Ranking All 151 Pokémon from Gen 1

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hello there lovely people it's alex from nintendo live here and we're doing it yeah we you know that we've already ranked all of the cons from donkey kong and we dug we dug seriously deep we didn't have to dig as deep this time because there's more recorded instances but yes we're gonna be ranking every single pokemon from the first generations of games and i'm not going to be doing it alone because that would be madness i am in fact joined by the wonderful john i'm so happy with doing 151 and not every pokemon alex because if we were doing every single one we would never leave we'll be stuck here forever who knows what the future may hold but i'm not only joined by the lovely john i am joined by the stupendous the wonderful zeon john you make it sound like we weren't already going to be stuck here forever we we still are but it's going to be a great time my childhood has been waiting for this forever as is yours it's going gonna be it's gonna be a beefy one i think that's um that's fair to say so let's not let's not faff around any any longer what i said that's more than enough waffling let's dive right into things but without a transition because we don't have time so you can see here we've got all the lovely tears using tearmaker.com um big thanks to cerebe.net for supplying the sprites that we're going to use and i don't want to hasten to i do want to point out we're not judging the sprites the sprites are merely representative of the pokemon as a whole so if the sprite's a bit goofy we may not take that into account but we may so we're just going to start off oh sorry xeon go ahead which which sprites did you say we're using again today which which uh where did these come from these are the original red and blue sprites from the west so not the red and green sprites that were originally released in japan and not the yellow sprites that were released everywhere it's a it's a rich and dense tapestry so let's begin with number one we're doing this in order mr bulbasaur where do we think bulbasaur lives this is so tough because i imagine we all chose different starters right like what did you guys choose as your starter i chose bulbasaur okay i chose amanda i'm pretty sure i chose charmander also but bulbasaur is now my personal favorite line i don't like that yeah yeah for me i i feel like the charmander line is the mcdonald's where it's everywhere and i've kind of been overexposed to it and i don't feel as strongly towards bubbles towards charmander anymore i kind of do lean towards bulbasaur i'm glad to hear that because i still love bulbasaur to death and to be honest i he's he's for me he's a if not s i think i'm only leaning away from s slightly because his move pool isn't amazing but what do you guys think i would probably yeah he is very cute i'm pretty sure when i was a kid i had a dream that i had a pet bulbasaur and a pet padaman from digimon and so but i would probably put him in a i would still that's that's right let's stick him in a for the sake of brevity ivysaur where we where are we going to put iversor baby ivysaur is just a better bulbasaur no one can complain about no one can argue that i i honestly think yeah yeah he's in smash he's like the best of the three as well you're right like squirtle's okay charizard's got the power behind him but ivysaur is a combo and damage dealer in my mind he's s any complaints no i'm fine with that you don't like venusaur do you i don't he's just a weird big frog thing it's like it's like he's he aged bulbasaur is like around eight years old ivysaur is like the teenager and then venusaur is just like he's 40 50 years old at this point he's looking to retire from from his job i just yeah i'm not a big fan of him and no offense to to venusaurs out there just not my cup i i think he's i think he's i like venusaur but he's not as good as the others i'd say he's b john yeah he's disappointing compared to the final evolution of the other starters in my opinion he just looks like a big scaly frog nothing wrong with that per se i might even say c honestly i don't think i can i don't think i can agree with that zeon casting vote i say b john says c i agree with b i think it's fine i yeah that's better than me mr charmander where's mr charmander gonna go on here john i like charmander a lot i think he's the best of the line in terms of design because they kind of get ugly as they go on charmander stands quite strongly next to bulbasaur any thoughts the problem is i was about to say that charmander's so cute but all of the original starters are so cute so that's unfair i would say a maybe even s because i don't want to talk about the future line too much yet but uh but yeah i really like charmander quite a bit s or a is good with me i i can't bring myself to put minnes just because he's so everywhere all the time so i'm gonna make an executive decision and put him in a i'm never gonna forget about he's the mcdonald's of pokemon what about charmeleon charmeleon in my opinion is a better charmander the shade of red that he is is very jarring compared to charmander and charizard it's like he went a different color for some reason and i don't like that so like that he's just oh you got it guys he's gonna say where would you put him john you haven't given any information i'll put him as a c i mean he's fine i just don't like him that much rude zeon yeah i'm honestly a big fan of all of the the second the the first stage if we're talking pokemon tcg terms here of uh of of all of the starters i would probably put him in s so do with that what do without what you will he was so cool when i was a kid c or s i'm gonna split the difference i'm gonna go with a i honestly really like charmeleon i i don't think there's any more that needs to be said mr charizard he's a mcdonald's mascot he's ronald mcdonald yeah i mean he's a perfectly fine design but i find him he's just been so overused you can't help but be a little bit meh about him really some people are going to get very angry at that but you know that that's how it's tough yeah i mean it's tough because we see him so much right i mean he probably he's probably the the pokemon that has the most trading well no pikachu probably but yeah he's besides pikachu he's probably the most recognizable um and and people aren't wrong he is pretty tough looking to to be very pg about it i would probably put him in ars i think he's pretty cool and i i know we're really beefing up the top slots here but we're starting with the starters john i mean he is a good design i i feel like we shouldn't let uh his overuse get to us or how we'd like him um but something's just stopping me from saying s so maybe a i i i was thinking b but the fact that you two are going between a and s i'm happy to concede a the thing that noise means is not dragon type and i'm not gonna get into mega revolutions that's that's a whole other different thing we we've got to pick up the pace we've been spending too much time on these boys squirtle where's mr squirtly boy going oh he's a cutie i asked him i think squirtle is probably a as well zeon any thoughts yeah i can't argue that either he's he's very he's very iconic very simple but elegant design i i dig him he's he's he's good he's going in there the squirtle gang isn't there with sunglasses and all sorts of yeah the squirtle squad the squirtle squad yeah yeah wartortle [Music] there's something about those ears that it's like it's like when mario got the feather cap and he just instantly was cooler that's what happened to squirtle here and so like i said i'm in love with the first stages that that first evolution i would put him in s just like i would with with uh charmeleon um but that's that's just me um i i can't i can't agree with that i think wartortle's probably the weakest of all the starter pokemon i'm afraid i i that's why we're that's why we're doing this yeah i'm sorry i kind of agree i think the second straight stage for me is the stage you see the least like the first one is your big attachment the last one is what you spend the rest of your life with and the second one while they can look cool you don't really get that much time with them and so whenever i battle wartortle i'll just kind of think uh i i don't know i'd say blc i'd think i'd i'm i mean towards c uh but zeon likes him so much so should we go i can't be mad i can't be ivysaur is in the top slot i i'm i'm already winning the best um fat man blastoise um this sprite work is excellent it looks like i'm the seymour skinner pathetic okay s i always thought i will say i always thought blastoise was the weaker of well no no not in comparison to venusaur sorry um he's better than venusaur you think so you think he's better than charizard too oh i don't know guns in his shell um so he's legal in america um yeah you can you can carry them in your pocket concealed concealed arms um should we oh but i'm not sure what the s s is like reserved for tip top it says sheesh you're perfect i feel like we can warrant having one starter final evolution in s as long as you don't get too excessive with that category okay all right he is unique yeah i i'm cool with it just wanted to make sure right we're we're moving on to the smaller entries caterpie better than weedle whoa okay there's gonna be some beef later on what you agree he's so much cuter look at his little like nose thing he's got like are they eyebrows wha what is it it's antennae i guess now i suppose yeah but they look like eyebrows so what do you guys reckon um i i don't think too highly of caterpie but um i feel like this line is is it was one of my first ones i went for because i guess this is one of the first pokemon you can find after you get your starter so that's academy's nice nice c 2 c for caterpie xeon yeah i i have a big affinity for just that entire line too so i would say c or b honestly and i understand there's tons of pokemon ahead um but caterpie in particular is pretty pretty cute i feel cool i'd say d personally and so i think if we split the difference we end up at c does that sound fair sounds like a i don't know how to rank this one i i honestly think whilst i like the design of metapod just in inherently as a pokemon i think he's terrible it literally you come across one in the in the wild it's just like harden harden it's worth honestly honestly i'm thinking e i'm honestly thinking fighting it alone is just yeah i i think it's e is fine i realize i just said i like the entire line but i forgot about metapod i was looking at you the next one the best thing about metaport is you spend three levels with him and that is it then he evolves we'll go with e then shall we butterfree that's an eight year that's an eight shipper yeah yeah butterfree's high up there i consider butterfree to be like a seat here honestly i know why i know why why because you're the next pokemon you're you're that you're a fan of that one i am i hate your right eye butterfree's just so cool it's this bug type pokemon that can learn it's supposed to be venom off but it's so majestic oh don't even go don't even go there you know we don't have time for that if you're interested uh just google venomoth metapod butterfree you'll find it um can i can i be cheeky and say b for butterfree b for butter free we'll be angry at you but you can the i'm gonna put it in air out the anger is coming my way [Music] now after the ridley discussion yeah you