"Watch What You Want" - Touré Roberts

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happy to be in God's house anybody happy to be in the Lord's house come on somebody turn in your Bibles to Matthew chapter 6 beginning at verse 25 I want to talk to you today that's really a strange thing when your phone just starts playing I'm glad I'm saying ha ha ha ha today I'm just kidding that'll be somebody to tweet that out and judging me and some I want to talk to you today from this idea from this theme today watch what you want watch what you want and I don't mean is this the one this is the devil the score somebody fix this thank you watch what you want now don't mean watch what you want solely by you know be careful what you want is deeper than that I mean I want you to understand what you want and why you want it and let me tell you one of the awesome things that I love about Jesus when the awesome things I love about Jesus more than anything a million things love about Jesus born awesome means I love my Jesus is he always confronts our tendencies is it just me or does he you know he he's affirming he's very affirming he affirms us in his love and all that kind of stuff but he's always challenging us in areas he's she challenges us in our tendencies that we won't challenge ourselves in come on somebody that's why if you want to grow just get with Jesus don't get what church necessarily you didn't like that Union get with Jesus and it's so funny you it's impossible for you to be self righteous and have a relationship with Jesus simultaneously because the moment that you want to point the finger at somebody else the Lord is saying well what about that touré hello somebody it is impossible to have a relationship with Jesus and be self righteous and critical and judgmental at the same time because when you hook up with Jesus you are so busy trying to get you together you are so busy taking the beam out of your own eye that you have no time at all to be trying to pull the speck out of somebody else's eye I could tell somebody knows Jesus about how quick that how quick they judge somebody else and so the awesome thing about Jesus is he challenges us in the area of our tendencies and our tendencies are our patterns and our patterns produce the life that we have so the reality of it is maybe God doesn't need to change the situation maybe just needs to change my tendencies and that's what he's after and so so I want to look at this you know and we're just gonna flow today but but I want to look at this pastor scripture did something I really want to deal with this is a two-parter I'll tell you right now it's going to be good let's go okay so Jesus says therefore I say to you do not worry about your life what you will eat or what you will drink nor about your body what you will put on it's life is not life more than food and the body more than clothing what Jesus is doing right now straight out the gate in this particular text is he is confronting our human tendency to be over obsessed with things that are too long and what I love about Jesus is he can call us out and it's not like he's wrong some people can call you up and they could be flat-out wrong but when Jesus calls you out he's telling the truth and right here in the text he's saying that the average person and he's going somewhere throughout this whole thing but he's saying the average person actually lives life with a consciousness that is too low he says don't worry about your life that sounds kind of crazy doesn't it who in here is not concerned about their life yet Jesus says don't worry about the parts of your life that you are not in control over all right take my time with this and I take my time with this one don't don't that means that there are certain parts how about this how about the sustaining of your life is none of your business and he deals with it right away because here's the thing as humans we only have a certain amount of creative energy and cognitive cerebral energy the ability to think and to give according to that thought we only have a certain amount and guess what it's not to be used for the things that God is responsible for and that's what happens when we worry when we worry we literally are giving creative and cognitive cognitive energy to something that has nothing to do with us instead of being in this place of peace being in this place of Shalom Shalom so that we can begin to produce instead of practice being God are you hearing me so so so what you focus on and what you seek after and what you give your thought live to and once you give your energy to it matters because you only have a certain amount and you weren't given all that energy to be worried about something that's outside of your control you were given that to produce under the banner of God's got me are you hearing me so he says don't worry about what you don't worry about your life what you would eat or what you will drink know about your body what you will put on is life not more it's not life more than food and the body more than clothing in other words your consciousness is too low and then he says when keep flowing here he says look at the birds of the air and this is powerful he says look at the birds of the air for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns in other words they're not stressed out and they're not hustling birds are not out there trying to get it it says look at the birds of the air because Jesus again we're going somewhere and what Jesus is doing I'm telling you were leading down to something so you got to stay with me Jesus is trying to lead us to a profound consciousness he says look at the birds let me prove to you that I got you he says look at the birds of the air for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns yet your heavenly Father feeds them you have never seen a bird have a bad day you have never seen birds gathered around talk them out you don't want to ask how you doing the other one says man just hanging in there you never see that birds are like on chill like you don't I mean they know they're gonna eat you've never seen this dressed up bird show me one he says yet your heavenly Father feeds them in other words the even birds have knowing that if they have been created in