ZBrush 2020 - Modeling Basics: Tire with ZModeler - Pixologic Joseph Drust - ZClassroom LIVE

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hello hello hello hello hello hey guys doing so welcome back to another Z classroom live session here hope you guys are doing well on this Friday so hey Randy hey dark night so are you guys tired I'm tired it's Friday this uh the quarantine stuff it does definitely start to wear on you after a while I'm definitely this week was filled felt very exhausting for the entire week I'm ready to sleep pretty much all day tomorrow and the next day and do nothing so alright so hope you guys are doing well and staying safe so this Z classroom live here we're focusing on for my sessions here we're doing developing cheston's for every day during the week one of our developers will be streaming and we've broken them down into different kinds of learning experiences so my stuff is all focusing on like new users and kind of getting you into ZBrush so I have the trial page here opened up so if you guys want to experiment with ZBrush or have a friend that maybe is at home and looking for stuff to do definitely send them a link to the trial they can download it and try it out for 30 days they can log in to our streams here and follow along and maybe find a passion in digital sculpting so with that the trial itself will run on a Windows machine or a Macintosh machine it's not going to run an iPad ZBrush also only works like really looks at just your CPU only so it doesn't care about your graphics card so if you have a friend that has a really old machine but it's it doesn't have the greatest video card and probably still run ZBrush so definitely you can download the trial and try it out and then follow along for today's stream I'm going to focus on zmodeler so we'll go in some of the basics first and then I'll show you some little tricks out of the gate with that and then we'll go into modeling a tire so let's get started here so I'm just gonna hop over to ZBrush and as I mentioned at the start I'm gonna run this kind of like I've just down the trial and what I can do so basically if you launched the trial this is where you're gonna be greeted with so you have this thing at the top here and this is called light box and light box can be open and closed by clicking this button here or pressing comma on your keyboard and light box is gonna allow you to come through and select a starting project for your scene so what I recommend often if you're a new user is just coming and grabbing this sphere 128 project and as soon as you double click this you'll go into 3d mode your canvas will be set up correctly you'll be given a material and you can just go ahead and start sculpting now oftentimes people get confused with this edit and draw mode option up top here and so you can get out of edit mode which is basically a 3d mode where you can rotate your model and you're gonna place just in draw mode and draw mode will end up just being in this 2.5 D canvas and what this is just think of it as like Photoshop you have 2d and you can paint on the screen and then ZBrush when it was originally made had 2d plus depth and that depth is the 0.5 which is the Z buffer so when you paint it on your screen you could end up getting like layered effects so that's how ZBrush started and then the 3d aspect came in later but the 2.5 D stuffs still exists in ZBrush so if you're starting out fresh I highly recommend with this lightbox open up just coming through and double-clicking a project like this and this is going to load it in and now you're gonna be in here and you can start sculpting so for today we're gonna come through and we're gonna start looking at B zmodeler brush and so these zmodeler brush and size D brushes ZBrush is kind of low polygon modeling tool set so we can take an object that's basically relatively low faces like you think about like no not games nowadays but games you know a while ago they were made with really really low polygons so you can take models like that and then mold or sculpt with them very easily with this brush change the forms change the silhouettes and design on the fly and then you can convert them to higher resolution meshes so after we have our sphere here we're going to change our sphere into a cube and the cube is pretty much like one of your standard shapes to start with the Z model rush to do this we can come over here to the tool palettes and then if we come all the way down to the initialize menu here you'll see you have a few different options so we have this Q cube Q sphere and aq grade and these are gonna allow you to get a quick primitive it's gonna take whatever model you have selected as long as the poly mesh and then if you hit this button here in this initialize menu it's going to convert that model into one of these so though go to for just starting with the zmodeler brush cause usually this Q cube option here and if you click this it's just going to generate a cube now these resolutions sliders down here will determine how much resolution this cube has so for navigation if you click off and drag on the canvas you're gonna be able to rotate and then if you hold down alt to gonna be able to pan and then to zoom in and out you can use this little zoom option here or you can do this little keyboard effect that I'm going to pull over my little keyboard here because this one's a little tough one and in my previous to treat two streams you can rewatch those two on YouTube we replay all the streams so you can go and log and watch those again I cover more of the navigation stuff more in depth so definitely if you're just new to ZBrush and you more learn more about the navigation things watch those two first streams and I'll go more into the navigation stuff but for now you have the often click will rotate alt and drag will pan and then you can use the zoom option here the zoom 3d to zoom in and out or you can do this combination which is you hold down alt you click on the canvas you release alt and you'll see I'm still pressing down the mouse and then drag and that will zoom to this is called the alt click navigation if you watch any Paul's streams he'll do the right click navigation for you the alt click navigation was the pure ZBrush method so it's the one that I always have been using since I started ZBrush and the the zooming in and out was probably the hardest thing for me to pick up so definitely takes a little button pressing there and so do it again hold down alt click off the model release alt and then while you're still holding down the pen of the mouse you can drag in and out so these resolution options here in this initialize area can determine how many polygons your mesh has so if you come over here and activate poly frames you're gonna be able to see the geometry of this mesh this is just basically displaying the topology your model and so I did this at 2 2 & 2 so they have two divisions going top to bottom and left and right if I change this to say 3 3 3 and then hit Q cube you're now gonna get a 3 3 3 cube if you do say 4 4 4 you're gonna get a 4 and you can even do like awkward amounts and this is gonna give you different shapes so that is what these resolution sliders here are doing when you change them and then if you press Q cube it's going to give me Q now over here you also have sphere which will give you a sphere and then you also have grid which will give you basically a plane object so this is all gonna take the existing poly mesh object you have selected and it's gonna convert it so that object that sphere I had originally that I loaded through lightbox is gone right now so I could undo but I think controls you to get all the way back but it's now turned into a cube so that object has gone away so just one thing there when you use the initialize menu on a poly mesh it's going to take that and replace it with the cue cube the Q sphere or the cube great now with this let's see if I can move this somewhere where it's not gonna be too crazy I need to probably put it here don't do that for now oh my gosh blowing up blowing up all right so while I'm doing this I'm gonna try to this is a live stream so I'm gonna attempt to answer questions here as this as well so we we are all pixologic and doing well so far we're staying isolated so that's good there so we have a question is using zmodeler as these fears you recommend we practice with a pen or doing with the mouse is okay so oftentimes when I'm doing Z mother stuff I'll use a mouse I usually have one there next I'm using I have a Cintiq when I'm on my main machine and then I have a mouse as well so if I go to Z mother sometimes I use a mouse sometimes it's just a month Cintiq it doesn't matter either way definitely if you're sculpting you're going to want to use a oh and a tablet or a you know a Cintiq display device that has touch sensitivity that's gonna be the way you want to go there but with zmodeler doesn't really matter mouse works fine and sometimes it's just if you're used to doing modeling software and say max or Maya you know you're used to the mouse anyway so you're probably end up your hands automatically go over there when you're going to start modeling so before I start manipulating the geometry of this mesh using the zmodeler brush first thing is select this brush and this can be done by going to the brush palette over here and if you click on this you're going to see all the brushes that are loaded inside of ZBrush now if you're new to ZBrush this is could be a little bit overwhelming because there's a lot in here but you really don't need to go through all of these the other thing with this brush system here and it has this built-in hotkey system and the hotkey system works on a series of button presses based on names so if I want to select the zmodeler brush which starts with the letter Z I'd first hit B on my keyboard which would bring up the brush palette here up a little bit higher and then I press Z and this would I salute all the brushes that begin with the letter Z and you can see the zmodeler brush is located right here and it has the hotkey of M so pressing M would be the final button press there of that 3 button combination so if I want the zmodeler brush while I'm in ZBrush it the hotkeys are b z and m and then that would select the zmodeler brush if we want to go back to say the standard brush i can just hit the b button again isolate by the letter s and then after i have s selected you can see standard is right here as the hotkey of T and if I hit T now I have the standard brush selected so zmodeler b z m standard brush b s t so you can learn those hotkeys it's just basically the names of the brush and then there's another third letter that comes into play but they often are part of the letters of the word that the brush has so the zmodeler brush bzm z for zmodeler and then am for modeler and so it just goes together and now this brush so now that we have this the zmodeler brush is a context sensitive brush so what this means is if you hover over a poly or an edge or a point you're gonna see you're gonna get different actions that are gonna appear on your screen so if I hover over this it's saying move points by brush radius if I hover over an edge it's saying insert edgeloop and if I hover over a poly it's saying Q meshing poly so what this allows you to do is you can come across your model and if I use this Q mesh action on this face here this will allow me to just come through and add geometry so I'm just taking that face and basically extruding it out now the Q mass action is a smart extrude and so what this means instead it's going to perform a snap option as you do this action so if I come across this poly down here and I click and drag and see as I'm dragging up it's gonna snap and this is going to weld to that other piece of geometry and then I control the angle from that now I'm doing this with symmetry at the moment so it's doing both sides across here but you can see how that's snapping there so you activate or deactivate symmetry you can just press X on your keyboard or you can go to the transform palette up here and there's the activate symmetry button here and so this is controlled by the hotkey X on your keyboard same toggle that on and off now with this if I come and I have symmetry turned off it's only gonna do on one side of the mesh now and so I can add this part here and then I can keep growing this parts off so this is just hovering over a poly this is a default settings for the zmodeler brush and as you do this you can start generating these shapes and you can just keep growing with this so it's just gonna keep you know adding geometry to this now if I go the inverted direction or going the opposite way so instead of say generating outward or clicking the surface and dragging out if you drag in it's gonna be able to perform a collapse so if I want to punch a hole through here I can drag and then as it's the bottom there it's gonna remove it so I can do the same process but backwards if I want to come in and start removing topology from a mesh and this is all using the default action of this cue mesh here so I can come through and now remove all these and I'm gonna get back to my cube and then if I want to add some more you actually add this maybe want to taper this side taper this side this up like that if I want to add this part there I can do that I can add them off like this angle two and this is all just this cumecs action so you can get a lot of shapes generated using this process now I could come through now remove these or I can hit control Z to go back to the original cube as well but so it's a very powerful process of going through and extruding faces and it's a smart system there that will like to weld the parts when you extrude now if I hover over an edge this is gonna be defaulted to insert an edge loop and so this is pretty you know standard for any modeling packages so if I come across an edge and click and drag I'm gonna get a loop this is gonna come through and add that and so I can add topology to my mesh really easy like this and then this corresponds really well with that queue mesh action so now I can come through and say add some edges and then queue mesh and now I have different shapes and then I can extrude these up and you just keep playing you know with your shapes here until you get something that you like and this is all just using those two actions now so queue mesh and then the insert edgeloop option now the third option that is the default settings for the brush is the move so if we come across a point and I click and drag it's gonna just perform a move so just standard function here the size of your brush radius is going to determine how many points you move at a time so if I come up here to the draw size and increase this large and then click and drag you see it's going to move multiple points and then if it's really really small it's only gonna move one so those are the defaults for the zmodeler brush so we have one question about extruding or doing this qmesh process and is there a way to extrude or Umesh the fascias straight house straight out by the world axis rather than the poly normals so it's always gonna do it off the poly normals for this you could extend it out and then I can show you some ways you can align it so it'll