have you have a hold it now we have caterpie and c that that that can't do he's a little party hat worm though he's got a little party hat and and that blob on his face is it a nose is it a mouth it's a nose but it's fun to speculate if he's not an s then he's an s i mean is a better weedle oh he's not what do you think zion i would honestly say c probably as well i i really don't think he's that much better than caterpie he does have a horn and that's cool and more effective but i don't know alex really you really like him that much i really like weedle that much i mean i can't we can't take that away from alex i took butterfly away from us why didn't i put it in b then butterfree and weedle can be friends i don't like them that they're equal that much time to argue dang i really wanted to put him in s so we could hold we could have a something to hold against alex later okay kakuna the better metapod he's not amazing but he is better than metapod absolutely d i didn't i didn't realize he had like swords for hands though is that did that translate later i'm pretty sure it was in pokemon stadium like it was animated oh yeah you're right yeah that's pretty cool d d yeah sure d i would i would honestly say c but i'm called d yeah yeah i like c made me uh wow kakuna made me wish that that's the evolution i had when caterpie evolved but here we are i'll take it for butterfree bee drill i love beedrill simple design slightly annoying that he doesn't have uh six limbs being an insect but you know when none of us perfect i honestly think beedrill's like a tier what were you thinking jan i like butterfree more than b drill was the thing i i like pedro a lot but i i don't know we've already put butterfree in b so i don't know if i can say that beach was higher than that i was thinking b for b drill i'm i'm happy to concede a b i'm happy to concede a b p g b drill is really cool you're not just a pigeon pidgey's a pigeon but well no it's not it looks nothing like a pigeon i guess there's actually a pigeon pokemon later in the series i suppose pidgey is not it's as close to a pigeon as we got back in the day i honestly think i think it's like d or e but then again i kind of like pidgey should we say the line gets better as it goes on and pidgey is just the most basic of all of them so i'm i'm happy putting pidgey in e z yeah i think i think e or d is fine as well yeah let's throw him an e we we've got only one in there right now is is that edible no it's it's arable bracket's tea so terrible oh i'm sure she could eat metapod though um uh pidgeotto pidgeotto oh almost maybe slightly more than pidgeot yeah i think i agree actually yeah it's cool but it doesn't have the same iconic look this this sprite doesn't have doesn't really do it justice just looks like a fat bird but i honestly think a for pidgeotto i think it's great yeah yeah i think well so where are we going to put pidgeot that sounds like a tough fight without a tricky thing isn't it art is intimidating when when it gets sent out though the size of the sprite is quite you know it makes your nerve shake a little but um the design itself it's a downgrade from pidgeotto i don't know you can ride pidgeot though and you can watch it what's what's you can ride pidgey peachy if you want pretty sure pidgey you could physically p pidgeot is so big that you could ride it like a dinosaur and it'll fly you wherever you want i love you saying you're right like a dinosaur like that's something we do daily you could have said horse you could have said so many animals but you went with dinosaur i was thinking of a flying animal that we could also ride and dinosaur was the first thing that i came up with all right well no dinosaurs flew you're thinking of pterosaurs oh so specific i'm glad we have you here alex to correct me on that so where are we thinking where are we thinking i one time had someone tell me that my hair back in the day looked like a pidgeot and that that made me feel pretty bad but also pretty good i should probably put them in a okay i'm thinking maybe b john yeah i'm thinking b as well okay you've been overruled zeon but who knows that's all right you may have you already voted for cake later ratatar or rattata if you pronounce it differently it's it's okay it's just kind of a boring line though only evolves once and i don't think i've ever kept this line in my team i think yeah is like a d i originally didn't care for rattata at all until i played the card game and there's a really really cool rattata next evolution line that made me appreciate it a lot more and so i would probably put him in c but uh but i i understand i understand he's not uh he's not that unique in a line i'm gonna i'm gonna pop him in d but raticate on the other hand i think raticate's actually pretty cool i like the massive teeth you know that it just looks kind of weirdly intimidating with the angry eyes and the big teeth and the big mouth and hyperfang which i still don't understand or is it super fast there's a there's a fang move i still don't understand how it works it's a cool pokemon to fight but i've never actually have it on my team is the thing same yeah you'll find with me that i've always had a thing for the cute pokemon and the ones that look rabid and angry i'm not a big fan of going going forward you'll know see yeah sure spearow the better pidgey it isn't better pidgey i don't think the line is a better pidgey but spiro i can't debate is better than pidgey i think spiro i like the design i think it's quite striking without being over designed i think spiro c yeah yeah i think that's fine too i've never really had a fan or been a fan of these i i just always let them go good you can go do your own thing go fly off bye bye spiro that classic episode um pharaoh the evolution yeah it's a cool pokemon uh i i just feel like this is kind of overshadowed by pidgeot because it does have a very cool cry where it goes or something like that i pretty sure that's exactly how it sounds what was that alex what was that can we get that once more [Applause] that wasn't as good at that time it looks it makes a fun waveform though i'm looking forward to editing that um i feel like it might be equal to pidgeot but not pidgeotto i don't think it's quite as good oh no then again no i do like i do like the design xeon casting i think i think c is is fair i it's very interesting we never got a a third evolution or like you know a middle stage for this year it just went straight to phiro but yeah i would say c i'm i'm gonna i'm gonna go with c i think but what about i mean this sprite's terrible but ekans oh snake backwards yeah that that was basically what what facebook was for 10 years in the year 2006. like did you know that i can just sneak backwards oh i see i i thought you were saying that ekkins embodied facebook somehow and i i couldn't quite understand where you were going with that so we can make that connection somehow yeah i i i think the evolution is quite cool we've got plenty of pokemon to get through you're right though and it's one of those things where without ekans we wouldn't have the next pokemon but it still just isn't great this this one atkins d yeah d definitely needs some work arbuck iconic an iconic team rocket character yeah i love arbok i think rbox a a for our buck which is cobra backwards with a k oh my no way are you serious right now i'm so serious it hurts you can't see me i forget you guys couldn't see me but yeah no i'm i did i did know that okay hey hey yeah i think a for our block sorry to scare you zeon yeah a's good i like that a for arbok a for arbok right now this is a bit of a non-pokemon what do we reckon pikachu i've gotta say i just love the sprite work too on this pikachu i love fat pikachu fat pikachu's brilliant yes bring fat pikachu back well they did with um dynamics didn't they but forever pikachu is i don't know if i've been conditioned to love him or if i actually do love him i think i do actually love pikachu um i think it's just the character design is just very good and he's in so much promotional material and he is a good mascot and he goes pika and i can't i can't do that one i can do um i can do pharaoh i can't do pikachu although his he just he doesn't go pika in these games does he just goes or something yeah not until not until yellow did they they give them that that a little custom sound effect where do we reckon where do we reckon before we put him anywhere i feel like is the the next evolution is a step up from pikachu because i don't want to be played i think pikachu's good i think pikachu is a bee yeah i would say i'm very glad with the the mascot that pokemon did get in the end you know and of course right yeah um i would say a probably for me um just because it this pokemon meant so much to not my my childhood but so many to everyone else's i'm i'm gonna go i'm gonna on on that basis i think i'm gonna side with zeon and go with a because really pikachu is the pokemon but what's better than the pokemon it's evolution right you i i'm i'm gonna have to put it in s i love writing i think it's hugely underrelated hugely underrated it's it's almost it's almost unfair too that you if you're playing pokemon yellow that you're you if you want to evolve into a cooler pokemon like raichu you're just you just lose the trailing pokemon behind you too it's not can you actually no he throws away the the thunder stone he like i think yeah he refuses to evolve cheeky old cheeky old so-and-so um yeah moving on though sanshru i like science a solid b yeah yeah sanchez cool i would have a pet saying true totally i'll say absolutely and then we've got sans slash who's a slightly more angry sanchez i don't think i would survive a pet sand slash or would any of us no they're vicious and i kind of like that it's kind of like it's sonic the hedgehog with an actual attitude like like a criminal attitude um it's sonic the hedgehog with a criminal record we've got a permanent he's a native um litter and female oh okay did you say they kind of look like bunny rabbits john yeah like little bunny rabbits so the guinea pigs i never i i totally see what you guys both mean i just thought they were just some weird amalgamation of something like just just earth animals um i i think d honestly yeah yeah i yeah i i can swipe with d yeah that's fine with me i've never yeah yeah i think that's okay it is but here we go nidorina this sprite makes nerina looks like it's got a piggy nose it doesn't um yeah i actually really like nidorina i'm not big on nidoran female but nidorina i'm i'm thinking b i really like nedarina yeah nidorina i think it's it's a little simple for me yeah i feel like i like the male version more actually in with this one i don't know if i'll put the male one in a is the thing [Music] i could can see to see yeah i think we should we need to know alex how do you feel about the the male version as well well not that we don't need to rank it but i tell you what why don't we um why don't we when we've done the nidoran line entirely we'll shimmy and shake them around if we want to sounds good i like that yeah i think c is fine then too c c c or b you you can throw them in b for now if you want need a queen okay the queen i like this one until i found out that it's four foot tall when i battled this on the game boy i thought wow look at this colossal pokemon it's gonna wipe my entire team then you see it in his actual size and it's four foot yeah yeah that takes so