"You've Had It The Whole Time" - Touré Roberts

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[Music] and I want to draw your attention to Exodus chapter 4 read the first five verses in Exodus chapter 4 and then we'll skip over to verse 20 and then we'll read a few verses in Exodus chapter 14 it says the Moses answered and said but suppose they will not believe me or listen to my voice God had called Moses by this point and told him that he was going to use him to do incredible things in the earth I mean things that were unprecedented things that had never been seen before and Moses does the same thing that most of us do when God begins to allow us to peek into who we really are he got nervous and he started doubting and he had some excuses and and we're not judging him that's kind of how we are we all have to wrestle with the reality of who God has created us to be are you tracking with me we can rod hype ourselves up but the reality of it is who we are is so much bigger than anything we've ever seen before especially when we look in the mirror that we have to continuously be reminded and we always have to wrestle and struggle with that because as a man thinks so is he and God has to get us to that so anyway this is in the middle of one of Moses moments of wrestling and so Moses asked God then Moses answered and said but suppose they will not believe me or listen to my voice suppose they say the Lord has not appeared to you and so the Lord said to him said to Moses what is that in your hand it's interesting he doesn't even deal with the sense of inadequacy that Moses is representing is communicating at that moment deal with that as Moses is is trying to disqualify himself God changes the subject and says what's in your hand what is that you you're telling me what you're not you're telling me what you can't do and I'm telling you that there's something in your hand already are you tracking with me you're looking in the I got to keep going you're looking in the wrong place you're saying what you don't have I'm telling you what you do have I feel that for somebody well we got to get through this so the Lord said to him what is that in your hand and he said a rod it's just a rod and he God said to Moses cast it cast that rod on the ground so he Moses cast it on the ground and it became a serpent things started happening supernaturally with this thing that he thought was just natural and Moses fled from it sometimes it's scary to recognize your potential then the Lord said to Moses reach out your hand and take it by the tail and he reached out his hand and caught it and it became a rod in his hand and turned back into a rod and it says that they may believe that the Lord God of their fathers the God of Abraham the god of Isaac and the God of Jacob has appeared to you jump down to verse 20 it says that Moses took his wife and his sons and set them on a donkey and he returned to the land of Egypt now watch the difference at first he has a rod in his hand but here it says and Moses took the rod of God in his hand so something happened to his rod it went from being his rod to becoming the rod of God fill that some of you it's gonna happen to some of you in here right now but I'm not gonna get ahead of myself I'm gonna try not to get ahead of myself we jump over to Exodus chapter 14 beginning of verse 10 at this time in the text what's happening here is Moses has ultimately believed in himself and he has done what God has said and he is leading now the children of Israel out of bondage and and there have been great miracles and great breakthroughs and and he is on his way to destiny leading the people that are following him into destiny but then things get a little tricky he's on his way out but then all of a sudden his opposition arise and now they in great multitude are following hard behind him natural it looks like he is on the brink of demise it says and when Pharaoh drew near the children of Israel lifted their eyes and behold the Egyptians marched after them so they were very afraid in the children of Israel cried out to the Lord then they said to Moses because there was because there were no graves in Egypt have you taken us away to die in the wilderness why have you so dealt with us to bring us out of Egypt is this not the word that we told you in Egypt saying let us alone let us continue to be slaves that we may serve the Egyptians for it would have been better for us to serve the Egyptians then that we should die in the wilderness it's kind of funny when you're in the in-between place the temptation to run back to what's familiar even though what's familiar was less than your best anybody ever been there before you're in the end between place and you're not where God has promised you yet and all of a sudden you forget why you left the old place in the first place I feel that for somebody I'm trying to get through this but but somebody needs to hear this don't go back just turn to David say don't go back don't go back then there was a reason why you left there was a reason there was a reason why you left there was a reason why you are truly don't make me there was a reason there was a reason why you left and sometimes when we're trying to make our way to where God has taken us and we get into this unfamiliar place we start getting scared and the enemy of our destiny and any of you of our soul repackages what we left and present it to us as something that's good you've been there before the past aren't you you haven't quite stepped into your future and the pass doesn't look so bad after all don't go back you