a tattoo and uh this was i think this was probably the year the switch came out and the person behind the counter was was talking to me and they um they were actually playing their switch they were like the receptionist there and they pulled out they had a huge collection of amiibo underneath the desk that they were using to like unlock all the gear and stuff and and it was it was nuts to to see like in a good way um and uh and it's nice to see that you know some people have like you know wanted to do everything like i had a co-worker that was trying to collect all of the um all of the korok seeds as well and he was going like mad about it because i think he had like 15 left or something and he just couldn't he just couldn't find him and he had mapped it all out and that that i mean for some people that sounds fun to me that that doesn't um but uh but yeah i've uh i i love the idea that this game will just be around forever and uh there will always be something new to find and um until breath of the wild two comes out how do they top that i i how or how do they topple this i want to blurt out praise for this game but as alex said there's a whole video to that so if you want to go see that we we praise it for like an hour so that's true that's go ahead i think it might be over an hour in fact yeah it's it's a it's a chunker let's alex and i have the same number one so zeon give us some variety what's your name yeah yeah yeah sure i'll spice it up with something that uh that it has to be pretty predictable at this point as well uh but my number one is animal crossing new horizons and i have 275 hours in the game which like is it's a lot but it's still like like we were talking about earlier it still doesn't even feel that massive um but i you know i was i was uh i grew up with with the original animal crossing i remember i always loved bringing up this story um but there was a there was a segment in um in my middle school uh in fourth and fifth grade where the teacher would uh pass around like a koosh ball do you guys remember those things did you ever have those they're like this oh those weird expanding plasticky netty spider webby bally things kind of so well the the koosh ball i thought was like a it was kind of like the rubbery thing that had like tons of strings all over it but it um ignore me then i'm getting confused with something else those things were also no what you're talking about those were great though a buddy of mine had one i what kid didn't love those things right um but so yeah my teacher would pass pass around a koosh ball and whoever got it for like this half 20 minutes whatever um they could speak for i think like a minute or two you know and not every kid got the koosh ball during class but but i specifically remember taking my time on multiple occasions to talk about my animal crossing villagers and like what they were doing or like you know any new items that they gave me or i just yeah um so you were destined for this job weren't you apparently so um and i played the heck out of uh of new leaf as well and so i was you know uh just like many people i was i've been waiting for this game my whole life um and and new new horizons is still you know we've we just went and did an animal crossing video where we we toured all of our islands and we and we talked about some of our our feelings after a year because it's crazy that this this game has been out a year now and um and there's still you know there's still things i want from it but i'm i'm still very pleased with the overall experience like just getting to be able to put things on your island in any place that you want basically is is such an amazing thing and uh and and i'm still i'm still playing animal crossing still uh not not as much as some i think uh i've a lot of people have fallen off and and me included just uh the excitement isn't there and the um as isn't isn't as prevalent you know and um and the events have been a little strange but um but yeah 275 hours that's that's what i've got is my number one what's crazy though is you've spent a large chunk of your life with this franchise and the fact that you can still be your number one most played game despite you uh dealing with this formula for like i don't know how much time combined with all these entries but the fact you can already do it all again that's that's crazy yeah it's weird it's it's so cool like i i bet all of you you know i mean we could sit around and talk about memories forever but i've done so many things with the animal crossing series that it's it's so straight like i i remember meeting people in the game faq forums way back in the day for animal crossing um wild world on ds and uh like i i chatted with people with the with the voice chat the we speak on the wii and in let's go to the city or city folk and uh it that's a good point it's very impressive that i'm still sticking with it but um but i think maybe that's why i don't know it there's something about these just kind of like slice of life you know like uh simulator fun games like the the sims always stressed me out but animal crossing is just so chill and it's so creative that uh that it just it sucked me in and the animals i mean all of the animal villagers too like everybody can have a favorite it's uh it's just such a special game all right shall we go on to our last one alex go on i tell you what why don't you um why don't you read out just how many hours you've done and then i'll read out how many hours i've done and then we'll we'll say the name of the game all right 565. oh 525 you've just outed me but if we combine them that's like a thousand right yeah who would have thought that you could play diddy kong racing for that long i feel like this i've played most of my time in smash has been spent playing with randoms online i i try and get most characters i can into elite smash and i've got i think like 14 at the moment but um going through my my battle records online what's interesting is a lot of characters i haven't touched at all online i've played let's see so i've played um i've got three thousand eight hundred and fifty six ko's as pichu then it goes my second one is one thousand kos ridley so it goes way down but after after around ten characters it becomes very few and some characters i haven't touched at all so what's nuts to me is i can spend this long in a game and still barely touch a bunch of the characters it's it's just baffling but i mean you do get kind of stuck into a character that you really enjoy and they're who you play with or indeed characters in fact you've uh you've inspired me to load up my copy and have a look at my stats because i forgot that it does follow that sort of granular stuff and admittedly not all of the um not all of the information will be here because i had a bit of a conflict between save files so i actually lost some progression at one point minor but you know i'm just you know it's not necessarily accurate of the true reality mine's 282 hours which can't be right so so maybe that's because you had some save save file issues that's kind of taking the window well regardless your switch online play activity is a something's up with your saves so don't sweat it i've got 999 ko's as ridley so what are your top five most um most played characters online uh that would be ridley all uh these are kos actually so average average cos per battle simon is number one at four um it's hard to where do