much away i like nidoqueen but not as much as nidorina i don't know what it is i think it's that mid-tier um preference again i reckon c yeah i think c is fine i really i dig the muscles it just it's still like it it has this kind of like mom look like it's going to take care of you but it would also just completely rip you apart as well and that's that i don't know something about that's cool at the end of the video no there's nothing wrong it's just pokemon guys okay let's ignore the queen and see nidoran male the better nidoran but still not great the big ears are okay i think it's c for me yeah i can't i can't argue any higher than c yeah a slight upgrade yeah i think he's fine too yeah yeah uh nidorino i think i like as much as nidorina i really like the mid tiers again i think i think they both look kind of like equally angry kind of sort of like they've got all this energy and they're just ready to go and they're not you know sort of they're not bipedal which is um refreshing i think i like them more but maybe not an entire tier more um yeah i i like the fact that they're they almost look like they could be not for uh they could be the mascot for a game that isn't pokemon but is trying to be sure yeah actually yeah i can see that totally yeah um but what about nido king i i know it's very stereotypical because i'm a boy but i was a boy when this came out and i thought nidoking looked the bee's knees he's also forefoot isn't he oh that does take the edge off doesn't it they're both just these little they're tiny little things they're trying to look intimidating but they're smaller than us by quite a margin i think i always looked at nido king 2 when i was a kid and was like man he's he's like going to be a dragon he's going to have all these cool moves and he didn't and that that kind of disappointed me so i would say probably like a c or a b as well i'm leaning more towards b because i do think nida king just from a purely design point of view is just a little bit better than knit a queen there's not a lot in it but i think just the sharper edges and the more sort of even more armored body i don't know john casting vote b or c i i don't feel too strongly so i'll side with b b it is yeah i think that's fine too there's some something about spikes though right yeah yeah there's something weirdly primal about it do we want to shimmy any of these around or you know i'm quite happy with where they are yeah i'm pretty happy yeah i think it's fine yeah i agree we'll leave we'll leave you with your your one as well alex i think that's good splendid clefairy um i really don't like leferry at all um and it's damaged wow well good thing good thing it wasn't anything i think the pokemon stadium mini game where you copy its moves and it goes fair yes that is exactly the story i was going to tell when you get hit with a hammer if you get it wrong it's like no you know what no i'm not dealing with this there's like a teaching clefairy or yeah or something wow i've got to banish it i've got to oh i don't know it's banishable yeah okay i'll do i'll do you guys a deal i'll do you a deal we can put clefairy in arable with one exception we put clefable in banished whoa oh you do that i don't i don't love this line but i don't think they're terrible goodness see on any thoughts yeah i i think clefable like with its the wings are even bigger like it it's uh it's just a cool pokemon [Music] ah i mean okay so where did you want to put clefable if we do this banished ah no um i mean i think ah i think clefairy could use could use some work like i think clefairy c tier but ah that's some cool laura you're so hurt i am very in the whole mount moon law is pretty cool i i i i feel like it's it's at least at least a d all right d but then fables going in e okay that really hurt alex to do that it did happen why can't it at least be as good because it's not as good it's worse wait why is it worse though cause you don't have the attachment of you don't have the attachment of the minigame too no but it's less great clefable it's less cute it's it's like it's like somebody it's like a child that was really cute and then you know the child grows up and instead of looking more mature or something they just look like they're still trying to be cute it's mutton dressed as lamb that's what it is i can't wait to be here there's nothing to say about chansey i'm trying to comprehend anything that just happened i i feel like i like clefable i think they're a good pokemon i do too yeah yeah i think clefable has to be at least a d i would i would rank clefable probably like an a or a b but obviously i'm not the only party here so i i i respect your opinion alex because that's what this whole thing is [Music] and i respect yours even if it is painfully wrong i would have to say it i i could settle for d alex d d john yeah it's a settle i wouldn't put them in d but i'll settle for d right i do think my camera they didn't get banished i think my camera needs some anti-shake because the amount that i'm pressing buttons what's going on i think i'm pressing the wrong button i'm pressing the auto focus button there we go now i'm stabilized hello lovely stabilized people vulpix what's going on with something vulpix i love vulpix i really like vulpix me too vulpix is is so cool vulpix a yeah the only thing i don't like about vodka is in pokemon snap this is one point where vulpix gets in front of you and they like they have their butt right in front of your face it's like vulpix please move i don't look at your butt the entire time that's the one thing i don't like about them that's like it's just a typical typical cat move which i know vulpix is not a cat but i'm just about to say it's really not a cat um nine tails though i like the nine tails but i i don't think i'd like nine tails as much as i like vulpix i love nine tails and like and maybe it's partially because of the keaton fox in majora's mask you know like i saw you know connect those two dots when i was with uzion everything comes back to majora's mask it does i'll go as far to say that i stan nine tails um wow so i mean zeon what do you reckon give me a give me a tear give me a tear i think we should do eight here then i i think that's where would you put that where would you put nine tails oh i would put nine tails an s i think it's one of the most majestic pokemon we have out there and that's that's the grading tier i sheesh you're perfect that's where i would put nine tails john well he said you stan so i'm guessing you mean s as well did we lose john i think we've lost john oh well we just had some technical difficulties john john went off for a brief moment but we're back and we are looking at jigglypuff and i do not like jigglypuff in the context of the anime jigglypuff is much more likeable in the games i've never used them but i feel like they have a really strong personality okay yeah they have a lot of character but you're right see yeah i see it seems fine wigglytuff i'm i really want to banish i hate wigglytuff it's a scary design it is those eyes yeah you're right can we banish it by wigglytuff we've got to banish one i've been waiting to do that um clefable but okay no no way not in this town uh i think we should banish as well yeah i never want to encounter zuba ever again just because it appears in caves so often i am happy they weren't in sword and shield i'm happy they cut them this is completely zubat's fault too this oh yeah this yeah banish it two banishings in a row golbat though i actually really like goldberg's design i think it's just kind of ludicrous with this great big mouth and i'm fairly i'm pretty sure my partner sasha named her golbat in one of the pokemon games after me because of my massive gob apparently so i reckon i i feel like zubat i don't like them because they appear all the time but i have nothing against you you're nice you're not intrusive all the time yes c c or b i reckon yeah i think it's fine i think gobat's always been a little weird to me but it's not not to uh not to discredit it pokemon can be weird that's fine see it is oddish i quite like oddish not like massively but yeah yeah i mean if you look at it it's just kind of like a little turnip with the legs and but i i feel like it lives up to its odd name though yeah i think i think c would be fine too see it is but gloom gloom gloom what's gloom doing does anybody know is it just like it's losing its mind does it poison itself so much it's it's just not used to the evolution of its its new poisons abilities that it's just like i don't know man i don't know i i quite like i like gloom i think as much as i like oddish for different reasons but i think i like gloom as much as i like oddish okay i was prepared to argue um i thought you guys gonna argue this better than oddish and i was prepared to say no to that but if we're arguing on the same level yeah i'm fine with that cool what about vileplume though i think they're an enhancement they're quite majestic i like vile bloom i like the the the flowers like that sort of that flower that smells of rotting flesh i don't know what it's called i reckon b i'm fine with b i'm good with b2 b paras is an s tier obviously so we don't need to worry about that oh obviously why alex i just love paris i i always i i like crustaceans i like arthropods and the fact that he's got these he just runs around he carries these little mushrooms right he's just like i i just this little creature that likes farming mushrooms i just think that's adorable i've never looked at paris and thought you're an s-tier pokemon it's it's fine i just don't feel i feel nothing towards this pokemon what do you feel i feel the same way that was a very good explanation of your opinions well i i will i will happily drop paris down one tier because it is like it is got crap types like it's so weak to so many different types um which is a shame because i like bug and i like grass and probably another one i feel like we met you pretty close with clefairy and clefable to your desires so i think we should drop i i feel like we should drop him down to c or a b i would probably put him i'd probably put him in d i think he's fine sure he's a little cutie but those mushrooms are going to get the best of him eventually he he doesn't know it now but he's spoilers he'll lose his mind yeah okay okay b b i mean i'm not happy about it but we'll put it in b all right i think b is still a good grade para sect i like parasect as well [Music] especially when you learn the the bad story oh yeah it's mind has been taken it's the mushroom the mushroom is the pokemon now yeah i think that's badass i think i think bee would be fine it's it's a pretty unique pokemon and it's uh it's it's terrifying yeah if you encounter one of those in the wild no thanks but yeah i i would probably say b what what about you guys yeah cool law um yeah i feel like b's fair though i i don't feel too strongly behind it i just think it's kind of a cool design oh all right then be blimey i've been doing some concealing venonat b for blimey b for blind me i am i use the master ball one better now i caught all the other legendaries with um just regular pokeballs and ultra balls so i had a master ball just lying around i was i thought well this one the last pokemon i need maybe we'll catch it in a master ball i hope like just staring at you down the road you know in game and just just crying just why because they couldn't catch a venom out that the train is in