Top 10 BEST Nintendo GameCube Games! (No Mario, Zelda, or Smash) - PBG

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hey everybody peeves here about a year or so ago I did a couple videos on my top ten best and worst Wii games well I had a lot of fun with that so I figured why not do it again but this time with possibly my favorite console ever the Gamecube so let's uh that's smaller than I remembered keep an eye out for the worst list in the next couple weeks or you can always make sure you don't miss it by subscribing wow I grew up playing the Gamecube so it holds a special place in my heart it may not have had better graphics in the xbox and it may not about a DVD player like the ps2 but it had what any good video game console needs a lot of really good games which gives me thinking how do they fit such great games on such tiny little discs I don't know I know yeah I almost forgot I'm doing the same thing I did last time no mario sunshine winwaker toilet princess or smash brothers just because those are so obvious I'd rather take some time to show off some other cool games that maybe people haven't heard as much so let's go first I have this Simpsons hit and run I've been a big fan of The Simpsons since I was about 13 it was probably the most raunchy adult humour oriented show I was allowed to view when I was young in fact I specifically remember the first time I got away with watching it I was in the living room watching Pokemon and once it was over the Simpsons intro started playing instead of changing it like normal I left it on and my mom walked in and asked are you supposed to be watching this then she left nothing happened and the Simpsons was on the menu from there on out if you're a fellow Simpsons fan and you haven't played this game I'm not sure I can recommend it enough it is absolutely packed with Simpsons gags and references the story and jokes were written by the show's writers the characters are voiced by the original actors and on top of that it has a pretty fun and addicting driving mechanic that doesn't skimp out on the difficulty and it's only occasionally infuriating [Laughter] that's it I've lost it I'm blowing this whole town to smithereens convertible and if none of that catches your interest you can always kick people which is surprisingly fun don't worry that shitheel fit simpsons games often get a bad rap but among the few gems Hit & Run takes the cake if you ask me if you want to feel like you're playing through an actual Simpsons episode then this is the game for you I know some of you in the comments probably think that I just picked the Simpsons hit and run for purely nostalgic reasons and would prefer that I pick the actual top 10 game view games but if you're one of those people I have this message for you that's what you get for expecting me to do the job for which I obtain whoa look at it it's Metroid shooty shooty Bam Bam space well she's a girl whoa didn't know that okay yeah I did actually but or whatever Metroid Prime on the lips whoa Wow PBG putting Metroid I thought he didn't like Metroid very much well you're right I don't I'm just too scared of people getting mad at me so I'm putting it out of here anyway so to be real metroid primes probably my favorite one just I don't know I've played Metroid of a million times and I always think I'll like it and then I don't so I'm sorry about that but I'm also not sorry because I like it I hope could I be sorry about something I can't even really do anything about anyway so it's on the list though so for you how you happy now next game I don't normally like fighting games but this fighting game has a swords image and that's pretty cool Soul Calibur - it also has a link in it or at least the GameCube version does anyway which I think obviously makes it the best version by far it kind of goes without saying even remember that time that link had to go into a different dimension so they could kill a bunch of people and sometimes children in order to defeat some kind of demon sword guy thing well that's actually where he went after ocarina of time I know there's a lot of other popular theories floating around out there including one in Nintendo's official book about the Zelda timeline but none of those are really important this is the true Kanan one you heard it here first everybody I would go into some more detail about the fighting mechanics gameplay etc but to be honest I'm not that knowledgeable about fighting games so I doubt I'd do it justice I'd even go as far as to say it's one of my least favorite game genres all I know is that of all the fighting games I've ever played it's the only one I ever have an itch to go back to that isn't named Smash Brothers put all that stuff aside by far the best thing about this game are all these character profile menus that allow you to play back the character dialog that's always a good way to spend a few minutes if you have nothing better to do like the up next I have Kirby's air ride actually hold on a second it's just Kirby air ride I could have sworn it was Kirby's there why is it I'm sorry I'm just not noticing this actually why isn't it called Kirby's air ride what the heck is look what is what the heck is life I don't even know anymore if you're bad at following instructions then Kirby air ride is for you I don't even know how to read one button you press one button it's the a button you press it yes in quintessential Nintendo style this game is very simple at face value but it takes some time to master the basics are moving forward which you do automatically boosting which acts more like a drift than a boost sing as just spamming it will slow you down and sucking up enemies for power-ups in the same vein as other Kirby games there's three gameplay modes in air ride first there's both air ride which is the main racing mode top ride which is basically the same but in a top-down format and then there's the crowd favorite city trial which is a big sandbox map where you collect power-ups battle people and eventually compete in a randomly assigned challenge once the time runs out to my understanding this is a