Clear Vision for 2021 | Series Break | Jeff Eliscupidez

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hello there good afternoon church communist celebration at christmas i love you paul last week i was not able to preach and thank you for pastor john for covering for me but seriously speaking uh it's been a great year 2020 and i'm sure you're going to react to that do you agree with meena it's the best year ever i know the challenge yes okay don't get me wrong i know the challenges some of you know i know but can i just give you our year-end report because this year-end report contradicts magazine the hover that says cancel 2020. okay in fact in the council 2020 uh the report says it's the worst year ever nalini wala you so i'm gonna uh play this short video and hopefully you'll be encouraged the way i was encouraged after watching this short year and report video let's all watch this [Music] when the pandemic struck the philippines in march thousands of students were stranded without much necessary supplies seeing this challenge our campus missionaries and leaders looked for ways to meet their needs we gathered resources and partnered with the schools little did we know our small acts of service would open opportunities we never had before at the university of the philippines in los banos our campus ministry volunteered to deliver food to stranded students since many were unwilling to leave because of fear of being infected through the partnership with the university we served and encouraged over 1 000 freshman students in dorms and more than 700 upper class students outside the campus because of this we were also given the privilege of being the only external organization to assist in holding welcoming events for the freshmen this school year these efforts led to more students joining our church and small groups online we were also able to distribute around 800 laptops and give health insurance to deserving senior high school students and college scholars through the real life foundation discipleship also continues to grow across our campus ministries because of limitations and physical gatherings we took our youth services and discipleship meetings and outreach events online when students don't have access to the internet our campus missionaries reach out to them through other ways like sms and phone calls campuses are still being reached in fact a principal in a school in santa claus laguna now holds victory groups with all 60 of her teachers together we continue to reach the next generation we also did not stop declaring and demonstrating the gospel to cities when our newly planted church in lemury batangas was devastated by the ta'al volcano's eruption pastor ferdi fabul and our leaders didn't allow their circumstances to hinder them from serving and bringing hope to others they rescued people visited households gave relief packs donated by our churches and ministered to families now our church in memory continues to multiply in numbers despite the pandemic because of the strong sense of community generosity and service in the church also continue to touch people's lives we initiated relief efforts across the philippines called hashtag good news 2020 to bless medical workers policemen jeepney drivers impoverished communities and other people in need the every nation building became a temporary housing facility for frontliners from march to may and our churches in lipa and passing also opened their buildings for the same use when typhoon struck our nation we helped and partner with the most affected areas through typhoon ph relief we are grateful to church members who also led in initiated efforts in victory nova victory group leaders volunteered to drive for more than 10 hours to send over 700 relief packs to our church in cagayan our churches in bulacan also prepared relief packs and pastors and members drove in trucks and motorcycles to naga and cagayan leaders in victory metro east donated sacks of rice and goods to dswd as well and they took the opportunity to pray for the dswd office and the mayor of marikina in the face of a crisis we continue to pray for our government leaders and find ways to serve our nation church planting also doesn't stop when the pandemic came worship services and discipleship never ended all our churches and pastors were ready to shift activities online even with many restrictions we engage establish equip and empower people many are getting saved and baptized even now in some provinces and congregations in metro manila the number of people in victory groups and discipleship classes doubled this is unprecedented growth despite communication and transportation barriers the mission continues by god's grace we were able to start four new churches in asia three of which were planted by local leaders many doors for the gospel also opened so we now have 14 ongoing church plants across the philippines we did not stop meeting together too before the year ended we started to resume on-site services while following health and safety protocols we are now preparing to open our facilities and worship in all our locations soon these are all displays of god's amazing grace in our church no crisis could ever stop his purposes and promises because of god's amazing grace we got to be the salt in life even in these dark times thank you for your faith and generosity in spite of your own personal challenges as we look forward to 2021 we can be assured that the church can be an unstoppable source of hope to this world because we have an awesome god together in every situation let's continue to honor god and make disciples [Music] i mean those open doors among the campuses church plants would you imagine i mean can you just imagine like the church plantation even in the midst of pandemic i do believe that god is really moving in our midst can happen to jesus i will build my church it's never dependent on us it's never dependent on our tithing see jesus one of the building church now that's why based on that report a lot of people i'm gonna save a lot of people encourage a lot of people nothing curious about this uh born-again