game yeah yeah um i think venonats d where did you where did you place it john i i think venonat is kind of cool i would probably say a c but but i can d is fine with me yeah i think i might go i yeah i think i'll go c as well okay we'll we'll go with c but what about venom moth i actually really like venomoth me me too me too alex hmm reminds me a bit of about for free it's it's like the better butterfree yeah i i don't know if it's better than butterfree but i like it a lot i really like moths a lot in real life like if i i'm they kind of terrify me though you know like when you see one like a big one in person like i i still squirm but but i like the idea of them a lot so i would probably say b i'm happy to go with b and that means it's time for alex to reformat the screen because it's just stretched uh diglett i love diglett i think he's eight yeah i i can i can see diglett's pretty cool yeah yeah there we go that's nice and easy this might if you can't change things we've realized how long we've taken to get to this point and we've thought we have to crack on so duck tree it's like a slightly worse diglett the thing i can't i can't say that he's also a because he has just three digletts yeah i'm saying you can't even talk about the yeah i think i think c or b is fine i've well i yeah i'm really tripping on my words right now i would probably say c in the end but but if you guys think b is where you should be that's fine too b is where he should be um there are no b pokemon in gen one fun fact well fact um meowth meowth is almost like that's right i can't do the voice i really can't i don't even think i don't even think meowth is like an iconic pokemon necessarily like that's not why i like it i just think like the coin and that it's this like little greedy cat and it's always you know it's it's it's in in it sprite here it's taking care of itself and it's just i don't know i think it's a cool pokemon yeah i'd probably put him in like a the sprite i've just realized as a reference to the lucky cat statues you get yeah you're right it's meowth's a hard one because i don't think the pokemon itself is iconic it's the personality in the anime that's iconic which is very different but that's still part of it and i think i really like meowth just generally also i know we're not including gigantomax in this but just taking into consideration giganto max meowth is pretty damn fantastic see i'll let you guys aside from this one i'm not entirely sure about me elf i would say b i i would i would be happy with b i'm i'm happy with b as well because it means i don't have to format as quickly um persian it's a cat it's i mean it's a cat isn't it yeah i think going from meowth to persian i think there were so many other things they could have done i i think persian is is cool it's kind of like a big panther yeah but um i don't know i was kind of bored a little bummed when i saw that evolution i would say maybe like a d i i think definitely needs work is very accurate in my opinion yeah yeah yeah i'd say d you happy with that john sure if person wasn't giovanni's like right hand pokemon then i wouldn't think much about it at all yeah that's a good point yeah what about psyduck though i like sidewalk i like cider my cousin my cousin sarah she uh when i was a kid you know like kids just go crazy about things i learned that my cousin sarah her favorite pokemon was psyduck so every time i got a new side of card or i saw a toy at the store i like had to get it for her and i don't even think she liked pokemon that much but it was like a way that i could connect with her i'm so glad i'm so glad i dropped that when detective pikachu came out cause man she would have so much merch by now but where do we reckon that's the big question maybe maybe a b for psyduck i'm happy with a bee i'm so sorry sarah but i did not like psyduck growing up i just i i i would be in the thickens um are you what about was i i'm sorry did i hear you say b yeah b b is cool a b b super duper golduck i think less of golduck i think slightly more of golduck i think it's a very underrated hyper beam right i think that's that's a pretty big upgrade but i uh i don't know but where do you reckon it's strange but where does gold duck go what do you think zeon where did you guys uh do you do you guys feel b i i think c or a b would be fine yeah i'm not impressed but i feel i feel he's a lesser side up to me he's very different of course but i just don't feel an attachment to golduck yeah i mean i really like gold duck but i'm i'm happy to concede to a c because i think it's just personal preference and you know majority rules manky on the other hand he's a little monkey when we talk about how pokemon and the latest ones are so unimaginative look at manky they let you change the letter of o in monkey and just made it manky yeah to be fair it's like it's like monkey kong it's it's so funny ev there's just like people just ignore ignore the fact that the original pokemon did like such simple things like that you're absolutely you're absolutely right because like klefki is is an interesting pokemon it is just a set of keys but yes we have things like mankey i've never liked manky you've never learned i'm just gonna say that never liked manky you do without what you will i've always quite liked him i like the evolution i feel like monkey is just a a dull pokemon that gets to there well where do you where okay you guys where do you think he should go one of you is going to say maybe maybe like a ah i think a c i think c would be fine they could have done a little more with them i think sure they're fun in the anime i guess so i'll say see okay sprite's kind of fun like i like his little curved arms like that that's nice it looks like he's got massive ears it does yeah okay well that means it's time for alex to change the format again because this tier list is huge primate [Music] and improvement i'd say b for primate honestly i really like him i like the fact he's got natural boxing gloves that raises so many questions and what are they full of are they just thick leather hide are they full of pus we'll never know prime minister positions clearly monkey is just a monkey primate he's clearly a fighter uh i like him i like him much more b isn't it funny how if you put band-aids on something it just kind of becomes cooler like sonic and sonic boom exactly that's the thought b b for bandage that sounds good does it have bandages i don't i don't think it does doesn't have doesn't it have it like one on its like eyebrow or something that's a vein is that real it's like an it's like an anger symbol you you watch the anime you should know this well yeah but i mean i don't have oh no you're right see in the sprite here it looks like he has band-aids no no no he's just angry so he needs them every now and then if he stubs his toe or something yeah on his forehead yeah great he could use a band-aid on his forehead to cover up that big old whatever you said it was it's a i think it's a vein but what about growlithe growlithe i would cuddle growlithe at the earliest opportunity yeah i would i reckon even with the risk that you might get burned to a crisp yeah i'd say b more so yeah b what do you mean more so john speak to us at the end of the video arcanine though a bigger bolder maybe better growlithe i will have to decide i like arcanine a lot i i would probably put arcanine in the eights here but there's just i mean it's a big a big fluffy furry dog like a huge dog it's like clifford the big red dog but in pokemon form clifford the big red orange pokemon yeah exactly the next arcanine i get i'm gonna call clifford i think h is fair for this one yeah oh put in b like a fool but what about poliwag uh i i i don't feel much for this line i quite like i like poliwag i like poliwag not like massively but i like poliwag i'd say c for poliwag yeah i think that's fine with me i think a c yeah i mean b is would you say it's on par with gravel no yeah you're right that's that's a good point yeah uh john are you happy with c i'm happy with c but i think it goes lower from here on uh poliwhirl yeah i think it's d it's okay yeah but it's it's it's very similar to one another i just feel like they get a bit more dull as they go on yeah a little bit i do like the idea that it like toughened up you know and it's like it's out on the streets now it's ready to beat up all those people that were stealing its lunch money when it was a kid you know and then it's it just gets lazy after this what what do you mean with polly wrath where it's the same thing yep yeah yeah it's the same thing but actually yeah it knows kung fu now and the spider goes in the opposite direction honestly because it's it's just so similar it's just kind of derivative yeah yeah i mean i don't i wouldn't i wouldn't say it was arable though but i think for the for the fact that this is it was considered an evolution i i almost think would be arable if if uh just just for the for the laziness factor okay we'll go with arable are you happy with that john yeah i'm happy with that abram i love this line okay abra is a great pokemon i like abraham i think b yeah abba is a pokemon you get attached to because you can't really fight with them but you have to use them for a while just to grind them up um and they're just cool they're nice yeah i like abra a lot zeon b sounds good to me too was was abra one of the pokemon that you could get from the game center or from the whatever i think it might have been yeah i'm not 100 sure about that but it sounds about right i remember just never being able to catch one ever oh yeah pain pain in the ass but what about cadabra i love kadabra i never traded my cadabra for the longest time so i got my kadabra up to level 100 uh before i even saw alakazam so i feel like i might be able to i like i think i like kadabra more than alakazam i think i do too yeah i was going to say i feel like this is one of my favorite pokemon actually oh is it going interesting i i i wouldn't argue that zeon casting i wouldn't i wouldn't either it's it's pretty unique yeah that's cool with me erigella can't touch this um alakazam i still really like alakazam but i think only on par with abra for different reasons but i'd say b i'm fine with b [Music] yeah i think b b is cool too it's um it's always unfortunate when you have that middle stage that looks cooler than the the final evolution but in your case i want to make like a pokemon league where you can where you can only have pokemon that still have to evolve i think that'll be great alakaz alakazam's gimmick is i like spoons now lame yeah [Laughter] oh that was a stumble machop or match up whichever way you want to pronounce it all i have to say is look at that sprite i i i don't care for my uh match up much to be honest although it does go [Music] i i i i feel little for this one yeah d yeah same here that's fine i didn't know you were such a pokemon soundboard by the way alex we need to we need to utilize this more often it said there's only a few that i can remember i can't remember all of them i'm afraid to say i can't remember all the pokemon's cries machoke though i like machoke it's like what machop should have been yeah i look at my chop and i'll shake it and say what on earth are you i look at my choke i say hey that's a distinguished pokemon right there yeah and that pokemon isn't gonna shake or that pokemon is gonna shake you you're not gonna be able to shake it i'm i'm happy