somewhat unpopular opinion but I actually have more fun with top ride than air ride it reminds me of some old slot car toys I used to have as a kid but mostly I just like to bomb people I like to blow people up I really want bombs bombs are fun okay I got bombs yeah you suck I'm not oh I didn't get the drill I didn't think that would work I thought you got yourself brick and bomb is the best hobby I'm glad that vertical bombs don't you dare bomb yo I said don't bomb just stop hey silly Empire in your various nefarious plans guess I'd better get in a spaceship and blow everybody up it's just a bad guy I don't know better safe than sorry I guess I always loved Star Wars as a kid but by far my favorite parts of the movies were the spaceship battle scenes so when I saw a commercial for the original Star Wars Rogue Squadron game on TV I knew I had to have it it was a pretty solid game from my recollection but the sequel Rogue Squadron to rogue leader was even better I was so into this game that I wanted to be in the game so I would take blankets and rig up my own little cockpit and go into first person view crosshairs up of course what was I some kind of chump that needed a aim there's no aim in real life space okay it's actually still my preferred setup to this day well minus the blanket cockpit I guess I think you have to stop doing that kind of thing after the age of 20 it's probably it's probably a law I don't know of it but it probably is one this game still holds up today which is extra impressive considering it was a launch title for the GameCube back in 2001 you can play through all the main battles of the first three movies along with a bunch of original and unlockable bonus levels that all leads up to the final battle in Return of the Jedi government sorry I didn't do it my bad what's with all these tiny little people why are they so small I just killed like 23 teeny little people I know they're the bad guys but I still feel sorry for them anyway that's just so TD look at this guy he's freaking floating in the air just a teeny tiny flying guy trying to make it out in a space world best wishes in the battle ahead small little floaty man Paper Mario the thousand-year door the only Mario game that starts off with a noose right in the middle of the screen or at least the only one I can think of anyway oh wait hold on it's Super Mario World there it is forgot about that one this seems to surprise people every time I mention it but despite really enjoying the first Paper Mario game I never play the thousand-year door so I'm glad I finally had an excuse to check it out I haven't particularly enjoyed the newest Paper Mario games this straight a little too far from the original concept for my liking but this game is exactly like the original just with some new stuff at it in fact despite having not completed the game yet I think I would already put this in my top three Mario RPG games along with legend of the seven stars and the original Mario and Luigi superstar saga it's fun fun e and it didn't completely ruin the badge system this time cop stickers bark I'm so actually really sick right now freaking sick from thinking about sticker star that is probably my favorite new addition to this game is the crowd system the bigger the fight you're in the more people will show up to watch it but they don't just cheer you on they also throw USP during fights as you land successful attacks oh and did I mention not all of them are friendly I haven't been to that many plays in my life but I have to say that's something I've never seen just an actor come off the stage and just just kick the crap out of somebody in the audience frankly I think if that happened I would go to more plays I don't necessarily recommend that anyone go see Mario fight though because there is a small possibility that you'll be eaten frickin eaten alive did I also forget to mention that the thousand-year door is dark for a Mario game I mean it even has the closest thing to peach nude scenes that I that I that I can think of oh oh wait Super Mario World oh I almost forgot I just I don't know if I'll keep that in sometimes you'll even see Luigi show up in the crowd oh man I'm blushing what a supportive and encouraging guy well I'm done with that segment what did you think Luigi Wow is that it you'll get back I don't like to say I don't know it says thank you so much thank you thank you so much oh yeah looking boom thanks Luigi thank you for doing that you'll gotta believe ya you're not real Luigi you're not real begone demon spawn ah neat we're exploring a mansion I remember this game wait a second this isn't Luigi's Mansion how dare you do this to me books you will pay eternal darkness sanity's Requiem this is one of the few unapologetically mature r-rated games for the Gamecube you play as Alex who's trying to solve the mystery of her grandfather's murder although you don't only play as Alex a good portion of the game is comprised of flashback scenes with various people throughout history the gameplay and combat has aged a bit awkwardly but it's still completely worth playing if for no other reason than experiencing the sanity effects that the game is most known for a bunch of freaky things can happen to your character but the game also tricks you into thinking that there's something technically wrong with your game disk or console it can even go as far as to trick you into thinking it deleted all your save files the lower your sanity meter goes weird and tricky things start to happen at first it's just little stuff like a while it starts to get much more sinister in sometimes downright creepy what are you doing [Music] [Music] and I say hey what a wonderful kind of day where you can learn to work and play and get along with each other all right I think I need a palate cleanser after that how about something bright and happy chibi-robo Jenny you're eight now you can't run around in a frog costume all day you just don't understand the real me mom in chibi-robo you play as chibi-robo a tiny little robot designed to make its adopted family as happy as possible you can free roam around the house