thing and that's just just to show that this year is really god's favor paul is upon us as a movement and of course as individuals yeah the question is are you going to subscribe to the world's perspective now we should cancel 2020 or do you have the faith to believe that god's greater favor or god's favor will be upon you this coming 2021 and it takes faith in that it takes really old audacious kind of faith boldness to believe even in the midst of seemingly impossible maybe some of you are sick but then again faith means to see what's not to see beyond the current realities it's being sure of what you hope for and certain of what we do let's see my prayer as your pastor this coming 2021 is that we're gonna have we're gonna believe god for the impossible things we're not gonna rely on our current realities it's not gonna dictate our future and we're gonna trust god in everything kappa uh in the bible says in hebrew hebrews 11 6 without faith it is impossible to please god without faith so i hope and pray that this coming 2021 paul we're not going to try some alignment starts with the trust on those fong soy master we're going to trust in god okay and hopefully we'll have the faith to see beyond our current situation and today we're going to look at the story about this king and he's a great king okay he succeeded his father asa in the fourth year of kings uh king ahab srain he was only 35 years old when it started raining and he reigned for 25 years magdalene diplomatic skills in fact uh one of his greatest achievement is he brought the people of israel back to the lord says ii chronicles 19 4. so he's not just a great king he is a godly king and seems like everything was going okay until it upon next verse verse 1 and chapter 20. after this there came the enemies the moabites the ammonites the meteonites and they came against jehoshaphat for battle so i don't know about you it may not be like this kind of battle nothing i own but we've been we've been battling for 2020 and to some of you 2021 is another battle and i believe this is a message for you if you feel like everything is going okay and then come january 2020 if you're listening this afternoon and you feel like the battle is constant and you feel like you're not winning even one battle this message is for you because the king jehoshaphat experiences this as well and then in verse 2 some men came and told king joseph a great multitude is coming against you wow against yua from edom from beyond the sea and behold they are in hazazon tamar that is engetti was a west shore of the dead sea and it would soon head for jerusalem wow a great multitude and i'm not seeing any sign of hope for 2021. and don't you know don't be afraid are you isolated because jehoshaphat felt the same way verse 37 then jehoshaphat was afraid but often times and i experience this when you know the rubber meets the road fear will set in okay and then somebody does a verse 12 we do not know what to do have you ever experienced that you're so fearful there was you know there was an instance i don't know maybe i no longer know what to do so the womb do we fix our eyes to when we are in trouble how do we handle that 86 percent of filipinos according to the cnn report you know uh are experiencing stress because of this pandemic wow that's a lot 86 percent poor all right are experiencing stress and prolonged stress will eventually bring you know depression and anxiety and maybe you know people like that or you may be that person apparently there's so much fear and anxiety and but i'm feeling more i no longer know what to do so today three things long paul when you feel like you no longer know what to do when you feel like you're afraid when you feel like a great multitude is against you just like king jehoshaphat i know you got going up there point number one somebody thought then jehoshaphat he was afraid and he set his face to seek the lord wow i mean you're a king and he's not just a king he's a powerful king by the way and yet what he did first point number one seek the lord when you're afraid how i wish this is our default right now connection and sometimes we we seek a lot of means okay on how to find solutions nothing but king jehoshaphat is different that's why thousands of years ago and still go seek the lord okay and when joseph was afraid he set his face to seek the lord and he proclaimed a fast all throughout judah wow no no no he involved the whole nation of judah and i believe that's one way of showing god how serious we are that we're seeking him we're denying ourselves of physical food and bread and wanting him more than anything and you know every january we have our prayer and fasting and we're going to entitle this prayer and fasting awesome god all right he typed he typed you just a comment section awesome god you me you made that thing awesome god you know january 11 to 15 pouya that's our time of really seeking god and i hope you're going to join us uh january 11 to 15 in seeking god and then it says that in verse 4 and judah assembled okay to seek help from the lord from all the cities of judah they came to seek the lord okay there was no mention of uh king joseph mastered his forces what well i'm going on and later on you're going to see how many fighting man meru seeking that's not his default his default is that i'm going to seek god and verse 5 and joseph had stood in the assembly of god in jerusalem in the house of the lord before the new horde okay so joseph but by leading the assembly of seeking god and he prayed and here's what he said oh lord god our fathers god of our fathers are you not god in heaven okay so joseph at first extolled god for his sovereign power or whatever you're a god who resides in heaven you rule over all the kingdoms of the nations in your hand are power and might so that none is able to withstand against you wow do do we see god that way he was saying in your hand their power and might and none will be able to to withstand you and this i mean did you not our god drive out the inhabitants of this land before your people he was recounting uh the goodness of god before