with c maybe b yeah i think c is fine too it's nothing special yeah okay now it's time for a cough break and we're back um time time for the big boy i'm a champ i really like machamp just the fact that you evolved this machoke in it it looks cool and you know it better than what you had before but then you evolve it again and it's got four arms it's like i'm living in mortal combat i think machamp is an s for me honestly oh i was just gonna say that i didn't feel much from a champ but i was gonna sigh i was gonna decide with your praise until you said s so zeon you take it you take it from here i when i was a kid have i told you guys about the story about how i mean many kids probably did this where they saw the commercial for the original pokemon trading card game and they saw charizard and then they went to the store and they they convinced their parents to let them get the starter deck and then the the foil card inside of the deck was not charizard it was machamp and i was so mad and for that alone isn't gonna go well isn't it i but i do agree it i think it's a pretty unique design getting another set of arms is a great upgrade i think anyone would love maybe maybe not forever but would like to have another set of arms just to see what it's like and so i i think a would be fine with me um would you it's a cool would you be happy with a john i'm happy with a i i i feel like it's it's a good design i just don't feel it's s bellsprout s i'm not being serious bellsprout i do like bellsprout i don't think i would say i i don't have that kind of affinity for it but um but i think a c or a b i'll be fine with me i'd be happy with c for bell sprouts i think it's it slightly irritates me how thin it is but you know maybe i'm just jealous bellsprout but hang on i'm gonna find out oh yeah i know i remember bell sprouts cry i can do that even the cry feels weak i look at this pokemon i feel like i can crush it with my bare hands where would you put it then probably good i feel like this is a d pokemon i think i'm gonna have to say d as well i'm sorry i'm hard you could just take its leaves off so easily you can't fight but what about weepinbell i like weepinbell i say we've got the seas [Music] see well xeon wants to kill it though yeah but zero yeah i i just i don't i wanna erase it it's existence i don't wanna kill it killing's not enough i don't wanna make it feel pain i want to make it feel nothing if zion feels strongly against this one i'm not going to argue against okay i'm i'm we don't we don't have to banish it i mean but you know i i don't want to overrule you guys no i couldn't i couldn't banish weeping bell but i could put it in arable okay i mean what do you guys like i feel similarly about victor bell so well i'll let you guys take the lead on that one and you can tell me what you like about both of these or or one or the other i really really really like victor ball it's one of the more useful grass pokemon in the original games i love the um the design based around the sort of the picture plant it looks angry it looks like weeping bell got out of bed the wrong side and just went with it i love it it's it's definitely a cool concept uh i i i don't know i it's never been a favorite of mine but i'm not gonna talk it down but i love it so much i think part of it for me is that it doesn't have like does victory bell have legs i forget or does it just sit on its body like okay it floats it's okay right pokemon logic i forgot i don't like can i can i say b can i throw out a b and have it accepted i yeah i wouldn't argue with that if a pokemon floats and doesn't have wings or some kind of magical properties i i'm not a fan of that but i will allow you to have mmb though yeah i i think that's fine with me too i don't feel as i shouldn't i don't feel as strongly as i do about weeping bell okay uh yeah okay we we're over an hour now so let's pick up the pace um that won't be an hour in uh the final video though because we had some downtime but tentacool tentacle i think tentacles pretty cool i reckon it's a c i think his name's trying a bit too hard if calls in your name are you really cool maybe that's not i don't know if he named himself though yeah that's a good point you know i mean did you pick the name john yeah i just came out and said hey fellas hey jump for nintendo live here yeah everyone yeah you just appeared one day you john or alex you came out and said hello there lovely people and your parents went he's so sweet and then you went don't you dare say that ever again i did i did admittedly when i was very very young i had curly blonde hair like proper curls i was an absolute sight to behold i was so cute apparently i was a pain in the ass though um but where where but where does that information leave tentacles i think i would put i'll go go ahead i think c for tentacle c for tentacle see because he's so cool potenta cruel i remember the design of these giant tentacles destroying a city like sonic adventures yeah that was badass wasn't it i mean i think b at the very least yeah just for that i yeah i think b is pretty cool yeah b's no no no no no no no no xeon it's not pretty cool it's pretty cruel i knew it i knew it the moment i said that i knew something was coming to bite me for this pokemon i i always found this sprite hilarious yeah i don't know what they were going with with this sprite but geodude otherwise looks pretty cool i think geodudes see he floats he's just a floating rock you don't you don't have psychic powers geo dude how are you floating how do you know that john maybe they're just low level psychic god i feel like he should have some kind of arm he's just he's just a big floating boulder how do you explain it's pokemon i mean the fact that it's a sentient boulder to begin with john he's just the boulder he's just a border with arms he doesn't nothing makes sense about this pokemon well i'm not banishing him but i'll drop him down to d i'm fine with d sam i think d is fine too he's kind of a little weirdo i mean he he looks like he's fun he's having fun at least in the original sprite but yeah there's something really weird going on with one of his arms but you know apart from that graveler the better gear dude he makes more sense i think i can respect that he has legs can i get that on a t-shirt john i can respect he has legs john cartwright um c yeah i'm fine c for graveler zeon sees c is all right with me c c's okay golem i think golem's so cool if this might also be tracing back to more majora's mask and operative time and thinking about gorons i don't know but i i always thought golem was neat like especially his um his card art for the like the original fossil set i believe is what he came out of he's like falling down a hill with like a giant like there's uh there's like a volcano erupting in the background or something he just looks badass too and i mean he he kind of looks like a creeper in this sprite like he's got a duck mouth almost but i uh but i i like him i would probably put him in b but okay jump i was worried your place was going to go higher than that because i feel like b is good but it's kind of the ceiling i just kind of freaked out about him and then i just said i'd put him in b i'm happy with b are you happy with bijon i'm happy with that ponyta not my favorite not gonna lie it's okay um yeah this is another one where the evolution is just so much grander yeah zeon any thoughts yeah i think c is fine i don't think ponyta is bad by any means but yeah it's just a little a little basic yeah yeah a little basic rapidash though i like rapidash oh man not like riding this one around in pokemon let's go like that's my favorite pokemon just to see canto one it just feels good just feels good to ride rapper dash around [Music] see him i'm i'm good i'm good with hot praises i didn't have i didn't have much experience with rabbit ash growing up or even just in recent years but i do still really like its design a lot yeah i'd probably put b maybe even a if you guys are really stoked about it but i mean i could i could do b or a john deciding vote you know what let's put them in a whoa it's time for alex to reformat again make it bigger well now i have to make it smaller we have to make it smaller that's the whole thing yeah on my screen it's bigger um slowpoke i really like slowpoke i like slowpoke too it's not a pokemon i would use but i still like their design a lot i reckon c for slowpoke yeah yeah i think c is fine c is fine slow bro though i like slow bro i reckon b slope is so similar to slow poke in its design it's just kind of a bit bigger with a shell on but i like i like how it evolves though especially in the in the anime at least where it just kind of puts his tail in the water and then gets bitten by a shelter i like that hand in pokemon snap don't forget that i'll pick one snap yeah oh yeah you're right i reckon b i can be sure yeah be it is we can live with that uh magnemite i love magnemite i think he's adorable magnemite were a gen8 pokemon everyone would say this is the most unimaginative little thing it's just a floating magnet i don't know what do you think zeon i don't have any attachment to magnemite but you know if alex really likes it you know i don't think it's a bad design but but you do bring up the good point john though that it's people would say that it's lazy nowadays yeah i think people might if my mind is going to be put quite high i feel like magneton has to be put lower i do agree with that okay well i tell you what why don't we why don't we come to a compromise we'll put magnemite in a and magneton in c i think i'm gonna say s from my mantle don't even start um alex down quite a few times already yeah i i wouldn't put them in a myself but we've already put you down a lot so if you want to put them in a you can put them in a yeah yes yeah magneton for alex yes there we go alex just moves on super quick too my soul just exited my body okay a deal's a deal magneton goes in c far-fetched original far-fetched remember original far-fetched is a great little weirdo this pokemon looks like it should evolve but it never does and it's just this weird anomaly and i love it for that yeah i like far-fetched a lot i'd say i'd say maybe b i'm good with b i would almost say a i think far-fetched design is is pretty cool especially for a pokemon that doesn't evolve um but i mean we don't want to crowd a uh you know what you know what zeon i think you're right i'm gonna say i'm gonna say a as well are you happy with that john i'm good with hey it is nice it also goes i i think it has the same cry as firo so there's no point in me repeating it i'm probably wrong about that now and everyone's gonna go into the comments and say ah but you know i'm going with it dojo what do you guys think dojuozo okay i love the fact they can learn fly and they actually they made a point of it in um pokemon stadium how it flies it literally just like treads water in the air i like i think they're really i think that you can see all right yeah that that's fine with me i've never had it had a any care for either of these two pokemon that we're about to talk about but but yeah i think c is fine dodrio i think it's about the same for different reasons yeah i can't argue that it's superior it's it's the same pokemon a bit bigger with another head it does indeed have another head this is super quick but there was this little kid that um i'm not going to say his name or anything just to be kind and