Link The Faces of Evil (CDI) - PBG

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Damn, I really hope that PBG responds to my tweet, not sure how else to write to him, maybe reddit?

I really want the Zelda Month t-shirt, but there is no option for Russia:(

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Nov 17 2013 🗫︎ replies

Those hashtags.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/trulyElse 📅︎︎ Nov 16 2013 🗫︎ replies

Oh god this brings me back to YouTube when I was a teenager. Great video.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Hatec 📅︎︎ Nov 17 2013 🗫︎ replies

What songs were used in this video, after he had to restart, and when he did a boogy?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/superman64isbad 📅︎︎ Nov 17 2013 🗫︎ replies

Yeah! Kevin Macleod!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/3picTurtle 📅︎︎ Dec 26 2013 🗫︎ replies
Manzella is great Phyllis I really love Zelda I'm happy I don't think there's a single Zelda game in the world that I don't love we don't stay past a gazelle the hashtag CDI hashtag Nintendo hashtag Google+ hashtag social media hashtag new YouTube hashtags so funny hashtag lul PVG moment hashtag subscribe hey everybody I'm Hitler gamer and I know what you're probably thinking yeah butter gamer isn't seldom I'm supposed to be a time to talk about how good Zelda is so why are you talking about such a bad Zelda game well sometimes in order to appreciate something that is truly good you have to look at the alternative something that is truly bad or at least that's the excuse I'm using anyway so yeah today I'm gonna be looking at liek the faces of evil for the CDI or as my disc says LAN ik professor Li behind okay that last board is obviously supposed to say the faces of evil but seriously the first part just says like Blahnik so yeah this is a bootleg game in case you haven't figured that out yet I wish I hadn't realized that before I bought it off eBay alright well let's get this thing started future PVG fix that invest okay just gonna take the game here and put it there fill the transparent layer with a picture of a creepy pig I found on Google Image Search and perfect the first thing you'll realize when you turn on the faces of evil is that you make some pretty poor life choices the second thing you'll realize are the cutscenes gee it sure is boring around here my boy they're bad some people have complained in the past about Zelda not having voice overs but personally I think it's better without them and this is a prime example of the absolute worst that could happen if you gave link a voice how about a kiss for luck you've got to be kidding my sentiments exactly Zelda if you've seen anything from the Zelda CDI games it probably is the cutscenes they were pretty notorious for a while and we're often used in videos called YouTube poops two years ago and I figured for old times sake could I'd have my own little go at one enjoy oh boy I'm so hungry I could eat gee Wow what are all those Kings one more I apologize for that anyway let's continue with links tutorial hey wanna fight the forces of evil and Cora die check it out it's easy when I'm crouching you can make me do the duck walk cool huh no this game has terrible controls but I think that was probably a given what's even worse is that not only do the controls suck the control Earth sucks well at least mine does anyway despite there being three buttons somebody decided that it was a good idea to make up on the control pad me the jump button fine I can deal with it but I can't deal with it when the control pad freakin stick so much seriously I'm not even pressing anything here the controller is just stopped it's so frickin frustrating that I might even say a swear okay well let's go give the keeper day last shop a little visit what's you got for me shopkeep lamp oil rope bombs you wanted it's yours my friend as long as you have enough rubies okay did they even play a single Zelda game before they made this there are so many canonical errors in this game first of all it's rupees not rupees and speaking of rupees I guess I should say rupees thank you they couldn't even get the colors and the price is right as you can see from this chart rupees aren't 100% consistent in every Zelda game but even still green is always one how much is it in this game five and what's worth one rupee red aka what is usually twenty rupees I mean no big deal it's only ninety not close enough you know yeah still on the topic of rupees it turns out that you need a lot of them so we better go farm some enemies boy this sure is a great way to start a game farming for money against mindless generic enemies whoopty freakin do it's almost like I don't want to kill myself so I eventually blow up this rock to enter the cave and great it's pitch black dark but what's even worse is that I can't find the exit again since the middle button is both pause but only while crouched because this game is just fashion forward like that enter doors and use items I just end up throwing bombs around like an idiot seriously there are three buttons why not use them whoa it's a huge crab guy well that was the most fun I've had so far I'm sorry to say biggest crab I ever caught it's a Goma yeah pretty good yeah thanks oh right just in case it wasn't obvious enough that guy just gave us the magic sword which allows us to shoot beams out of our sword when we have full health but really hey everybody I'm peanutbutter gamer and this is my faces of evil walk through make sure that before you do some other stuff you go completely unprompted to the weird crap fisherman guy so that he can say hey