Message (Taglish) - Jeff Eliscupidez

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[Music] and thank you also for joining us this afternoon it's good to be back it's been two weeks that I wasn't able to preach I'm gonna grab a bucket favor for those of you joined us up in prayer and fasting they gotta be more to my Appa like fasiq original game but of course it's not for Papa yet poor process so somebody might offer some warning an apostate okay three days Yan so we had a great time every lunchtime in 7:00 p.m. we have prayer meetings here we have great testimonies during services video testimonies great speakers that graced us in sharing the world so it's really a great time hopefully you can join us next year in January PO it's a longer fast it's a five-day but generally and three days pappad mid-year also last week I wasn't able to join us you know my wife Grace gave birth and Ebola we prepared to kill Allah gave birth to a new gallbladder okay so look Megara unknown and laparoscopy okay so I'm alone among and romana up and about the now do you know Nene he wanna leave a comment as a police so yeah thank you for praying and Dharma kappa melis even the prayers and thank you for pray for your pastor sent and my family okay grace regional bureaus at the way as in Young's where or in dextrose the boo-boo national anthem nurse si I said look book young and young man who got and then so far on du Pilat a blue arrow Bhagu Nikita you get Nia and I was trying to to cheer her up cuz in there be a Pegasus just the thought she's gonna go under the knife with the salon is a really a barrel of go figure my Lulu whooping alarm on young the following day Nina so Sierra 7y o Allah Muhammad Rasul Okinawan operation no operating room epilogue new Mahindra mood up at Mary take an elevator this is a word of wisdom okay these are words you don't want to hear during your own surgery Fagin don't wanna Placido Kanaka epidural whatever so personable and dr. Samuel good pigna backhoe bucket Nikola want oh okay so yeah I know Mom our image and even the other angle all diva so young human are worlds now my villa Ko quaint for the miners castle a palooka now or whatever you give up a civilian doctor 50 ml mean up survive nobody answer because I've done okay so so I'm here up yeah and of course and it'll worst scene up in an eternal impact on a passel have a dog Oh boost no anesthesia no boo Santa okay Saburo Neko human door knock erratic elevate you boo a snotty BA no booze and a 7-eleven or whatever okay and if you think that's worse it's a worse number unique more every hopefully I'm praying as your pastor I love you enough ito India Marine egg during your operation so no rahat the bus okay sir and delay you Holika okay so I have everyone answer okay but but seriously I am Emily Miguel okay and okay the lamina stop reaching well okay just of like share but seriously well when I was accompanying her I've done some certain knows I mean wheelchair so I'm totally from 11th floor from above in 3rd floor just a medical CP soaked in a window of a chef at Offutt awhile or federal aluminum a la Fitte initiative my power but then it dawned on me went when she entered that point of no return young sir Jesus with my own echo I'm hands off nah I can't even join her in the operating Puma so for Lumumba's and you feel so helpless I posted this in my facebook and sometimes we feel Nepal angry we are powerful we have all the money in the world but there will come a point in time you can do anything I mean you just leave it up to the doctors now hopefully you surgery and in Universal YouTube Nutella garlic are a diva I mean it's all about trust become a super mrs. oh ma sha allah in the lantern and marisa paste on above operate now laparoscopy oh hey mr. t forget about three days gen subtest a so-so i mean i mean there's something in as it's innate in us we want to be part of something that's that's really remarkable because i want to enter if I want a flashlight or a boot let me scalpel paid if I store norske diamond break as a quarter movie something like that and we want to be part we want to participate we want to collaborate we want to do to in to put some input in everything that we want to accomplish in fact if you're a millennial like me a short lamb okay so you know a millennial sleep up in after my 82 - mm - it's a Down Ellen the whole mob okay so so Malina FICO me but can a malicious and oh yes if you're a millennial you want to be part of something bigger in fact Sabina they long to be part of something bigger than themselves if you're a millennial finally you want to you want to add to you want to conquer the world you want to add something to what's being done and I guess Sal Abbas Freddie you're on but one gonna talk about today the grace of God this is a message of grace of the Christian faith people this is totally revolutionary this is actually counterintuitive in the world where we want to contribute where we want to add we we want to have something in different organizations where you have the Quan tribute or participate or pay something in the gospel your salvation is really God alone it's God's initiative alone you have nothing to do about it you cannot do anything about it it's God's initiative alone yeah we've been talking about for the past three the three weeks that you should be part of the church and rightly so if talk about your community and service in terms of growing your face in growing your spiritual walk you need to be part of the church but we're not talking about being part of the church here we're talking about how