don't live there anymore you wouldn't even fit there anymore anyway and so so the Egyptian till the children too busy are crying out and they're basically saying to Moses Moses why did you bring us out of there looking at the opposition and they are believing in that moment that the opposition means that the promise has been cancelled and that wasn't true and they're crying out and they're saying see we should have stayed we shouldn't have never followed you we didn't want to follow you would have believed in you we were better off being slaves back there in Egypt and so in verse 13 and Moses said to the people do not be afraid stand still and see the salvation of the Lord which he will accomplish for you today for the Egyptians whom you see today you shall see again no more forever woo so they are according to the Word of God they are on the brink of breakthrough and not just any type of breakthrough but a breakthrough so incredible that the issues and the opposition's they have that they have been struggling with all the time not only were they getting ready to overcome but they were going to overcome to the point that they would never have to deal with that devil but they would never have to deal with that issue ever again oftentimes your greatest opposition comes at the moment of your greatest deliverance [Applause] for the Egyptians whom you see today you shall see again no more forever Moses continues in verse 14 he says for the Lord will fight for you and you shall hold your peace and in verse 15 this is interesting and the Lord said to Moses why do you cry to me tell the children of Israel to go forward but lift up your rod and stretch out your hand over the sea and divide it and the children of Israel shall go on dry ground before the midst of the sea the thought that I want to navigate around today is you've had it the whole time you've had it the whole time let's pray God thank you so much for these moments that will spin together we thank you for your word it's a lamp unto our feet it's a light into our path got your sons and daughters need to hear from you today Lord you want to reveal to them who they are and you want to reveal to them their potential and the possibilities God that you have set before them and so God I thank you for the spirit of wisdom and revelation and insight knowledge and breakthrough and and Lord every spiritual gift being activated in this moment that I might reach your sons and daughters in a meaningful powerful and effective way to the end that we would be changed to the end that we would be better equipped to the end that you would recolor the world and then we would see it through the lens of victory that we would see it through the lens of us being undefeatable and unstoppable do it in his house and the lives of your sons and daughters in Jesus name Amen amen god bless you do me a favor and just reach somebody before you sit down tell them you've had it the entire time we've had it the whole time you got it you got what it takes hallelujah you know there are a lot of things in that text that we read that are fascinating to me and these accounts and I believe to minute with many respects they they mirror the season that we're in and and I personally I felt compelled in this season to discuss champions and the processes that are normal for the great but that would otherwise seem confusing and flat-out discouraging so in other words there are processes that are normal for champions but if you don't have anybody to come along and tell you that they're normal they could actually speak otherwise they can discourage you and make you want to go and crawl up under a rock and one of the things that I've learned and it's got to be a really prayerfully a big takeaway for you is that oftentimes the the attack that comes in our lives these attacks are more about an attempt at distracting us from destiny and and trying to draw us away from our identity and purpose more than anything else what if what if because we are in Christ what if because we're anchored in Christ and because of that we have the victory already what if the attack on our lives is not even necessarily to destroy us but instead to distract us what if these attacks that are on our lives are designed to distract us in such a way that that we begin to be stalled from what God wants to birth through us because we're consumed by battles that God is going to fight for you I feel the Holy Spirit say again what if the purpose the main purpose of the attack was not even to kill you what if you can't be killed and I think that if you could be killed you would be dead and so what if it's not even about killing you what if it's about distracting you what if it's about having you be so consumed we're trying to fight a battle that God says I'm already fighting for you I've already gone ahead of you've already subdued that and instead instead of birthing what God wants us to birth we're in this fight we're like you know we forgot that there was something on our lives there's some in this room right now and you have been so distracted by the battle that you forgot about the book that's in you that you forgot about the business that God gave you that you forgot about the script that you were supposed to write you forgot about all this because right now you think your purpose is to survive oh I feel the holy spirit your purpose it will never be to simply survive we do survive but surviving is that our purpose we survive because we have a purpose and so and so and I know I just preached last week just survive it I'm saying it through if there's