line it back to the axis and you can do that with the clip brushes but in general when you perform the cue mesh action it's always looking at that surface face so with the cue mesh and the edge loop and the point you know you may think okay well that's you know that brush has three options right there's a little bit more some of these options have modifiers as well so on the cue mesh one if you extrude the poly out and you hold down control you'll be able to break that face off and this is gonna allow you to pull it out and now I have a floating island in geometry and then I can cue much that and generate a new kind of part so you can do this and keep you know dragging off holding control pulling it out and drag this off hold control pull it out and now I have you know floating topology on my mesh and this will work with any shape as well so if I do something like this and make something like that and cue mesh this hold control I get another a little sliver there now since this is a single sided piece of geometry here if I key mission again it's gonna seal it up and then make it all nice and clean there so you can use that process to to come through and pull things out and keep adding you know different topology there as you work now another option that was just holding down the control key while you're performing the cue mesh action there is if you perform the cue mesh action and you hold down shift it's gonna do a move so now you can move the face you're selecting on so come up here and hold shift it's gonna move that way old ship it's gonna move that way and so now I can do something like you mesh this out then I can cue mesh hold control just split it off add another one that maybe I want to say add an ends to loop in here and then I want to do this and hold down shift and now I've generated that shape so a whole bunch of different things you can do with just two mesh and I haven't changed to any other settings in here just using the default ones now with the Q mesh and the edge and the point each of these different areas on your model have a menu they can open up by suppressing spacebar there's a question the chat asking if there's a way to keep the zmodeler menu open at all times there is not so you have to hover over the part you want to access the menu in and then press spacebar on the keyboard and this will open up the menu for that section so if I hover over a poly and press spacebar move this up so I got too many tomato dialogs popping up this is the zmodeler poly action menu if I hover over an edge and press spacebar this is the zmodeler edge action menu and then if I hover over a point and press spacebar this is the zmodeler point action menu now if I hover back over this poly one again you'll see this is broken down into different areas here and let me hide these slideshows here quick it's taking up too much real estate precious screen space so if I hover over this and press spacebar you can see it's broken into three or four sections on this one so here we have our actions and we can choose different actions here and you can see there's a bunch of these so there's bevel there's bridge there's creases there's extruding there's a plating there's in setting there's masking there's moving so a whole bunch of different things you can do just with the poly of a model and I have the Q mass action selected which is an extrude that has a weld option to it so if you screwed out and there's a face next to it it's gonna attempt a weld to it there's also the normal extrude which is over here and to activate any of these and just click on them and they will change into those different actions now when you click on one of these you're gonna see that the options down below are changing so each of these actions also have different modifiers could be applied to and so we all have the same kind of targets and then down here we have the modifiers so the targets are going to allow you to select what area of the mesh your deforming when you perform that action so by default cue mesh is set to a single poly so when I'm in ZBrush and I click on this poly here and drag it's only going to perform that action to a single poly now if I go back in here and say change this to all polygons and now queue mesh you can see it's kind of do this kind of scale effect because it skew meshing all the polygons and they're welding together if I change my target to say flat island what this is going to do now it's going to look at the normal and clicking on and say hey this whole area here is flat and it's an island and if I do now queue mesh now it's gonna do the entire thing so it's just gonna do that entire area so instead of doing that single poly now it's now doing the flat island I come up here and click here it's gonna do this entire flat island and so you can use these targets to your advantage to speed up processes and so there's a whole bunch of different processes here you can use ones that I use most the time are usually a single poly and then also end up using the poly group all or the polygroup island and then the flat I own as well there's usually my go-to for using the targets here now below this we have a bunch of steps that you can actually go through for the queue measure section here and then we have modifiers and these modifiers are just going to change how this action processes so it's going to snap it's gonna have it traction it's gonna have a step size so you have all different little things you can tailor to so one example with the cue mesh here if it took you miniature single poly and step size this is going to allow me to cue mesh of poly and then at a certain step it's gonna add a line or add an edge so if I click off here and drag you can see I'm gonna be able to draw like that and it's gonna get that step size now and go bump bump bump bump all the way down now there are tons of these targets and their modifiers and their actions and fortunately for you all well I don't know maybe fortunately I have if you go to the Z classroom area here and if you just do a search so this is a pixologic zeke lass room's website here and if you do a search for zmodeler each one of these has its own videos there's basically a video on every function that's in the zmodeler brush so if you want to see what the edge closed action does there's a video for it if you want to see what curve delete does there's a for video for point bridge point do nothing so there's a ton of these so if you have come across any of them and you're like hey what does this one do there's a video for it now I think I say the word actually quite a bit in some of these so I apologize that for ahead of time I've burned it out of my speech pattern since then but I do believe there's a lot of that word thrown around in these videos so I apologize for that but these will give you you know pretty much all the information you need on any of those email or things and it will go through the modifiers and show how it works and what it does for those so these are anywhere from like two minutes or three minutes and they cover pretty much all of them through there so that is that for how to get some more information on the stuff I'm showing today let me see if there's any more questions here so we have one question about using the low poly model and then using the boolean operation without changing the model so there is a process you can use the loop to former that will go through and you can Union your parts which would basically use the labelling system the weld everything together and that can be done through a deform er and that lives in the this is high level stuff and the move pallet if you click this little customized gear here and then in here there is a remesh by Union and this is gonna use the boolean process but you can use it on a single sub tool now it's not gonna apply any extraction functionality to your mesh or subtraction functionality to your mesh so it's only gonna take your model and pretty much use the boolean to take any of that intersecting geometry and weld it together but you should be able to use it on low poly meshes it may not give you the triangulation you want because if it's really low when those points intersect anywhere where parts intersect with the live boolean it's gonna generate triangles at that area so if you've a really long quad that's like from here to here to here and you intersect it in the middle it's gonna give you triangles and through there but you can use the deform er for that so that's just switch to move scaler rotate when this gives them a 3d pops up click customize and then in here there's a rematch by Union I think there's some acity brush videos on that as well so dougie is saying should he set a brush size to a certain size to make most actions easier to work with and should brush dynamic draw be on and off so you're always gonna went dynamic on when you're using the Z MA brush I believe it warns you if you have it turned off somebody come here and turn that off no actually it doesn't well I think it used to but pretty much you want to keep your it should on there we go yeah so you won't be able to really use the zmodeler brush we don't have dynamic on so definitely keep dynamic on with that it doesn't really like it if it is off my brush size is massive and then if you have a larger brush size and you're using the Q mesh it's gonna change how much snapping kind of happens between the things so if you find that the snapping is happening too fast for you when it comes to another mesh just change your draw size and that will determine you know how fast that snapping process happens and that's gonna be only pretty much with using any of the cue mesh actions on your model alright so we've gone through some of the cue mesh processes here and these are all gonna you know if you need more information on these definitely hit up the Z classroom site just do a search from zmodeler and there's gonna be a video on all these so the next one if we hover over an edge this is going to give our edge action menu and in Sierre we have a bunch of different ones here as well so some of the go twos in here that I use a lot is we have like a collapsing one there is a crease what you're going to talk a bit about here you also have the insert and then you have other ones feel like masks you can slide you can spin you can split and scale I mean cue mesh 2 and transpose and do some other things but the mains ones I go to or like the insert and then the crease they're the ones you're gonna see when we start going through the tire these are the two I'm going to use quite a bit in that menu there now with the edge action of the insert here you can see the targets set to single loop so what this means if I come across my model here and click and drag I'm gonna add an edge loop if I hold down alt and come across an edge loop and then click this is gonna remove that edge loop so this is what the single actions gonna do so you come across hold alt and remove click and drag it'll add and this will let me just add edges on the fly like so now there's another option that you can switch to with the insert here for the edge loop so if I come across and remove that hover edge again press spacebar go in the zmodeler edge action menu down here at the target we have multiple edge loops now when you open this you're gonna get a bunch more different options so one of these is interactive resolution and this is going to allow you to take basically and add multiple edge loops across an edge so if I come across here and I click and drag your see the first edge is gonna get added here if you just click and hold is going to be right down the middle of that thing so if you need to add an edge loop directly in the center of two edges use the target of or not yeah I guess it is the target use the target of multiple edge loops and turn on interactive resolution and then when you click the first click will be right in the middle I'm still holding my pen or your mouse here and if you scroll up and down this will now add more geometry or more edges to that area so you can see I can add a whole bunch of edges in here or a whole little now you see when this is happening I'm getting these different polygroup Inge which is coming through here and this different poly group in target you can or modifier you can turn off for that target so if you don't want that poly going to happen you can definitely disable it but this is nice sometimes if you add these because you can see it's gonna give you a different polygroup through each of these areas and now that I've done this if I go to this cue mesh a poly again and hold spacebar and go back in the poly Action menu down here in that target I can now change this to polygroup all and when it's set to polygroup all since this is a the same color here here and here if you drag this out now it's gonna be able to do that so changing the target there and that's one thing with that insert multiple edge loops if you want to disable that can come down here and you can keep change to keep poly group or same poly group and then when you perform that it's only gonna do one polygroup there that's the insert multiple edge loop now in addition to this there's another one that's fun to play with and that is the interactive elevation and this will allow you to say add you know and or it out then out that I'm making new words Oh along your surface and for the tire we'll end up using this some too because it adds you know a nice beveled Ridge you can get on certain things so if I come across this edge here and click and drag you can see I add by going up and down with my mouse or my pen but then if I go horizontally I'm gonna get elevation and so this can allow me to go in or out as I do this and then I can control how many divisions by scrolling up or down going in it's going up and down and so this way and come through in admiralty edge loops and then also add a taper or a bevel to this so another fun one there with insert multiple edges now the next one I want to hit on really quick is the crease option and this one we're gonna use quite a bit because when you're you're working with the zmodeler brush basically one when you're working with it you're working at this low political level so this is what the object is but oftentimes when you're working with us you want to see it in its high-resolution form and this can be previewed so if I say go to geometry here and I go to the dynamic subdivision area here there's a button that says dynamic and what dynamic is gonna do it's gonna take this low resolution model I have and it's gonna do this preview of what it would look like if it was divided up so in the geometry palette you can divide a model to have it increase its polygon count by clicking here and so if I took this cube and divided you can see this is women get out of this mesh but instead of making that change to your model you can preview it ahead of time with this dynamic mode and if you turn this on its going to preview what that models gonna look like smooth and so down here you have a smooth subdivision level slider here and you can actually turn this up or down and this is going to allow you to preview that model with more subdivisions now this model isn't this tessellated it's just a preview so if you hover over it you can see that it's basically working