and and you're going to give it forever to the descendants of abraham your friend and now a great multitude wants to conquer us he was recounting his plan god's plan for them and said lavinia this is our inheritance from you [Applause] will you not execute judgment on them wow you know what you know what fasting does to us it helps us to focus on god alone his power aloneness might alone his uh uh plan alone his agenda alone and then we will know our rightful place before that plan no no no we're not pushing our planning agenda no no no god you have a plan come along i benefit beneficiarily more and sometimes i don't know maybe you're like me at times no no joseph is different he was saying this is your plan for abraham and we're descendants of abraham and how you parted the red sea they're gonna they're gonna conquer us are you not gonna execute judgment of them and then here's what they said i love this part for we are powerless against this great horde that is coming against us we do not know what to do that's what fasting does to us it gives us a sense of humility a posture of humility makes you utterly dependent on god alone i love the last part of this verse 12 look up here look up here tinkering we do not know what to do in sapinya but our eyes are on you i mean we don't know what to do we're afraid because we're powerless against this great horde that is coming against us and yet sabina but our eyes are fixed on you wow we can actually end here because that alone is a powerful statement this 2021. i'm not fixing ice mode is 2021 is it fixed on the problem is it fixed on you being jobless it is is it fixed on your uh uh because of your sickness can you know or under fix an eye small if you feel like listen up you don't know what to do you no longer know what to do you've tried everything i do hope and pray that just like jehoshaphat default not that our eyes are on you we're powerless wow you know what let's go back to second chronicle 17 jehoshaphat the bible says became more and more powerful he built forts shepard built nothing forth for bonifacio he built forts and store cities in judah marami push on large supplies in the town of judah he also kept experience fighting men in jerusalem now i'll just give you a snapshot gano karami 1.6 million fighting men wow i mean from judah from adna johanna the commander all of this he had 1.6 million fighting men and yet sabina were powerless this king knew better he didn't trust in his men and chariots and fighting men because he knew maybe proverbs 21 31 somebody thought the horse is made ready for battle but the victory belongs to the lord because this was written by king solomon yeah you have horses and during the time if you have horses it's like having a tanks okay yeah you have chariots 16 during that time yeah you make that ready for battle prepare mulan but ultimately victory belongs to the lord he decides who will win or who will lose and he knew better his default seek the lord seek the lord when you're afraid seek him when you don't know what to do fix your eyes on him when you're afraid and look what happened and the spirit of the lord came upon jahaziel the son of zechariah son of jael son of matanaya a levite of the sons of asap in the midst of the assembly so when picture this with me look up here look up here when king jehoshaphat proclaimed a national fast okay he stood in the assembly of of of these people in judah and then out of nowhere there was this man who he was used by god to be a messenger in the midst of the assembly and inhabitants of israel of jerusalem and also you king jehoshaphat imagine but it's not talking about his word he's speaking the very word of god thus says the lord to you i could just imagine listen that says the lord to you now i'm sure king jehoshaphat was excited because the reason why he was seeking god is to hear him to receive word he's not just seeking god because he's seeking god for wisdom for guidance the multitudes are already on their way to and it's just a matter of time there was a time element involved here because as the messenger said king jehoshaphat and then just at the right time after seeking god here's the word jehoshaphat do not be afraid verse 15 do not be afraid and do not be dismayed at this great horde wow maybe some of you need to hear this listen up maybe god is saying do not be afraid because of this pandemic do not be dismayed because you're jobless do not be dismayed because of your cancer do not be afraid because of that financial difficulty do not be dismayed because of this relational dysfunction in your family do not be afraid because of this great horde why and here's the reason why for the battle it's not yours for the battle it's not yours but gods wow so if you're the king you sought god and here's the message do not be afraid or be dismayed because kovar kita keriketa and then he's the next verse i love this tomorrow go down against them behold they will come up by a sign of disease you will find them at the end of the valley east of the wilderness of geruwell god was laying the battle plan okay god was you know boxing blow by blow your king jehoshaphat this is not gonna be your battle okay this is my battle [Music] you just have to stand firm hold your position and you're just gonna do something you're just gonna watch yeah you're just gonna watch you're gonna see the salvation of the lord on your behalf o judah and jerusalem make things happen econo you're trying to manufacture strength a chemotherapy after chemotherapy it counter dialysis canon dialysis and you see him but i can't stand it anymore nobody you know even encourages you you cannot feel him or you're single and you're lonely and you feel like you're so depressed and anxious you know what the battle for depression yeah it's real the battle for financial difficulty is real but god is telling jehoshaphat this is not going to be your battle this is my battle here's what you're going to do that's stand here hold your position the lemma young sword and hold your binoculars and watch me do my part that's my battle not yours you're just going to see the salvation