Cleaner Topology with Poly Group It - Zbrush 2021

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what's going on everybody my name is ian and welcome to another ir scrolls video today i'm going to show you how you can control your edge loops with zebra measure using polygroup it let's do this okay everybody so in today's video i'm going to be showing you how you can use polygroup it inside a zbrush to get cleaner edge flow when you're working on your model typically this is uh used when you're trying to actually get subdivisions from a dynamesh model or you've z-remashed and you're not quite getting the results that you want this this would be perfect for you i do want to add a quick disclaimer that doing this method i do not recommend replacing manual re-toppling for animation or any type of project that's going to get rigged or animated i do not re recommend replacing re-toppling with this method this is mainly just used if you're trying to get clean edge flow and really good topology on your model so that you're not fighting it the whole time but you also want those subdivisions all right so let's get started and what we're going to be doing is actually using three main items within zbrush our paintbrush our polygroup it and our zebra mesher so let's start off first things first is you're going to want to fill your object with a color typically white is ideal for this so we're going to go ahead and make sure that we picked white we're going to pick our paint brush so that's b for brush p for paint and a to select it and we're going to go to color and fill color now you want to make sure that you hit space bar that your rgb intensity is all the way up to 100 for this process as well now what we're going to do is we're actually going to draw some lines what i recommend especially if you're doing any type of reits apology at all pull out your read topology reference because it's really going to be helpful for you to use it as kind of a guide on how to draw this out to make it more user friendly for you during the sculpt process and so i have some off to the side which we'll be using but basically now that we've filled this object with white let's go ahead and select a black color which i have here and actually we're just going to go and hit v to switch over from white to black just so that we have that and it's easy to switch back and forth now what we're going to do is with black we're going to go ahead and actually start drawing out our topology and for eyes or just the face in general i like to make sure that i come in here and i'm actually going to draw a loop like this and then i'm going to go ahead and actually draw around his eyes kind of creating a mask now you can take your time with this and go as far as you would like but ideally we're just going to be painting this out so that we have something to tell zbrush on what to follow i've already done that so i'm going to hit down here and you can see here i have all my models drawn out so pause this video and make sure that you're you've drawn out the loops either something like this or very something similar to what you're used to seeing with the ritapo face now that you've done that and you've drawn out your face and you have something that's very similar to mine what you can go ahead and do is hit shift f because we want to make sure that if we do have multiple polygroups on our mesh to go ahead and hit control w and that's going to go ahead and switch our polygroups now i'm going to come up here and turn off the lines just so you can really see what's happening here what i'm going to do is go up to z plug-in and i'm going to come down to polygroup it i'm going to turn on the magnifying glass you can see it and under polygroup it you have a couple options you have polygroup it poly group it from paint and then of course border polygraph from paint is what we're going to be doing so we're going to go ahead and click this button and this is actually going to determine the white paint from the black paint and pretty much figure out where to cut so let's go ahead and click now that actually might take a while depending on how complex or dense your model is so just be patient and then go ahead and this is what you should have now at this point i do not recommend using mirror and weld or try to use mirror to get everything the same color this actually really does work beneficially if you have all the poly groups kind of set up for this for success the thing that i want you to remember is if you do see something very similar to one another like this blue paint or this uh this blue poly group right here is let's say it was closer to the purple that's here go ahead and hit ctrl shift and have select wreck picked and pick that polygroup and just change its color to something that's a little bit more contrasty and different to its surrounding uh polygroups a lot of times what you'll notice is that if you have two different hues next to each other but they're both blue zbrush might get confused and actually weld those together so go through and make sure that each one of these colors is slightly different like these two right here i'm gonna go ahead and pick this one and actually pick a different color maybe something like not the yellow there we go something like that blue that way it's just completely different from each other and what we are going to want to do is actually smooth these lines out with each other you can see how the lines are very jagged and they're not really cleaned up so we can do that pretty easily one of two ways or a combined method of both which is what i like to do what i like to do is come up to deformation and focus in right here by polish by groups i'm going to slide that all the way over and what we'll notice is that if we do that now our loops got