something on the other side but surviving is not your purpose and so what happens oftentimes is man we could hit with stuff we get distracted by some and the goal of the one who is a destroyer God as a creator the other guy is a destroyer the goal is to keep you from birthing what's in you so a little bit of backdrop about the children of Israel and Moses leading them out as we know the children of Israel who were God's people were serving there were slaves and it were serving under Egyptian bondage for roughly 400 years and so their cry their cry came up before the Lord that if you study it I want you to study Exodus and just read it all the way through revelation and you will get the point fully right they're in bondage and there's a passage that says that that they begin to groan something on the inside of them recognizes that they were not created to be in bondage and so their groan goes up to heaven goes into the ears of God and God raises up Moses and he raises up Moses who was you know really the the least of people that that anyone would suspect the least individual but anyone would suspect to lead God's people out of Egyptian bondage he is stuttering he is afraid he is just you know he is just not the one there's some people in there right now and you think that you are not the one and I came to tell you you are the one just III if I were your enemy I would make you think especially you that you're not the one I would bring up a whole bunch of excuses but anyway anyway so Moses doesn't look like the one but he is the one and so God is having this this exchange of Moses and God is saying look you're gonna deliver my people out of bondage and bring them into their purpose and what you're gonna have to do is you're gonna have to confront Pharaoh now you have to understand who Pharaoh is at the time Pharaoh is he's Pharaoh the great I mean he gypped at the time is the most powerful nation in the world they are ballin out of control Pharaoh is kicking booty and taking names I mean he is like the dictator of dictators you do not mess with Pharaoh now God is telling this seemingly nobody to roll up on Pharaoh and say let my people go and and beyond that he tells him he says he tells Pharaoh he says God says let my people go so that they can worship me they can worship me and this is why Pharaoh would not let them go because ferrell understood that if they worship God they would not serve Him if they worship God there would be something about worshiping God and the atmosphere of God that would trigger their creativity that would trigger what's on the inside of them and cause them to begin to release what God has placed on them and begin to build God's house instead of building Pharaoh's house this this was like this was a predicament this was a dilemma and when we find them in exodus chapter 14 they've listened to moses god has done miracles through Moses Pharaoh Pharaoh has been placed in check he is in check and they are out of bondage and they're on their way to the promised land everything looks good and then opposition shows up and when opposition shows up the children of Israel now are tempted to believe that the bets are off I feel that for somebody we think subconsciously that opposition is evidence that the promise has been cancelled when in fact opposition is evidence that you're closer to the promise then you have ever been before are you tracking with me and if you will understand how this battle works it is merely a distraction you have got things that you are supposed to produce and when you get close to producing them opposition shows up and our position shows up so that hopefully you will be so focused on the opposition that you will not give birth Oh hallelujah I wonder what some in this room right now have been distracted from creating because of preoccupation with opposition I wonder I wonder I just believe that when we leave out of this the service today that some of you are gonna remember why you're here you're gonna remember what God placed on the inside of you you're gonna remember a time when you were inspired there are some things that you have not brought to fruition yet there are some things that you have not brought to birth yet there are some things that you are supposed to do and I'm just wondering when you got distracted I'm wondering how long have you been distracted because what I've learned is the enemy's advantage is your distraction your stagnation and your procrastination that's how he wins he doesn't win by killing you he wins by destroying what you are supposed to create and we talk about procrastination and we procrastination for us it's like it's almost like it's not even a bad word I just wrestled with procrastination and we we have this this very slack approach to procrastination it's almost like being lazy is it it's unacceptable but to procrastinate is cool being being fearful I know I'm not afraid being fearful is unacceptable I just procrastinate from time to time is acceptable and you don't realize that when you procrastinate what you're doing is you are pushing what you're supposed to produce and what you're supposed to create until tomorrow but the only problem is you're gonna run out of tomorrow's and sometimes that's how the enemy destroys sometimes he doesn't destroy what you create sometimes he destroys by keeping you from creating are you hearing me and he does this he does this through through allowing opposition to come upon you and next thing you know you're spinning all of your time fighting opposition instead of just moving forward and that's why when when