Using Zspheres in ZBrush

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I guess heading in working from flip normals here in this video we are going to take a look at see series in ZBrush before we do that make sure to subscribe to our channel and click the notification bell as well Ceaser's is really one of my favorite features in ZBrush when it comes to concepting up different things if you're doing creature concepting or if you want to block out of human whatever it might be it's really one of the most powerful tools it's it's a very old feature so a lot of people overlook it because you're going into the more fancier toys like sculptors Pro and dynamesh but they're definitely use cases for Caesar still in ZBrush today there's also arbitrary features like that's how we used to read apologize in ZBrush we used see spheres yeah there's just a lot of weird stuff with it but see see spheres is a really really powerful tool we can find C's first under tool and we have cs4 here now we are using new see brush 2020 which doesn't really add anything new to see rush but there are some other features as well you might see so when you have it when you have in a below we have this nice little red here and this looks weird and it is quite different from other features in ZBrush unlike the other features which are using pure polygons this one and and brushes we will be used in the draw mode move scale and rotate it up here to actually get something out here so if we enable symmetry now now we can see that we have we have symmetry the city x key for that also a new feature in ZBrush 2020 is we have the head over here so we can actually see which way we're facing this is basically impossible to do before hand so now we know we're facing forward so let's just add a little creature here we are going to be used in the draw mode and then we can just start to just draw it out like so now what we have here is the start of a base we can now use the move brush to to move this around let's say these are the hips then we can use the draw brush again hit the Q key and then we can just move this out like so I'll drag it out and then we can move it down then we can add another C sphere and we can drag that out like so and then we can drag it down and now you can see we can kind of get some legs coming around we can use the move brush they set the W key then you can start to move this around like so and you can just quickly see how incredibly fast it is to actually get something out if we hold down the shift key while clicking on all while dragging out in the draw mode here we get a seizure which is exactly the same size for this we can also hold down the ctrl key and is it going to move it out like so as well then we can just move it like this a tip is that when you're doing this you should have the brought the draw size set to the lowest thing you can right now it's not a huge problem but you might end up in issue in situations we have someone this with a giant brush size and now it moves everything so I prefer to set my my draw size all the way down to 1 because now I'm only controlling a single-seater with no problem roll you can also insert a see sphere in the middle of the chain as well so if you want to make this more for creature foot you can do that you can add a go into the draw mode you can click in the middle and let's just add sit here then we can go to the move brush then we can just move it down like so so you can get something more of a creature foot we can go up here and we can add a body to it just draw it out so you see how quickly you can actually get something going with this it's super fast to get something rolling click in the middle to add another see sphere like this so you can get some posture kind of looks like one of those buste and dynamic robots which will turn into super soldiers destroy our modern society yeah so see spheres are incredibly useful for especially concept enough your base just because I mean if you were to drag this out with just regular spheres and and then dynamesh them together or something like that you have to do quite a lot of stretching and fitting and that's it's also a way to do it but with sea spheres it's just I don't know it's just pretty intuitive because you create this armature for your character that you can then really easily pose and you have to worry about the transpose lines or transforming things around because you just you know you just have the standard tools it was really cool because once we built this armature we can also manipulate a lot if we were to go into just make sure the move brush is selected w key now we can just go between the C's first you see there is like almost like a bone between them if you familiar with Maya rigging or any other rigging and we can just drag them here and how you can just see that it kind of poses the entire thing in its weird fashion so if you want to change the character you might we can really select over like this you can easily do this like so to make him shrug like this it takes them a little bit time to get use to this but it's a really cool way of changing the design if you want move it up like this you can really quickly do this and you just create a whole new character like right away from this if you don't want to post it like this you just want to move everything up now we just hold on the Alt key while going in the middle here you see the bone here and just hold on the Alt key now I can just stretch him to infinity on like this you know the same when comes to scaling as well where we can scale up the entire thing if we if you hover over the the bones in the middle here and then we can just scale up and down or we can hold on the Alt key while doing it and this is going to scale them up just each local sphere in this chain so now we can just make it a lot thicker just ring designer