when you're joining the family of Christ when you are being a member so to speak with the body of Christ he will ask a little participation and we're gonna look at the story in Acts chapter 15 where we call the Jerusalem Council this is the first council person upon council neck sama-sama Amana church leaders from different part of the world during the time and this is the very first marami proconsul after this the manga born again here at this time this is the very first recorded Council and it's an interesting because boy pala Hanuman a disciple during this time I believe if this was around 48 to 50 ad the church was barely 17 to 20 years stay in church Wow and the church is spreading like wildfire amongst the Samaritans and Gentiles the same the pungency Apostle Paul so Kamala taboo Christianity but the question is why the need for the council subpoena power grab them on the heads of my apostles and to the likes of Peter and Sheila John and Impala heart Philip our position osela which is the seat of power during the time of Christianity and what causes for this council to convene what's the impetus in a family no because I may be Sabine on there what's the impetus okay that really brought this convening of this Jerusalem Council who combined happiness Acts chapter 15 hopefully the a biblical name Bible moment here now hey my pelican phone will have a brim Bible Narayana my lord okay so open your Bible to Acts chapter 15 and we're gonna see here bucket Keaney along on macaron Nong council okay so it says here but some man I like what I like some men ray some name even dome on a man who came from Judea but what the political ground where Paul was ministering and it is in Antioch and this man were teaching the born-again the brothers and they know Peroni lies this unless you're circumcised according to the custom of Moses you cannot be saved someone lets me ideal at io signa to monitor this are most likely but Giudice or SQL in Utah right if the amount of fun did you die so I'm okay so I don't know Jude Isis in towson illa but these are i don't know if they're believers fellows are later all will see that there are some livers not still hold on dearly to this Old Covenant or rather than the Mosaic Covenant see no salute finally mono Mosaic law and what this man are propagating is unless you're circumcised it's not just counting up the flesh of the male no no no it's more than that they're saying unless you become a Jew you cannot be saved Wow so what this Judaizers were saying modern-day entire familiar and it's very relevant nowadays up until now unless you're a good person in the comeuppance in in the Lord unless you're doing good works mallamma unique a save and these Judaizers were saying you have to be good first like us when a Jew we followed this Mosaic law but we were non-determinism fi Lola ha some day you cannot be saved our prerequisites ordered what they're saying have you ever been to a have you ever join a club whatever club abutment own Club Tennis Club golf club Malakal Depot that a nightclub animal club see ok mais uma Club Annie must love me okay so mommy prerequisite logjam a membership Tama and you get my painting my cell lymphoma so we stopped him fighting at all make me buy it boy you're gonna bite I mean they're all there make me i'ma joining fee and their annual fee in fact I was browsing for from this article the most exclusive VIP clubs wow she was a demon of membrane among VIP club seats appeal appeal a Shima Manila Polo Club debacle on yatama caballo a journey become a lil Houseman a big-time the club young fella come by the millions bow episode indica in deep work at my yarmulke muggy Team America so these are the world's most exclusive VIP well this there's this gym that's worth 26,000 para ha McGee membrane and Equinox Fitness Club not oh wow this is the go to achieved among celebrities grab you know there is golf clubs okay that requires you to pay 350 membership the Liberty National Golf Course valve that's around 18 million pesos grameena and not only the these kinds of organization we see even in the religious organization there are certain prerequisites physically speaking or or all my quotes that Alana Mumma sue not for you to become a member but you should dress like this the button haircut movie muhabba mara food restrictions may result comments and traditions that you need to follow you need to fast and do some pilgrimage and begin devotional so no you're gonna be kicked out so their membership there so whatever you want to call that it's based on certain rules in parameters so so this guy's saying unless you become a Jew you cannot be safe so in the Guru you malady see disciple nila Apostle Paul major w10 something and after Paul and Barnabas had no dissension and debate with them no small rather so big time that heaping pile of delicacies upon she's a vanilla no no it's only by grace you will be saved in a mini Jesus nah no Helen I'm agin Jew and oftentimes these people they know the I mean these people are they know the scripture they can twist in that coma keep acrobatic SMR cool tone I mean cool to reach a Filipina sand in a gamete biblia they twist the Word of God they just help pick one first I'm going to create a doctor in out of one verse chi 300 million three hundred plus room from a furnace that really contradicts that one verse seemingly so don't be careful when you talk to these people and a guy had a problem the birthday and all and these are the people finally paul and paul debated with the apparently my influential and your mother disciple the time and pollen part