on like this cage or the low res version of it basically so if you hover over this you still see that it's just these simple polygons that were on that low resolution model so if I come across here and click and drag I'm just gonna add one poly in one cube here to the entire mesh if I turn off dynamic and this is what I did so you're just manipulating the low res but you're seeing it in its high-resolution form so this one's fun to use with the zmodeler brush because you can preview what you're doing at a higher resolution without really dividing your model up now when you do this process there is a thing that's called creasing that can come into play and creasing will allow you to come through and create edges that are hard on your mesh so right now there's no creasing on this model so when you divide it it's smoothing everything and so I'm getting this kind of smooth form so this is great if you're making like a stuffed animal but if you want to make something that's more hard surface or more organic hard surface like a vehicle or something like that you want to have some harsh edges in it and to get those harsh edges we can say hey for this edge here keep this harsh don't make it mushy and don't smooth it down so to control this let me just go back here and turn this off and get back to my thing here we're just gonna queue mesh these to Polly's so I'm gonna take this one do single poly add that out and then I'm going to just put the next one there then reactivate dynamic he senses the result I'm getting here and now what I want to do is I want to add some creasing so I want to find that edge that's on the top here this one right here and I'm gonna hold spacebar to go and that zoom on that edge action menu I'm gonna select crease and I'm gonna set my target to edge and I'm gonna come across that edge there you can see it's highlighted and if I click that's gonna apply a crease and you can see what it did there is increase that edge and now it's holding it and these little areas right here are gonna represent what your low resolution version looks like so this is the point that's on the low one and it's taking that edge increased it now this doesn't look like all that great yet but let's go and add a crease to the other side too so I'm gonna come over here and they rotate it around here I'm add a crease right there and now I've got those both edges creased and you see now I've got this so it's coming through and it's now taking that edge and making it hard now the rest of the model is increased so this is still nice and smooth now let's say I want to come in and add you know this edge here to be creased oops maybe this one here and then maybe this one here if I just go around here if you turn on symmetry it's a lot faster to rather one by one and you can see ad increasing I'm now changing my design so now I'm coming through oops wrong one and sometimes it may be a little bit hard to select the edge when it's in this form tube so you can always come over here and disable this dynamic mode you can also just press shift D on your keyboard which will get out dynamic and D will get back in it so you can press shift D to get out turn it off and then D to turn it back on and so you can quickly toggle out hit the crease on that edge you'll see that the edge is gonna be updated with this double line when it's creased and then when you turn it back on you can see now I have this so now I've got this shape happening to my model so when to those edges said hey keep those edges harsh and now it's gonna give me this creased effect now this once again is you know just a preview here so if I get out this is what my true shape looks like and I'm just proving it with dynamic now there's also some ways you can globally apply creasing to a model too so you have to go in and individually hit every single edge to apply that crease because that could take some time so you have some different targets down here like edge loop complete I just look partial and you can select these targets and then apply the edge in that whole area so if I want to crease this entire edge I could use the edge loop complete and it would apply the crease all the way around you can also go to the tool pallet over here and go to the geometry area and then go to crease and in here you have some automated buttons you can click so first one here is we have a creased tolerance and this is gonna say hey if the edges fall into this tolerance range of angle crease that edge so what I like to do is always we set this to say 45 and then click crease it's gonna analyze the model and now any edge that is nice and sharp at that 45-degree angle it's going to apply a crease so with my shape here it's gone through and apply to crease pretty much everywhere but now that I have this entire mesh creased I can now go in uncreation so I can come across this one here hold down alt and click and uncreate now I'm doing kind of like the opposite so now I'm getting this different look so I've creased everything harsh and now I've gone in and I've uncreate and now I'm creating this shape this is all still that low version so I could come in and still keep editing with the zmodeler brush I can come through and say remove these parts to say I don't like that and want something more like that and you can play with all these shapes as you're working on it now you'll see when I remove these shapes here those creases one away that it was on the edges because I basically removed the edge from that surface so I can reapply the creasing by coming and clicking on those edges to get it back I could come over here again and run that crease tolerance again and then come back through and remove these edges too and get back to something like that you also have some other options you can use increase you can increase everything so I can do that and get it back to there you can crease by these poly groups which are these colorings those on the models that we haven't talked about yet today and you can also crease all so you have a bunch of different ways you can kind of come through increase your meshes and then these are all going to play really well with the dynamic but crease 45 is usually where I go so I'll increase everything and increase to 45 and then you just use crease turn mute some stuff all right let's check these let's check these questions here so one question about connecting two surfaces that are in symmetry using cue mesh so you should be able to do that as long as there are the same sub tool so here with this model here I'm just gonna take this part let's get out of here so I shift the toggle out of dynamic and I'm gonna give my whole model here another polygroups so I have two different things here so if poly grouping in your meshes we'll talk about this and I'm gonna go to the cue mesh for the symmetry so under meshes here you can see I have these different colorings and these are poly groups so it's basically like selection sets kind of if you've used other 3d packages and you can come through and set these and these are gonna allow you to kind of isolate your model at these different points so if I just want to see this part here I can hold down control and shift which is gonna give me the select rectangle brush and if I click a vertice in this area it's just gonna isolate everything with that same polygroup coloring now when you hold ctrl and shift and click on a point ZBrush doesn't always know which poly group to select so if I click on this point here this point borders this poly group and this poly group so when I click on it it's going isolate and give me both of those so if you have low polygon geometry like this and you're trying to isolate just one polygroup you may come to a point and when you click on it say like I really want this one here but if you click on this it's gonna give you both of them so may need if you add more edges in here with say that insert single edge loop here and give it a point of reference now now if you click on this it's not going to be bordered that vertice isn't bordered by another polygroup so now we'll just isolate that part so basically the pal groups will allow you to isolate different sections of your model they also are can be used with any of the actions in the zmodeler brush that have these polygroup options over here they can also be used to apply creasing as we saw earlier in the geometry area and the crease panel so there's a lot of things to you can use with this to speed up your processes when you're inside of ZBrush now with this gene clearmount so oftentimes they're using the zmodeler brush there a lot of the options will add new polygroups when you create new topology so if I can mesh an option out it may add a new polygroup now you can change that with those modifiers that are in that action but you can also you know maybe you want that so then go back to it and isolate that section out you just created if you want to clear all your polygroups the simple way to do that is go to the tool polygroups area and then click this auto groups button and this will go through and it's gonna look at geometry islands and then give you a new polygroup for every job challenge you can also just press ctrl + W on your keyboard and this is gonna run this hotkey for the button right here that's called group mast clear masked and this is going to come through and if there's anything that is masked on your model it's gonna give a new polygroup to that but if you have nothing masked on your model it's gonna give one polygroup to everything so it's handy when using the zmodeler brush to come through and quickly just change your poly group coloring so now my mesh is entirely one polygroup so the Pug your functionalities gonna come into play a lot when you do these different actions with the z maila brush now another thing getting into polygroups is the zmodeler brush has a temporary Poligrip that you can apply and this temporary poly group is going to overwrite the action or the overwrite the target that you have selected so it's going to apply the action to the target that you have selected and also to any area that have this white polygroup now to get the white polygroup you just need to hold down the Alt key on your keyboard and if you come across a poly and click it's going to give you this white polygroup so now when you perform say a cue action right here and if i have this set to a single poly it's going to perform the cue mesh on that single poly but it's also going to perform that cue mesh on any poly that has that white polygroup so it's gonna do anything that's in white in addition to the target you currently have selected so if i cue mesh this poly here you can see that those white polygroups are going to go - now if I clear my poly groups by hitting ctrl W and I do the cue mash action normally you see only this one's going but if I come over here and hold alt and tag some polygons like this now if I keep mesh over here you can see there's gonna go with it so there's that's temporary polygroup that you can use and you can assign this anywhere on your mesh and this is going to allow you to use that action on that area and also to your current target and the targets are accessed by coming across the poly holding down spacebar and in here you have your actions at the top and then these are your targets here so if I do something like flat island it's gonna apply to this whole area see it's gonna give me a little crazy let's do control of V on this let's do it up here so in cue mesh this it's going to do the entire flat Island so if I click here it's going to look at this entire flight on and then if I want to affect this area to hold down alt assign a temporary polygroup there flat islands going to process up here and it's also going to process on that temporary polygroup so now we're gonna get to the question about the two surfaces that are in symmetry using cue mesh so I'm just going to take my model here and I'm just going to pull off a face so to pull off face again just have the cue mesh action or the extrude action I'm gonna tag temporary polygroups right through here so I'm scrubbing these form that cue mesh and see it's gonna take that entire area and I'm gonna hold down control and it's gonna separate that off so now I have this as a new piece of geometry I'm going to tag those again apply that cue mesh action now I have those two parts now these parts I'm going to grow this up a little bit maybe a edgeloop in here and then bring them out like so so the question was asking about can I connect two surfaces that are in symmetry so if you do this you can be able to connect them like that and so you can actually you know continue working like this I want to add these and bring them up at another edge loop drag these across whoops drag these out and connect them like that so you can definitely connect parts I just need to make sure that all your pieces are in the same sub tool when you do this so if I had this in multiple sub tools I wouldn't be able to connect this part over here to that other one if they're a separate some tool so it needs to be in the same sub tool there like you can just do that and it'll come through and connect now there are some processes inside of ZBrush if you're doing say with the cue mesh action if you're doing stuff like the leading edges or things like that it may come through and do a double polygon on it so just be careful if you're doing bridging bridging uh and symmetry while using the zmodeler brush if you go across that middle line it may end up doing a double bridge and you may have faces on top of each other but q' mesh is gonna take care of that so the Q mesh action is going to apply a fuse so if you come across a poly and you click and drag it's going to extrude and then it's also going to fuse when you do this so it's an extrusion with a fusion basically so it's a cube mesh action as what we call it now there's a also an extrude if you don't want the parts to weld and this if you hover over poly and press spacebar in here where you have the cue mesh which is the one that's going to do the extrusion and the snapping or the fusing and then we also have just the normal extrude and this one isn't going to fuse so if you came through and started dividing these up and if I activate like this and then say added these through here you see it didn't fuse those parts so it's not gonna do smart weld so there is times when you want to use just a normal extrude and there may be times when you want to use the cube mesh extrude so you have two different options there and to switch those just hover over poly press spacebar at the action menu at the top here he selects a cue mesh or extrude and then you can use either one of those any time you want checking these questions here so we've questioned about filling a solid sub tool with lattice structures so there's nothing inside a zebra so allow you to fill the entire structure with a lattice but you can say take a face and then inset it and generate a basically a little lattice shape from it so if I say take my cube here undo this back actually we'll just go over to the tool palette go down to the initialize menu here and click cube to just reset it there now for this I'm going to hover over one of these Polly's here and I'm gonna come in and I'm going to f----- locate the inset