stuff but when i when i did pokemon league and he used to pronounce the uh both doduo and dodrio with a lisp and so he would always say doduo and doduo and it was the most precious thing on the planet and so if there's a chance he could be watching this right now and if he is hello that is very cute although it's technically not a lisp that that that's i was trying to be correct about it and here i was all the same yeah yeah it's just um there may well be a term for it that i'm not aware of but no elisp is specifically on uh sibilant sounds um okay okay well still my degree is good for something i promise you um seal it does kind of look like it just went and talked behind your back and now it's like making fun of you [Laughter] hey dummy the toy yeah i think arable is fine dugong dewgong is definitely better yeah this this is actually a pokemon this isn't just an animal they've found well no it is it's literally a dugong i don't think i even knew what that was john to google yo what is a dugong yeah i thought it was just like a weird sound d-u-g-o-n-g that's a dugong it's what um sailors used to think oh my gosh this is terrifying it's what it's what um uh people like pirates and well not pirates but like sailors and stuff used to think um were mermaids weird it kind of looks like a manatee a bit weird yeah i think less of this pokemon now but i still feel like there is a big definitely different scene the actual pokemon and this yeah but what about when you hear how it was pronounced in the american tv show or how it said its name it would go uh i don't but it was weird and it stuck in our brains it's clearly not stuck in my brain apparently good i don't remember that at all um are we happy with d yeah i'm fine with d grimer god it's i don't know i like grimer i like it so much i'm gonna put it in so much with it that's so funny but yeah i i think it's fine i think i think c is okay i would never have it on my team but i'm fine to see he's like he's okay okay muk the better grimer i actually i know the design is really simple but i think the fact that they've done the eyes the way they have in the mouth it's like a good sixty percent of the body but it's still got these great big globby arms i know the design is simple but i think it is extremely effective i genuinely want to put him in a i think the sprite work is one of the best displays of i've ever seen as well like it makes him look like this big menacing wave yeah and like you know if that was because there's so many interpretations where yet we're where we or that we get where he still just looks like a a pile of sludge and this this gives him life and i i kind of like that i i would say a is is fine he's hey he is just kind of yeah yeah john anything's good no no that's fine i'm i'm all right with that i'm down with that shelder lovely little shellder i like shelder not loads but i like sheldon not something he's a it's the okay pokemon it's a shell with the tongue that pokes out and he goes i think i've done that one i think it's the same as fearful pharaohs yeah i think it was they repeat a lot in the bell sprout oh no actually it might just be or something i can't remember um see we're happy with c i think c is fine yeah cloister i really like cloister me too for sure a he looks so menacing he's pretty he's yeah yeah he does like he has he has like a bit of edge to him like he he is very i don't want to i don't want to use the word sentient but like he he like he thinks very human like he has a he has a personality and uh i i like it it's it's sonic the hedge yeah yeah he's good for that one then hey good ghastly i really like ghastly as well yeah this line uh i feel like was it was more i appreciated more when it first came out because we've had lots of ghost pokemon now but these were kind of what it was back then and there's this big mystery about ghosts when you go to lavender town and then you finally get you know the the silk scope and you see these ghost pokemon it's like whoa there's actually ghosts in this game so if we're judging it against the rest of the series then maybe these are a bit more generic in some places but i still think there's quite a lot of iconic mannerisms about this line um i mean i think ghastly is probably the weakest of all of them yeah so i'd say maybe c yeah i think c is fine cool yeah i'm cool with that too you guys put it well haunter haunt is a good design haunter i think is one of the best ghost designs we've ever seen again it's simple but effective it floats but there's a reason john i i'm okay with this one floating i honestly think i honestly think haunted i really do i think haunt is better than gengar in so many ways what do you think about that zion i think if especially if we're i know we're not just comparing the sprite work here but if we do haunter is is really cool and like yeah i would if you woke up and saw this you know in the middle of the night in your bed you're you're dead you're done yeah yeah yeah you'll pee yourself you'll throw up you'll pass out and then you'll die gengar is less intimidating by far a lot less intimidating yeah i mean mega gengar maybe but we're not really taking that necessarily into account um but where do we think he'd go mr gengi i feel like b tier for gengar yeah i think i would be for gengar yeah i don't think we could go less than b i i i always have thought of gengar as more of like a prankster and i think that's because of the tv show as well so he's never this he's never been scary to me but i i still like his design quite a bit onyx hmm onyx uh it i think the the way that you battle them early on they're this giant pokemon that sort of dwarf all the early ones so there's a great intimidation factor there but then i look at it and it is just a bunch of rocks put together like a like a big snake yeah but you know sort of simplicity doesn't inherently mean underdesigned if anything it can mean restricted you know it's simple it's elegant i mean i don't think anyone could ever describe onix as elegant um but yeah i'd i'd say i'd say b yeah i don't think too highly but it's it's still a cool design yeah i think if onix wasn't it didn't have the height that it does i think it would be a much lower grade for me a little rock snake or something but i think it's sheer size puts it high enough for me um i'd probably say b as well i think okay it's time for alex to reformat again this is gonna be so small and difficult to see on mobile um hypno what's the point in it really that one's drowsy isn't it oh yeah drowsy oh yeah my word i actually got one wrong um drowsy even so yeah i i don't like drowsy yeah i think parable sounds fine with me terrible yeah hypno though i actually still not amazing but i actually quite like it yeah maybe just one up just yeah i'm pretty sure i think he's kind of a weirdo yeah i mean he's definitely scary he should he he is weird oh yeah um i'm pretty sure it's quite good that honest that was so good that i i could i can i can see it if i close my eyes it's like you're in the room with the hypno yeah um but what about crabby freaking krabby so we've got seal and now we have krabby crab to be fair i've got a bit of a soft spot for crabby in a weird way i don't know why again it's the crustacean thing i like crustaceans kind of fun but i can argue that the evolution can go higher i feel like crabby in it just in crabby state i feel like it's gotta be quite low maybe a d yeah i can go for d okay okay you happy about zeon yeah i think i think it's fine i think it's okay king leven's going in b i love kinkler i'm okay with that i lo i love it's massive that works for massive claws it's just i'm a big crap there's something very satisfying about that um voltorb the one thing i like about voltorb is when you're in the power plant and you see an item and because items are just pokeballs you go pick it up and it goes into an encounter i think that's cool i don't know if that justifies everything about the pokemon though yeah i wonder if that was why they created it as well you know like i would love to hear the history behind voltorb in particular the history behind photo not a whole video not a whole feature but just that would be if we ever had the chance to to ask that question um i i don't think it's great though i think maybe d okay if we can go d for this can we banish it oh yeah we can banish electro because it's just like okay hey it's the same but upside down yeah yeah electro does have like a little bit of sass to it like it's like yeah so what i'm not a pokeball i'm still gonna blow you up though the thing is if you were to see that on the ground you go well that's not a pokeball because it's the wrong way up and it's got a face and aren't they huge also yeah i'm pretty sure they are massive they are good in smash though i will i will give them that but it's not enough not enough to get them out of banish because there are plenty of other um explosive items and we are really running out of room here like i don't think we can put anything else at sea yeah this is getting tough oh god it's getting tough but it's just as well because execute's gonna be banished yeah i asked about to say the exact same thing if you don't banish this one then i'm gonna banish you guys are you happy with it being banished i don't understand it it's yeah you can get rid of those cracks what does that imply many of them are correct one of them's got its head like partly off and i'm fairly sure that one doesn't have a face or does it what are you what this is this is why i want to shake and just say what are you because i don't understand yeah and then of course naturally this pile of eggs naturally evolves into a palm tree with three faces oh yeah i'm not big on exactly how eggs work yeah if you aren't familiar you take you take chicken eggs you bury them into the ground and then they turn into trees oh that's what you're supposed to teach terrible arable yeah i don't wanna i i don't like it but i guess i don't i don't hate it though it's not banishable because at least i mean alolan exec execute exeggutor even i'm big on i really like it that's a cool one but we're not we're not looking at those we're looking at the originals um zeon terrible yeah i think that's fine too it's it's definitely a a step up from execute but i don't know how much better cubone adorable little sod i love cubone so good i would i would almost put cubone in a tier just be especially like the story behind cubone as well like i'm still not sure if that's fan made or not how much of that that i know is fan made but oh you mean the kangaskhan theory yeah yeah i just love yeah i just love being able to dig into it and it's such a cute pokemon too yeah it is yeah hey h is good with me eight is good with me as well sasha will be happy marowak i feel is just a slightly lesser cubone yeah yeah i agree not quite not quite as interesting marowak is one of those that i would if i could just keep cubone forever and have it be just as strong i would yeah yeah same here oh oh tearmaker went funny for a second there him only i saw that i saw that and i was like what is it is it me is it my internet what's happening who is better between hitmonlee and hitmonchange is like 50 times better than him chan i think i agree so that must mean alex chose hitmonlee growing up did you guys also choose hitman i did yeah yeah who did you choose wow wow well but you can tell now based on how i'm saying you picked him on top yeah um honestly