number some of the others were appointed to go to the to Jerusalem okay okay Anna intently on the wrong about a trip to Jerusalem okay so Oh Priscilla okay so so you know you're not so lucky ambassador hey Angelita they went to the Apostles in the elders about this question what question when ami I might end up in two questions Anton Anton Oh Mila they want to clarify the theology are we following the right theology are we following the right teachings okay the snik convene and first council ever recorded I'm gonna born again and it happened around 48 to 50 ad the church was I was kind of 17 to 20 years old so my gladness Allah Pharaoh do mantilla somewhere I thought they pass through Phoenicia and Samaria describing indeed that the conversion of the Gentiles and brought great joy to all the brothers Aucilla Paul knew and brother Bassam Papa mana they passed by these cities finish and Samaria and share what the Lord is doing even to the Gentile so for the pink pony less in Jerusalem eNOS would have been when they came to Jerusalem they were welcomed by the church okay we learned the church is not a building the church are people of God ecclesia so they were welcomed by the church the Apostles and the elders complained oh and they're so excited and they declared all that God has done with them so on AG report support she now been involved for the past X number of years I've been out reaching out to the genders because they were sent off by the Apostles themselves reach out of the Gentiles while Peter is reaching out to the Jews so Paul was he meant will have Nepal I mean we don't have the the the details here Ferrer you have to read the book of Galatians and or McKeithen laughing poor yogi no one the Apostle Paul and he with his team how the genders are being born again in this is a Nepali man of miracles after miracles and the mama hamana Jews can have a lineal healing sunny leone up to bury him to bear in mind we're not Jews that's why we can't relate okay the Jews looked down on Samaritans case in Samaritans this oil half Jew half whatever this holy land Torah they don't wanna they don't want to touch the Samaritans they don't want to do anything Samantha's fabulous America's iron in a moment they're the real surprise when Jesus was talking to a Samaritan woman Samaritans photo 1/2 Jupiter WA much more the Gentiles they hate the Gentiles in fact they have prayers like we're so blessed or not like those those Gentiles they don't wanna I only like this already combined with Gentiles in developing the accepts of Facebook requests as friends young Gentiles Indian a baby like you IG story in a manner Gentiles Ebanks I Italy last summer Halen and genders like it gets no any nothing my kids because my eyes I just know the big guilt of Anila so when when wall was sharing even the genders never born again telecom Toronto as you people in the rest of the disciples and then somebody stood up but some believers this intriguing because deliver story became a born-again Alinta who belong to the party of the Pharisees so we all know the Pharisees there are the self-righteous feeling Lila they know it all feeling me that they obey the 613 commandments so these Pharisees Rosa double of the principal Sunday right it is necessary to circumcise them and to order them to keep the law of motion so finally we might you digest indeed Allah galaxy laugh so this'll kill appalled yeah so if the mother Giudice restart all also present in Jerusalem well actually these are the two questions at handling demand Papa a balloon and app activity hand Ito sir Council of Jerusalem Natori first so first once in a day kaylynn a new McGinn Jew or Helena Sundin among apotheca run and Jew the Lausanne or for you to be saved so what they're saying is do Gentiles into you una a whiteboard Silla rod may project or manila JCP there see John Yamazaki note and then first question boom Lou Bava social screen so they were meeting okay I don't wanna comet Elenin Bob PowerPoint path Tommy two genders first have to become jews before Dave can become Christian yell morning Ananta nom nom alleged icers dooms a Benicia okay like against yeah sub verse 5 here's another question do Gentiles have to observe the Mosaic law after they become Christians well these are two different questions the first one is front-loading modern-day baba it communi yelling anymore Makka pakka maxime Baha vodka market market to en boracay company here applause Dan Tatanka pink ally Lord I get it a point front-load England good works the other one woman is backloading nyunga born-again canna some kaput and the good works by Aaron Luna man you've been a Jesus accrues mejia tequila wink a bit more you pornography was taken when a man mejia elements are just more so that's backloading but ultimately the store questions can be sum up in one equation faith plus good works equalization so these are what the Judaizers are proclaiming cool on you faith near well-acquainted faith nor Kailahun some cut the good works I'm doing you're either parama born-again car or varma validate the born-again cattle a guy you have to do good was I get another picture I mean this happened 2,000 years ago and still prevalence among of mindset map M tilde you know Christian can a paraphilia mind about fast maybe between the Lord in prayer cautionary tale get on see there it ain't a cop kappa mod i began about a yoga moment Azhar be a glue in an optimum carpet bhai ku because if that was a Catholic Church mmm Pasolini gonna be on a camisole ooga oh I mean it's very common somebody asked me you in Chapel not is a class bucket