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yo have you heard that having fun isn't hard [Music] hey guys how's it going lately we've been talking a lot about Arthur growing up I never had cable so pretty much all I could watch was Saturday morning cartoons and things unpublish onto television but hey PBS has some classics like Bill Nye the Science Guy the Magic School Bus Bob Ross you know that afro painting guy take it off and of course Arthur if you've never seen it then you may think it looks kind of lame but I would have to respectfully disagree because you're dead wrong you're dead wrong about Arthur you just don't know him like I do okay all joking aside I really do love Arthur and I watched it until I was at least 15 years old actually Who am I kidding I just watched a bunch of episodes like three days again anyway I need to satiate my appetite for more Arthur so we're playing some Arthur games let's do it up first we have Arthur's computer adventure this game is based off one of the TV episodes named Arthur the wrecker which I have to say is a much worse name it's part of a series called living books which are basically interactive audiobooks I'd have the actual book Arthur's computer disaster as well but we're gonna stick to the game version because well I'm a little lazy you see ray Timmy game do my bidding apparently Arthur has a new computer game that he is super stoked for called Arthur's computer that I mean deep dark sea it's called deep dark sea you search for sunken treasure but you've got to watch out for dangerous sea creatures pirates skeletons and ghosts that sounds like fun I'm so excited okay you are but after finishing his dinner he gets on his mom's computer and plays it for a while time for bed said dad but dad I almost found the thing Arthur I don't think he wants to find the thing I've seen that movie and it was scary when I find this thing I can win stuff again I really don't think that's what happens when you find him I remember a lot of people dying ahead with spider legs just blood whatever where actually that would be a fairly interesting direction for this story I'm not saying I want it to happen but it would be interesting let's just see what happens similar to humongous entertainment games after the page has been read you can click on stuff and watch little things happen well most of it is just random nonsense the sheer amount of things you can click on is pretty impressive hey Arthur good luck playing your game with these bunny shoes on this screen got him there's even little games hidden on the page from time to time like this helicopter games you drop water balloons on the targets and you also drop firefighters who instantly need rescuing for some reason okay it may not be a great minigame but hey I don't remember much about doing anything like this so step up your game PP sorry boys said mom it's tax season I need my computer all day Jeff then the phone rang it was for mom I have to run to the office she said and don't touch my computer mom doesn't want us using her computer even though she's not gonna be here so obviously we're not gonna listen because she's oh yeah also buster King let's let's play karna thir loaded the game [Music] obviously they break the computer because they're stupid and now they've got to fix it before Arthur's mom gets back they decide to ask their friend the brain for help so they go find him skipping stones in a river they then awkwardly stare at him for a couple minutes while I click everything on the screen the brain ends up not being able to fix it and they can't afford to pay someone to fix it either so they have no choice but to wait for mom to get home and see what happened no computer games for a week said mom that's the end of my story come back and see me again bye well we may not be allowed to play computer games anymore but we can still play this because it's on the PlayStation which is not a computer take that mom welcome to Arthur ready to race all right I need a name how about number one Arthur fan I love you Arthur wait what the heck happened to him why do they all look so weird hey what's this it's an ad for the Elwood City race date what are we waiting for let's go take a look [Music] okay let's race ignoring the fact that this barn is attached to a boxcar Racing course that goes seemingly all the way through Elwood City and the annoying squeak sound effect that plays every time you so much as tap the d-pad this is actually kind of fun I mean it'd be nice to actually race against other people but I don't know it's kind of fun all right Arthur you did it I have misgivings about the car structural integrity oh that would have been nice to know before I roll down that entire course let's try working on our communication skills a bit okay brain Thanks so Francine and the brain want to make a new car they worked really hard on these amazingly detailed car plans here and all we have to do is literally everything this is where the bulk of the game comes in what the back of the box generously refers to as adventure style gameplay what it really means is running around like an idiot through the neighborhood and doing chores for people which all involve running around like an idiot some more you can also go into a few different stores and buildings that have incredibly out of place and creepy looking people inside them hey Arthur can you help me this one looks like a Lego the rest of them kind of look like NPCs from the third Zelda CDI game most of them are pretty forgettable but then there's