i think him only is like his 80 honestly i i think i thought he was kind of weird i i don't like his body too much but i mean i don't know he kind of just looks like a big punching bag dummy you know like the one that stands stationary obviously he has legs and he doesn't he doesn't work like that but but if you guys like him i'm not gonna poo poo on that hell i get weirded out by pokemon that look like humans i don't i don't like that and so hit one chan i look at him and i think you kind of look like a guy and that that weirds me out where would you put him john hit mon chan i don't want to i don't want to make zeon angry at me but i put him in detail i think i'd put him in as well he does have like super saiyan armor does that guys make you feel any better no he makes my skin crawlsy [Laughter] i would have put if this were my tier i would have put him in probably a but i can concede i can concede that's okay well should we put him in c split the difference can we do that um back in a moment oh no we're going we we managed it we got him in the vertical map and format hey alex aren't your screens um you're just playing in 4k too right so if you zoom in should it be better no because i'm recording at 1080p for the lovely people okay all right no worries that makes sense liquor tongue i don't mind liquor tongue it's a weird one isn't it it i i feel like it's weirdness heightens it yeah i would say it's maybe a c yeah you can't you can't mistake liquor tongue for any other pokemon no zeon and since you since you brought it up earlier too i loved the mini game in pokemon stadium with like a tongue so she won't eat all the food that was great i reckon that brings him up to a b here actually yeah i would say b yeah he's a weirdo but in a good way um coughing i don't know how i feel about coughing i'm not big on coughing i'm not gonna lie it's not awful but i'd say d maybe so you're you're sprite for coughing is it upside down or is that how he's supposed to be because i like him more upside down if i think i do but he's never represented that way in any other form i don't think no i think it was an error or well i i don't know exactly what but yeah no he it is better that way he looks more menacing rather than just sort of rotund yeah yeah i agree but i i've also never had any attachment to coughing either d makes me never want to smoke in my life oh god yeah d though d d yeah d is good yup sounds good to me super duper wheezing on the other i really like wheezing for some reason i think the design is so much stronger like i think maybe b for me they certainly had a trend of just putting more of the pokemon on for their evolutions in gen 1 didn't they they did but this one i think makes the most sense because it's like i think it's it's more sort of like splitting rather than three coughing coming together it's one coughing that's you know gone big and starting to split off uh kind of like i don't want to say osmosis that's not it is it the reproduction thing that cells do it's not osmosis known because osmosis is when you absorb things through a semi-permeable membrane what do we think though b i'll i'll tap out of this one because i don't really have any attachment to wheezing so xeon what do you feel i don't really either but i think it is definitely a much better design and uh so i'll i'll stick with b i i think i think that's a good spot great we've only got like a quarter to go i can see the end right horn i don't mind right horn no uh for a time i went to the zoo and i'd call rhinos riley horns so they're kind of stuck in my memory i guess uh zeon that's good stuff yeah i think i think c or a d is fine for for me or is where i would put him i've never been a big fan but hmm rydon i think rydon is a much stronger design and i really really dislike riperia i think ryperia made me like right on mo i believe right don was one of the first pokemon designed it might even be the very first yeah i think that might have been yeah i i think ryden's a bee it's just a solid just a solid looking pokemon yeah it is it is good i will say that ride on um nidoqueen anito king and also kangaskhan they all look quite similar they want that same kind of vibe going yeah they do a bit don't they but um right on where we where we get the substitute design as well is that kind of yeah based on right is yeah nice so b b yeah b is good b chauncey i really like chauncey like i don't like an elusive one see this get them this is where you lost me i i go go ahead zeon it sounded like you had something to say about hypocrisy oh oh no i just uh this is you know i don't understand how you'd like you don't like clefable but you like chansey because it's uh it has a big it always carries around an egg what are you doing with that thing did you is that yours did you steal it from someone what's is it going to turn into another chansey with a i i don't i don't want to know i don't want to know i i think it's it's a it's it's just i think it's going to an extreme that clefable didn't quite reach and i quite like that it's it's kind of motherly it's you know big round it's kind of cheerful it's always happy it's the happiness pokemon no that's happening um but it becomes the happiness pokemon that's happening true i i i honestly think honestly they're nurse joy's assistants and i like that in the games um you can't find them in the wild just in the safari zone which kind of implies that they are not a white like not a violent pokemon which is very true to the actual um personality of them i like that that's that's another good point i i'm gonna drop in a tier unless zeon has anything very strongly to say otherwise no i i won't i won't fight that just like i i apparently should not fight this pokemon either um tangler what you doing tangle it terrified me as a kid as well i just never i didn't want anything to do with that pokemon it's it's the blue spaghetti pokemon and i think it's terrible frankly it wasn't the last pokemon i encountered i don't think maybe i did i don't think i encountered a trainer with them and i found them in the wild and they were one of the last one or two i needed in my pokedex but um it kind of looks like a pokemon that shouldn't exist like especially encountering it like that late in its life you know it's like is this an error is that real it doesn't evolve it stays like this well it doesn't evolve at this stage in in later games but for this this is what it is forever yeah yeah terrible poor thing yeah okay yeah xeon yeah i think e is good okay let's see he's a good one let's pick up the pace the finish line is in sight and there's so many pokemon kangaskhan kangaskhan's great isn't it i mean come on but where's it gonna go they they are great um i don't think it's better than rydon i know what you mean i think i love the fact that it carries around an extra pokemon with it like just right in its sack just like it's a kangaroo you know and i think that's that's just a nice little a little little thing that adds extra lore to the just the realm and um and for that i would probably put it in b um i i i i can agree with b and i think it's on par with rydon you okay with that john sure yeah i'm good with that cool yeah me too horsey horsey the seahorse d yeah you're going in d-horsey yeah i do like horsey but it doesn't do anything for the yeah in comparison to the rest of the pokemon on this list yeah sidra i really really like seizure actually i think it's cool it's like it's almost like you don't even need horsey sidra should just be a standalone pokemon uh-huh yeah i agree yeah yeah yeah horsey's like the baby version uh yeah goldeen what a waste of a place i first look when i looked at this sprite i thought it was like a weird ice cream cone dripping because of its its cone or its horn and like it just looks like ice cream melting but where would you put this dripping ice cream i don't like i don't like it i don't like it is a joke in smash it's the pokemon that comes out when you get nothing that's a very good oh should we banish it let's banish it you're nothing sakurai thinks you're nothing uh king i guess uh oh half golden seeking i've forgotten his name oh my god that's never happened before seeking it's pretty crap isn't it yeah it's better than gold yeah but it's just still just a fish yeah i um i appreciate that like is seeking supposed to be a mix of a goldfish and a koi almost or is that i don't know starfish it's literally a star okay i i don't like star you match misty i respect that misty likes not you i don't respect star do you like star uzion with misty yeah but otherwise i don't know star you kind of has like a cool anime weapon feel but it's not it's a pokemon d i think that's fine okay does that mean we're going to put starmie and c because i think starmie is starmie is better still intimidating yeah cool that was nice and quick mr mime banish it yeah he's he's he's the most human of all the pokemon i don't like him i don't like you yeah any objections mr zeddon nope that's that's a the perfect place scyther i'm putting it all the way at the top scyther is so cool yeah i wouldn't i wouldn't disagree with ester jump i'm good with that it's swords for arms yeah well that was easy jinx banishing yeah balance jinx yeah sorry jinx i don't like just kidding i'm not sorry you're not sorry electabuzz electabuzz is all right i'd say he's a seater yeah yeah yeah yeah it's like a yellow version of the grinch that i've never thought of that before it's same it just it just happened right now they win without dragonites they win without can't think of anything else magmar i think is better magma his face is literally a bun it's fire you fool it's a buff and he's he does magmar does have a duck mouth too doesn't it yeah butt face and a duck mouth well i i like magmar i'd put him in b where would you put him z on probably d john i'd say d as well oh c do you want to put him in i know no because i love pincer i think i think i like pincer slightly more than i like scyther this is your moment why do you like him because john and i it sounds like we don't because he's basically he's all horn but it's not it's not that sounds terrible um he's all horn baby he's all horns but it's like it's a it's a pincer and i know you know it's not the most original name but he's got these huge power this huge powerful pair of pincers which is kind of like mandibles but they're not it looks simultaneously i tell you what pencil looks kind of believable real because you know it's sort of like well these things they're mainly for intimidation but then can be used to fight but it's kind of awkward it's a trade-off and there's something natural about that and something so appealing plus he's one of the best bug type pokemon he learns um what is it brick break as a bug type i can't i can't i suppose if you did see one of these like crawling on the ground and it stood up oh do you know like you're just like oh that's a big bug and now it's on it's it's on it's on two feet uh in the pokemon stadium two mini game where you cut those logs um with cipher there's a random chance you can get pincer i mean if i if i get pincer i don't care how long we've been playing i'm going to reset the entire system until i get cypher because i i want to play a cipher do you want to take him out of s then i ah i i i i like pincer i i don't i don't think he's s i would put him in i would i think a's comfy for me sure ace comfy okay tauros it's a three-tailed ball and it's kind