little Kneedler you in Japan the world's economy chaplet is a roof deck I'm gonna grab a Oh some are gonna donate that game a cab come on Dina donate masala in de Vaca macchiato Parma hit on your next time of donate K okay so but but seriously anybody here you feel cool and beginnig wama Mayo Camaro nominee and the onset Mariner man Hindi comical epic a lord kesava lacan good works you feel yourself filthy you feel yourself sinful Saarbrucken sama in the movie Lama team how can this God accept me everybody here my experience me on Babu Illuma pit K Lord but I'm feeling more K Laguna Makabe f K Lanka Munna oh my yours que lleva wouldn't you wanna talk a bit co k lappa Manama by tomorrow tengo que lleva and then I'll go to church front loading and for some of you know Cristiano I have to pay what Christ did for me this is the least I can do then another one is a God then the fossils and the elders were gathered together at the Napa to consider this matter ok Hindi peanut in the peanut in the peanut bowel and bahala me Peter at Namib is namaha apostles it on issue natal didn't a young just just let it die you know why because this is so foundational in your Christians Aguilar Christians in a Christians journey because belief drives behavior come and belief smoke a Lancome Booma F parroting up in the Lord Paganica Soloff a feeling more indeed an appetite anger pain like a gets no but feeling more Palin cuckoo Monica booty han piranha man she Lord maka Bahia Oh so feeling upon a couple Papa you another foundation but they you an orphanage yeah yeah bankers old bow in a tie or a hope in a who loves a cruise in a moment in a yahoo orphanage and lucky so lucky gets nuba that's why this is very critical during the time otherwise Melilla hot naman apirana Ngata good eatin acceptance or are you following are you seeing the gravity of this council now but hindi po not beside and dependable tsunami repeat that Edwin Durland Ophelia mana dude Isis bahala bio committee Buffy Nami I'm guna Christian an orange Lamborghini so leave Buckley's charity the municipal apenas commune alright so after Soweto and after that had been much debate in Valencia saddle debate in Valencia so so kind of debate no no no much debate - my OC Peter the hill nagabhushanam stood out I'm telling them via Deva well you're up to my unit I you now okay so Peter stood up I don't know see Peter and we see Peter laggy Tom and his fix one on his smile it's not the leader of the church during this time see James you have brotherly Jesus so see Peter better learn and see people he bethought alright so see Peter Tamayo cocina nope oh oh hey Helene you're okay he stood up and said to them brothers you know that in the early days God made a choice among you me that by my mouth Sepideh was saying Malinois around 10 years ago bad 3 paisa Gentiles now I landed in London of all the girls not and then the Maggie NEPA whole I'm in a trance 11 and a guinea PACU and God is telling me it and some because I won't eat mana dirty you're dirty unclean animals but there's a mini Jesus why will you call dirty what I make clean and we know the story Sinan Ducie the monotony Cornelius and we know Cornelius he is a Gentile he's a Greek army God he's a general he's a Centurion and we know that see Cornelius not born again number one to see Peter aya pendulum up its among sabaha and Mahajan Alba then God told him so mama a Samana Toni and it was my message of a paris a family yeah and we're talking of Indy numbers agenda these are the romance if he might like him must have some mounting in the lab but we know that since Cornelius is a good man is a god fear Hindi a Jew he's a romance there are indeed Lisa born again the time when up a Holy Spirit and when Peter spoke they all received the Holy Spirit so he says I repeat are you following Safina was saying guys Mahalo moving guy Uwe around 10 years ago Konami Tony Lord to reach out to the Gentiles so ok and the gen that should hear the word of the gospel and believe and somebody thought people continued God who knows the heart everybody say heart hey me be the only the whole word say enjoy so be me not get back on to log but imagine saying okay hard are you an Aggie signature okay so 70 Peter not Hollywood Nevaeh wanna 10 years ago long I was commanded by God to go to the Gentiles she Cornelius and they all received the Holy Spirit simply gonna be there because God who knows the heart showed that he accepts accept that he accepted rather them I like to highlight the word know the heart and God looks at the heart God is close to the brokenhearted the Bible says he gives grace to the humble a prodigal son posture first thing you need to understand about grace it's all about God's compassion your salvation is a result of God's compassion living God our salvation is solely a result of God's compassion we have no participation in it salvation is totally God's initiative look at the look upon some some 103 a powerful verse about God's compassion as a father has compassion on his children so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him talking about knowing the heart for he knows I love Dona alumna God alumna God not tires up there we were formed from dust Wow so girl is compassion on Oscar see alumna they were just made out of dust through so frail so we hope our field moments at I didn't know how my god if feeling my you would be God cooler by unguided octagon call God indeed my Misawa Amana seen Abby was a Bible me bargaining version iron so broken God anna muhammadan abduhu room is a bible indeed a modern day poeple in tanana mean wow