of the lord so you know so do not be afraid and do not be dismayed jehoshaphat tomorrow go out against them and the lord will be with you wow what a promise a promise involves his presence and ultimately what what gave jehoshaphat assurance the lord will be with him are you standing on god's promises this afternoon are are you really believing god for 2021 will be a different gear yeah 2020 you know start of the year 2020 2020 vision indeed we had a clearer vision for 2020 because it brought clarity to our priority 23 vision and what's really important it brought so much clarity on our priority this 2020 and maybe this setback is just a set up for god's breakthrough for 2021 come on now this setback is just a set up that's gonna happen for your breakthrough this 2021 only if you believe it on verse 20 because the lord spoken and what really you do you have 1.6 million men fighting men you have children and women at any time putting it on hordes and just and the message is just stay put watch go out there in the bottom but you're just gonna watch hold your position don't don't draw your sword hold your position and then watch me wow first 20 i love this before we end and they arose early in the morning they rose early in the morning and went out of the wilderness of te kawa sanyo te kawa indigo inalam okay it doesn't matter but what matter is they rose again early in the morning they rose early and they believe god point number two believe the lord when he speaks you're not seeking him but when he gives you something to do are you going to step out in faith because faith without action is dead are you going to believe the lord when he speaks are we acting okay based on what we're believing and the joshua students said hear me judah inhabitants of jerusalem believe in the lord your god and you will be established i love it but here's what he said after uh receiving the word from god here's what he said all right hear me o judah inhabitants of jerusalem believe in the lord your god and here's what's going to happen you'll be established there has been a lot of shaking this 2020 and the fact that you're alive today and you still have faith in god you are star i mean you are standing on his promises so you have some sort of belief in the lord your god so you want to be established do you want your plans to be established the premise is believe in the lord your god and when they are taking counsel with the people he appointed those who were seeing to the lord and praising his holy empire i love this jehoshaphat he appointed men to sing and praise and worship god in fact they went before the army wow jehoshaphat didn't put his trust on his armies those 1.6 million fighting men worshiped him and they were singing and shouting and declaring and proclaiming verse 21 give thanks to the lord for his steadfast love endures forever forever and they were just tweeting and and and making aj's story give thanks to the lord for his love endures forever give thanks to the lord for steadfast love endures forever how about that for 2020 are you giving thanks to the lord because his steadfast love endured endures you you are now enduring because of his in steadfast love and when they began to sing and praise the lord set an ambush wow and i came up with a little i hope you're enjoying the plot here it's how many joshua since we're gonna stand here and hold our position and just watch okay it declares that this love endures forever we're going to give thanks and then they began to sing and praise the lord started moving wow i told you without faith it's impossible to please god now that they have faith the lord started this ambush against the men of ammon and moab at mount seir who had come against judah so that they were routed right for the men of ammon and moab rose against the inhabitant of mount sir devoting them to destruction and gulum first and when they had made an end on the inhabitants of sir they helped okay they all had to destroy one another who controlled everything don't worry joshua do not be afraid listen it's not going to be your battle you're just going to watch our ufc fight between those dudes and when judah came to the watchtower of the wilderness they looked towards the horde and behold there were dead bodies lying on the ground none had escaped o m g okay you should have been asked to watch tower uh coming please uh king unless the bible is lying but i believe it's true none had escaped wow without lifting a finger on jehoshaphat's side that is having a god you don't need to fight because when when they when they sought god the battle has already been won because our god is a god of impossibilities what if god will tell you in 2021 20 21 in fact because god is not boxed by time in space he he has no beginning and no ending he is the alpha and the omega what is god telling you right now you just have to watch me do my part what i do best i'll do the fighting for you what you need to do so in the midst of your chemotherapy just sing praises to god in the midst of your lonely nights when you feel like you're alone in that country full of depression and inside the latin park adam you just have to sing knowing that god has already declared the victory when you feel like and you feel like ending your life you just have to sing to god and sing of his goodness thanks be to god your love endures forever seek the lord when you're afraid believe the lord when he speaks and thirdly rejoice in the lord when he delivers just just just rejoice rejoice then they return every man of judah in jerusalem good morning to god returning to jerusalem with what we joy for the lord had made them rejoice over their enemies they came to jerusalem with harps and liars and trumpets to the house of the lord i can just imagine what if in the midst of our fasting this january you're going to receive a word from god what is the battle you're fighting right now and god is saying anna that's mine just sit back and relax and watch me do my part that's my battle that's not yours this woman is a good friend uh even before i was a pastor my my wife grace did one-to-one with her