what to catch I just got her and you can say oh cool now give me a sword because of all the people to get my sword and chanted by naturally it should be the old wonky fisherman okay well let's go to noir Tinka you know the completely not made up place and zelda lore this is about the point where I gave up trying to figure out what to do on my own and just consulted the internet and the guide I found told me that I needed to collect 100 snowballs snowballs what kind of Zelda game is this that I need to collect 100 of anything much less snowballs which isn't even a real item I mean sure whatever I'll just stick a hundred snowballs down my pants I'm sure that'll go well now I'm in a place called toy kou lighthouse it's just some red mountainous looking area but I gotta say the music is pretty cool it sounds like I'm getting ready to run a marathon or something now we come across this lady who's apparently more concerned with her necklace that was stolen than she is about all the baby dragons flying around in her house get my necklace back from Glee Ock okay pretty please uh okay sorry I died here's some fairies whoa I think link is high on something what was in those cheeseburgers oh and that's about the point where I stop playing you know took a nice calm break gonna sleep the only problem is when I came back to play the next day my save file was gone just lovely so I guess I'll have to play through the first half of the game again oh I can do this I eventually got back to where I was did some more crap and found Zelda but uh-oh trick aru it's the old swapsies you got me now I'm in some cave and Jafar over here is showing me some epic cutscene about some skeletons oh boy and here they are I'm just like a regular jason and the argonauts over here that was it why give them an introduction cutscene if they just die in one hit like a regular enemy what's the point oh wait there is no point other than to trap you down in this area that you can't get out of seriously there is no way out I was actually petrified that I was stuck it might have to restart again until I realized there were some falling rocks that could kill me because you know what's better than stairs killing yourself with rocks basically most of this game consists of running around a random places and killing random bosses for no apparent reason some of them are hard and some of them are easy but one thing that is consistent their death scenes are really bad gali took the words right out of my mouth oh geez you just know that this person's cutscene has got to be good I mean cut my daddies chains pretty please have a heart brutha probably at least 50% of you didn't understand a word she just said I swear I keep having to listen to these cutscenes at least twice just to comprehend them there's drool around the side of Brooke oh she wants us to go save her dad but golly I don't know he sure seems pretty happy to me I'm simply famished it tastes like a diary perhaps just one more okay Wow that was actually kind of terrifying it just freakin ate that guy kinda reminds me of that old Odyssey movie with the Cyclops I swear it's almost like they took more inspiration from Greek epics than they did from the actual zelda franchise so after quite a long grind through the game you eventually kill some wolf guy and get the crystal of vision then you go to the magic carpet guys house and he says this at last you have the vision to find my house now you will see the sand crew mieze that prevent your approach to Ganon go with many blessings what is house of course I can see yourself right there anybody could you can even see it from the map screen are you trying to tell me that the whole time I've been playing this game my ultimate goal other than to defeat Ganon was to be able to see his house okay making a good game that is hard but is it really that hard for your game to make any sense not only does it make no sense as a Zelda game I could go on for hours talking about that but it doesn't even make sense as a standalone game enemies spawn out of nowhere most of the items not to mention cutscenes make no sense there's no logic to where I'm going who I'm killing and why and a lot of the bosses I kill keep reappearing with no explanation but all of that stuff I could and did mostly ignore but this seeing his house business no no I will not ignore this I'm mad about it so for the sake of wrapping this freaking thing up let's go ahead and skip to Ganon's lair no not into the pit it burns first of all that's a book not a pit and second of all I just saved you from Ganon you did not you link of the hero of koridai I guess that's worth the kiss huh haha zelda is a I won I'm done hey everybody thanks for watching my video it's over if you haven't already then why don't you click this very conveniently placed subscribe button up here if you like the t-shirt I was wearing it's actually a Zelda month exclusive t-shirt that you can get this month only and you can find that in the link below in the description and while you're at it why not watch last week's Zelda month video the top 10 masks in majora's mask see you next time
Channel: PeanutButterGamer
Views: 6,386,660
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Legend of Zelda, Link, Faces of Evil, philips, CDI, Zelda, Zelda Month, Nintendo, PeanutButterGamer, PBG, Video Games, Gaming, Youtube Poop, Microsoft, Sony, Xbox 360 (Video Game Platform), PlayStation 3 (Computer), Video Game (Industry)
Id: ZKOzqw83RVo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 21sec (801 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 16 2013
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