but god is so compassionate alumna go on love is allocable that's how frail we are grace initiates grace makes the first move [Music] God's compassionate heart let us save him - are saving indeed i it was the same left ourselves because here's what the Bible says again look at this verse on me you were dead everybody say dead we we were dead come feeling more echo and responsible guy Yakama pupunta selamat my bucket a Kunta or see God he Nanako I sought him I seek him I found him no I don't know about you better when you say there have you seen a dead person I just had a funeral last night hundred the three years old but a pile of a big animal member of her church hundred three believe me well about a hidden de Bourgh anonyme mean a cop a felony my even deeper vain Jews when you see a dead person I remember the story of this mcafee by and weird one time the longer people para Honda dealership I dare you Asuna rocket rocket impose a non capybara but I in the new Connecticut in Busan in La Russa Al Andalus a garage that was important to me pure pootie and then the couch potato so you pull simple you know happy by Alabama Nubian Angela Gossow brung you to so killer Anya patinka when you pop I'm opposed up inally gonna be lower in the using up in Albania and then get in a union runs a porch you never gonna para a bug on your armor was you a more compelling office and all so that's the behind everything you are more you know that was killer wanna hit the know I'm on the sharp that's keenora that was comatose and ya know do we are you're Savin your pocketbook don't know know you don't like my own something happens I know it was a be him because it don't see Jimmy key okay no more tyleshia two days ago he nearly being producer backyard a min so bank Lehman ago hi that was Leon Cooley Nisha popping up Allah who they stomp Atari and you get at the point I'm fat I indigo mag allow we were dead in our transgressions and trespasses we used to walk in darkness we used to follow the course of this world have you ever seen a person overlap and you're not gonna be able a decision yeah but like a counseling guys where pastors we counsel every day easy-peasy beaut nothing Frankie you Perico and when I was an MD you fellas a universal phenomenon the monster on your ex kudamon champaign-urbana menu Finland columns of Facebook tapas granny to the skiing occasion coffee Muhammad Ahmad epic Ibiza opposite sex pastor mama open the copy come in Billy is it wise but something otherwise Nehalem you and look at that one well of wisdom but like a council come in Samara you a dead person is no wisdom Philippa house is in a financial difficulty remember the Bhumi labeled a panty right high tuition up Otis something gets and we are really loved me and I don't have a morning in Reno past oh hi sorry go to school I'm out of here lucky Pena but I yucca Solomon come back I said that's the highway to hell somebody to me pastor mundo you which you once walked following the course of this world this world has a horse as a path and it's leaving for cemetery and this world will get a few upsets whoever you want to have sex with hello you're low you only live once father Milano sexually compatible guy or a trimer Munna before kappa melee that's the way of the world by and by ket and give me instantly opportunity neon cutting Munna well of wisdom because dead people has no wisdom she's very Thomas Menino da Vila la mesilla come on Reba come on a decision male on Sophia's asawa these because you know alive somebody I got a mechanic aluminum boy belong who I am physically the capital is spiritually hello nugget gets banal in talk so since you're dead you will never call on God hindi you sobre la vamos a la puta now my god even that see God and the biggest you know initiative because he's a compassionate God aren't you glad you're here today because God promised you it's not your own initiative God so loved the world we were in darkness God brought you out into his marvelous life can take a pretty muggy bomb that's what grace is you don't deserve it and then people continuously feed them after the hell the whole bunch of Annina so now after you believe God so God who knows the heart show that he accepted them because he's compassionate by giving the Holy Spirit of them just as he did to us not all listen up the giving of the Holy Spirit is a validation because they call the Holy Spirit if it's a being literally check Nagant oh and you believe in your Holy Spirit yeah remember those people who tried to by the Holy Spirit submit see me you the lucky neon I'm a chameleon be willing me a Holy Spirit when God gave the Holy Spirit it's a validation that they're accepted a validation that died that God didn't require anything from the Gentiles number two you need to understand about grace it's about God's impartiality God's grace is not dependent on your race and the way you raised more it's not dependent a phrase it's not totally it's not dependent on your social status it's a defendant of your financial standing God is no respecter of man that's what the Bible says when it comes to his saving grace everything is on equal footing aren't you glad in demas pub or cigar Savannah must mayaman Vanara much mayaman Thomas Moran McGregor was a kingdom una autumn is a same aren't you glad to some of you the secod hindi bishop a capo on I start my food in a lucky well allahu indeed i am a survivor balut in aren't you glad that God's grace is not dependent on your social status or your whatever because a decision is based on his nature is a loving God something that he did not