every day and night doing chores and unlocking new areas through various puzzles and exploration chibi-robo can do things like clean steal your money steal a bunch of other stuff steal even more of your money you know I think I'm starting to side with a skeptical mom of this family why the heck would anyone buy this thing I have to admit though it is a super cute product and it seems like a great deal at first but the more I think about it the more I'm not so sure not only does he steal things he finds laying around the house he also has a pretty poor battery life that has to be recharged fairly often jiffy Robo can upgrade his battery but only if he performs better than most other chibi-robo in the world so let me get this straight you buy a product that has a crappy battery and you can only upgrade it if he does a good job what happens if he doesn't do a good job what happens to the 90% of robos it'll either be average or below average I mean I feel like as a consumer I'm getting mega screwed right now in all seriousness though I'd never played this game prior to making this video but I absolutely love it I like to pull people on Twitter before I do lists to make sure I'm not missing anything and this is one of the games that popped up a lot and out of all those games I recorded footage for it's the one that I'm most excited to go back and finish I think it says a lot about the Gamecube that years later there's still some gems that I've never played and getting to play those games is by far one of my favorite things about making these best console game lists one more thing though I am a little bit concerned about all these weird tiny doors that were installed in the house once chibi-robo showed up maybe we did he's incredibly strange evil dimension looking places with like eyeballs floating around all over the place I can't say that I remember that being on the contract I signed I guess it was in the fine print I don't know all I know is that a little bit scared I [Applause] [Music] [Applause] knew it I already talked about Resident Evil 4 in my top 10 favorite games video so it's no surprise for it to show up in this list as well in fact I already have footage recorded so I doubt I'll bother to play it for very long and I beat the game again for the 20th time it was for work yeah Resident Evil 4 number 2 now if you don't mind I have to leave and restart the game that infinite rocket launchers not gonna by itself okay yes at number one I have Luigi's Mansion the Gamecube launched in North America on November 18th 2001 and Mario Sunshine didn't release until later in 2002 that left the gamecube with no Mario game at launch but the first time ever on a Nintendo console Luigi's Mansion seemingly took some of the flack for this I remember a lot of people complaining about it at the time but as a lifelong Luigi fan not only did I not mind I was stoked a freakin Luigi game and it looked really good too the Mario series meets ghostbusters it seemed like an odd combination at first but it's executed so well and still holds up today you know what Luigi I'm sorry about the stuff I said you definitely are real you look ridiculous you always have such good into it why don't you come on over and play your game oh yeah [Music] [Music] so those are my top 10 favorite GameCube games that aren't the four games I mentioned earlier what do you guys think let me know in the comments what did I miss I know I missed something beautiful Joe tales of symphonia obviously Pikmin Wario wears a really good one we actually did a gameplay series on PV and Geoff you can check that out with the link in the description below and make sure you check out the top 10 worst GameCube games I'll have that link in the description below once it's out as well as in the annotations and I guess that's pretty much it what did you think of the video Oh style no substance oh it's time for your punishment you might die oh this is a good time to have a word from this video sponsor I have to leave now this video sponsored by honey honey is a free browser extension that automatically finds the best coupons online with honey you can be confident that you're always getting the best prices when you shop on the Internet but not only is honey free it's also incredibly easy to install just click my link in the description of this video join honey calm /pv Gees to more clicks and bam it's that easy say you want to order pizza you get a large pepperoni and a large cheese the default total is 3802 pretty crazy expensive but just click that apply coupons button that automatically appears it searches for the best coupons available and just like that you save yourself over 8 buckaroos and the best part again is incredibly easy and free did I 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Channel: PeanutButterGamer
Views: 1,524,169
Rating: 4.8705101 out of 5
Keywords: Top 10 GameCube Games, Top 10, Best, Gamecube, Game Cube, Games, Nintendo, Gaming, Video Games, Wii, Nintendo Wii, Top 10 Wii Games, Worst, nintendo 3ds, 3ds, nintendo switch, wii 100, mario, switch, zelda, mario wii, super mario wii, video games, smash bros, super smash bros, video game (industry), wii games, top wii games, top 10 games, peanutbuttergamer, pbg, watchmojo, ScrewAttack, best nintendo gamecube games, best gamecube games, worst gamecube games, worst nintendo gamecube games
Id: 6ZRUusKBhG0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 22sec (1222 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 17 2018
Reddit Comments

No Mario, Zelda or Smash Bros

Number 5: Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Mar 18 2018 🗫︎ replies

Also, he shits on Sticker Star. One of us! One of us! One of us!

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/Sensorfire 📅︎︎ Mar 18 2018 🗫︎ replies

I like TTYD. But nothing will beat the original 64 title for me.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Mar 18 2018 🗫︎ replies

So? Why is this worth a post?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/FireMarioProductions 📅︎︎ Mar 18 2018 🗫︎ replies
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