The Blessing of Suffering | Future Hope Week 3 | Jeff Eliscupidez

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[Music] all right good afternoon everyone thank you coach mikko for exhorting us this afternoon okay guys all right illustrators video editors scriptwriters church youtube channel victory for kids church illustrators or video editors or scriptwriters church at dot ph i am po kids church nagitanjan at dot ph all right we're jumping now to our third week of our series future hope allah in fact death is just the start of something blissful it's the start of eternal life with our creator kappa we're having this series entitled the future hope first first chapter uh last week in second chapter obviously young and we're going to talk about your favorite topic affliction or tagalog suffering english okay you know young suffering hindu engagement drink waiting suffering [Music] a physical so we're going to look at the scripture in first thessalonians chapter 3 union major major major concern is a young church that they just planted but they have to move out casino they are being persecuted hunted down they're going to be killed going this is a two sabirito and we sent timothy our brother and god's co-workers in the gospel of christ okay to establish and exhort you in your faith so happiness that no one okay be moved by this affliction if there's something true about affliction point number one affliction can become a disruption okay i'm gonna affliction can be a disruption in our lives affliction or trials can wind down us aren't you wind on us we win okay it can rock us to the core it can be in the form of a doctor's report [Music] so all of a sudden you feel uh affliction and there's a disruption isn't it so it's a normal way of life more uh persecution because of your faith i was in a in our missions update and uh report none of this and from different nations of the world that despite the affliction kunsan the gospel is continually advancing and there's how many paul for you yourselves know that we are destined for this not only uh it can be a disruption but actually point number two we are distinct for affliction and here of the pastor and what is the distinct palette for affliction all right our lives here on earth is a constant battle with trials and hardship and affliction contrary samaritan western you know manga teachers pastors and preachers who preach about if you become a born again your life will be you know free from any hurt or pain your christian life will be full of you know blessing and reward yes at some point we healed up okay contrary to john 16 33 he's habit on jesus miss moa i've told you these things so that in me you'll have peace in this world you will have trouble see if you are living in this world i have bad news for you you can have trouble seriously we're going to have trouble and jesus said that i mean from his lips in this world you're going to have trouble so if you're looking for a trouble free life i don't think merunon so but then again if you're alive and breathing you are subjected and we're distinct affliction and it's how many paul let's continue for this reason when i could bear it no longer i sent to learn about your faith in a delaney paul you're for fear that somehow the tempter have tempted you and our labor would be in vain listen a very important point whenever we face affliction so point number one canadian ability okay can be disrupted and then um affliction can be a disruption number two we are prone and distinct affliction okay and then satan can use affliction as a form of temptation because you're in the midst of persecution and temptation and severe affliction you know satan can use affliction as a form of temptation all right painting bulugantani satan hindi remember when jesus was afflicted with severe hunger hunger in the wilderness in empty jesus turn the stone into bread satan can seduce [Music] affliction is one of the ways okay uh faith in in verse 20 and chapter 13 the seed falling on rocky road rocky ground rather rocky road is an ice cream rocky ground italian ice cream oh the seed falling on rocky ground refers to someone who hears the word at once receive it with joy preaching on podcasts and then verse 21 but since they have no root they last only a short time why when trouble or persecution comes because of the word they quickly fall away satan can leverage on the affliction we're going through to tempt us hindi mahal and josh beside you how can a good loving father allows bad things to happen to his children how among you here and sometimes you tend number one to doubt god's goodness and then eventually you're no longer doubting him you're questioning that lord okay look up here a loving father in heaven then you are an incompetent god now on the other side an all-powerful god affliction then you are an indifferent god [Music] christians who became atheists by simply wrestling with this question how can a good god allow bad things to happen well the question is in the first place was it the original intention of god let's talk about suffering first okay suffering well let me tell you something since adam and eve okay disobeyed god the presence of death becomes imminent in the world the reason why maritime suffering is because uh adam and eve you know nothing disobeyed god and warning is you're gonna die and death along with all the suffering the reality of death implies came into the world and death came into the picture because sin came into the world san angelo and when adam and eve chose to disobey god human suffering exists because sin exists death along with all the suffering and ultimately sin would result in physical death one point we are living in a