discriminate between us and them for he purified their hearts by faith look up here this very important verse look up here it is very important the word purified means the least Manila ha the only way for us to be on equal footing in the eyes of grab it's because of this verse he purifies everyone that he called the word purify just in case Indian you alarm it means the Greek word is Kesari so it means to make pure or clean removing all admixture expect in a pond on a intermingling of Filth you know where this verse is use Padilha gamma2 purifies it is often use of cleaning leprosy Alama leprosy leprosy was regarded as a defilement okay hence made a person really unacceptable but I going mean leprosy leprous person can make a Tom Kha Allah la busca say is some secluded place outside the city you're gonna die there you're gonna be doomed your death so lethal indica pending the law enema come up are not more coming Annika Beto enough more is a Solomonic a leprous iike hindi mala sinha mari kita for the rest of your life unless go malinka which is highly highly impossible during the time so when you say God purifies it talks about the cleaning of a leprosy it also meant tying up a glamorous style in the eyes of God's people speaking we are excused excommunicated from from from social life if your leprous person the time the removal of leprosy the cleaning of leprosy okay it's a way of saying you were healed okay you are now except then to the society so when you say he purified their hearts by faith when God calls us regardless of your past there's no traces of the past come on now aren't you glad you deep in a pelican Akagi impossible but I'm Gila an apple app a mobile app an app it's annoying I mean para mean son I just wanna warn you means entire unit dr. lanham birthday on we still feel condemned we still feel this feeling of guilt and shame that's what sin does it brings shame and guilt para the Bible says you are white as snow the old Jeff is gone the new Jeff has come you're a new creation so when you say the purifying I empower your you're as white as snow your your skin is like a baby no longer left rose because God shows no partiality it's a dependent whether you're good or bad it's not a Santa Claus who keeps record of who's naughty or nice and then it depends on this embryo no give ma he's not a Santa Claus hello he's not a genie not helpless la piscina Yuma grab the lava see God is not a genie hello and then people continued somebody Peter for in Christ Jesus you are all sons of God through what through faith not through good works not through your background not through your academic accomplishment and it says here look upon verse 28 there is neither Jew nor Greek neither slave nor free no male and female for you are all one in Christ Jesus huge distinction human have been a contrarian from June to Greek slave or free male and female female before we looked down by the mail it's a male dominant world during the time and when a female are just used for for reproduction purposes sake among a bob is a second-class citizen during that time in Jesus elevated them in Galatians 3 was singing we are all now one as as far as Christ looks at us if you're a born-again Christian one of Miami and mahira Guapo papaya well ah you're all one in Christ Wow that's what grace does guarantee kapadia McGee oh my god capable of behad is he Lord gang on candy depending upon the Lord don't promote more no more one sense of entitlement say grace bill or any other hottie on and then Peter ended this I mean yeah okay normal except look officials tune I'm gonna Nautilus all the fourth that no one papers I love this so many Poles officials to if you will be saved by works imagining in Atlanta and then Yaya van thio da cunha a salami my Eli if if you can go to heaven by good works then heaven will be a noisy place cuz I'm a car owner your balance along it or lucky the munchies more shame pray big time I was a lupa Joe loop stone okay left over the orphanage mana feeding program a tow man should ever and yeah yeah bang it one of my family plan on Bahama on Dallas quarter karana all I wanna go on good works good work plan come on you Nemco anima type okay it's a good work is some good work life Caya para Joe looks yucky get a new bar it's like adding for your salvation have you seen Mona Lisa I have this in our home Mona Lisa Lisa at the unisom Nagisa I mean imagine imagine cookie cow I mean your real Mona Lisa for example savvy more make oolong tea too syrupy named naturae they do pooja being gonna okay all Maliha Gandhara mr. bean nothing even you use foolishness para limpiar vendetta ghana it's like adding to a painting the so grandma Lorraine brown Picasso and all and Vanessa people women well I see some would do pinning not all people certain you understand I should ever see him now again early on game or solo okay Kanu manana okay so a bun tomorrow panel make gulab oh you under five years old and it being cold or doctor the mohr coulomb mean that's what you do when you add to the salvation that God has given you a la Culebra Jesus young crossbow parent Africa syndrome and that one died who Papa you loony dr. ganc oompah here up mama people attend shaho are you getting the foolishness of this when we think we can add to our salvation then you're like this guy would try to recreate Mona Lisa add to a finish work no Mona Lisa God's impartiality and let's end this okay Sybilla Peter so hey LM your human a Gentiles it's because of God's compassion grassy impartiality cannibal Peter now then are we on why do you try to test God by putting on