When Less is More | Add to Heart Week 3 | Jeff Eliscupidez

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all right good afternoon everyone and for those of you watching us live thank you for joining us this afternoon good afternoon physical services starting next week so even the sunday uh 10 a.m 2 p.m and 6 p.m services for so long and this is what you need to do okay limited so we're not ex accepting walk in i like this [Applause] so registration will be open 24 hours before the actual service para puyong health declaration okay so we've been having this series entitled add to heart and the premise of this series is what are we adding to our heart because sometimes we think that more stuff equals life anybody here you feel like deprived i was talking to a girl growing up and sometimes we think because we're deprived and sometimes we think more stuff we have more life we're going to have it's as if the quality of stuff we have will also raise the bar of the quality of life that we can have but you know the reality it's not true because the bible says life is not measured by how much you own all right life is not measured by how much you own luke chapter 12. in terms of having more stuff it means you're gonna have more life this is not true because most of us will die still we'll have stuff you still have stuff better you'll run out of life okay so we're having this series wherever your treasure is is there the desires of your heart will also be it's in matthew chapter 6 verse 21 wherever your wealth is your heart follows us credit card bills credit card bill small that's where your heart is and wealth is an indicator of who we worship we've been talking about doubt knowing a week one about kane and abel that um abel offered more than what cain has to offer and uh it's a determinant of who we worship your quality of offering nothing and we talked last week about first fruit the giving of our tithes is a way of worshipping god yeah that's very important and um something we talk about tithing and then the abundance of your possession uh hindi puyan assurance that you're gonna have more life and today we're gonna look at the story in mark chapter 12 uh verses 41-43 i think three to four verses i'm going to read it and then we'll pray and jesus sat down opposite the treasury and and he watched the people putting their money into the offering and many rich people put in large songs and a poor widow came and put in two small copper coins which make a penny and he called this disciple to him and said to them truly i say to you this poor widow has put in more than all those who are contributing to the offering box let's pray father we thank you for the word that we're about to study today happened two thousand years ago and speaks truth up until this day japanese help us open our hearts so that we may see the principle behind the generosity of this woman and may we emulate lori the way she gave everything lord in jesus name amen let's talk about the context the widow's offering um it was passed over during this time okay that one and jew are gathered in jerusalem so all the jews are gathered in jerusalem so this is one of the major major major event if you're a jew it passed over so everyone from all known worlds will gather po jerusalem they're going to worship dunsa temple so and we can see here that after the last hour because this is like three days before jesus will be crucified now imagine a few more days to long jesus will be you know he's gonna be crucified three days from now and still he's gonna teach how to handle wealth come on now i mean jesus taught about handling money more than faith and prayer combined more than two thousand uh verses talks about money handling wealth so again vinas offering so it was a great uh opportunity for jesus to share kuala lumpur so mark 11 so it steered jealousies among our leaders during the time so he wasted no time addressing a lot of issues okay so he clears the temple courts the chief priests were there the pharisees and the europeans were there the sadducees were there the scribes were there so all of these people against ditos popularity jesus they're all there they are so religious i'm just giving a context before we jump to the story of the woman okay and in his teaching he said beware of the scribes jesus was telling his disciples walking with long robes and like greetings in the marketplace and a reserve model okay and they have the best seats in the synagogues and the place of honor and feast so shilah and the papa reserve them besides uh church okay they want the front row seat pairing themselves and jesus was addressing these faulty religious practices and among the leaders they want a place of honor so these are these people in addressing jesus during this time and of course we want the balance line we give honor to one honoris jew but these people they want all the honor to them compared to john the baptist that jesus must increase i must decrease i believe john the baptist these dudes they want to be you know making sick so if you're watching with us right now alumni i do hope and pray that the more you get to know god the more less of yourself you know is it more the more kind of gigging humble okay so they want the position they want they have self-centered ambitions so sabrito these are the people who devour who we those houses they are helpless and and and they they have the pretense i'm gonna