fallen world in fact listen up in heaven because of heaven and besides first john 1 5 god is light okay and in him there's no darkness so god is good everything he does is good right god god can never be the author of evil we suffer either because of other persons sinful acts or our own sinful acts right and generally the up living in a fallen world we are prone and destined to affliction and suffering okay verse 6 that you always have pleasant memories of us and that you long to see us and just as we all so long to see you so i'm gangnam but wait there's more verses therefore brothers and sisters in all your distress and persecution they encourage coming because of your faith what paul was saying the report of the mating salmon i was afraid now young persecution and affliction that that brought the disruption will brought about the falling away but then some people malia we were encouraged about you in fact encouraged coming in courage yeah affliction may be a disruption satan can use his use it as a temptation now we really live in paul since you are standing firm in the lord grab it wow he typed wow standing firm you'll never know that you're standing firm until biohinkanang affliction and trials the parable of the two houses built on the rock and built on the sand prior to the storm identical sorry identical before the storm until the mating storm young nakatayusa sand was totally swept away until there was a storm you can never say you're standing firm you can always claim i'm good standing for him in the lord unless it's tested we can never really tell periton wow because point number three bad guys are one affliction can be a disruption number two we're distinct for affliction but point number three our affliction can be profitable yes it's disruptive yes we're distinct for affliction but guess what we can leverage affliction to our own advantage that we can have a lot of benefits and and advantages through affliction indiana if handled the right way it can be on our own advantage at the end with the right perspective the disruption can bring about the intention that god has for us grabeno maybe god is teaching you something and today we're going to talk about the benefits of affliction so let's talk about the benefits of affliction short term point i prepared 600 ways on how to benefit from a flick shot let's start with the 599 okay no five ways to put the five benefits of affliction number one our suffering or affliction validates our sonship in the form of discipline wow you see god is a good father and when one of his children goes astray he may allow affliction to bring us back to him tama hebrews 12 7 endure hardship as discipline god is treating you as his children for what children are not disciplined by their father i mean every time we go out is my own two daughters okay means we discipline them and by the grace of god all right because discipline expect hardship all right suffering validates our sonship in the form of discipline for example you know i'm passionate it's all about work work work instead of you know balancing family and and of course sunday and then out of the blue loses his job all right it may be that god is removing his idols in order to help him readjust his priorities now that merushan financial stress it may feel like suffering but it could be intended to produce godly characters shopping uh online shopping uh link nyan and and maybe god is teaching him or her to place uh importance on the value of money could it be that this suffering we're experiencing this pandemic is a way for us for god to expose our idolatry our you know how many idols in the american neon american idol move on tbc indian american idol you idolize you we put our sense of identity security significance no indeed see god right before pandemic we're so consumed with a lot of idols and maybe god is pulling everything out and maybe this copied is a sure disruption right but it's is it possible that god is using this pandemic to discipline you and me to bring us to where he desire us to be a destination prodigal son there's a parabolic jesus congenital you're stuck in the house spend time with your family and your children because live a life with contentment because god will never leave you nor forsake you enjoy the presence of your family enjoy god during this time then that's a baha'i or could it be nathan disruption in the karonka karam damans a liver brought about by too much stress and alcohol in the past it's a way for god to slow you down and be filled with the holy spirit instead my spirit and red horse at jack daniel i don't know because in hebrews 12 11 listen up no discipline seems pleasant at the time but painful later listen up he typed later later later on however it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it affliction can be a training during this time that you're going through affliction could it be that god is producing a harvest of righteousness in us the god disciplines his children point number two okay 598 nalang point number two suffering enables christians to identify with and encourage others who are suffering when you're being comforted by god how beautiful it is in second corinthians 1 3 blessed be the god and father of our lord jesus christ the father of mercies and god of all comfort tapas verse 4 who comforts us you know god of all comfort who comforts us in all our affliction at some not few in all our affliction and here's the purpose purpose statement so is that purpose but no so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by god god is expecting you to comfort those who are being you know uh uh being attacked by this affliction you know last night's acting show yeah man my show made