this life than the one that gave them life will sustain them in the universe that he put them in birds know this and it says your heavenly Father feeds them and then he says are you not more valuable are you not of more value than they are we tracking together I'm going somewhere then Jesus gets practical I love that about Jesus he's I'll go spiritual on you but at the end of the day which of you by worrying can add one cubit in other words how's worrying working out for you anyway okay even if I didn't just drop some knowledge on you how's that working out for you if being anxious or being worried could benefit you in some way I would encourage you to do so but even if you don't listen to me when was the last time worrying brought your blood pressure down oh I love Jesus Jesus like look I'll give it to you any way you need it I'll go practical on you I'll go spiritual however you want a baby I got it I got got you covered what do you need to move you and then it says in verse 28 so why do you worry about clothing consider the lilies of the field this is powerful consider the lilies of the field how they grow they neither toil nor spin guess what that means that they do nothing lilies of the field do nothing right it says come on keep going flow with me it says and yet I say to you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these now what does that mean I'll be honest with you like I used to read that not really understand what it meant can I keep it real can we be cut some honest people in it right now you sometimes you read something the word and you're like you don't know me but you don't really know what it means so you just move on or you go that's deep where you have your your spiritual little acknowledgement thing is mmm heaven you move on and then you might try to check you know somebody ask you about it and you start stuttering it's okay you don't have to know it all you're not jove it's cool that's how it was for me I'm like what is the lily isn't in Solomon like eh I kind of get that or whatever but it hit me dawned on me because Solomon we know Solomon was the wisest and the richest ever so he was incredibly adorned as a result of his wisdom and as a result of what his money could buy I mean he was I mean you studied he was rocked out I mean he was crazy but it was what he procured for himself the lily in contrast to that didn't do anything it just was what it was I didn't say that better anything I said honey he said Evan so in other words all the lily did was be a lily and the lily didn't try to be something else Oh God the lily wasn't trying to come up and become a rose one day I'm gonna be a rose doc I'm telling you squat goes right right and be a rose I'm be it's just just life goes - just goes I'm gonna be a rose one day doc I'm telling you vision board Lily Rose I'm gonna be a brother a good rose and B will be a tulitt one then be a rose flower goals na hashtag flower goals neither toil nor spun it just was and it stayed planet in its divine identity and organically and naturally became so awesome and so beautiful that Solomon and all of his glory and all that money can buy and all that wisdom could procure couldn't even be compared to the Lillian there's some lilies in here right now and you're trying to be something else and you're trying you you got squat goes you got you got relationship goals you're looking at people and situations and I want to be like them which is crazy because because who you're looking at you only see them from one dimension don't don't make me don't don't don't make me one dimension it's called Instagram I want to be like that and so what we do is we ignorant Lea we ignorantly base what we see after which necessitates our creativity our energy and most importantly our time off of a one-dimensional image and here's the crazy thing about that the other two or three or twenty five dimensions the people that you are admiring probably wish that they could change it in other it's the craziest thing ever in other words you actually might be doing better in your dimension two three four five six seven eight then who you are basing your whole pursuit and passion on based on one dimension instead of just being instead of just being because what this tells us is that if we can find out who we are instead of Cece sometimes I'm all over the place which is lying on my floor sometimes we're where we are trying to pursue others before we've even found ourselves as if we can find ourselves in somebody else you don't find you in somebody else you go to the source Who am I because if I me are typically all I got to do is plant must plant myself in the real me because no one can be a better me than goes how about me goes how about I want to be me my goal is to be me perfectly and wonderfully and authentically why can't that be the goal what if what I was looking at is keeping me from my glory Nili BC I'll be honest with you lily has an advantage over us and Lily doesn't have a mind and doesn't have eyes to look around and compare itself to anything Lily doesn't have free will Lily is not a creator so doesn't have to struggle and contend with all these false ideas about self the lily does have an advantage over us but I believe as we move through this we gotta figure out how to get our own advantage now I've God so clothes the grass of the field which one day isn't tomorrow is thrown into the oven will he not much more clothe you oh you of little faith it says therefore do not worry saying what shall we eat or what shall we drink or what shall we wear this is small and low-level thinking I gotta be honest with you so I was repairing his messes in the middle knives up several hours at meal tonight and then it was time to get dressed this morning and I had my notes talking about don't worry about what you're gonna wear so I'm going to preach about don't worry about what you're gonna wear and I'm in the closet alright I'll go on to my wife like why baby should I wear this change let no I said you know I'm not giving one more minute because I don't want to be the one that spent more time dressing for church than I did in church ha ha ha hey it happens but I don't want to be not on this Sunday some of you know right now talk about 30 minutes 45 hour and