pray for you they make a long prayers okay lengthy in language pero deprived of life memorize prayer and they will just receive con i know uh they will receive condemnations ability jesus so if you mind addressing jesus in contrast to the woman religious leaders that's taking advantage of the people during the time so they want to flaunt they have this religion religious facade and apparent thou art holy and the thing remember this is pass over literally thousands and hundreds of thousands of jewish people po and nasa is el that time jerusalem at the time and everyone you know like observed they sat down opposite the treasury and watch the people putting money into the offering box so they are there watching okay hit upon heroes temple mount okay inside the court of women there are 13 trumpet-shaped receptacles huh first okay so anyway so jesus sat down opposite the treasury and they're watching the people putting money into the offering box and and maraming okay when they do when they drop their offerings and so they were they were listening they were they were watching and many rich people about a big time casino and jesus all along was watching now may you have pressure to know that god sees beyond the amount that god sees our giving and god knows that every intention of our giving he says beyond the amount that was written or sachikos or bd or transfer monopera god sees beyond the peso pesos god sees beyond the the the number of zero okay before the that okay some people were giving out of compulsion manager some people are giving out of reputation they're maintaining this reputation or big time and they were showing it off like that all right so some people give out of compulsion some people give out of reputation some people it's a way of manipulation anybody here sometimes we give because we're expecting something in return have you ever pray have you ever given to god and you're expecting so much in return it's a way of twisting god's arm i think you got it all wrong i hope you're not giving out of compulsion of or maintaining a sense of reputation or giving in a way of manipulation because these are all wrong this is all in a wrong manner of giving because god sees our hearts when we give so having said that and then came a poor widow now now picture this with me okay look up here imagine this for a moment they were all watching and they're playing this game you because she's full when you're a widow you're you're desolate you're you're destitute you're defenseless because no timeline two thousand years ago sovereign dependence when you're a widow you're as good as dead that's the reason why mama mary was endorsed by jesus and when he's about to die and he knew that it endorsed me woman this is your son because at that time i mean you're going to be desolate you're going to be destitute you're going to be devoured by this um you know among scribes and leaders and there's this woman and not just a widow she's poor and i could just imagine you my disciples poor widow but she did something she didn't come empty-handed she's making sure if i'm gonna worship god i'm gonna give something to god i'm not gonna worship him with empty words or empty pocket i'm gonna worship him with something even if it means it's my all because we're gonna see here she puts in two small copper coins okay which make a penny and for your own underlying picture it's what you call lepton or lepta it means in fact it's only good for one public bath of the gospel but just to give you an idea how much that that the coin was during that time a denarii okay it's a day's wage okay and then there's this pruta okay it's a one of 64 of a denarius one and sixty port of a den are used modern day translation answered ncr 537 po and acting minimum wage so that would cost you eight pesos and forty so young is i was reminded of this kid's church now then god the bible says you like copper coins so i collected lots for you okay so you wanna okay but the point is she did not have so much okay he didn't have a pinot force it's a freewheel offering so that widow gave all okay and he called his disciples to him and said to them and evil disciples attention because this is a poor widow called i say to you this poor widow has put in more look at the word than all i mean we're talking of hundreds and literally hundreds of thousands of people that get dropped on and what he's saying combine all the latin this poor widow has put in more than all those who are contributing to the offering box can you imagine the looks some of the disciples face that time oh jesus i mean what this widow put in more than the cumulative offerings of everyone unless jesus mahina has a math or there's something in what is saying that we need to understand how can how can it be how can how can it be how can it less be more right how can you how can less be more in the eyes of god because god sees what man overlooks god sees because his ways and thoughts are higher than their thoughts young worldly perspective not and oftentimes the big gifts in the temple were surely noticed by people silver young gift in the temple surely in the northeast of mata that's probably what the disciples were watching but jesus saw what no one else okay did he saw the humble gift of a poor widow italian gift that jesus thought worthy of commendation this was the gift that the disciples needed to be aware of and we should be aware of the other