Zelda's Adventure (CDI) - PBG

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5:29 I didn't know /u/wowCrendor did voice work for this game

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/KingGorm272 📅︎︎ Dec 06 2015 🗫︎ replies

That talking treasure was the first time I've ever heard a female Ed Wynn impression.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/infernalspawnODOOM 📅︎︎ Dec 06 2015 🗫︎ replies
play the third CD a game you have to play the third Zelda CDI played the third CDI zelda now PBG PBG please do 3 CDI zelda will you please work on Zelda's adventure already for the CDI PBG you need to finish the CDI trilogy so two Zelda's adventure guys it doesn't matter how many times you say it I'm not gonna play it I already cover the first two CDI games what's the point who cares where you have to finish what you started what about all the people out there they watch the first two videos then they've been practically dying with anticipation for the last one to come out like that guy who me nope I don't give up you know you're right I have to do this for all those people out there that love me alright alright just job to take it already let's do this just like the first two CDI games Elda's adventure starts off with a cutscene but this time they're not animated they're live-action and they are thrilling there will be no more viewing tonight the school of sabacc belt of sad news these many years ago oh man the cutscenes in the first two games were terrible don't get me wrong but at least they were short so whoever this old guy is informs us that the land of Tolan AK aka camelot spelled backwards very creative has been taken over by Ganon and on top of that he also captured link and the treasured celestial signs make haste except he clearly hasn't made haste because he says that this happened many years ago bear of sad news these many years ago and he's only just now decided to anoint Princess Zelda as the hero to save the day so he either tried a handful of other people that just didn't work out or he just kind of forgot about it until now that's right we're playing as zelda again and instead of a sword she uses a 1 although it acts exactly like a sword and if they didn't specifically mention that it was a wand in the intro and tutorial I would have just assumed it was one another difference from the two original CDI games is the top-down perspective phases of evil in the wand of gamilon were side scroller similar to Zelda 2 but Zelda's adventure plays more like the original Legend of Zelda which is a nice change of pace at the very least so I walked around for a little bit killing some weird little Roli guys and eventually some lady names sure like your night starts talking to me she's apparently gonna help us in our quest and by help I mean give us incredibly cryptic hints my favorite thing go now to the one who has a bed but never sleeps where by its side the red willow weeps and to its mouth that never these seriously though if this quest is really so important why doesn't she just tell me what to do I feel like that would save a lot of time and you know possibly Lincoln everyone else is like that too despite having a new perspective the game still suffers from a lot of the same control problems the two previous installments had particularly the controls being sluggish and unresponsive but at least there's no platforming this time so it's a bit more forgivable actually I take it back already since the controls are so clunky and slow Zelda just kind of wanders around wherever she feels like which wouldn't be so bad if the freaking loading screens when you move from one area to another weren't so long I like it cuz it gives me time to think about how my life is pointless come close princess I'll tell you a great secret okay whisper no one with hair don't even trust me I've stolen one of your lives ha but why just because you took one of my lives for no reason at all what does this remind me of something so now it's time for our very first dungeon I'm so excited it's nothing too crazy you got some enemies some completely pointless rooms with completely pointless maze bits that do literally nothing but waste your time if you guess incorrectly a treasure chest that talks Oh a human person coming close why would a great event and three little mini bosses with top-notch voice acting and dialogue you're no friend to us down here dude light comedy then subscribed great performance they also seem to be infinitely more concerned with their boss's well-being than their own somehow giving genuine heartfelt messages of concern even after death lord I couldn't stop get ready to fight Lord walked up to thumbing now that is loyalty and speaking of their boss from what I can gather his name is large and here he is he sure is a thing a guy you kill him and then pick up his stone thing which I guess we need for reasons then this red robed guy just kind of shows back up and spells some more mostly meaningless things and remember all is not what it seems now I guess we have to wander around some more I eventually found a town with some more people most of which are either really stupid really annoying or occasionally you hit the jackpot and get both my name is Zelda and you must be the father no wait that can't be true you just came in you must be Zelda and then there's this guy that's just really really bored hi there don't worry about the dog you won't bite what you did buy it then there'd be a little excitement hearing great windage mane