action here and I'm gonna do inset region and what this is going to do it's going to look at the region and as I click this it's going to inset that area so it's gonna come through and do that now there's some inset options down here so you have a border only and Center only so if I come through and hold down alt and generate a white polygroup across this click that inset see it's gonna allow me to inset that entire shape there and then if I hold down my turn border only on it's gonna now just give me the border so now I'm seeing through that mesh there so if you want to create like a lattice structure basically you can do in sets you can do a single poly we'll change this to all polygons then we can do in set each poly border only and now if we come through and grab one of the Polly's here and click and drag you see it's gonna give me this shape so now it's gone through and it's in setting all the ones if I just want to be centers I can also just change my modifier to Center only and click and drag that's just gonna give me centers but I'm gonna want it with the border only and so now I gonna have the border only and then now I can go through and I can give this entire thing thickness so to do this I hover over one of these Polly's here press spacebar in here I'm going to choose that cue mesh action I'm gonna change my target to all polygons and keep everything else standard and now if I come across this and click and drag it's now going to extrude that out and now it's going to give me thickness in that shape there so you can definitely do this to kind of create a lattice structure and it's gonna look at whatever the topology remodel is when it does this so if your topology your models all triangles and you do that in set as every single one of those triangles is gonna be inside and then you get triangle shapes since this one was all quads here when I did it I'm getting all quads but that's definitely one way you can go through and make lattice shaped however you won't be able to get like a flooded lattice out of this process so you're not gonna get any internal geometry it's just looking at the shell the object and then performing the inset and then the extrude so a little thing there say dafu yes the queue mesh will will fuse the verts if you're using that one and extrude will not so those are your two options there so the Chris is asking what's the difference between initialize and grabbing your shape from the gizmo so we've been using the initialize here this is just what I go to so it's in the tool palette it's gonna take the object and that can convert it to a cue cubic you sphere a cube great now if you're in the gizmo 3d option and you click this little customize option here there's a bunch of primitives up here you can select two these you can select and then you can deform them on the fly it's there's no right or wrong in terms of usage here I just end up using the initialize tab but definitely there's primitives here and this will do that same kind of process where it's gonna take this and then append that shape in when you append this in it's gonna have some modifiers here and you can play with these cones and change your divisions you know change your divides here and then when you're happy with it you can go to gear and or just go back to draw mode here and you're you're good to go so another option there there's no right or wrong to use the gizmo 3d customized primitive types up here you could even just use the tools as well so there's a bunch of primitive 3d objects here but I just easily end up using this initialize cue mesh so gabrielle is asking when he possibly make adjacent polygons into one I'm not quite sure what you're asking there if you explain a little better and try to answer it for you you can definitely weld polygons together if that's what you're asking so so if save have this and I want to collapse an edge so this is the other one we were talking about earlier with the edge Action menu and here may have collapsed and so you have edge hole in poly loop the edge one is going to basically take the edge and then if you move your mouse in one direction it's gonna collapse one way you move it the other way it's going to collapse the other way so you can do something like that and then I could come through and say insert another edge here and then I come up through and collapse collapse now I got a triangle there right and so now if I do that cue mesh or the inset I'll polygons border only see now I'm gonna get that shape and then I come through and QH everything and now you've got that result so definitely you can modify the topology in that way and then change it alright so that was that was that we got another question about vaulted roof leak ysidro let me just look at this image if it's too chaotic we're not gonna go down there but I'm gonna take a look at it just we'll see where it opens so this better be a better be a safe image yeah so for this one what I probably end up doing is so I'd model your shapes and make each of these little star patterns basically your geometry right so you have this is a point this is a point this is a point this is a point and then all these are points and then so this would be as long as your geometry when you're doing this is keeping it at a quad which is four vertices or a triangle you're gonna be okay you're not gonna be able do end Gonz right so you can't do five sided kind of things inside ZBrush it's only triangles and quads only but this is all you know pretty safe in terms of this so basically if you wanted something like this you just need to modify it so I think here let me put this over in the side let's do the shape for you quick and then we're gonna move over to tire so let's see if we get this here alright so for this one we have a basically a point you guys aren't gonna see this image but just remember what I just had on screen just remember and so we can extend these out so we need a middle point and then we need one through here then through here now if you have symmetry on when you do this it's obviously gonna be easier to put this here and this here and then for Center Point to here to here so this one we want these triangles through here right so we come across this and we can use there's a bridge action for points so you go bridge two points and then in here we can select one point and select another point and this is gonna allow you to come through and say bridge two points so it's basically doing a split but reality what it's doing is just showing you the triangle in between the quality so you're not gonna be able to do a split two points from here to here with the zmodeler brush and have a go you're gonna have to do click click and go that route now you can also use the slice brushes to kind of get this result too and this is probably Paul's video he should be repulsed Remy did yesterday he did a lot of stuff with sliced brushes and quads and that would probably your best bet in terms of getting this topology like really easy out of your mesh because basically you just come through with a slice brush so I'm gonna hold ctrl and shift and by default gonna have the select rectangle brush and you can change this to the slice curve brush and with this brush if I come across my apology and click and drag it's gonna slice the topology through it so this way and come through and actually cut your mesh up pretty quick now you'll notice as it cuts it's gonna be you know wherever you had that line it's gonna slice through so I've got some small triangulation stuff here but you come through and say manipulate that roof design and come through and just add that through there really quickly but basically you just come through and add your triangles it's probably taking a little bit longer than a second to do this one so I think I'm gonna that ceiling could definitely be done so basically just think about each of those points in that ceiling picture you sent is its own area and then you can use things like the split option to split the points or is it that's the where's the edge there's an edge split to split split split and this will actually put a point in the middle of the edge so if you want to be a quad and click that now it's given you this kind of shape and then if you want to collapse this edge through here just over having that edge go to collapse then you can remove it and then now I can split this one here her bridge rather it's now I have that kind of triangle shape and so you just basically would do that for the entire mesh so you can split to add topology you can use the slice brush to add topology but basically we want to mimic that design you had in your picture with topology so there's all these little things right here like this would be a vertice vertice edge vertice edge vertice edge and just get this exact shape and then after you have that you can use that inset option on all those faces and it's gonna hit all the faces and then give you that design and then once you have it as that you can then you know apply multiple polygons to that edge using the multiple insert edgeloop and then you could use some of the deformers or something to bend the roof out which will give you that cathedral shape that one's actually be a pretty fun one to model out I mean it may add it to see if I get a SS ZBrush video for you to let me if I'm gonna do taking a nap taking it out all right look at these questions quick let's put the meshing dynamesh on each one so Dark Knight's asking about combining meshes and using dynamesh so for anything you do with geometry if you want to combine shapes I'd recommend using the live boolean system I'm not going to go into it today for that but if you use the live boolean system there's an example file in the project here boolean area there's this computer case fan you can get that and follow along with a Z classroom video as well on that you'll go through the steps but basically the live boolean system is gonna allow you to take shapes and if they're intersecting it's going to keep the geometry of your original meshes and only change where it intersects and so that's a big thing for like you know toys or anything else because say you have an arm of a character and you've got this topology perfect where you want it you've got all the details where you want it but then you find out hey I've gotta cut it off and then I've gotta had a key to that joint well if you use pure dynamesh what dynamesh is gonna do it's gonna flood the entire model and so if you add a key in the shoulder joint and then you read ina mesh the arm it's gonna change the topology of across the entire arm it's not gonna change the part just where that key was it's changing everything and so we can do is a lot use a lot bullying's instead and it's gonna keep the topology exactly the way the arm had it it's gonna keep the topology exactly the way the key had it and the only thing that's going to change is a topology where they intersect so as long as you have like border edges when those things are together and you do the Dino do the boolean process it's going to generate just triangles along that connection area and then those edges that you established will keep it from going crazy so definitely uh I'll take note of that one too for when we go over the boolean stuff and I'll show a process with the keys for say like an arm example where it's you have a dynamesh part you have a non dynamesh part and then you combine them together and you'll see the differences see it holds the geometry these splits will so james asking does a split just split on the front it also split the back well so it's only gonna split whatever you have selected so it's not going to go if I'm using the zmodeler any of these split options and like split edge it's only going to affect the edge I click on now if I use the slice brush which was this here this is gonna go all the way through so the slice brush which is holding ctrl + Shift + you can replace that use that instead of the rectangle brush that's gonna go all the way through so you see that sliced all the way through the model now if you want to project or protect part of your model you can also use visibility so if you hold down ctrl + shift and get a visibility box like this if you hold down alt you can hide and now if I perform that slice curve it's only gonna affect any visible part of your geometry and then if you hold ctrl and shift and bring it back you can see the rest has stayed the same however this can quickly get very dirty because you're gonna be adding edges that aren't gonna weld anymore so if I smooth this you may sometimes have parts where it's not gonna be welded so just be careful when you're using visibility and slicing together but you can definitely use that to only have the slice brush effect part so if I just wanted to put a circle here with say the slice brush the only one on this side you know I can definitely do that and then bring this back and you're gonna be okay so just be careful when you're using visibility and slicing zremesher will not keep any UVs so it's going to give you entirely new topology it has no reference points for your older you v's so usually we measure you're gonna have to Ryu thee nerve is asking is the way to have a path and leave it to say bottle for example so when there's a brush in here you can go to that is called the curve lathe brush you can try that this will allow you to kind of draw a spline out on the canvas and then it'll give you a curve and it'll basically circle eyes it right so like taking it and lofting it around in a circle and then you can manipulate the curve and change the shape that's probably your best way for that option there's also some other things you do with array mesh and live billions but they're all more kind of advanced stuff but I'd say try the curve lathe option brush there and see that kind of gives you what you want if not there's some boolean options you can do too I'm reading these questions click so pagers asking about pinches so we're gonna we're gonna I've got a few more minutes here for I need to get out and tire he's asking about pinches use increasing with sharp edges especially when there is extrusions in a curved surface so the pinches can sometimes happen if you have geometry it's too close together or it's just you know based on your own subdivision level so with this one here or rather the crease level so with this let me get back to it's acute cube this guy back out and let's go and we're going to crease everything here and turn on dynamic so sometimes with the creasing basically if you have a pole that's in like multiple edges connecting a point sometimes that's hard to smooth out and that's a sculptural thing it's not really Zima related but if you have that there is a process you can use that when you smooth it swing it load up a tool here really quick and show you this let's get this quick tangent we always got to have some tangent let's see if I get this to do it so let's say I smooth this out and you can see with the topology here I'm getting this little point and this is because the underlying geometry has all these points going together and so this other area is smoothing really nice because they're all nice quad surfaces going in like you know a very straight City and the point here in the middle has like three edges