a half now you should look nice for after all these things the Gentiles seek for your heavenly Father knows that you need all of these things that is deep right there's another one let's go back real quick first 32 thank you so much I love your pace it says for after all these things he says don't worry about what you can eat or drink don't live in that low it's low level thinking it doesn't mean that you should not take care of yourself you should not look good that is wonderful but there are priorities just know that that is natural and that is carnal and will have nothing to do with advancing your purpose forward just know that it's cool but put it in sequence put it in priority right I don't want to be distracted from from what I need to be focused on because I'm so busy trying to look like something instead of trying to be sum over together because if I become something than organically my glory will manifest so you need to do that right there I was going to move on but I'm not gonna move on hold on you didn't listen to me we think that being has to do with getting and when we get that will make us beat it doesn't work that way you have to be and trust me if you can align yourself properly then you will be organically incredible in every way in every way I feel that for some is prophetic for some of you and some god you have a legitimate God desire to attract a mate I'm gonna tell the truth I'm gonna tell the truth you have a legitimate God desire to attract a mate and I might even add to attract something could be business opportunity whatever you have a legitimate desire God gave it to you because because he causes you to desire what he's going to bring to you he puts desire in you so sometimes what's your desire he's not even your desire God put that desire there because it needs to connect with what he has out there for you you follow I'm saying sometimes and to you I hear the Lord saying stop trying to stop trying to be something to attract something I hear God's saying the door is going to open for you the door is going to open for you when you establish who you are because the truth of the matter is until you have established who you are you actually don't even know what you want to attract because it's a reflection of who you are and I hear God's saying stop trying to be something to get something just figure out who you are be that and then plant yourself and watch how God arrays you that that's for free that's for free as for free this is a two parter so I'm almost done here so and then he switches into that as if he talks about stop looking too low stop thinking too low stop focusing all your attention on what you're going to wear what you're going to eat and what you're going to drink stop that stop that your life is more than that you're distracted they saying stop it Jesus is serious and then he says something powerful he says for after all these things the Gentiles seek the Gentiles for all intents of perogative do a whole study we'll have time for that the Gentiles ultimately represent those who are not enlightened so to pursue the natural things only and to pursue the carnal things only is the lifestyle of the unenlightened and the reality of it is we are actually called to be the lights the Jews who we got the word from we're called to be lights to the Gentiles not the other way around are you hearing me so so when you look at that passage a lot of people get onto people who either Gentiles a wicked no it's not has nothing to do with that we're talking about being enlightened or not enlightened and so when you when anyone is not enlightened they are reduced to live in the confines of the natural without understanding that they came from and are most powerful and glorious in the spiritual and so when we are carnal and we all have a little carnality commotion by look on inside I come on all of us can be a little come on come on come on we just got to kill that part of us come on supply of it yeah yeah yeah yeah when we carnal we mind carnal things we are minded where our consciousness is carnal but it's tricky because so is everybody else you would be looked upon more oddly as one who was spiritual even though all of us were produced by the Spirit then one who is carnal so when it says for after all these things the Gentiles seek he's saying that your consciousness and what you pursue and what you go after if it is not about things of the Spirit if it's all about what you can eat what you can drink with unity on you getting on then what you're actually doing is living an unenlightened consciousness when you are supposed to be the one full of light bringing enlightenment to those who are asleep for after all these things the Gentiles seek I understand God's saying I understand how the unenlightened would reduce their life or reduce that the majority of what they're after to carnal things what I'm going to wear how I look as a priority but that's not supposed to be where you set your priorities over together how many I got a few friends in here so I get you somewhere it says for your heavenly Father knows that you need all that why are you spending expending creative energy and cerebral energy unnatural stuff things that your heavenly father already knows that you need listen God says before I formed you in your mother's womb I knew you and I ordained you and I set you apart do you know what that means that means that before you even got here God prepared here for you I wish about 23 people would catch what I just said before I formed you in your mother's womb before you got here God says John Jeremiah 1:5 before I formed you in your mother's womb I knew you and I ordained you before you got here I've already ordained everything to cause you to prosper and thrive and walk out the purpose for which I created you which means that the moment that you got here is a confirmation to you that God has already pre-installed in the universe everything that you will need to be organically and authentically you for all of your days are you hearing me so Lord is like yo yo yo yo had one maybe not yo yo yo but God is saying your heavenly father he already knows and not only does he already know but he already knew so you showed up you were birthed and born because the time