Moses is is having this conversation with God in Exodus chapter 14 and verse 15 God's response to him as this and the Lord said to Moses why do you cry to me tell the children of Israel to go forward God is shocked that they are getting ready to discard the plan he's telling Moses he's like Moses why are you why are you crying to me who said the plan has changed who who changed the plan well well you know well Pharaoh's after me and if and if Pharaoh you know if you were really for me if the plans had changed then there wouldn't be this opposition and God is saying who told you that lie why are you crying out to me didn't I give you I feel this for somebody did not give you marching orders did not tell you what to do did not tell you what I was getting ready to do to your life why all of a sudden are you now beginning to wonder if my word is still true if I said it yesterday it's true today our position does not cancel my word he's like why are you crying out to me what would happen why is your speech to me changing why are you talking to me like we don't have an agreement why are you talking to me like you don't have a promise why are you questioning what I said over your life why are you crying why are you trying to go to plan B and trying to go to Plan C what you need to do is tell the children of Israel to go forward don't be stalled by what's happening don't go backwards stick to the plan I feel that for somebody you need to stick to the plan what did God say to you when everything was clear what did God say to you before Pharaoh's army started coming behind you making threats what did God say to you did he say something different no well then your job is to simply move forward keep going keep going because what's gonna happen is as we'll see what happens if you keep studying this chapter what's gonna happen is watch this your opposition is going to be drowned in the wake of your progress say it again [Applause] your opposition is going to be drowned in the wake of your progress we're trying to get through our opposition to progress we're trying to fight our opposition and God says it's not your battle to fight I've already fought for you I've already subdued when I gave you a word I already placed in the universe every victory that is needed to manifest the word that I gave you I don't give you a word without having already gone ahead of you and brought under subjection everything that would oppose you so even what opposes you is subject to you if you will keep moving forward somebody needs to hear that you're worried about your opposition and your opposition has already been handled in your progress the children of Israel went forward you know the story they were able to walk across the Red Sea right and they needed to walk across the Red Sea because guess what the Red Sea was not simply the bridge to get them from where they were to where they were going the Red Sea was ordained to wipe out the opposition you're not ready for that I've got to keep moving forward because the weapon that is gonna deal with my enemies is in the wake of my progress God's gonna make a way for me and when he makes away from me and I keep moving forward it's gonna consume my enemies behind me are you tracking with me this is how you fight your battles you fight your battles but keep moving forward this is how we fight our battles he says I will fight for you so what you do is you keep on moving forward and I'm telling you the Red Sea that apart for you is gonna swallow up your enemies your success and your progress is what wipes out your opposition if you ever been bowling you've ever been on the sea you've ever been on a sea the worst thing that you can do if you're in a little boat is get in the wake of a big boat if you have been out there you either wear my ocean people come I wear my even a lake or work you know just give me a pond somebody just roll with me okay the last thing you want to do if you're in a little boat it's come up behind the wake what is a wake the wake is the water it's the waves that the forward motion of the large vessel creates their waves that aren't natural waves they're waves that come from movement and if you get caught in the wave of something in the wake of something great then the wake of something great will demolish the lesser thing are you tracking with me that's why you gotta keep moving forward God is with you and your life is designed to create a weight so that everything that's not ordained to go will get drowned and overcome in the wake of your progress the word for you this morning is 2 K go away that's how we fight you don't fight by second guessing you don't fight by contemplating God did you really say it what do I do now if you will for me Pharaoh wouldn't be so close to me that's that how you fight you know how you fight when people are talking about you you know how you fight when life is then you you stay focused on the on the fire you keep moving forward you don't listen to it you don't turn to the left nor to the right you keep going baby you've got something to Barb's your weight is going to destroy your opposition so God so God speaks to Moses he speaks to Moses verse 15 he says and the Lord said to Moses why do you cry to me what are you doing yeah I was gonna make God hood but I'm gonna stop I was gonna did not tell you [Applause] you know God do that with where you ever had somebody talk to you in their lips it move the Lord said to Moses why don't you cry for me tell the children of Israel to go forward but then he says something else he says but lift up your rod lift up your