the necks of Gentiles yolk egg in an egg white cooking or videoed allow if I own you yo Q NASA liquid noggin Ibaka and then it drives goes up upon dice a wooden heavy oak summon a liquid not all about it's a farming that neither tire in a man all our ancestors have been able to bear so what Peter was saying tyooon-uh the manga Jews south and mitigate from 600 third in total loss not all Allen about talking go kilometer 613 248 the Dow shall you wanna pass it him thou shalt thou shalt thou shalt thou shalt a little at $365 shalt not thou shall not once a day Theravada Burgundy come in so reliable go into 613 at all every moment of your life but Mina miss out can ISA Molly and Lucas moon Akamai the break we'll have you made humans Colavito Mahela mad bossa Ponderosa settled mood there are like four chapters parameters on how to practice Sabbath and this was a given by God himself you gotta chapter VIII and this an oral tradition didn't Deb the lantern among scholars nila i Patna chapter on how to practice ABBA Elana predict along the Lee mulligan allah-allah boxer but anymore kala my passion command will up at the chapters part of a practice means Sabbath at presumably Quran you will feel so untamed and Peter was saying it higher but in a morally no nuna then in the Elega ye leaders of our Gentiles like it's been a Pinto boot analysis people to my or - I saw good words our results there are not requirements episode on anemia Kiwanuka booty huh no no man really becoming and vaccarino mean no when you become born again you do good works not because it's required salvation okay it's not based on the good words even before after you're saved now young good works will follow out of a heart that's so grateful it's a result it's a fruit you don't wanna factor it you don't write to meditate my big my booty it's just a norm when you're saying good words it's just a fruit not a prescribed things you need to do to validate your salvation you'll go to heaven guys well I gotta go on good works after you're saved just like that man on the cross and then people ended Isis we end no we believe it is through the grace of our Lord Jesus that we are saved just us they are so it's not just God's compassion it's also God's impartiality and it's also by God's grace you know what grace means I love this word because I love my wife grace is it we often hear this word grace undeserved favor it's something you don't deserve because what we deserve is hell the wages of our sin is death or health eternal hell and it's only by this word by this grace by grace you have been saved and it's through faith in Him it's not by good works this is not your own doing it is a gift everybody say gift it's a gift of God have you received a gift before of course but not receive cannon gift na kaho same animal pressure dama I'm gonna live in the wall if you redo that has a faint AMA at mr. Gatto faint animal feed upon by an insane you're seeking early and I'm gonna wanna gift Capobianco say your offense an advocate nama because gif is not dependent on those things gahi in a big I appreciate and values you so much in fact the the value of the gift is dependent it's a value no Papa no Papa no Shang Lin mama howl say oh how a person the giver relates to the recipient is dependent to value none if I like my bottom wife corporal human aguar gentleman and give them good morning 'no but Bosco you good morning the onion lapel sucking Lajos you've got my ax mr. Greenhills original okay so but seriously sergeant major Mahalo no I see indeed of a minimal atomic well yeah you relationship you're on the container village diamond so Iranian good morning okay now wallah Paramahansa go home the ocean guard I hope good morning Bobby le fedora okay allah azza make it gets yeah i imagine i mean keep saying any god is one and only son how valuable you are Wow when I was crafting this sermon and there's so much to say really wrap with my 40-minute window and all so what I was doing this I am this is my notes for Gamma Quadrant preaching Gulati bar and with other pastors and oil I highlighted three things those words except that this is these are the freshest in our alumni them in from eight to eleven there are the words accepted purified saved not even your poor my leotard easily because it's done that's the point you cannot add to it you cannot keep on doing so that you'll be you'll keep being accepted you cannot do good work so that you will maintain being pure there's no assurance for that one of a super Blake I mean I hope you to Lloyd know what I mean that was a born in Deen I was saved are you getting the point tittle do Connelly Lord salvation is by God's grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone this is very important for you to understand because belief drives behavior if you think you're saved by your own merit then good luck come feeling more topic and is saved because you're a good person good luck say oh that's what is important and after that James made a speech we just read it in your homes see James was the leader of the church at that time the half-brother of Jesus and that's why LM not him see jesus talaga is the messiah imagine his james is his brother accompanying makuhita see Jesus tapas uh Sabine Allah I am Messiah beside to love no we Rica was epic oh come on oh good no get you nothing I'm here to pages and yet James is the head of the church and then James just added this made the read a verse from the Old Testament encapsulated everything in so many James it is my judgment therefore Omega your Paul Barnabas Bible in Ohio Samana Gentile world come