was right everything has lined up I feel God on this everybody that needs to be alive in this generation all of the resources that need to be in this generation all of the connections all of the favor all of it lined up the moment you said and when when when like we didn't really experience in my wife has her baby are you hearing me I believe that first cry was a praise he was like hallelujah the world is mine world is mine I got some stuff out there I feel that heard some things out there God is buried in the universe with my name on it whoa open door after open door a whole bunch of yeses are out there but guess what it won't be yes to the fake you it is no to the fake you know know who knew do not buy mites right we love that passage of Scripture but the first word net passage is not not by might not by power but by my spirit but my eternal spirit possesses the knowledge of everything that I have placed in this universe can't talk to you like this today so he says don't don't think like that don't you yeah that's how unlighted your heavenly father already knows he already knew and he's already taking care of that but then in verse 33 is where I want to land and then we're going finished next week he says but instead you see how Jesus has been methodically breaking our consciousness methodically aligning our consciousness with spiritual truths as well as practical truths like where we don't help you only hurt you to get us to this he says instead of thinking like an unenlightened person instead of living like an unenlightened person instead of seeking like an unenlightened person I need you to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and if you do that all of the other things are automatic so if I'm going to invest our creativity mental capacity in seeking something because I have a limited amount of it I promise you right now we're creating God's image which means that we're creative but I promise you right now you don't have as much creativity as you think you have a cert listen let me tell you let me tell you how no creativity is limited Sabbath is proof that creativity is limited scripture says God created the heavens in the earth six days on the seventh day what did he do he rested okay even God stopped why because when you create well hold on then he tells us he says I want you to do the same thing I want you to work for six days and on the seventh day I want you to rest why because your creativity limited here's what I mean as humans when we create we create out of our substance okay we create out of our energy we create out of our life we create out of our mind if we never stop creating we would die and anybody who has ever performed anybody who's ever preached to anybody who's ever worshipped and led you know how you feel when you have created anything spiritual anything that that necessitates your your spirit your mind your body when you create out of it you're left empty I gotta take all of Monday off it's like sin for me not to do it I got to shut it down Saturday and then take all day Monday off why because as I exert I lose something it has to be replenished the point that I'm making is your creativity your mind your thought all that all that is limited which means that you got to point it right and the older you get the older you get the more you realize that can do it the way used to do it hello somebody yeah I just stay focused and stay focused and no problems there come on anyway oh he says seek first the kingdom and his righteousness and all other things will be added unto you real quick I'm going to break down seek and then we'll finish this next week it's too much okay that works seek if you break that down into the Greek it has some some it has layers to it the word seek literally that greek word it means seek but it also means you're going to love this it also means to worship so it's not like seeking it also means I'm seeking it I worship it I'm focused on I want it the second thing it means is I guess that would be the third thing the third thing it means is literally to be about so when it says here seek first the kingdom it literally means be about the kingdom so you didn't think Jesus was him you know about that life come on you follow I'm saying he already had that worked out literally studies gonna blow you away study that word it literally means to be about something to seek it to worship it to be about it to be about that Kingdom life it means also to endeavor you're going after you're pursuing it it's not just I'll see it again you come if it comes it comes if it does no it means that you literally you are about it you're worshiping it you're pursuing it and it also means to require it anybody require the kingdom you you wake up in the morning and and you say I just require the kingdom and I want to challenge you we're about to land the plane I'm going to talk more about what the kingdom is next week but I want to challenge you come on harmony said oh no I'm seriously closing I want to challenge you to require the kingdom in every decision you have to make to require it to look for the kingdom what's the kingdom responsible my wife and I know we think like yeah that's what we want to do but but well what's the kingdom response in relationships where is the kingdom in this relationship because the kingdom is the highest thought is the highest consciousness in anything that you could ever be in on the business side I did I challenge you before I decide to invest this money before I decide to get in partnership with this person before I decide to do whatever I'm presented with before I'm just before I decide to open this door God show me the kingdom in it now I'm not talking about weaving the kingdom into something you want to do I'm saying God where is the kingdom because if you seek the kingdom and you find it you are going to find prosperity with no strings attached no strings as it passes the scripture proverbs 10:22 it says the blessing of God it makes rich and he adds no sorrow with it have you ever been made rich but on the backside of it it was loo shaky quiet that's cool you made a decision and if you're honest it costs you little something on the back end sometimes that little something that it costs you on the back end becomes