rod and stretch it out and stretch your hand over the sea and divide it go forward but you're gonna need to release something over what looks like an obstacle and when you release it over it it's gonna open it up for you go forward I feel the Holy Spirit a filling spirit go forward I know that it looks like you can't go further than this I know that it looks like you've come to the end of your rope but I'm telling you to go forward still continue to move forward but I want you to take something that you have and stretch it out because it is going to make a way for you where there seemed like there was no way but the truth of the matter is there was a way and that's why you're in front of it there's some of you that need to understand right now you think that there is no way but there is a way and that way is connected to something that God has already given to you and it will work anywhere you point it oh I feel the Lord anywhere you point it it will prosper anything you stretch it over it will prosper so what are we talking about well he says stretch forward yah now let's go back and look at this rod business so we got to go back to Exodus chapter 4 to understand this and so remember when in verse 2 that the Lord says to Moses he asked him the question what is that in your hand he says what is that in your hand and and Moses said well it's it's a rod it's a rod and then God says okay cast it on the ground throw it down lay what's in your hands in your power and in your strength and in your ability which represents your capacity and your capability I need you to take that that you have been relying on because you have used it as a shepherd and it may have beaten off a few wolves and it may have got it a few sheeps but for where you're going you're gonna need a whole lot more than this natural thing that is in your control are you tracking with me he says I need you to take first of all what's what's that in your hand in other words I am confirming that you have something I affirming you in the fact that you've got something and and you've used it and it's your tool and and it's it's it's your skill it's it is your talent and your gift maybe it's it's your brilliance or it's your good looks or or whatever it is maybe it's your charm you have a way with people and it has gotten you up to a certain point but but for where I'm trying to take you your looks can't get you there your charm can't get you there your talents cannot get you there your gifts cannot get you there your skills cannot get you there all the things that you can do cannot get you there and so so what I need for you to do is I need for you to take your rod and cast it down on the ground at my feet surrender your raw to me right because in your hand it is your rod but when I give it back to you because you gave it to me it's gonna be my rod and it is my rod that will allow you to point it at anything and everything that is not me will have to submit to my rod that is in your hand now are you tracking with me and that's why it says that you know it was his rod at first but then he cast it on the ground and it begins to do supernatural things and by the time we get to verse 20 it says and Moses took the rod of God in his hand what is what is the rod of God who this is what I'm getting it what is the rod of God we know how to get it we get the rod of God by laying down our own rod that's hard for people that's hard for people because there's some of you and you have charmed your way into the position that you're in oh I feel the law your skill and your talent has has gotten you to where you are but if you're honest you're not satisfied something's missing we know how to get it we we know how to get the rod of God we get the rod of God by taking everything that we have and laying it at God's feet saying you know what without you I'm nothing that's hard to say when you got a ride I'm gonna take my time right here so I just say that when you got a rod because when you got a rod you begin to trust in your rod hallelujah you begin to lean on that rod come on somebody you know what I'm talking about you lean on that rod you rely on that rod you say the one thing that I desire is my ride as long as I've got my rod I'm gonna be all right as long as I've got my looks as long as I've got my charm as long as I've got my skills as long as I've got my talent as long as I've got my thing i'ma be all right and the reality of it is as long as you've got your thing all you ever have is what you can produce and God will make certain that you meet moments in life that reveal to you and I how futile we are without him so so so if I lay it down what's that in your hand it's interesting God has to has to has to point to it and reveal the fact that that that Moses was trusting in is Rob because sometimes we just fixate ourselves on our eye and don't even know that we're trusting our rod and not God hey can I keep it 100 sometimes our money is our rod that's quiet now yeah uh it's funny money is funny man because it's tricky because we claim that we have like the joy of the Lord right but it's really the joy of our bank account can I just get in your business for a few minutes I'm almost done I mean like have you like like it just try it when the money is flowing oh I'm happy I love Jesus jesus loves me I love everybody but let that account dip down below a certain point of your comfortable comfortable bility all of a sudden now you're depressed come on somebody you've backed up into a wall you're stressing you're trying to figure it out that's because money is your ride yeah instantaneous