a little bit cleaner and we can do this a couple times just to make sure that that is actually coming clean and then what i like to do is pull out a special groups uh a groups brush a smooth by groups which will actually help clean this up further so i'm going to hit the comma key to open up the light box i'm going to go to brush i'm going to go to smooth and then i'm going to hold shift and we're going to want to pick this bottom left one which is smooth groups double click that by holding shift and then what we're going to do is hold space bar and shift turn off rgb and we're just going to go ahead and smooth these groups together i'm going to turn off the lines just so you can see a little bit better just run across it just to kind of give it a cleanup now you could take your time with this and you can do all of it what i'm going to do real quick is speed through and clean this up so go ahead and pause the video again and start cleaning that up okay now that our groups are smooth we can actually go ahead and start the next process and i'm going to zoom in real quick one more time just to show you that even with the uh dynamesh how you get a lot crisper cleaner lines just by hitting that up okay so now it's time to move on the next step which is z-remesher and we're just going to set up uh really quickly just some settings so we're going to go to z remember i'm going to turn on again shift and we'll turn on our magnifying glass and what i want to do is i want to set up a couple things first thing is i want to make sure that keeps groups is on and the second thing is you can decide to crease your model if you would like so you can come up to creases and crease by polygroups which it won't hurt in fact if anything it'll make it better or at least give zbrush just an extra guide so let's turn that on so crease uh crease by polygroups and then we'll make sure that in zero measure cheap groups and keep creases is turned on the next thing is i turn adapt off and then i make sure polygroups is anywhere between five to ten this gives me the best results up to you of course the lower the number the low the lower poly it will be so we're going to go ahead and back this up so you can see the results in fact i'm going to go ahead real quick and see if i could just hit shift f just so we can get a comparison on the fly and let's go to geometry zero measure and hit zero mesh and this might take a second so we might speed it up all right and it's done so let's go ahead and take a look so we had our before which was dynameshed and now we have our after i'm going to go ahead and just clear that for a second so this was before and this is after and you can see here how the edge loops are actually flowing around the mouth we have some nice edge looping around the mouth we have really good flow around the eyes which is where i always have tendencies to struggle and even if we get little stretch topology like this we can try to either do a relaxed smooth or we can even come in hit zebra measure on an edge and maybe add a loop or two if we feel it is necessary but this actually came out fairly well and like i said you just want to kind of go through and check and make sure that everything looks pretty good and i'm pretty happy with this alright guys and for the final step which is something that i tend to do a lot because i tend to push my dynamesh models pretty far is we can go ahead and project the details from our dynamesh version back so what we're going to do is actually make sure that solo is turned on and we're just going to go ahead and make sure that only the face and the duplicate face is picked now of course two if you don't want the black lines to be coming over to your your poly uh your low poly you can either make this completely one color again or you can just tell project to ignore which is what we're gonna do but we're gonna make sure that the high res of the model is on top and the low res is on the bottom and then we're going to go ahead and subdivide a few times by either going to geometry and hit divide or just hit ctrl d maybe save like two to three times get it to that one million marker which is going to hold detail really well and then we're just going to go ahead go to sub tool project and then project all and then i'm going to turn color off and hit project all and that might take a second and there you go now all of our detail is projected back the other thing i do recommend that you do is you go back to the lowest subdivision and if you did crease it go ahead and go to geometry crease and uncrease all so that way your model when it gets subdivided back up doesn't have any weird crease lines with the polygroup and then if you do not want the polygroups any longer just hit ctrl w and now you have really nice clean topology on your dynamesh model and all those details brought over without any issues whatsoever all right everybody that is it for today's video if you liked the video please don't forget to give it a thumbs up hit that subscribe button and don't forget to hit the bell notification to be informed of when i post these videos or even when i go live since i live stream on a regular basis all that info check the description but also too if you have any questions don't forget to comment and i'll answer them as soon as i can again thank you guys so much and i'll catch you on the next video later
Channel: IR Sculpts
Views: 11,960
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3D printing, zbrush, live stream, sculpting, digital art, character design, twitch tv, pixologic, toys, collectibles, graphic design, clay sculpting
Id: D3bOwnkTAP4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 57sec (657 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 16 2021
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