a big something later but the kingdom will never do that to you it will never disappoint it has no strings attached sometimes when we do things outside of the kingdom the string that's attached is a string that pulls us away from our destiny I love you too much not to talk to you like this we're gonna finish this next week I'm gonna talk more about the kingdom but I got homework for you and I pray you really do it because I'm not you just to preach the eye I got a million inspirational service not that I want to grow you and I want to align you because there's a huge destiny on your like huge stuff I'll never do you'll do you'll do and you'll do it in incredible ways but you're gonna do it through the kingdom here's the homework I want you to get I want you to study every place that Jesus talked about the kingdom of God if you have a concordance of all sorts of resources you can buy you can you can download concordance reviews Bible gateway or whatever and you can literally do a word search for kingdom of God and Kingdom of the heaven and I want you to seek it see seeking it doesn't mean that you're going to find it and know everything there is to know about it it means that the passion of your heart is to discover more and it most definitely is worthwhile because jesus said everything you need is in it come on stand with me I want to pray with you we're gonna finish next week if you don't have to leave don't leave just yet we got time and I want to pray if you hear I feel this I feel it so strongly see Jesus only had one message and that message was the message of the king it was one message he had a lot of sermons but the overarching message was a message of the kingdom and before he preached the kingdom what he said was repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand that were repent doesn't mean change what you do it means change how you think so some people in there right now and your consciousness is being confronted I told you Jesus loves you so much that he'll confront your consciousness your consciousness is a space that you live in it's where your sense of identity comes from all of that it's right there and you may not understand you know there's a lot to the kingdom and you may not understand it all but you feel touched right now you like yo man act that dude said something today and it touched me deep and I got a I got a I got a be drawn toward it and Jesus will walk he preached the kingdom and people would like drop everything and follow him because there was something that they couldn't explain it it was their first encounter with Jesus but but they knew it was something real and it was something that was missing if that's you I want you to come and meet me here at this altar right now you just feel God calling you to the king the kingdom just calling you and I just want you to come and meet me here just come just you just come while I'm talking you just come while I'm talking I love you too much I see you I hear God saying in turn to the king I'm not talking about church I'm talking about something so much bigger so much bigger and your identity is in it can't wait til next week to so much more than this message but your identity is in it you know that being that I was talking about that being that's you in the kingdom that's you in the kingdom the kingdom is crazy the kingdom three things is the rule of God it's the power of God that's the ability of God it's the authority of God the kingdom is the rule of God it is the realm of God it's the territory of God it's huge you can just come up hop one two steps up my business come forward I want to make room here it's huge it's the rule of God it's the ability of God it's the realm of God that's a territory of God and you have a territory in it you have a space in it you know someone that Lily you got a spot right there in the kingdom and if you plug into it you're going to organically grow healthy and whole Psalm 1 and 3 you'll be a tree planet by the rivers of water that brings forth its fruit in every season whose leaf will not wither and whatsoever you do shall prosper you have a kingdom identity and it is not a religious thing it's an identity thing it's a destiny thing it's where you're going it's who you are it's the place that you stand and everything works even the stuff that don't look like it's working it's working for your good are you hearing me it's work and you're just stuff is working you're trying stuff but you're not trying because it's just working and you're like what's going on you're planted in the kingdom if you're here man and I'm talking listen I'm not playing I plan sweat I plan I guess what God's not playing when Jesus wrote that but Jesus spoke that he went playing he was careful and methodical way more thought methodical than I could articulate but he was serious it's like I need you to think about some stuff and I promise you if you get the King right you'll get my fright promise you a lot of times we think you'll we got the spiritual life and we got real life that's bull crap that's bull crap the natural life was produced from the spiritual life the natural will never be more real than the spiritual never everything that we see came from that which which we cannot see and so if you're here and you know God is speaking my question is are you too cool to come down cuz the unenlightened think that way enlightened people say when God touches I move so you're here you know God is touching you you're here and you don't know God and you want to meet God listen i'ma tell you some you could know him for real not because somebody told you about him but you could know him because he's he's in you and you feel him in you know and nobody can shake you from that you don't have to be in a place of doubting and questioning and in kind of this place of in between I promise you God will make himself known to you so if that's you and you're here and you're like I don't want religion but I want God and I felt got in here I want you to come meet me here desalter we're gonna pray I'm gonna pray yeah I see you god bless your friend I see bless you bless you I see just come just come just come and stand with us we're gonna pray for you God's gonna do something it's gonna do something in this house