is so boring around here I was something terrible what happened and everyone would die it'll be gray or how about this shopkeeper I think this guy is a little bit loopy but enough of that back to our quest of collecting all the super important thing EEMA doodles I mean after all there is seven of them and we only have one so after walking around for a really long time you eventually start finding new dungeon areas each with their own boss and theme you know fire water circus greed seriously greed is the theme for the first dungeon and it makes even less sense than it sounds like it would it's all at least somewhat akin to a normal Zelda game just not as you know good in general now I've been poking fun of this game for a while now but honestly I have barely even scratched the surface of just how frustrating it really is some enemies can only be hurt by certain weapons but there are so many weapons in this game just look at how many I have towards the end one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eight-teen weapons and that's not even all of them you get more eventually and it's never clear what weapons work on what enemies so what do you have to do take a guess just take a wild guess yes guess you have to guess and it gets even worse when enemies that require a certain weapon get close to you at that point they're basically invincible because it won't register as then being hit by the spell or weapon you have equipped instead it registers as just a normal wand hit so basically you're screwed it's honestly infuriating and that's just the start of my list of complaints there's tons of other stuff there's floors you can fall through in dungeons that make you have to walk all the way back to where you were slippery floors for no reason in almost half of the dungeons some know many bad guys fun in places where they can't even do anything to you while other enemies are placed right on top of you the split second you transition into the next screen so you take unavoidable damage sometimes enemies have gigantic hit boxes but other times it feels like you can't even hit them at all the story is vague and makes no sense oh hey Zelda you beat that boss guy that's pretty cool maybe you should go over to the mountains or something that might be a good place who knows maybe there's some bad guys to kill and one of those triangle things could show up I'm pretty sure we need them even though it's never explained why or even what they are or do magic the characters are pointless and annoying and sometimes they're barely even recognizable as human beings what even is this is this a lady it sounds like a lady but it looks more like a dead fish okay jokes did me on unlock a little funny open up your mind let me don't worry most of the characters you meet are completely pointless anyway it offer next to nothing in terms of the story character developments or anything they might as well not even exist we have heard much of you we retreated here to learn the arts of rebellion against Ganon well that's good I guess just keep it up it's some really good rebellion in there I mentioned that there's a lot of weapons earlier well there's also a lot of items just in general in the way you acquire most of them how should I put it it's completely stupid and nonsensical hey Zelda here's an item for absolutely no reason see you later seriously in one area I got a compass to a dungeon for listening to an old lady ramble for forever thirty seconds later you get a necklace that decreases damage taken for drawing some water for this lady aka walking and standing in front of the well then 15 seconds after that you get a club for hitting a switch three items in the span of less than a minutes for absolutely no effort another time a boss just gives you a sledgehammer the weapon he's weak against for no reason right before you fight him then there's this guy that gives me a feather just because he has a crush on me I swear I'm not making this stuff up I would like to give you a feather as a sign of my affection and again there are so many items that I don't even know what most of them do as far as I know some of them do nothing at all you know what screw this I thought that maybe it would be better than the other two games I had high hopes even but I swear it worse and it's infinitely more convoluted and frustrating I'm done with this garbage you have to play Legend of Zelda for the CDI peanut butter Giga gamer oh you're right it may not be easy it may not be fun but I promised I would take on this challenge so I'll keep on trying for as long as I live let's just go ahead and skip to the final dungeon which is probably the easiest and most simplistic dungeon there is the ones in the middle particularly the circus dungeon we're actually pretty hard but after those it kind of feels like they just stopped trying all right let's put some spikes here or some rooms with absolutely nothing how about some bad guys in this room what would be good for a lava level bees yeah let's just go with bees then you fight the boss kill him and go pick up the final legendary triangle rock but then oh no all of a sudden get it shows up Zelda life is always one order more horrifying than you expect life is always one order more horrifying than you expect that's a pretty depressing thing to say then gain and who's represented by this weird horn the object they think makes you fight all the bosses over again which at this point is incredibly easy because they could barely do anything to you now