and their family began family she's fighting her own battle with cancer cervical cancer cancer 2 b and you know her see jenny clemente diane said and she's our worship leader afternoon sunday service now then and last week uh we visited her because so we visited her because it's been a while and community grace habitaman let's just pay a visit to our friend and then when i thought i will encourage her as always every time we want to visit someone and we won't get no cases we will always end up being more blessed and then and um testimonies and i don't have the time to explain all the provision protection and also the annual because i think it's been more than two years she's been fighting this uh cancer and um but something happened in november when she was rushed to a hospital i think in in quezon city and london pushes er and she was on a wheelchair now bear in mind season of course pandemic so she was in the a wheelchair for two days because she needs blood transfusion and and somehow i told you when when calamity hits when problem hits sometimes we tend to be afraid so she was like and she feels like i saw a questioning [Applause] of but lo and behold after being there for almost two weeks all right here's what happened on her birthday november 6th i believe to me forever grateful wow i'll tell you the back story behind the post of course she was in deep pain and every time she salinas whatever for whatever reason and communion communist exactly and every time paul made blood transfusion she was really shouting at the top of her lungs as a sovereign pain in her nasa and everyone is healing her but one bed at the time she started sharing her testimony one person at that time and they started lifting up the the the continents of these people until tennessee and gospel and one by one people are giving their lives to christ and then treatment and people were just oh i wanna see and she celebrated her birthday with cakes and pancetta and shared to everyone now they have a facebook group and a close group and now they're giving their lives to christ and she's thinking of having such ministry to reach out to those people who are suffering the same fate like hers you know what listen up look up here as we face 20 21 and sometimes we feel like lord tangalimoto problema lord maybe god wants to do that but sometimes god is more interested in changing us rather than our circumstances changing our hearts the way he changed the heart of jenny harvest at the time people are giving their lives to christ i don't know do you have the faith to believe god for greater things this 2021 would you dare to believe god for greater things this 20 21 because i do hope and pray that this 2021 will be a year of the lord's favor if you want to use that but i know god has used 2020 to lessen the load those unnecessary baggages so that you can run you can run towards the goal that god has set for you you must be saying unnecessary stuff and then now you're ready to run for 2021. ready to run for 2021 because god has given you an opportunity to focus on him this 2020 so lord use me for your glory so as we fast this 20 21 this january 11 to 15 i do hope and pray we're going to seek him but not only seek him believe in him when he speak and take that step of faith and we're going to rejoice at the end amen let me just end in prayer and hopefully this 2021 will be you know excited for what god has in store for us lord barack it's a buhay thank you lord god for giving us this opportunity this afternoon to learn about his life that when he don't know what to do lord god he fix his eyes on you lord may we have that kind of posture that when there are times lord god i mean we're not going to rely on our wealth we're not going to rely on our resources we're not going to rely on our connections we're not going to rely on our educational attainment we're going to fix our eyes on you because ultimately lord god you have the power lord god to set us free from any fear lord god that that hinders us from experiencing your blessing on those people who are in fear for 2021 lord those issues lawyer god i pray that you're going to release them from fear and they're going to put their trust in you as you have said with joshua fat lord god stand firm hold your position and see my salvation you're just gonna watch how i accomplish my will so father help us lord to see the way jehoshaphat saw you that regardless of our material stuff physical accomplishment lord we're going to rely on you we're going to fix our eyes on you so father king jehoshaphat that encourages us up until today and help us to see beyond our current realities lord 2020 may have been a setback to some or to most of us but maybe a set upload god for what you're gonna do for 2021 we honor you lord god this afternoon and may you be lifted up in our midst not our agenda but yours be done in jesus name we pray amen amen amen amen come on let's give god praise whoa excited knuckle for you church you know what i i just want to thank you for giving us this opportunity to pastor you i mean pastor uh christian jungle paso radius and the rest of our volunteers and staff here we just want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts we just want to thank you for holding on to god even in the midst of pandemic poor in 2020 i do believe greater things are up ahead we just have to you know to see beyond our current realities whatever we're facing right now nothing okay nothing will come we will hinder us okay in accomplishing god's purpose for us in 2021 so i'm so excited be live with me and and and pray with me i love you paul maraming wins the lord the positive service and into the rest of the congregation for the victory for it so just be excited for what god has in store for us god bless you and see you next year bye
Channel: Victory Fort
Views: 32,762
Rating: 4.9098592 out of 5
Keywords: victory, victory fort, honor god, make disciples
Id: jE0JtwDjqw8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 39sec (3219 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 28 2020
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