bless you my friend I see you I see just come you just come out and talk and just come I'm for you I'm so happy for you I'm for you God is for you and I'm for you too is on things going to shift you watch you watch an unshakable Kingdom unshakable Kingdom unshakable Kingdom unshakable Kingdom come on somebody who's too cool to come down I see men at this altar women at this altar just just people at this altar I did you not let your pride keep you standing where you or your schedule to keep you standing where i double-dare you watch God show up when you humble yourself he's gonna lift you up and plant you I see you come on somebody come on I see you I see you I see you I see you oh I swear I see you I see you I see you I see you I see you all other things shall be added unto you I see you I see you'll see you'll see and if you hear you just need to come home you've been away too long you just need to come home God's been touching you like me I just need to come home the kingdom yeah i'ma get to it but right now I just need to feel like I'm home again if that's you and you've been away too long you need to come home just come and beat me down to alter Sara's gonna pray for you we're gonna dismiss in just a second but just just come home welcome home come on who needs to be welcomed home today come on just come I see you god bless you come on I see you come on come on come on come on I see you come on I see you Aubree come on come on come on come on come on come on welcome home welcome home welcome home come on welcome home welcome home I see you family I see you welcome home I see come on we gotta turn up in here God is on the move in his house he's on a move in this house he's on the move in this house I see you I see you I see you I see you I see all of you I see you we win we win it's a kingdom that cannot be shaken you're not going to be shaking anymore God's going to make you steadfast unmovable it's happening it's happening right now come on baby pray father show us our identity relieve us from the stress of having to pretend that we know it all or have it all together and instead help us to be about something even if it means embracing pasts that hurt or or wounds that we haven't yet uncovered still god help our desire to be something over all the insecurities that make us stay in circles that are too small for us instead God help us to break out of the boxes and out of the confines of our own mind Oh God to remove the limits and barriers that keep us from succeeding and to finally say use us God strip us away until all there is is you Oh God show us our territory Oh God the kingdom assignment that brought us here on earth reveal it to us Oh God and give us the strength to pursue it even if we have to turn away from people who we've managed to be connected with along the way let us not grieve the relationships that didn't work out are the opportunities we didn't receive but instead to celebrate because we recognize that means that what you have for us is still on reserve that we weren't distracted by opportunities that we weren't distracted by people but that there is a reservation here on earth with our name on it and in it lies our destiny our happiness our peace and our joy still helped us to pursue no matter what disappointments we must face or discouragement comes our way for we recognize what's on the other side of that door is more important than the battles we have to face to get to it and so I thank you Father for every soul represented at this altar for inside of them you have placed a piece of you Oh God and so help them to discover that their heavenly identity is still accessible to them that they were created in your image and that means there's not a devil in hell that's been created that can keep them from tapping into that supernatural power that's inside of them and so we're asking that you release your glory Oh God that you release your righteousness oh God the in the process of releasing your glory that we will also release our doubts release our fears and release our insecurities I declare right now in the name of Jesus that we are our greatest cheerleaders Oh God that we won't talk ourselves out of what you have for us that we won't let people or opinions convince us that it's not for us that the statistics don't move us that we don't care what they say about our generation that we are an army being raised up right now to conquer every dark thing in this earth Oh God and so shine a light in the hearts of these your sons and daughters Oh God until every dark thing must run away Oh God until every dark thing must flee Oh God let a fire burn deep down in their souls Oh God that overflows into this nation Oh God and change must occur Oh God because of a decision we've made of this alter that change must occur and so I thank you Father for Supernatural breakthrough happening right now for change falling off of your people right now Oh God for generational curses being broken right now Oh God for dreams and creativity coming back to your people Oh God release these generations oh love on them Oh God stripping them Oh God let them have purpose and destiny like never before that we would come to declare the works of the Lord that everything the enemy meant for evil worked out for our good and so we thank you for every struggle that brought us to this moment for every tear we had to cry for every wound for every scar for every pain had a purpose and we thank you Father because we are tapping into it and because we've tapped into your promise we recognize that the crooked paths must be straightened that the noes are working in our favor and that we are walking in the reality rule in a realm of the righteousness of God in Jesus name I pray hallelujah come on give God a shout for an awesome moment in his presence we love you so much may the Lord bless and keep you may he make his face to shine upon you and be gracious toward you they lift up his countenance over you and grant you Shalom Shalom in Jesus name God bless you
Channel: ONE | A Potter's House Church
Views: 31,477
Rating: 4.9602976 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 31sec (2971 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 13 2015
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