depressing and you won't even be fully broke just believe beneath that mark you know there's a mark where you feel like yeah I'm good and then you did and then you dip beneath the certain point and you're certain point is somebody else's miracle you feel me somebody else gonna have a thousand dollars in the bank and the old glory shop that I bought Oh sheets ah but you dip down and y'all know that mark is - you did as everybody has a mark how can I allow seriously how can I allow the rod of money to determine who I am see everybody has a rod it could be anything your rock could be friends long like that friends around me I'm good your rod could be as long as I'm popular your rod could be the the praise of men I post a photo and if a thousand people likes it man I feel good how to loo you thank you Jesus Lord is with me never mind what it was a photo of right [Applause] yeah stuff popping and stuff you're me long as I get a thousand likes I'm happy because my rod is the applaud of man I put that thing up there and only get 5 likes I figured maybe I didn't put it out there far enough I'm sorry I'm sorry I was like and let me tell you about the the applaud of men it is so fickle you can't trust the praise and the applaud of men men will applaud you while you're drinking yourself into oblivion while you're smoking yourself into just destitution men will applaud the worst things I cannot build my confidence on the brains of men but I can build it only applaud of God I can build it on knowing that I'm pleasing Jesus are you tracking with me I can build it on that soap so anything anything family can be your rod and god says what is that in your hand Moses what's that in this conversation about greatness and this conversation about what you're going to do in my name how are you going to to be awesome and powerful in the earth in the conversation gods start saying what are you holding on to what's in Y and Moses says it's my ride and God says cast it down and the moment that he casts his rot down it becomes greater it was natural and now it becomes supernatural it starts turning into things and he uses this thing and all of a sudden he's doing miracles with this thing because he cast it down the rod represents the anointing that's what I'm getting to what is the rod of God the rod of God is the anointing of God and it will always be infinitely greater than your own rod and in order to get the rod of God you have to be willing to give up your rod are you tracking with me the rod of God is the anointing let me define the anointing the anointing can be defined this way the hand of God has put on the screen the anointing can be defined as the hand of God on a person's life the hand of God on a person's life it empowers them to do incredible things in the earth it comes the anointing it comes with favor it comes with protection it comes with breakthrough power and blessings for generation fill the Holy Spirit there's someone here right now and you don't have a money problem you have an anointing problem you don't have an emotional problem you have an anointing problem you don't have a relationship problem you have an anointing problem you don't have a career problem you have an anointing problem you you you you need the anointing let me tell you something I the most valuable thing that I possess right now it's not anything material I'm gonna tell you straight up right now the most valuable thing that I possess right now that is in my possession is my anointing I teach my kids I'm like guys you blessed to grow up in a house that's blessed I said I know you see mom and dad you see us working hard and we do work hard and all that kind of stuff but I'm telling you the only reason while we are here the way that we got here was we found our anointing I feel the Holy Spirit of God we found how annoying I protect my anointing I protect it i guard it fiercely because my anointing is God's rod it's God's rod on my life my anointing guarantees that were not knock on a door it will open are you tracking with me my anointing guarantees my success let me tell you something I believe in and being a moral person I believe and I believe their consequences when you're not moral I truly believe that but I'll tell you one of the number one things that keeps me in a moral life is my fear of losing my anointing you can take my house you can take my car you can take everything from me but one thing I will fight you tooth and nail over is my anointing if I gotta cut you off because you compromised my anointing consider yourself cut off it is the most important thing in my life is the hand of God on my life god please never take your hands off of my life it makes me who I am it is the reason why I have what I have you have to be protected over your anointing I feel it right there you gotta fight for it and let me tell you something the anointing is not cheap he couldn't receive God's rod until he was willing to lay down his rod what may you need to lay down of your own strength of your own skill of your own ability to receive God's strength skill and ability oh I fill it right there God wants to anoint some people in this room right now and it was interesting is he used he anointed what Moses already had see some people are afraid because you feel like man you know if I just give my life to God if I give my all to God I don't know I only know him be let's just be honest like I'm only gonna go so far on this thing because I had Christians elite and sometimes there are little but but it's the fear if I really lay this thing down and get serious about