going to one point so it's irregular topology based on the surrounding area so when you start smoothing this you're gonna see the difference in this zone compared to the other areas on your smooth now there's an alternate alternate smoothing functionality you can do inside a ZBrush and this will take this and it's gonna reply like a relaxed instead of a smooth and it's going to help resolve any of those areas where you may have points so for this one here if I smooth it out eventually I'd probably get that point vanishing but if I want to smooth it out quickly basically hold down shift and start smoothing and then release shift and this is gonna perform this polish or relax and this is gonna allow you to remove any of those areas of topology where you may have those spikes or points so you see that is pretty much polished that away now if I did it just with smooth itself you can see how it's still kind of staying there and I still have that little point that's hitting the surface there so using the alternate smooth which is holding down shift starting to smooth releasing step shift and continuing to smooth and I'll smooth out that point so tangent there but related to points on your model and how to kind of get rid of it so if you're sculpting you come across those that's the solution there for my go back to my Q cube and where was I I kind of remember you all right so the other one with decreasing so let's go apply creasing here to this and then we'll activate the dynamic subdivision here and so these edges are pretty sharp and the sharpness of these edges are going to be controlled by a crease level so right now anywhere I have creases if I apply normal divisions or I applied I know subdivisions it's gonna keep those edges harsh and so they they're always gonna be harsh I turn my poly frames here you can see how harsh this cube is right so let's say I want to soften them up a little bit so what I can do is I can change my crease level and that's done with this little slider here so this isn't tool geometry crease and there's a crease level right here and if you change this this is telling ZBrush hey hold that crease until this subdivision level and then apply a normal smooth so my smoothing subdivision level right now with dynamic is set to 3 so I'm dividing three times on this model and preview mode now if my crease slider is select to 3 ZBrush is gonna hold the crease on subdivision 1 hold the crease on subdivision to hold the crease on subdivision 3 and then if there's a subdivision 4 then ZBrush is gonna let go that crease and smooth normally so if I change this to 1 or 2 you're gonna see that my model is gonna change now so right now I'm telling ZBrush hey divide three times on subdivision one hold decreasing subdivision - don't hold decreasing so Division three don't hold decreasing and so it's relaxing or releasing the creasing and then that's allowing me to get a smoother transition from that crease so if I change this to 2 now ZBrush is doing it it's gonna hold decreasing to level 2 level 3 it's gonna let it go and so if I come up here and change this I'm now gonna get this beveled cube effect so it's based on the creasing level if you have creasing on your models so if you want to keep away from really really hard edges just tone down this crease level and tell ZBrush hey after so many subdivisions or dynamic subdivision smooth subdivisions let go the crease and then you'll get a smoother result so one little thing there with that I don't know if that answers your questions but hopefully it helps some and this is going to stay the you know if you have any of this dynamic on its going to remember that so as I'm using the option here if I have any creasing on my mesh it's gonna retain that and then I can come always come over here and change this if I wanted to be harsher or not as harsh so little fun things there with the crease level and that will work with the smooth subdivision slider and dynamic and it will also work when you apply traditional subdivisions on your mesh edit modes asking you shoulder zoom meeting where people can screen share that actually might not be a bad thing I'll pass up the chain and see what they say I don't think it'd be too bad we probably do it mocking tubers is asking but we need to reload our configs and hotkey settings we install the new 20/20 updates so if there's any updates to 20/20 and their point releases you should not so if you upgraded from twenty twenty to twenty twenty point one point one definitely not gonna have to change anything it should be fine thank you Dougy guess there's a sweet profile tool to in addition to that curve lathe creating noodles in ZBrush you could use there's some brushes here that you can use like the curved multi tube you can start using some curves like that and trade noodles for my keyboard I'm using a this is a no board is what it is Noa CH Bo AR D and then I'm using another application called on top replica to get to float on top of ZBrush so I actually have a full-size version that's living over there with screen here and this is on top replica taking the no board and then allowing me to force it on top of ZBrush as I do this alright okay so now we're gonna get to the process that you guys came here for come on come on oh hello tired so I want to hit a few things with this and first thing I'm gonna do is I'm gonna talk briefly about primitives so I'm gonna go ahead and restart this by just going to light box and clicking light box up here and then and once lightbox is open and go to project I'm gonna select this sphere 128 and load it in let me say no to my saving of my project here and I'm gonna start with a sphere here and I'm gonna go through the process of going to the tool palette and grabbing a primitive and then we're gonna create a quick cylinder shape with a set number of divisions and then we use the zmodeler brush to model a tire alright so the first thing here is that we now have loaded in our sphere and now we we need to go and I want to select a cylinder primitive from the tool palette over here now as they were mentioned in the stream here there are a few ways you can do this I can go to the gizmo 3d and select one of the primitives on there I can go to the tool palette go all the way down to the initialize menu and say generates a cylinder object down here but instead of this what I want to do is I want to modify a primitive and so there's a bunch of primitives inside of ZBrush that are located in the tool pallet and these live over here so if I click on any one of these you can see this will open up and in here you have a bunch of different primitives that have this 3d next to them now pretty much all these that have 3d are gonna be able to be modified through this initialize menu so these are primitive objects they're not poly mesh objects so if you select one of these objects you're not going to be able to sculpt on it but you can modify it and then after you're done with the modifications you can then convert it to a poly mesh object and then you can sculpt on it so in here we have a few of these and the only one that's not going to give you the this initialize menu is this polymesh3d and that is a true poly mesh object so a little bit of confusion there we have a bunch of 3d ones but this one also has a 3d but just that one doesn't have the initialize menu that you're looking for pretty much so that's a model you can load that one your gonna be a sculptor so what I want to do is I'm gonna select this cylinder 3d one right here and so if I collect that slick that you're gonna see this is I'm gonna get so I have a cylinder object and it's over here a new sub tool now if I try to come through and sculpt on this so let's say I take the clay Teebs brush and click sculpt see nothing's gonna happen so this is how you know if you have a primitive basically if you try to sculpt anything on it you're gonna get a one-on-one not gonna let you do it the other way to note if you have a primitive object is if you scroll down to the bottom here and you open up the initialize tab the initialize tab for that object will have a bunch of parameters you can change and so these are basically going to like to manipulate this primitive object to different things so if I don't want this to be a perfect cylinder and come and change these sliders and get a different result so one thing here is we have the align option so I can change how I want my cylinder to be aligned so we have this little head here that's showing us my direction so same kind of looking as for head here so I know this is pretty much the front of the cylinder here so for the tire I want to make sure that I'm you know facing this way with the tire so the tire would be going down like this and then if I go to the side this would be where I'd get the hub and the rest of the wheels so I'm going to change my align my axis here to align X next thing we can do is we can change some different variables so we have an inner radius this allows us to get a tube shape out of this if we want so I'm gonna keep that down to zero we also have an H divide and a V divide so if I turn on my poly frames if I change my V divide you'll see this is gonna change those vertical lines across the cylinder there and for this one here I want to just slam it all the way down to three so that's only gonna give me one here and two and then the middle points and then for the h / usually try to keep this in either powers of six or powers of eight so six and twelve or I'll do eight and then 16 and then 32 so I usually kind of keep those there this gives you an even number of your cylinder object and so we can do some other things with this if we keep these divides even so if I come up here and I say change this to say 32 this is now gonna give me 32 divides around the top there they have some other different options here with this initialize you can taper the top you can change the size of it we're just gonna keep the all those pretty much standard and anytime you have a 3d object that you're gonna have an initialize menu and in here you may have a bunch of different things you can do in here so this is just the one for the cylinder now after I'm happy with the changes here now to get this to a mesh that I can use with brushes like say the clay tubes brush or even say the zmodeler brush I need to convert it to a poly mesh object and so if I go to the tool palette here I just need to click this make polymesh3d this is gonna take this and it's going to convert it to a poly mesh now I'm going through this in terms of the basic stuff because you're gonna run into these primitives you may can use these to create forms another thing you can do is there's a preset that's already loaded with a bunch of these primitives forms in lightbox so if I come to light box here and I open that up in here at the top here next to those spheres we're loading in there is a primitive zpr file and this will load in some primitive files that already are set up with creasing they already have the you know kind of proper amounts of edge looping and divisions around the things so you can just grab that load it in and get a really nice head start on your modeling so that's usually where I'll go to if I'm modeling anything with those email aggression usually grab that primitives brush and use that but there's the option today we just went through and created one out of the primitive tools here so let's see here so with this I'm now ready to start using the zmodeler brush so I'm gonna select the zmodeler brush again and I should probably put up these little slide shows or Kyle's gonna Mattamy these are just showing you the dates dates and times dates sometimes I think Paul moves his I need to probably do that to open my keyboard here for now all right so now I'm just like zmodeler brush so once again to select a brush you just need to press B and then remember the two letters ago with the brush you want so the zmodeler brush the begins with the letter Z so B and Z well isolate the amount of brush and then the last button press for Z mother is M so bzm will give me the Z mama crush one thing with the zmodeler brush too another little addition here so if you have different options that you like so let's say you always find yourself using extrude instead of Q mesh or say when you're over an edge you always end up using you know say collapse instead of insert well you can come through and set these up in a zmodeler brush and then save this out by guarding the brush palette and go to save as and you can save this out as a new brush or you can say where the existing and then those options will be remembered so this will allow you to say set up a custom zmodeler brush just for yourself you can set up multiples so if you have one that you just want for say extrusion and you have one they just went for the cue mesh you can have both those brushes living in ZBrush and then you just toggle them with the hotkeys like we just did to say select the standard brush or the zmodeler brush and then you'll have to go through that space bar menu so a little bit high level of stuff there basically you can save what options you choose and so then that brush will remember it next time you go back to it so you don't know if you find yourself always switching to something with does email to brush every single time you use it just save it as over top of the existing one that's in there and then you don't have to go through that process it'll save you a little bit of time so the first thing I want to do with my cylinder here is I want to add some edge loops in the middle here on the backside and for the tire I'm basically focusing on modeling one side of it after I have the one side done I can then flip it and do some other stuff to it so I'm really just concerned about one single area so the first thing I want to do is I want to add an edge loop in here and this just makes kind of a little bit easier especially when you come through and start modeling stuff because now you have this nice area you can add other edge loops too and you have to worry about this pole in the center as much so you could open this as like delete that those faces out of there which will also help quite a bit because basically that pole if you don't like condensed and sound so if you say divide the model up and we turn off my poly frames here you can sometimes start seeing that pole as you use your mesh so as you're doing it you're gonna see this kind of like point and it it just it catches my eye and drives me nuts so I always try to like taper that pull-off down to a very small area as soon as possible so just taking an edge loop and bring it in closer so it has less room to kind of mush down to that single point and then the next thing I want to do is I want to add a middle edge loop through the middle here so this was the middle of my mesh here and to do this quickly I'm just gonna use a mirror and weld process so I come over here to geometry and I go down to the modified topology and click mirror and weld and this will now apply at middle now the mirin welds gonna go from one side of the other so basically I did that you can see my edge disappeared because it took this side and mirrored it over there so if you can see a little head here the mirroring is always gonna happen from where the endpoint