gifts in the treasury that they made a lot of noise but the we those mites the widows coins the widows copper coins were heard in heaven not by people because won't even make a sound but it was heard in heaven and jesus was making this contrast of all the people the nanty tong leon this woman gave more than anyone combined wow you have to see jesus i know don't you just wish that um intention on heart matter when we're giving we'll tell you i don't know nothing but don't you just wish we always in constant awareness that god watches god sees the intention of our hearts and our giving i don't know maybe it's just me but sometimes that was so sometimes i give not for them but for me so that my heart will not be hardened because sometimes negan desensitized natalya to the needs of the people around us we no longer give and we end up not giving anymore because well underlying feelings but here's the challenge this this is jesus's challenge and and maybe it's a challenge for all of us somebody thought they all contributed out of their abundance but she out of her poverty all right had put in everything she had all she had to live on god is not steered with the size of the gift god is never impressed with the largeness okay no acting amount it's a symptom hello god owns everything i mean literally god he owns everything so it's not as so the accountancy of heaven is different from the worldly way of computing giving is not by by by by portion but according to proportion because sometimes you may a young man they give out of their important leviticus and sometimes we say but the woman has put in everything she had giving is to be assessed proportionately because two cents because that's all she has two cents over two cents is one whole then you hundred thousand over ten billion mostly bank account models you know what i'm saying this woman gave everything she had now what this verse is saying is how are we when we're giving and we intentional heart nothing when we're giving because giving is worship are you giving your all we're not saying that's not the point here what the what the verse is saying and just to balance this okay and then we're just gonna wait for god to to to provide for us let's see okay it's not how much we give but how much love we put into the giving somebody once said now how do we balance this pastor no here's if my favorite verse in matthew 6 33 this is some sort of a principle nothing to live by when it comes to giving seek first his kingdom and his righteousness what this verse is saying is you're not god is not telling you rich young ruler no no no are we seeking the kingdom of god first every spending decision is a spiritual decision every time mcgostoska are we seeking his kingdom first in his righteousness even the manner how we earn our money is also are we seeking the kingdom and his righteousness first when we're giving are we giving because we're seeking his kingdom and his righteousness first in the lord excited to support a specific country uh missionary in old palace visa master card won't allow you are we seeking god's kingdom first and his righteousness she gave everything she had to live on i could just imagine this woman prediction to manchester 7 11 okay and then i'll die okay the means by which life is sustained all right you know what this woman is doing i'm trusting you god that is what she saying i'm trusting you god that you will never leave me nor forsake me i'm going to give everything to you i'm going to entrust my life to you even if it means hindi language next milk just imagine this woman i won't worship my god empty-handed i'm going to give something to him remember david when he was buying this lot of altar i won't worship god i won't uh give to god that will not cost me because giving will cost us if your giving is not costing you anything then that's not giving couldn't have um uh campaign and you all know this the current typhoon rolly campaign and did you know you might jump in attend uh prior to that okay you manga prior to the taipon raleigh our students you every nation campus now and they have this fun drive gadgets they're chipping in 10 pesos 20 pesos 100 pesos and then i wish you can see the joy every time they're going to turn over one gadget say something to john they remember the church nothing you enjoy and even among sometimes we take for granted for those of you watching yet let us know because there are a lot of students out there 19 and these students they're giving everything they're giving their all another student will have a tablet and if it's not costing you anything then it's not giving but i hope i have my fundraiser don't do that the contribution really came from all that remained of her life i don't wanna i wanna challenge you this woman was commended two thousand years ago up until now in a good happiness because she trusted god with her life and i'm problematic your self-preservation is very strong human nature nothing and what we want to do is one we want to secure our future insurance and insurance and insurance and insurance and you you everything is set and then you feel like i'm secured okay but i'm a big god wow this woman is different this woman is saying i'm entrusting my whole life to you because she had all the excuses but she's different that's why we're talking about her 2 000 years after we're still talking about her generosity what will catch jesus attention in your