God for real if I really surrendered my life to him like not halfway but all the way I'm afraid of who I might become I might be one of those weirdos seriously let's just keep it 100 don't go too far just just just only enough just just you don't get now you know even parents with their children now don't go too deep into that now and I understand caution cuz there's some ku-ku-ku-ku that's out there it's out there I get it but I'm talking about what you have to do to truly get anointed the anointing is the unlimited power of God in your life unlimited and whatever you pointed at it has to come under submission of what it is because it is the hand of God and it's powerful man that don't come cheap and most people won't pay the price because it takes faith to sacrifice your rod for God's rod are you tracking with me and I believe ultimately the God sent me here today challenged you I honestly I feel like man where we're coming into this time where we have to really really be the real thing I think that some of the things that you're wrestling with would not even be a match for you if you were stretching God's right over it instead of your own rod are you tracking with me I want to show you one more thing that happens when you're anointed it's kind of interesting I didn't read it but I'm gonna read it now it's an exodus chapter 14 verse 19 and 20 so God says you got this remember that remember your anointing your anointing is what's gonna part the sea your anointing it's what is going to open the door in front of you that you can't see your anointing but this is really cool the anointing did something else that I didn't see until early this morning I was reading this and it's in Exodus chapter 14 verse 19 it says so so Moses has quieted the people Moses is now determined now to stretch out his rock over that sea and watch it open and it says in verse 19 it says then the angel of God this is interesting who went before the camp of Israel who went before the camp a visitor the angel of God break through angel was leading them he had already ordained I feel the Holy Spirit so the anointing is connected with the resources of heaven and so angels can I talk to you like this today and so angels are literally resources of heaven that go ahead of you to make certain that there is breakthrough when you need it so they go ahead of you to make your crooked paths straight they go ahead of you to prosper your way and they are attracted to the anointing they are a track they are attracted to anointed people some of you are rich by the anointing and you think that you don't have enough not realizing that the anointing is more than enough it will show up any place and any time and it will work in any moment in any season you think you don't have enough because Society has told you that the anointing is not enough and I'm telling you the anointing will take you further than anything else my wife and I are in the rooms that we should not be in and we did not get in the rooms because of our skin we didn't get in rooms because of our rod we we got into those rooms because we were willing to sacrifice our rod for God's rod and God's rod is like a scepter and when you point that thing it opens the door to kings and queens are you tracking with me to give me an anointing don't make me popular make me anointed be some people want to be more popular than I do anointed anyway anyway anyway so this angel in the text the angel of God who went before the camp appears or watch this watch this supernatural dynamism it is incredible what happens here so the Pharaoh's army is following behind them they have a word from God to keep moving forward and to stretch forth to stretch out their rod over what is in front of them so that they can prosper the angel that is going ahead of them to make their crooked path straight all of a sudden now repositions himself oh it's amazing Wow if you only knew the divine strategy that was committed to make certain that you win you'd be blown away you'd be blown away look at this divine strategy it says in the angel of God who went before the camp of Israel moves shifted ship just tell somebody a shift is coming at you a shift is coming at you a shift the shift a shift is coming to you that the angel that went before the camp up is removed and went behind them and the pillar of cloud went from before them and stood behind them sometimes I'm not so worried about what's in front of me I'm worried about what's chasing me you ever been there before I believe in what's ahead of me but I feel like my opposition behind me is gonna grab me from behind and trip me up and keep me from going where God is trying to tell me to go but we see here something crazy we see the angel now make a shift and he now moves look at this spiritual dynamism the angel now moves from in front of him and comes behind him and now is between him and his opposition you got to see it you got to see it and the pillar of cloud went from before them and stood by behind them so it came between the camp of the Egyptians and the camp of Israel thus it was a cloud and darkness to the one and it gave light by night to the other so that the one did not come near the other all that night did you see it so God brings about this separation that ultimately makes what would have been a close enemy galaxies away from his children and I feel like God's gonna do that for some of you right now I feel like there is a repositioning happening on your behalf and God is getting ready to separate you from your opposition God is getting ready to put a wall between that which was