The 21 Best Nintendo GameCube Games of All Time

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Cool video, I don't have most of them, but I learned about some games that belong in my collection though...

I tend to easily overlook third party games, so I appreciated the variety.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/RazorLeafAttack 📅︎︎ Jan 10 2018 🗫︎ replies

I think it's interesting how I have 11 of those games

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/vibronicpoppy82 📅︎︎ Jan 10 2018 🗫︎ replies
hello Weaver lovely people it's Alex from Nintendo life here and today we're gonna have a look at the 21 best GameCube games why 21 well because it's kind of a theme now so many things a little bit more interesting we're gonna stick to one game per main series franchise for example you can have Paper Mario and Super Mario Sunshine but you couldn't say how the Super Mario Sunshine and Super Mario 64 not only because it's not on the Gamecube as usual the games are in no particular order except for the last five which are considered to be a top 5 so the first 16 are in no order although people will still comment saying they think something should be higher but I'm sure you're not put anyway that's more than enough waffling let's dive right into things out of the darkness they came with a hateful will to destroy humanity created primarily by eggs rare employees timesplitters was a series that was a bit different to other first-person shooters and time splitters to does everything that the original did and upgrades it tenfold the storyline is completely bonkers basically you have to go back in time to various different time periods on earth to stop the time splitters from using the time crystals to destroy earth or something I mean it's it's pretty vague know that somebody in the comments will correct me the single-player is great but the real thrill of this comes from the multiplayer grab three friends and you'll be shooting monkeys as gingerbreadmen in no time at all you're welcome Andre yes Mario Kart Double Dash the GameCubes answer to well Mario Kart the gimmick this time is that there are two characters riding around on each individual Kart and actually changes things up in a rather interesting way particularly when you get into co-operators although I don't think they call that it's been a while basically you have two real-life people one controls the person driving and one controls the character not driving instead throwing shells and things it's certainly nowhere near as refined as the later entries but nevertheless double that is an incredible amount of fun and for the time it really was a huge upgrade on 64 click then jump up beyond good and evil is it's a weird one truth be told is one of those games it's easier to show than it is to actually describe it's sort of an action-adventure Photography game again really it's not that easy to describe it has a phenomenal cult following and with the announcement of Beyond Good and Evil 2 coming to some platforms we couldn't be more thrilled to include this on our list err puh give me a collar and I need another bucket of ice cream with mini pies okay for anyone who hasn't played this game this may seem like a weird choice to include on our top 21 list but bear with me the simpsons hit and run is basically the best Simpsons game that's ever been released except for maybe the arcade game which is probably on par in a nutshell it's a semi family-friendly Grand Theft Auto with the cast of The Simpsons and myriad references to the main series they may not all be references to good episodes but nevertheless it's nice to have them there yes it's divisive but you can't deny that Super Mario Sunshine is still a great game regardless of whether you think it's a great Mario game or not personally when this came out I absolutely loved it and in some small way I think I prefer it - Super Mario 64 that was a joke but still it's a great game and it tried something new with the Mario genre and it didn't entirely work really but nevertheless it's good fun and it definitely deserves to be on this list so anyone who's a fan of the series I'm sure I don't need to say the paper mario the thousand-year door is the quintessential Paper Mario experience there's a whole host of really interesting characters with genuinely well-developed personalities if you can believe such a thing it shouldn't come as a surprise that this was developed by intelligent systems the same people who brought us such games as Flair emblem for me personally this is the best mario RPG out there completely decimating the competition yeah okay it's technically an n64 game if you want to get really technical but nevertheless Animal Crossing is an incredible game even if it has been entirely superseded by the sequels at the time of its released there was nothing like it and although it hasn't aged terribly well it is still an awful lot of fun there's no real need to go back and play if you've got new leaf because honestly new leaf is infinitely better but even so for the GameCube this is easily one of the standout titles today reports in from peak ones high alpine state that avalanche conditions in the extreme remember when EA actually made some half-decent games crazy times SSX 3 is pretty much everything you could ever ask for when it comes to a snowboarding game bursting with content infinitely replayable this is basically just a snowboarding game that you have to own never-before-seen racetracks where the terrain borders on vegan scene now it was a tricky choice between Super Monkey Ball and Super Monkey Ball too but in the end the sequel just had to slightly take it the original did manage to avoid the weird and awkward monkey dancing but the secret just has slightly more creativity when it comes to the main stages it also has more and on the whole better mini games although monkey target2 can die in a fire the more recent games in the series are kind of a bit crap but this one is one that you definitely need to play after so many years Luigi finally got his first solo game on the Nintendo GameCube and nowhen not counting Mario is missing it's hugely amis fairy but without actually being genuinely frightening so still suitable for younger players and also just incredible fun the controls are a little bit wonky by modern standards but if you can get past that this is a phenomenal game to get your hands before time before humanity I am dr. Edward Roy vez I am a clinical psychologist I am also ded horror games have come along an enormous way since the original things like the Atari 2600 and all that sort of thing where nothing was actually scary but I think the modern horror games owe more to eternal darkness sanity's requiem than to any of the horror game out there although may well not have been the first to do so it was the first to popularize the idea of going meta I don't want to give too much away but if you put this disc into your console your Gamecube may look like it's starting to have some issues it's all perfectly safe of course but