on in a letter with Ceylon oil it is my judgment we should not make it difficult work nothing fell upon for the Gentiles who are turning to God how about us are we making it difficult seminary reach out not an August Mumma reach out not a fidelito ha reputable a Munich a bit more top again remember dead has no wisdom so we need to speak more human are lost people to have wisdom on their finances and marriages and whatever I think valium for anything the more they dead in their sin they cannot think right Sybilla go let's not make it difficult for them in fact some of it just says show your life how you live your life make it so attraction al that people will say Allah my religion focuses on your pillow the way most canina see no but you made me a believer was on you didn't rip open a milk pee and blah blah blah guru nanaka to let go say yo man give me from battalion I'll make steaks for cancer my piece car follow my own oil and don't make it difficult for them you know this VIP club it's very difficult promise of John in fact the most expensive is this one the Richmond International Millionaire's Club and cause of admission on a man is fifteen point two million dollars it's 75 million pesos sssss with only hundred charter corporate Platinum membership up for grabs is under my umbrella very exclusive but not inclusive I imagine if people take you 750 million purses to join this club you know the most important the most expensive glove ever the church it's so expensive that for a church to be established a precious blood of Christ was shed on the cross and it's very exclusive you can only become a member of this church through Jesus Christ I am the way is V through V life no one goes to the Father not the modern after the brothers not to other Saints not through good works not through whatever no one goes to heaven to the Father except through me that's what Jesus said very exclusive and yet very inclusive for God so loved the world everyone can come to him yet very inclusive and like those rich months millionaires club only limited 200 members Church it's inclusive all sinners are well down come on let's give him pray but here's the thing salvation is free but it costs so much of the giver his one and only Son yeah it's free grace is free it's true his compassionate heart it's through his impartiality it's only through his love and grace and mercy that's why you're here it's free what was a young in EM agree someone who has remember about a Lolita for me agree someone because I don't think you have a right idea of grace grace means it's done religion says keep doing keep doing keep doing Jesus says it is finished Gus grace transforms us from doing to being me to say the grace of God has transformed us from this mindset of work work work work so that I live more more more grace than its being what's within maybe being a child of God in John 1:12 is giving you the right to become children of God now you are a child of God acts as one welcome to another day the para el alma mater about to gain your salvation because you can Anakin and Jose who mocked or analogous that's all standard fee today as we end here [Music] it's hard because title mr. Navin laghima participate with an adamantium participation collaboration to the rest of the organizations in the world it's always man reaching out to God rich rich rich they're always it's always of a man trying to perform before their God it's only in Christianity that God reached out to man in fact he became one of us in John one that's right today Caparo feeling more I'm not worthy this message is for you all of us are unworthy before God and for some of you in the media my analyst cap I don't feel him oh I am worthy because I'm good I'm a pastor's kid I do that I do that well that's not true all of us are in equal footing before God the grace of God is the greatest equalizer let's putt on our hands if that's you today you want to repent because Molly Dena women Grace Lee God Molly you grease the appendix of along the Harlem Oh Molly you grace the grandparents in I am Oh Molly you grace think I'm a leper and no more money you grace think that you keep on doing sin Taliban my Bhumika Jana you have a faulty understanding of what grace means it gives us the ability to say no to since I began in the past we chat from titles so if that's you today you want to have a fresh anointing of His grace can you lift your hands and just repent before God we've abused the grace of God Lord you see these hands humbly before you log on humbly asking you Lord God for forgiveness because sometimes we are already Christian in we just pairen be nepali while an armenian grace that for you to be a made available you have to give up your one and only son and died for us so the grace will be made available to all of us today lord we repent we repent for we abused your grace we repent because we have followed the understanding of your grace father help us lord god to be reminded that your grace is enough we don't have to perform because it's a result good world is just a result of that understanding of what grace is it's not a license to sin it's this ability to say no to see naturally so lord we repent give us the grace in Jesus name we pray amen amen amen amen come on let's give him pray you
Channel: Victory Fort
Views: 19,463
Rating: 4.8714857 out of 5
Keywords: victory, victory fort, honor god, make disciples
Id: pJBqm8Q4GVQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 56sec (3596 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 07 2019
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