the joke shop knock knock who's there Tommy Tommy who the donut I ate it is in my Tommy oh let's do something else [Music] that there was a monster in the closet but now I think that my know live when I was a kid I used to believe that my stuffed animals were alive but obviously that isn't true [Music] slow down slow down you said dad you said a basketball the [Music] inter star if I was in this class I think it's safe to say that I would be hanging out with these kids we gotta get that strike force from the power ages what happened it broke well I gotta go games okay I got everything we needed for the car I skipped ahead of it but don't worry you didn't miss anything interesting we ran through a graveyard and were attacked by literal ghosts and you still didn't miss anything good [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Bionic bunny please help me I need a faster car wait we're making another car why what was the point of the last one we just made everyone seems pretty pleased with it yesterday hey that looks great good job guys gosh Arthur even you might be able to qualify with this car what is this a new car every day how many how many races are there you know what I quit how about that I quit [Music] so far the games have been pretty good and by that of course I mean only the first one because ready to race was pretty trash knock knock who's there Aaron Aaron who aren't you done finding those cops hopefully our last game Arthur's camping adventure is closer to the former than the latter mr. Ratburn is taking some of his class and DW for some reason on a camping trip so that they can view the wildlife there's something everything is going pretty well until we'll just I seem to have twisted my ankle so we set up a tent for him to rest a while and leave him with DW don't worry mr. Ratburn I'll take care of you whoops sorry but not only is mr. Ratburn hurt our food bag has been stolen and our radio doesn't work either I've got an idea it's something my dad told me about we could climb to a really high place and then use a mirror and sunlight to flash a signal in Morse code um okay sure I guess that's an option or with the right parts I could fix my radio then we could use it to call for help another much better idea I have a suggestion Arthur why don't you go fly a kite good one you're it you really got me there Francine so we can go with pinky's dumb idea Francine's a really dumb idea or we can go with a guy whose name is the brain let's see here him great a radio it is on second thought though after looking over this list of things he needs to fix the radio I'm not sure if this plan is particularly plausible either but uh well I've made my choice and I'm sticking with it and also this is a video game about Arthur so I don't think it's going to be very hard regardless let's get going Buster speaking of not being very hard one of the pieces we need is on the very next screen just sitting right there on the ground so I guess I was right then shortly after that we find a magnet in a bird's nest some wire on a dirt path and the food bag being guarded by some kind of monster how about we cut his head off with this saw I don't think that's going to work ah dang it was worth a try you know now that I think about it this whole thing is getting pretty dangerous hold on why are we using this log to cross the river when it's so shallow that we can just walk through it what what are you doing what didn't you go back you were right there you're right a hedgehog is a small noisy animal with hair that grows and stiff spiky spine if it is endangered a hedgehog goes fast Arthur and Buster then steal a bunch of things from private property and before you know it we've got all the things we need to repair brains radio they grab the food as well and then head back to King the brain fixes it they call for help and then my favorite Arthur character mustache guy comes to save the day by telling some ghost stories how about we build a campfire and tell some scary stories some people hate peanut butter huh relief bull this was a pretty simple little adventure game but hey it was fun and it was Arthur I like if you enjoyed that then make sure you subscribe for even more amazing videos ah Who am I kidding my videos are terrible if only Arthur was here to give me some advice [Music] imagination what do you mean you just close your eyes and pretend and you could see cool videos huh bullets worth the try imagination imagination imaginations huh hey everybody thanks so much for watching if you enjoyed this video make sure to give it a like and subscribe for more videos if you want to see some more in the future here's the the video in it last time now see you next time I don't need you I don't even need you to help you with the camera no I'll do the rest of it
Channel: PeanutButterGamer
Views: 4,097,292
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hacking, Top 10, Best, Video Game (Industry), Gaming, Nintendo (Video Game Developer), Microsoft Studios (Video Game Developer), Sony Computer Entertainment (Video Game Developer), PlayStation 4 (Video Game Platform), Xbox 360 (Video Game Platform), Wii U (Video Game Platform), Nintendo 3DS (Video Game Platform), PeanutButterGamer, PBG, xbox, playstation, Ps3, Gameplay, Xbox360, Personal Computer (Video Game Platform), PC, review, Mario, Arthur, PBS
Id: pG74tXV-GHE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 35sec (935 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 01 2016
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