of this is something of this like less than a greater so it's gonna take the less inside and then go to the other side so if I want this edge loop to go on the other side basically you just easily just create it over here and then when you click mirror and weld now you have that point directly in the center of the mesh and you have it on the other side too so just putting a point right down the middle of my cylinder I could also set the divide to have like one division it would've been down the cylinder I could use the insert multi option a bunch of different ways but you guys got the mirror weld approach today reading questions here why does the zmodeler open have poly sphere in the ribbon can we stop the ribbon for an opening and take em screen space all right so this little thing here is the IMM viewer bar this is what the question is asking about is there a way when I have this email address selected to not have this visible so what this is showing you is that a zmodeler brush by default has this property called nano mesh and nanomesh will allow you to take a inserted geometry piece and apply it to paulie's of your model there's a whole bunch of videos on that and it gives them really cool result we can take topology and just apply it everywhere across the surface so what this is telling you when you select a ZMOT brush it's saying hey this part this cube here is built into the zmodeler brush by default so oftentimes if you select say an insert mesh brush they grab this one here you can see this is gonna have a ton of different options over the top here so these are all the parts in that one and the zmodeler brush by default will always have one part embedded in it to use with this nanomesh option you can disable this by going to the preferences pad here and let me find out where this is my party answered the question here but there is a option here let me find this quick wait for it wait for it and you can turn this off but it's gonna take me a second because I don't exactly remember where this is you guys are gonna get the long the long run here I should know where this is and I don't I have a video on it all right may have to give up here in a minute because uh it's here somewhere but I can't remember if anyone remembers where it is we're to hide the mm viewer bar oh man oh man okay someone needs to do it do a youtube search for su brush how to hide ti mm viewer bar and that will I can turn it off for you guys but yeah there is a way you can also switch which side it's on to so it doesn't have live up top if live over here and over here if you live on the bottom so definitely you can Davis able it and then you can save that out and it will be remembered when you launch ZBrush again and then when you go and select a Zima or brush or an IMM part alfe out of ZBrush then it will no longer display that mirror bar at the top so one little thing there all right so it's something else we got here Gary's asking is merging the only way to bridge between two sub tools so you can do a lot of things the welding you can merge points there's a lot of ways you can merge sub tools together but basically you need to join them together with the merge that's one way which is gonna take everything that's visible and merge it together the live billion process if you run that it's gonna go through and kind of do that same process it's gonna look at this sub tool and then look at the next one and combine them and then go to the next next next next but um merge for just taking some - some tools and putting together but not welding the Joan together is the way to do it yes so this head in the top corner is the cam view and if you go to preferences and go down here to the cam view area and who are this setting is there's a next option you also have the ability to make your own cam views with any models you have loaded in so you can do that and click it and change the size of this seeing also there's some reset ones you can load there's an earthquake one in there so definitely there's some different ones you can cycle through but that's where it's located preferences camp you let's what else we got here yes there was a video where I make a tire - on a nasty brush I'll get the link for that in the second interface I'm in viewer let's go to interface mm viewer thank you here's show and hide let me switch this seeing seeing change the placement of it where it's gonna go and then if I click show and hide it's gonna hide it so that is how you can get rid of it Thank You Pedro look at that profit alright so now let's start working on this tire so the one thing I like doing with this is while you're doing this there's it's fun to do this process where if you hold down alt and click and drag you kind of get this weird like a little like Rolly kind of selection and it's actually pretty fun to do but it takes a little while so you can definitely say if I wanted to extrude out these faces I can tag them really quick and extrude and get shapes like this but the more efficient way is to activate symmetry and not only have it just symmetrical in one axis but coming through and using it with radial so if we go to the transform tablet here there's a the activate symmetry button which I take with X and then down here we have different accesses and then we have this little R icon which is going to activate radial symmetry so if I turn R on you're gonna see it's gonna give me this radial option right so now I'm able to reform Z baller actions based on the center of this shape here and so as I rotate around and see that it performed the actions in eight way so I go to the transform again you can see my radial count set to eight so I had 32 sides on this mesh and so I can extrude now at eight and I can modify just at those eight levels okay for this one I want to up it to 16 so I'm modifying one every other and leaving a space in between so since it was 32 I should have a nice spacing between everything so I'm gonna come back up here to transform I've changed my radial counts sixteen and now when I come across my model and perform any of those poly actions you're gonna see it's gonna give me this effect so this is handy when making things that are cylindrical because it speeds up the process and also you can allow you get different designs so I can do by four I can do you know whatever those powers that would go down in evenly you can start modifying your shape now what I like doing for the tire here is first to establish you know the inner stripe and then I'll establish you know the edge rim and then I'll usually establish the tread in the middle and all this is using pretty much radial symmetry as I do this a lot of insert edgeloop income in and just start inserting stuff the another one that I use a lot with the inserting option is there is one if I hover the edge here and press spacebar go in the edge action menu there is a polygroup action and with the polygroup action here there's a poly loop process and this will allow me to come through and generate a different polygroup across an entire poly loop so we talked about poly poly groups as a way to you know set different zones on your model and then you can use those with those targets so I'm come through and say set this as a poly loop and now it's gone through and giving me a poly group across that entire area now I can do things like come across this poly here switch to say the cue mesh action let me do this one up here so you guys can see it so the cue mesh action changed my target from a single poly group to polygroup all and now when I apply this it's going to apply it to that poly group and so now I can get this and start generating that shape now we also talked about that multiple insert edgeloop so I go back to the insert again choose multiple edge loops I can team that interactive resolution on and put the interactive elevation on and then come through now click and drag and now I can add that shape too so I'm expanding it out you know set a poly group for it added that edge through there and then I use the elevation with that multi edge loops and now I have this kind of raised rim so there's a lot of things you can do with that kind of stuff now the other one that's really fun is if I come across an edge here and hit spacebar and go back to that polygroup again I'm gonna come through and just give this new polygroup and so while I'm doing this if you click and then hold down alt you can cycle through or press alt' you can cycle through polygroup coloring so if you have an area that has the same poly group you can just cycle this and now give this area a new polygroup so this is gonna separate that middle area from this outer area now and now that I have this middle area I can now perform a cue mesh action just on that area if I want and I'm not going to deform that polygroup colors on the other side now with this cue mesh action in this radial format I can also use that modifier shift which is gonna perform that move and this is handy if say like I did this design through here and then I decided hey I want this to be a little bit thicker so I'm come across this inner poly group click and drag and as I'm dragging I can hold down shift and this is now gonna do this kind of move so it's moving that face instead of welding it or extruding it and now I can tailor that depth so I can make this smaller instead of larger right so I get it to that size now so you can come through and play just put that stuff and using this radial symmetry is gonna give you a lot of kind of control on this because you do the process on one side and it can do the whole rim it's not gonna affect anything and then you can also say if I only want to affect one part send it back to single poly and I can now only affect a part as well so for this stuff I'm gonna come through here and I'm going to just kind of push this back in so I'm gonna start generating this kind of wheel hub through here so I want to pull this back so I have more space to work with on this outer side so I'm gonna come in and hold down alt you can select stuff this way too if you're on a single poly still I can pull this in if I hold down shift it's gonna give me this effect so ready it's moving it back instead of placing it so I can get this back into here say like that I can add some more edge loops through here with that insert single edge loop option say add this in if you add an edge loop and you have intensity turned on this will also allow you to kind of add the edge and then it's going to perform a inflate basically on that edge and move it in so if I have my intensity cranked up and click this let me turn it up a little bit more here it should be it should start pulling that edge out so you see it's not following that flat if I do it on this side you'll see a little bit better oh it's it's it's failing me well it should play with the C intensity - I think my radial symmetry is causing it chaos so much radial symmetry but I'll come in and just start inserting edge loops into these areas here and then I'll start playing with that multiple edge loops to kind of get us get different designs so I'll add you know the little rim there a little part through there maybe on these things here I'll add another edge and then if I get multiples I can add a new polygroup then I can perform that qresh action with polygroup ball and hold down shift and i can move these things out and you can see I can just start manipulating the forms and radials are really easy anything it's like a cylindrical shape is always pretty easy to model because it's you're basically just you know doing a scaling right so you just you have that row of edges and you're scaling in and out and it's giving you the form do that there now for this area on the back here I kind of want to you know make this a little bit bigger so I want to start growing my tire outward so I'm going to add a new polygroup here by poly loop and then I'll do the same one over there so since I didn't hit alt it's given this the same polygroup and now I can cue mash and hold down shift and start bringing my tire shape out some now I can add some different elements here another thing that's nice is oftentimes it depends when I'm in I can add an edge loop add an edge loop and then I can delete an edge loop and that will give you that kind of tapered border you can also use a bevel process so if I come across this edge loop here and then go in the edge action menu again there's a bevel and if you have it on edge to complete you can click and drag and that will also bevel too so another way to add a little bit of tapering to different areas on your mesh and so it's really a lot of the the process here is very much you know the same steps so I'm just switching between a very few groups of things here tagging stuff with different polygroups colors so I can use them after I have one I like in queue my shits pull it out this one here I want to get that tire you know to have a little bit of bulbous nature to it so I can just use the insert with multi edge loops and then interactive relative resolution and I can start dragging it out and I'll start getting that taper and then if this edge isn't really doing what I want and come in and delete that so now I have it looking round like that through there so you see how it's starting to get that tire effect and you can really play with this to your heart's content there isn't a right and wrong come if you're trying to match a tire you can definitely you know load some image in use like say the see-through option here to see it in the background and they can model around that pretty easy let's look at these chats here Sony oh yeah if you ever just ask the question we'll see I can't guarantee that I will be able to answer it ml the night is asking how would you handle topology of a hole on the outside of a cylinder without getting rendering artifacts do you have an example of that so like you want so if I want a hole say here through this area on basically let's see maybe so see if this is what you're asking so let's say I want to add a hole you know in this part here or maybe on this edge and so what I do here is first I come through and I want to add some edge loops to protect that area and you're doing this because if you have an area where you have a circle it's basically gonna change the topology around the areas and you don't want long triangles coming from here to your circle that's that's gonna create this like crazy artifacts and it's not gonna look smooth so what you want to do in here is you want to basically protect that edge first and so if you have if you want to create the hole on an edge you wanna make sure you add topology in the middle and in the edge and then this is where you create your hole if you're creating it on a poly you'd want to add just the border protection around and so that's the two options there if you want to add it on poly and then if I wanted to add it on an edge that's where I'd do it here now to add it on an edge you can hover over the point and there is an option called ring and in here you have basically come through and I can create a ring not rink it's not what I want I want split point and this will come through and it's gonna split the point now you'll see what's happening when I split this those protecting edges came in right so there if I didn't do