giving is you're giving radical giving is you're giving sacrificial giving have you ever experience it's a communion with god when god speaks to you sacrificially give the question is can we give can we do that or like it i may almighty may say precaution we have to secure our future our giving is not measured by the sun but it's measured by the sacrifice again god is not impressed by the amount he's more impressed of the proportion more than the portion our giving is not measured by the psalm it's it's really the sacrifice to it i'm not saying sacrifice it's a personal relationship with god that will really urge you lord i need to give this god be very careful when you're giving to god or samagawa in the lord seek first his kingdom and his righteousness check your heart pride but allah or sometimes do we feel like we're lesser of a christian i don't know but god doesn't look at how much you give he looks at how much it costs you knowing that giving is a it's a way of worshiping god in this after a mountain after illegal how much does it cost you when you decided to give you know our as we end our greatest example of giving is god himself because jesus when he was sharing this two and a half days after eterna young scene okay he was at the cross and the world will taste the full expression of god's generosity and jesus was saying commend this woman she gave her all now here's what he did three days after he gave everything for you and me well we he was struggling with that but then at the end of the day he said not my will but yours be done so i don't know about you but sometimes when i give naga that i am a recipient a beneficiary of god's generosity because the bible says he who did not spare his own son but gave him up for us all here's a question for you and me is your giving catching god's attention [Music] and maybe story of this poor widow reminds us every day that as we give not just to the church as we give whether to a relative i hope and pray that when you give you will pause lord this giving the going can you just check my heart lord am i giving this or whatever or are you giving sacrificially is how is it proportionately proportionately speaking okay as we end this series be reminded of what jesus did for you and me the bible says he died when we were still sinners because it's not going to happen he displayed his full expression of generosity by giving his life for you and me amen can we all stand let's just end in prayer for those of you watching i know i know this series add to heart is a wake-up call to some of us to some we've been practicing this all day long but i hope and pray that when we give let's examine our heart knowing that giving is worship knowing that our giving is a way of worshiping god our time our talent our treasure whatever you're giving whatever you have in abundance whatever is left sayon are still giving it to god i do hope and pray we will not get tired of being generous people along you are born again we should be the most generous people in the planet because we receive the ultimate gift of god's generosity because he would not spare his own son made us sons and daughters let's just pray that as we continue with our life the rest of our lives will be reminded lord i know i am blessed that's why i can give lord lord those times now we're like those rich people that you mentioned sometimes we want to flaunt sometimes we just want to give because it's just you know out of abundance a few days sustained it will be told because next few weeks next few days so lord machado mississippi when it comes to giving that's why lord we repent at times now and it's as if but lord you're not after our treasure you're after our hearts because where our treasure is god lord we pray that you will fix our hearts going to fine-tune our hearts lord god you're going to recalibrate to some people you're going to have a change of heart a heart transplant because lord made you know harder than your heart number when it comes to giving foreign because we're relying on our own self when it comes to provision hello we repent if we call ourselves christian you have a wonderful promise to us that never will you leave us nor forsake us so father right now we repent of the times that we're stingy of the times lord that we don't want to give of the times lord now we think you don't need anything so but lord today you're after our hearts lord that's why lord you want to fix everything lord especially in the area of giving because we cannot serve both god and money we want to serve you alone lord god and lord help us to be reminded always that you are a gracious genitous loving god who gave us your son jesus christ so that we may have everything thank you jesus for this series may we not just you know keep it to ourselves and be a bunch of information but maybe a revelation that will bring about the transformation that you want us to experience in jesus name we pray amen amen amen amen amen all right so for those of you watching thank you for joining us this afternoon and uh may you'll be blessed as you continually be a blessing to others as well so uh thank you and uh god bless you
Channel: Victory Fort
Views: 29,001
Rating: 4.8931551 out of 5
Id: wcSUdIsnlM8
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Length: 43min 50sec (2630 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 28 2020
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