Goodwill Games #5 - PBG

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this video is sponsored by blue apron the first 100 people to sign up with the link below get their first box for free and I'll tell you more about it after the video hey everybody I meet up in our gamer and welcome to the fifth installment of the Goodwill Games series Wow everyone's so impressed with my abilities to make videos in a reasonably efficient and sufficient manner hey do you think everybody's fighting me too much oh just ignore that that's not supposed to be there do it thing is Goodwill Games has always been a show where I try to save you my precious viewer as well as myself I guess it's some hard earned cash by showing off some cheap obscure and often weird a thrift store games that nobody else wanted I mean good games always good games of course I decided to celebrate this milestone by showing off some other thrift store things that I found while looking for these games so let's do it item number one teacup you just pour the water into the cup and perfect little hole up there and great and item number two I didn't find it anything else there's nothing good at the thrift stores but except this of course [Music] well let's move on to the games now up first I found this sesame three games sesame three The Adventures of element congratulate I have very few early childhood memories most of them involved some sort of self-inflicted injury I material deprives me of that but some of the ones that aren't self-inflicted injury related involve me watching Sesame Street on public television I know it's a very leaked on this channel I've talked before about the Martians on Sesame Street and how I was terrified of them at a young age but I also really loved Elmo in fact even to this day he remains one of my favorite childhood TV characters no no no no no after I said one of my favorite characters you're still a pellicle is don't worry I would never okay yeah he does that a lot after a catchy song in a pretty sweet dance with blanket we're forced to make a choice do we want to play on easy mode or hard mode and that's actually a pretty difficult decision because I hear if you die in Grouchland you die in real life I can neither confirm nor deny this but that is the word going around the playground so just be careful out there everybody no worries guys Jackie before we get into the rest of the game Elmo takes us through an incredibly messy room to play some hide and seek with blanket can you find the thing that blanket is hiding behind all right let's see here it's gotta be the lamp all right well how about the lamp again no no pressure hard mode ah well I'm sick of being patronized by Elmo over here who thinks he's so smart let's just head on over to the next screen already ec so we go outside to Sesame Street and play it's a lot of fun to play seriously Elmo we know you like blanket just get a freaking room already Elmo's friend is Zoe also wants to play with blanket but Elmo sping exemplary children's role model that he is refuses to let her hold it but what starts off with Elmo being a little bit selfish very quickly turns into Zoe overstepping her boundaries a lot by trying to steal it and in the ensuing madness blanket gets thrown down grouches trashcan [Music] Elmo falls down through some floating garbage landing directly in the middle of grassland and somehow avoids breaking his legs in the process it turns out that the evil Huxley the same character from the movie adventures of Elmo in Grouchland has stolen Elmo's blanket so he's going to have to go all the way to his castle in order to get it back this is the point where I started to realize that there's not much to this it basically plays as a book and you can turn the page whenever you want to of course there's also things you can do and click on but it's all completely awesome there are a few things you can do though like this screen where you have to take some minecart track so that elmo can cry personally I really wanted to make an incomplete track so that he could crash and die but of course you can't do that or can you dead Wow then there's these garbo guys who despite being living breathing beings made up solely of trash are somehow completely uninteresting but they do sing a song and you all know how much I love songs beautiful garden [Music] for Bible and your cute I'm gonna leave now bye-bye after a while Elmo gets them out tikka news which is actually what it's called in the movie Ted has to perform many daring it's dangerous jumps to make it to the top Bob here's Matt who could even know whether he'll live or die didn't goes in to Huxley's house who's not even there by the way and is basically handed his blanket with virtually no opposition at all he didn't head back to Sesame Street so that Zoey can finally apologize for all the pain trouble and danger she put him through with her greedy and violent actions reformatting okay excuse me what was that you understand I will sue you I will fill you though I will spend all my money and resources to make sure you going to prison for the rest of your life have you ever thought about the Navy blanket was it just a toy to me use my best friend we do dances together oh yeah you didn't even care about tick tick on it on that this is Joey while you're rotting in prison all right well that's enough of that I've actually found quite a bit of 73 games and maybe we'll talk about the more than at some point and in the meantime did you really think I couldn't find