those protective edges and I just added one edge loop and split the point you see it's going out further than I really want it so if I want to big circles maybe okay but see these triangles in here so you want to kind of reduce that as much as you can so add you know protective edges around there if your cylinders really dense you're gonna get a better kind of result out of it and so now when you put this out you're not getting this craziness the next thing with this kind of stuff I usually double it so I'll do one point and then I'll do another one so there's just adding another layer of protection to the circle so splitting once and then splitting again and now I have this kind of effect so I have this ring which is going to add another layer of protection then I can then go in and say smooth out and keep that transition flowing nice rather than having it going from here to here and then after I have these I'd come through and say grab those and then continue mesh them in and that would be kind of how I'd handle kind of circles on the edge there now you're creasing is going to come to play a lot on this as well so when you apply your dynamic subdivisions you will have to go in and modify some of your creasing some but that would be the way I'd probably go about adding those there the other option that would work really well is that you could take it and instead of doing it manually like this what I do is I model your tire or your cylinder and then I'd use the live boolean system so I take your tire get it how you want it looking with that nice smooth edge convert your dynamic if you're using it to traditional subdivisions and then apply cylinders where you want them afterwards and then use the live boolean to cut those cylinders out that's going to keep your tire looking nice and fluid all the way around you're not gonna get any geometry artifacts and then those cylinders are gonna cut in exactly where you want them so that would the other option there you can do your mesh will be higher polygon count than this but you won't have to go in and manually manipulate the topology quite a bit it'd be a little faster but it would not leave you with a nice little low-rise cage questions here so tenacity is asking oh you missed the classic in so all these are on replay too so they definitely will be on YouTube and you can re-watch them my next stream will be next Wednesday so I came here what I'm covering on Wednesday may be boolean stuff and then I'll be back on Friday too so we're trying to keep all the at least one of us developers different pixologic are trying to stream every day during this chronovisor coronavirus craziness Pro is asking how do you do another hole of a Viking ship so you can start with it start with a cube and just start modeling you could get it it would take a little while there's some the brushes that would be handy for that would be there's a move so isolate Byam here move infinite depth would be a lot to move your friend through there you can also do some cool things with bridging so we're gonna take a break from the tire here I'm gonna save this out I'm gonna do a little tangent because the tire real I just need to add some treads and flip it over it'll be good to go but let's go over here and let's grab that poly sphere and we'll initialize it and compare it to a cue cube so this is another thing you can do with geometry and the zmodeler brush which is pretty fun so let's say I have my cube here and I'm just going to move it off into space if you ever have this happen this is because you have symmetry turned on so if you have the gizmo 3d and you go and you're trying to move a part in space and you're getting this craziness this will happen I've once you're starting to learn ZBrush you have the trial and you go to move I just wanna move the box to the left and this happens it's because you have symmetry active so you need to go transform and turn off symmetry or press X on your and then now you'll be able to move it and it won't do that stretchy thing so one little thing there that sometimes you'll run into if you're basically a brand new to ZBrush here so with this cube here I want to make two of these so when I have one over here and one over here so I'm going to jump stab and use mirror and weld and it's gonna take this one since there's nothing over here it's gonna say hey you probably want this side it's gonna mirror it over the other side so now I have two of these cubes now they have two of these cubes what I want to do is I want to delete some faces and you're talking we had a question about how you can make whole of a Viking ship so basically I'd model you know your back of your ship and then for like the front bow part where it's doing this what we can do is we can use the bridge two holes option here and it'll make a curve between one side to the other and it's it does a pretty nice resulting change the splines the variable or the modifiers on it and it'll end up getting this nice curved shape and you can do this with a lot of things so if you're making pipes you can generate one pipe here and then generate one pipe here and then bridge those two holes and it will make that nice curved surface so for this I'm gonna hover over a poly on both sides here and press spacebar which is the delete option this time make sure it's on a single poly I'm gonna click click and then delete those so I've just removed those two Poly's there and now I want a bridge from here to here and my bridge these two holes and this is going to give me this shape that's going to come out so I kind of want to position this so I can see both these edges and then have enough room to kind of control this I'm gonna hover over one of the edges press spacebar grands email or edge Action menu I mean really hover of this one so you guys can see it I'm gonna choose bridge and then down here we have the two hole option we have a bunch of different variables we can choose you have to have a bunch of different stuff with curvature so you can choose you know standard curvature have it modify once again there's videos on all this and Z classroom if you just do a search on Z classroom for zmodeler it'll go into all these different variables so with this I'm going to click one side over here and then I click the next side and it's now going to perform this bridge now when it's performing the bridge I can now scroll up and down and this will allow me to adjust the amount of topology that's being applied right so I'm just scrolling up and down the mouse and now I'm this curve so if I was gonna create something shipped like I'd come through and just you know set up my areas and then now I've got this kind of shape here I can then come in now and say cue mesh these guys out new single poly not all Polly's and then clean this up I can then come through and say oh I want this angle a little bit more hold down that alt button for that temporary polygroup come across all these guys here cue mesh and hold shift and I start get that shape all right fix this other side too and so that would be kind of how I'd go through and start you know modeling that whole that ship so doing something like that and you know using the option of where you're setting your points and then you're using curves to generate the area in between and then you can now modify the shape to get that where you want it and you can do the curves down here too so if I want if I come through here and I do delete this one and this one this one this one I do that bridge two holes again first point second point now I got that part right and so you kind of see where I'm going with this and then you can now use the cue mesh action here and this is going to bridge these out and so you go that way down your ship now you probably will at some point have to come through and grab some polygons and then scale them down but that way and kind of get a the shape of that kind of ship hole out of it and you won't have to do too much the other thing too with it if you're modeling shapes like this it's oftentimes easier not to have back faces on the inside too so you can actually come through and say polygroup these poly loops and just tag all these areas and then delete probably group all and basically want just the hole right the inner in the outside and then now we can go to the tool pallet go to the polygroup area and do an auto groups we're just gonna look at those geometry islands I turn on double here and we'll see this so have that enter in the outer and now I can just hold ctrl and shift and select the outer and then now delete hidden and now I'm left with you know less geometry manipulate so if I need to perform you know a move or something with the gizmo 3d I don't don't worry about that middle topology anymore and then after I have my shell generated I can come through now just queue mesh all polygons and this is now gonna give me my thickness so you can always come through a model like it's it's a lot easier to model single sided sometimes because you don't have to worry about the double amount of vertices in the middle so if I'm coming through and I want to select you know these parts and move them I may not select the ones in the middle correctly and then I've got a massive topology in the middle so if you can do something like this where you're isolating just the outer shells you're finishing your building that way and then you come back in and add thickness using the cue mesh action that's another way it's gonna save you some time Pedro is asking about curvature and adding an edge loop so if I come through here and say remove this edge loop here and I want to add this back and get curvature to it basically in here move my keyboard if you go to the insert option multiple edge loops there is an average normals right here and this should do what I'm looking for maybe it's smooth elevation there you go smooth elevation I don't think it's an original let's turn yep and smooth elevation will go through and look at that curvature there and at it so if you come through and keep adding this it's gonna end up smoothing that surface so that's the process there if you have like a area and you want to add an edge and have it folded flow so that is just taking it you go spacebar into the edge action menu choose multiple edge loops and then change your elevation to smooth elevation and then click and it should add it alright alright let's go back to this tire quick tire tire tire alright so now that I got this I can add some more details to this as well but I want to start adding me the tread back here so I'm gonna come through in just Umesh some of these areas so I have this set to all polygons it's change in a single click and drag to add that and this once again that all temporary polygroup so you add it quickly and then now if I before that queue mesh action it's gonna add that tread surface through there now the next thing we want to do is I want to kill the the back part here so I don't really need this back area so I'm gold down control and shift and let me get my select rectangle brush and drag this out and I'm gonna hold down the Alt key to make it red and they'll just hide that so this is what I've got here for the back part and then I'm gonna go to the geometry modify topology and I'm delete hidden that's gonna remove that back side and now you well you have a few different options here you can do so if you want the tread to say have a design that's you know a little bit different so on this side this tread goes to say here and on that side that shared goes in between the other space basically you just isolate part of your tire like this and then once you have one of this parts isolated I can now make a duplicate and mirror over if I want the tread to be you know kind of have a symmetrical kind of v-shape through here I can now just perform a mirror and weld on this well make sure I get my right axis here let's move this over so make sure my chantry's hidden can mirror this and then do a mirror and weld and that's gonna give me that and that could easily just come in mask out that center part grab the gizmo 3d and rotate and then now I've got that tread kind of effect so that's that's the easy one so basically I took the one tire mirror over the other side and then I can just grab the topology in the middle there and then just rotate it with the gizmo 3d and that's going to give me that kind of tread pattern like this now the more topology I have in the middle there or wherever I decide to put that masking is gonna determine how much of that is gonna be generated but that's that's the quick one there now the other way is if I take my model here and I'm gonna move it out past the middle line so you see I've had the floor grid on this is gonna give me the zero axis of the world and I can want to move this out so if I have it on the axis and I perform in Weld it's gonna weld right down the middle right so it's gonna take this take this and it's gonna weld these two together I want that space so I'm gonna take this and move it out and now when I perform mirror and weld it's gonna give me something like this so now I have a gap in between here now when you have a gap or two models on the opposite sides if you say use the gizmo 3d and you have symmetry turned on let me get our radio here and you have symmetry turned on if you use the gizmo 3d it's gonna try to basically if you realign it's gonna put on one side and the other and this is gonna allow you to move them separately like this so it's taking this part and using it and then taking this part using it now one thing with this process when you do it if you go to scale it's gonna do this kind of weird scale collapse and sometimes you don't even want this scale collapse that happened you want to happen on a local level but not between this global way so this is like destroying it way too much so what you can do is you can activate this local symmetry over here and now the gizmo 3d is gonna respect that and it's gonna scale it on its own side rather than in the middle so if you want to do a scale process and you've got two parts activating local is gonna get to give you a different effect so here's without local and if I have local on and go to scale it's gonna do it locally so one little thing there it's often handy too if you go to scale something and you're like why isn't this scaling why is it scaling weird activate local with the symmetry on and they'll kind of help you out there too so now that I have these two parts of the tire I want to take one of them and I want to rotate it so it's off-center so I don't want this part in this part to match I want the one side to be different so I know that if I take 316 divided by 32 it's like eleven point two five so I'm gonna mask part of this one half of the tire here and then on the other side I'm gonna switch to the gizmo 3d I'm gonna click the little go to unmasked mesh Center and you can try to do this at eleven point five but it's gonna be a little difficult you can change your snap settings for this in the Z plugin tab miscellaneous there's a snap angle here but of course eleven point five is probably not gonna be able to be getting there so what I'm gonna have to do is I'm going to go to tool palettes go to the deformation palettes so that one part of the tire is mashed mashed and then we use