trying to get you and God is getting ready to consume your enemies in the wake of your progress they seem close but they're not close baby they're galaxies away a thousand might fall at your side and ten thousand at your right hand but it's not gonna come near your house I feel the Spirit of God in this place if you will get anointed God is gonna fight for you and ways unlike ever before he is gonna be in front of you he is gonna be behind you he is gonna be on this side on the on that side you are gonna be surrounded may look like you are surrounded but God is saying I'm surrounding you come on somebody take a minute and protect you [Music] God is rearranging some base oh yes he is he's rearranging some things on your behalf if you will just move forward if you will just keep moving I know that the enemy seems close I know that your demise seems close but I see the Spirit of God hovering over your situation right now [Music] he's gonna fight what's on your [Music] you will take his rod if you will take his rod if you and you say I'm tired of fighting with my own rod tired of fighting on my own I want the ride of God in my life I feel him I submit to you that everything that you need is in the right of God he's God he owns everything knows everything and he's on your side and I hear God saying what is that in your hand what is that in your hand what are you trusting in for real and see only God knows what you're trusting in because a man looks at the outer appearance God looks at the heart only he knows what you're trusting in you're trusting in that money you're trusting in your image you're trusting in your reputation you're trusting in your looks you're trusting in your sexuality you're trusting in your sex appeal you're trusting in your talents are trusting in your gifts you're not trusting fully in him and the way that God knows what you're trusting in is what you're willing to cast down for him that's how he knows he says Moses what I'm calling you to do your right is not sufficient to handle I know you use that right to guide sheep on the backside of the desert but I'm anointing you to guide 600,000 people and you bring that up to today that would be multiple millions of people one person one man what I've got for you you're stripped can't handle I don't care if I made you a millionaire tomorrow because what you need for me money can't buy god bless you Ilan praise God for you I want to get up on that plane spaceship and get to the moon one day praise God but I can't get to heaven on that thing hello somebody yeah he says Moses I know you're special I'm not discrediting your rod I gave me that talent I gave you that skill I gave you that ability I gave you that hustle I gave you that grind I gave you that charm I gave you that skill I gave all that to the other pooh-poohing on your special but I'm telling you right now it's gonna take more than your special to do destiny to walk with me it's gonna take more than your special to make you unique and distinct and the realize the call that's on your life it's gonna take more than your rod it's gonna take my ride you can only point your rod at what you can handle but you can point my rod in anything and win so I want to pray for you today I believe that God is handing out rods today I believe that he is accepting Harod and he wants to do a divine exchange our rod for his ride your rod for God's ride and if you're here and you say pastor I believe that that was for me I believe and as my wife talked about Thursday night I believe the missing link is your ride for mine if that's you and you're here and you say I want to be anointed for real I don't just want to be popular I don't just want to be successful I don't just want to be cute I want to be anointed for real I want the hand of God Oh hallelujah I don't want man's hand I want God's hand on my life permanently if that's you I just want you to lift your hand when you all want to pray for them and come to agreement with you me to God you see our hands raised we've heard what you said I said what you told me to say to you people and it is obvious you're preparing us for something that our rod will not be able to stand against you're preparing us for something perhaps even times that will require not our strength but yours and God we have heard you and we're saying yes to you so you see every hand in this room you see those who are in agreement that are watching via live stream right now by the hundreds god we're saying that we're not just asking you for your raw for your hand for your strength your anointing but we're saying that we're willing right now to take what we have been trusting in understand that we can't trust you fully and trust in our own strength we're saying God that we're gonna lay at your feet what we have formerly trusted in believing that you're gonna give us back what we lay down but greater and stronger and more importantly anointed so that we will go beyond being successful but being significant in your kingdom so that heavens resources will be attracted to us so that we can do great things in the earth so that favor can follow us so that protection can follow us and that we can bring you glory Lord we receive right now your rod for our rod in jesus name amen amen come on just take a minute celebrate God with me [Music] you
Channel: ONE | A Potter's House Church
Views: 35,057
Rating: 4.9278631 out of 5
Id: 5zs5IOU346g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 17sec (3557 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 16 2018
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