you see oh here we go battles um i've done 513 battles with ridley 437 battles with olimar which again that doesn't sound right uh 386 battles with banjo i guarantee you i've done more battles with banjo than i've done with olimar um min min i've done 275 yeah reckons have only done 107 with king dedede despite him being one of my mains ah that is strange but in any case it just kind of showcases that you can spend a huge amount of time on just one character in smash and the fact that there's like 80 of them like i feel like i can just stop i can stop maining my my my main ones and just jump onto a bunch of others and easily get another 500 hours out of this game i honestly i can see myself certainly if they keep updating it and keep introducing new stuff i'm gonna be playing this for a ludicrous amount of time i mean 525 hours is already pretty ridiculous um for any game realistically and there'll be some people in the comments who go and they say they've played eve online for like 20 000 hours you do you but 500 hours of anything is a lot except like sleep um with with most of my switch games i tend to sort of average around um i guess 20 hours maybe maybe be my average i've got a lot of games at the 40 to 50 mark um and i think a lot of those 40 to 50s are some of my favorite ones like um i discovered dragon quest this generation and with dragon quest 11 s and dragons builders 2 and dragons builders 1 they're all around 40 to 50 to 60 hours um and i i think that's that's kind of what i value a lot um just like a game that you can put a lot of time into without it being a dedication so like is that the same for you guys do you have a bunch of games in that sort of area or do you kind of just stick with the the top the top picks um that we've talked about already no i i think i'd agree with you on on the former point um there's a lot of games like one that immediately springs to mind his arms that i said i put 60 hours into um i absolutely adore arms and i still load it up every so often to this day um another one would be like hollow night which um is an incredibly good value game my god it really is like arguably a short game where it's really really rich those short hours are incredibly rich it's very cheap and if you want to you can keep playing it for like a good 80 hours or something like that like it is there's a lot of game in there if you look for it yeah it's interesting for me to like look back at my play times too and see you know like i am setsuna and splatoon too um i i love the the online multiplayer of splatoon 2 but um but it's interesting to see it rank so much higher in my list even even though you know it is only uh it is only 30 hours on splatoon and 35 and i am set to know um but those weren't even my most you know memorable experiences um you know i was surprised to see that undertale ranked so low even though like that game has left such an impression on me and and it just goes to show too like you know like like you guys were saying um with with some games that you know it doesn't matter how many how many hours you sunk into it you know even even a short experience like like untitled goose game with alex can leave a lasting impression on a person um i will say one thing for for us just being in media too sometimes like i notice personally that i i jump around between a lot of games like um like i think i have like 25 hours in story of seasons pioneers of olive town and that game has only you know been out for actually i think it comes out it comes out this week um and but we've been doing a lot of preview stuff with that and i've been playing it for work and um but but because of the the way that our work is sometimes for me i'll find myself playing one thing this week and then another thing the next week and then another thing the next week and i think that's why i don't play a lot of online games is because i'm just we're just always jumping around to the next thing you know or at least i am sure and um uh but yeah i have a lot of a lot of play times around like the yeah the 20 hour mark yeah i mean like even at the time of recording um the the time we're recording this the monster hunter rise review has just gone out and i didn't review the game myself um so don't you know sort of immediately jump to the comments and tell me i should be spending longer with the game but i've already put 25 hours into that game and i haven't had it that long um i think it just really goes to show that some games really just can suck just an incredible amount of time out of you what's interesting as well is we talked about our 3ds activity log in our anniversary video for the 3ds and for me a lot of games quickly fell under the 100 hour mark i think it's because with 3ds i was balancing my time with the wii u with ps4 with xbox one and all these other consoles um but switch has kind of become my the console i gravitate around um this is like my go-to place to play games because it's just so easy to uh like all the big nintendo games are on there and i can lounge on the sofa and play a game while someone else watches tv or whatever else it doesn't matter um just the fact that games have never really been easier to play than they are now is part of the reason that i have um switch games i've played more than 3ds despite 3ds being a much older console yeah that's a great point you you really don't have to sacrifice your you know like if you want to play a game on the tv and you want you want to play that i mean i know that's the whole point of the switch but yeah if you want to go play on a couch or play in another room or or take it on a plane or whatever you can continue playing that same game and that probably that probably does help a lot to the it adds to the fact of of yeah why your play times are so high is because it's not only it's not just your handheld now it's your your full console and uh that sounds like an advertisement almost but that yeah yeah that's that's that's a good point yeah it's not an advertisement but it's a true statement are there any other games you want to quickly just throw out there or are we going to wrap this up um i'd like to mention doshin the giant you just want to mention him or you can ask us anything about you didn't specify had to be a switch game you just asked if there are any games i wanted to mention that's true on that note section there well i guess you guys can let us know your favorite switch games in the comments below and how long you played them for have you surpassed us have you played any games for longer than 500 hours if so give us a taunt down below in the comments and be sure to go to the subscribe button and look at it for 4 thousand hours and then press it and we'll catch you next time that's sure to get it to like you that's how you want to like you just stare at them for a long time and we'll see you next time bye everyone bye-bye
Channel: Nintendo Life
Views: 309,282
Rating: 4.8816123 out of 5
Keywords: Nintendo Life, Nintendo, Nintendo Switch, Switch, NX, New 3DS, Nintendo UK, Jon, Alex, Zion, Most Played, longest switch games, biggest switch games, the legend of zelda, breath of the wild, animal crossing, hours, super mario odyssey, stardew valley, tetris 99, big games, discussion, chat
Id: 1Eujf_jDPo0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 45sec (2925 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 27 2021
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