well again again I can't really say anything just just play and enjoy it all right that's not good look for Tony is it but Tony Hawk's Pro Skater form may look a little bit weird and it seems like an odd choice for this list but even so this is a game that even today pretty well stands up there's something incredibly cathartic about just riding around on a skateboard doing impossible tricks and just basically making a fool of yourself as much as possible the whole thing that is trying to get off is being cool and skater may well have aged as well as a wet tissue but even so this is a wonderful game probably the best skating game ever remember when Nintendo consoles got real third-party support good times Metal Gear Solid the Twin Snakes is the retelling of the original Metal Gear Solid not the original Metal Gear and by crums is it good it's very Hideo Kojima in the sense that it's more like an interactive film than it is an actual game but even so I think this probably has some of the most content when it comes to actual gameplay for the series it solves a lot of the problems of the original release and is overall just a fantastic game get it Oh hay was tough picking between pigment and pigment - but in the end pigment - just about stole it apart from graphically this game has not aged a day and in my opinion the original GameCube controls are better than the wii controls um I'm just gonna say it it doesn't quite have the tension of the original given that you're really not that restricted in terms of time but the addition of looy and also the addition of multiplayer makes this an incredible experience but if you can't get this one because it's ludicrously expensive the original is almost just as good when I had my original GameCube I longed for Soul Calibur - I didn't even really know what the gameplay was like at the time I just knew the link was in it and it was a fighting game and I thought that was the coolest thing ever and you know what it still is I've never quite been able to get good at the game but even so I absolutely loved playing it to death Soul Calibur - having link in it makes this in my opinion the best one although admittedly I haven't played them all there's good link in it so you know battle to fight can you believe that before I was instructed to put this in the list by my boss I had never played a Burnout game before or if I have I definitely can't remember doing so but I can absolutely agree that this demands to be on this list it's basically a racing game that encourages you to be as reckless as possible and whilst that might not be a good message to send to children good lordy is it fun driving around at breakneck speeds and encouraging you to drive on the correct side of the road the left makes this game unparalleled and it's adrenaline rush Worf well there you go but what about this top five that we've been bleating on about all through the intro what there it is and these are in order when it comes to being fast there isn't a racing game on the Gamecube that can even come close to f-zero and can you believe f-zero GX wasn't even developed by Nintendo I think this is easily the best racing game on the system even outing Mario Kart because it is just that good it's initially a little bit more forgiving than the n64 version but even so this thing when you get later into the game is one tough cookie if you've never played an f-zero game before what are you even doing with your life 1998 I'll never forget it it was the year when those grisly murders occurred in the our claim mountains this was a tough one but for us when it comes to Resident Evil 4 is pretty much the king the controls have not aged well but to be honest it's almost to the game's benefit the limited controls makes every encounter even more intimidating and even more intense get this game is it freeze yes how could we leave this game out it is so classic and so amazing and it comes so far from the original it's so good that there is still a huge legion of people playing it to this day and even if you don't understand all the wavedashing and drop and cancel and flight and thing it's still an enormous amount of fun I think this game is solely responsible for the GameCube adapter for the Wii U being even the thing yes it was only used for Super Smash Bros 4 Wii U but enough people were clamoring for it that it happened is it the best Smash Bros game ever well in my opinion not quite but in a lot of people's opinion definitely oh this one was a tough one I know there are so many people out there who love Twilight Princess to death and don't get me wrong it was very tough to pick between this and this but in the end winwaker just had to win it by the merest of margins for being just so so different apart from breath of the wild is probably the boldest move away from the traditional zelda formula especially visually i remember back in the day this was even referred to as new zelda with the sea spell spell spell like this the cel-shaded graphics were a huge point of contention and yet Nintendo still managed to turn it around and say no we're gonna make something amazing and even to this day it just looks amazing I don't think you could say the same thing about Twilight Princess yes it was pretty much a guarantee that this was absolutely gonna be in the top five but for us it's it's undeniable it's number one retro studios did the impossible they took an entirely 2-d game and transferred it to 3d made it entirely new entirely different first-person they took something as quintessential as Metroid something that so many people loved they managed to change it entirely but still make it the same kind of game it's a miracle this even exists and is as good as it is there's just absolutely no game like this out there the attention to detail the immersion it was all too much to take back in the years of the Gamecube it's not just one of the best GameCube games ever it's one of the best games ever and there you have it those are the 21 best GameCube games of all time ever do you agree with this list what do you think it's total pigs will let us know down there in the comments thank you so much for watching if you like this video the body new slave away over to machines all weekend just to get some footage for that subscribe button and be sure to check out Nintendo for lots of lovely Nintendo related content thank you again for watching bye bye
Channel: Nintendo Life
Views: 1,306,939
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nintendo gamecube switch, gamecube virtual console, gamecube, New 3DS, Alex, gamecube switch, mario gamecube games, gamecube best, gam, top 10 best gamecube games, switch gamecube games, Nintendo Life, cub, gamecube best games, Nintendo UK, Nintendo, best quality gamecube, Nintendo Switch, gamecube hdmi, gamecube mario, gamecube vc switch, Switch, NX, gamecube hidden gems
Id: 2FTBspZymlg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 12sec (1092 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 08 2018
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