up keep the same rotation as well where now you can just rotate them around unlike the moving this doesn't actually do a lot of crazy stuff this just rotate rotate is around or you can hold down the Alt key on the single sphere and now you can just see that we're actually rotating all of this so now you're done with your beautiful character it's amazing yeah thank you I worked very hard on it said a little tailed him as well just make sure if he fits this to sign now so what do we actually do now with the design like now clearly we can use this for anything well we have to turn them into polygons and we do this if you go to tool and then all them in a bottom we have adaptive skin so we hit preview now you can see what happens skew tournament to half a million polygons and we get these it looks like it's been dynamesh now essentially but what we can do we can set a dynamesh resolution all the way down and this re-enable preview and now you can see that we actually have polygons with this and it's not that the topology here is super tight or anything like that like clearly there are issues massive massive issues like this what it means though is that we actually have a very nice and straight topology for these areas like if you see here that the body here is is pretty damn solid for water is clearly it's not final topology but it's very workable topology this is a big difference between using dynamesh sculptors Pro whatever is that we actually get workable topology which we can start sculpting and right away when it comes to comes to masking stuff out posting it out whatever it might be and importantly we also you know we have some volumes obviously you know we still need to go in and actually create the proper volumes this is more just like a sketch of what the character can look like and then but the cool thing is once you have the adaptive skin turn that into geometry and then you can just start sculpting on it the hotkey for adaptive skin is also the a key so you can just quickly go between these you can also go in and change the density of it so if you want an even lower baseline this you can go in and just change the density here now if you want this to be actual polygons so we just click make adaptive skin and now you can see up here then we have a skin c31 so if you click a now nothing is going to happen and that's because now it's converted to polygons so now you can start to sub the letter up and you can start to do sculpt as much as you want to on this so this is really one of my favorite ways of coming up with interest in the science when it comes to the creatures and characters because it's so quick to do it and then of course you can combine this with sculptors Pro and dynamesh later on right you know if you want to you want to go crazy with this friends know this is disable subdivisions so if you want go crazy with this you can totally do this with sculptors Pro as well so there is no limitation to to what you can use this for so the way I often do this is I start off with C spheres and then I'm converting this to dynamesh and sculpts pro and then we see your mesh it later on to have a nice working base but yeah that's that's Easter's for you really one of the most powerful tools in ZBrush for consulting this to someone up here we have we go under to see sphere click the see sir then we can use to draw brush to draw the things out we can use the move brush to actually move them into place and we can use scale and rotate to change the size and rotation of it as well you can also use them for posts in your characters as well we have a whole different tutorial tutorial on that on our channel as well this is a really powerful way of posting because now you can just drag out a cs4 rig like this inside your character and now you can post the character like this super powerful way of doing it because you don't really have to delay tricks or anything like that now keep in mind that it sucks but it's it's a pretty good alternate of not having to rig something like it's very fiddly but most of the time especially if you have something with a lot of sub tools like you're making a complex character it's I find it's probably the easiest way to post something especially in ZBrush but it's not always super intuitive but it does you know it does the job so check out our other tutorial on exactly that so thank you so much for watching if you have any other requests for Seavers features we should look into doesn't have to be anything new or flash it can be a feature like cease for which you just didn't understand and even though it's been here since like the early 90s late nineties so yeah just let us know in the comments if you may see more content like this in the future make sure to LIKE and subscribe and click on the notification bell as well to get notified every single time we put out a new video if you're looking for training or high quality assets make sure to stop by the flip normals marketplace and if you're interested in supporting us by buying our merchandise you can check that out in the description below
Channel: FlippedNormals
Views: 74,871
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3d, sculpting, zbrush, concept, maya, tutorial, autodesk, vfx, flippednormals, henning sanden, morten jaeger, creature, character, texturing, substance painter, substance designer, foundry, pixologic, art, fundamentals, art fundamentals, art school, art tutorials, blender, 3d tutorial, learning 3d, learning ZBrush, 3ds max, cube brush, marvelous designer, mari, blender guru, cgi, blender 2.8, blender 3d, b3d, Blender tutorial, blender tutorials, learning blender, zpheres, zbrush 2020
Id: hEybOH5TzYU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 12sec (612 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 05 2019
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