this rotate option here now you may have to figure out what access you're on so by default it's on Z so nope it's on X today and now I can rotate those so you'll see it's gonna rotate so in here I can now type in 11.25 and that's gonna give me that exact rotation and now I have this tire and the other tire and these parts through here should line up so you can see they're going all the way through so now they have these two separate parts I want a bridge between these so I'm going to take a this part and this part in Bridgette - it's gonna be similar to what we did with that ship we're making the hole but this time I'm just going to bridge these parts together and you'll notice that on these parts - I have these edges closed off so this is a key thing here - if I have these edges open it's not gonna give me the geometry I want so make sure if you do this process that these are closed and only this middle part is open I'm just gonna help you when I do this bridge so now I'm gonna hover over one of these edges press spacebar ground the zmodeler edge action menu and here my choose bridge and then target if two holes I'm gonna click the one side and rotate and click another side you don't have to click the exact side and this will now perform that bridge I can scale up and down to determine how many segments I want I really just want one right now and now I've generated that effect so I've taken my tire and I've added that bridge between the two now with this I can now modify this some more so I can go back up and activate my radial symmetry I can cue mesh this part to kind of give this to give me that effect if I wanted to embed it first what I can do is I can take this and kind of scale the parts here let's do that make sure I Center my gizmo scale it down and now I come through and cue mesh cue mesh and I want to do an extrude on this one and actually I want to extrude on this one and not affect that other side so like that so now I'm getting this cross pattern through here and I don't want it to fully snap so you see I'm kind of letting it only snap partially and then if I turn my dynamic Southern's on you can see they're not connect and it's going to give me that kind of tread pattern so that's the kind of the process you can do on that and then I can scale my entire tire down until it looks something more established through there now when I did the scaling on that you know it's see it did also scale the inner part through here so I can move these back if I want something come through and say select all these and then say select this and this is just me holding alt and then since I have radial on I can just click like pretty much once and it's gonna give me that whole area and now if I cue mash this part and hold down shift I probably do an extrude instead and thanks through those Polly's you know in and out I kind of missed though an important ring in there though I'll have to get that one but that's I can kind of change your shape back to it now one more thing I want to hit with this session here is on the tire itself I had like a little air nozzle or an air valve and for this it's also kind of an easy process to so let me see if I can move this back first so everything with one let me give this loop a new polygroup here and now I'm gonna cue mesh that pile your ball and move it back so I get a little bit flatter there we go something like that now let's say I want to add a little air valve so I'm gonna turn off symmetry by hitting X I'm gonna add two loops so once again we did that other loop addition where we came through and added protection for the edge for this one I want to do it on a poly so I just added two loops there and I have a single poly here now with this single poly I want to go in here and I want to choose the option of inset single polygon and I want Center and border and as I drag this out you see it's gonna inset that shape now if I hover over this you're gonna see that the hot key of holding shift while I do this is going to make that part perfectly square so if I do this and hold shift it's now going to square this out and now with this being a square I can now do a q' mesh action cue it out then do an extrude instead so it doesn't weld so is why you'd switch from cue mesh to extrude so you can see that part was jumping over there if I changed my brush to a larger draw size it wouldn't probably snap as much but you can also just switch to extrude and get that there and then I can add a little edge loop here make sure I have my intensity down there and then I can add a poly loop and then qmesh polygroup all or extrude poly your ball and I've got that and now this shape here since it is perfectly square if I turn dynamic on it's going to smooth it and basically make it look around so if I activate dynamic you can see I'm going to get that kind of valve shape out of it so I inset it at a square I activate a dynamic and that's going to turn it now this stage I probably go through and start doing all my creasing on the model here so applying a bunch of creasing you can do it first by edge angle which is going to look you know pretty decent right out the gate you can see that since those that Square area was all the way square through there you probably don't want creasing on that so I would have to come back in and on crease these let me get my crease option here and then this will now go back to that roundness and you can always use visibility to select these things a little easier to and so you know I can see I have my tire and I have that part rounded then I can change my smooth thing there and things start getting that tire format away so here I have a more finalized version of the tire here this one had a little more love put into it and so it's basically all the same principle one thing I like doing with these as well is this was just an insert right through here for this edge and just making a really small insert edgeloop and then taking that polygroup like we did on that other tire and then expanding it out gives you this kind of like nice rubber wear so this mould line and all that is is a sliver that I've just q meshed out and its own it's the same with this thing here this is just another another sliver of geometry that's been pumped out same with this one through here and so all these things like it's just that kind of process and it's just think about your edges and if you make them tiny and come out it's gonna give you a line if you make them big it's not gonna give you you know a finite edge but this is all dynamics so if I turn it off this is what the mesh looks like and then if I turn dynamic on this is the result now these little pieces here to we're all modeled with zmodeler brush two so you definitely can get really complex with your shapes so it's there you can see here's some of that double edge looping that I was talking about earlier when I added the point split so you can see I added this protected area through here and this gives you a lot of control after you've done that circle because it's a pain to come back in and try to if you have a circle it's a pain to come back in and add a circle on top of it you're basically at the remodel thing but if you add this little protective loop around the edge now if I want to come back in and say hey add another little design here I've got that edge loop right so now I can come through and say add a little a little bit here to that part and now I'm gonna get a different result if I didn't have that little protective edge loop that I modeled in initially I wouldn't be able to do that because basically the edge loop the edge flow would not have worked so it would have came off it would have been like this and if I want to go and say add an edge loop there this is what I would have got instead of this so if you're doing anything cylindrical I highly recommend you know adding a protective edge loop to stuff you can see these ones too same kind of thing these were done with the squares through here like we did that Valve to get that effect more insert options through here and just changing how you apply your creasing to so these don't have creases on the edges so you see it's kind of give them that smooth effect all those little was a bunch of insert mesh parts that I use a time to and this is just all created with the zmodeler brush and you can get pretty advanced but most of the stuff is all pretty simple like if you think about how it's just created so this was just um a cylinder and then I just kind of squished it down I grabbed some of the edges and started pulling them out and then when I got to a point here I used that bridge to bridge connected Poly's which is another fun one I'm going to show you that guys use all that quick this one's another good one to use so we did the bridge two holes bridge connected Poly's is fun too and this one if I come across the poly locate the bridge there's bridge connected now when you do this you're gonna see this little line I'm just gonna determine where you're gonna bridge the two Poly's say this one's going to bridge this one and so if I click on this now they'll do this functionality and this is how I got those shapes added in so I went bridge to Polly's off an edge I made sure that I had a middle point then I came to that point I split it this one did something weird oh you split that middle point if you ever need a weld stuff to you can go to the modify topology area and click weld and there's an option for triangle on this bridge connected poly to triangle sides first quad sides that will determine how that middle point gets generated and now this should split a little better so then I split this and there's an option for ringing it as well so that will now make it circular and then you can come in and punch this out or make it grow and there you've got that kind of shape so that's what it was done with those other pieces all right so I got a few minutes here look at these questions quick glad you guys are enjoying the streams yeah the I definitely if you haven't played with the zmodeler brush and ZBrush it's it's fun to play with and there's a lot of things in here that if I go to see other applications I miss so like the cue mesh action is definitely fun to go through and start extruding different points out and having that welding ability is actually really really nice so there hasn't been there's been some changes bug fixes for sure since the release of r3 which is where the zmodeler brush was introduced we're always looking for you know adding stuff too so it's new stuff is always on the way all right you guys well I think that's about the end of the time here so once again thank you guys for and gals for coming out and watching the stream so if you have any other like questions or want to know about any of the options in the zmodeler brush if you go to the Z classroom page here there is a whole slew of lessons for zmodeler so the main one here is I'm gonna go over each individual once or every option in zmodeler so in the point option the edge option in the curve option in the face option there's a video for each of those sections and go and watch them and see what they do one more thing too with the zmodeler brush is let's say if you have a mesh that's really dense and you only want to affect faces so what you can do is in each of the actions there's this option called do nothing and do nothing will prevent that action from happening so if I set my move to my point action to do nothing and my edge action to do Mun thing now it's only going to do a cue mesh because that's the only one I have set to an action so if I hover over an edge and click it's going to perform a poly action instead of an edge action because I have that edge to do nothing so if you have find yourself working on like a mesh that's very very dense and you go to like select a poly to extrude it so you're actually doing an edge loop every time you can set the edge loop to do nothing and then it won't process that edge action again and you can also if you have a brush set up like that maybe you find yourself this happens a lot you can just set up a zmodeler brush that has the q mesh action only turned on and everything else set to do nothing and then you can just save that out as a new zmodeler brush and those settings will remembered so when you load that brush it's only gonna have the q' mesh and then everything else will be set to do nothing so you can do that as well one final thing so the trial is out for ZBrush if you have any friends or anybody that are looking to learn digital sculpting we're doing developer streams probably till the end of the coronavirus so every day one of us should be streaming the trial version flows directly into this you can download it for 30 days you can try it out ZBrush does not use your GPU it is CPU based so this means that you can probably run ZBrush on any computer you have so Paul was using a really really old MacBook for a long time the MacBook come on right now isn't all that great and you saw all the stuff I did in this stream so you don't need a high power graphics card to run ZBrush so you can try the trial out and see if you like it we also have various ways to get into ZBrush so we have subscription base options and also perpetual licenses we've never charged for an upgrade fee for professional licenses there's no yearly fees so I bought ZBrush years ago and haven't ever paid for another license or update of ZBrush since then so it was one of the greatest investments that I made even before joining pixologic we have monthly option plans as well and try to open up more avenues for get people to get in we also have ZBrush core Solomon and Daisuke will be doing streams on ZBrush core too and you can get into ZBrush core as low as ten dollars a month there's also a professional licenses for that as well so that is it for today as you see in the chat we have somebody on a ten-year-old month this computer is actually ten to ten years old too so it definitely works so thank you all for showing up stay safe practice that social distancing and if you do anything in the streams or anything at home using ZBrush use the hashtag ZBrush at home we'd love to see what you guys are doing so take care you all and I think Daisuke will be going on Monday and he'll be in Japan time he's out of Japan so I'll be doing then and showing some of the ZBrush course stuff all these videos are also on replay too so you can log into YouTube and rewatch these as well and I think that's it so thank you stay safe happy zbrushing
Channel: Maxon ZBrush
Views: 74,642
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zbrush, zbrush tutorial, zbrush speed sculpt, zbrush hard surface, zbrush beginner tutorial, zbrush 2019, zbrush 2020, pixologic, zbrush free, z brush, sculptris, pixelogic, zbrush live, zbrush download, zbrush core, zbrush trial, zbrush brushes, blender, 3d coat, 3d modeling, digital sculpting, adobe live, zbrush student, etsy, ZZoo, Zoo, Animals, Sculptris, Sculpting, Snake, Hook, Clay, Buildup, HPolish, VDM, Vector, Displacement, Maps, Brush, Decimation, Geometry, Color, Mannequin, ZSphere, Posing
Id: iy7KXcaNVIU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 126min 22sec (7582 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 10 2020
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