anything else super cool and amazing at the thrift store well if you didn't you're dead wrong because the other day I found something super high and it was basically a steal two for the low low price of $2.99 u.s. dollars I liked 1,000 hours of free America online internet the best three dials when it came by get jealous every to share the registration code on there did we actually need this the second game I have for you guys today is excuse me sonic schoolhouse 2 plus 10 equals 12 2 plus 10 equals up 2 plus 2 plus 2 plus 2 plus 2 plus 2 equals up we don't even need it I know a lot of you guys love seeing me talk about Sonic I don't know why because I don't like it but I have a feeling that this isn't going to be a normal Sonic game anyway so let's just get right into it I am Sonic you sure are buddy you sure are well this is probably one of the ugliest looking Start menus I've ever seen and to boot it's also a little bit unnerving I don't know if they're supposed to be music or not but there isn't any playing on my version of Windows 98 so instead we're forced to silently scroll through various different animal player icons some of which are definitely not helping the game feel any less creepy it also makes me wonder exactly what kind of sick individual would force their friends to play this with them because that's apparently a thing you can do but no worries the actual game of course is not actually as creepy as the main menu makes it seem like it'll be wait there's two personages why is there two saunas in here by the design time well I take it back it is still kind of scary but I don't care enough to make a joke about it I'm Way too distracted with all these sweet mspaint pictures on the wall nice nice the point of this game is that it's not a game you walk into rooms look at chalkboards and then walk around some more until you find the missing number or the letter that you need that's great there's really not that much else to it the hardest part of the game by far is trying to figure out where the heck you're supposed to go and what doors you've already completed it's a literal maze and all the numbers jumping up and down make it even more confusing I feel like I could have easily included this on my top 10 creepiest video games list I did a while back other than answer the stupid chalkboard questions all you can really do is go on field trips which look like they'd at least be funny at first but other than watching sonic drive 500 miles per hour the only thing you can do is learn and that's dumb wait hold on what's this door here I'm only just now noticing this get ready for a sonic adventure okay well that was a little bit terrifying sticking with the theme I guess but at least we finally found the part of the game where we can have a real Sonic Adventure I bet it's gonna be just like the Dreamcast game I can't wait grab all the ring you need watch for Robotnik and his friends have fun that was fun let's go back to school alright I'm done with this you're gonna come back soon right no probably never actually well that segments over so you know what that means time for another great good we'll find this time we have created clips and fonts brought to you by keepsakes do you need some assets for your project well here's where you are right in there into the box there's some on the back and on the front we all just need to make sure we think Becky Higgins for all the amazing images you're seeing right now couldn't have done it without you thank you then much love for me in the kids you and yours at the start of the video I briefly mentioned early childhood memories well there's one game that I have just the vaguest memory of playing when I was a kid or rather I should say I have the vaguest memory of not being allowed to play it as a kid and instead watching my older brother play because I was too young to read luckily I've got that covered I learned just how to do it last week for the longest time I tried to remember exactly what that game was called but I never could I even asked on Twitter a few times the no avail all I remember was that you were some red space-suited guy playing around on a jet bike or something you know that game but after looking at this box I realized that I had finally found it treasured galaxies once upon a time somewhere in the galaxy there was a tiny suspended in space like a small jewel this tiny flip also known as Crystal City is a happy Kingdom filled with happy people as well as these little Golden Sun Drop guys unfortunately this guy over here named the Magnum Misha decides to launch a bunch of weird faced asteroids at it I think the word mischief might be a bit too lenient of a descriptor for bombarding a city with giant faced asteroids though I'm sorry to say I think it would be what's that word again oh yeah terrorism the master of terrorism maybe that's a bit too much for a kids game though during the deadly assault meena the mischiefs TMT swoops in steals all the Queen's crystals and hides them throughout the gallery so it's up to us the super seeker that's apparently what we're called by the way to find them and bring them back so you may be wondering what exactly makes these crystal things so important well there's a great reason I assure you I the Queen you shall require the crystals what I greatly enjoy looking upon as their signing you know warms my heart and I do so try on my own trinkets and treasures quite a bore really I mean yes the friendly Sandra depend on the tiny crystals to keep up their sunny