of rubbish i hate it d and i was told as a child not to use that word as we all were but i hate it d d it's done the thing again there we go d d okay i sound like zeon fell even lower than d for a moment there but yeah no i think yeah it's not banishable it's just lazy magikarp magikarp's a great joke yeah goldie golding is a bad joke magikarp is a good joke i think magikarp's a b i almost feel i almost feel like this is the one time magikarp could be an s tier because of just how ridiculous it is you know i don't think i could put him in s it does it does its job perfectly and so that's fine that is his purpose oh maybe what do you reckon yeah because i he man i quit quickly i've only got a 17 battery left right i think he's s yes gyarados gyarados is just an amazing design sure i can't argue with that either and especially going from magikarp to gyarados is such a such a feat yeah lot price it's a good design i like lab press i love lapras like hey then would you say i would be happy with a vagina yeah yeah it is ditto s t it can be any pokemon good reason and right now he's pulling some six sick dance moves and i think we should do a little dance as well i'm dancing are you guys please dance i'm trying to dance like ditto right now what am i doing with my life i'm delirious evie i think i like evie but i think it's slightly overrated yeah i think i feel like evie has the potential to be better and we'll see that in a moment but um in its current state i feel like evie's just a c ooh zeon i i think evie is is a good b spot because it nails like that that interesting ground between like is it an animal or is it a pokemon and then it just you know from here it just it goes crazy like you guys i'm gonna i'm gonna side with xeon and go with b um because i think evie is at least very cute vaporeon feel like vaporum might be my favorite of the three you know i think i think i might agree with that i think it might be eight here yeah what do you what do you think i'm good with a i love all of their designs some more than others but a is a good spot for vaporeon yeah what about jolteon jolteon's good but not as good i'd say i'd say b i agree yeah agreed cool that was easy flareon pretty much the same yeah see i loved flareon growing up i do i will admit though i think you guys are right vaporeon has a better design but yeah b sounds fine cool oh porygon my boy i love porygon so much he's the only artificial pokemon in the original 151 he's just this weird anomaly he's kind of difficult to get he can learn try attack which is actually really good you get him from the game center don't you you do yeah that's right yeah yeah i mean you can't can you you can't catch him in safari or anything either right you can probably get him from i i i want to put him in a i'm gonna i would be yeah i would be good with that too i was expecting far more knockback omanight oh homonites all right i love ammonite yeah like i mean i i don't not a or s here that's but so i really like ammonite a lot i think b i i prefer this line to the other fossil uh almost almost uh almost this this guy i would say a c almost yeah yeah he's not as good i don't like the direction sure yeah okay kabuto probably a c yeah nothing too special going on with that one yeah kabutops i like this one yeah b me too me too i guess it proves that just because you have swords though doesn't mean that you're asked here indeed aerodactyl it's a life lesson right there irodactyl i like aerodactyl um it is just kind of an aerodactyl it's a pterosaur in there although pterosaurs didn't have teeth um but more on that in alex's weird mixed educational channel yeah i guess it's we can't really just say that it's better because it's a dinosaur right they could have done more with it but yeah i think a c or a b would be fine let me maybe see you maybe maybe i think it's it's not it's design is good but it could be a little bit more prehistoric john yeah i agree c is good snorlax snorlax is pretty fantastic yeah hey yeah i i would put i would put snorlax pretty high a or i i don't know about s but a a sounds like a really good spot yeah i like snorlax a lot more in the older games in sword and shield he just kind of wanders around and makes him a bit less special yeah you can even count him a couple of times makes him far more uh prominent so i i feel like yeah a's are good to be fair that's not snorlax's point her point fault no that's true uh i'm gonna put him in a2 and that means alex has to reformat again nothing can go in b hopefully for the last time nothing can go in b like i've literally run out of room i'm gonna have to start using the smaller variation of the the overlay that we came up with articuno oh so who's our favorite of the legendaries my favorite is probably zapdos but uh we're not on zapdos we're on articuno i had an articuno called chili back in the day i like articuno a lot i like in pokemon snap that you can get pikachu to ride it that's that that is pretty good but i really like articuno it's gonna have to be beats here isn't it i'm gonna have to i'm gonna have to see out of the three though i would probably put articuno in a um i know that's that's tough and we could move these around too since they're they're the birds maybe i'll put it i feel like it's good for you i'll put it in a for now because i mean they're all pretty even zapdos i'd say yes really yeah i think he's a little boring in in i think he was my favorite back in the day but but looking back now the the spiky points i'm just not i don't know i'm not as big of a fan of now he's all in like a tree and you're right it makes sense um how do you feel john ah yeah for me i feel like most of the birds are eighteen um i i personally favor articuno over zabdos well why don't we put it in a as well yeah i think that sounds good moltres in a as well yeah i'd like to know about that i mean maybe even b for i mean i just don't want to make you we can't we can't b is full we have to swap something for b if we put i'm okay with recipe well i'll tell you what can we put sand true we could take cedar out put it out did you say put sand true what i kind of oh yeah either you do what you want either of those choices is great there we go i've ruined the order right dratini sorry mortuary teeny for me is a solid a this is a really weird line of pokemon by the way it is isn't it it is also that sprite work is weird looks looks like a worm yeah yeah um are we okay i think dratini is great yes we're so close we're so close to the finish line guys we've been recording for nearly two hours dragonair also a yeah i felt like a bit more of an a it's a different kind of yeah i like that it gets it gets bigger it's got some gems now like it looks more mature like it yeah and then and then i just i don't know how i don't know how you guys feel now but it gets weird dragonite how did this happen uh limbs there's no ears baby he's got them there's no even general like progression towards getting limbs or wings it's just like overnight like it's just bam honey i'm i'm different should we say s or maybe a i like dragonite a lot but maybe not enough to put him in s yeah i think i think a would be a good spot too yeah yeah mewtwo though i agree oh my boy mewtwo's going in this oh anyone can anyone can argue with that who who wants to speak i think you've got something to say there's theon so go ahead i i i've i never really cared for mewtwo growing up you know i i love the idea behind him that he's like you know this sort of like um man-made thing and uh right because he is right he's kind of created in a lab is the idea sort of yeah but okay see we're so close but yeah we're so close no no i i think does anyone disagree on s these ones are they're important so i just i know we're so close but he's a great culmination he's a great way to end the game and be like okay here's the final pokemon that you can possibly encounter i i feel like that that's cool that does say something you're right yeah i'm maybe i can't argue i think it's just a little i think he just looks a little kind of gangly and maybe you know like we talked about with ridley like like alex said maybe that is the point and for that he's doing a good job you know uh okay yeah let's keep him in s okay great what about miu not you what you have to put mu an s if we're gonna put mewtwo you is not a great pokemon to have on your team it's it's a cool design it's great in the movies sure but i don't it doesn't really do much for it for an actual team though but yeah go go ahead go ahead i love the idea that it was just kind of like this mysterious pokemon that like you couldn't capture and yeah you know you had to push the truck and like because the kids on the playground told you so you know and uh i i don't know i just and i think it's the cute nature you know like i said too me going into this i knew that i was i've always loved mew more than mewtwo just because it's a more cuddly like fun looking design um and but but it doesn't you know it i don't know that's that's my two cents i i would rather have mewtwo on my team but uh i i don't know actually i don't feel like the equals the thing i feel like they are that's the whole point of the laws john yeah i know someone says if someone asked me to define a legendary pokemon or pokemon you know i would say mew mew would be the the the grand daddy of of them all i i don't wish to correct you too hard but he's technically not legendary he's mythical i say he it's sexless as well whatever oh feel like i feel like there's a difference between the two john where are they going john where do you want to be okay we'll keep them in us we'll keep in mind oh thank god i'm fine with that oh we've done it everyone and it only took well recording time is one hour and 55 minutes give give yourselves a tiny round of applause that doesn't crush our viewers souls future generations will be easier because they have fewer pokemon i think if we ever want to do this again if we want to subject ourselves to the torment ah yeah if you if if anyone wants us to do this again please let us know that would be a big factor in us again this was fun i mean i feel bad for alex you having to edit all of this because i think i just want to steal yeah are you still yeah are you still doing this it's so hot in this room right now if there were a column under banished i'll put mr mime in there i think he goes even lower i agree so that is our final t list right there wowzers trousers it only took however millions of years it took great goggly goodness but thank you so much for watching if you you got to the end if you like this video then why don't you suggest to that subscribe button i didn't do mewtwo's to cry did i i can do mewtwo's cry i can't do the end bit i'm too tired for this thank you so much for watching if you like this video then why didn't you rank that subscribe button anywhere just put it anywhere and be sure to check out nintendolife.com for all sorts of lovely nintendo related content thank you again for watching bye bye bye pikachu finger you
Channel: Nintendo Life
Views: 117,943
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nintendo Life, Nintendo, Nintendo Switch, Switch, NX, New 3DS, Nintendo UK, Alex, Zion, Jon, pokemon, best pokemon, pikachu
Id: ig4zighzads
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 109min 6sec (6546 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 13 2021
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