and you just kill them in a few hits either you're defensive and offensive stats increase the higher your heart meter goes or maybe the 600 items I have are doing something I honestly have no idea so you kill them and then kill Ganon who despite taking a decent amount of hits the kill really really sucks and is incredibly easy to avoid and so a Gainey was defeated ain't so are all the other guys all those jewel triangles were God a dink that saved link somehow and everyone's good and now there are animals there could be animals town now because Gannett is gone and that's really good and a really good thing I'm happy about it are you happy about it I'm happy I'm real happy man that really sucks what do I turned into what is Zelda month turned into I mean I started Zelda month all the way back in 2011 to celebrate Zelda along with the release of Skyward Sword and just look at me now Zelda CDI games Zelda cartoons top 5 worst zelda items who if I become what have you done to me you have to play Zelda CDI no never again you have to CD no you're not even real you're just in my head I need to make all this go away maybe I just need to think more positive thoughts yeah maybe I just need to remember all the reasons I really love Zelda like the sense of adventure each game has I know I use that word so much that it's almost meaningless at this point but it really is a huge reason that I love the series how about the feeling of being a truly selfless hero and taking on a quest it's way bigger than just you alone you're not even the only hero there's countless links over countless generations of games that's awesome and what about those cows in Majora's Mask I love those things I have no idea what they are or what they're there for but they're freaking awesome and I guess when you think about it then sell the CDI games have a lot of those same qualities sure they have cheesy cutscenes and bad controls but you still play as link and you even get to play as Princess Zelda you still go on an adventure and take on an evil that's bigger than just you alone maybe just maybe the CDI games aren't even that bad if nothing else they're at least an entertaining novelty you know maybe I even kind of like them play one of the CDI games right okay sure a pal why not it'll be fun I'll get you well just kidding they're terrible I'm never playing them again bye-bye that I hope you had a happy Zelda month bye farewell young princess this episode of peanutbutter gamer is brought to you by the pixel Empire if your walls are looking a little bit bare like mine are then perhaps you should look at the pixel Empire comm a website that sells video game and pop culture related prints and posters and they even have a bunch of stuff that Zelda theme and if you're looking for a Holiday Sale they still have their limited video game series pick three or pick four on sale and on top of the already existing discounts you can get an additional 15% off using the coupon code PB gamer or if you're pumped for Star Wars like I am then perhaps you're interested in the Star Wars Millennium Falcon poster that's on sale and from now until December 18th every purchase of this poster will get a free 11 by 17 Star Wars original trilogy set as well so if that's something you're interested in then check out the link in the description below and don't forget your 15% of code PB gamer see ya hey everybody if you're bored then make sure you go check out the digital gaming I voiced on the Wind Waker it was very interesting and I think you'll enjoy it also big thanks to pro jared for cameo in this video for me I check out his D in December videos where he's doing a DMV videos all December law on his channel hey everybody thanks so much for watching if you enjoyed this video than 100 you can help share the video with a like favorite and leave me a comment all that stuff it always helps and I appreciate it again make sure you check out the Wind Waker did you know gaming that I voiced with a link right over here as well as the whatever video is right the the other spot I don't know follow me on Facebook Twitter and all that stuff links in the description below and big thanks to what up Nico for doing the Zelda month assets for me this year I really appreciate it check out his Twitter and all his other work decoe alright I hope you guys enjoyed all the months this year as much as I enjoyed putting it together and I will see you next year as well as on the next video in this channel mama these are for the cuts toodle-oo cut black screens the laggy loading screens that was a shot for the laggy loading screens I hope you got the picture I hope you got the message I was trying to portray takes a long time basically takes a long time that's my point it takes a long time
Channel: PeanutButterGamer
Views: 2,336,429
Rating: 4.9501529 out of 5
Keywords: Video Game (Industry), Gaming, Nintendo (Video Game Developer), Microsoft Studios (Video Game Developer), PlayStation 4 (Video Game Platform), Xbox 360 (Video Game Platform), Wii U (Video Game Platform), Nintendo 3DS (Video Game Platform), PeanutButterGamer, PBG, Xbox360, Personal Computer (Video Game Platform), Zelda, The Legend Of Zelda Series (Video Game Series), PC, Ps3, Games, Top 10, Zelda Items, worst, Best, cartoon, Zelda's Adventure, Philips CD-i (Video Game Platform)
Id: 4qxkmhxShFo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 5sec (1085 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 05 2015
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