another show every friday night 8pm for the daily brand show you acting worship leader i think we use our testimony many times here kind she's going through um radiation therapy or position of chemotherapy so i don't see mommy jenny okay last night youtube at facebook okay but of course she obeyed god gave one 500 subs after a few hours [Laughter] okay it's listening you know why she was able to uh empathize because [Music] the reason why she can celebrate birthday okay not the big picture celebration birthday is because i was able to get their facebook group miracle messenger group every day in existential and then one by one and gospel and one by one giving their lives to christ the following these people are getting saved one by one because suffering our affliction we are going to be comforted by god so that we can comfort others as well number three suffering also helps us draw closer to god okay mata laspo okay we often seems to grow most when we go through difficult times everything is going smooth i'm not saying impossible but when everything is going okay there's a tendency for us to forget god david because sometimes we tend to forget god when everything is okay you know what suffering strips us of artificial or temporal securities and something forces us to dig more deeply into the world to find peace and purpose psalm 34 18 the lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in the spirit when you're alone and fighting for your life when you're struck with kovid and i he reports pastor when you're in the i see you you are all alone every three to four hours nurse once a day mulan means a young nurse and nobody can talk to you young cell phone mobile battery when you're grasping for your last breath you are the loneliest person in the and often times when we hear those testimony pastors when i cannot breathe every breath down illah is in the attack on a breath prayer lord this may be my last breath i want to die worshiping you know said you can never learn that christ is all you need until christ is all you have holy tingo that christ is all you need until christ is all you have and sometimes god is pulling away all our idolatries nothing and you're going to say lord at the end of the day once i have you i have everything yes it's disruptive yes we're destined for affliction but guess what it leads us to god and fourthly suffering helps us grow our faith as well yeah and i think this is what happened during a thessalonian church cala nepal you might fall away but lo and behold their fate grew all the more because of persecution guys we're talking persecution indian persecution facebook post yeah i get that we're talking persecution because of your faith you're gonna be disowned you're going to be marginalized sector of society as in you're going to be stoned to death by simply being a christian and suffering helps us grow in our faith when joseph was in prison when david was in the cave elijah was with the ravens paul was in prison these people grew their faith while suffering in james 1 2 consider it pure joy it seems ironic and weird individual no no consider pure joy my brothers and sisters whenever you face trials of many kinds bucket because you know that the testing of your faith is productive why because it produces one perseverance it produces in us endurance and now when we when we're persevering verse four let perseverance finish its work so that purpose statement i'm [Music] you're still immature i'm believing my friend i am not forgive you're still prideful and the name of my end views i'm not saying perfection again the goal is not perfection but at least you're progressing you need a baby food now because the reason why is because my bag my suffering tomatali could go when they're suffering you can either fight or flight and oftentimes uh a flight down flight ionization is why are we not maturing could it be the first stools in abe consider pure joy when you're facing trials we're easily flying out but then paul is saying persevere so that you may be mature complete not lacking in anything stick around and endure that's why you are mature today you're not easily offended you are uh valuing the relationship more than the offense you are advancing god's kingdom and not your own you know agenda and lastly as we end suffering listen up that's why affliction is so important suffering reminds us that this world is not our home wow guys don't don't fall in love too much in this world [Music] so don't fall in love too much in this world this is not our final destination the bible says we're just merely passersby pilgrims suffering reminds us we are just here temporarily in fact in 2nd corinthians 4 17 for our light and momentary troubles are achieving in us for us rather an eternal glory that far outweighs everything what this verse is saying if you're going through suffering and affliction today it's productive it's achieving in us lord i may suffer here for a moment i may die of stage 4 cancer here on this earth but i'm looking forward to a day when i will get my glorified body i don't need a glorified body they don't know how excited they go i'm going to children a glorified body compared definitely better than he will wipe every tear from their eyes there will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain why for the old order of things has passed away what revelation is saying we're looking forward to something that's eternal we're looking forward to something that you glorified body that's no more subjected to sickness to pain to covet most especially to death is perishable this body is perishable our human bodies are as are described in uh first corinthians 15 we're perishable dishonorable we're weak