spirits yeah yellows let's just go with that well I can only assume that we as the official palace super seeker enjoy nothing more than super plea seeking for things so off we go ready to go use the mouse to move your scooter around the orbit now this is the part of the game that I remember watching my older brother play flying around on the space shooter and catching little star guys with yellow circle beams I'm actually getting a little bit nostalgic just looking at this once you catch one you play a little game where you solve the most basic math problems you could possibly think of such as if eight pins equals eight presents and seven pins equals seven presents how many presents does three pins equal uh three good job super seeker you got it right here are some Starbucks yes nice Hut the ones you really want to catch though are the cool ones because they don't just give you Starbucks basically money they give you the secret codes to the satellites but for whatever reason seem to contain the crystals that the master of mischief stole I know what you're thinking what is it that makes this star drop cool and this one not cool well it's obviously because the uncool when so dab a giraffe neck and neck like a giraffe once you have the codes you can use them to open up the satellites and retrieve one of the crystals the only other thing you can really do besides that is play some random games like removing small shapes into a larger shape or this calendar game may 15 [Music] when you get enough crystals you take them back to the Queen she puts them back into her chest we sir want around a little bit in gives you a unicycle pretty sweet I guess well the game may not have been that much fun was made for 30 year olds I guess but it was a nice trip down memory lane and I'm glad that I finally got the place you know we took like 24 years finding a game like this is one of the reasons why I love going to thrift stores and yard sales in the first place you never know what cool stuff you might and in celebration of the fit episode of this little series I just wanted to give a genuine shout-out to you guys for not only watching these good ball games videos but for watching all the content that I put out making these videos is not only what I enjoy doing most it also occupies most of my thoughts almost every day pretty much constantly in fact I'm not sure I'll ever be able to accurately Express just how much this before you give means to me so instead I'll just say this we will always be together forever so girls new pine green apple who has to feed you behind ya and you're cute you guys want to play the Arthur board game with me Arthur save the planet one step at a time if the last thing I found at the thrift store Arthur and his friends were out to prove that no one is too young to make a difference in saving the environment can they make Elwood City a better place you bet they can have fun while discovering a greener way of hey where you going you know place we don't play darts and board games no no no see see see this exciting and original board game is based on Mark Brown's best-selling book any war money - come on guys oh I get it it's not that you guys don't want to play Arthur with me you're all just too busy signing up for blue apron with a link in the description below the first 100 people get their first box of meals for free that's gotta be it Arthur board games the blast everything of that yes this video is sponsored by blue apron which is a service that brings three healthy delicious meals straight to your door once a week I'm actually a big fan of blue apron and I've used it for a long time way before they ever sponsored me as evidenced by this large stack of recipes that I've amassed as an introvert who works a lot and doesn't like leaving his house blue apron is perfect not only are all their ingredients fresh they deliver them right to your door every week it takes out all the stress of planning your meals completely in fact they even pre-measure all the ingredients for each meal which makes it extra convenient one thing I've always struggled with is eating healthy the blue apron makes it easy because not only does every meal have healthy ingredients like vegetables and fruit they're also delicious and planned out by professional chefs and if someone is incompetent we can do it you can to sign up with the link in the description below Wow hey everybody thanks so much for watching if you want to help me share this video around and make sure you give it a like a comment and a favorite it's much appreciated also if you want to watch or re-watch the old Goodwill Games episodes I'll leave the playlist for right here for you or check out this song I did with Youngtown my we don't even need it [Laughter] definitely scripted that one
Channel: PeanutButterGamer
Views: 3,824,854
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sonic, Sonic the Hedgehog, Elmo, Sesame Street, Adventures of Elmo in Grouchland, Treasure Galaxy, Gaming, Video Games, Nintendo, Nintendo Switch, Xbox, Xbox One, Ps4, Playstation 4, Goodwill, Games, Goodwill Games, PeanutButterGamer, PBG, gameplay, music gaming, pc gaming, music, elmo song, sesame street elmo, mario, mario sonic, sonic x, super sonic, sega, funny, sonic gameplay, let's play, review, Hacking, Top 10, Best, Worst, PC
Id: Yl8rWwoxfLM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 13sec (1093 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 22 2017
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