because of sin we're fallen and in the glorified body it's a piece of bible you're gonna be imperishable they will no longer suffer from sickness and death nor will there ever be subject to heat and cold and hunger or thirst i'm looking forward to that now one day we're going to walk in the streets of gold the glorified body there's no more affliction praise god for that come on see no excited saying young glorified bodies come on now of course to delay you know to delay aging but we can never delay aging we can never delay you can never stop aging the moment you're born you're dying hello you're nearing your death but thanks be to god this is not our final destination we're looking forward to one day lord this affliction this suffering will stop the curse of death has been won over at the cross two thousand years ago death has no more sting on us that's why you're victorious amen i want i want you all to be in the attitude of prayer i'll be praying for some of you here today who's going through tough times we're going to pray for endurance we're going to pray that you will endure and persevere and you're going to you know face this battle head on with the full armor of of of and i do believe that god has brought you in this place today so that you will be refined like gold i don't know god is just pruning you and refining you and you're gonna come out better so we're gonna pray for perseverance number two we're gonna pray for change of perspective either you look at god as an incompetent god indi so you sometimes look at god as an incompetent because he is loving and yet he's not all powerful he's not in control or you're looking at him as an indifferent god all powerful god indifferent i pray for the right perspective and thirdly we're gonna pray for those of you who's going strong that you're gonna be a comforter to others who needs comforting amen let's pray father we thank you marami god because we know that all of us are distinct for affliction and suffering and trials because in this world we're gonna have trouble but thanks be to you oh jesus because the last part of that verse you said but take heart i have overcome the world and lord basta come in as a side more we're gonna be overcomer so we pray for endurance and perseverance so those people who are going through tough times lord whether it's a physical affliction maybe in the form of sickness or ailment whatever it is or in the form of financial or god or emotional to some it's psychological they're depressed they're even thinking of killing themselves lord in the name of jesus would you just minister to them right now that they will endure knowing that you have overcome and we're going to be on your side we're going to be overcomer also lord we're lifting up to these people lord who have a different perspective on pain and trials and affliction now sometimes no chinese tendency lord now mock doubt and even question your existence not just your goodness but your existence lord i pray that you're a loving god now you allow things to happen for a reason you're either disciplining us or you're wanting our faith to grow or you're wanting us to be a comforter to others right now lord in the name of jesus when it comes to uh facing challenges in life lord i pray that they will repent for those times and the fact that they're listening or watching this right now they're going to come back to you just like the prodigal son when when hardship comes and defaults i'm going to go back to my father i pray for the spirit of the prodigal son repentance will be upon these people as well and thirdly lord we pray those people who are going through tough times but they have the right perspective i pray that they're going to look for ways catholics jennie clement the lord on how to be a blessing to others i pray lord god that they're going to be a blessing and comforter to those who are hurting as well gametes powerful testimony that in the means of affliction they remain faithful to you lord god that it's not the absence of affliction it's your presence in the means of affliction lord god so i pray right now that these people will have a greater sense of purpose so that they will be a comforter to those who are hurting as well to the rest of us lord god who's watching right now we know lord god that it's inevitable we're either papa affliction or in the midst of affliction or kalabastan's affliction but either way lord god we're going to be faced with a lot of afflictions in life but thanks be to god our ultimate comforter who wants the best for us because in the midst of all of this your presence loy god is in us with us and we'll go lord god you will go with us all throughout this life we're looking forward lord god one day our lives shall be free from any suffering but until then we're gonna continue to worship you peace we pray in jesus name amen amen amen amen come on now praise god we want to hear your testimonies if you have a testimony to share okay um jeff at okay or victory for that church um or message talks on facebook pastor okay yum pal jeff at victory for that church if you have a testimony we really want to hear from you all right and if you're going through tough times type new land connect if you want to be connected to a small group or you want to be prayed for please type connect and we're going to connect with you and we're going to pray with you god bless you and see you next week this is pastor jeffo god bless
Channel: Victory Fort
Views: 31,477
Rating: 4.906404 out of 5
Id: QhaJj2EFlkk
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Length: 50min 16sec (3016 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 28 2021
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